Adventures of Jake a Lifesaver

By JustJames (James Robinson, James Jones, JacanaKid, The Fisherman)

Published on Jul 5, 2008


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The Adventures of Jake a Lifesaver, Chapter 9, by justjames17.

Both Jake and George sat comforting the distressed Chad until he finally calmed down, Jake related his narrow escape from Con's clutches and both lads felt a bond forged between them. George listened to their tales of sexual attack and he said in a hushed voice, "This Con bloke needs dealing with big time but how and what can we organise?"

Jake sat quietly thinking jard and after a minute he said, "What if I act as a decoy and you guys ring the cops when he makes his move on me?"

George rubbed his chin in thought before replying, "Yeah that might work Jake but you can't guarantee how long before the cops turn up can you?"

Jake nodded and went on, "Well if things get out of hand you guys can move in and help me with Con, then when the wallopers arrive we will hand the prick over to them. I'll ask Toby and my cousin Colin to help out as well, surely between five of us we can pin him down and everyone can act as witnesses to the assault; that will nail Con completely."

Chad sounding happier said, "Yeah that would work ok Jake, we can be in the club while you wander down to the beach and Con follows you. Just don't wander too far or we will have trouble watching what goes on."

The three lads got to their feet and walked together up the sloping ramp to the car park where they separated and headed home, Chad limping along his abused arse hurting as he walked while Con's cum seeped from his red swollen and puffy ring. Con was at home relaxing after his conquest, his cock hard and dribbling as he relived the deflowering of the virgin surfer. He was picturing Chad's superb muscular young body as he ploughed his so tight ring and christened his colon with a huge hot load of baby batter. He chuckled to himself as he slowly stroked his stiff pole as he remembered the plaintive cries of pain as he slammed in and out of that so incredibly tight hot anus. He relived the wet softness of the surfer's lips as he clamped his hand over the contorted mouth as his big fat schlong stuffed its way up Chad's innocent writhing silky arse.

Con arched his taut body up as his big sperm makers discharged shooting huge gouts of juice up and out of that thick 8inch cum cannon, fountains of pearly essence gushed up high above his tensed belly like a gusher from an oil rig. The juice spattered down coating his sweaty glistening torso leaving milky puddles scattered about that mahogany tanned skin as Con's muscles flexed and writhed in his massive climax. After he regained his composure Con's thoughts turned to his desire to have Jake, his desire to get hold of the tall slender blond lifesaver still ruled his brain, he wanted that incredibly slim lad pinned down as he invaded his innards with his big fat tool. He dreamed of how tight that tall skinny lad's arse would be, the old saying that 'the closer the bone the sweeter the meat' he was sure was true and this increased his desire to taste the forbidden fruit of the young lifesaver.

The next day Jake was out on his morning run and loping along the coastal walking track that ran along parallel to the coastline with great views of the small coves and surf sculptured cliffs and rocks, he was passing a tiny cove when he saw two dark haired heads awash in the boiling surf, one person seemed to be attempting to rescue the other trying to tow the other to the shore. Jake bounded across to the sandy track winding down the steep hill to the beach; by the time he arrived the two swimmers had reached the shore and were lying on the sand still washed by the surf. Jake saw that it was two Asians, one in black speedos younger than the other wearing tiny blue togs or maybe a thong. The younger guy was lying half on his mate crying in distress as his mate was not moving and seemed either unconscious or possibly dead.

Jake raced to the two prone figures and gently pushed the younger bloke off the other as he checked the man's mouth for obstruction and then started giving him mouth to mouth, the kiss of life. The younger swimmer tried to push Jake off his friend, he seemed to think Jake was doing sexy things but Jake restrained him and speaking slowly told him he was trying to help his friend. The young swimmer knelt beside his friend a hand gently caressing his mate's thigh and his flat firm abdomen while Jake worked hard trying to get the man breathing. After some minutes the older man coughed and vomited up a frothy mess of seawater as his body convulsed and his limbs spasmed, his young friend knelt there transfixed with fear. The man took in a huge gasping breath and coughed up more frothy phlegm as his eyelids fluttered, a third convulsion of froth erupted from his mouth then he groaned and opened his eyes blinking at the glare.

Jake knelt there watching his recovery as the young man kissed his friend who had now cracked a huge bar in his straining swim gear, Jake realised the two were lovers and he felt a thrill run through him at the thought he'd helped them both through a huge trauma. The young man broke his lip lock and looked up at the smiling Jake, he knee walked close to Jake then reached out his hands and took Jake's face in his wet hands and then kissed Jake on the mouth. Jake was taken aback by the response and blushed under his tan, the young man spoke in halting English, "Thank you sir ah um you save my um ah friend."

