The Charges

By Tags

Published on Dec 20, 2022



This story is a work of fiction. None of the characters portrayed herein represent any real person, living or dead. It includes characters invented by Chip Masterson including the muscle super kid, "Danny Henderson" who appears in a number of stories created by Chip. These characters are used in this story with his express permission, (Thanks, Chip!) although this story differs substantially in tone and theme from stories written heretofore by Chip. There are inconsistencies between Chip's story line and mine. The characters in my scenario dwell, therefore, in some sort of parallel universe.' Also included in this story is a character inspired by "Billy," the lead character in John D's "Billy Muscles up." One incident is borrowed directly from the "Billy Muscles Up" series and some of the things Billy does in this story echo "Billy Muscles Up." However, although this "Billy" begins with more or less the same personality and physical strength as the original, events take "my Billy'" in a somewhat different direction. My use of the "Billy" character is with John D's express permission. Thanks, John D!

If you are looking for erotic stimulation, please look elsewhere because you won't find that here. Aside from some coarse language and violence, this story could almost be rated "G." But if Chip's "Danny" series is one you have enjoyed, you may find this story entertaining as well. My interest in Chip's "Danny" series has been mainly, "what are people thinking and feeling?" (Something Chip has preferred to leave to the reader's imagination.) This story delves into that question in just a little bit more detail. Of particular interest to me as well, is how some of these characters respond to situations and circumstance that could happen to anyone as well as how they react to extraordinary situations.

I've introduced my own characters in this story, among them, "Andy Jackson Partlowe," and, to some extent, this is HIS story... how he came to meet Billy, Danny and his friends and how he reacts to their phenomenal strength and abilities.

My thanks to the web master for his work in maintaining this site and for posting this story. I would like to express my special thanks to Chip Masterson and John D. for graciously sharing their characters with me and especially for their work and creativity in creating their stories. This story is dedicated in their honor.

Thanks a lot for sharing, Chip and John D...


Salas arrived at the head shed early, but not earlier than Roy. Roy had already screened and routed the message traffic and had the coffee on. He'd completely field dayed the building by himself in less than thirty seconds, including waxing the deck to a mirror shine. Roy he sure DID like that aspect of his new super speed.

"Mornin' Salas. Coffee's on in the galley. Message traffic's been processed. When you get a minute, I wonder if I could see you in your office?"

"Sure, Roy. Why not right now?"


Roy followed Salas into his office. "Salas, I wanna apologize to you for yesterday. I was actin' like a fool and I want you to know, it won't happen again."

Salas replied, "Don't you dare apologize for that, Roy! No apology owed or accepted. Yah know, there's something about how you reacted to all this that, well, I guess I can't explain it. Boy, when you first got over here, you came in like a ball of fire and really 'wowed' all of us. And with this bunch of supermen, that's really goin' some. There's not too many things that'll make Danny shake his head, in amazement, but you even had HIM doin' that! That boy saw you as something of a superman even before all this happened to you. But, Roy, you've gained more with this than just your strength, speed and super senses. It's brought out a kind of 'grace' and humility in you that I really think was there all along, just under the surface. And it's a beautiful thing, Roy..."

"...I saw how you handled yourself on the beach yesterday. You showed those jerks what a real man is... It would've been so easy to take advantage of your strength, but you showed a gentleness and compassion for that bastard that... well, Roy, it just took my breath away. Roy you're so young. I'd like to meet your folks, someday. Because they sure did a wonderful job with you. You really make them look good, with everything you do..."

"...When you crashed this little 'party' a week ago last Friday, frankly, I wasn't sure what I was gonna be in for. But you kinda had me by the balls, boy, and you just muscled your way in here. But, I will forever bless the day you and Robbie came on board with us. I know the memory of our little 'man to man' out front will bring a little smile to my face, every time I think of it, for the rest of my days..."

"...So forget about apologies, Roy. You don't need that and neither do I. You just stay the course and stick with me. We'll do just fine."

"OK, Salas. And, man, thank you for everything. I don't really know if you realize how much you mean to me and all the rest of these guys. You're kinda like our 'rock.' But who do YOU lean on, Salas? Where do you go for the kinda support and encouragement you give us?"

"Well, Roy, I guess it's kinda funny you asked. Cuz yah know, most of my life, I was all alone with this. Then I met up with Cole and we became great friends right off. Then I ran into Danny and Scotty. Scotty was pretty much handling Danny all by himself. The boy was nearly out of control. His parents couldn't handle him very well. In fact, he pretty much 'handled' them. And then Scotty came along for Danny. He wasn't a superman back then. That was just about a year ago, as a matter of fact. But, for some reason, Scotty was someone that Danny would listen to, at least some of the time. Well, through a combination of events, I met Scotty and Danny. And then, about a month and a half ago, again through a bizarre set of circumstances that I'll tell you about sometime, Andy came along. Andy! ...what a fine young man he is! It's hard to believe now, that only a little over a month ago, when I first met Andy, he was as normal as you were, until day before yesterday. But even as a normal guy, he sure made an impression on Danny, kinda like you did! S'matter of fact, even though you two are very different in most ways, I can see some real similarities between you two!

"And then Andy brought Billy into the picture. He's another... Well, I don't really know what to say... He's really one of a kind. He's a strong, gentle, sensitive, beautiful human being."

And then out at Lassiter's base, we met Hernandez, LeBlanc and Nguyen. All three of those guys were the epitome of grace under fire. Those guys were just pros. That's all I can say. I requested them by name and, thank God, the Admiral got them detailed to us. They're technically still assigned TAD, but, needless to say, making that permanent is just a formality..."

"And then you, Roy... You and Robbie! And you're asking me where I go for support? You guys are my support. I never in my wildest imagination ever dared dream I'd ever be so lucky to be surrounded by such a magnificent band of bright eyed, deep down good young men. Finally, after all these years, I have a life that really means something. I can't wait to come down here to work, every day... and, Roy, it's like that for me every DAY! Sure, there's been some rough spots along the way. But I'll gladly take those rough spots. Because there's been so much good that's come along with all of that. Roy, I see myself as the luckiest man alive because of you guys. I have NO idea what I ever did to deserve this life I'm living now. Because I wouldn't trade places with any man on earth. Not for a million bucks!"

"Well, Salas, I'll sure do my best to do my part so you still keep feelin' that way. And thanks. Thank you for everything you're doin' for us. And, thank you again for givin' Robbie an' me a shot with you guys. And, shit, I'll even thank you for doin' this for Robbie an' me with all this super stuff. I guess I shoulda known from the jump that with even all the weirdness that goes along with it, I guess it really is a privilege to be like this. And I just want you to know, I'll do my dead level best to earn that privilege after the fact."

"I know you will, Roy. You're already off to a great start."

"Well, Roy, the rest of the guys oughta be here by now. Why don't we head on down to the conference room and join `em?"

"OK, Salas."

"And, Roy, yer gonna get yer wish. Today you're gonna get your stick time in the Harrier."

Roy clapped his hands and rubbed his palms together and grinned like a little kid. "Oh man! I can NOT fuckin' wait!"

After that, Roy, I want all the guys to get some stick time in the helos. We wanna keep all you young aviators current with your quals. And, Roy, take some time while we're over at mainside to get you and Robbie outfitted with your new uniforms. You two are officers now. And it's time for you two to dress the part."

Roy laughed, "Uh, Yes, SIR, Major Salas!"

Salas laughed, too, placed his arm over Roy's shoulder and the two men walked down the passageway to the conference room.

This morning, Salas laid out his organization chart for his charges. "Guys, no big deal, cuz everybody oughta know everybody else's job, even mine. But here's how I see this thing.

I'm Det. O-in-C. That's the Admiral's call. But everything after that is, technically, my prerogative. But I've never been a one man show around here, so if anybody has any heartburn with what I've set up, let me know. Now, or in private if you'd rather. I'll listen to what you say about your own primary assignment, or anything you have to say about anybody else's. And, if we have to, we can always come back in here and vote on it.

Roy rolled his eyes. Salas saw it and laughed. "Still hate that don'tcha, son."

Roy laughed. "Yeah, Salas, with a bloody blue passion... Fuckin' democracy... In the Corps fer crissake!" He chuckled again and shook his head.

OK, here goes...

"Det O-in-C... that's me... Deputy O-in-C... that'll be Cole... No surprise there. Operations, ops training and 'first lieutenant'... that'll be Billy... Safety and aviation training... Andy... Admin, supply and logistics and collateral duty assistant aviation training ... who else? ...Roy... NATOPS, standardization and aviation maintenance... Robbie... Security, ground tactics, search and rescue and assistant aircraft maintenance... Miguel, that's you... You'll lead off and Nguyen and LeBlanc will help. Physical training, medical, ground and aviation physiology... Danny, that'll be you..."

Roy groaned at Danny's assignment. "Oh fuck! Now we're all dead meat!"

Danny narrowed his eyes and grinned impishly at Roy. "You got THAT right, dude. I'll run yer sweet ass all over the countryside. An' I won't let up on you till yer stronger than Salas."

"Or till I'm fuckin' dead... or WISH tah hell is was dead."

Danny reassured Roy. "Aw naw, bro. It's an acquired taste. It'll grow on yah."

Salas laughed. "OK, anybody got any REAL problems with those assignments? Besides Roy, I mean... If you'd rather discuss it in private, I'm OK with that. My door's open. But, like I said, I want every one of you to know every one else's job. And yer gonna rotate jobs in six months... all except Cole'n me..."

