The Birthday

By Shaun Duncan

Published on Mar 17, 2006


Sorry for ht edelay in getting to the next evening. This part has gone through more rewrites than the first. I wanted it to be perfect, but I'm just going to have to let go and let you decide. Feel free to let me know what you think.

Usual disclaimers apply, this is a work of fiction, if it offends you to read about sex, stop now.

Part Three: Saturday

I won't bore you with the details of how I spent the day on Saturday, nervous and excited. I will admit that three times, I came close to checking out of the hotel and going home. I wanted this, but it was such a scary thing to face as well. I was going to spend the night having sex with another guy, a guy I have never met, and my wife arranged the whole thing, and was to be watching over the internet.

The important thing is by 5:00, I was back in the hotel room, getting ready to follow my wife's instructions and strip naked and place my clothes out for the hotel laundry service. This was to leave me naked and unable to walk away if I started to think that I couldn't go through with it.

I was pouring a drink from the mini-bar, still continuing the internal dialog that had been circling my brain all day when I heard the sound of a key card unlocking the door. My breath caught in my throat, he was here, an hour early. Too late to back out, and not sure what to do, I stood there with a look of a deer in the headlights.

The door opened, and in he walked, he was young, about 21 or 22. Toned and fit, clearly enjoyed playing sports. Blonde, with a very angular face, Tammy had clearly chosen well. He was very good looking. In my past fantasies about sex with other men, I had never thought up a body so perfect. And I always was afraid that any chance I had to act on these fantasies would be with someone much less attractive, but available. He was wearing a denim button-down shirt tucked neatly into his slightly faded blue jeans. The rugged look was finished off with a pair of scuffed boots, brown ropers.

"I'm Keith," he said and let the door close behind him. He had a backpack slung over one shoulder, which was quickly deposited in the armchair just inside the room. "Why don't you pour me something while you are at it?"

"Sure," I stammered. "You are a little early, I was supposed to, well, I..." I just knew I would say something and make a complete fool of myself.

"Yeah, Tammy told me everything, and at six o'clock, the rules are the rules. But it's not six yet. I thought we could share a drink and get to know each other first. She said this was your first time. I remember mine. I want you to feel comfortable."

"Pick your poison. We have rum, vodka, gin, tequila, scotch, you name it, we've got it."

"The scotch will be more than fine," Keith said, sitting down on the couch and propping his feet up on the coffee table. I poured the drinks and handed his to him and with my stomach doing nervous flips, took the seat on the couch right next to him (the only empty seat since he had dropped his backpack in the chair, probably just for that reason).

He took a sip, was quiet for a moment as he tasted the drink, then swallowed it. He cocked his head to me. "So you never fucked another guy before? When did you start thinking you wanted too? When you were younger, or is it a recent desire?"

I took a huge swig on my drink and paused before finishing up the rest the glass. "I certainly didn't know before getting married, it's been a recent fantasy, well, maybe not even fantasy, just something I think about when masturbating."

"That would be a fantasy. Don't worry, I'm not judging you. I won't call you a `faggot' unless that would get you hard." he smiled slyly and continued, "How did it start?" he asked, not looking away, just fixing me in his gaze.

"Well, surfing the web for porn, I downloaded a few video files of some hardcore orgies. One of them ended with two guys in a 69 position. I had been jerking off to it and when that part started, I didn't get grossed out like I would have thought I would. I was fascinated watching it, and shot a larger load than I had in a long time. I soon found that I was looking for and enjoying gay porn as much as I did straight porn." I stood up and opened another bottle of scotch and refilled my glass before returning to the couch. "What about you? You're pretty young, when did you first realize?"

"I think `realize' isn't quite the right term. I've never been any different, for as long as I can remember I've enjoyed getting naked around other guys, seeing them naked, and touching them. Growing up, my best friends and I were almost always shedding our clothes, skinny dipping, sunbathing, or just getting naked to feel the air on our skin. And I seriously couldn't tell you the first time I had one of their dicks in my hands and vice versa. We didn't know it was different, we just knew it felt good to make them hard."

"So your friends growing up were gay too?"

"Oh, no. I imagine if they really thought about it, they would admit to some sort of feelings. They are with girlfriends now, and claim not to be `bi'. But I don't buy into the whole "this is how I was born" thing for bisexuals, I believe those of us that are bi were born either gay or straight, but then allowed ourselves to be open to the other side and admitted that it feels good. I guess genetically, I'm straight, but I don't limit my experiences. I've had as many girlfriends as I have boyfriends. Most of my friends growing up, well, once we hit high school, they pretty much bought into that whole heterosexual brainwashing. They wouldn't admit that it felt good to touch another boy's naked body, and they must certainly be repressing the enjoyment of giving and receiving blow jobs, because once we discovered that little past time, it became a regular thing"

He sipped on his drink, letting that thought wash over me, and wash over me in a rush of heat it did. I took another large swig of the scotch. I didn't know what to say, my childhood had been nothing like that. But thinking about Keith and his friends sucking on each other was making the temperature of my blood raise, and I was feeling very aroused at the mental image.

