Taken Series

By Dapper Hargrave

Published on Jun 21, 2015



Author's Note: All the warnings / caveats / etc from the first post still apply.

The story, its settings, and the characters are property of the author.

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Part 8: The Subjugation

"The final test, the most important test, is the test of control. All other tests are subordinate to control. Even if this wretch failed all other tests, passing this test would mean a sliver of possibility that a Man might exist within him."

I have been stripped, my hair removed, my cock encased so I cannot touch it, and my voice and memory stripped away. Why do I feel that the worst has been saved for last?

The veiled figure is not really speaking to me. It is speaking to the audience. Every word, every action, seems sculpted to elicit a desired reaction. It stands silently for a moment. It's cowled hood turns down towards me. I can see nothing inside except darkness. It watches me with eyes I cannot see under that black hooded robe... at least I assume it has eyes under there.

"A Man controls his body, his thoughts, and his emotions. All are all shaped, honed, and directed towards the result he selects. Control leads to courage and stoicism. These lead to strength, virility, and cunning. These are the hallmarks of a Man."

"The obsequious - or to use a more `modern' term the submissive - is a different creature entirely. There is a softness in its soul. Without proper guidance, this softness leads to ignorance and gullibility. These lead to fear, agitation, and powerlessness. The history of the mortal world is littered with examples of submissives who somehow rise to power but cannot control their doubts, their fears, or their jealousies. They unleash destruction.

"The mortal world fails to understand this. That world tells the submissive they are no different from Men. It confuses them and tries to make them be something they are not. And so they must be taken, shown the truth about themselves, have these lies stripped away."

I don't even need the images to know the verdict. I was not in control during the Testing. Even I can see that.

"I say that this creature is not a Man. It is a submissive."

Cheers now from the men on the left. This is the verdict they have been waiting for. Four men standing in front of the others seem especially excited. The Men from my Testing. From the "hospital".

There was no hospital, of course, it was just the Testing. They are not paramedics or doctors. They are Men. Men with a capital `M'. When did I start thinking of them as such?

There is no commotion from the right of course. They still kneel on the hard stone floor, hands behind bowed heads. Silent. Like me.

"Now..." The shrouded figure raises a covered hand and the room goes quiet again. "A submissive desires Men. It desires to be used by Men... in any way a Man chooses to use them. It has this need... even when it cannot admit this to itself.

"Four of the Men with us today have assisted in the Testing. As their reward, they shall now give the submissive its first lessons and help it accept its desires."

The four Men from from the Testing approach. Victor and Don give each other a high five. For just a moment I wonder again about the nurse. There are no women in this place. My eyes flicker to the submissive men on the right of the cavern. Could one of them have acted the part of the woman? But I don't want to think about that.

As the four Men get closer, I try to back away despite still being on my knees. But the Grey still hold me in place.

Victor and Duke reach me first. Victor's creamy tan skin contrasting with Duke's much darker tone. The Grey step away from either side of me. Leaving me in the hands of the four Men from my Testing, leaving me to my fate.

"Look at this, Duke." Victor laughs. I am reminded of how intimidating I found him when I first saw him - or thought I saw him - in the Testing. "This fucker wanted to run away."

"He must know how much his first time is gonna hurt."

Victor grabs my chin and pulls my face up. "Is that it, bitch? You afraid of a bit of pain? Well... this is going to hurt you way more than it does us."

Victor squeezes the side of my jaw and I open my mouth in pain. He purses his lips. And spits.

A gob of slimy liquid lands in my mouth.

"Swallow it, bitch." Victor orders. Squeezing again.

I close my eyes. And swallow.

"Good boy. See you can learn to obey, can't you?"

"I think he liked it." Duke laughs. "Give him some more."

Victor makes a sound - deep and scraping - as if dredging up all of the mucous in his throat. "Open!" He orders.

I obey and he fires the glob into my mouth.

"Savour it. Swirl it around in your mouth."