Salas wrapped up the morning meeting. "OK, guys. That's it. Let's go flyin'. Roy, Robbie, you guys'll fly us on over to mainside and we'll check out the jets. You'n Robbie'll fly with Danny and Scotty in the super harrier. Billy... Andy, you two and I will fly standard single seat fleet harriers. We'll sortie on out to Lima One and 'fur ball' (free for all, every plane against every other.)

"Hernandez, Nguyen, LeBlanc... You guys do a cross country down to NAS, Miramar in the helo. I want all three of you to log some stick time. When you get back here, we'll switch out. You three and I will do our first fam in the super harrier and the rest of these guys will do their helo cross country down to Miramar."

As the guys were filing out of the conference room, Billy and Andy asked to see Salas in his office, in private. "Sure guys, c'mon."

They followed Salas into his office. Billy turned around and closed the door. "Salas, Andy and I want to make a public exchange of vows. And we want you guys as witnesses.... Nothing fancy. Our moms have offered to throw us a pool party over at the new place. And, Salas, we'd really like you and the guys to come..."

Salas nodded. "Well, guys, I'm honored. And I think the rest of the guys will be too..."

Billy asked, "Well, what about Cole? Andy wasn't sure he'd wanna come because, uh, well, you know..."

Salas looked at Andy. "Son, if you felt that way, you really don't know Cole. Of COURSE he'd wanna be there for you guys..."

Billy went on. "It's nothin' formal, Salas... Like I said, it's a pool party and barbq. At some point during the 'festivities,' Andy and I will stand up, make our announcement and exchange our vows. Just wear what you had on down at the beach yesterday... well, that's what WE'LL be wearin', anyway."

"Well, OK, fellahs. Yah wanna tell the other guys or shall I?"

Billy said, "We'll do it, Salas. Thanks."

They headed back for the conference room. The guys were milling around in the foyer/quarter deck. Billy called to them. "You guys, lets go back into the conference room for just a minute. Andy and I have an announcement."

When everyone had taken their seats around the conference table, Billy spoke. "Guys, Andy and I are having a little get together this Saturday night and you're all invited. Bring a date, your families, whoever. They'll all be welcome. But here's the deal. Andy and I are together, now. You all know that by now. But we wanna kinda make it 'official.' We're gonna exchange vows and we wanted you guys, our friends, to stand for us as witnesses."

All the guys nodded. Scotty spoke for all of them. "Sure, Billy. We're honored..."

Billy answered. "Thank you, Scotty. Now you guys, don't dress up. Our moms' new place has a pool an' hot tub in back. Andy and I are living in the pool house in back and we have an extra bedroom back there that you can use to change into your swim trunks. It'll be a barbq. There's a real kickass built in barbq pit on the back patio. I think it'll be kinda fun."

Danny said, "Oh wow, dudes! This is great! How 'bout I bring my guitar? Andy, you and I can sing together. We haven't done that since church that Sunday. You guys gotta hear us! We sing great together!"

Andy blushed. "Well, DANNY sings great. I sing 'fair to middlin'."

Danny retorted. "Don't let `im bullshit you, guys. He's awesome. We were ridin' together in the car a couple of weeks back and he sang The National Anthem all the way through without changin' his register. Not many folks can do that. Andy's gotta lotta power and he can nail a song like nobody's business. I could listen to his voice all day and all night long."

Roy spoke up. "Well, gee, I didn't know you guys were musicians. Robbie and I used to jam with some of our friends back in Tulsa. I play a fairly decent guitar and Robbie's damn good on the keyboard. Mind if we bring our instruments and join in?"

"Sure!" Danny smiled. "The more the merrier!"

Hernandez added. "Well, I play OK on the base. Mebbe I outta bring that along as well."

Danny's eyes lit up. "Oh, guys, this is awesome! We'll rock the block!"

Scotty laughed. "I guess I'll be the only odd man out with that. I can't carry a tune in a bucket... Never could. And I can't play a musical instrument. But at least you guys'll have an audience."

They landed at El Toro around 1000 (10:00 a.m.). Hernandez, Nguyen and LeBlanc went into the operations building, filed their 'out and in' VFR flight plan for Mirimar, went back to the flight line and took off. The rest of the guys made their way over to Hangar Three and went to the aviator's equipment office to draw their flight gear. Once everybody was suited up, they headed to the flight briefing room. Salas turned to Roy. "Well, Roy, looks like you've also picked up the 'mind thing' along with everything else. Think you'd be OK to link us up and I'll pass along the pre flight brief."

"Yes, Sir, Major Salas." (Roy 'played the game' the military way since they were at mainside.) He linked everybody up and Salas 'uploaded' the preflight brief to all hands.

Roy and Robbie went down and filed their VFR flight plan for the Lima One training area and then they rejoined the others on the flight line and everybody manned their aircraft.

Salas had stipulated that it would be Roy who would maintain the 'air to air' 'mind link,' with Scotty serving as first backup, Andy as second and Button Six, TACCHAN, as third comm backup. All safety of flight calls would be passed by normal voice over TACCHAN. Once Roy had brought everyone into his 'link,' he announced. I'd like us to fly 'nap of the earth' over to Lima One. Robbie an' I are pretty good at that in the helos. It'll be good fer y'all to get some experience 'flyin' under the radar.'"

Roy flew the super harrier on the outbound leg. Once they got to Lima One, they started their 'fur ball.' This added an extra dimension of complication to the air to air combat problem, but all the guys did well. Finally, Salas called over TACCHAN, "OK, guys, let's knock it off and head back. We'll have lunch over at mainside. Then, Roy, you and Robbie go on over to the base exchange and get fitted for your new uniforms. By the time you're done with that. Hernandez and the guys outta be back from their cross country. Once they recover, you guys fly on down to Miramar and back. By the time you recover, I oughta be back on deck in the super harrier with Hernandez, Nguyen and LeBlanc."

They landed in the helo back at their base right at fourteen hundred. They all went into the conference room for their wrap-up meeting. Salas said, "OK, guys, another great day! Thanks, everybody. Tomorrow, lets go ahead and meet here. I'll screen the message traffic and then we'll head on over to the shop and work from there. You new guys need another crack at the boiler. You guys gotta get your times under ten minutes. And then, Roy, I'm gonna have you guys dodge some bullets. We're really gonna push you guys on your agility training tomorrow. And I wanna take some time with you guys to hone your super senses..."

Danny took Billy and Andy aside. "Look, guys, I don't know if they'd come, but would it be OK if I asked my mom and dad to come along Saturday night?"

Andy replied, "Well, gee, Danny, I dunno. They'd be welcome, of course. But do you really think they'd be up for something like that?"

Danny said, "I don't see why not, Andy. They think the world of all you guys. I guess, in some ways, they may be kinda old fashioned. But I can't see them havin' a problem with this. And, if they do, well, at least they couldn't say we left `em out."

Andy smiled, "Well, sure, Danny. You know we'd be glad to have `em."

"Gee thanks, guys. See yah tomorrow."

Salas dropped Danny off. He went inside, hugged his mom and then went off and washed up for supper. As they were eating, Danny broached the question.

Danny's dad answered. "Well, son. I didn't know that about Billy and Andy. Frankly, your mom and I are not interested. And, son, I know I can't stop you if you insist on going, but I'm ASKING you not to go either..."

Danny hadn't expected this "Aw, gee, Dad. These guys are my friends. It'd break their hearts if I skipped out on `em."

Mr. Henderson answered. "Danny, I know that. But if we go... If YOU go, you're as much as saying that something like that is OK. And it's not. Son, I know how close you've gotten to all of those guys, but I don't think that kind of influence is best for you. Not that I think they'd ever try anything like that with you. Don't misunderstand me. I'm OK with your working with all of the guys. But I don't think this Saturday night thing is a good idea. And I don't think you'd be doing right by them, either, if you went. Like I said, if you went, you're as much as saying it IS OK. And you aren't helping those two young men by telling them there's nothing wrong with how they've chosen to live their lives. So, I'm asking you to stay home Saturday night."

Danny lowered his eyes. He wanted to obey his dad and he wanted to be there for his friends. "Dad, I'll do whatever you say. But please let me get this out. I'm NOT arguing with you, I'm appealing to you, so I just want you to give me a hearing. Then, I'll do whatever you say..."

"OK, Danny. I'll listen, of course. But I think I've pretty much made my feelings clear to you. And, when push comes to shove, I hope you decide to do the right thing."

"Dad, mom, I had a little something to do with Andy and Billy getting together in the first place. Those two guys have been friends for years. But, when Billy come into the picture with us, it was obvious, almost from the start that boy was head over heels for Andy. I guess, deep inside, Andy always felt the same way, but he was just a little slower to realize it. He and I had a talk a couple of Sundays back when we were riding together in his truck. He was really kinda scared to face it, and I'm the one who encouraged him to at least think about it. Dad, it really is love between those two. And it's not something dirty or ugly. I just don't buy that. I never will. Billy and Andy are the kindest, sweetest guys you'd ever wanna meet. And, you're right, Dad. They'd never try anything with me or with ANYBODY my age. Besides, they're gonna be faithful to each other. They'd never try anything with ANYBODY else!"

"Well, Danny. I've heard your argument. And now I'd say that's all the more reason for you to stay away. You meant well, I know, son. But you weren't helping them by encouraging them into that lifestyle... So, I'm asking you again to stay home Saturday night..."

Danny sighed. "OK, Dad. I'll tell `em tomorrow morning."

Mr. Henderson looked at his son. "I can see you're disappointed. I know it's hard for you to stay away. But this is as much for them as it is for you. I don't want you anywhere around anything that smacks of that lifestyle. And I don't want you giving them the impression that it's all right to live that way. It is intrinsically evil. And if you REALLY wanna be their friend, you should be doing everything you can to try and encourage them to turn away from that."

