Tails of Rump Rangers

Published on Aug 22, 2010


Warning! This story is sexually explicit, if you are not of legal age to read such or are offended by this type of writing do not read any further. To contact the author hit reply or cut and paste making appropriate corrections and E-mail: bn2rumpranger "at" yahoo "dot" com Subject line: Tails of Rump Rangers

Tails of Rump Rangers

Chapter 5: Agendas

The three men seated in a secluded booth in the hotel café were silently awaiting service. This was the silence before the storm. They sipped coffee while pursuing the menu. All three were a little blurry eyed after a torrid night of sex. The two older men were curious as to why and how Rodrigo had managed a room upgrade at no charge, especially during the biggest event of the year: Hot August Nights.

Pepper would hold the official kick-off party for the 24th annual Hot August Nights celebration. That is what the guys were there for; sex was an added attraction. The festivities would officially begin Monday, August 2nd with party and cruise night and would end on Sunday, August 8th with entertainment all week long. That's what the men came for, that was there agenda.

As they sat studying the menu they were unaware of what Rod's agenda might be and were a little suspicious of the young man. The two men had to be extremely careful who they took up company with due to the jobs they held; therefore, they didn't know whether they wanted to maintain the quickly established friendship or not, or whether they even wanted a new member joining their secret society. They would question the newest member over breakfast and then make a determination on furthering the friendship.

Chase feeling a little guilty because he was responsible for inviting Rod to join them broke the silence asking, "So, tell us how you were able to secure that room upgrade so quickly with no charge to my credit card, Rod, especially during this upcoming big week celebration?"

"First off your credit card will show no further charges as a token of my appreciation: my way of saying thank you for a fabulous night of sex. Whether there is more is up to you; however, a night I'll not forget. Finally, my dad is a major financial player in this establishment, and I've been working here for the last three years since after I was eighteen and started college."

"So, you got some juice around here," Derrick remarked.

"Yeah, I guess you could say that; however, my dad wanted me to start off at the bottom, you know and work my way up so to speak."

"And you have learned the bottoms up theory very well, Rod," Derrick replied with a laugh. In fact, they all had a good laugh at the joke.

"Remember, what happens in Reno stays in Reno. Kinda like Las Vegas. By the way I saw on your registration for the suite; it's reserved for four, where are the other two, are they females?" Rod asks coyly.

"No girls on this trip, the other two are guys," Case said, "They're the other half of our covert sexual foursome for the next two weeks; however, now it looks as though we've got five, at least for the time being."

"Oh hell yes guys. I hope so. I hope you'll invite me to join and participate in your group. Why do you think I arranged the upgrade," Rod replied almost as if he was pleading for acceptance into the group, "So, when will the other two arrive?"

"Their supposed to be in here late this afternoon or Sunday," Derrick replied, "One is flying in to meet us and the other is riding his bike up from Los Angeles. We haven't told them about you..."

Derrick reply was cut short by the waitress approaching, directing her attention to Rod, "Hello handsome."

"Hi Cheryl. My friends and I are ready to order."

The waitress wrote their orders down on her pad and then departed with a pat on Rod's shoulder.

"By the way you said two weeks. The reservation says you'll be checking out on Thursday, August 5th the party won't be over till next Sunday. So, what's up with that?" Rod asked a little puzzled.

"Because of the way Hot August Nights and Sturgis dates fell this year we decided to take our mancation for two weeks, instead of a week as usual," Derrick answered, "We're going to spend the first half here and then move onto Sturgis."

"Sturgis?" Rod asked a little baffled.

"Yeah, the 70th Annual Black Hills Motorcycle Rally runs from August 9th to 15th this year with Sky diving events starting on the 12th. So, our tentative itinerary is to stay here for the bulk of Hot August Nights celebrations until Thursday checkout and then we'll hit the road for Sturgis, South Dakota on Thursday. We'll stay overnight at the Peppermill in Wendover on Thursday night and Friday morning drive onto Salt Lake City where we'll pickup Derrick's motorcycle. The next day we're off to Cheyenne and from there onto Sturgis for another few days of fun," Chase explained.

"Damn, sure sounds exciting," Rod said and then asked, "So, all of you ride motorcycles?"

"Yeah. We're trailering the bikes to Derrick's friend's place outside Cheyenne about three hundred miles from Sturgis where we'll stay over. The next day we'll begin the ride onto Sturgis for about four maybe five days of fun," Chase explained, "And then after that we go back to our jobs and begin planning for next year."

"Yeah, Chase wasn't sure he'd be able to secure a suite during the big celebration this month, but I guess because he's got a VIP card he was able to get it done," Derrick said.

"Actually, the hotel contacted me shortly after I made the reservations ten months ago telling me there had been a mistake. Apparently the person that made the reservation quoted an off season rate for the suite, but they honored it," Chase said.

The waitress approached delivering breakfast plates full of food, fruit bowls and coffee refill.

"Great lookin chow," Chase said looking over all the grub on the table, "I worked up an appetite and I'm ready to eat."

After the waitress departed Derrick asked, "So, Rod, fill us in a little about you and your life. We know your name, age, the fact that you're gay, and that you and your dad appear to be well-connected here at the hotel. What else is interesting about you other than the fact you've got a hell of a hot body and you're a great fuckin lover."

They all began tasting his meal before Rod started, "Well, where do I begin, first off I'm bisexual. I'm originally from Brazil. My parents are Jewish and Portuguese. My mother's parents fled Europe during the Nazi regime at the outset of World War II. They immigrated to Brazil where they raised their family. My dad and mom met in college and married after graduation. After that was when my sister and I came along. Dad is a big shot international financial dude and my mom is a doctor. They still maintain their huge home in Brazil and have homes or condos in several places throughout the US as well as other countries for entertaining and vacationing. I live in their condo here in Reno while I attend school."

