The Bet

By jackie

Published on Jul 15, 2004


Okay, okay, okay. I am sick and tired of getting emails that say "the story is good, but it's confusing."

So, for those of you who are finding yourselves completely lost, look no further..

Rachel Osgood - Main character, singer, tattoo artist. She inherited her uncles parlor after he retired. Poor, sarcastic and raunchy, but undeniably attractive and sexy.

Monica Nicholson - 2nd lead character. She is beautiful, rich, blah blah blah. She owns many buildings, including 3 adult bookstores. Monica and Rachel have been best friends since junior high. They are both gay...

Everybody with me?

See, this isn't hard.

Julie - (haven't given her a last name.) She is a girl that catches Rachel's eye at the bar. Monica makes a bet with Rachel that she can't get Julie into the sack. Rachel is kind of hooked on her, but she doesn't know that Julie is soon to be married to....

Todd Detloff - Julie's fiancee. Both he and Julie are important characters even though now they don't seem to be.

Elaine Detloff - Todd's annoying mother, Julies soon to be mother in law. She likes to talk about the olden days. She isn't very important, but the way Julie goes out of her way to avoid her is amusing.

Neve - Julie's best friend and guide. She helps her through most of her problems. Very witty, yet blunt and truthful at the same time.

Andrea Daniels - Rachel and Monica's good friend. Tries to give them good advice because she knows they both have feelings for each other, yet they deny it. She is very important to the story, and you all will soon see why.

Jerry - Rachel's assistant at the parlor. Not a major assessment to the story.

Renee - Owner of the Cincinnati bar that Rachel plays at. Kelly - Girl Rachel has a small fling with. She has feelings for Rachel, but they aren't mutual.

Disclaimer - If you shouldn't be reading this, don't.

The Bet 4 - Idiocy


I still have this feeling inside me from our kiss. It is like her lips keep lingering over mine. I can't seem to find a solution for the burning sensation in my heart. No matter how hard I try, it will not go away...

I don't even understand why I broke down. I know I am afraid of commitment, possibly even afraid of losing my best friend, but our actions still don't seem justifiable. She is my best friend, why did she kiss me?

The one time in my existence a problem comes along, I freak out. I, Rachel Osgood, am a complete imbecile. I should have retard written across my forehead.

It must have been a mistake. Maybe it was the day, a heat of the moment kind of thing? We don't have feelings like that for each other...

What ridiculous games we humans play. Flirting is a prime example. Instead of coming out and admitting that we are attracted to one another, we beat around the bush. Give a few smiles here and there, feel a thigh to really get the blood moving. How idiotic it all is. If only we can be straight with one another. How much time we could save and bullshit we could lessen. One can think in a society where time rules all, we will be more considerate in the hours we are wasting. Instead, we think that we are using it wisely. What a joke it all is. How pointless and absurd we really are...

This is why god invented prostitutes, porno and superfluous sex.


"You need to talk to her, Monica," Andrea states assertively. Monica shrugs her shoulders as though she really doesn't care. Knowingly, Andrea gives her a foul look.

"I know you want to. Come on Monica, it's Christmas day. You know she is all by herself."

Monica suddenly realizes that she made a promise to her best friend. She gave her word that she would be there for Rachel. It is the one time that Rachel actually gave in to seeing her parents for Christmas.

"I can't," says Monica. "I can't do it. She looked me directly in the eyes and denied me. I can't look at her anymore. I thought maybe she wanted me, but she doesn't. I made the biggest mistake of my life, and I don't know what to do."

Andrea looks directly at one of her best friends.

"God. I have never felt so unwanted," Monica cries. Andrea looks over at her and moves her hair from her face.

Tears fall from her friends eyes and Andrea's heart goes out to her. What a disaster, she thought. Monica's heart is broken, Rachel is probably pissed off and it's Christmas.

"Monica, I'm sure there are plenty of women that would want you, hun," says Andrea soothingly. "Rachel just might need some time. You know how she hates commitment. But, I do know she loves you very much. It may not be the way you want, but she does regardless. If she doesn't want to be with you romantically, it's because she respects you too much to have a one night stand."

Monica nods, but really doesn't feel any better. She feels ugly, unwanted and hurt. Which, is typical at this particular point in time.

Andrea really doesn't know what else to say. Monica is a stunning lady with wealth and power. It really does amaze her that Rachel pushed her away. Andrea would kill for a woman of her stature.

"Monica, I'm really sorry," she says as her friend continues to cry. She leans forward and hugs her, tightly wrapping her arms around her back.

As Andrea leans back from the hug, she stops very shortly from Monica's face. She wipes her eyes and licks her lips. She has no idea if she is making a mistake or not, but she feels it is worth the risk. She knows for sure that Monica is vulnerable, but god, she is a beautiful woman. Truth be told, Andrea has always loved her.

Andrea presses her lips against Monica's and boldly tastes. Andrea right away knows that Monica isn't prepared for it, but she responds quickly afterwards. Their mouths are colliding and tasting and Monica softly whimpers with desire.

It may be vulnerability, it may be a mistake, but Andrea has never wanted somebody so badly.


"Alright already, I'll be there in a sec." Christ, I think. These people can't wait one fucking minute anymore for you to get the door. It's like you have to run a damn marathon if you're in the basement or something.

I open the wooden door and half expect to see a neighbor or something. But, to my surprise, it is green eyes. I really don't know her real name, just her face. To me, she's just "green eyes."

"Um, can I help you?" I ask. I really don't know what else to say. I mean, I am nothing short of being stunned. Who would of guessed that a heterosexual girl who smacked me in the face with a twenty pound purse would be standing on my door step Christmas day.

"Yeah, I just need to talk to you about something."

Talking = getting to know each other = kissing = four play = hot wild sex = awesome.

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