"Dad, you've told me I hafta stay away this Saturday night and I will... just like I promised. But I could never try and influence Andy and Billy to turn away from each other. I'm glad they're together... and I'm proud of what I did to help them make that happen. They are NOT evil. And if you knew them like I do, you'd know better than that..."

"...You still don't know how Andy and I met. If you did, it'd break your heart. It still hurts me every time I think about it..."

"...Andy is one of the bravest men I've ever met. But he has a sweet and gentle soul... and I'm a different and, I pray to God, a better person because of him...

...Let's talk for just a minute about the 'influence' he's had on me... Well, you said it yourself the other night. We'd never have had that little talk in your study if it hadn't been for the guys out at the base. And Andy has been a very big part of that..."

"...Dad, I may I be excused from the table? I'd like to run over to Salas' He's got something over there I'd like to bring back over here to show you and mom."

Mr. Henderson nodded and Danny got up and left the dining room. He stepped outside the front door and vanished. In seconds he was knocking on Salas' front door. Salas answered. Danny asked, "Salas, may I borrow those tapes from the mall? I need to show them to my folks. This is really important..."

Salas answered, "Well, Danny, actually, I've gone to a lot of trouble to shield your parents from any of that. I think it'd really be hard for them to watch most of it... I don't think that'd be such a good idea..."

"Salas, I KNOW it'll hurt them. But I really NEED for them to see what Andy did that day. They don't wanna let me come Saturday night. They say it'd be a bad influence on me. Salas, Dad said Andy and Billy are EVIL because of their lifestyle. I really need to show them how really GOOD Andy is! And I can't think of a better way to do that than with those tapes. If I can't show mom and dad, so they can see it with their own eyes, I'm gonna hafta miss Saturday night. Because I won't disobey my dad, even though I know he's wrong about this."

"Well, Danny, I'm glad you've finally decided to mind your parents. I'm proud of you there..."

"...Here's what I think. I think you, Scotty and I all three oughta go see your mom and dad. If you're gonna show them these tapes, I think I should be there with you. It really will be hard on them. And I wanna be there for them. But, Danny, I think you may be right. This may be your only shot to bring `em around. But, son, if this doesn't do the trick, your decision to obey your dad is the right one. And, Danny, even though Andy and Billy would be disappointed, they'd understand."

Salas, Scotty and Danny walked into the Henderson's front door less than a minute later.

Salas spoke to Danny's parents. "Mr. and Mrs. Henderson, Danny's told me you don't want him going to Billy and Andy's exchange of vows this coming Saturday evening. And I understand and respect your view, even though I disagree. But I think you might have a better insight into Andy's character, and by extension, Billy's as well if you saw these video tapes I've brought along. I've actually gone to a great deal of trouble to keep this from you, but, now, I think I was wrong to do that. Some of this will be very painful for you. But if you agree to see these video tapes, I want you to keep one thing in mind as you're watching them... In the end, Danny did the right thing. He'd showed his true colors by the time it was all said and done."

Mr. Henderson nodded. "OK, Salas. Lets have a look."

As they viewed the tapes, Mr. and Mrs. Henderson looked on in horror. But their dismay and revulsion at Danny's rampage was overcome by their reaction to Andy's heroic defense against the 'monster' on screen who was their son. Mrs. Henderson said, "I can see that Andy wasn't actually trying to shoot AT Danny, even though that poor boy was scared to death of him the whole time."

Salas agreed. "Any was very brave that day... And even though he was terrified, he kept his head."

Mr. Henderson looked at his wife and then Danny. "Son, you were right. This is breaking our hearts!"

Salas explained. "Yes, sir. I knew it would if you ever found out about this. But I was wrong to hide this from you. Please don't blame Danny for that. It was MY decision. But just keep watching the screen."

Mrs. Henderson cried out in anguish as she saw Andy place his pistol in his mouth. Both Danny's parents gasped as they watched their boy's desperate fifty foot leap to save Andy from himself.

The Hendersons sat in silence for several minutes. "How long ago did this happen?"

Salas answered, "A little less than a month and a half ago. It was about mid July."

"Well, Salas, I know you meant well, but you were wrong to keep this from us. We are this boy's parents and we're responsible for his actions."

Salas retorted, "Not back then you weren't. Even though Danny had actually started to show some signs of turning around some, even back then, he was still very much out of control. But that day was a watershed in your son's life. If you'll think back, Mr. Henderson, you'll agree with me on that. And it was Andy who was responsible for that. As you just saw, Andy never once tried to harm your son, scared to death as he was of him... not only for himself, but for all of those other people at the mall... And Danny, bless his heart, saw all of that. At the last moment, he saved Andy's life the split second before he tried to kill himself."

Mr. Henderson nodded. "Yes. Mrs. Henderson and I did notice a marked change in Danny's behavior along about then. And he's continued to get better and better since then. And bringing those boys to church. He never used to do anything like that before."

Salas said, "Mr. Henderson, if it weren't' for the influence of guys like Andy and Billy, not to mention Scotty, in Danny's life, you and I wouldn't even be talking about this right now. Danny would have just come to you and announced that he'd be going and, likely as not, that you two WOULD be going along with him, no matter how you felt about it."

Mr. Henderson agreed. "That's true. I still don't agree with their lifestyle. But, Danny, I withdraw my remark about their being 'evil.' I think a better choice of words might've been 'misguided.' You can go on over there Saturday night. I understand why you want to be by their side when they do this. We'll come, too. I'm not going to go over there and tell those two young men what they're doing with their lives is right. But I won't go over there and rain on their parade either. Danny, my main reason for going is that I want to thank Andy for not trying to kill my only son when, by all rights, he had every reason to... not only in self defense, but for those other people, who might've gotten hurt or killed because of you if he hadn't been there. That boy was willing to die for them. And, Salas, if you hadn't told me before we started that everything would end up OK, I'm not sure either Danny's mother or I could've watched this whole thing."

Danny knelt in front of his parents. "Mom, dad, I am so ashamed of what I did that day. And I am soooo sorry I've put you two through this. I know this broke your hearts to see it. But I needed you to know about Andy and what kinda man he really is."

Mr. Henderson looked at his son. "That boy was so terrified of you right at the end. Danny, the look on his face... Oh, dear God, the look on that poor boy's face..."

Danny knew very well what his dad was referring to. It was Andy's "look" that had finally brought Danny around and spurred him on to save his life.

Danny's couldn't look at his father. He looked down at the floor. "Dad, when he looked at me like that, I saw myself through his eyes. I'll be haunted by that for the rest of my life. I've gotten to know Andy since then. And, Dad, I've come to love that boy. He's one of my dearest friends in the whole world. And when I think how close I came to being responsible for his death, it makes me wanna cry."

"Well, Danny, that's good, because I feel the same way. I'm gonna go with Pastor Rick's words on this one, son. I'm ditching my 'principles' next Saturday night and going with 'compassion.' Compassion like Andy had for you, even though he was scared to death of you. He preferred to put a bullet in his brain than take a shot at you. I know how close you've gotten to Andy... And now, praise God, I know why. I think you SHOULD go. And I think your mom and I should too..."

"Salas, thank you for bringing these tapes over here. I guess in a way, I'm glad I haven't seen them until now... Because Danny certainly HAS changed. You're right. Not all that long ago, we wouldn't even be talking about this. I wanna thank you, Salas, for all YOU'VE done to give me my son back. My son, whom I thought his mother and I had lost for ever... And I'm gonna thank Andy for that, too, this Saturday night."

Danny stepped outside with Salas and Scotty as they were leaving. "Salas, thanks. And Salas, Scotty, thank you both for all you've done for me. It wasn't just Andy. It's been you guys, too, all along."

Salas and Scotty hugged Danny in turn and then they vanished.

Tuesday (the fourth)

Next morning, Salas entered the admin. building with Danny and Scotty following behind. Roy was where he always was, waiting in the OOD office. He stepped up to the service counter. He was all decked out in his starched and ironed cami uniform, his brand new warrant bars sewn on his left and right collars. His black aviator wings sewn above his left breast pocket. (On camouflage uniforms, rank and warfare specialty insignia are sewn on, not pinned on. And rather than the gold and silver customary for dressier uniforms, on camis, the colors are muted browns, grays, greens and blacks.)

"Mornin' Salas. Coffee's on. Message traffic's processed and the rest of the guys are standing by in the conference room."

Salas grinned, "Roy, as always, you look like a million bucks in uniform, but now more than ever, with those warrant insignia and your wings. And you have this place spiffed up, looking better than the day it was built. You always have my admin. and my message traffic squared away. You do this all yourself, huh."

"Yeah, Salas. Usually. The other guys offered to help, but it's just something I'd rather do myself."

"Well, Roy, you're an officer now. You really should let Hernandez and the other guys bear a hand with that... And these middies aren't too good to turn to with some of this as well."

"Yeah, Salas, I know that. But this is a little something I can do for you and all the guys. I'll admit, it's sure been a lot easier with the 'field day' having this super speed. But, yah know, I still screen the message traffic and do the admin., most of it anyway, at normal speed. It's just something I enjoy doin' and, sometimes, I kinda like tah stretch it out and savor it a little bit. In a way, it sorta keeps me 'in touch' with my old self..."

Salas smiled. Roy's former cockiness was mellowing into an easy, graceful, cheerful self confidence.

Salas said, "OK, Roy, I'm gonna get me a cupa a'joe and head on down to my office for a few. I won't be long... See you guys in the conference room in about five."

As Salas strolled down the passageway, his sensitive ears picked up a moderately loud 'chirping' sound coming from his office. In the conference room, Roy and Robbie heard it, too... and recognized it immediately for what it was... A flash message had just arrived, tripping the alarm on Salas' console and on the master console in the computer room.