I'm so scared that, again, I obey. The slime covers my tongue.

"Yeah. That's it. Now swallow. Good. That was a very good start." He gives me a gentle pat on the side of the face. Like petting an obedient dog. "Now it's time to step it up a bit."

Duke steps in front of me. I start to look up and his dark face above me, to plead with him to help me escape. I see no pity looking down on me.

On my knees, I am more or less eye level with his crotch. I can see a heavy bulge there. I want to look at anything else but... well... I can't drag my eyes away.

"Yeah. Don't worry. I'm going to give you a really good look at it shortly. But first, why don't you learn how a Man smells."

Duke's big hand is on the back of my head. Pulling me into his crotch. "Bury your face, bitch. Get a good smell."

He mashes my face against his tight trousers. I can feel his hardness pressing back against my face.

And the smell. The smell is... I don't know how to describe it. Overwhelming. The smell of sweat, of piss, of cum. All trapped in his tight pants. Festering. Growing ripe. If he smells this strongly now, dressed, how will he smell naked?

I suck in a deep whiff of his scent. My head spins and a shiver runs down my spine. His smell may be the most erotic thing I've ever smelled.

"Unfasten my belt." Duke orders me.

My fingers hurry to obey. I don't want to admit it, but I want to smell him. I want to get my nose close and smell him. Without the barrier of this uniform diluting the odour. I can feel my cock start to harden. Only to be restrained by the chastity cage. It feels like someone squeezing your dick really hard. I wince in pain. It does not go unnoticed.

"Well. Looks like we've got a live one." LeBaron laughs.

Don is nearby as well. He looks amused. "The Testing is never wrong."

Something in the back of my head nags at me. What? No. I'm not submissive... and I'm definitely not gay. I'm straight... right? I mean... sure... I've snuck a glance at other guys in the locker room. Who hasn't? That's just checking out the competition, right? And yet I am obviously aroused. My dick would be hard if it could. Only the chastity cage prevents it.

But that's all in the back of my mind. Most of my attention is focused on the crotch in front of me. It is awkward to unfasten a belt from this side and from crotch height. My fingers fumble in my haste. At last the belt opens.

"And now the button." Duke orders.

I unfasten the button and the zipper slides partway open. I lick my lips in anticipation. But I look to Duke for approval. I'm not sure why. It just feels right.

Duke towers above me. He pauses. Lets me feel the anticipation build. And then, finally, nods.

I slide his zipper down. The trousers open, offering me a glimpse of what is hidden inside. He isn't wearing underwear. His thick pubes stand out, even against his ebony skin. I can see just the root of his cock. I would moan but I can't make any sound any more.

"Ok, bitch, time to get a look at what is waiting for you. Pull the trousers down."

I fingers latch onto the waistband and pull. Duke helps a bit but leaves the work to me. The trousers slide slowly down. I am fascinated as more and more of his cock is exposed. Finally it springs free.

His hand is on the back of my head again. Pulling me back into his crotch. My face pressed tight into him. Oh fuck. If I had known how good a man smells, I would have done this before.

I can't stop myself. My tongue slips out between my lips. Sliding through his pubes. Into the sweaty crevice between his thighs and his crotch. It is bitter. It is salty. It is magnificent.

He grabs my head. Guiding me. I have a split second to realise what he wants. I never, ever thought I would be doing this. But I let him guide me to his low hanging sack. For a moment, I hesitate. Then my lips caress his balls, kissing them. My tongue moves as if of its own accord, savouring the taste of him. His pubic hair is in my mouth but I don't care.

Again, his hand on the back of my head. Guiding me. His big dick is swelling now. And he takes my mouth to the top of his dick. Not letting me touch anything but the very top where the shaft joins his crotch. Again, I shower it with kisses.

I'm ready. I never thought this would happen. But I want to taste him. To feel him in my mouth. My tongue slides down his long shaft. Closer to the tip, closer, closer. My mouth starts to open...

