Thats Where You Take Me

By moc.loa@edud77zA

Published on Sep 21, 2002


Disclaimer: This story is fiction and is not intended to imply anything about the sexuality of Nsync or any personal knowledge of their private lives. Also, this story isn't intended for audiences under 18 or with moral objections to relationships, gay, straight, or whatever.

Warning! Hot gay sex! If your under 18 turn back now! If gay sex offends you then turn back! If it turns you on and your legal then read on...........

Part 3

Before Jeremy looked up I was back in the room with the door shut. I heard him enter the suite and call out for Josh. I held my breath wondering alternately what to do and where Josh was.

Then Jeremy knocked on the door and called out for Josh again. Okay time for a heart attack. Then an arm is wrapped around me and a hand is put over my mouth.

"I'll be out in a minute Jeremy, just let me throw some clothes on." Josh says.

"Cool, I'll on the phone." Jeremy replies.

Josh turns me around and kisses me. I wrap my arms around his waist and pull him closer to me and intensify the kiss. I feel his cock hardening in his sexy little briefs. So does he because he pulls back and whispers "Later, right now I gotta get out there and start looking at houses."

He pulls away and goes over to a dresser. He pulls out a pair of cargo shorts and a t-shirt. He throws them on and then a fisherman's hat and comes back over to me.

"I am going to get him out of here and when you hear the elevator it means the coast is clear. I wish you could come look at houses with me, but that would make things complicated wouldn't it? So come back tonight."

I just nod and he kisses me again. I go into the bathroom as he heads out into the penthouse. I hear their voices and a few minutes later the elevator. I stepped out of the bathroom still listening and when I was positive it was clear I grabbed my clothes and got out of the penthouse.

While waiting for the valet to get my jeep I just soaked up the sun. That is the beauty of Arizona, the sun. You can always have color is you dress right.

The valet pulled up with my car and I got in without so much as flirting.

What can I say? Josh wore me out. I pulled out onto the road and turned up the radio. Avril Lavigne was playing. I was going to have to pick up her CD later.

I got to the house and had 10 messages waiting for me, but I had to shower first. I get into the bathroom and strip in front of the mirror. Other than a bite mark on my left pec, there are no marks to show what kind of night I had. Hmm, I would have to work on that tonight, I thought with a smile.

I scrubbed up and dried off and strolled through the house in the buff. I went to the phone and saw that while I was in the shower I had got two more messages. I pushed play and started scanning. Three were for the roommates.

Seven were from the fag patrol asking about that hot guy with us last night.

I forwarded the first three and deleted the seven and got to the final two. Corey.

"Hey, if your dozing off you drunkenness and hear this please pickup. I need to talk."

"Kain, I really need to talk and if you don't pick up I am never talking to you again and will tell the patrol all your dirty secrets."

I picked up the phone and started dialing when the doorbell rang. I grabbed a towel and got Corey's voice mail. I hung up and went to the door. I opened and there was Corey crying with a bag. I held out my arms and he ran in.

"Its so awful, I can't believe he would do this to me. I loved him and this i s what he had in return. I hate him. But God I love him so much."

I just held him as he ranted. I knew that within a few minutes I would get the story. He just had to do this. As his words turned to sobs I closed the door and steered us towards the couch. He sat and I grabbed a pair of shorts from the back the couch and sat as well.

"Okay, what happened?" I asked.

"You know how there was a party with his friends last night? Well, it wasn't. It was the asshole being funny. He has a second boyfriend. This was an introduction. He wants us all to be together. Some polyemory crap is what he called it. He has been fucking this guy since we have been together.

I am not sure who the mistress and wife are. I am so stupid."

"No, your not Cor, you are in love.."

"Was in love, that bullshit is over."

"Fine, you were in love. But life goes on. You can stay here with me if you want for however long you want. Life is not over and your not stupid."

He sat there and looked at me for a moment.

"You got laid last night," he stated.


"You have that look and your giving me advice with this goofy smile. You got laid, it was good and…oh are falling for him. Oh sweetie, don't. Don't confuse the two heads when your thinking."

"I am not falling for him."

"Ah, so you DID get laid. Okay, spill who? Cause Jeremy said you went home alone."

"No one. I did not get laid and am not falling in love because I didn't get laid and lets get back to your problem."

"No, this helps me through my problem. You found a man. Oh my God. It was JC."


"Just fess up Kain. I am your oldest friend. I know you. You met JC last night, he fell for the hotness that you are and vice versa and you two managed to fool Jeremy and hooked up after the drop off."

"Damn, your good."

"It's a gift. So JC. Wow. Your number one crush for how long now?"

"Look, Cor, you CANNOT tell anybody. And oh my God it was so good. All night long and I am going back for more tonight."

"Your falling in love with him Kain. I can see it."

"No, I am not. I just had some really good sex with him and plan to have some more really good sex tonight. Simple as that."

"Nope, sorry love is never that simple," he said and got up.

