The Awaking

By joey romero

Published on Oct 18, 2009


Thank you all for reading my stories I hope to hear more from you. if you have any more ideas or anything to help with my stories just write my at and thanks again

Harry was asleep from the long day that he had. As he slept he could hear Draco's voice once more in his sleep. But the voice was to low for him to hear what he was saying. Harry slowly made his way up a tower , he could hear Draco's voice much more clearer now.

"A scattered dream that's like a far - off memory, a far - off memory that's like a scattered dream. I want to line the pieces up, yours and mine.

Before Harry could ask what that those words meant. Before he could ask any thing more he was hit with a sharp blow to the head that ended his attempts, he sank into a could darkness. When he awoke, he was chained facing a dank stone wall, his arms and leg outstretched and fastened so he could not move them. From the corner of his eye, he could turn enough to see that he was in some kind of lower dungeon and that all the men present were his sisters creatures. He knew then that he would be shown no mercy and gave him self for lost. That feeling only worsened when his sister Pansy entered carrying a long carter's whip in her cold hands. She wouldn't think of nothing of beating him to death of nearly so. Harry wanted to say some thing but could not get the words out so he tugged frantically at the chains when he realized what was about to happen but could not free him self. She laughed to see it and he'd would ceased rather that give her amusement.

"I told you what I would do to, beast. And I am a woman who keeps her word." she snapped the whip though the air and Harry bit his lip to hold back a whimper.

The fist blow stung a little but since they had not removed his tunic, he was able to bear it. Harry found his thoughts turning to Draco and marveled that he should be punished for attracting the attentions of a prince whom he'd hated. Still , a part of him rejoiced that he had taken some thing from Pansy, even if she killed him for it. The fourth blow mad him moan and the eighth to shriek as his sister's whip began to cut through the fine cloth to his skin. Now he stopped thinking, stopped imagining the slytherin's face as he had seen him in the library when he caressed his flesh. Once his tunic hung in shreds and each blow landed on his bare flesh, he'd ceased to count or to attempt to hold back his cries. Thus it was that he'd failed to hear the door creak open.

"My, what an interesting entertainment. I had no idea that you enjoyed the sight of so much, my dear."

Draco's voice was bored, slightly cruel with twisted amusement. Over the sound of his labored breathing, he could hear the hiss of his sister's displeasure. He continued, " perhaps we can add to your enjoyment once my hand is joined to yours. For the moment, however, your brother amuses me and I intend to take him with me. I assume you're done?"

Something dark and menacing crept beneath his tone, like a snake coiling and the retainer who had brought Harry to food now at his side with a key. In moments, Harry was released from his bonds, crumpling to the floor as his legs failed to support him. The vampires carried Harry from the dungeon and their prince followed behind them sill chatting with Harry's sister as if naught was amiss. Harry hung half-swooning from their arms and wondered a little at what his fate was to be. Harry saw him kiss her hand as the darkness took him and he surrendered to the pain. When he Harry awoke from his dream he could see Draco laying in his bed right next to him . The he realized that there was a person in his bed he started to freak out and jumped out of his bed falling to the ground, Draco awoke from his dream with a smile when he realized that Harry was on the floor .

"Love what are you doing on floor ?" he said as he got up from the bed.

Harry tried to pick himself from the floor but then fell back down in pain. He could feel the blood dripping down his back from the wounds he got from his dream.

"what the hell?" he said with a little fear in his voice.

Draco got closer and he could see the wounds on Harry's back, the blood dripping down Harry's back was causing the vampire side of Draco to come out of its shell. Harry could see the true form of Draco now and started to freaking out.

"Stay away from me!" Harry yelled in a panic

"Its ok my love its me your prince, please don't be afraid of me" Draco slowly coming closer to Harry.

Harry closing his eyes waiting for his death from the Slytherin but it didn't come he open is eyes once more and could see the love in them. He knew that Draco would do nothing to hurt him because his hart tells him so. Draco held out his hand and waited for Harry to take old of it but he didn't still a little afraid of him Draco had some sadness in his Harry took his hand.

"Alright love lets take care of these wounds on your back, ok" Draco said with a smile on his face.

As Draco was taking care of Harry's wounds he couldn't help but taste the blood running down Harry's back, he took the tip of his finger to catch some of the sweet blood that he wanted for over one thousand years. Before he could taste the blood Harry spoke .

"Is every thing alright back there?" Draco pause for a minute before he spoke

"Yes every thing is fine my love, may I ask how you got these wounds?" Draco asked Harry looked to the floor with tears in his eyes. "It was my dream" he said now crying.

"My love don't cry, I'm hear tell me how could a dream do this to you".

"I don't know how this dream did this to me, but it felt so real" Harry said breaking into more tears.

"Please my love don't cry. Will it help if you tell me a little about your dream?"

Harry was a little scared to tell Draco what his dream was about, but he knew it will help him in the long run and he needed to talk to some one. Harry was about to start to tell him but he stopped when Draco got off the bed and pick up some towels that were on the ground and started to head for the door he was about to leave but Harry stopped him.

"Please don't leave me" with tears started to form once again. Draco walked back to him picking his chin with his fingers.

"Love I will never leave you. I promise not to hurt you, promise not to lie Promise to befriend you and defend you with my life I promise you forever, I promise you today." Draco said with a smile on his face kissing Harry's soft lips.

"So love you going to tell me about your dream" he asked.

Harry stopped and looked in his grey blue eyes and "yes I will"

"you see the my dreams always start when I hear my past self speaking to me"

"what does he say?" Draco asked a little puzzled.

Harry looked at him once more and said " well he say some thing to me that I can make out"

"like what my love" Draco asked

Harry trying to think he closed his eyes and when he opened them his eyes were bright green that seem to glow.

"A scattered dream that's like a far - off memory, a far - off memory that's like a scattered dream. I want to line the pieces up, yours and mine.

Before Draco could stop him it was to late. The words have been spoken and now they where both out like a light on Harry's bed in each others arms

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