The Clique

By moc.loa@aoHIV

Published on Aug 4, 1999


Hey! Miss me much? I'm back! And with a pretty big installment of "The Clique." Or should I call it the "Brandon and Phillip Story" now? Nah, I have plenty of plans for the other people. This chapter leads up to some of that. I hope y'all like it. And as usual, send all comments to or check out the web page at Just do the "copy and paste" thing to save time. I'll "talk" to y'all later, at the end of the chapter. LATERZ! (^_^)


"You've got mail!"

Subj: "I'm so happy for you B!" Date: 4/21/99 9:55:50 AM Pacific Daylight Time From: To:

Dear B,

I'm sooooo happy you're happy! See... I told you! Have patience and you're reward will be sweeter. From your 5 page e-mail on how wonderful Phillip is, I guess he's pretty cool. But not as fine as this hunk-a-man I found yesterday in the bookstore. HOT DAMN!!! Well, I'll tell you more about him once I get to know him a little better. This e-mail is all about YOU! So you really have it bad for this guy huh? You seemed very happy in the last e-mail you sent. It was a real positive change from the last time I've heard from you. The last time you were in total "pitty myself" mood. I didn't tell you then, but I'll tell you know. The last time I heard from you. You really had me worried. I was afraid you were going to do something drastic. Well, I hope I'll never have to get that worried again. Even though we've never met... I've grown quite fond of you. Even though the cookie cutter, preppy type usually isn't my thang. Take care bud.

Love ya! Juels


By the time Phillip got us to school, it was still a half an hour until school started. I could've sworn we were going to be late due to our make out session this morning in his bed and what happened in the shower, but we weren't. Just thinking about what happened just a few minutes ago gets me so hot! Calm down B! Not here in the car... well maybe just some.

He parked his car in the same place it was yesterday, and the day before, right next to Dolan's 4Runner, and turned off the engine. He then rolled up the windows and put the top up. I used this oportunity to my advantage and placed my hand on his, still clamped to the stick shift. I began to rub it lightly as I looked at him passionately. He gave me a "What the hell are you doing? Don't you know we're at school?" look, but I didn't care. I leaned forward and placed my lips on his kissing passionately for a good five minutes. It got to be really hot in the car and our heavy breathing didn't help either. While my right hand still held his on the stick shift, my left hand grabed the back of his head and pulled it towards me, increasing the pressure of our kiss. My tongue darted in and out, allowing me to taste every inch of his mouth. He then broke our kiss and sat back in his seat, looking at me with a really flushed face.

"Can I ask what that was for?" He questioned, still breathing heavly from our kiss.

"Just because I love you." I smiled.

"Love me anymore and I'd have suffocated. But then I'd die a VERY happy man." He said with the smirk he knew drove me crazy. He then leaned forward and gave me a peck on the cheek. "Let's go lover." He turned around and steped out of the car, I followed.

As we stepped out of the car, we saw Angel get out of his Jag. He was wearing a long sleeved, gray Abercrombie and Fitch T-shirt, a pair of khaki cargo pants, some dark brown boots, and a khaki fisherman hat covering up his spiky blond hair.

Just then, I remembered. I was suppose to go over to his house yesterday and play basketball with him, but I didn't. I stayed with Phillip. Shit! And I promised too! Then I remembered what Phillip had told me yesterday afternoon. Angel had a crush on me too! Oh fuck... that means that the basketball game really ment a lot to him. Now that I think of it, it would've be the first time we'd spend anytime together since Spring Break started. Now it's like Wednesday, almost a week and a half of not hanging out. Some best friend I turn out to be... can't even keep a promise. Now he's going to be pissed at me. And knowing Angel like I do, his PMS sessions last for days... just like a girl's. I decided to be a man and approach him and appologize.

"Morning Ang!" I said with a smile and a wave.

"Morning." He replided flatly as he continued to walk by us. I reached out my hand grabed his arm and draged him back to where I was standing with Phillip. I turned him around and tried to make eye contact with him, but he was resistant. It came to the point where I had to grab his face to look him in the eye. "What is it Brandon?"

"Look, I just want to appologize for standing you up yesterday." I said sincerely, "I'm sorry."

"I'm sure you are." He replied as he shook away from me. I let go of him and watched him straighten himself out.

