Tales of a High School Life

By Sere Mela

Published on Nov 2, 2006


Hello, my darling little minions. Welcome to the third installment of my Tales of a High School Life series. I hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed making it. This will probably be the last story I send in for a while (two or three weeks, maybe). I have some personal things to do and stuff, so no more two-day story submissions for a while.

Anyway, this is my story. Don't take it. Use it for whatever personal abuse, I mean, use you need. I know some of you absolutely NEED it, buuuut, have some self control! Sheesh!

As always, comments are appreciated. Especially since I've gotten less replies than fingers on my hand and that hurts me deeply, you horny little sluts. Anyway, send me recommendations or critique or wants and desires and I'll see what I can do.

Tales of a High School Life - Swim Class

"This is complete bullshit!" screamed the shapely brunette, slamming down a yellow sheet onto the dark, hard desk.

The owner of the desk sighed. This was the counselor's office, but here at Biana High, the counselor was also an administrative as well as a social position. Bianca, the counselor as she liked to be known by her first name, was normally a very soft and kind person. She was somewhat put off by the harsh language and even harsher reaction of the teacher across from her.

"Listen," Bianca said calmly, trying to sooth the staturesque teacher in front of her, "I know this is probably just a jealous student, but we have received a complaint and we are, by law, obligated to put it in our papers. I'm sure an investigation will show that you've had no "inappropriate liasons" with any student here or anywhere."

"It will still be on my permanent record," grumbled Cindy, the lovely teacher across from Bianca. Cindy was the swim teacher and coach of the swim team. As such, she spent quite a bit of her time in the swimming pool.

However, most of her time as home was spent preserving her beauty. Pool chemicals (even the newer, more expensive ones employed by Biana High to reduce the effect) had a terrible habit of ruining the skin of anyone who spends most of her time in it. So Cindy was a wonderful combination of athletic beauty and soft femininity who took great pleasure in her appearance--and she was one of the most beautiful women at Biana High.

"Well, look on the bright side," said Bianca quietly, knowing that this simple warning could probably ruin Cindy's career. "It was made anonymously. I'll make you a deal. If no other complaints are made by another student by the end of the quarter, I'll remove it from your record."

Cindy's sharp features softened. Her face was well-defined in its beauty, but had a habit of righteous anger and Cindy did truly dislike the effect her features sometime had. She never meant to be mean or cruel (as often as she appeared, anyway), but she couldn't help it.

"Now, just go relax, Miss Gossard--Cindy, if you will. Your next class starts in a few minutes, so just enjoy it. We here in the administration will always believe you first unless you give us a reason not to. You are a dedicated staff member of a learning institution."

The swim teacher nodded and turned to leave, mentally checking off the girls she suspected would have done this.

Had she not been so preoccupied, she might have noticed the counselor sighing softly at the sight of her firm ass in that tight, leather skirt. Bianca did so love short skirts with stockings. Quietly, she pressed her call button once Cindy had left.

"Michelle," Bianca quietly called to her secretary, "please come join me for a moment." Bianca cut off the button, knowing the sexy senior would be here within ten seconds. Bianca hated confrontation and maybe having Michelle under her desk and between her legs for the next meeting would have a calming affect on her nerves.

At least it was Friday, thought Cindy quietly.

New Catholic Biana High School had a strict dress code; that was one of the immutable laws of the school. Swim class was no different--the school provided several sizes (and a catologue for custom-fitted ones which many of the wealthy students took advantage of) of the same style one-piece swimming suit. It was meant for functionality and flexibility and, of course, to maintain the modesty of the young charges. However, with the advent of the new generation (and Cindy becoming the new swim coach), Miss Gossard was able to lobby and finally get the principle to accept a sort of "casual Friday" custom.

Every Friday, the girls were able to bring their own swim suits and Cindy realized a very important fact--without a firm dress code and uniforms, many of these girls would dress like sluts. The coach saw many swimming garbs (many of them expensive styles) and they had many variations. Some were one pieces, others more so, while even some barely classified as legal. They all had one thing in common, however: they were made to show off the divine bodies of the goddesses that wore them.

