The Commander

By Arthur

Published on Mar 8, 2003



Part Four

By Arthur

Authors note:

This chapter is written For the Son of Justa101

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Cameron stirred from his nap taking in the familiar yet strange surroundings as the past few days caught up with his senses, his six boys were sitting around patiently waiting for their Besat to come to consciousness, they had pampered him in his bath and then stayed with him as he drifted off into a light doze as the preasure from the task of running his huge station had caught up with him.

While he had slept Camerons mind had raced on unabated putting together plan after plan for the return to earth and now he was again alert it all seemed to drop into place and he smiled to himself as he saw the outline of it all.

Cameron rose from the bed still naked from his bath with all his good bits standing erect as is normal for a 17 year old, the boys smiled at him as they began to dress him but not before a slim young blonde that Cameron remembered last seeing on earth working in a fast food dispensory and had had a sudden rush of lust for as he was handed his cheap meal one night from the boy, he was about 16 years old and stood 5'6" tall, very slim but with an outline of developing muscle under the thin uniform shirt of the dispensory, his lips were deep red and slightly moist as though he had been wearing a type of lip gloss, the eyes were a piercing deep blue and had gone straight through to Camerons libido making his old baggy jeans tent out in front.

Now the boy was here and lowering his glossy red lips to that hard rigid muscle before him taking all of cameron inside and working on relieving the built up preasure of the Besats youthful desire, it was not long before Cameron gave a moan and with a deep shudder released his tension into the waiting mouth as his knees shook, the other boys smiled at the scene and then began to dress cameron in his tunic after cleaning his groin and making sure he would not be left with anything to embarrass him later.

When Cameron exited his apartments and emerged into the hall where his guards stood patiently waiting for him, he noticed that they all now moved around him with the batons at full extension like a spear ready for any attempt from a now known enemy, even in the protection of the station they were still alert for anything that the Melecasians may try.

Cameron alerted 'Jason' as he moved toward the bridge for all the officers to again form for a meeting to finalise all the details for the coming return to earth, Jopty was the first to greet him with a knowing smile after seeing the slightly flushed cheeks of his Commander.

"Pramdul Besat Khamrune."

"Pramdul General, are all officers assembled?"

"yes Besat."

"Ok good, now I have come up with a full plan for our return, the basics you already know, General I want you to get our best communications people to infiltrate some of the main newscast stations on earth and plant the story of the school marching team like we discussed, then we need to organise three large buses to meet us at Ayers Rock in the Australian desert for 10.00am earth time tomorrow to pick the troop up, find a small company that will be only to glad of the business, any questions they ask just tell them that we are flying in to see the Rock at dawn but want to be bussed back to the Adelaide to catch our flight to Sydney, we are going to use a transporter so I want my flyer to be kept in readiness here just in case it's needed."

"Yes Besat."

'Jason, produce a visualisation for the officers so that General Jopty can go over it all with them.'

'Yes Besat'

The large area in the center of the bridge shimmered as Jason produced what appeared to be a living image of Ayers Rock and the surrounding area for the officers to look at.

"The transport will land here on the Northern side of the Rock, we are less likely to be seen by any night watchers there and the Rock is big enough to hide us from prying eyes, once landed everyone is to behave like a lot of young school boys on an outing, dont look like a troop of guards is that clear, I relise that it will be hard for the guards to relax but we must appear to be having fun and not a force of invaders."

"Yes Besat"

"Now General we have to do something about money, it would seem strange for us to be going around the country without a credit in our pockets, I will need you to synthesize credits for us to use until we can set something more permanent when we have landed, each person must have at least 100 credits in there pockets, you have seen the clothes I was wearing when you picked me up, I want you to see about producing something similar so that we will blend in, you can tap into the local Vid networks on earth today and get a good idea of the young guys fashions, nothing to extreme General just try to make us look like any other teens on an outing, casual but not to old."

"Yes Besat."

"Next we will need accomodation while in the city of Sydney until our flight to New Zealand so you had better arrange that as well, some small hotel that will accomodate 107 school boys for one night, not to fancy General we are only school boys from a country town with not much money to spend, right the following morning we fly to New Zealand, we need to get a flight out of there as soon as possible for Nuie, hopefully the same day, so try to work something out there as well General."

"Yes Besat."

"Now I'm sure there will be a credit bank on Nuie we will have to have an account opened in a company name so that we can draw on it for our venture, I don't like to cheat but there's no other way we can do it so you will have to get into their computer system and set up a line of credit for 10 million credits, that will be used to obtain the needed land on the island and to start to pay the people there for their help."

"Yes Besat, have you a name for your company?"

"Yes General, I thought about using the name of our home world but the Melecasians would soon wake up to that the same as if I used my fathers name, so I came up with a good old earth name to try to keep us hidden as long as we can, it will be called, "Nuie Neutron Electronics"."

"Excellent Besat, we will have everything set ready for you to begin, the construction of the factory will only take two earth days and we can gather a lot of the needed scrap vehicles during those first two nights to start the production, if you would care to come with me after the meeting I can show you the transports and the power plants our technicians have developed for the production line."

'Thank you General, I'm interested in seeing what they came up with, right now General, thats all I have you can set out the duties for the officers and get them onto it, I want to be ready to leave in ten Setayan."

"Yes Besat, all will be ready for you by then."