"I am."

"Yeah, I'm sure you were in something tight that you couldn't get out of. Listen, I completely understand. I know you like to maximize your time and not just go fucking around." It was weird the way he was talking. What was he getting at? I've never heard him talk like this.

"Yeah, I was kinda busy."

"With Phil I bet. Hiya Phil, how are you doing?" What?!?! Does he know? How does he know I was with Phillip?

"I'm fine."

"Wait, how do you know I was with Phillip?" I questioned. Phillip then caught on and a half nervous, half scared expression began to dawn on his face.

"Duh, Brandon... you rode with him to school. I don't see a $50,000 Benz here, do you?" He said in a sarcastic tone as he rolled his eyes at me.

"Oh yeah."

"So did he pick you up? Or did you two just stayed at each other's houses and fucked all night?" That was a joke right? I mean, he couldn't have known... Could he? Angel didn't give me a chance to answer, he just gave me this wicked smile and walked off, not before whispering something to Phillip. I couldn't hear what he told him, but as Ang walked into the school, a face of fear appeared on Phillip. His eyes were wide open and his lips were trembling. As I walked up to see what was wrong, tears started to come out of his eyes.

"Phillip, what's wrong?" I asked with great concern as I placed my hand on his shoulder for comfort. He straighted up, wiping the tears from his face, but his voice was still shakey when he told me what Angel had said.

"Brandon... Angel knows..." His voice was filled with fear. Tears started to fill his eyes, but I didn't want to believe him.

"What do you mean Angel knows? How? What did he say to you?"

"He asked me if when he goes over to your house, will he be able to see himself in the kitchen floor, seeing on how we spent extra time polishing it. He asked me did your dick taste as good as it looked. Then he asked me about your kiss. He asked if it was still as sweet as he remembers it was. What does he mean by that Brandon? Did you kiss him?" I was totally thrown back by what Phillip had just told me. "Phillip, look... that kiss... It was before I met you. We were at his aunt's house and he just kissed me out of nowhere. It ment nothing to me. I thought he was just experimenting or something! He was drunk when he did it. We haven't talked about it since! It ment nothing." I tried my best to explain to him what happened but he just teared up. Why was Angel doing this? Phillip then looked me in the eyes again.

"Well, obviously it meant something to him, since it grew into a crush on all." Emotions started to flood my body as I tried to assess the situation. Phillip broke my concentration by putting his hand on my shoulder. "You don't love him do you?"

"No. I love you." Phillip brought me in a hug and held me closely, not caring if anyone saw us. I didn't care either. I just need to hold him right then. But thoughts were still flooding my head.

Phillip backed away and looked at me with a serious face. "So what about Angel? What if he tells the school? Would he tell the school?" That very thought crossed my mind over and over. Angel was very unpredictible whenever he gets emotional. There was no telling what he would do. Dammit! If I could only go with one emotion, I could solve this! Then a something popped into my head. Angel's going to tell everyone! He wants me and he wants Phillip out of the way. He's going to spread it around school that Phillip's gay and ruin his life! THAT'S IT! I'm not going to let that happen. I love Phillip too much to stand here and watch his life fall apart. I started to sort through my emotions again and finally found one that I could work with. Anger... That's it, ANGER!

"ANGEL!" I yelled his name as loud as I could, but he had already gone into the building. "ANGEL!!!" I took off after him. Phillip, tried holding me back, but it was a futile attempt. I ran towards the double doors leading into the school with Phillip following me.

I grabed both door handles and threw the doors open. There he was, struting down the hall in his usual cocky attitude. As he walked by the boy's restroom, I ran up to him, grabbed onto his backpack and threw him in. I didn't care what people were seeing. I was mad. Anger took over my whole body. In the distance, I could hear Phillip pleading for me to just let him go, but to no avail.

I grabbed Angel's arm, twisted it behind his back and slammed him against the wall. Upon seeing this, everyone in the restroom was in such shock that they just stopped what they were doing and ran out. I could hear the restroom door slam shut, leaving just me, Phillip, and Angel. In the back of my mind, I knew this was not the way to approach the situation. As I saw Angel's breath lightly fogging up the tile wall, I realized how hard I had him pushed up against it and I knew I had over reacted. I knew I had gone too far. I had let my temper cloud my better judgement. Some best friend huh? I turned around to see my lover, looking at me in fear. I could see it in his eyes that he feared what I was about to do to Angel, what I was doing to Angel, and most of all, I could see, at that moment, what he feared was... me. "Brandon! That's enough!" Phil shouted as he grabbed my arm.