Of course, Cindy's suit wasn't exactly modest. It was a one piece, but more of a cocktail dress than a swim suit. It was basically a unitard design but it disappeared after covering her breasts. It accented her curves in a womanly manner that only copious flesh and tight clothes could do. Cindy had drawn the eyes from many of both sexes.

Looking over her class of eight today, Cindy spotted her four troublemakers. Two of them were good girls, sweeties, really. Lisa was a cherub-faced girl with straight, black hair and an athletic swimming body. She was in a more conservative two piece that showed off the curve of her hips. Rebecca, on the other hand, was a slender girl. Her breasts were perky though small, but perfectly hidden in her one piece swim suit with a skirt-like styling around her hips. Her face was always smiling which matched her strawberry hair.

Lisa and Rebecca were corrupted earlier in the year by the other two girls.

Older, from being held back, they were far more self-confident and, for lack of a better word, slutty. Samantha was a powerfully built girl. Her muscles were well-defined and her abs were a firm six-pack. She could, without a doubt, whoop the tar out of anyone in the room. She wore a sluttier string bikini which showed off her firm body and somehow went well with her Aryan heritage.

Raine was the brains of the group, the leader. She was of a Mediterranean decent and seemed to incarnate every stereotype of their beauty. Her skin was dark, though only enough to look tanned. Her hair was long and dark. Her body was full and voluptuous. Her swimsuit, though a one piece, ended at the stomach into two straps that went up, barely containing the nipples and showing lots of fat breast flesh. Her beauty, unfortunately, had turned her into a bitch and if there were any person who would rat on Cindy, Raine was her.

"Yo, teach," said Raine as she made eye contact with Cindy, smiling knowingly.

"Wow, Miss Gossard," said Rebecca with a sparkle in her eyes, "I don't think it's that cold!" The red-blonde haired girl pointed at Cindy's chest.

Cindy, following the girl's finger, looked at her chest. Her nipples were hard little eraser tips when aroused and currently they were protruding out against the material like little teepees. She blushed softly and crossed her hands over her chest. "All right, children. Everyone into the pool."

After everyone had grown accustomed to the pool, Cindy gathered them all in one half of it, noticing the small groups everyone seemed to form around her. Suddenly, Raine stood up, turned around to face Cindy. The teacher stared quizzically at Raine then the young girl reach up, gripped Cindy's tits through her shirt and jerked her down into the water.

Cindy caught herself before being submerged and coughed and sputtered. She stared daggers at Raine, surprised by the girl's brazen, disrespectful assault. "What the hell is wrong with you, you ungrateful child?!"

Raine just smiled at Cindy and the teacher started to step forward then a pair of hands reached up behind her, grabbed her top and jerked it down, exposing her large, soft breasts, bouncing them from the tug. Cindy went white with shock and turned around to see Rebecca's angellic face with the girl's hands on her top. "Have you all gone insane!" screamed Cindy.

"Miss Gossard," started Raine. "Every girl here has a crush on you. Some of us want you for your body that you keep teasing us with. Others want something more." Cindy turned from the blushing Rebecca, who looked longingly at the teacher. Cindy, however, almost fell as she spotted Raine.

"So we've decided that you are to become our lover, slave and bitch," continued Rainne as she pulled her bottom aside to reveal an absolutely gorgeous nine inch, thick cock nestled right above her shaved pussy.

Cindy was shocked in every sense of the word. That shock allowed several of the other students to grab her firmly. She struggled but try as she may, she was no match for three athletic girls. The four troublemakers made their way in front of their teacher. Samantha discarded her bottoms to reveal a fat cock, easily eleven throbbing inches. Lisa and Rebecca followed suit. In fact, Cindy noticed that every one of her students had a cock!

