The Boy with the Emerald Eyes

By James Heady

Published on Apr 3, 2022


The Boy With the Emerald Eyes By James


This is a story which deals with sexual/romantic situations between teenaged males. Should you not be of the legal age to read such material, or if you're offended by such stories then please find something else to read. This story also will contain scenes of violence, instances of Hate Speech and at times possibly scenes dealing with or dialogue concerning rape. If those themes disturb anyone who reads this story, then I urge them to find something else to read as well.

Please remember to donate to Nifty, as your donations help to keep these stories and related information open, and free to the public.

Finally, if anyone would like to contact me regarding this story, I can be reached at I respond to all e-mails, but flames and other e-mails that are, or that I suspect are trolling or flaming in nature will be ignored.

The Boy With the Emerald Eyes

Chapter 33


Dakota and I dressed in silence that Sunday morning as we prepared to go with my parents to church. Tanner would be answering questions from the police regarding the fire that broke out at the Goldstein Center the night before. Sarah would be staying back to be of any assistance, and so it would be Dakota, Amy, Christopher and I going to church that morning.

The silence continued as I finished putting on my shoes, and then helped Dakota on with his shoes and socks. We were both still trying to process what had happened, and I still couldn't believe it. I figured that Dakota was still trying to understand what had happened, and I hoped that we could get answers soon.

We had been eating dinner when we heard both Sarah's and Tanner's phones sound the alerts they had set up for any Breaking News. When Tanner checked his phone after he finished the last bight of food on his plate, he looked up, and showed me what was on his phone's screen. I read it out loud to Dakota, and he looked shocked, then horrified. Sarah looked sad, then as we got the next couple of reports a couple of hours later in which the police stated that Arson was a possibility, her shock and sadness soon gave way to anger, as did that also with Dakota, Tanner and myself. I wondered who would do something like that, and I hoped that the Asshole, or Assholes who did it would be caught soon.


Richard watched Tyler sleep as he sat by his hospital bed. Once they got Tyler to the hospital, they examined him, but couldn't find anything physically wrong save for the bruises on the sides of his hands, as well as on his wrists from when he had been beating them against the floor when still in the grip of his nightmare. They also found that his blood pressure was up, but that was going down as the minutes went by, and they had since sedated him.

As Richard sat there, he still didn't know what had happened to get Tyler to where he was that lead them to getting him here at the hospital in the first place. Richard did know one thing though. He had been around more and more as the last couple of months had gone by, especially after he and Tyler talked things out, and he worked only three days a week, and this had greatly improved things with his and Tyler's homelife, but at this point, he knew that he needed to be around all of the time, not just for a few days a week.

Over the last few weeks, Richard had gotten more and more tired of the job he was doing, and he had been thinking about just quitting his job altogether, but he didn't want Tyler and him to have to struggle where money was concerned, but given what had happened earlier that morning, Richard's mind was made up, and after letting the nurses know where he would be, he kissed Tyler on the forehead, then went to an empty section of the hallway, and made a call to his boss.

After letting him know that he needed to see him, he met him at a cafиж next to the hospital, and he told him that he would need to resign, and he told him about what had happened with Tyler, but didn't go in to every detail, but just enough so that he would understand.

Richard's boss did understand, and though paperwork would have to be completed to make things official, Richard walked away after saying goodbye to his boss free of the job he had worked at for almost eight years. His son came first.

Once back in Tyler's room, Richard sat there watching him sleep as he held his hand. As he sat there, he figured that Tyler's nightmare had something to do with Devin, since he had yelled out his name several times before he had gotten frantic before waking up. With that thought in mind, Richard had called Devin's parents shortly after they had sedated Tyler, and after he knew that his son was asleep and wouldn't have any further problems.

He told them what had happened, then he talked to Devin. Devin was scared, and Richard was able to reassure him that Tyler was being taken care of, and that once they came back later that day, he would take him personally to Tyler's room so he could see him.

"Thank you Richard," Devin said.

"You're welcome Devin," Richard replied.

