The Battlefield

By DurtyRiter

Published on Apr 18, 2020


Disclaimer: This is an Adam's Gay Reader pulp story (#236) written by Kurt McCord. There is no copyright on it, so I wanted to share it with others before it gets lost forever. I have only corrected spelling and punctuation errors.

This story is set in the past and includes sex between adult males of different races and between related men. If this is unappealing or illegal in your location, please do not read this story.

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Chapter 3: They Didn't, Did They?

I continued my story:

After I got out of the hospital, I went home. Dad had died during the war, so I went through his things. It was then I found that he had a brother in Arizona. I never knew why they had a falling out; probably slavery, I guess. Regardless, I wrote my uncle. When he answered, I more or less invited myself west. I wanted to get away, start over, and get away from the war. I had had enough. After selling Dad's house, I had a little money left, so I came west to visit my uncle.

I was really tired when I arrived. The long train trip followed by the jolting stagecoach had sapped my energy. I hadn't fully recovered from my wounds. I was the only one off the stage, so my uncle had no trouble finding me. He was a tall man with a large barrel chest shod with scuffed well-worn boots; the well-worn clothes of a working man. The skin of his face was a deep brown, scorched by the wind and sun. His blue eyes bored into mine, reminding me of my first sergeant, who never backed down from anyone or anything.

His first words were a statement: "You're Thane." He examined my face with eyes that missed nothing. "Look a lot like your pappy. Come on, it's a long ride to the ranch." Before I could move or say anything, he had picked up my carpet bag, leaving me to follow, then strode to the waiting buckboard.

He drove the team down the main street of the town. A single street lined with weatherbeaten stores and two bars. The buildings were scattered along the one street as if tossed by a giant hand without rhyme or reason. A bar here, the dry goods store there, while down the street, another bar and across the street from that a small church. The bars had hitch racks in front. Only the bars and the store had wooden sidewalks. Not like Philadelphia!

He stopped in front of one of the stores. "Got to get you a hat. The sun will burn that white skin."

I followed him into the shop where he introduced me as his nephew visiting from the east for a week. Thus I had fair warning he didn't expect me to stay long. It hurt a little that he wanted to get rid of me so fast, but then I really was a stranger.

After I got out of the Army, I never wore a hat, but he selected one for me. With the first one that fit, he told the storekeeper to put it on his bill. I offered to pay, but he waved it aside.

What a strange man, I thought. He tells me indirectly I am only to stay a week, yet he buys me a hat. Oh well, let's see what happens.

He never hurried the horses, yet he kept them moving steadily at a ground-eating trot. We stopped several times in the shade of some trees to give the horses a blow. I could tell he took care of his livestock. We talked very little as we put the miles behind us. We came over a slight rise in the ground, and I saw the ranch for the first time. It took my breath away.

"Is that your ranch?" I asked.

"Yes, it's all mine."

"Gosh, it's beautiful." It was. The log ranch house set in a grove of trees, watered by a small stream running behind the house. As we got closer, I saw that everything was neat and clean.

"You must be very proud of this," I said.

worked hard for fifteen years for this, to build it up so it is a first-rate ranch."

As we pulled up in front of the house, a cowboy came walking from the barn to take the horses' bridles.

"Thanks, Red. Take care of the team for me," he said. "Oh yes; this is my nephew Thane. He'll be staying for a short time.

There it was again: "A week." "A short time." 'Hell,' I thought, 'Why did I come if I'm not wanted?' But I didn't say anything. I just nodded to Red, shook his hand, then followed my uncle into the house.

I met the rest of the crew at supper. They were an odd mixture.

Red, the foreman, was the best looking.

One was an Indian who said nothing, but whose eyes constantly moved. He seemed to notice everything.

Steve, lean and wiry with a quick grin and a firm handshake.

And then there was Roberto, a Mexican. Slight of build with a firm handshake and eyes that bored into mine. He spoke little, but when he did, everyone listened.

What is it about him, I wondered. My eyes constantly searched him out. I listened attentively when he spoke. He impressed me just by being there. He was someone I wanted to get to know. But after the first glance, he never looked at me again.

That night, I couldn't sleep. The newness, the strangeness of it all. I watched the moonlight creep across the room as I lay in wakefulness. Finally, I couldn't stand it anymore. I got up, slipped into my jeans and stepped outdoors. My room was on the ground floor, so it was a simple matter of just stepping through the open window and I was outside.

The starlight took my breath away. The moon bathed the entire countryside in almost daylight, but away from the moon, the stars shown with a brightness I had never seen back east. God, I had never seen so many stars. I slowly began to walk, thinking I could sleep when I got back. As I approached the corner of the barn, I heard a strange noise. Something I had never heard before. Starting around the corner, I stopped in astonishment. I couldn't believe my eyes.

There was Red and Steve on a blanket. What the hell were they doing? I opened my mouth to ask them, but then stopped. I couldn't believe what I was seeing. Two naked men were side by side with their faces in each other's crotch. What the hell was going on?

In a moment, I realized the noise I heard was the noise of their mouths sucking on each other's cock. I was dumbfounded. Strong tough men suck the others cock! I watched in fascination.

Oh sure, in the Army I had heard of such a thing. The guys talked about it. In fact, I heard two privates were court marshalled for doing it. I really thought it was just something you kidded about and used as an insult, but no one ever actually did it. And here I was watching it happen.

I took a step back around the corner of the barn so I couldn't be seen, but I really wanted to see it, so I carefully peeked around the corner but remained hidden and silent. I sure as hell didn't want to be caught watching.

Steve released Red's cock. "Man, you taste good! I sure like to work on this prick of yours-and I sure like the way you take care of your buddy's cock!"

"Get back on that prick, cocksucker," Red told him. "I'm getting close."

Steve obliged, sinking his lips over the firm cock. I saw him run his hand up and down red's back, then slide his fingers into the cleft of Red's ass. He seemed to be playing with Red's asshole. 'He can't be,' I thought. But he was, and I could tell red liked it. Red's ass was moving, fucking Steve's mouth. But also rotating around Steve's fingers. Red was moaning and groaning. He seemed to pause. I could tell he was having an orgasm, shooting his cum into Steve, who was eagerly drinking it in.

In seconds, Steve also let loose. The two cowboys drank each other's cock juice. I could tell they liked it and were in no hurry to stop. Finally Steve released Red's cock, rolled onto his back, and said "Red, old buddy, you sure had a load tonight! I don't think I've been draining you often enough."

Red laughed. "Hell, if you had your way, you'd be sucking me every night and I wouldn't get my work done."

"Like hell! You're the kind of stud who can fuck all night and still work all day."

Red laughed happily. "Come on, cocksucker, we've got to get to bed."

I started. I couldn't let them know I had seen them. I crept away as silently as I could. When I knew the coast was clear, I went back to my room. It was easy getting in and out through the open window.

I stripped off my boots and jeans and lay naked on the bed. My mind was in turmoil. Did strong men, real men, do such a thing as I had seen? I wondered what it would be like. 'Not for me,' I thought.

Suddenly I realized that I had a hell of a hard on just thinking of Red and Steve. Even though it was wrong, it was exciting. I wondered what it would feel like. Without thinking of myself, I kept jerking on my cock. In a moment, I felt the rush of an oncoming orgasm, so I pulled harder. I felt it gush out of my cock and land on my stomach and chest. As I calmed down, I ran my hand through the jism and spread it over my chest and stomach. Without thinking, I brought my hand to my mouth tasting my own cum.

While thinking of Red and Steve, and with the taste of cum in my mouth, I drifted off to the best sleep I had had in months.

Next: Chapter 4

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