Roy tapped Robbie on the shoulder and bolted out of the conference room for the computer room, Robbie right behind. The rest of the guys looked at each other, then decided to get up and follow.

Salas sat down at his console and clicked the flashing alarm on his display. The message window popped up. It was a flash, unclassified from Admiral Tucker. Because the message was unclas, the boys were able to follow Salas' session on the master console in the computer room.

A Los Angles class attack submarine was now twenty four hours overdue for arrival at Pearl Harbor. A sea and air sector search was now underway along the submarine's last known "PIM," "Path of Intended Movement" (i.e., position, course and speed). Admiral Tucker had ordered eleven F-14's scrambled from NAS, Mirimar to fly up to El Toro and collect them, and fly them out to Hickam Air Force Base in Hawaii. Salas tapped out a quick acknowledgment, released it for immediate transmission and telephoned Admiral Tucker. After a brief exchange, they rung off. By the time Salas got down to the conference room, the boys had returned to their seats. Roy spoke up, "Yeah, Salas. We know. We all saw it on the server console..."

"OK, guys, there's damn near a whole squadron of F-14's on their way up to El Toro from Mirimar. ETA, thirty minutes. I'm sure glad I told everybody to leave an emergency mount out sea bag over in the quarters building. You guys go on ahead over there right now and get em. Roy, would you bring mine and Cole's, too? I gotta run his ass down and get im to meet us over at El Toro."

"Yeah, sure thing, Salas. See yah back here."

The guys were gone and back in seconds.

"OK, guys, no time for pretense. We'll just run on foot over to El Toro. Let's slow up about a mile away and then we'll just 'hump it' at a normal jog on up to the main gate."

They were outside the gate at mainside in minutes, the last mile having taken the lion's share of the time. The F14's from Mirimar were already on the ground, waiting for them at the transient line.

They were in the air in less than fifteen minutes. Salas had asked Andy to establish a mind link among the super guys. Andy had responded, "Why don't you try it yourself? It looks like you've gotten stronger these past few days. That's finally started to kick in for you. Maybe you've got some of this 'mind stuff,' too..."

Salas gave it a shot and... it worked! Now EVERYBODY had it all! It was a snap. He'd become accustomed to operating over a 'mind link' as a 'passive node.' Shifting to active mode had been easy for him.

"OK, guys, is everybody readin' me? All of you 'sound off.' I wanna 'comm check' over the link."

Everybody "sounded off'" and all hands were "reading" each other "loud and clear."

"OK, here's the drill, I'm gonna contact the admiral and have him keep us up to date on search status. I'll pass along any word I get. Meanwhile, just sit back, relax and enjoy the ride."

There are no flight controls in the back seat of an F-14... only weapons systems. So the guys were obliged to ride this one out with no stick time.

By the time they landed at Hickam Air Base, there still had been no word on the lost Los Angeles class nuclear submarine. Salas and his men checked into quarters on base and they all met in his room. "Guys, no word yet, I think maybe they're gonna need our help to find that thing. I've got a printout of the boat's PIM. We can all swim faster than any ship in the fleet can steam. Let's get on out to the beach and just dive in and go for it. We'll split up. Since Cole, Danny and I have been at this the longest, we'll be team leaders. Billy, you and Andy go with Danny. Scotty, Roy and Robbie, you guys'll be with me. Hernandez, you, Nguyen and LeBlanc'll be with Cole. We'll do overlapping sector searches along the submarine's PIM. Now that we've all got the 'mind thing,' if anybody finds anything, just 'sound off' to the rest of us, give us your lat./long.(latitude and longitude) and the rest of us'll home in on your posit.

The guys all fished their khaki diving shorts out of their sea bags and pulled them on. They all remained shirtless, except for Roy. Only he insisted on wearing a thick, loose fitting t-shirt. He was still way too modest to allow his beautifully chiseled upper body to be seen by anyone. None of them would need any special diving equipment. No pressure suits, scuba gear, no wet suits, flotation devices, or underwater masks. Any one of them could dive deeper than even the deepest diving submarine on earth and hold their breath for hours on end.

They arrived at the beach, dove into the sea and swam toward their assigned search sectors. They'd been on station about an hour and a half when Nguyen signaled a "tally ho!" "You guys! I found `em! But it's not one submarine... It's TWO. There's a US Navy Los Angeles and a Russian November. There must've been an underwater collision! They're both lying on the bottom at about fifty fathoms (300 feet). The bottom's soft mud and they'll be a bitch to pull loose with all that suction from the mud."

Nguyen swam for the Los Angeles. There was a breach in the hull on the port side amidships, just aft the trailing edge of the sail. He swam up to the bow and pounded on the side of the hull with the flat of his super hard palm. Almost immediately, he heard a knock from inside. Now he knew, there were at least some survivors. Nguyen swam toward the stern section and again he banged on the hull. Again he got a response. With his mind he 'transmitted' to the rest of the guys. "

OK, fellahs, we got survivors fore'n aft in the US sub. The hull's breached, port side amidships, so I guess the guys in the control room have bought the farm. I'm gonna go inside and hava look."

Cole responded. "No don't. Just standby, we're almost with yah, bud. Just hang loose..."

Momentarily, LeBlanc swam alongside and then Cole. Nguyen 'thought' to LeBlanc and Cole. "Man! It's pitch dark down here! But we can SEE! I didn't know you guys had infa red! This is kinda handy!"

Cole agreed. "Well, it sure is right now."

Salas' and Danny's teams hove into view, homing in on the two wrecks. Nguyen swam over to the Russian November submarine. "OK, guys, the bow is collapsed. I'm movin' in for a closer look see."

With his fist, he hammered on the side of the hull amidships just under the sail. Again he got a response.

"Survivors over here, too! Now we got two of these suckers to raise."

Salas and the others joined Nguyen. OK, guys. Let's let these guys inside know what we're up to. Danny, you know Russian. I want you to give that to all the rest of us right now."

Danny transferred his Russian fluency, including his knowledge of Russian 'Morse' code to all hands.

Salas 'thought' into the link, now being maintained by all the guys. "OK, here's the plan. Danny, you get over to the Los Angeles and standby to let them know what's up. Nguyen, you do the same for the Russians. Danny, you, Scotty, Billy, Andy and I will try to raise the US sub. Cole, you take Roy, Robbie, Hernandez, Nguyen and LeBlanc and try to pull the Russian loose from the mud. Once we get these boats off the bottom, we'll swim up to the surface with `em. As soon as we get up there, Billy, you hop on top the Los Angeles and get the survivors out on deck. Nguyen, you do the same for the Russians. The rest of us'll stay underneath and swim these things back to Pearl Harbor."

Salas, Danny, Scotty, Billy and Andy swam down to the bottom to starboard of the Los Angeles, dove into the mud and came up underneath the keel. They were evenly spaced along the bottom of the ship. They reached up with their palms, lay them flat against the hull and began to kick like mad. The boat began to move. She popped free of the mud and began to rise. She broke the surface and Billy exploded out of the water onto the bow. He moved quickly to the forward escape hatch and pounded on it. The response came quickly. The hatch would be coming open. But after a few minutes, a second message was being tapped out from inside. "Hatch jammed!"

Billy reached down, and pressed his fingers into the cold steel to fashion a hand hold. Then, with a mighty jerk, he wrenched the hatch open. He hopped down through the hatch, landing on the deck below. The senior officer stepped up to Billy. "There's twenty-six of us..."

Billy answered, "Sir, can all you guys make it out on deck?"

"We got four guys hurt real bad. But we'll get `em topside..."

"Where are they?"

The submariner led Billy forward to where the four men lay on the deck. They all had broken limbs and one had serious internal injuries. Billy took the most seriously injured and carried him topside. Then he quickly moved the other three men up. As the rest of the survivors were emerging from the hatch, Billy moved aft. He banged on the hull but, this time, go no response. He moved to the aft escape hatch, wrenched it open and dropped down to the deck. He knew immediately the situation was serious. There was heavy smoke, the radiation leak warning alarm was wailing and the overhead mounted amber, rotating beacons were flashing. He inhaled deeply, sucking all the smoke into his lungs. Then he hopped up out of the escape hatch and exhaled. Through his `mind link,' he called Salas for help.

"Salas, we gotta radiation leak aft and there's been a fire. It's out now, but there was smoke, real bad. All these guys aft are down. We gotta find em and get em all out on deck. I need at least one more guy up here to help... Now!"

Momentarily, Andy and Danny exploded from the surface and landed on deck. They followed Billy below and began searching for survivors. They had every one of them out on deck in less than three minutes. There were sixty three in all. Everyone was breathing and they had started coming around.. The biggest concern was radiation. Billy turned to the senior officer from the forward section who'd joined the super boys aft. "Sir, do you have any corpsmen among the survivors?"

Corpsmen were already making their way aft to begin ministering to their shipmates. Billy moved over to the aft escape hatch and closed it. He turned back to the senior surviving officer and told him to move everybody forward. "Sir, there's a radiation leak. Move all your crew as far forward as you can."

The officer nodded and turned to his men. "OK, men, everybody forward!" The crewmen moved to comply.

Billy called down to Salas through the `link.' "OK, Salas, we got problems in the reactor compartment. There's a bad leak. We gotta get these men offloaded fast. And we don't dare swim this thing back to Pearl until we can get some nucs on board to assess damage and contain the leak."

Salas answered. "Is everybody OK up there?"

"Yeah, Salas. As good as can be expected. But we need immediate medevac helo for four guys who're hurt pretty bad."