They ended the call, and Richard continued to wait for more news from the doctors.

As Richard thought over that call, he allowed those thoughts to exit as he watched his son, and he hoped that everything would be alright.



I packed, and while I got everything in to my over-night bag, I was feeling happy that my grandmother would be alright. She had been having chest pains off and on, and while she had been taking her meds she was supposed to take, the pains were increasing, and that's when my mom told her that she would get her up to see her doctor, and she fortunately agreed. Since she wasn't always one to quickly agree to get checked out by a doctor unless it was for an annual physical or unless she needed anti-biotics, then she'd get refills of her meds, but that was about it. So given that she agreed without much resistance to have us come up and get her to her doctor who saw her Yesterday, something must have been really going on. Fortunately it turned out that she needed one of her heart meds adjusted, and once they upped the dose of it, she was starting to feel a lot better.

The plan when we left to go up and stay with her was to stay until today, though we left that open in case anything happened, but we were definitely going back home now that she was feeling better, and though I hadn't known everything that was going on with Tyler at that point, I definitely wanted to get back so I could see what was going on there. It was really scaring me that he had had a nightmare so bad that they had to rush him to the hospital.

I worried that he might have been back in that dark place he was a few months ago, and that this time it was worse. I tried to keep that thought out of my mind though, and just take things one step at a time.

My parents came in, and let me know that we were ready to go. After saying goodbye to my grandmother, and telling her that I was glad she was feeling better, she said that she hoped that things would be alright where Tyler was concerned. I thanked her, and then we left.

I hadn't told her anything about Tyler and I being a couple, nor did I have a chance to come out to her yet, and yet in that moment when she wished Tyler well with getting through whatever it was that was going on, I got a sense that she understood just how much he meant to me.



At church that morning, we all prayed for strength to get through the loss of the Goldstein Center, and also prayed for God to watch over us all. I especially prayed for that, as I felt like the destruction of the center was not just a taking away of something that helped out our LGBT Community, but I also felt like it was a personal attack on myself, and who I am! I was also angry, and I wanted whoever it was responsible to be brought to justice for what had happened.

Once church was finished for that afternoon, we returned to my house, and Sarah and Tanner joined us. It was our Sunday Dinner, and this time around though, my joy was mixed with both sadness and anger, sadness because of what had happened, and anger at the person or persons responsible for the destruction. I could sense that Dakota felt the same way, and I knew that he and I would be talking later.

After we got home, I got a call from Devin, and I put it on speaker once in my room so Dakota and I could both talk. Devin told us about how his grandmother was doing, and he also told us about Tyler having to be rushed to the hospital earlier that morning, and that he had gone through a nightmare so bad that they needed to sedate him.

I told Devin that I hoped that Tyler would be alright, and Dakota said the same. Devin thanked us both, and explained that he was at the hospital at that moment waiting to go in and see Tyler. We said that we hoped the visit went well, and that we would be at the hospital at some point later to visit him as well. Devin thanked us again, then we ended the call. I put my phone down on the nightstand, and then moved closer to Dakota who was sitting beside me on the bed, and we wrapped our arms around one another tightly. We didn't say anything for a long time, but just held each other, and that really helped calm me, and I could feel Dakota relax as well.

Soon dinner was on the table, and we ate, and I told them about Tyler. My mom said that she hoped that things would turn out good for him, and my dad agreed. Sarah and Tanner said the same, and we all planned that after dinner we would go to see Tyler, and possibly Devin if he was still there with him. I was glad that everyone was in agreement on that!

"Would you mind passing the corn?" my dad asked.

No problem," Dakota said, and passed it with his left hand, as my dad was across the table from him.

Then what happened next must have been muscle memory taking over that had been lying dormant for quite a long time. Dakota let go of the container in which the corn lay, and with his right hand he grabbed for his drink, and as his hand wrapped around it, he lifted, but the glass tilted, and ice made a musical sound as it rattled, and the glass fell on its side spilling across the table. Dakota looked surprised, then horrified, then he was close to tears.