... Duke pushes me away. "Not yet, bitch. You are going to have to wait for those 8 inches. Why don't you take care of my man Victor here?"

It is Victor's turn to grab my head and push me into his crotch. I don't resist. God help me. I want him to do it.

He smells... different. Maybe not as strong, maybe slightly sweeter. Not better, not worse. Just different.

"Yeah. Look at you. On your knees, your face buried in my crotch. And not resisting either, are you? Almost begging to get a whiff." Victor's faint accent makes him sound more ominous.

He seems less patient than Duke. He unbuckles his own belt and slides his own trousers down. He doesn't even need to ask before my face is back delving between his thighs.

I take his ballsack in my mouth. Savouring his unique flavour. My throat is making motions like moaning but no sound comes out.

His cock is hard and pressing into my face. Just out of reach with his balls in my mouth. His cock is not as big as Duke's but is thick and uncut. I want it. I want it so bad. Oh fuck... I'm not gay. I can't be gay. But I want his cock. I want it. I am drooling for it.

"Uh uh." Victor laughs. "You can't have it. Not yet."

He backs away. Leaving me sitting on my haunches on the floor. My face covered in spit and sweat. My mouth twitching eagerly, desperately, for it's first taste of cock.

Part 9: The Initiation

LeBaron steps up to me. He slides his lab coat off his shoulders and let it fall towards the floor. It never touches. Just fades into mist, no more real that the world of the Testing. whatever world I knew before today. My eyes are glued to his dick. Sticking straight out of the fly of his trousers. "This is what you want. Isn't it."

I forget for a moment and try to speak. And then remember that I will never speak again.

"I asked you a question." LeBaron grabs a fistful of my hair to get my attention.

I nod my head. Yes.

"And what does that make you? What do you call a man who wants to suck another man's cock?"

Oh god. No. Don't make me do this. Don't... but he is staring down at me. Impatient. Angry. I don't want him to be angry with me.

I mouth the word. Faggot.

"Yeah. That is what you are. Not a Man. A faggot." Duke says from nearby. "You exist to please Men."

LeBaron is still holding a fistful of my hair and gives it a tug. He steps forward, his cock a few inches from my mouth. "Ok, faggot. Open your mouth wide. Keep your mouth wide open until I tell you otherwise. Do you understand?"

I nod. I stretch my mouth wide.

The cock enters my wide open mouth. I can't feel it, can't taste it, but I've never even contemplated doing such a thing before. And now? Now I want to close my mouth around it, worship it. But I know he will be angry. I must not make him angry.

He is watching me. Laughing at me as I struggle not to close my lips around his cock. Not to caress the shaft with my tongue. Watching my inner struggle against everything I have ever believed about myself and the dawning realisation that still confounds me.

Still he watches. The hard shaft teasing me. My jaw is starting to ache now.

He takes a step back, pulling his turgid cock out of my open mouth. "Close." He orders.

I clamp my mouth shut.

His hand on my head pulls me slightly forward. The tip of his dick is on my trembling lips. Rubbing them. And I know. It is time.

My lips part under the pressure as he pulls my head forward, my lips stretching to form an "O". My teeth stretch wide. I know he won't want to feel them.

The tip of his cock passes between my lips. My tongue caresses this piss slit. Savouring it's first flavour of cock. He pulls my hair again, pulling me forward, and his cock slides deeper. Shifting on my knees, I move to give him better access. For the first time in my life, I am sucking another man's cock.

My eyes are open. Gazing up in adoration at this older man as he feeds me my first cock. He is pushing gently in and out of my mouth. Deeper. Deeper.

Across my tongue which eagerly wraps around his shaft. Deeper.

His cock hits the back of my mouth. I gag at the first touch and he backs off. Just slightly. But he isn't done.

"Now. Try to say `Ah'. Yes, yes. I know you can't actually say anything anymore but try to do it."