"OK, Billy, swim back to the beach, unless you can find a rescue unit before you make landfall. Let `em know the situation and find out where they want us to put this thing. Then get back here as quick as you can. Meanwhile, we're still gonna make for Pearl. We'll heave to offshore if we get there before you make it back here."

Billy dove into the water and was gone.

Cole, Robbie, Roy, Nguyen and LeBlanc dove into the mud and raised the Russian November to the surface using the same approach as Salas and his crew had with the Los Angeles. As soon as the November broke the surface, Nguyen rocketed out of the water, landing on deck just forward of the sail. He slapped the deck with the flat of his palm, using Russian 'Morse' and momentarily, there was a response...

"Men in forward torpedo compartment, lost. All others on board, safe. Condition of weapons forward, uncertain. Reactor "scrammed," (emergency shut down) no radiation leakage."

Nguyen tapped an acknowledgment and requested the crew come out on deck. The response was negative. "We will await arrival of rescue units from our fleet. Thank you for your assistance."

Nguyen signaled his situation to Cole.

"Find out if there are any injured among the survivors."

Nguyen tapped his interrogative through the hull. "Negative. All survivors safe and in good condition."

Nguyen relayed the Russian's response to Cole.

Cole `messaged' Salas through the link, informing him that the Russians needed to be notified to send rescue and recovery units ASAP to take their submarine off the super guys' hands. They would be obliged to keep the Russian boat afloat until help from the Russians arrived... However long that would take.

Through his `link,' Salas relayed to Billy, asking him to advise US Naval authorities and request they contact the Russians, informing them of the situation with their submarine.

Billy had found an Arleigh Burke class missile destroyer and climbed on board. He was on the bridge with the captain. A emergency action message had already been relayed to Pearl Harbor reporting the situation of both submarines. The captain assured Billy that this `amplification' regarding the Russians would be forwarded immediately.

On deck aboard the Russian November submarine, Nguyen was getting worried. With his sensitive hearing, he could hear screams of agony from some of the crew members inside. Whoever had tapped that message through the hull was lying through his teeth. He 'signaled' to Cole. "We got trouble inside. There's guys in there who are hurt bad. I can hear `em in there and it sounds like some of them are goin' through hell."

Cole replied, "Standby, Nguyen."

Cole passed Nguyen's word along to Salas who in turn contacted Billy aboard the Arleigh Burke destroyer and Billy told the ship's captain. The captain radioed Nguyen's concerns to Pearl and the response was almost immediate. "Do NOT attempt to enter the Russian submarine. All US military personnel are to remove themselves from the deck and afford minimum assistance required to keep the ship afloat. No other intervention authorized."

Word was passed back down through the chain of command, finally arriving in Nguyen's head from Cole' link.

The boy shot back, "We CAN'T leave those guys in there like that, man! We fuckin' CAN'T. There's guys dyin' in there... I KNOW it!"

Cole was firm. "I know it's hard, son. But this isn't your call. Now get off that deck and get down here... Do it NOW! That is a direct order, son."

Nguyen deliberated for just a moment. He shook his said and said out loud. "Fuck you... Fuck ALL of you.!"

He trotted over to the escape hatch just forward of the sail and wrenched it open. He dropped down to the deck below. What he saw made his heart skip a beat. The passageway was filled with cloying smoke. He inhaled deeply and blew he smoke out through the hatch. The man who had evidently signaled by tapping "all hands safe" through the hull to Nguyen was lying, wrench in hand, unconscious on the deck at the foot of the escape hatch ladder. Nguyen found crew members sprawled throughout the surviving compartments all over the ship. He thought' into the link. "Cole, Salas. There's not a man on board who isn't hurt bad. Not one! And there's gotta be at least fifty of em in here. I need help, getting all these guys out on deck and we need medevac... NOW!"

Salas ordered Scotty and Andy to remain with the Los Angeles submarine, keeping it afloat and maintaining headway towards Pearl Harbor. He and Danny swam at high speed for the Russian November. LeBlanc shot out of the water alongside the Russian boat, landing on deck. He joined Nguyen below and together, the two super boys began moving survivors out on deck. Within minutes, they were joined by Salas and Danny. They had evacuated all the Russians topside in a matter of minutes. Salas signaled to Billy. "Son, we need medevac helos out here now. These men are all hurt real bad. If we don't get them some help soon, we're gonna loose some of these guys!"

Billy relayed Salas' `message' to the captain standing next to him on the bridge. A flash, emergency action message was transmitted back to Pearl Harbor. The response was almost immediate. "All US Naval Personnel are to depart the Russian naval unit immediately. Failure to comply will result in court martial. Russian authorities have flatly refused all assistance short of the minimum required to keep their vessel afloat until their salvage and recovery flotilla arrives in the area. ETA four hours hence. This headquarters cannot over stress the importance of immediate compliance. Non compliance will result in a serious breach of relations between the United States and the Russian Federation."

When he received Billy's communication, Salas went ballistic. He asked Billy, "Did you make it clear to headquarters at Pearl how many lives are at stake here?"

"Yeah, Salas. This really sucks. But they know. And they don't care. Them or the Russians either. They're all willing to just write off those guys. And they expect us to stand aside and just let `em die."

Salas shot back, "Well, we're goddamn sure not GONNA let `em die. Fuck that! Get back here, son. We're gonna swim this tub all the way back to Pearl and drop it right on their door step."

Billy excused himself from the captain, walked out onto the starboard bridge wing and dove into the sea.

He had set out to rejoin Salas and the guys when Salas ordered him to `swim' the destroyer to them. Billy swam back to the destroyer, shot out of the water landing back on the starboard bridge wing. He informed the captain of Salas' order and suggested that all hands clear the weather decks and brace themselves for a very rough ride.

Then Billy dashed aft, diving off the fantail. He turned around, swimming up to the stern with his arms outstretched. He kicked his legs hard, propelling the eighteen thousand gross ton missile destroyer at well over one hundred fifty knots!

The destroyer appeared on the horizon within minutes. Within another thirty seconds, Billy had maneuvered her alongside the Russian submarine. Billy climbed back on deck and made his way to the bridge where he requested the captain to stand by to render assistance to the crippled Russian submarine and her crew. Another flash message from Pearl Harbor was delivered from ship's radio central to the bridge. A Russian naval aviation aircraft carrying an advance `salvage team' had just landed at Naval Air Station Barbers point. They would be arriving on scene by US navy helo within half an hour.

The flat gray Navy SH-3 helo hovered above the fantail of the Arleigh Burke class destroyer. Six black clad young men leapt one hundred fifty feet from the starboard crew access door down to the destroyer's helo deck. By now, Salas had arrived onboard along with Cole. Roy and Robbie were still underneath the Russian submarine, swimming her at thirty knots toward Pearl Harbor. Nguyen and LeBlanc were on deck doing what they could for the badly injured Russian submariners. Andy, Scotty and Danny were swimming the Los Angeles toward Pearl Harbor. Their courses were converging and the Los Angeles would appear on the horizon within a matter of minutes.

The six Russians were escorted by the ship's master at arms to the bridge where they joined the captain, Salas and Billy. The senior Russian, a short, very well muscled young man in his late twenties or early thirties, stepped up to Salas, looked him over momentarily and smiled wryly. He spoke in flawless English. "So, you are the ones who were in Managua!"

Salas replied, "Yeah, that's us."

The Russian smiled again. "Well, as you see, you and your men are not alone. My men and I have capabilities similar to yours and your men's. All of the Russians were very short in stature, none of them any taller than Andy' five foot six inch height. All six were flaxen blond, blue eyed, with handsome boyar features... broad faces, high cheekbones with vaguely Asiatic looking eyes. Their superb physiques shown through the skin tight black jerseys they wore.

The Russian said to Salas, "I'd like to have a look at our men."

And, without another word, he strode out to the starboard bridge wing and leapt from there to the deck of the Russian submarine.

The Russian was met by LeBlanc and Nguyen who spoke to him in fluent Russian. Nguyen briefed the senior Russian officer on the condition of survivors. None of them was in good shape and many were on the verge of dying. The Russian thanked Nguyen, hand signaled over to the destroyer, ordering his men to join him aboard the submarine. They leapt over to submarine and began doing the best they could to make the badly injured crew members as comfortable as they could. Then the Russian leapt back to the bridge of the Arleigh Burke. He spoke the ship's captain. "Sir, the orders of Higher Russian Naval Headquarters are hereby countermanded. On behalf of the Russian Navy and on behalf of the Russian Federation, I hereby request the assistance of your navy for rescue of our injured crewmen. My men and I will relieve your men of the responsibility of keeping our submarine afloat until help from our fleet arrives on scene. But I am asking you and your ship to standby on scene until you are relieved by units of your own navy or by our salvage and recovery flotilla. The captain snapped his fingers and a crewman stepped up and nodded. The message had been relayed to Pearl Harbor in less than thirty seconds. The response was immediate. Helos had been launched and would be arriving overhead to take off the wounded in less than twenty minutes. It was obvious that US naval authorities had been `waiting in the blocks' for authorization to render this assistance.

The Russian spoke to Salas. "I would like to meet the young American sailor who defied his orders not to enter our submarine."

Salas nodded and pointed at Nguyen, who was over on the Russian submarine, kneeling alongside an injured sailor, as he administered first aid to the young man. Salas and the Russian hopped back over to the submarine and the Russian walked up to Nguyen.

Nguyen stood up to face the Russian. He looked Nguyen in the eye and spoke in English. "You are a very strong young man. Not only your physical strength but also your will. It cannot have been easy defying your orders not to go inside our submarine..."

Nguyen interrupted. "Sir, doing that was a lot easier than it would've been to just sit on my ass and let some of your people die... I couldn't do that in a million years."