I followed him into the kitchen. He started pulling out food and within minutes we were making tuna salad and I was spilling my guts about the night before. We ate by the pool and I couldn't stop talking. Until I looked over and saw that Corey was asleep in the lounge chair. I went inside and got my phone to call Jeremy.


"Jeremy, where are you right now?" I asked.

"At the office signing papers with a very happy Mr. Chasez. What's up?"

"He bought a house?"

"Yeah, huh? Hey Kain, hold on a second."




"Sorry about that, anyway, what's up?"

"Corey is here right now."

"Cool, you guys chilling?"

"Not exactly." I said and explained.

"Fucking asshole. How could he do this to him?"

"Come on Jeremy, we have been saying something like this would happen for a while now."

"I know, but this is Cor. He's like our little brother. I am so kicking Jack's ass."

"And getting sued?"

"Right. Forgot. Lawyer and lots of money. Okay, I'll just talk a lot of shit ok?"

I laughed and said,"Yeah better. Hey do you want to come for dinner? It would cheer Cor up. I think he'll be staying with me."

I heard the glass door open.

"Is that Jeremy?" Corey asked.

"Yeah hold on." I say and hand him the phone.

He got on and told Jeremy everything. While he did this I thought about what Jeremy had said. Josh had bought a house. How cool. But what if Corey was right and I was falling for him. Would he fall for me? What would happen? Aargh! This is why I avoid love. its easier just to have sex.

"Kain. Kain. Hello?"

I look up and Corey is standing in front of me.


"Thinking about JC are we?"

"No, yeah, no. What?"

"Hehe, nothing its cute to see you like this. Jeremy and JC will be here at 5 for dinner. So what shall we whip up?"

"Corey what did you say to Jeremy? He doesn't know."

"Yeah he does. JC told him. I think you two have a lot to talk about tonight."

"What do you mean?"

"Nothing, but lets go to the store and grab some stuff for dinner, we only have three hours."

So I threw some clothes on and we headed to Albertson's. The whole time we shopped I kept looking at Corey. He was putting his problem at bay by keeping up with the social life. And then I started thinking that Jeremy knew about me and Josh. Which led me to wonder what Josh had said and how he felt. Which led me to wonder what I felt. Which made shopping with me a pain for Corey because he had to do everything.

We got back to my house and started prepping the food. We were making chicken a la bachelor. Its boneless, skinless chicken breasts wrapped in pie dough's. You bake them and when the dough is crisp, you throw a can of cream of mushroom and a can of cream celery over it and let it simmer. Easy to make, yet when served it looks like you slaved for hours.

The chicken was crisping when Corey realized we looked like beach bums.

"Into the bedroom. Its time to dress."

Knowing to just go along with it, I followed. Corey dug through my closets for twenty minutes throwing outfits out at me. After trying them on in different variations, the end result was this: Blue jeans and aqua blue vest.

"Its casual, but not too casual."

Coming from the guy in overalls and a tight Tommy tank. Yeah, not too casual. We went to the kitchen and threw in the sauce. Corey started the steamed vegetables as I prepared the salad. I was just putting the finishing touches on the salad when the doorbell rang. Corey came over and took over the salad leaving me to rinse my hands and get the door.

I open the door and am met by Jeremy in jeans and a Polo shirt. He leans in, kisses me and says, "Congratulate me, I just made a killer commission and have brought you the man of your dreams."

Before I can open my mouth and respond I see Josh standing there. Looking so damn sexy in overalls and a black tee. He holds out a bottle of wine. Jeremy goes into the kitchen leaving us in the door.

"So…" I say.

"Sorry, but after last night I had to know all about you. I couldn't stop myself. I really like you Kain. And well, if it isn't too weird and too fast, I would really like to get to know you."

I stood there in stunned silence. He looked at me with those gorgeous blue eyes and just kissed me.

"Yes, I want to get to know you too." I said.

"Good, now lets get to know Jeremy and me too."

We turn and Corey is standing there smiling.

"Dinner sir's, is served," he says.

Josh pulls an arm away from me and shakes Corey's hand.

"Nice to meet you Corey."

"Nice to meet you too. I love your outfit."

We go into the dining room and the lights are dimmed with all the candles lit. Jeremy is pouring the wine and Corey has already brought in the food. Josh sits next to me, leaving Corey and Jeremy across from us. I serve everyone and we start in.

"Wow, this is really good. How do you do this?" Josh asks after trying the chicken.

Corey and I smile at each other.

"Special recipe, Kain will have to share with you sometime. So you bought a house, now when do you plan on moving in." Corey asked.

"Well, I have some business to take care of in California next week, but my stuff will be moved in then. Until then I will be staying at the hotel." Josh responded.

"So is the group really on hiatus or are your guys just waiting for Justin to make it and ditch you."

"Corey!" I said.

"No, its cool. Actually he's right. Justin has been wanting to do some solo stuff for the past year now and with pop music fading out it seemed like a good thing. Plus, we have been having some issues as a group."

"Like what?"

"Corey stop being such a nosey gossip." Jeremy said.