"Better listen to your bitch B. He's smarter than I thought."

I was about to revert back to irrationallity but with one look from Phillip, I turned my head away from his, utterly disgusted with myself and let Angel go.

He turned around and straightened himself up in the same manner he did earlier.

I tried to apologize for my over-reaction; although, deep inside I felt he deserved it, but he was my best friend and I had no right to slam him against the wall. Angel, seemed more concered about if I had caused his clothes to wrinkle more than my apology. "I'm... I'm sorry Angel... I don't know what came over me..."

"Save it for Broadway B. I've had enough of your drama this morning." And with that, he left. I didn't try to stop him this time. I knew that Angel needed time to deal. I can't even picture the emotions he must have felt when he saw me and Phillip making love.

Phillip walked up to me and placed a kiss on my lips, trying to comfort me. I didn't return it. I was too depressed. "Brandon, it's going to be o.k. He's your Frack he's never going to do anything that would hurt you that much." My "Frack?"

"My what?" I questioned.

"Nevermind. My point is, you two have been friends since forever and a little thing like this is not going to nulify that.

"My love for you is not 'a little thing.'" I interupted, but he had to know.

"That's sweet, but can I talk?" I nodded my head and let him continue, "He's had girlfriends before right?" I nodded as he continued, "And I bet there's been times that he's stood you up to be with them, right?" I nodded again, "And look, you're still friends! Just let him deal, and you two will be best friends in no time. He's your Frack!" There's that word again!

Seeming pleased that he snapped me out of my guilt trance, Phillip smiled, causing me to smile along. "Phillip, I know he wouldn't but I was afraid he was going to hurt you." I explained truthfully. "I know that he wants to be with me and... I just don't want you to get hurt on account of Angel's irrational hormone drives or because of me."

"Wouldn't hurting me be hurting you?" Phillip commented, sounding wiser, beyond his age.

"Yeah, but sometimes he doesn't see it that way. He's got a one track mind and he'll do anything to get what he wants."

"I think you're wrong about that Brandon." Phillip raised his hand to my face, the same way he did this morning. "I think he knows how much I mean to you, and that anything that happens to me, affects you too."

"Yeah... God! Maybe the reason I love you so much is because you have an answer for everything!" I commented as we began to walk out of the restroom.

"Maybe. I just know that it's not going to get as soap opera-ish as you're making it out to be. Besides... He's your Frack." Again with the Frack!

"Okay, he's my Frack. Now will you please enlighten me on what exactly is a 'Frack'?" I asked as we stopped at his locker, which was only a couple away from mine. I got my english book and then waited for him.

"Come on." He said as he placed his book into his backpack and zipped it up. We began walking to first period, while he explained to me what he was talking about. "When I was in California, my best friend and I were dubbed 'Frick and Frack.' I know it's weird, and I don't know where the hell they got it, but the name stuck. We were 'Frick and Frack,' the two names kinda mesh don't you think?" Hmmm... "Frick and Frack," I like it! Geez, talking with Phillip just makes ALL my troubles go away!

"That's cute," I commented, "but why aren't you my Frack?" He looked at me as lovingly as he could, still being discrete. We took our seats in English and got out everything we need for class before he educated me some more on "California Clique customs."

"That name is only reserved for best friends. I got my own name for you, Mister Big..."

"All right class! Can we get started already?!?!? Simmer people, simmer..." Mrs. Pikus has such timing. She huffed and puffed as she came into the room carrying a big box filled with, I'm guessing homework. Seeing how hard of a time Mrs. Pikus was having carrying the box to her desk, Phillip voluteered to help her. He took the box from Mrs. Pikus and followed her to her desk.

Damn! What I site to see! His arms were ripped as he carried the box across the room. My eyes weren't the only ones though. I could see all the girls, and some of the guys staring at his arms, his abs, and his chest through the white ribbed T-shirt he was wearing. I looked across the room to see the people fixated on my lover. Even that Patric dude, who usually ignores the class and keeps to himself, had his jaw drop. This was too much. Too bad y'all! He's mine!