"Well, you were right. And everyone else was wrong. And I want you to know if you have any difficulties with your superiors for disobeying your orders I will vouch for you. I will do everything I can to help you. Sometimes, in our navy, we find, it is the man on the scene who is with the best information and is in best position to make a command decision. This was one of those times and I thank you for helping our men, none of whom you even know."

Nguyen nodded and the two men shook hands.

The Russian ordered two of his men into the water and under the keel of the Russian submarine to relieve Roy and Robbie. Momentarily, Roy and Robbie appeared on the surface and clambered onto the deck of the Russian submarine. Roy asked, "Salas! Who the FUCK are THESE guys?"

The Russian smiled and introduced himself. "I am Captain Third Rank Alexandr Milkuyin, commander of our little `detachment.' And I might ask the same of you..."

Roy extended his hand and, as they shook, he answered, "Sir, I'm Roy Fuchs, Chief Warrant Officer, US Marine Corps. And this here's Robbie Bukowski. He's a Warrant too, just like me, and we're from Tulsa, Oklahoma."

"You are both a very long way from home! But I am glad you were here and I thank you two men for your part in rescue of our crew and for re floating our submarine..."

"Well, sir, it wasn't just Robbie'n me. We all did it together."

Helos appeared on the horizon. Within minutes they were overhead. The supermen from both nations assisted transferring the injured Russian sailors from the deck of the submarine to the helo deck on the destroyer. The men were loaded onto the helos, eight at a time. The last helo lifted off with the remaining two. All survivors from the Russian submarine were now on their way to the Naval Hospital at Pearl Harbor.

The Los Angeles submarine appeared on the horizon, rapidly closing distance on the Burke destroyer and the Russian submarine A huge Navy salvage ship approached from dead ahead. Salas ordered Billy into the water to `expedite' arrival of the salvage ship.

Billy maneuvered the salvage ship alongside the US submarine. Navy divers jumped over the side and maneuvered a giant inflatable flotation collar into position along the hull of the submarine. The ship was secure in about forty five minutes. Danny and Andy returned to the surface and climbed aboard the destroyer. Then the Navy salvage ship drew alongside the Russian boat and another flotation collar was rigged into position.

The captain of the destroyer invited all the supermen, American and Russian to join him in the wardroom for the evening meal. Captain Third Rank Milkuyin sat next to Salas and they compared notes. The Russian explained. "We have been following this young man..." He pointed to Danny. "... for the last several years. But the rest of you just appeared out of nowhere! All of my men and I are sons of Kosmonauts. Our government believes our fathers' exposure to cosmic radiation may have played a part in mutation of our genes so that we were born as we were. But this does not explain any of you, except for the young man. Captain Milkuyin looked at Danny. "Your father was an astronaut, was he not?"

Danny smiled proudly. "Yes sir, he was. He flew as a payload specialist on shuttle mission STS-57. He was an air force jet jock before that. My parents used to live in a little town called "Clear Lake" outside Houston, near the Johnson Space Center. That's when I was born."

Danny grinned at Roy. "Yah see, Roy. I'm not REALLY a 'California boy.' I'm really a native TEXAN! So eat yer heart out, you Oakie!"

Salas exclaimed, "Danny! I never knew that. Me too!"

Danny smiled. "Well, Salas, I guess with me, it's in name only. I don't remember any of our time in Texas. And dad left NASA not long after I was born... and then we moved out to Orange County. We've been there ever since."

Captain Milkuyin spoke. "Major Salas, I would like to thank you and your men once again for your help with our men and our submarine. And I want to repeat my offer to vouch for Sergeant Nguyen and Corporal LeBlanc, should the need arise."

Salas answered. "You're welcome... and thanks."

"And, Major, my men and I would like to work with you and your men..."

"Are you sure our governments would approve?"

Milkuyin smiled. "Mine will. As young boys, my men and I were wild. But as we got older, we came to realize the responsibility we bear. We found each other and banded together. We offered our services to our navy, but we serve them on OUR terms. There are certain things we've told them we will not do for them. They had no choice but to accept our conditions. After all, what can they do to us.? I feel sure your government would see the wisdom of granting your request for permission to work with us if you insisted."

Salas replied, "Well, for one thing, some of our guys will be starting school. Registration for them starts next week. We'll be goin' to 'abbreviated hours' starting next Monday."

"Well, perhaps next summer, then... We could spend half our time at our facility, just outside Yekaterinburg and half our time at your facility in Southern California. There is much we could learn from each other. And there will be times when our combined, uh, 'resources' will be needed."

"Well, Captain..."

"No. Please call me 'Alexi.' All my friends call me 'Alexi.'"

"Well, OK, 'Alexi,' And all my friends call me 'Salas.'"

"This is a good day for both of us, Salas. Even though it began in tragedy..."

"Well, Alexi, I wanna talk this over with my guys. We make decisions like this together."

"As do my men and I... But I am confident of their decision... As I am of yours and your men's."

The American supermen all nodded emphatically.

Salas and Alexi exchanged contact information and promised to keep in touch with one another. Next summer promised to be even more interesting than this one had been!

After dinner, the supermen expressed their thanks to the destroyer captain. The Russians returned to their submarine and the Americans dove into the sea and swam back to shore.

They returned to their quarters, showered and dressed. Then they went out the airfield. A US Navy C-9 transport aircraft was standing by to fly them back to El Toro.

Wednesday (the fourth)

They landed at El Toro just after midnight and, after they deplaned, immediately ran back to their base.

They went into the conference room and sat down. Salas shook his head. "I just can't believe how this just keeps getting better and better, guys! I think that guy Alexi and his boys are a real find for us! Are you guys really in favor of getting together with him and his troops next summer?"

Everybody said "Yeah!"

"Well, OK, guys. I'll contact Alexi and we'll set it up, then."

They broke up and went home.

When Salas arrived with Danny and Scott next morning, Roy was waiting for them out front. He looked worried.

"Salas, they just came and took Nguyen and LeBlanc away. They arrested em for disobedience of orders not to enter that Russian submarine. They're on their way to the brig over at mainside. They just left about ten minutes ago. You prolly passed the brig van goin' the other way out on the road on your way down here. I've already called Admiral Tucker and given him a heads up. He's gonna try to get em released to your custody, but he says that may not happen till this afternoon."

"Thanks, Roy. Think you can find a way to reach Alexi? Looks like we're gonna need his help."

"Already on it, Salas. There'll be an AUTOVON/SatComm patch online in about another twenty. You'll be able to talk to him right from the phone on your desk. It'll be 'half duplex.' You just say 'over' when yer done talkin'. Then he can talk."

Salas held onto Roy by his shoulders. "Boy, I'm sure glad yer here. I don't know what the hell I ever did without you. Muster the guys in the conference room and bring `em up to date. Stand by and I'll be down as soon as I get off the horn with Alexi and the admiral."

"Will do, Salas."

Salas went down to his office and waited for Alexi's call. There was a knock on the door jam of his open office door. Without a word, Roy walked in with a cup of black coffee. He set it down on Salas' desk and left the room.

For about the hundredth time, Salas shook his head and thought to himself, "Damn that boy is good!"

The phone rang. It was Alexi. He was aboard a US Navy salvage ship. The Russian Salvage/Recovery flotilla had just arrived on scene but the US Navy ship was standing by at the Russian flotilla's request, just in case.

Alexi spoke. "So, Salas, I heard. They came to your base and got Nguyen and LeBlanc. And I've got some very bad news for you. The man behind this is Admiral Schmidt. He is "CINCPAC" (U.S. Commander in Chief Pacific). And he was a good friend of your General Lassiter's. Seems they've been friends since they were at your Naval Academy. Schmidt was a year ahead of Lassiter. I have offered to vouch for your men, but my offer was... 'politely declined.' I tried to get permission to enter your country, but I cannot get a visa. Our naval attaché in Washington has tried to get me into your country and he has run into a stone wall at your State Department. A contact at the Pentagon has assured our attaché that Admiral Schmidt is behind it... (over)"

"Well, hey, Alexi, I'm gonna go to work on that right now. How much time have we got? (over)"

"Our flotilla commander estimates he'll be here another two hours or so before he's ready to get under way. I can remain aboard your salvage vessel another sixteen hours from now before our flotilla will have steamed outside my nonstop swimming range. I will remain onboard the American salvage vessel until the last possible moment, Salas. The captain has graciously agreed to heave to out here on the high seas so I won't have to leave until then. (over)"

"Well thank the captain for ME, Alexi. And thank YOU for your help and for this info. (over)"

"It is my pleasure, Salas. And if I have to go home, I promise, I will find a way to come to you. (over)"

The two supermen signed off.

Admiral Tucker hung up from the 'head sup' call he'd received from Roy. He immediately called in his legal officer and gave him the details, sketchy as they were, so far. "Find out everything you can and get back to me."

The phone rang again. It was Salas.

"I don't know much, yet, Salas. Your man, Chief Warrant Officer Fuchs... good man, by the way... very 'take charge..' ... he brought me up to speed. I know what Nguyen and LeBlanc did, and, Salas, if I'd been in their position, I just hope to God I've had the guts to do the same damn thing. I'm gonna try to get hold of Admiral Schmidt and see if he'll gimme anything. Mebbe we can get this nonsense nipped in the bud."

"Well, Admiral, the Russian advance on scene commander... He's a navy "Captain Third Rank." Name's 'Alexandr Milkuyin.' He goes by 'Alexi.' He's really a great guy. He wants to vouch for Nguyen and LeBlanc. Already got `em off the hook with his own navy. That man's really got pull with the brass at Naval HQ in Moscow! But he's gettin' stonewalled tryin' to get into the United States. His naval attaché in Washington has struck out. A guy he knows over at the Pentagon told him Admiral Schmidt is behind it."