"I'm sorry!" he said as he moved to back his wheelchair up. "I didn't mean'''!"

I put my hands on his shoulders, and wrapped my arms around him.

"I know you didn't do it on purpose," I said.

"I know it was an accident," Amy said putting a hand on his arm.

"You didn't do anything wrong," Christopher added.

Tanner and Sarah reassured him as well, and I asked if he and I could have a moment, and I took Dakota in to the restroom so he could wash his hands, then we went back to my room for a few minutes.

"Sometimes I almost forget about my hand," Dakota said as I held him and he let out the tears he had been trying to hold back in the dining room. "I know you guys aren't mad at me, but it's still a part of things I'm still trying to get used to. Sometimes I think I've accepted it, and then something like this happens, and the memories of what happened come back for a moment, and I'm reminded of just how much life has changed for me. I know my life is good now, but it's still an adjustment."

"I can imagine that it's a lot you've had to adjust to Dakota," I responded as I dried his eyes, and then kissed him. "I'm here for you, and will always be here by your side."

"So you wouldn't ever want to get a boyfriend who's you know?"

He looked at me, and I almost couldn't believe that this was coming up between us. I took Dakota's hands and put them so that his palms were pressed against mine, and I interlocked our fingers, and then made sure he was looking right at me.

"I'll never want anyone else but you," I said gently, but firmly. "You're my best friend, my lover and you're also my boyfriend who I love very much. You're here for me to enjoy the good times with, as well as you're here when I have a problem I'm going through and you help me through it. You're everything to me, and I can't ever picture my life without you in it, and I never want to share my life with anyone but you Dakota. I don't want you to ever doubt that."

We hugged tightly after I stopped talking, and we just held each other for the longest time, then we separated, and Dakota held our hands like I had been doing a moment before.

"I don't doubt your love for me Caleb," Dakota began. "I know your love for me is strong and real, but sometimes I get scared not so much that you'll actually leave me, but it's more that I get scared of the future, and what it might hold. I mean, that it's like my mind does start messing with me about what if you truly can't deal with my disabilities down the road, and you decide to leave. It's only in rare moments that it happens, and this is one of those times. I know deep down that you'll never abandon me, and I do know that I can trust you. Trusting though doesn't always come naturally to me. I think it's because of how I have to live now, but also because of everything I went through with Adam, especially when it was at the end and he stopped being friends with me, as well as how my bio parents were hardly ever there for me right from the start."

"I can see how that all could make you feel like that," I replied as we hugged. "I'll always be here for you as I said, and I love you Dakota. I love you more than you'll ever know."

"I love you more than you'll ever know as well Caleb," he answered as we kissed a couple of times, then Dakota looked at me with a serious and deeply worried look. "Having said all that though Caleb, I still feel uneasy. I mean, today as well as over the weekend off and on, I've just felt like somethings not right. I felt that sense of fear, that's the only way I can describe it. It got even more intense last night after we heard the reports of the fire at the Goldstein Center. Then what happened with Tyler this morning, and the drink spilling a few minutes ago. I know you and I don't believe in this kind of thing, but I just feel like with all of the events I just listed that it feels like something bad is going to happen!"

"I actually feel the same way!" I replied as we hugged tightly for a long moment.

We separated again after sharing another kiss and hug, and then I stood up.

"I'm sure we'll be alright as long as we have each other though," Dakota said as we went out of my room to walk back to the kitchen.

"I agree," I replied. "As long as we have each other, everything is going to be alright."

How young and innocent we were to have believed that.

We made sure that the clean-up was complete, and after making sure that no one needed any help cleaning up the last of Dakota's drink, we sat back down to finish Sunday Dinner.



I walked in to Tyler's hospital room, and he lay there, but the nurses said that he was starting to return to consciousness. When I got up close to his bedside, Tyler turned, and though it took him a moment, he focused his eyes on me, and smiled.

"You're here," he said softly and slowly. "I wasn't sure if you were alright or not."

"I'm alright," I replied as I sat down next to him and took his hand. "You thought I wasn't coming or something?"

