
By Abra Cadabra

Published on Dec 30, 2022



It had been a full week since my last switch and I decided the time had come for a new lingering.

I caught my victim in the middle of the day, walking across a college campus. I didn't know where his dorm was and didn't know how to find out so I would have to make do with what gifts I had brought in my goodie bag.

After taking in the area for a moment I entered the next best building and looked for the bathroom. There I retrieved a liquor bottle and downed it. For the game I wanted to play, impairing my victim's judgement and modesty were probably helpful. Also, I simply liked to make them dumber and more confused.

His name was Erik West and he had a tall, nicely defined body. What stood out was his model-esque face, with a sharp jaw, light scruff and high cheekbones.

The 21 year old got his mohawk with the razor from my bag – at this point I had chosen to bring one with me on occasion to make sure I had easy access to one. Eventually I'd run out of money but so far I still had four fifth of the stolen wealth left.

I kept my clothes on for the moment and got back outside. There I looked for places to hide my presents to lucky Erik. If he played well, this could easily be over in under an hour. Having to watch Ron run around for half a night had been a bit boring some of the time, so I had planned a tighter schedule for Erik.

Back in the bathroom and with my bag totally empty, I pulled out the boy's phone and manipulated it so it would only accept calls and messages from the anonymous number I had again prepared.

I walked into a stall and stripped. His slender, toned body was nice to look at and I covered the floor with his body hair as I worked my force push removal skill over it, leaving out the armpits and crotch stubble to keep his appearance looking natural.

Almost ready, I was semi hard with anticipation. All his clothes went into the bin and were covered with paper towels. Even if he found them somehow I wouldn't allow him to put them on.

It was time. I switched back into my body, staying behind as a lingering presence.

Erik jolted awake.

Before he had time to act upon his panic and confusion, I sent my greetings.

<Hello Erik. I see you're in quite the predicament.>

He saw the message, looking back and forth between the mirror and his phone. "What the fuck?"

<We are going to play a little game. An easter egg hunt, if you will. At the end will be your dorm room key. If you behave.>

He snored. "Don't think so, sucker."

<No? That's too bad. How will you get home then?>

"Roommate'll let me in," he mumbled.

<Okay, and the nude part?>

"Wait, you can actually hear me?"

<Yes. Now back to the game. If you don't want to play I will be a lot less gentle next time. I have ways of making you regret disobedience.>

"Fuck, that's creepy." He stared at the phone. "Listen, you weirdo. I don't know what you think you're doing but if you think I haven't walked across campus with my dick out, you weren't there when my frat team lost the bet. Now fuck off. I'll have Tim check this number and we'll find you, I swear."

This was bad. I wasn't too worried about this Tim guy but I had put effort into the game and I didn't want to waste my lingering.

<You severely underestimate how difficult I can make your life Erik. It's just a little game for now, but if I don't get what I want, I will turn your existence into hell.>

"Ha. Whatever, dude."

What could I say to make him follow orders? I had been sloppy. He was in familiar territory and since he wasn't ashamed to be seen naked he had no reason to be terrified. Fuck. I had to write this off as a loss.

"Yeah yeah, fuck yourself."

I switched out entirely and sighed. Once I tried to sense the pull, I realized it was already there. I'd get to see my previous victims again, which was nice but what should I do about Erik?


Last time I lingered twice. Once in the guy with broken limbs, then in Ron. Was it possible that this power could be used twice in a row before catapulting me back? Then why was I already feeling the pull?

Ten minutes later I fell asleep, having gotten very little rest with Erik rejecting me so rudely.

I couldn't believe my luck. Not only was I back in Erik's head – having followed the pull – but I was still capable of lingering. I sensed it clearly.

The boy had made his way into his dorm room by then and wore new clothes. His roommate was on his tablet, not paying attention to me.

I grabbed Erik's phone and left – without keys.

The building I was in was the same one I had been in before. That's why he had been so cocky, I had brought him into his own dorm building. Bad planning on my part. Not a mistake I would repeat.

On my way off campus I collected all the gifts I had hidden for the easter egg hunt. I took the bus until I was a few districts away. It was still bright day time. Wonderful.

I picked a good area and began to distribute my gifts again, hoping it would not be in vain this time.

Erik woke up naked and erect on a pier.

Right away I could tell he was a lot more panicky now. A good start. It was also right at the time the additional alcohol was taking effect and dimming his mind.

<Now how about we try this again? Or do I need to make it even worse for you?>

"Fuck. Fuckfuckfuck. Okay, look, I'm sorry. Just get me out of here. Whoever you are."

<You'll have to do that yourself. But I can give you hints if you follow my lead.>

"Fuck. Alright, let's play your stupid game. Can I get some clothes first?"

<Certainly. Look under the black canister right next to you.>

Erik lifted the container and found his first gift.

"No fucking way."

<It's what you get. Either you put it on or you can find your own way home.>

The boy groaned, but quickly slipped into the leopard patterned string thong. I had also provided a pair of white flip flops to keep his tender soles protected. He didn't thank me so I moved on.

<Your next stop is warehouse 3. There's a huge green shipping container. Find the items behind it.>

"And how will this help me get home? I thought your game was going to get me back to my dorm?"

<Patience. I'll give you options. Now go.>

Erik looked left and right and rushed to the incorrect building. Until he had found the right one, my popcorn was done.

"What the fuck is this?"

"Wow, you think you're funny, huh? I'm not wearing this shit."

<Do you want my help or now? It's just a little bit of metal. What's the big deal Mister Erik I walk around with my dick out West?>

"Fuck off. Fine, I'm putting them on."

He pulled the string thong down and slid the ring over his package, pulling his balls through with some effort. I was happy to see he was bigger than what the cock ring was supposed to accommodate. He would be rock hard whether he wanted to or not.

