The Best Intentions

By moc.snoitcudorphtaedfolegnanellaf@nimda

Published on Sep 2, 2014


What had I done but it did I seriously just please that to the Atlantis server. I and in so much trouble unfortunately that was the only thought going through my head when I was trying to sleep. Hopefully the upload to the network, wouldn't work I had been having trouble all week-long uploading to the server I don't think McKay got round to fixing it.

This train of thought was cut short when "Upload Complete" flashed across my screen in happy blue letters. Well hopefully no one will find it...

The next morning after two hours sleep

The canteen in the morning was quiet and Twitter. Unfortunately to my sad acknowledgement everyone had seen the new upload and had read my erotic story. Luckily according to Taylor who I bumped into the story did not upload with the authors details, it was a complete and utter mystery who the erotic author was.

My job was safe unless Sheppard all McKay got to a computer and McKay worked is magic and found out it was me of course, he would not know who I was as he is completely and utterly useless at remembering his staff. But of course that would mean he would go searching on the Atlantis database and bring up my personnel file...

My best bet is to completely avoid McKay and Shepherd this would take some mad ninja skills. Too bad I was an uncoordinated clutz. I even tripped over the seamless door runners in my room every day I walk in, I Am so Screwed.

One hour later leaving my quarters

Walking down the hallway keeping an eye on everyone to make sure none wherel looking at me and that to point me out as the author. As I walk another 50 m I see McKay and Shepherd with Elizabeth walking down the hallway in a hurry. I'm crap I'm caught is all I can think before turning around and trying to run away what I hadn't noticed is that I had moved 3 feet to the right in front of the chair. I now was flat on my face with a floor tile crushing my nose. Great what a great escape artist I am high-fiving the floor with my face for the sixth time this week, no wonder I keep giving myself a black eye.

While on the floor a see Shepherd and Elizabeth break off and go into a transport and McKay go down a flight of stairs. Awesome they are drstracted,.

21:00 hours my quarters

It is interesting everybody liked mine McKay and Shepherd story so much that it was all anyone was talking about I am the best mystery this city has to offer at the present time.

Even though work was hectic I managed to come up with a new story

"as the rain pelted the city the door to McKay suite open and uninvited guest was at the door completely clad in black militarily uniform from head to toe dripping wet and a unusual longing look in his eye nodding once at McKay to be let in. What was a scientist to do when the love of your life comes knocking looking for love what are you to say...

I have work at 5 AM in the morning you can't come in... No you wouldn't say that you would let them in and love them into the morning"

Wow this chapter was better than the rest it actually brought in love between all the lovemaking I was going to be hit or was I?

Next: Chapter 3

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