When he sat back down, I had to turn around and tell him how everyone was drolling over him. He turned a bright shade of red and sank down in his seat. I wanted to reach out and kiss him for being to cute when he blushes but that would be a no no.

"Brandon! Will you please turn around and get 1984 out."

"Yes Mrs. Pikus." I answered obediently, as I turned around and faced forward. Just then, the door flew open and Dolan and Rob came stubbleing in.

Their clothes were all wrinkled and their hair looked a fright! This was really strange since they are usually the sharpest dressers in school, well... next to me and Phillip. Still...

"Umm... Sorry Mrs. Pikus for us being so late. I woke up late, and Rob woke up late... which would explain the lateness." Dolan apologized for the both of them as Rob tucked his shirt into his pants.

"That's quite all right Mr. Kwan. You and Robert just have a seat. We're on chapter 5 of 1984 Just follow along as we take turns reading." Funny, didn't we park right next to Dolan's 4Runner? I could have sworn we did. If we did, then why is he late? Maybe it wasn't his. Weird...

After English, I walked Phillip to his health class. I wanted to kiss him so bad, but we were right in the middle of the hall way. I then saw Tyler come up and go into Phillip's class. We both said hi, but he just ignored us and pushed us out of his way. That was weird. He just pushed by us like we didn't know each other and took his seat. "I'll see what's wrong with Ty. You better get that sweet ass of yours to Pre-Cal before you're late." He advised. I smiled and gave him a quick peck on the cheek, when no one was watching, and headed to class. Just then I remembered... Pre-Cal. Ugh! Don't get me wrong, It's a breeze for me, but the reason why I don't want to go there right now, other than my constant love sickness for Phillip, is because Angel's in there with me. I was going to have to face him again. Maybe I can just skip Pre-Cal. Yeah... just hide out in the boy's room.

"HEY BRANDON! Where ya going?" That voice... Angel. Has he forgiven me?

"Just... nowhere Angel." I turned around and faced him but with my head down. I was still kinda embarrased about what happened.

"Really? So you weren't going to the restroom to meet up with Phil and fuck each other's brains out?" He said with spite. This is the guy that made me feel embarrased and ashamed of myself? Suddenly, I felt the anger return.

"FUCK YOU ANGEL!" I shouted.

"Oh, don't worry B. We'll be there soon enough baby..." He then reached out and grabed my package and gave it a squeez. I suddenly pushed him pack, making him hit the wall, like it was a second reflex of mine to do so. "Hmm... look's like you're not into sharing. That's o.k. I wouldn't share you with that Cali trash anyways." The boy is really beginning to annoy me. He's pushing it. He's really pushing it.

"SHUT THE FUCK UP ANGEL!" I was about to lunge forward at him, but I felt a hand lay on my shoulder, pulling me down.

"Hey... chill y'all... What's with all this shouting?" I heard a voice from behind call out. I turned around to see Dolan looking at me with a raised eyebrow.

"Maybe he's missing something he can't have..." Angel said with a smart-ass smirk.

"I said SHUT THE FUCK UP YOU SON OF A B..." I was ready to punch the shit out of Angel, but witheld myself.

I felt a hand on my shoulder and a familar voice to accompany it. "Calm down B." I turned to see Toni looking at me half concerend, and half dissappointed. I was dissappointed in myself too. I've never acted like this before. Maybe I just get so over-protective of Phillip, or is it because I get so over-protective of my heart. I think it's both. "Angel! Just shut up and whipe that smirk off your face. You look like a damn fool!"

"All right... I'll stop... I'll stop."

"What's going on guys? The tension here's so thick that I thought I'd needed a chainsaw to get though!" Christie said walking up to the four of us.

"Nothing." I said flatly, trying to calm myself down.

"What do you mean 'Nothing'? You were about to rip Angel's rib cage out and wear it as a hat!" Dolan joked, still asking in concern. I was just about to answer when our Pre-cal teacher came into the hall.

"Hey kids. What ever it is... put it in a math problem or something. Let's get your butts in here now!" Boos and hisses came from the five of us as we entered class, obviously, he heard us in the hall way. Oh well, Pre-Cal will definitly get my mind off everything.

