The Athletes Slut

By Kyle Senn

Published on Nov 20, 2018


The Athlete's Slut, Part 1

"That's a good little bitch," the sweaty jock whispered. "Why don't you help me take these shorts off?"

Ollie moved his arms up and peeled the sweaty fabric down slowly, revealing the strong V of muscles to the thick golden bush and then finally the heavy semi-hard cock and low hanging balls. The jocks intense crotch musk hit him in the face like a warm washcloth.

He licked his lips, staring directly at the small pearl of pre-cum shining on the tip of the jocks penis.

"Go ahead and wrap those pretty lips around it."

Oliver Kade wasn't the most athletic person. He was shorter than most of his classmates and didn't quite have the hand-eye coordination needed for sports but, alas, was always signed up for and pushed into trying out for everything. The only thing he really ever excelled at was swimming but it was never quite good enough for his dad. His father was the head coach of the local college lacrosse team and before that was an assistant coach for the university football team so all of Ollie's life was being surrounded by sports. Each Sunday different players from various teams would come over to watch a game and have dinner with his family and every night afterwards Ollie would sneak back up to his room and jerk off furiously.

One night as a freshman one of the college football players even snuck away from the bathroom to make Ollie suck him off. He kept calling him `girl' and petting his soft, short blonde hair but Ollie didn't mind. He just relished that he was able to suck his first dick in his own bedroom while his parents and siblings were downstairs. After swallowing a massive load, they both rejoined the dinner table one after the other and for the rest of the evening the jock shot him lazy smirks as Ollie tasted him with every bite of food.

When Ollie got into high school and started taking swimming more seriously, his dad couldn't really hide his disappointment and started pulling Ollie with him to the park every weekend to train him in lacrosse. It just never really took and after only one month they stopped training and his dad suddenly didn't have a lot of time for him.

An away game for the lacrosse team was coming up and Ollie wanted nothing more than to go with his dad to the game to see if they could spend time together. He brought it up a few nights before he was supposed to leave and after a bit of begging, his parents finally relented.

The drive up to Portland was... difficult. They picked up a very large and loud boy with shaggy sandy hair, olive skin and bulging muscles. He was so tall his knees pushed up against the airbag even with the seat pulled back as far as possible.

Trevor droned on and on about lacrosse and his course schedule for the three hours it took them to get from Seattle to Portland. It wasn't until about half way through the trip when Ollie was nodding off that Trevor reached his meaty hand to the back and squeezed his thigh. He did it to include Ollie but each time he would reach higher and higher until the fourth time he squeezed so high up that Ollie's hard dick tapped the jocks hand.

Ollie's face turned red when Trevor's hand snapped back up and the rest of the ride the jock didn't turn back once.

"Looks like the team is already here," said his dad as they pulled into the parking lot.

After checking into the hotel and setting their stuff down, Ollie and his dad made their way down to the front lobby where most of the lacrosse team that had shown up already were waiting. About ten hunky and muscular college jocks of all shapes and sizes stood up to greet their coach and a few of them even shot Ollie a head nod when he was introduced.

While his dad started going over practice and game schedules, Ollie made his way through the hotel lobby to the bathroom. He didn't really have to pee but he walked up to the fancy stalls anyway and took his dick out. He shook it up and down until it chubbed a little but froze when the door opened and one of the jocks from his dad's team walked right up to the stall next to him and started pissing loudly.

"You should come hang out with us at the trailer," he said in his deep baritone.

Ollie nodded, not daring to look over. The jock chuckled as he clearly shook his dick and stuffed it back inside his shorts. They walked over to the sinks and the athlete nudged his shoulder playfully. The guy was built like a tank. He had at least a full foot on him and looked like he ate protein for breakfast, lunch and dinner. His deep blue eyes were assessing and his strong jaw and nose and movie star wavy dark hair made Ollie want to bend over right there to show off his pink little hole.

"I'm serious. I remember going on trips with my dad when he was coaching and it was boring as shit. After the meeting come out and hang out with a few of us." He shot Ollie a smile that would make even the most religious nun wet.

"Thank man," said Ollie a bit shakily. "That sounds cool."

About an hour later Ollie made his way out to the RV. His dad said he needed to take a nap before they did drills later that afternoon so Ollie took the jock up on his offer but the closer he got the more he was chickening out. What if this was all a joke? Why would they want to hang out with a scrawny sophomore?

He paused but didn't have much time to think before a big hand clamped down on his shoulder.

"Hey little dude!" said the jock from before. He was wearing the same black workout shorts and a gray tank top that showed off his entire body.

"Hey... my dad fell asleep so I thought I'd come out here to--"

"Hell yeah. Come on in. I'm Derek by the way."