Jake smiled at him and said, "that's cool mate I'm a lifesaver at the surf club along the coast a little, you guys shouldn't be swimming here its too dangerous you should only swim where there are lifesavers on duty."

The older guy, now sat up and placed a hand on Jake's thigh as he spoke in Japanese, Jake shook his head, "Sorry mate I don't understand."

The young guy, Akira, translated saying that he was thanking me and as I'd saved him he owed me everything. Jake squatted there on his heels as the man's hand gently caressed his thigh gradually moving higher and higher towards his crotch. Jake sat there transfixed as the man massaged his leg then his fingers touched Jake's now stiff dick as it was trapped in his briefs across his hip, Jake shivered excitedly as he began to breath faster. Both swimmers were watching him, their darkly gleaming but inscrutable eyes unmoving, Jake glanced down at their crotches to see boned bulges straining their tight togs, he was trembling with eagerness at the thought of two Asian men playing with him. Jake's mind went back to the student he had rescued and how sexually excited he'd become at the time and how he'd dreamed about having sex with him.

Now here he was alone on a deserted beach with two good looking Japanese blokes whom were both sexually aroused and getting him very excited and making his boner throb like crazy. One was older probably near thirty or a bit older while the younger one was about his age maybe a year or two older but he had difficulty working out Asian guys' ages. Both of them were fit looking and had smooth muscular bodies with that sexy ivory skin that turned Jake on. He could see the older blokes' boner was bigger and drooling through the material of his dark blue togs, the younger one was stiff as a steel spike but not oozing as he stroked himself watching his friend feeling up the fair haired young Aussie.

The man now had his hand up the loose leg of Jake's shorts and was grasping Jake's throbber, working his hand up and down the stiff young dick, the man was smiling at Jake as he stroked him then he spoke and the younger one translated again, "Daichi wants you go back our hotel so we play, you ok do that?"

Jake by now ready for anything nodded and the three left the beach and walked up to the tourists' hire car, a nice shiny new BMW. They climbed aboard the sleek machine and drove away, the trip took only a short time before they pulled into the courtyard of a large unit, one of six built on top of the cliff overlooking the wild coast. They climbed out and entered the villa like unit and immediately Daichi grabbed Jake bending him so he could reach the tall young surfer's lips, the man's tongue invaded Jake's mouth taking him by surprise but soon both were kissing and swapping saliva eagerly.

Akira was on his knees stripping off both guys' shorts to gain access to their speedo clad groins, his hands were soon caressing and coaxing both cocks to steely hardness and he was impressed with the young Aussie's erection. His was so big compared to their Japanese organs, his straining Lycra swim trunks looked as if they would split from the strain. Akira felt the steely hot shaft with his fingers and felt it throbbing to the pounding of Jake's heart as it pumped blood to the turgid tool. His friend's erection was also pulsing in his g-string and the lad was rubbing it happily as it was an old friend, he gently tugged both dicks until they met knob to knob separated only by the thin material of their tight togs. Akira rubbed the slick bulges together mixing the leaking juices and driving both Jake and Daichi wild with the sensations as their sensitive knobs rubbed together.

Jake's legs were trembling excitedly as he felt the hand grip on his dick and then the sensuous slithering as his cock rubbed on Daichi's moist cock covering, Jake shuddered and more pre cum issued from his swollen cock head. Both guys were moaning into each other's mouths as their tongues thrashed about sinuously, Akira began sucking each fat knob through the material draining out the bubbles of sweet juice. Jake and Daichi parted and looked down to see the bobbing head as it swung from one cock to the other, Daichi grinned and dropped a hand to ruffle the lad's thick black shiny hair.

Daichi grunted words and Akira stopped sucking and got to his feet still clutching the rigid rods in his hands; he began to walk leading both Daichi and Jake behind him as he headed for the bedroom. The three guys fell onto the bed together Jake was soon in the middle with Daichi behind him pressing his eager erection into his bum crack, Akira was in front rubbing his sexy arse against Jake's burning boner. In no time they were all stripped naked erections pulsating and leaking like taps, Daichi pressed his slimy knob into Jake's hot hole as the lad cried out, "Gently I'm still very tight down there."

Akira translated for Daichi who then began to slip a lubed finger in and out of Jake's tight ring, Jake's cock was also prodding against Akira's back door but the Japanese lad was used to being rooted and he moaned pushing back to aid Jake's hard horn's entry. He gasped as Jake heaved into him punching through his supple pliant ring and sliding hot and hard up his well used chute, the length of Jake was the problem not his girth as his plump knob stretched and penetrated to depths not felt before. Akira moaned aloud and shuddered as he felt that long snake insinuating up into his belly, the sensation was awesome and he squirmed clenching his buttocks on Jake's shaft increasing the young Aussie's pleasure.