I make the motion and my tongue flattens in the back of my mouth.

"Good. Stretch your throat as if you are yawning. That's it. A bit more."

He thrusts forward. The head of his dick entering my throat. I panic and try to pull off. His hand in my hair holds me in place. I feel like I am going to retch.

"Come on, fag." He gives my hair a tug. "You can do it. You know you want to do it."

I struggle to breathe. My face is turning red. My eyes are watering.

But I push myself to do as he asks. Keeping my tongue flat, my throat expanded wide. And he slides in another half inch. My eyes focused on the root of his dick, his pubic hair, moving ever closer.

"Yeah, that's a good little cocksucker. Keep that up. Just like that."

Tears are dripping down my cheeks as he thrusts. Again. Again. And, finally, his pubes press into my face. He is all the way inside my mouth and throat.

He slowly draws out, giving me just a moment to draw a breath, and then all the way back in. He may not be hung like Duke, or even Victor, but he is big enough to make me choke a bit each time.

And yet...

I like it. I like that he is using me like this. I like the feel of his cock in my mouth. It's warmth. It's texture. It's taste. I actually like being on my knees before him. It just feels somehow right... in a way that I can't even begin to describe.

He is thrusting harder now. His ballsack slaps against my chin on each thrust. His hands on the back of my head. Pulling me into his thrusts. The smell of his sweat, his excitement, building. His breath ragged. His cock swelling in my mouth and throat. He pushes deep into my throat and groans...

And I can feel his dick convulse deep inside my throat. 
He is cumming. Cumming inside my throat. For the first time in my life, I am swallowing a Man's cum. He pulls back slightly, bringing his head out of my throat. But still cumming.

"Taste it, cocksucker. Taste that cum."

And I do. My lips fasten around his shaft and my tongue instinctively twirls around the swollen head. Milking out every drop. Until finally he is done and pushes me off his dick.

He is smiling down at me, a cruel smile, and I wonder what is next.

"Tilt your head back. More. Good. Now open your mouth."

I am kneeling before him. My head tilted back, my mouth wide open. He places his softening cock in my mouth again.

"Don't swallow until I tell you to do so. And if up spill a drop, you will be punished."

I look at him. I am confused but hope my look shows my acceptance of his order.

His cock flexes slightly in my mouth. And then a warm fluid starts filling my mouth. The taste is bitter. Acrid perhaps.

Piss. He is filling my mouth with his piss. I struggle to keep it in my mouth, to not spill. His flow is faster now, the level raising in my mouth. That bitter taste covering my tongue. The scent filling my nostrils. My hand is absently rubbing my crotch. Only to be reminded that my dick is locked away. Untouchable.

The piss is almost to my lips before he stops. "Look at you, faggot." He swears down at me. "On your knees. My cum down your throat. My piss filling your mouth. You like that don't you? You like my piss? Good. Then swallow it."

I relax my throat. Take a big gulp of the yellow fluid. I feel the warmness pouring down my gullet. Another gulp. And another. Into my stomach. Savouring every sensation.

"You liked that so much, I have more for you. Wrap your lips around my dick."

I do as he says and feel his dick flex again in my mouth as his piss flows.

"Swallow it all, motherfucker. Swallow it all."

And I do. And when his flow finally stops. I lick the head, nursing every drop of his flavour. Until he finally pushes me away.

"What a fucking cocksucker you are." He laughs as he steps back.

I look around at the other three men - Victor, Duke, and Don - and with my eyes beg one of them to feed me their meat as well. All three are naked now, their clothes faded into mist like the hospital coat.

It is Don who steps forward. He is stroking a slab of man-meat that looks to be at least 9 or 10 inches long and thick. His foreskin slides back and forth over the round head of this dick as he strokes. I open my mouth. Wondering how he will taste.

But he shakes his head. "Oh no. It's not your mouth I'm after. I'm going to claim another prize."

Next: Chapter 6: Taken 6

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