After Pre-Cal, I went back over to Phillip's health class to meet back up with him. Ty came out first so I tried to say hi again. He just looked and me all crazy and walked away. Then Phillip came out, but not in the lighthearted mood he went in with. Something tells me class didn't go over so well.

"What's wrong?" I asked in concern.

"Funny thing..." He gave me a fake smile before continueing, "Tyler knows too."

"What?!?!?!" Not again!!! SHIT!

"Yeah, it seems that after Angel saw us, he ran home in tears. Tyler, living across the street, saw him and asked him what was wrong. Well, you can guess the rest." He spoke with an upbeat tone, trying not to make it seem like a big deal, but I knew it was killing him inside. The fear of being exposed was killing him. Which in turn, was killing... me.

"So he saw us making love?"

"No. He saw the aftermath, when I fell asleep in your arms. God Brandon, that's what I really need right now. I need to be in your arms, with you telling me that everything's going to be okay." Fuck it! I didn't care what other people thought! I love this guy! It was getting close to the bell anyways, everyone was running to class. No one was going to care, and so what if they did? He's given me so much! The least I could do was hold him and love him. I grabed Phillip's arms and pulled him into a hug. I held him tightly. "Brandon! What are..."

"Shhhh... It's gonna be okay. As long was we love each other, and as long as I have you and you have me... it's going to be okay." He cluched tightly to my shirt as I began to stoke his hair. The bell rang, but we just ignored it. I heard soft whimpers comming from my boyfriend making me want to love him even more. "Come on." I extended my hand.

"Where? We're already late for class." He said, whipping away his tears. He then took my hand and walked with me.

"I have art and you're a student aid for the library... not much worth to any of our futures. This is..." I held onto his hand tighter.

"What IS this exactly?" He asked. I just smiled back as we headed to the back of the school. We approached the last door in the hall way. I opened it up to reveal a small room with no one inside and no windows. There was only a couch with pillows, a small coffee table, and a few lounge chairs. "What's this place?" He asked as he looked around the room.

"It's a teacher's lounge, but it's not used at all. It's too far away. The only classes down here are tech classes and I the metal and wood shop teachers have their own offices, so they don't come in here. So we took it over and it's kinda like an oasis for The Clique. We come back here whenever, you know? It's like our office... of sorts." I explained as we both took as seat on the couch. I took Phillip in my arms and just laid him back on my chest.

"So why are we here?" He asked.

"I just wanted to be with you. Away from everyone else. Just to hold you in my arms like you wanted." With that, he snuggled closer as I tighted my grip on his body. We sat there, silent, just enjoying each other's company for the entire hour. We occasionally gave out sighs of happiness. As I held him in my arms, I wondered how I could ever be as happier then I was now. Then, just as I was about to doze off, Phillip sat up. He turned around and faced me. A serious expression appeard on his face and I knew this was not going to be about something I would like.

"Brandon, although this is exactly what I needed, we still have a problem." I could see in his face that he didn't want to talk about this either, but he was right. We were going to have to face it sooner or later. I sat up straight as he continued. "We're going to have to tell, at least the other people in The Clique. Better they hear it from us, you know?" Everything coming from those kissable lips of his sounded so right. We were going to have to tell everyone. This was going to be the ultimate test of friendship. "So are we agreed?" I looked him straight in the eyes and drew him into an intense kiss that lasted a good 5 minutes. Our breathing got heavy and our hands roamed over every inch of our bodies. Through the pants, I could hear him speak, "So... mmmph... I guess that.... Mmmm, that means... yes? Uhhh!"

"Mmmm..." My head flew back in ectasy as he kissed me on my neck. The sensation was mindblowingly awesome. I could feel his hand rubbing my already hard cock through my pants. He was rubbing fierce too. I was close. The kissing, along with the fondeling was about to end in a big sticky mess making wearing this pair of boxer briefs very uncomfortable.

I started to moan loudly, knowing that all lounges are sound proof. Closer and closer. His hands ran wild over my throbbing cock. Then he stopped. Phillip leand back, now sitting on his heels. A wicked smile appeared on his face. He raised his hand to cover his mouth as the smile grew even bigger. "What is it? Why'd you stop?" He didn't answer, but was now slowly laughing. Just then the class bell rang. Lunch time. Phillip couldn't keep a straight face as we got all our stuff together. What was so funny? I didn't cum my pants... What was it? "What it is Phillip?"