The swim teacher just looked around in total shock. She snapped out of it as Rebecca approach, stroking her thick girlcock, probably seven inches. "You see, teach," said Raine while jerking her head down forcefully at the same level of Rebecca's cock. "Rebecca here has had a crush on you since the day she first met you. Love at first sight. Well, today we're going to grant her wish."

Rebecca blushed and took her cock in hand. She brushed the thick, pre-cum leaking tip along the teacher's mouth, smearing it with her seed. "Please, Cindy. Suck me?"

"Rebecca, please don't--" Cindy was cut off as Rebecca pushed her tip into the teacher's mouth. Rebecca moaned in delight, unable to help herself as she shivered happily as the object of her crush's lips peeled around her dick.

"Come on, teach, you can do better than that," laughed Raine as she took Cindy's head in her hands and shoved it down the slender girl's lovely cock.

Rebecca took Cindy's wrists and pulled her hands back. She moaned in pleasure as she pushed herself deep into the mouth of her swim teacher. The girls all giggled as they spotted the outline of Rebecca's cock in Cindy's throat.

Just as quickly as it began, Rebecca's back arched as she moaned in pleasure. Her prick jerked and dumped a load of her spunk deep into her teacher's throat, then her mouth, and then on parts of her face. She blushed softly and pulled her, stepping off a little.

Cindy coughed and sputtered in humiliation. Her captors eased back a little as she stood up, cum covering her lips. She still gasped and panted.

"What...what the hell! This is rape, you little sluts!" Cindy squeeked as her two captors pulled her back and spread her legs. Raine approached the bound teacher, tugging her bottoms to the side just a little to reveal that precious pussy. Raine's cock was softly pressed against the pussy lips of the swim teacher and Cindy gasped.

Raine began to lightly push into that delicious slit. She eased her thick tip into Cindy and Cindy groaned. She shuddered and began her struggles, knowing where this could lead. She shot her evil eye at Raine, the cruelest visage her sharp features could muster.

Raine paused for a moment, then pushed further into the teacher and Cindy knew it was lost.

Raine truly regretted how this came to be, but she wasn't going to stop now. Then she noticed something strange. Cindy's suit began to swell, starting from above her crotch and going up to her bellybutton. "Well, what have we here?" asked Raine, smiling.

"What do you think, bitch?" growled Cindy in reply. She had never been so humiliated nor as hot in her life. Still, she maintained her anger, which was surprisingly easy. She continued to stare with hatred at the young rapist.

Cindy was somewhat surprised when she was pushed forward against Raine. She groaned as she felt the girl's cock slide deeper into her. Then she gasped as she turned around. She felt something soft and warm sliding between the cheeks of her ass.

"I think our teacher needs to learn some respect," chirped in Samantha, the well-muscled blonde. Her massive member was brushing against the swim teacher's lovely virgin ass. Pre-cum was smearing the nether hole that twitched with Raine's dick in Cindy's twat.

Cindy struggled and growled. She screamed that she'd never been taken there. She sensed some compassion in the others but that didn't stop Sam from gripping her hips and shoving that fat cock into her. The only lube was pool water and precum as she was torn into her ass with the largest cock she'd ever seen. She cried out in pleasure and pain.

As Raine and Sam began to fuck both her holes at once, Cindy was shocked to feel her own female member throbbing. She shuddered as she felt her holes pulsing around the throbbing members. Her cock spasmed so hard it actually tore through her suit and stood tall and proud. This prompted Lisa to lean over and take the impressive meat in her hand. Cindy was stroked while she felt the two dicks rub together through the membrane seperating her cunt and ass.

The teacher cried and moaned as the pain in her ass turned from searing agony to a somewhat dull throb then a building climax. The two athletic girls fucked her hard and fast for several minutes. They felt the pressure building within themselves. Almost if by script, the two rapist shuddered and plowed deep into their mark. Three cocks suddenly spewed forth a thick stream of spunk. Lisa caught Cindy's in her mouth while the two girls filled Cindy's holes up with their seed.