"Well, Salas, from what I know, Schmidt is a very 'by the book' sailor... Not very personable. I've met him off and on through the years but I don't really know him very well. He's a 'black shoe' (surface navy) and I'm 'air dale' (an aviator). Our paths really haven't crossed all that much. But I'll get on the horn with him as soon as he gets to work. That oughta be about noon west coast time. I'll call you back as soon as I get off the line with him. Make sure you're by the phone."

"Well, if I'm not, Admiral, please call me on my cell." Salas gave the admiral his cell phone number and they hung up.

Salas went down to the conference room. Roy had brought everyone up to speed. Hernandez was pacing nervously, back and forth at the back of the room, biting his fingernails.

He moved to a seat at the table and sat down when Salas came into the conference room.

"Roy, I'm leaving you in charge here. I'm gonna take a ride over to the brig at mainside and check on our guys. See if I can get lucky and get em sprung to my custody right away. Scotty, you come with me. Rest of you guys, anything Roy needs, you make it happen for him. Roy, if you need me for anything, call me on my cell. And if either Alexi or the Admiral calls, patch em through to my cell immediately."

"Will do, Salas."

Salas and Scotty drove over to mainside brig. The sergeant at the desk called the officer in charge who arrived at the front desk in a matter of minutes. "I'm sorry Major Salas. You just missed em. They're on a plane headed back to Hawaii. In fact, their flight should be goin' 'wheels in the well' right about now. They'll be held at the navy brig out there until their court martial. There's gonna be a prelim hearing as soon as they land. Then they're gonna be locked down. No visitors... except for JAG counsel. No phone calls... nuthin'. I saw the message posted in the folder just before they took em away. I dunno what yer guys did, Major, but they're in some really deep kimche. That message was signed out by Admiral Schmidt himself!"

Salas turned to Scotty. "Well, there goes my plan to spring these guys to my custody today. And now it's gonna be even harder for Admiral Tucker to get `em released..."

"Salas, this sounds really bad. Think we outta get our ass back out to Hawaii?"

"Yeah, Scotty. I do. But not till we've talked to the Admiral. And I'm afraid to leave until we know whether we can get Alexi into the country. I don't wanna be on a plane between here and Hawaii and miss their calls. We'll wait till that plays out before we leave. I think It'll just be you and me. I wanna leave the rest of the guys here for now. But, Scotty, I'm gonna need you with me for moral support. I've never needed you more than I do right now, son."

To say that Vice Admiral Tucker's phone call to Admiral Schmidt got a 'frosty reception' would be the understatement of the year! Schmidt had a one star advantage over Tucker and he was not at all reluctant remind him of it.

"...Well, Tucker, in the first place, you're outta line intervening in this case. Kinda bad form if you ask me. This is MY fuckin' turf out here and it's MY goddamn crank those little pricks of yours made the mistake of steppin' on."

Tucker replied as calmly as he possibly could. "Admiral, those boys were responsible for saving the lives of nearly one hundred US and Russian navy submariners. And they helped salvage both boats with their bare goddamn hands. What do you WANT from me?"

Admiral Schmidt shot back maliciously, "What do I want, Tucker? Well... first thing I want is for YOU to remember your goddamn PLACE, mister. This is a full admiral you're talking to and I'll thank you to goddamn well remember that. Next off, frankly, it's your ASS I want... in a goddamn sling! But, hey, if I can't get that right off the bat, I'll take the consolation prize to tide me over. I got those two little fucks of yours, Nguyen and LeBlanc dead to right for disobedience of my direct order not to enter that Russian submarine... and I'm gonna throw the mutherfuckin' BOOK at em. I'll put em UNDER the goddamn brig before I'm done with em... and they won't see the light of day again... either goddamn one of em... till their fuckin' eighty! And I got two more of your boys behind the eight ball, too. Hartlander and Partlowe... They're a couple of fags and, mister, they'll be under lock and key by sunset your time. I'll swing at least five years apiece in the brig for those two pansies. And your boy, Major Salas. I got it on good authority he's corn holin' that kid McFarlane. Those two are livin' together in Salas' little 'love nest.' Yah know, Tucker, you got yerself quite a little cast of 'characters' back there at El Toro... Oh, and yer two 'fair haired boys,' Fuchs and Bukowski. I'll get them, too. A real coupla shit birds, they are. I got the IG's from El Toro mainside on their way out to that satellite base of yours right now. And they'll turn the whole damn place upside down till they get the goods on those two little fucks. All that leaves is that black bastard, Cole... and that 'wetback,' Hernandez... and that little fart muscle kid, Henderson. I'll find a way get something on Cole and Hernandez. Prolly not much I can do to the kid except get him kicked for fraudulent enlistment. Might be a way to get him up on charges, but, frankly, I doubt it. I hate to admit it, but he'll prolly skate with an admin discharge. But, really, a thirteen year old boy in the goddamn navy??? Jeezus Christ, Tucker... yer a fuckin' idiot!!! And, finally, we come to YOUR worthless ass. You were behind every bit of this. And by God, I'm gonna prove it if it's the last thing I ever fuckin' do! If I can, I'll get you brig time. But at the very least, I'll get yer ass bounced with a dishonorable and NO fuckin' pension. Now, if you'll excuse me, I've got work to do."

Schmidt banged the receiver into the cradle of his telephone.

Admiral Tucker telephoned Salas and started to give him the bad news. The call was interrupted by 'brig chasers' and two IG's from mainside. The 'chasers' took everyone into custody except Cole, Danny and Hernandez. Then the IG's ejected the three supermen from the admin building and ordered them off the base.

Cole drove them over to the shop and he called Admiral Tucker from there. "It's bad, Admiral. They got everybody but Danny, Hernandez and me."

"Yeah, Cole, I know. I'm just waiting for the ax to fall on my neck next. Admiral Schmidt has got the knives out for all of us and he's plannin' to carve us up like a Christmas goose. I can't understand where all his venom is coming from. I've never seen anything like this..."

"Well, Admiral, five'll getcha ten he was in with Lassiter. I can't think of any other reason he'd go to all the trouble to nail us like this..."

"Well, mebbe so, Cole. But not that anybody could prove. I think they've fairly well ferreted out all the conspirators and Schmidt came up clean as a whistle."

"He was most likely a 'sleeper,' Admiral. You know they hadda have a few of `em scattered around..."

"Well, Cole, I guess I'd better call the Secretary and see if I can get us some help..."

"Admiral, if you do that, could you please see if you can get a visa for Captain Milkuyin. He was on scene commander for the Russians' advance salvage and rescue team. He's offered to stand up to the line for our guys..."

"Yea, Cole. Salas told me... I'll see what I can do. But, at this point, I can't promise anything. Gimme your cell phone number. I'll wanna be able to get in touch with you any time of the day or night."

"Well, Admiral, I don't have one."

"Then get one, Cole... TODAY... Cuz before this is all over with, I gotta feelin' yer gonna need it."

The Admiral rung off.

Danny looked up at Cole. "What're we gonna DO, man? We're flat on our backs at number nine on a ten count!"

"Danny, it ain't over yet. We're gonna nail that bastard Schmidt. He was in it all the way up to his neck with Lassiter. I KNOW it! ...Now all we gotta do is prove it. That's what I do fer a livin', boy. I'm a cop. It's what I'm good at. Now I'm gonna go tah work and you and Hernandez are gonna help me. I'll need a coupla a good runners on this case and you two are it."

Cole drove them all to a PacTel outlet and got each of them nation wide cell phones. He called the Admiral back and gave him all three phone numbers. Then he drove by the Henderson's. They all went inside. Cole asked to speak to Mr. Henderson. Cole, Danny and Hernandez followed Mr. Henderson into his study.

Cole spoke. "Sir, we've got big problems. And I don't want Danny stayin' here. We hafta go away for a few days. You won't be hearing from him and you won't know where he is. And you don't WANNA know. If anybody comes by here lookin' for Danny or Miguel or me. Just tell `em the truth. You don't know where we are. You're in no danger and Danny's not in any PHYSICAL danger. But it's really important that he disappear for just a little while. And I'm asking for your OK to take him with me now."

"I guess I don't wanna know any of the details, do I, Officer Cole?"

"No sir, but whatever they tell you, Mr. Henderson, it's a tissue of lies. I give you my word, none of us has done anything to be ashamed of."

"I believe you, Officer Cole..."

Mr. Henderson hugged his son. "Danny, you go on ahead with Officer Cole. I trust him and I trust you. You know that, don't you son?"

"Yeah, dad, I do. Please tell mom g'bye for me. I'll be in touch just as soon as I can. And please, dad, tell mom not to worry. You heard Cole. I'm not in any real danger... Please tell that to mom for me... will you dad?"

"I will son."

Danny went to his room and packed a few things. Then they drove over to Cole's. He packed a few days' change of clothes and then took Hernandez to a Salvation Army store where they got him squared away. Hernandez had been obliged to leave everything behind on the base. The IG's had refused to allow him access to his quarters, explaining, "...Admiral Schmidt's orders."

Cole drove to the safe house where they'd gone to ground that evening after they'd tangled with General Lassiter and they settled in for the night. Cole's new cell phone warbled. It was the Admiral.

"I've got Milkuyin his visa. He'll be landing at LAX at zero seven forty five tomorrow morning on American flight 'one eight four' from Dulles. He's on an Aeroflot jet from Moscow into JFK even as we speak. He'll fly on the shuttle down to DC. He'll check in with his embassy and then fly out there on a 'redeye' from Dulles to LAX..."