"Oh nothing." He then bursted into laughter. I just rolled my eyes at him and we both exited the room.

As we walked down the hall towards the cafeteria, I was getting strange looks from everyone. What's their problem? People started giving me high fives and patting my back, telling me "I'm the man" and "You go boy!" Well, duh! Like that was obvious but seriously. People I didn't even know just started to laugh at me and pointed. Even Phillip couldn't contain himself. "What is it!!!" I demanded looking straight at Phillip. He grabbed my hand and draged me into the boy's restroom.

He shoved me infront of a mirror and told me to look. There it was. Right on my neck. A deep red hickey that stood out like nobody's business. "WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO TO ME?!?!?!" Phillip had to grab the sink to steady himself from laughing so hard. "WHAT THE FUCK'S SO FUNNY? Now I have to walk around the school with this on!!!"

"YOU'RE MINE NOW! NOW YOU'RE MY BITCH. YOU BELONG TO ME." He stated, still laughing uncontrolably. I tried to figure out a way to cover this thing up but I couldn't. It was right on the upper right side of my neck. DAMN! Seeing how frustrated I was, Phillip put his arm around my waist and put his head on my shoulder. Now how could I be mad with a man that does that. "Maybe if I lick it, it'll go away." He whispered in my ear. I turned around with him still holding my waist and was just about to kiss him when...

"FLUSHHHHHHHHHHH..." A bathroom stall door flew open. Phillip quickly let me go and straightened himself up. Uh oh... caught. Just then a blond figure stepped out. Tall and very handsome. Dressed in a dark grey, fitted, v-neck T-shirt; a pair of baggy, black cargo pants; and a pair of black boots, he approached us with a killer smirk. We stood still, both very nervous. He approached me an lifted my chin with his hand to see my lover's mark.

"Hmmmm..." He then looked at Phillip and smiled. "Very nice job you did here."

"Ummm... thanks Sebastian." He said, still nervous about Sebastian now finding out about us. Will Sebastian give us as much grief as his cousin did?

"No problem. I couldn't have done if better myself." He said as he leasurly leaned back against the sink while crossing his arms. Assuming his trademark "father look," he started to speak to us. "Well, this is very interesting. VERY. Right off the bat, I want you two to know that I have no problem with this. None whatsoever. Now, I just have to know one thing about you two." He looked as us strenly. I felt a little more relaxed around Sebastian now, but I didn't know what he was about to ask. I gripped Phillip's hand for comfort. Sebastian gave out a long sigh before he continued. "Do you two love each other? I mean really love each other. Or is this just some meaningless sex?" He raised an eyebrow as he waited for a response.

"I love him with all my heart." Phillip said proudly as he stood up straight.

"Well?" Sebastian asked as he turned his attention towards me. I turned to Phillip and looked him dead in his eyes.

"I love him more that much, and more." The moment was magical. Even if the setting was a dank, urine soaked hell hole. Phillip wrapped his arms around me and we both began to shed tears.

"All right! All right! I get the picture! Don't go to pieces on me now..." Sebastian chuckled with a smile. "Well this is good to know. Westfield's most eligible bachelor now taken, by the best looking addition to The Clique." We smiled on as Sebastian kept pouring on the compliments.

"Awww... Thanks DAD!!!" I cooded as Phillip and I pulled him into a hug.

"All right. That's enough mushy stuff for today." Sebastian jokingly complained as he broke our hug. "Come on y'all! I'm starving! Let's grub!"

As we were just about to step out of the restroom, Sebastian stopped us dead in our tracks. "Wait! I can't let you go out there!"

"Why?" Phillip and I asked in unison.

"Did you forget Phillip's little brand?" Sebastian reminded us with a raised eyebrow.

"OH SHIT!!!" I screamed as I put my hand on my neck trying to cover it up. "I almost forgot."

"I rather like it." Phillip laughed.

"Yeah, but how am I gonna explain it?" We both looked at each other dumbfounded.

"How about I just get a band-aid from the nurse's office?" Sebastian suggested.

"That'll work." Phillip stated, looking at the mark. I guess he was admiring his handy work. Sebastian left and came back in a matter of seconds and we all left for the cafeteria together.