I smiled after saying this last part, but Tyler didn't, and his eyes remained locked on mine.

"I thought you might be in trouble or something," he said as he struggled to get back to full consciousness.

"I'm fine," I said and kissed the back of his hand. "I'm worried about you right now though. Can you tell me what happened? No one seems to really know what caused you to have to be sent here other than that you had a really bad dream that you couldn't seem to come back from."

"Calling it a nightmare would be an under-statement," he said as he shifted on to his side to face me more easily.

"Apparently," I answered.

He told me everything, and though still calm probably a little more from the sedative still in effect than anything else, he did start to get scared as he finished telling me what had happened.

"I still can't get it out of my mind!" he said, and now he was sitting up.

"I'm sorry to hear that you went through that," I said as I held him in my arms. "I'm here, and I really am alright. Nothing bad is going to happen to me, and you're not getting rid of me that easily."

He laughed, then we kissed softly.

I was glad to see that he was fully awake now, and after the nurses and doctors checked him out, they pronounced him well enough to go home.

I went back with Tyler to his house, and Caleb as well as Dakota stopped by, and between the two of us, we told them about what had happened to him. They told him that they were glad he was alright, and he thanked the both of them. After talking a little more though, I did let all of them know how things went with my Grandmother.

"I'm glad she's doing better," Tyler said.

"So am I," Caleb added.

"That's good that it wasn't anything more serious," Dakota said.

"Thanks," I replied. "I appreciate all of you guys' support, and I'm glad things turned out well for her also."

After we finished talking, Caleb and Dakota left, and unfortunately it was the night before school, so we all had to be in bed early which meant no sleeping over, and I wished that Tyler and I could have been with each other that night, but I didn't want to push it with his dad, nor with my mom and dad, so Tyler and I said goodbye, held each other for a long moment then shared a long kiss.

"I love you Tyler," I said as we hugged again.

"I love you too Devin," he replied. "I'll see you in the morning."

"Yeah, see you tomorrow morning," I answered, and then I returned to my house for the night.


Ben and Matt walked along the next morning, and they had another part of their plan to accomplish. They were increasingly angry with how they kept getting over-shadowed by Caleb and his crew in Gym Class, and worst of all Caleb and his friends were all full-blown Fagots. Of course they were referring to Devin and Tyler as well. They hated those two fags most of all, and they were going to find all of them and make them pay at some point that day at school. They both were glad that their plan was finally coming to a close.



Gym Class was coming up, and after I said goodbye to Dakota, I went to the gym and got changed. Tyler changed as well, and he told me that Devin had to put his books back in his locker, and that he would be joining us in a moment.

Once out in the gym, we lined up, and Devin still wasn't there.



I put my books in my locker, then as I walked away from it, I went to use the restroom quickly. I used the one nearest the stairwell that hardly anyone came by. Unfortunately it was the one where Matt and Ben attacked Caleb a couple of weeks before, but I really did have to go.

After I washed my hands, I saw the door open, and Ben walked in to the restroom. I hoped he hadn't followed me here.

"Well, interesting meeting you here fag," he said walking up to me. "I have something to talk with you about."

"I don't have anything I need to talk with you about," I said trying to push past him.

"You'll want to hear this," he said as he blocked my way. "I have something to tell you about Tyler, and I want to walk to Gym with you as I tell you what I have to say."

"I don't know what this is about," I began.

"Come on," Ben said. "We don't have all fucking day, and you know how Coach is, though since he loves fags like you I guess he'll give you a pass."

"Fuck off!" I said as I pushed him out of the way, and opened the door. "Besides, Coach switched you and your little friend to another Gym Class at another time to get you both the fuck out of our hair! Unless you've already forgotten that!"

Suddenly Ben's hand was on my arm grabbing it hard, and something pressed against the small of my back.

"Move and I'll kill you," he said sharply.

"What the fuck!" I said, and then he was pushing me out of the restroom, and down the hall.

Now we were headed towards the empty stairwell, and I was afraid now!