"That turn you on?" he asked, not at all surprised by my silent nod. "I hoped it would." He reached out a hand and gently caressed my thigh. His touch was causing the nerve ending in my thigh to fire off at and extraordinary rate, I could feel myself shiver the excitement was building so fast. He moved over getting right up against me. I could feel myself begin to quiver a little, combination of nerves and excitement, and also the fear that I might just cum in my pants if I wasn't careful.

He pulled me in tight, and with one hand, he traced a line down from my chest down to my crotch, where it lingered, and tightened its grip as he leaned in to kiss me firmly. It was a kiss unlike any other I had felt, it was the kiss of a man, I couldn't explain the numerous subtle differences from a female's kiss, but there was a difference. And whether it was the kiss, or the hand on my crotch, I don't know, but I suddenly found myself fighting back hard against a surge of cum that almost erupted. I swallowed the orgasm with a shudder and was able to sit back and enjoy the sensations again without worry, for a few minutes at least. I eagerly began to kiss him back.

My hands were now exploring his muscular frame. Much like the kiss, it was similar to caressing a woman, but also entirely different. Where there are usually soft curves of flesh it was firm bulges of muscle. I also found out the joy of a man's tongue probing the inside of my mouth. My fingers were working fast, undoing the buttons on his shirt. I had to feel his skin, to touch a man's naked flesh. I somehow managed to fumble my way through it, and he helped by pulling it off once I had it free, and as he pulled out of the kiss (the kiss that lives in my memory forever) I got to see his bared torso, as firm and toned as the touch had lead me to believe, with a light dusting of curly blonde hair across his pecks and trailing down his six pack. With a deep breath, my hands were soon hard at work undoing his belt buckle, knowing there were more treasures to unwrap below.

"Why don't we slow down a little?" he said standing up to refill his glass. "It's not even 5:30 and we still have all night." He walked to the mini-bar, and I could only stare at his broad shoulders wanting to wrap my arms around them. To hug him from behind and feel his body pressed against my chest.

"Tell you what," Keith said as he poured his drink. "Why don't you go ahead and shed those clothes like you are supposed to, and we will continue our talk. At 6:00, we can move on into the bedroom and continue again for the camera."

He sat back down and took a sip as I stood up and Stripped out of my clothing. I felt a bit nervous, but also excited and I kept my head turned so I wouldn't see him sitting there, watching me closely as I lowered my pants. I was down to just my underwear when I felt his hand on my leg again. He slid it up my thigh and grabbed the waistband on my boxers and pulled them down, releasing freeing my dick to stand up at attention. He gentle ran his fingers up and down the shaft, then around my balls and went back to his drink.

I gathered up my clothes, and placed them in the bag ant set that out in the hall before returning to the sofa. We sat there for another minute or so finishing our drinks, me naked, him naked from the waist up. I let my eyes once again trace his build.

"So," I said breaking the silence, "are you involved with someone right now? You know, you got a steady boyfriend?"

"Not at the moment, I do have a girlfriend though, just recently started dating," he replied.

"Does she know?" I asked, "you know, about you being bi?"

"Of course, she set this up. Tammy and I are dating."

"I see," I was not sure of the proper response.

"So what about you? I take it you didn't tell your wife about your fantasy. How do you think she guessed?" he asked.

"I'm not sure, I thought I covered my tracks online, but she knows more about computers than I do, she must have seen some of the sites I go to. I'm not sure, it sounded like Tammy knew it and Tina didn't, I'll have to ask her later."

"So," he said after we had another moment of quiet, "is there any limitations you want to put down? Is there anything you know you don't want to do?"

"No, I'm not sure if I'll ever get another chance like this, and I don't want to limit myself."

"Ok, we'll just do what feels good then, just let me know if you don't like something, we will change up." He took the final swig from his drink and set it down on the floor. "Well," he said standing up, "I don't know about you, but this wait is killing me, let's move into the bedroom. I don't think It matters too much if we start a few minutes early." He took my hand and pulled me to my feet and we headed into the bedroom.

Part Four: Saturday Night

I had to make sure the webcam was still working, and that Tina was ready. This ended up delaying things for another ten minutes or so as Tina explained, Tammy had flown out there and was going to be watching in as well.