Once the collar was on and snapped shut, I chuckled to myself. The boy hadn't even realized that it didn't open without a key. Of course I had provided no such key to his ungrateful self.

"Fuck no."

"Ah, looking like that? Isn't there a better option?"

"I... guess that works. I'll get over it."

<Lastly, I could order a rental car for you to be delivered right where you are. No one would see you and you could get right to your doorstep.>

"Sounds great. Buuuuut what do I have to do?"

<Are you getting cold?>

"Uh, kind of I guess? It's late afternoon, so... sun's gonna go down. It might get a little chilly. More clothes would be nice."

<The next stop is straight ahead, three roads down. A huge, red trash container.>

Erik began to walk until he arrived at the first road. "But there are people!"

<So? They don't know you.>

"The point was that no one would see me!"

<The point was that you play my game. Now, how do you want to go home? Walking? Fine by me.>

"Fuck it. Okay."

Erik jogged across the street, keeping his eyes straight ahead so he didn't have to see people's reactions to his looks. With satisfaction I noted that he was fully erect and bursting out of the string thong.

At the next road he had to wait at an intersection and it took a wonderfully long time for the light to turn green, allowing a good dozen people to stand around him for a while. I noticed in his audible breathing that he was suppressing a whimper, barely short of crying.

When he arrived at the container I instructed him to look under it.

"What's this?"

<What does it say on the tin?>

"Body oil?"

"What the fuck? Why? I'm not that cold, really. I don't need this all over me."

<No rental car for you. You're down to the taxi option now if you stay on your best behavior.>

"Ugh. Fine. I'll do it."

He emptied the bottle over his head and smeared it everywhere. At this moment he noticed for the first time how smooth his skin was. I saw that he had the mind not to spare his dick either. When he rubbed oil on it, he shivered and let out a breathy moan. Good, he was going to be full of cum when I needed him to be.

I hounded him to an even busier, more public area and helped him find the next gift. Surrounded by skyscrapers, Erik pulled handcuffs from under a bus stop's bench.

"No way, dude."

<On with them, or you can go home via that bus stop. If you do as I say without bitching and moaning I might upgrade you to rental car again.>

He sighed deeply and slapped the cuffs on his wrists, thus tying his hands in front of him. People were all around him, keeping their distance.

<You're weirding people out. If you don't want them to look at you with concern you have to make them understand you're not dangerous.>

"How the fuck am I supposed to look `not dangerous' exactly, if I look like a lunatic?"


"You're not serious."

<Is that bitching and moaning I hear?>

He worked up a smile, as I could see in the bus terminal's glass's reflection.

He kept his head down to avoid seeing people but in every reflective surface I could see that he did his best to keep smiling. I had no way of knowing if anyone filmed him, since they would most likely do so from behind, but it was almost impossible not to happen.


Erik shook his head so hard I got dizzy from watching it through his eyes. He looked around nervously, but he was alone in the playground. It was too late for kids to be outside.

"Absolutely not."

<No one's going to see it.>

"I'm not doing it."

"I. Am. Not. Doing. It."

<Tell me then, how are you going to get home? Looking like this? Do you even know where you are right now? Are you willing to ask strangers for help?>

The boy was trembling with rage. "Fuck. Fuck! Fuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuck. Okay. I hate you. You better call me the nicest rental car they have."

He looked around again, even once he was hiding behind a bush. The boy pulled his thong down and used the lube he had just found to make the butt plug slippery. It was a relatively small one. Not small in absolute terms – it was bigger than his own sizable member – but certainly smaller than ones I had used on victims before.

It took so long for him to get it in that I was considering letting him skip the task. His huffing and whimpering got annoying after three minutes. How I could stand to listen to it for a whole fifteen was an achievement in itself.

"It's in. It's really in. Holy fuck, it's in."

<How does it feel?>

"It burns. I'm exploding. It's tearing me apart."

<Nice. Just one more station to go and then the game is over.>

I gave him instructions, making him return to busier areas and told him to hurry. The jogging made sure his plug rubbed deliciously against his guts for sure.

Once he was surrounded by people again and close to tears, I reminded him to smile. He got my final gift from behind a hedge in front of a still open shopping mall.

<Here's the last thing you need to do. But it's complicated so pay attention.>

"Okay. Just give it to me already."

<One: delete this conversation. We won't have to talk anymore once you completed the last task so this will be goodbye. Two: use the zip ties in the package to fix your cuffs to the lamp post right in front of the mall.>

"What? But then how am I going to get into the car?"

<Three: rub yourself on the post till you cum. Make sure the jizz gets on you.>

"Holy shit. I... I don't know, man."

<Do you want to get home or not?>

"I... fuck, alright. I'm so horny I'll probably cum in five seconds."

<Don't forget to smile the whole time until the car is there or I'll call it off.>

"Okay got it."

<Goodbye. Delete the convo. Have a good night.>


I watched him press delete and leaned back. Now I could only hope he was in for it far enough to go through with his promise.

Erik did in fact tie himself to the post and put on a shaky grin as he rubbed his dick on the cold metal. It took a lot longer than five seconds – it took something like five minutes – but eventually he shot his load and fortunately it shot straight up out of his string thong and onto his chest where it slid off the oil and hung in thick threads along his abs and thighs.

He was still smiling, but it got more and more pained by the second. I could see it in the glass from the shopping mall whenever he glanced at it. He had reason to be nervous with all the people entering and leaving clearly being unable to overlook him.

Did I call him a car?

Ha! Of course not.

Erik West had a lesson to learn and I was going to make sure he'd never forget it.

Would you want to play it yourself? Do you think Erik has learned his lesson well?

Next: Chapter 9

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