"Hey Fag!" a voice said as another set of hands slammed me against the wall.

Then I knew who's voice it was! It was Matt!

"Get the fuck away from me!" I yelled trying to push Matt away who was holding me up against the wall.

"Not going to happen Bitch!" Matt said and slammed his fist in to my jaw!

"You fucking Asshole!" I screamed more in rage than in pain, though the pain was setting in and fast!

"You're not going anywhere!" Ben said. "We're working on making you and your little Fudge Packer friends pay. "As you can see, we're starting with you."

"Fuck you!" I yelled trying to push Matt away from me.

He punched me a couple of times in the face, then I pushed harder, and he fell. I ran, but Ben was faster. He grabbed me, and pushed me to the floor.

""I believe we already told you that you're not fucking going anywhere Fagot!" he growled in my face. "I hope you had a good time with your little fag boy friend earlier when you last saw him."

"What are you talking about?" I said looking up at him.

"I mean that you're never going to see him again," Ben answered sticking his hand in his pocket.



Coach was looking towards the locker room door, then to the doors leading in to the Gym.

"Devin isn't ever this late," he said. "I need to see where he is. You guys keep going while I find him."

I was worried, as Coach was right. Devin wasn't hardly ever late to any of his classes, and when he was he had a note saying why, and it was only a minute or half-a-minute late on the rare occasions he was late. This was totally out of character for him.

I kept working at the weights I was lifting, and Tyler was doing the same.

"I don't like this," I said as I kept lifting. "something isn't right."

"I know," Tyler replied in agreement. "It's totally not like Devin to be late to class, and especially not like this. He told me that he was going to go and put his books in his locker. That was it."

"That shouldn't have taken him that long to do," I responded.

"No, it shouldn't have," Tyler said. "I hope he's alright."

"So do I," I answered.



Ben held the knife he had just removed from his pocket, and as I figured it was what was pressing at my lower back when he forced me to leave the restroom. He had put it away as we walked down the hall in case anyone came by, but it was out again. He had also just told me that it was a knife he had pressed against my back when we left the restroom.

"You really are fucked up," I said shaking now.

"Looks like a little Bitch named Devin is scared," Matt said smiling.

"He's probably wanting mommy to come and save him," Ben added. "No fag. The only one fucked up here is you."

"Fuck you!" I yelled, and rushed at him, but he blocked me, and I slammed in to him.

Mat held me tightly from behind, and as I struggled to get free, I felt pain sinking in to my chest once, then twice. I tried to draw in breath, but something was wrong.

"No!" I screamed in my head. "Not this! Not here!"

"I'll bet that hurt Fagot!" Ben said. "I'll bet both of those hurt really bad. I'm sure this one will hurt as well."

Pain slammed in to my chest again, and while the first two were in the right side of my chest, the third pain was in the middle of my chest, and now breathing was even more difficult.

"You''' you''' you stabbed me!" I said as I looked down and saw the knife sunk deep in to the middle of my chest. "You're fucking insane!"

"No, I'm just fine," Ben said.

"Yeah, me too," Matt replied.

"We must leave you now Fag," Ben said. "Enjoy Hell! You'll only be there forever when you finally bleed out on that dirty floor you're lying on now!"

They ran, and I was on my back trying to find the strength to move. I never had been in pain like this before, and I tried to draw in breath again, but it was still difficult. I felt pressure in my chest, and I felt the pain getting worse. With one last effort, I struggled to my knees, and then began crawling down the hallway. I saw that the Gym was close in front of me, but it was like looking at it through water, and my vision was getting more and more narrow! I could feel blood flowing from my wounds, and I felt my strength leaving me, but I tried to fight to stay awake!


As Coach smith walked down the hall, he tried to think of where Devin could have gone. He checked Devin's locker, but no one was there. He checked a couple of other hallways, and they too were empty. As he walked along though, he came up to where the boys' restroom was that was close to the stairwell that Caleb had been attacked in a couple of weeks before. Coach looked around, and went in the direction of the stairwell, as he thought he had seen something.