"Tammy said she wanted to watch me with another guy," Keith explained. And so we sat around on the bed for a bit longer, me completely naked, and hard, very hard, and Keith, wearing only his jeans, and clearly straining hard again the denium with his meat as well.

"I enjoyed rewatching the feed from last night" Tina said. "Though I wish Tammy would have kept her mouth shut about certain topics."

"Well, I'm glad I know," I replied. Finding out that my wife had a side life as a horny lesbian had certainly turned me on, and I was thinking of all the fun times that were in store for the future now that I knew.

"I was surprised to find out about this desire of yours. Tammy set it up, but I didn't believe her when she said that is what you wanted. But then we did pull some files that were cached on your computer. You really have been having some naughty thoughts when I'm not around."

I was beginning to turn red, being the center of attention was not my thing, really. I was saved by Tammy's entrance to Tina's hotel room and after a quick hello from Keith to Tammy it was time to begin the fun.

We started slowly, just holding each other, kissing. I was enjoying the feel of his naked chest against mine, and the way he touched me, on my arms, my hands, my face. Tender yet strong, a male touch. And the kisses were the same, I could still taste the scotch on his breath, very earthy, very dry, very male. I began to let my fingers creep further south, past his firm stomach, and again, I started to undo his belt. This time I met no resistance and soon had the belt and the pants undone.

Getting up on my knees, I grabbed his pants and slid them off, looking at him, lying there in grey boxer-briefs with the tip of his firm erection beginning to push it's way past the waistband. I dropped his jeans to the floor and reached for his underwear. I had them off and was staring right at his beautiful dick in seconds. It was huge, and full and wonderful to look at. It was one of the most fantastic things I had ever seen. I was amazed that I was so enthralled with another man's dick, but I was. I wanted to please it, to pamper it, to lick it, suck it drain it and start all over again. It had me hypnotized with it's beauty. I was suddenly shocked at those feelings, my straight side protesting, but I shut down that voice.

My hands were the first to experience it. I let my fingers explore while I stared at it. Keith just laid back with his eyes closed and let me play. The thick, full head was a deep red color, and the slit was opening up at my touch. I tiny little drop of precum formed and glistened like a dew drop on a flower. I touched my finger to it and brought it to my mouth to taste. It reminded me of the scotch on his breath, deep and earthy, and wonderfully male. I knew I had to have more and began to work on his shaft with my fingertips, trying to coax more to form.

One hand moved to the tightly curled hair that crowned the top of is crotch. I dug the fingers in, feeling the sweat that had started to form, then bringing my fingers to my face, I inhaled his musky perfume. I was making things up as I went along, doing things I had seen in the porn, but also letting my body do what it wanted, it knew instinctively what to do. Having pleased myself for so many years, it was and easy switch to do them to him.

Feeling another man's dick grow and warm in my hands, to quiver with delight under each stroke. Like masturbation, but different. I was quite excited, and was enjoying this even more than I had dreamed. I felt his hands on my chest, then up to my shoulders. It felt great to be touched like that. His hands were soon to my face and I kissed his palms, and nibbled his fingers. One hand moved around to the back of my head, and with gentle pressure, hinted at what was next.

I had made that move many times before, and was now on the receiving end. The move that meant one thing, and one thing only, that I was about to get my first taste of a dick. I have to admit I was trembling a bit more now. This was a huge step, and I knew once I had done this, there was no pretending I hadn't. And there would be witnesses. I would officially be a cocksucker. I wanted to do it, and yet I hesitated again, but the pressure on my head grew stronger and I knew there was no backing out.

I slowly lowered my head and closed my eyes. As I drew closer, I got a big whiff of his musky scent, and I hesitated no longer, I opened my lips and let it slide in. I had no idea what I expected, but the soft yet firm piece of meat sliding between my lips and across my tongue was amazing. Holding one was good, but holding one with my mouth was even better. More than just the tactile sensation, I also got the taste, and the smell, three senses instead of one, and when he let out a moan of approval, I was up to four. Opening my eyes, gave me the complete experience.

I traced every tight, hard vein the smooth head with my tongue, then slid it back into my mouth. I had receive many blow jobs in my life, and I was determined to replicate the best of them. As I got him to a state of extreme arousal, I would remove his cock, which was turning redder and redder with each minute and tug his balls into my mouth and swirl my tongue across them.

After a few minutes of this he had gotten to the point of no return, and as I slid his dick back into my mouth, he began to thrust and buck. His hand held my head on, and with nowhere to go, I knew I was about to get a mouthful, and I couldn't turn away. As the first pump rushed out and hit the back of my throat, I gagged, not for any reason besides surprise. I quickly tried to swallow it and catch the next but I was running short on air and had to let it out of my mouth. He relax his hand and his dick slid free, just in time to score the next shot across my face. I took the breath, and slid it back in for the final ropes to shoot out, with less force, but still enough to hit the back of my throat. As I let his dick slide gently out of my mouth, Keith moved in closer and licked the cum off my face and kissed me, feeding it to me.