When we got there, almost everyone had already gotten what they wanted to eat and was just about to begin. Sebastian ran for the lunch line while Phillip and I just got some snacks out of the candy machine and sat down in our usual place, next to Toni and Linda.

"Damn B! What happened to you?" Linda asked in concern.


"That thing on your neck! What happened?" She said pointing to the band-aid Sebastian placed on there.

"Oh this thing. Ummm... I got it while... WRESTLEING! Yeah, I got it while wrestling." I knew that was a pathetic attempt at covering it up, but what Phillip and I were doing COULD be classified as wrestleing, right?

"With who?" Ty asked, obviously listening to our conversation.

"Does it matter?" Toni interjected. I think she knew what it was. She smiled at me and I mouthed "Thank You" back.

"Yes it does. I would like to know who gave you that bruise?" Angel stood up, demanding an answer. I swear! That boy need to learn to keep his mouth shut! But I couldn't say anything back to him. All eyes were on me now. Better start praying for a miracle B.

"I FINALLY GET TO EAT!!!" Sebastian heaved as he threw his lunch tray on the table and sat down. Some of the gravy from his mashed potatoes splashed onto some homework Crystal was doing which prompted a counter attack from her. She slammed her pencil down onto the table and walked around towards Sebastian.

"All right Brain Trust, you may be older than me but like HELL you're gonna get away with messin' up my homework." She then raised her hand and slapped Sebastian upside his head. She then flipped her braids over her shoulder and walked back to her seat.

"Sorry... I was just..."

"That's all right. You just don't know no better." Crystal interupted with her usual sassy phrase. "But then how can I stay mad at someone like you." She leaned over and gave Sebastian a small hug and kissed him where she had just smacked him.

"Owwww..." Sebastian groaned as he rubbed his head where Crystal had just hit him. Everyone at the table started to laugh, deverting the attention from us. Everyone that is, except for Angel, who seemed disappointed that Sebastian saved me from having to explain myself.

As the laughter died down, Angel asked again, "So B, where did..."

"Hey y'all!!! Let's meet at the country club after school, I got this thing that I want to tell y'all about." Sebastian asked, interupting Angel once again. I think this one was planned. Oh well, thank him later anyways.

Everyone talked it over amongst themselves and decided to go along with Sebastian's suggestion and meet at the Northgate Country Club a little while after school.

The rest of the day went pretty much the same, except for Angel and Ty always commenting, but that can be ignored. That afternoon, I rode home again with Phillip. The techno infused sounds of The Chemical Brothers filled the streets as Phillip sped home with the top down. I couldn't help but look at him as his usually hard and spikey fluttered about in the 65 mph wind. We decided to go over to his house, before we met the others at the country club. When we got there, I saw a black BMW 750 infront of his house that I've never seen before. "Who's that?" I asked.

"My parents are home! They're finally home!" He shouted excitingly. From the day I met Phillip, I've never seen his parents. They were never home. From what he says, they're like mine, always away on business trips. Only his parents' trips were longer. As he parked the car, I unbuckled my seat bealt. He reached into the side compartment and pulled out a remote controll for the garage, but as he was about to press it, the garage opened on its own. "What the...?" Before he could finish, two figures ran out of the house with two suitcases each, and a small carry-on bag. The woman was in a black business suit with white pin-stripes. She was wearing sun glasses and had her black-brownish hair swept up and tied back. She looked like an Asian Eva Peron. Very sophisticated and beautiful. Her "Juan" coming out of the house, right behind her, was dressed in a navy blue business suit with a bronze colored tie and shirt. He had his hair slick back. The couple looked to be in their late 30's or early 40's and very well groomed. "Mom? Dad? Where are you going?" Phillip asked. I could tell from his voice that he was about to get choked up.

"Phillip dear, I'm sorry. We just got home about 6 hours ago. We thought that was it and that we could take our leave time, but then the office called again and said that we were needed in London." Mrs. Le said as she placed a hand on her son's shoulder. Phillip just sat down on the driveway. My heart was breaking! His dad came around to where his wife was standing took a knee as he started to talk to him. I just stood off to the side. Obviously this was a family affair.