The jock led him right up and into the RV, his strong hand never leaving his shoulder. Three of the guys from the lobby were all hanging out shirtless and in various poses around the trailer. It looked like a gay boys wet dream. The guys honed in on the new meat in the trailer and nodded at him again before going back to their rowdy conversations.

"Nah dude!" said the thick blonde with plate-like pecs. "She wanted this dick for sure." He grabbed a sizable bulge inside his gray sweatpants and they all laughed.

Derek motioned for Ollie to sit on a small ledge near the front while he sat directly behind him in the revolving chair. He kicked his black flip-flops off and planted his big feet on either side of Ollie and a light shiver ran over the boys neck when he realized he could literally feel the jocks warm body heat tingling the entire back of his body.

"That's Brian," Derek whispered into his ear. Ollie's skim pimpled at his hot breath and tried to will himself to not get hard.

"Fuck you bro!" said Mason, according to another of Derek's quick whispers. "She wanted my dick!" Mason stood up and pulled his dick out of his elastic shorts, wagging the excessive flaccid cock around while they all laughed.

Ollie couldn't help but drool. Mason was everything he had ever fantasized about. He had to be at least six-foot-four and built like a bull. Every muscle was tanned and thick and even his lips and nose were thick but in that total jock kind of way. His hair was trimmed like an army brat that had grown out for a few weeks and his hands and feet were too big for his already beefed up body.

"Put that shit away," said Derek as they all laughed. "We got a kid present."

They all turned to Ollie.

"Nah, you're not a kid are you? How old are you?" said a red chiseled faced named Randy, according to another of Derek's whispers. Randy stood up and walked towards Ollie, putting his big rough hand on his shoulder and looking him right in the eye with his cro-magnon-like face and dark eyes.

"Sixteen," said Ollie. They all erupted in "ohhhhh" and Randy swaggered a bit before centering himself again a little too closely to him, effectively sandwiching Ollie between the two ripped studs.

"Ehhh, I remember being sixteen! Bet you're horny all the time. Hell, I still am!"

They all chuckled and Randy stumbled back to his seat, scratching his loose sack along the way. They continued on like that for a while, including Ollie here and there but mostly just drinking some beers and talking about girls. After another beer the guys started settling down and switching to water for their upcoming practice.

"So Ollie," said Mason. "You got a boyfriend?"

He choked a little on his soda. "What?" How did they know he was gay?

"Nah dude, don't worry about it, we all know you're gay and it's cool," said Randy. He scratched his nuts again and they all laughed when Ollie watched.

"Uh... I mean, no. No boyfriend." He could feel his face heating up and he looked down.

Derek reached around and squeezed Ollie's pec, shaking him back and forth roughly. "You'll find someone, bro."

Mason licked his thick lips and nodded. "Yeah little dude, maybe you'll even find someone while we're all out here."

About an hour later everyone met back at the lobby for a head count and to board the bus to the field except for Derek and Mason who were driving the RV over. Trevor still hadn't payed any attention to Ollie after the awkward boner incident so it was surprising when he sat down next to him on the bus. Ollie sat towards the front while most of the other guys sat in the back rows but Trevor just sat there and didn't pay him any attention again, instead turning and talking to the other guys a couple rows back.

His big butt kept bumping into Ollie as he spoke animatedly with his friends and Ollie had to concentrate as hard as possible to not get a boner. Especially now that he knew they all knew he was gay. They might be cool with it but getting hard in front of them, because of them, was another story.

When they arrived to the field, Trevor put his hand on Ollie's thigh and squeezed it as he used it to push himself up and adjust his shorts with his big ass in Ollie's face. Not once even acknowledging anything happened, Trevor kept talking with his buds and got off the bus. Once everyone was off, Ollie walked over towards the RV where a grinning Mason and Derek were waiting for him.

"Hey bud," said Derek as he ruffled his hair. "Can you keep an eye on the trailer for us?"

Mason leaned in conspiratorially and said: "We have a lot of weed in there." His minty breathe washing over his face.

Ollie laughed. "Yeah guys, I'll just hang out and watch TV or something."

"Fuck yeah," said Derek with a big smile. "You're the best, little dude."

They patted him roughly and slapped his ass as they left for the field, their muscular bodies doing all sorts of things to Ollie as he watched them walk away.

The RV smelled like a bunch of guys were living in it but Ollie didn't mind one bit. Once he was sure everyone was at practice he let himself look around. The fridge had a bunch of beer in it and some stale sandwiches, the couch cushions were stashed with small bags of weed and there was a small pile of sweaty clothes in the small back bedroom.