"It okay guys. I'm the new guy in town and your what I would call friends and I have no problem telling friends stuff. Its not gossip and you not being nosey Corey." Josh said.

"Thank you." Corey responded.

"You see me and Justin were really good friends, but when he started dating Britney things got weird. He would never hang with any of us. And then we would get calls from Britney because he was supposed to be with us. I don't like lying. You see, Britney was a friend from the MMC days and I couldn't stand her being treated like that. So I chose between her and Justin. And since then the group has paid. But the guys are cool with all this. Joey wants to pursue acting. Chris has his clothes and is looking to do comedy. And Lance is trying like hell to get in to space. But without the group we are cool."

"Wow. So you and Britney are cool then?" Corey asked.

"Yeah, she's like a little sister. She's taken the break up hard. I am there for her as much as she has been there for me. Its cool. One friendship ended and anther began."

"So what are your plans now?" Jeremy asked and winked at me.

"Well, I want to get settled into my new place and set up shop. That's the reason that place grabbed me. The view was awesome and the landscape and pool were too. The inside has so much room, but it was the downstairs that got me hooked. That soundproofed basement is going to be my recording studio. I have a lot of connections and people that want to work with me. I fly around a lot to work with them, but having my own studio lets me work at home and get my business started. And well, the other plan will be to get to know Kain better and possibly start a future together."

My jaw dropped. I looked over and so had Corey and Jeremy's. Josh just laughed, turned to me and pulled me close.

"When I see something that has so much potential I go for it. With all my heart."

We finished up dinner and took our drinks to the pool and sat around talking. Corey and Jeremy asking Josh about music, Josh asking us all about ourselves. Me just being comfortable laying on the lounge with Josh's head on my lap. It was all cool until about midnight when we heard a car pull up.

The doorbell started ringing and we all knew who it was.

"Jack." Corey said.

"Stay here Cor and let us do this." Jeremy said as he got up.

I followed him in and saw Josh sit next to Cor. I opened up the door to see Jack Morgan fuming.

"where the hell is he?"

"You have a lot of nerve coming here Jack." Jeremy said through his teeth.

"Get over it, where is he?"

"Jack, he's not wanting to talk to you right now. I'd suggest going back to you plaything and leaving him alone." I said.

"No, he will talk to me. I am not leaving until he does."

"Well, the way I see it, its like this: you leave right now or you can stand out there leave with the cops after I call them." I said.

Jack thought it over for a minute.

"I'll have his things sent over in the morning. Tell him its through and I was my ring back," he said and stormed off to his car.

We closed the door as he peeled off. Went back out to the patio.

"Everything okay?" Josh asked.

"Yeah. Cor, your stuff will be here tomorrow. We'll move you into the guest room alright?" I asked.

"Okay," he said in a small voice.

We all looked at each other.

"Hey, you know what? I am not sad, I am drunk, lets have fun."

With that he stood up and unsnapped his overalls and let them drop, peeled off his shirt and underwear in a flash.

"Let's skinny dip," he said and jumped in.

Jeremy laughed and in a minute was butt naked and in the pool. I looked over and Josh and he smiled.

"Lets do it."

With that the clothes came off and the four of us were splashing around naked. We acted like kids, dunking each other and racing. Jeremy and Corey started playing Marco Polo as I swam over to Josh. He pulled me to him and started to kiss me. Instant wood. I wrapped my legs around his waist and we started making out.

"Hey Cor, lets go see if South Park is on."

"Umm yeah."

I heard them get out and their feet slapping the patio, but was too wrapped up in Josh to care. I was grinding my ass against his cock and creating some friction between his stomach and my cock.

"Hold tight" he whispered in my ear.

I wrapped my arms around his neck as I felt his cock at my asshole. I gasped as it plunged in, but not for long because his mouth was back on mine kissing me as he thrust his hips making his cock slide in and out of my ass.

He walked us over to the steps and sat on them, allowing me more control.

I rode his cock hard and fast. The water was splashing and my balls were slapping on his stomach. I loved the feeling being there on top of him, feeling his cock inside of me.

He picked me up again, this time off of his cock and bent me over the patio. He plunged back in, his stomach slapping on my ass as he thrust. His thrust got harder and faster and I knew he was getting close. He reached around and grabbed my cock. With only that touch I spurted cum all over the patio causing him to scream out "I'm cumming" and feeling his hot cum all over my ass.

He turned me so I was on my back and laid on top of me. We lay like this for I don't know how long, because I was so content. I think we may have drifted off, because I heard a coyote howl and felt Josh jerk.

"What was that?" he asked.

"Just a coyote. Out in the desert. But lets get inside."

We slowly stood up and I saw that he was still half asleep. I grabbed his hand and led him to the house. We walked down the hall and I put him in my bed and put the covers on him. Laying their asleep he was so beautiful.

I went down the hall to check on the guys. I saw the light from the TV and figured they were passed out in front of it.

Instead I walk in and find Jeremy riding Corey's cock and the two of them kissing like there were no tomorrow.

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