"Very impressive background," Chase replied, "With your connections why don't you live in a suite here at the hotel?"

"No way!" Rod stated without an explanation, "If you want after breakfast I'll take you over to the condo where I live for the nickel tour."

Rod had no sooner extended the invitation than Derrick's cell phone rang, "Hello," After a long pause Derrick replied, "Sure, no problem see you when you get here."

"Sorry. That was my friend. He's running late and won't be here until Sunday sometime," Derrick explained.

"So, tell us more about yourself, Rod?" Chase questioned as he continued to eat.

"I'm just your normal college student who enjoys sports and partying. I haven't figured out which I enjoy more. I'm going into my senior year of college here in Reno pursuing a double major. My dad pays for my education and certain other things, but I have to earn my own spending money. He wants me to follow him into the international banking world. My mom wants me to go onto med school and become a doctor. I haven't made up my mind yet," Rod explained to his new friends, "Oh, and you've already found out that I totally enjoy hot male to male sex. What about you guys?"

"We met in the Army. I was Chase's Platoon Leader. We both grew disenchanted with the military and the way the government was handling the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. After our obligatory time in the Army was up we got out. Chase first and them me."

"Derrick was an officer and I was an NCO. Both of us took our skills from the Army and now work for contract security companies. Derrick works mostly international contract work while I protect VIP types mostly in the states. Since leaving the Army we try once a year to get together for one of these week long sexual soirees. Before it has just been Derrick and me; however, this time we each invited a special guest and then you showed up. I don't know about Derrick but I'm glad you did."

"Chase and I never engaged in sex with each other while in the Army although I had the hots for him. We met up for sex the first time at this hotel back in 2006 for a week of non stop sex."

"Well, I want to thank you both for allowing me into your secret group and it's been my pleasure meeting you guys the way I did," Rod said with his big broad white smile, "I want you to know that I don't usually come onto guys while I'm working or around the hotel the way I did with Chase, but I couldn't resist what I saw when he opened the door and his robe split open. I had to..."

Chase's cell phone went off cutting into the conversation, "Hello," after a pause Chase replied, "Keep me informed. Call me when you get into Reno. See ya."

Chase looked at the guys saying, "That was my friend. He's broken down waiting to get his bike repaired at the Harley Davidson dealership in Sacramento somewhere off the Interstate; hopefully they're going to get him on the road by this evening if they have the parts. If not it'll be Monday or Tuesday."

"Damn, I got you guys all to myself for at least the rest of the day," Rod said excitedly.

The guys finished their meals and downed the last of the coffee. Rod made a call on his cell phone. After he hung up he said, "The new luxury suite will be ready for occupancy after one. I told housekeeping to transfer your bags up to the suite."

"Cool," both older men responded in unison.

"Rod, it's early and we got plenty of time let me show both of you my new toys," Chase said as they got up to leave the dinning area.

Rod began scribbling his signature on the bill and then handed it back to the waitress while Chase and Derrick slipped tips to the young lady.

Cheryl replied with, "Thanks, and you guys take good care of my boy Rodrigo."

Still early in the morning the three left the hotel café and walked to the secured parking area where Chase's truck, trailer and motorcycle were parked. As they approached the white Ford Lariat F-250 Crew Cab that was connected to a fully enclosed toy hauler trailer Rod and Derrick both cried out in unison, "Wow! Fucking nice equipment!"

"Thanks, I've only had them about six months now. The Ford dealer gave me a hell of a yearend deal on the truck and then found the trailer within a few days. The only thing I don't particularly care for is the color. I had something else in mind, but for the price I can live with it."

After looking the truck and trailer rig over Chase motioned for the two to follow him around to the other side of the trailer, pointing out the new bike parked on the far side.

"Damn, where'd you get that beautiful mother fuckin bike?" Derrick questioned looking at the slick custom made bike.

"I bought it at the January Barrett-Jackson Collector Car auction in Scottsdale," Chase said with a big smile, "One of the people I was guarding called my attention to it when it came up. We walked up to the staging area looked it over and I gave him the thumbs up. I told him my top dollar and he began bidding when it came up."

"What'd you have to give for it, man?" Derrick asked.

"That's top secret. Need to know basis, but I stole it. The thing was early morning bidding."

"Who's the builder?" Derrick asked.

"Paul Teutle, Jr. at OCC."

"Damn, that's one sweet motorcycle, Chase," Rod complimented.

"Do you ride? Chase asked.

"No, never took it up, but the whole thing sounds so American adventure."

The men continued looking at the bike and truck. Chase opened the truck up to show off the inside.

"Let me drop the trailer and we'll take the truck for a ride over to see the condo, Rod."

Chase rode the bike up into the trailer and secured it. They closed the back ramp and locked it. Then the three of them began disconnecting the electrics from the truck to the trailer. Chase began cranking the handle jacking the trailer lifting it off the ball. Once the truck and trailer were separated Chase put a padlock through the locking lever on the coupler and a wheel lock on one of the trailer tires.

About that time a security officer approached saying, "How you all doing? Rodrigo, do you know these men?"

"Yeah, they're friends. Keep a special watch over their equipment."

"Sure will. You have a great day."

With the trailer and bike secured the guys piled into the big Crew Cab and drove towards Rod's folk's condo on the outskirts of Reno. Of course as they drove they were looking around observing all the activities that were setting up, getting ready for the Hot August Nights kickoff.

Next: Chapter 6

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