"...Cole, I think that guy's gonna be our ace in the hole for all of this. Keep him close. I've had him checked out thoroughly and he is rock solid... as good as they come!"

Cole, Danny and Hernandez were waiting at the gate when Alexi walked off the plane. He was accompanied by another man, somewhat taller and much thinner than the shorter, superbly built Alexi... but with the same flaxen hair, blue eyes and Slavic, boyar facial features. Alexi introduced him. "This man is from our embassy in Washington. He is with our 'Federal Security Service,' formerly the KGB. He is here to help us ferret out the truth on this man, Admiral Schmidt."

Cole asked, "Well, isn't your intel guy required to remain within a fifty mile radius of Washington?"

The man laughed. "Oh no. Not since the cold war ended. I have the run of your country. And I have much more than that. Your Admiral Tucker and your naval secretary have obtained for me, carte' blanche with any FBI field office in America. I would like you to take me now to the field office here in LA. I have an appointment with a Special Agent Liam O'Niel, I believe his name is."

Cole noticed the strong facial resemblance between the two Russians. Alexi laughed and apologized. "Oh, I'm sorry, I forgot to tell you his name, 'Ivan Milkuyin.' He's my older brother..."

Cole looked over at Ivan who laughed. "In answer to your obvious question, Officer Cole... No, I man NOT like my younger brother 'that way.' HE got all the muscle and I got all the brains!"

They arrived at the FBI field office and Ivan spoke privately with Liam in his office. Then Liam called in Cole and Alexi. Liam spoke for himself and Ivan. "Guys, we really got our work cut out for us. This guy Schmidt is as dirty as they come. He's as bad as Lassiter, but he is slicker than pig shit. We know he's bad but we sure as hell can't prove it. And he's got friends in high places. They catch us snoopin' around tryin' to get the goods on `im, we could all wind up very dead, very fast. I've got an FBI jet lain on. We'll be flyin' outta Orange County at fourteen hundred this afternoon for Hawaii. I got some guys from our Honolulu office meetin' us at one of the FBO's* at Honolulu International." (*"Fixed Base Operator" airport service and hangar facility for private aircraft.) They'll take us to a safe house outside of town. We'll wanna keep a low profile. Might not be any real need, but we're not gonna leave anything to chance."

Salas, Scotty, Billy, Andy, Roy and Robbie were all separated as soon as they were processed into the mainside brig. They were each being detained in separate one man cells. After they'd been there a couple of hours, they were hustled out to the transient ramp and bundled aboard a C-9 bound for Naval Air Station, Barbers Point, Hawaii. They were seated in separate locations aboard the aircraft but, unbeknownst to their escorts, the supermen could communicate freely through their 'mind links.'

Salas did his best to reassure his charges. "Guys, I know this looks bad right now. But Cole, Danny, Hernandez and the Admiral are goin' to bat for us. And, if we get lucky, we'll have Alexi in our corner, too."

The guys tried to be upbeat but it was tough on all of them.

When they landed, they were driven to the brig and again, locked down in separate cells.

After about twenty minutes, a young naval officer arrived at Salas' cell with two marine guards. "Bring him to interrogation room number two. I'll question him in there. The naval officer, a line lieutenant commander, walked on ahead. The guards placed handcuffs on Salas' wrists and escorted him to the interrogation room. The navy lieutenant commander was waiting in his seat at the far side of a small table when the guards arrived with Salas. He rose as Salas was escorted into the room.

"Remove the handcuffs from this officer."

The guards did so, backed out of the room, closed the door and stood by outside. There was a plexi glass window set into the upper half of the door. Although the guards could not hear the exchange between the interrogator and Salas. They could see everything.

The young officer was impeccably dressed in a neatly pressed tropical khaki navy uniform, a short sleeve shirt, open at the neck with matching trousers. His plastic name tag read "Kinkaid."

"I apologize, Major Salas. We both know the handcuffs are kind of a waste of effort, don't we. In fact, this entire brig is kind of pointless, isn't it? When it's all over and done with, once this all plays out and they lock you away for a nice long jail stint, you'll just bust out and be on your way to where ever you please... You and the rest of your band of mutant miscreants. But it'd still be a helluva life. We would be looking for ways to run you to ground. And eventually, we'd find your weakness. You know, maybe we can bypass all this bullshit. Maybe I could get you and your men off with a slap on the wrist. But, of course, I'd need your cooperation. It's Admiral Tucker we really want. You give him to us, maybe I could persuade Admiral Schmidt to cut you and your boys a deal..."

Salas smiled angelically. "Commander, what I'd really like, it to speak with an attorney... And I really think I want this interview to be over."

Lieutenant Commander Kinkaid read Salas his rights and rapped on the door. The marine guards came back in and started to re cuff Salas. Kinkaid stopped them. "Don't bother. I'm sure he'll go back to his cell quietly... Oh, and, Major Salas, I'm sorry we can't accommodate your, uh, 'curious desires' and allow you to spend the night with your 'sweet boy.' He'll be spending some time with me. I think we might have a little more luck with him than we did with you."

"Don't count on it, Kinkaid. I'm a fairly mellow guy. But if you talk to Scott the way you just did to me, he's liable to come outta the chair and knock you flat on yer ass. And there wouldn't be too much these two goons here could do about it."

Kinkaid smiled back at Salas. "Major, we can only hope your muscle twink would do something that stupid. Then we can add another charge to his bill of particulars. I'd be only too happy to take the 'hit' if I could nail his young ass to the wall for 'assault on a commissioned officer.'"

Kinkaid struck out with all the guys. He sighed. He'd be calling Admiral Schmidt with the bad news. He wasn't looking forward to that.

Kinkaid made the call. Admiral Schmidt wasn't happy but he wasn't all that surprised, either. "Look Kinkaid, I want those other three picked up and brought out here right away."

"On what charge, Admiral?"

"Why, 'obstruction of justice,' of course."

Kinkaid smiled to himself. "Oooohhhh, Admiral! ...I LIKE the way you think, sir!"

"I thought you might, Kinkaid... I really thought you might. And, when you get them out here, I want you to interview the kid first. I doubt he's too afraid for himself. But he'll be scared shitless for his friends. The way you play him... you tell him their fate is in HIS hands. He gives us Admiral 'Fucker,' we'll let the boy and his friends, off the hook."

"Really Admiral? You'd REALLY let `em go if you got Admiral Tucker?"

"Uh, no, Kinkaid... Not really... I'll nail all their asses to the goddamn bulkhead."

Kinkaid laughed.

"Call me as soon as they arrive."

"Yes sir."

They rung off.

Thursday (the fourth)

Liam, Ivan, Cole, Alexi, Hernandez and Danny landed at Honolulu airport in the FBI jet at about one a.m. They were met on the ramp by an FBI sedan. The agent in charge, Special Agent Sal Manzanaris, gave them the bad news. "Schmidt's put out an order for your arrest."

"On what pretext? Cole asked.

"Obstruction of justice."


Sal spoke. "You're gonna hafta lay low out here. We're taking you straight to our safe house. You'll be OK there. The good thing is that Schmidt thinks you guys are still in California. We've already found out part of where some of your trouble came from..."

"Oh?" Cole asked.

"Yeah. Seems Schmidt found one of your boys' father. Scott McFarlane's dad. He swore out a complaint against your Major Salas, accusing him of sodomizing his son!"

Cole seethed. "That fucker!"

"We've also turned up an interesting lead, thanks to our Russian friends."

Sal handed Ivan a printout from FBI HQ in Washington. It had been forwarded to them from the Russian embassy.

Ivan read the printout. It was a transcript of a phone call between Lassiter and Schmidt that a Russian electronic surveillance satellite had intercepted. Ivan exclaimed, My friends, this is the 'mother lode' as you call it. ...Or the 'smoking gun'"

The Russian's cooperation came as no surprise to the Americans. Lassiter's coup attempt had terrified the leadership in Moscow. The last thing in the world they wanted was to face a fascist military dictatorship in Washington. The Kremlin was as anxious as anyone to neutralize as quickly as possible anyone connected in any way with General Lassiter.

Sal responded ruefully to Ivan. "Oh if only... None of that spysat intercept is admissible as evidence in court. We've got proof he was in on the coup, but we'd never get a conviction outta that. And this guy Schmidt is crazier than Lassiter if such a thing is possible. We could confront him, but he'll know as well as we do that we'd never nail him with just this. We've gotta get more proof. And the only way we're gonna manage that is with a bag job. Now I've been briefed on your, uh, 'special capabilities.' You guys are gonna hafta to break into Schmidt's office and do that black bag job. That is, yer gonna hafta do that if yah really wanna get this bastard. You get the goods on him, we can cover you with the paper work after the fact. You know, warrants and all that kinda thing. I know that's dirty pool, but we'll never get this joker if we play strictly by the rules."

Alexi turned to Cole. "I want to come with you on this 'bag job.' I want, as you say, 'a piece of that man's ass.'"

Cole answered, "Thanks, Alexi."

Ivan said, I will come along as well. I know a little something about these 'bag jobs.' There may well be something you men might miss. I am expert at this sort of activity."

Liam laughed. "So I've heard, Ivan. And I'll come along just for good measure."

Sal said, "Yeah! Me too! This is MY 'turf' and I'll hafta come along as well."

Cole said, "Woah! Hold up you guys! This is a 'bag job,' not a fuckin' peace officer's convention! You gotta let us strong guys handle this. You guys'll just get in the way."

Liam, Sal and Ivan stepped away and talked briefly among themselves. Sal spoke to Cole for the three men. "Ivan will go in with you. I'll be wheel man in the car and Liam will be outside lookout. We'll lay low for the rest of the night and through the day tomorrow. We'll do the job tomorrow night."

(To be continued)

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