Teen Titans

By Charles Cox

Published on Dec 16, 2023


Robin and Beast Boy were crouched ontop of a rooftop. Down below some guys were bullying a boy.

"Come on faggot!" One of them growled. "You like dick so your gonna suck our cocks!"

The boy squirmed. Beast Boy smirked.

"Now?" Robin nodded.

Beast Boy transformed into a tiger and let out a loud roar. The bullies looked up just in time to see Robin swoop down. He kicked one guy in the chest and placed a round house kick to the other guys face. Both bullies went sprawling on thier backs. Robin turned to the boy.

"You ok?" The boy nodded. Beast Boy had turned into an hawk and landed.

"Im so glad you guys showed up when you did". Beast Boy smirked.

"Well maybe you can show us your gratitude". The boy looked from Robin to Beast Boy.

"How?" the boy asked. Robin moved closer to the boy.

"By letting us fuck that cute ass of yours!" The boy blushed.

"Im a virgin. Ive...never done anything before". Beast Boy smirked.

"We can teach you if youd like?" Robin said. The boy grinned.

"Really?" Both boys nodded. The boy thought for a moment.

"Ok, lets go!" Beast Boy and Robin took the boys hands and off they went.

Later On In Robins Room

"Do you really know Batman?" he asked. Robin nodded.

"He took me in when my parents died". The boy nodded.

"Im sorry to hear that". Beast Boy smiled.

"So, why dont you get undressed and show us what you got?" Robin rolled his eyes. He sat next to the boy.

"Whats your name?" The boy looked down at his shoes.

"Jack. Jack Napier II". Robins eyes grew wide.

"We'll be right back" he said pulling Beast Boy into the hall.

"Whats wrong? Are we gonna fuck this kid or not?" Beast Boy asked.

"Dont you recognize that name?" Beast Boy shrugged. Robin forgot Logan hadnt grown up in Gotham.

"The Joker!" Beast Boys eyes grew wide.

"You mean..." Robin nodded.

"That kid in there is the son of The Joker!" Beast Boys hard on suddenly went limp.

To Be Continued...

Hope you guy enjoyed part 3. Stay tuned to find out what Robin and Beast Boy do about the new kid. As always, be sure to support Nifty!

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