Once there, Coach Smith felt his right foot slip, and he steadied himself, and then looked down. He was at the opening of the stairwell, and he looked down. His right shoe was in a puddle of something dark-red, and then he could smell the metallic sent of blood.

"My god!" he thought. "No!"

Coach followed what was becoming a blood trail, and it moved from the opening of the stairwell, and to the left. As he followed it, he saw that the next turn lead him in to the hallway where the Gym was, and as he turned to go down that particular hallway, he saw that there was more blood here, and as he got closer to the Gym, he saw a figure lying on their left side! Running now, he was at the figure's side, and he gently turned the person over, and he saw the knife buried almost to the hilt in the middle of their chest, and he looked closer, and saw that it was Devin.

Immediately Smith felt for a pulse, and he felt one, but it was barely there! Smith could also see that Devin's face was white as paper, and when he checked to see if he was breathing, it was shallow, and he could hardly tell that he was breathing unless he put his ear close to Devin's mouth.

Smith called 9-11, and soon the ambulance was there.

"What's going on here?" the first medic named Greg asked.

"I found him like this," Coach Smith said. "I'm the Gym Teacher as well as Sports Coach. "My name is Smith, and I had been looking for Devin, that's this boy's name. He hadn't showed up to class yet, and he's never late. His name is Devin Jackson."

"Thanks for letting us know," Greg said.

"We're going to have to intubate," Lisa the second medic said. "His O2 Levels were at 50, now they're at 30!"

"Blood Pressure is at 70/40!" called out Charlie, the third medic.

Devin was put on a stretcher, then wheeled out in to the ambulance. Once he was taken away, Smith waited as he tried first Devin's mother, then his father. Once he got ahold of both of them, he first told his mother, then his father what had happened. He also told them that they were taking Devin to Sangger University Hospital.

As Coach Smith went back to the Gym, he heard loud voices coming from behind him further down the hall, and when he turned to look, he saw two boys being held by the shoulders by two of the school's security guards. He walked up to them, and he saw that it was Ben Carson and Matt Edwards, the two boys that had been making trouble for Caleb and his group. Coach had since moved them to another period for their Gym Class in hopes that this would get them away from Caleb and the other boys, so he hadn't been worried, until now.

Smith stood there taking in the sight of the two boys who had blood all over their shirts, and some on their hands that had almost dried.

"You two!" Smith exclaimed. "What happened to you?"

"Miss us already?" Matt asked.

"We caught them running out of the school," one of the guards said.

"We were getting ready to take them to see Principal Howard, but they need to get cleaned up first," the second guard said.

"What's in your pocket?" Smith asked stepping closer.

Smith could see the handle of something sticking about an inch out of Ben's right pants pocket.

"Nothing," Ben answered smirking at Smith.

"Take it out slowly!" the first guard said.

"Fuck you!" Ben said.

"Do it!" the second guard yelled!

"Fine," Ben said. "Don't get your fucking panties in a wad."

The knife was still covered in Devin's blood, and Smith knew exactly what had happened.

"You did it didn't you!" Smith said stepping closer, and not bothering to hide the hate he held for these two boys. "You fucking did it didn't you! You stabbed him!"

"I don't understand what you're talking about?" the first guard said.

"Devin Jackson was taken out of here by ambulance just a few minutes ago!" Smith said. "He had what look like three large stab wounds to his chest. Now I see the two of you here with blood all over you, and your knife is still covered with blood!"

"He acted like a little Bitch," Ben said.

"Shut up Ben!" Matt said.

"Why!" Ben shot back. "I'm not fucking ashamed of what we did. We took a filthy Fagot from this world! What the fuck could be wrong with that! Oh yeah, and you know that fire that burned down that Kike Jew Pig Goldstein Center this past weekend?"

"You didn't!" Smith said, and he hardly could hold himself back from grabbing these two boys and killing them himself!

"Damn right," Ben answered. "The Kikes and the Fags can all burn in Hell!"

