Tales of an Adolescent Mutant

By moc.oohay@regnilliknorad

Published on Oct 26, 2006


Disclaimer: This story is completely 100% a work of fictional

"Devon .. Devon, wake up", yelled my mom from the doorway. "You'll be late for school and I don't have time to take you this morning".

This year unlike last year, he will not be late all the time. I can't be late to work at my new job.

"Food's on the table for you, see you when I get home. Devon you up yet, don't make me come in there."

That always makes him get moving.

"Ok, ok mom" I scream to her.

God she can be a pest sometimes, at least she usually respects my privacy. A good thing to since I like to sleep in the nude. I wish she would let me have a lock on the door though. I mean I am 14 now and in High School now, practically a man.

I remove my hand from my limp dick, real good thing she respects my privacy, never did finish. Breathe a sigh of resignation and accept the fact that it is Monday and I have to go to school. The only good thing about school is the showers after P.E.; a boy has to get clean, doesn't he.

I get out of bed and smell my underarm, great I can't skip a shower this morning. Which means I'm going to miss the bus and will be late, the very first day. The apartment is empty since my mom is gone. So there is no chance for her to see me as I go to the hallway bathroom. Yeah, a man's bathroom, being the only man in the two-bedroom apartment has a few perks.

After looking at the bathtub as he pisses in the toilet, man I have to get that thing cleaned sometime, it is even beginning to gross me out. Ok just a quick shower. I don't want to run all the way to school. I pull the curtain close, step in and turn the water on. Ahhh, shit forgot the water comes out ice cold here. Being that my mom and me just moved into this complex a week ago. Fucking divorce, not that my life was great then either.

I quickly shampoo and condition my hair, then soap up my body. I linger briefly around my genitals. Maybe just a few strokes; at least move my foreskin around, so it'll be clean. Thank you mom for having the foresight not to cut it off. Wish it was like other foreskins though. After rinsing off, I step out of the shower and turn off the water. Not caring about drying off I walk back to my room, heading straight to the full view mirror.

Yeah I look good, nice maple complexion not dark but not too light either. My skin tone is perfect to, not a single blemish on it. Never any acne, no scars and absolutely no hair anywhere on my body to really speak of. Well accept for the small bush of pubic hair but that hardly even grows and looks trimmed all by itself. Raising his arms above his head moving his long wavy shoulder length hair out of the way. Oh yeah and the barely noticeable patch under my arms, forgot about that. Damn I have nice shiny reddish brown hair.

I begin posing and modeling in the mirror, forgetting the fact that time is still ticking away. The only drawbacks to my perfection are these stupid inch long nails that are hard as hell to cut, luckily my toenails learned not to grow much. The other issue I have are these pointy fangs, I cut my tongue every time it hits them. But I have a nice swimmer's build with a slim six-pack and that makes up for everything. And just look at those beautiful hazel eyes, full look as if they were plucked eyebrows and long better than any girls eyelashes. Damn if I wanted to I could look better than any girl short of a model. But no girl has what I got between my legs, no sir.

The phone rings, shit moms calling to see if I'm still here. Why does she think I'll pick up the phone? What am I an idiot, I better get a move on and throw on some clothes. And run full speed to school, it's a straight shot from here.

If you have any comments or whatever please feel free to email them to me.

Next: Chapter 2

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