Daichi meanwhile had now worked three fingers deep inside Jake's molten hot arse and was massaging his excited prostate driving the lad insane with delight, Jake's rectum was palpitating and moving back and forth on the fingers as he humped in and out of Akira's sweet eager behind. Daichi moved himself close and pressed his prick into Jake's moist muscle, Jake moaned into Akira's ear as he felt the blunt bludgeon stretch him open before it popped inside his accepting anus. All three were now joined together and Daichi allowed Jake to move on his cock as he ploughed Akira's arse, gradually Jake took more and more of the thick stubby cock until he finally felt the wiry pubes tickling his smooth buttocks. He sighed and squirmed on Daichi's manhood stirring Akira's innards with his own pole, he began to move back and forth smoothly and slowly enjoying how Akira's hot velvety clinging flesh caressed his cock.

His own arse was strangling about Daichi's hard on as he humped back and forth and he was soon lost in a blinding surge of sexual delight as both ends were feeling the ultimate pleasure of giving and receiving at the same time. Jake's body was on fire it started in his midriff and raced throughout his straining body, his toes curled and his brain exploded in a fiery eruption while his cock went wild as did his dick filled rectum. He clenched down on Daichi's cock dragging the man with him towards a stupendous climax while he ground his own pole deep in the buttery heat and began filling Akira with his squirting seed. Akira squeaked loudly as his own climax raged and fountains of sperm sprayed out drenching the bedspread. All three filled the room with their chorus of release moans and groans interspersed with Akira's high-pitched squeals and squeaks.

The scent of male musk and sperm filled the room as the three protagonists emptied their excited nuts draining every drop of semen from their roiling nuts. They lay a jumble of hot sweaty limbs and torsos as they gasped and gurgled air into there oxygen starved lungs, eventually Jake's and Nyoki's tools slipped free from the flesh baking bung holes and lay wetly oozing on their thighs as Akira giggled beside them. Nyoki regained his composure and began to speak while Akira translated, "I wish to thank you Jake for allowing me the pleasure of having intercourse with you and Akira too is overwhelmed by your having sex with him as well. I wish also to give you much money for saving my life today I owe you more than I can ever repay."

Jake smiled and rested his long fingered hand on Nyoki's thigh and replied, "No Nyoki I can't accept any money from you and Akira was the one who rescued you from the sea I only came along and helped resuscitate you after he dragged you onto the shore."

Nyoki looked at Jake and saw the determination in the young blond's eyes and he knew that money wasn't going to be accepted even as Akira translated Jake's words. He thought hard and then said, "If there is ever any way I can assist you in the future you only need ask me, I will give you my cell phone number and my business card of my company so you can contact me if you need to. I am here to purchase a company here in Victoria and it would be a great honour if one day you could come and work there."

Jake listened to Akira's translation and felt honoured that such a wealthy businessman would think he could work for him, he thanked Nyoki and then he said, "I must get going or I'll be late for my lunch then I have a shift at the club this afternoon."

He got up and walked to the toilet to void his cum filled arse then after washing himself he donned his clothes watched by the two naked Japanese who lay hugging together both sporting fresh erections. Jake made his farewells and headed out to jog home. As Jake jogged home he relived the exciting sex he'd just experienced and the fact that they were Japanese had fulfilled his dream of Asian sex after his rescue of the student recently.

He finally reached home and headed for the bathroom to shower and remove the aroma of sweat and sex that lingered on his sweaty body, he showered and thoroughly washed his genitals and rectum. He dried himself and padded to his room to don a fresh pair of speedos, clean shorts and t-shirt before going to have lunch that his mum Maxine had prepared. A mixed grill with hot steamed vegetables was waiting on the table as he walked in and sat down, he thanked his smiling mum who knew how hungry her slim son was and delighted in watching him eat. Jake needed the sustenance to get him through the hot afternoon of watching over the swimmers on the surf beach.

Jake wolfed down his lunch as Colin came in from being down the surf club with Toby, Maxine placed a second filled plate in front of her nephew and watched him shovel the food into his hungry maw. Colin asked Jake where he'd been and Jake answered saying he'd been out jogging, Colin raised an inquiring eyebrow as he sensed there was more to be told but Jake ignored it and concentrated on his food. After lunch the two lads headed out after doing the washing up, on the way to the beach Colin began quizzing Jake who just kept reiterating that he'd been jogging. He still hadn't got over Colin taking up with Toby and their relationship was decidedly chilly, even though Jake now had George in his life. Colin still fancied Jake but Jake showed him no interest at all.

To be continued.

Next: Chapter 10

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