"Damn right!" Matt agreed apparently finding a new wave of courage while watching how Ben was acting about the situation.

"Get these two Mother Fuckers out of here!" Coach said feeling his face flush with rage.

"Hey, that's not nice to say to us kids like that," Matt said smirking at him.

"Shut up you little Bastard!" Smith growled at him, then turned to go back to the Gym.



We finished up another set of reps, then Coach was back. I looked up, and he looked horrible. I saw that there was something red on one of his shoes, and his face had a severe look on it.

"I need everyone of you showered and changed, and you all need to meet me in my office once dressed," he announced in a voice that suggested that no arguments would be tolerated.

Once in Coach's office, we waited. Tyler was sitting beside me, and he was scared. He and I both noticed that Devin wasn't with him.

"What do you think happened?" Tyler said leaning in close to me.

"I don't know," I answered.

"I've never seen him look like that before," he went on.

"Neither have I," I replied.

"And what was that on his shoe?" Tyler asked.

"I don't know," I answered, but I thought I did.

Sam was on the other side of me, and he was worried as well. Finally though, Coach came in to the room, and he had Principal Howard, as well as two police officers with him, though they weren't the two that we usually saw around here.

"Devin Jackson is one of your classmates?" one of the officers asked.

"He is," I answered.

"Where is he!" Tyler asked hardly able to keep himself calm.

"Devin has been rushed to the hospital," Coach cut in before the officers had a chance to speak. "I found him, and he has been hurt."

"What do you mean hurt?" Tyler asked as I put my arm around his shoulders.

"When I found him, he had been stabbed," Coach said stepping over to where Tyler and I sat. "I was the one who called the ambulance, and he should be at the hospital now."

"No!" Tyler yelled as he started crying, and I held him tightly. "No! This can't be happening!"


Devin was in the first Trauma Room in the ER, and three doctors worked on him. They worked to remove the knife from his chest, as well as working to stop further bleeding. As they worked, they started Anesthesia in an IV, as well as continuing to check his vital signs. Another nurse hung a bag of blood from another IV that was dripping in to Devin's arm, and she hoped that this would help. More blood was on the way, and the doctors continued to work.

Dr. Harper who was the attending surgeon gave the order, and they transferred Devin from the Trauma Room to the Operating Room. Once there, Harper began opening Devin up. He looked around, but could hardly see anything because of all of the blood going in to Devin's chest cavity.

"God Damn it!" he said and called for suction. "I can hardly see a fucking thing! We need to find out where all this blood is coming from!"

"Dr. Kingsley the second doctor stepped closer.

"It looks like he might have a Hemothorax," Dr. Kingsley said.

This is where blood hemorrhages in to the chest, and it can put pressure on the heart as well as the lungs.

"You're probably right," Harper responded. "Wait, I think I see where it's coming from. There it is. The knife cut in to the Pulmonary Artery,."

It took only a minute-and-a half to get the laceration to the artery closed, and with another round of suctioning, the chest cavity was free of blood. Harper could now see everything.

"He's got two deep cuts in to his lungs, and we'll have to keep him on a ventilator for possibly the next couple of days if not longer," Harper announced. " They're both fairly deep cuts. It's a wonder they didn't cut the Pulmonary Artery all the way through."

Finally about an hour after Devin had been admitted, the surgery was finished, and he was sent to the Surgical ICU, and he was heavily sedated, and was kept on the ventilator as Dr. Harper had ordered. It was now time for the waiting to begin.

Author's Notes

So this is what things have come to, and Tyler's nightmare appears to partially be coming true. I can imagine that you're all wondering what's going to happen to Devin, as well as if he'll survive. You all probably have questions regarding Ben and Matt. You'll see what happens to them as well. Tyler will have a lot to go through with all of this, and so it should go without saying that he's going to need the love and support of his dad, and of his friends now more than ever in order to deal with this horrible situation.

That being said though, I hope you're all staying safe, and doing well. I hope everyone is having a good weekend, as well as a good evening. I'll see everyone in Chapter 34.

Next: Chapter 34

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