"Listen son. The office said that this was going to be our last business trip for a long time. They guarantee us that after London, your mother and I are going to get office jobs. That means more time to be with you. They promised they'll only send us away if it's REALLY important." Phillip didn't say anything. His father let out a long sigh before reaching into his pocket. "Here. Take this and enjoy yourself. We'll be back in no time." Phillip's dad handed him a hand full of cash. From where I was standing, I saw nothing but fity and hundreds. They both then kissed him on the forehead and stood up.

His mom then took a look at me. She lowered her sunglasses to get a better view. "And who might this handsome man be?" Then Mr. Le took notice of me too.

"I'm Brandon Lauderdale ma'am." I introduced myself in the same manner my mother had always taught me. Refined and with a deep southern accent. Basically as Rhett Butler-esque as possible.

"He's my best friend, mother." Phillip explained, still sitting on the ground. The pain in his voice was killing me! His dad patted him on his shoulder, then made his way towards me. He extended his right hand and introduced himself.

"If you haven't guessed yet, I'm Howard Le, Phillip's father., and this is my lovely wife, Helen." I shook his hand and returned the smile. "I hope you'll watch over our boy when we're away. I gets hadder on each of us everytime we have to go." He said with a lot of sincerity in his voice.

"I will Mr. Le. You can count on me. I won't let anything happen to my best friend." I said with a smile.

"That's good to hear. And it's Howard and Helen, you don't have to be so formal. You're practically family now Brandon!" Howard chuckeled. I looked at Helen and she nodded her head in approval. Howard then took a look at his watch.

"Oh! Darling, if you want to catch our plane, we're going to have to go right now." She nodded and turned towards the car. But not before saying good-bye to me. I returned the good-byes. They then each whispered something to Phillip and drove off in the car. Phillip stood up and ran into the street.

"TAKE YOUR GOD DAMN MONEY! TAKE IT ALL!!! DON'T YOU KNOW ALL I WANT IS YOU!!!" He then threw the stack of bills after the car as it made a turn. I don't think they saw what Phillip just did, but I did. He fell back down on his knees and held his face in his hand. $50 and $100 dollar bills fluttered to the ground around us as I approached Phillip. I pulled him up and into a huge hug. He put his chin on my shoulder and cried his eyes out. I patted him on the back to try to calm him down. "I'm gonna be fine Brandon, really. Just let me get cleaned up and we'll head off to the Country Club." He slowly walked into his house.

I looked around to see all the $50 and $100 dollar bills still on the ground. Well, he may not be now, but I KNOW he's gonna be kickin' himself if I don't get all this money back to him before it blows away in the wind. I ran around the street picking up all the stray cash. I then un-locked my Benz and got a rubber band from inside the glove compartment and bundled up the cash. "Wonder what's takin' him so long." I thought to myself as I went into the house.

"Phillip!" "PHILLIP!!!" I called out his name, but there was no answer. I placed the money on a near-by coffee table and called out again. No answer. I looked all around with no trace of him. Where the hell is he? Then I found him. At the mini bar. He about to pour himself a drink before he saw me. "How many Phillip?" I asked in a stern voice with my arms crossed.


"How many shots have you had?" I asked again.

"WHY THE HELL WOULD YOU CARE!?!?! No one else cares about me." He wasn't crying anymore, but I could tell that he was. Dried streams of tears covered his face. I didn't take his comment personally. I knew where he was comming from. There were times, before he came, that I felt like no one cared about me. I hurt me so much. I didn't want him to feel the same. I promised his parents I would take care of him and I will.

"Because I love you." I answered with sincerity. He looked me in the eyes and started to cry again. He clutched onto my body, and I his. "It's gonna be okay Phillip. Remember? As long as you have me and I have you... it's gonna be okay." I felt myself tearing up also. Just the mention of that very phrase made me realize how much I really loved him. He held onto each other tightly that afternoon.

"Come on you. We need to get going." I said as I took a step back, wipping the tears from my face.

"Yeah." He commented as he also whiped his tears from his own face.

"Wait, wait... Is that? Why yes it is. That is a SMILE!!!" I cooded as a huge grin appeard on my boyfriend's face.

"YES IT IS! IT'S THERE CUZ YOU MAKE ME SO HAPPY!!!" He screamed for the world to hear. I was touched. A smile looks so much better on him then a frown anyways. We got ourselves together and I drove the Benz to Northgate.

Next: Chapter 10

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