Survivor Exile Island

By James Branson

Published on Mar 18, 2006


See the first part for disclaimers. Thank you for your feedback and your suggestions. I hope you enjoy this chapter. If you want to see more, please e-mail me with your suggestions or comments.

On day 4 of the game, the 4 tribes merged into 2 groups, La Mina and Casaya. The younger men's team was divided into Bobby and Aras (Casaya) and Nick and Austin (La Mina). On day 6, La Mina won the immunity challenge, thus giving the two strapping survivors more opportunity to solidify their position in their tribe.

Austin found Nick sitting near a waterfall area. Staring into space. Austin sensed that Nick wasn't feeling quite up to far.

Nick jumped when a strong hand squeezed his shoulder. He looked over to see Austin impishly grinning at him. Austin could always make him feel better.

"You OK, bud?"

Nick weakly nodded.

"Man, I'm hunger's BITCH. Those challenges took every last ounce of strength I had. I feel...I feel like suck. I'm so weak I can barely walk. But I can't tell anybody that, anybody"

Austin kept his hands on his friend's shoulders, gently massaging them.

"I may not be as good as the girls," - the girls on the team regularly gave the guys massages - "but I'll try my damndest. Just think positive, bro. We'll win some food."

Nick let his head fall back onto Austin's broad shoulder. Austin sat behind Nick, his legs open, his crotch pressed against Nick's lower back. Nick moaned when Austin hit a particular spot in his neck.

"You have magic hands."

Austin smiled. Nick was staring at him, his head still on Austin's shoulder. Austin tried to defuse the starry-eyed glint in Nick's brown eyes.

"Your breath stinks, Nick."

Nick didn't have a reaction. He just stared at Austin. With much stronger emotion than Austin expected after only 6 days. Austin swallowed hard. He liked Nick too, maybe not the way Nick liked him...he'd seen the way Nick looked at him when he didn't think Austin noticed, the way Nick kept his hands on Austin just a second too long, the way Nick still tried to cuddle with Austin in the group shelter...but he did feel a strong bond with Nick. But this was a serious game, not some summer camp.

"C'mon, Nick. We're on national TV. We can't be giving each other goo-goo eyes."

Nick finally mustered enough strength to laugh.

"I don't see any cameras, dude. And I was already arrested once for having sex in public, so I got nothing to hide."

Austin found that hard to believe.


Nick nodded.


And with that, he grabbed Austin's head and pulled him into a rough kiss. He'd wanted to do that ever since the wild, raw 4-way at the young men camp all of them had pledged to forget. The kiss quickly turned tender as Nick pushed Austin's baseball cap off his head and ran his long, thin fingers through Austin's lustrous brown hair. Their bare chests, slick with perspiration, bumped against each other in a sweaty collision, their nipples hardening from the contact. Austin moaned as Nick very roughly yanked down the fire engine red shorts Austin wore all the time. Nick's need for Austin was so strong, but Austin didn't want to get into the emotions, he just wanted to help Nick feel better and help get his own rock hard cock some pleasure. The same cock Nick was currently gulping down his throat.

Austin laid back on the grass and groaned as Nick serviced him. Austin had a fat cock which few women would ever tolerate. Austin told himself it was for the best, that his religious beliefs meant too much sex was a bad thing, but damn did he love a good blow job.

Nick pulled his board shorts down and frantically jerked himself off.

Just as he was close to finishing Austin, they saw a long shadow cast over their nude, writhing bodies.

"Is this what you boys get up to without adult supervision?"

It was Terry, the leader of the tribe. Fairly short in stature, but with a fantastic, ripped, hair-dusted body, amaizing for a man his age. He had close-cropped alt and pepper hair, and was presently compeltely naked. He must have heard the sex and decided to join in.

Nick tried to say something, but Terry put his bare foot at Nick's neck, wordlessly telling him to finish Austin's blow job.

Then Terry dropped to his knees and began slapping Austin's cheeks with his endowment. Austin was shocked at the length and width. He knew it had to be at least 10 inches long. Before he could truly study this scepter, Terry ejaculated all over Austin's face, coating every part of his forehead, eyes, nose, mouth, neck in layers of cum.

Austin bucked his hips and shot a load into Nick's hungry mouth.

Nick looked up at Terry, Terry's stern "daddy" gaze fixated on him. Nick just licked a trail of cum sliding down his chin, and wondered what would happen next.

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