We embraced and kissed for another long time. Letting our fingers, hands and tongues enjoy the exploration for awhile. My dick was raging hard, and while he teased it for a bit, he was careful not to set it off yet. We were going to see how much teasing I could take.

He began to kiss down my neck and across my shoulders. He was soon working hard on my nipples and down my stomach. I was some longing to feel his mouth on my dick, but he avoided it and worked his way all around it. Kissing the patch o f hair above it, down the upper thigh next to it, behind my balls and back u the other thigh. It was driving me wild, and I was quivering with desire. But his next move sent me into ecstacy.

He slid his hands under my ass and rolled me over, and before I knew what was happening, he was tonguing my ass. It was amazingly hard and gentle at the same time. Warm and wet and wonderful. I was moaning and squirming like never before. I couldn't keep my ass still, I was bucking like crazy. I could feel the pressure increasing and before I knew it, I felt his tongue slide past the muscle, and into my ass. It felt great.

He really knew how to work his mouth and I was squirming uncontrollably. His eagerness was wonderful. I didn't want the feeling to ever end. But after a few minutes he lifted his head and got up leaving me alone and aching for more. I laid there, naked and alone for a moment and just as I was about to get up to see where he was he came back in with a bottle of lube in his hand. Without a word his tongue was back at work on my ass.

Without removing his tongue soon had a finger slicked up. This found its way up under his tongue and joined it in my ass. He soon lifted his head and slid in a second finger. I was a little uncomfortable at first, but after a moment, found myself enjoying the feeling.

"You like that?" he asked, breaking the silence. "You ready for another?"

"Yes," I whispered, a little nervous, but certainly ready for more.

He slid the two fingers out and added a third on the next thrust. No discomfort this time, I was only feeling pleasure. Unlike the tongue, I had been still during the fingering, but now, I started to move with him, to meet his thrusts. Soon I was bucking hard again, having a difficult time keeping my ass still.

After a few minutes, I sensed him slowing up a bit, and looked back to see him working his dick with his other hand, bringing it back to life. I knew what was next when he picked up the lube and drizzled some on his dick and then worked it in with his free hand. Not loosing a beat, has brought it to where his fingers were working me and on one outward motion he slid the fingers out and slid his dick in. My ass just opened up to take it, and the shudders of pleasure as the head hit my prostate sent my into a dry orgasm. That was a first. I had hear that it was possible to cum without ejaculating, but I had never had it happen. But that feeling was as good as any orgasm I had before.

I was soon back to trusting against him and bucking like wild. This time, the cowboy was riding me, and hanging on tight. Having just recently shot his load down my throat, he was in no danger of blowing the load anytime soon. And I was thankful for that, because I was enjoying the feeling of being fucked. There is no other feeling on earth that compares. I had at least two more dry orgasms before he shot his load again, the warm fluid suddenly filling up my ass was a new sensation, not unpleasant, but certainly different.

He held his cock in me for a moment or two afterwards, and then pulled out. He rolled me over quickly and went down on my cock with his manly mouth. He was a true master with his tongue and being so close for so long, it was only a matter of seconds before I was squirting my load into his mouth. He swallowed every drop but the last, which he brought to share with me in another long, deep kiss. Afterwards, we held each other tight, feeling the sweat on our naked flesh merge as we drifted off to sleep.

In the morning, I got my turn to ride his ass. Having already fucked my wife's ass a good number of times, this wasn't much different to me. I knew that with guys, I was now officially a bottom. So I was pleased when he mounted me in return before going and leaving me naked, sweaty and tired in the hotel room.

Part Five-Sunday Evening

After checking out and going home, I had to sleep the rest of the afternoon to catch back up for the following work week. In my dreams I was reliving the past two evenings. And woke up to the feeling of my cock being sucked. I opened my eyes and saw Tina, naked from the waist up, mouth fully engulfing my dick. She pulled it out long enough to say, "hi honey" then slid it back in. I came seconds later.

As we lay naked together, her telling me about how hot it made her to watch me having so much fun, and how unsure she had been at first, but how glad she was now that she had married a man who liked to be fucked. I told her that I was glad she had made that discovery about me.

She told me there was one final birthday present she had to give me. I had no idea what else she could possibly have thought of, but as she stood up and slid out of her skirt, I found out. Tina was sporting a strap-on cock, "Roll over, I'm going to fuck your man pussy, and make you beg for more."

It was the birthday gift that kept giving for years to come.

The end.

I hope you enjoyed the story, if so please let me know at

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