Ollie reached into the sweaty stack of clothes and fished around until he found some underwear. He knew it was perverted but he couldn't help himself as he pushed his nose into the crotch area and inhaled deeply a few times. Feeling a bit creepy after a while he made his way back to the front area and turned on the TV, playing games on his phone.

After about an hour he dozed off, dreaming of Derek flexing for him until he woke up to a muffled bang. It took him a minute to realize his phone had fallen down the crack of the couch. He tried to reach it but it was too far under so he got on his hands and knees in front of it and arched his back down until he could almost... reach... it...

The door of the RV opened behind him and someone let out a low whistle. He shimmied his way out from underneath to lean up but was met face to face with a very prominent bulge under sweaty lacrosse shorts. His eyes moved up the shirtless stud, up his defined and shiny abs to the pillowy pecs until he saw a very cocky looking smirk on Trevor's wet chiseled face. Ollie moved to stand up but Trevor put his big hand on his shoulder to hold him down and planted his thick leg up on the couch, filling Ollie's nostrils with a fresh burst of jock musk.

"Are.... are you done with practice?" said Ollie as he tried to hold onto his focus while his senses were on overdrive.

Trevor licked his lips and shook his head slowly. "Came in to get a fresh pair of shorts. Seems I soaked through these ones."

He pushed his hips forward and rubbed his sweaty crotch all over the boys face. Ollie shut his eyes and pushed himself forward into the heavy dick underneath.

"That's a good little bitch," whispered Trevor. "Why don't you help me take these shorts off?"

Ollie moved his arms up and peeled the sweaty fabric down slowly, revealing the strong V of muscles to the thick golden bush and then finally the heavy semi-hard cock and low hanging balls. The jocks intense crotch musk hit him in the face like a warm washcloth.

He licked his lips, staring directly at the small pearl of pre-cum shining on the tip of the jocks penis.

"Go ahead and wrap those pretty lips around it."

Ollie immediately opened his mouth and began sucking in the thick tube of flesh. The salty tang from practice made his eyes roll back and before he knew it he was slurping up and down on a seven inch cock. Trevor's big hands wrapped around his small head and bobbed him back and forth, grunting and moaning above him.

"That's it," moaned Trevor. "What a good cocksucker you are."

Ollie pulled the jock all the way into his mouth until his nose was buried deep in his musky pubes and swallowed. A few droplets of sweat rained down on his face, adding to the salty mix in his mouth.


Ollie's tongue slithered out as the stud's dick was buried in his mouth and licked his balls. He leaned forward and ran his hands up Trevor's tree-trunk thighs until he was holding on to his big bubble butt.

"Damn bitch, you know what you're doing. Look me in the eye. Look at who's fucking your mouth."

Trevor pulled his dick all the way out and slapped him in the face a few times before shoving it back down his throat and making him deep throat him, Ollie never once breaking eye contact; A few more droplets of sweat rained down onto his eager face as he continued to slurp.

Ollie was in heaven. His chin and shirt were covered in both their sweat, spit and precum but he had never been happier than where he was at that moment: on his knees with a big jock using his mouth to get off.

It wasn't long before Trevor's thrusts and moans became erratic. He moved his large hands until one was wrapped around Ollie's throat while the other palmed the back of his head like a basketball.

"Yeah gay boy, you ready for this load?"

Ollie nodded and swallowed again with the jocks dick in his mouth. A couple more pumps and his mouth flooded with spurt after spurt of the bittersweet brew. He swallowed as fast as he could but there was so much of it that it dribbled down onto his shirt in globs.

Trevor pulled his dick out of the boys mouth with an obscene slurp and slapped him on the tongue a couple times, chuckling.

"Fuck, you know how to suck a cock."

He rubbed his dick around Ollie's face a few times, slicking his sweaty forehead in cum and spit. Ollie took his time licking and sucking the cum off of his moist crotch, earning some deep guttural moans when he sucked in his heavy balls individually.

Once he was all clean he lightly tapped Ollie's wrecked face with his fist and walked to the back room, emerging soon after in a new pair of dry shorts as Ollie fell back onto his butt in a daze.

"See ya around, cocksucker," he said with a smirk as he pushed the door open and jogged back to the field.

Ollie leaned back and licked the dribbling cum from his chin and laughed. What just happened?

Hey guys! Thanks for reading. The entire story is fictional but it's all based off of a fantasy I had when I was younger where my dad really did coach a college lacrosse team and the guys had me guard their weed on the RV at an away game... but unfortunately that's all that happened.

Anyway, shoot me an email if you liked it and/or have any suggestions for future Ollie sexiness. I have an outline for a couple more chapters if there's any interest.


Next: Chapter 2

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