After a few minutes, they dragged the teacher out of the pool. Each looked at each other, wondering what next. However, Raine spotted Cindy's cock, still hard and proud. She smiled and slid onto the ground and pulled Cindy over her to brush their cocks together.

Samantha, on the other hand, had not had her fill and mounted the poor teacher. Her fat, ass-covered cock pressed softly against Cindy's white-dripping snatch. With Cindy's whimpering, Samantha began to push into the abused teacher once more.

"Cindy, you're going to please the rest of the girls with your mouth now. Is that understood?" asked Raine.

Cindy still glared at the girls but sighed. She couldn't be imposing when she was naked with cum leaking from all three of her holes. She nodded slowly. "I will do so willingly..."

For the next hour or so, Cindy had tasted more cocks more times than she had in her entire life. Lisa and Rebecca had closed the pool off and all six of her remaining students took turns with her mouth. Mai, the young petite asian girl with an eight inch cock fucked her face hard--Cindy was sure she tasted ass on that member. Linda, a typical southern belle, grinded her member on Cindy's face, only to cover it with her spunk.

Cindy had also cum so hard so many times, she was having trouble staying awake. She had begun to enjoy the feeling of Samantha's lovely shaft inside of her while Raine's rubbed against her own. Feeling the young set of breasts beneath her large, soft bosom was refreshing.

The last cock Cindy had sucked had been Rebecca's. Unlike before, she was more than willing to please the slender girl's femcock. She had brought the doey eyed girl to orgasm in record time and drank in her nakedness.

With no cock to occupy her mouth, Cindy was moaning like a bitch in heat. She was enjoying this far more than she should. These were children, her charges. Yet...she couldn't help herself.

Her thoughts were interrupted when she felt Raine's girlcock pressing at the entrance to her mons. The only problem was that Sam was still fucking her there! She looked down at Raine in a panic and gasped as the girl smiled knowingly.

Cindy's world shrank as the two large cocks pushed into her tight, dripping pussy. Her walls stroked the two members, forcing them together. Cindy shuddered as her clit was slid along Raine's shaft. She shuddered and held the girl beneath her tightly, her nails digging into flesh.

This continued for only five or six minutes, but in those minutes, Cindy was turned into a complete cockslut. She would willingly service any girl with a dick that could make her fill this way. She would try to deny this for the next several years but in her heart of hearts, she know it was true.

All three of them once again cummed. Cindy's cream pooled on Raine's stomach while the two girls dumped a massive amount of seed into the womb of her teacher. She shivered and cried out, the pleasure too much for her. The last she saw before she lost consciousness was the satisfied look of Raine's pleasure filled feature and Rebecca's loving gaze.

Bianca sighed as she made her way to her office. It was after school and her last appointment had taken her far longer than she had cared for. That was alright. These girls needed her, especially at this school. She was understandably aware of all the feelings her budding youths were feeling. They were insecure and afraid and she was there to help them. Among other things.

Bianca halted in her tracks once she opened the door to her office.

Inside, on her desk, was a naked woman. Not just any naked woman, but the lovely form of the swim teacher. Her hands and legs were tied together and she was gagged with what appeared to be panties kept in place with tape. White crust covered her face, breasts, and stomach, and what was leaking from the sloppy ass and cunt, Bianca could only imagine what.

What was most surprising was Cindy's cock. Standing tall and proud with a cute ribbon tied around it with a letter. Bianca reached for the letter and opened it while Cindy whimpered and begged for release. After reading the letter, Bianca went to her door and closed it.

Turned to face the teaching, Bianca smiled. Her smart business suit was coming off one garment at a time as she enjoyed the look of crushed hope on Cindy's face.

"Those wonderful children," Bianca said softly to Cindy. "They are so kind and considerate, always remembering their friends. Yes, my dear Cindy, they have given you to me as a gift and I think we will be enjoying each other for a long time to come."

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