"Thank you General Jopty."

Cameron watched as the officers discussed the plan and the parts they would play in it then as he sat back and relaxed again a small blue flash went through his mind.

'Yes Jason?'

'Besat, I have justintercepted a vidcast news item that may be of interest for your venture.'

'Ok Jason let me have it.'

The instant pictures of the newscast ran through camerons mind as Jason fed it to him as it was seen on earth, the five major fossil fuel companies along with three major car companies and seven power suppliers had joined together to form a worldwide conglomerate and there fore a total monoply of transport and power supply to the whole of the world, they could now control all supplies and prices as the deemed fit, the ordinary man and woman on earth was now at the mercy of the conglomerate.

'Thank you Jason.'

Cameron heaved a sigh of relief at his decision to go ahead with their plan, it was just in time to break up what would amount to being total control of earth by the men behind the conglomerate, suddenly a thought hit him.


'Yes Besat.'

'Can you trace the memebers of the conglomerate and find out if any Melecasians are involved.'

'Yes Besat, I'm sorry I should have thought of that aspect before.'

'It's ok Jason, let me know as soon as you can.'

'Yes Besat.'

Cameron sat back to await the infomation as the the officers now filed out of the control room and Jopty joined him on the control dias.

"Well Jopty, looks as though we may run into the Melecasians soon than we thought if my suspicions are correct."

"How so Besat?"

"Jason just fed me some infomation about a take over of all earths transport and power supplies, I have a feeling it is the first of the Melecasian total takeovers."

"So you think we may not have as much time as we first thought Besat?"

"Yes Jopty, I think this is going to be a lot tougher than we thought, if the Melecasians are this far along with their takeover we are going to have to move quick and be ready to fight if we have to."

"Everything will be ready when you want it Besat."

"Thank you Jopty."

"Now Besat would you like to see what the technicians have developed for you?"

"Yes Jopty, lead the way."

The two left the bridge and headed down a corridor that Cameron had never used although it was all in his head in the form of a perpetual map it was different when seen in real life, the immense size and distances were not conveyed on the maps he had.

The mobiles set them down outside a smooth wall and as he stepped forward the wall disipated and the two boy/men walked into a laboritory the size of a large stadium on earth, the first thing Cameron saw was the sleek looking vehicle on the center of the floor, it looked like a low slung racing car without wheels, its outer skin was shimmering in the overhead lights with an almost leathal look about it.

"So Jopty tell me about it?"

Jopty called over a young boy who looked about 13 years old but cameron knew he was more like 100 years old.

"Besat, this is the single passenger vehicle, it has a speed of four hundred earth kilometers per hour, all the safety systems in it will be keyed to the owner so no one will ever be able to take it without his permission, we have also added full security systems so that he can not have an accident or will be hurt while inside the vehicle, the power pack will last two earth years before needing recharge from a prime source that will be the units over here that will go to the house holds for power supply, these power plants will regenerate there own renewal from the ionosphere without need of servicing."

Cameron looked again at the sleek little car and the power packs for home use with astonishment, the car was the same size as as a roadster and the power packs were no bigger than a small knapsack with all six sides being smooth and with no openings or hatches to enter.

"How do they get on for selecting a colour for their vehicles, earth people like to be independant when it comes to their vehicles, they like to show their own personalities in them?"

"They can select any colour or combinations of colours and feed it into their consoles, the vehicle will adjust itself to their needs, we have installed a small computer system for each vehicle and the owner will have a wrist mounted relay to carry with them."

"Thank you for all your good work Technician, I'm very pleased with your efforts."

"Thank you Besat it has been a pleasure for us all."

"Well Jopty, they're a bit more advanced than I thought they would be but it's to late now, when the Melecasians see them they're going to know somethings up."

"Yes Besat, but we will shield the factory and your presence for as long as we can and hope that they are to worried about their control with the conglomerate falling apart so we can get a lot of the units out and then it will be to late for them but I'm afraid it may come to a fight sooner or later with them."

"Yes Jopty you're right as usual, mind you that gives me an idea."


'Yes Besat.'

'How long would it take you to create a super computer that we can take down there and advertise it as a new design computer for the use of modernising the technology of earth, it cant be to advanced we don't want to wake up the Melecasians just yet but far enough advanced to be seen as a new wave of technology, that may keep the Melecasians from jumping us before we have things up and running.'

'Three setayan, Besat and i will have some designs for you that can be buil twith existing technology on earth but will give a better output.'

'Fine thank you Jason set it up then please.'

"yes Besat.'

"That should do it Jopty, Jason is going to design a computer to take thecreation of the new power packs and cars on, as though it was just invented, it should give us a breathing space while the Melecasians are running around trying to find out what's going on."

"So confusion may do the trick instead of force Besat?"

"Exactly Jopty, now lets get back to the bridge."

'Jason, would you inform my intimates that I would like a meal on the bridge please?'

'Yes Besat.'

By the time Cameron and Jopty got to the bridge Camerons boy, the young asian was standing there patiently waiting for him.

"Besat you would like a meal?"

"Yes Choi, will you get something hot for both myself and general Jopty, we will eat in here."

"Yes Besat, who would you like to serve it for you Besat?"

"Well I think you and little David, ahm, General do you have an intimate that you would like to serve you?"

"No Besat, intimates are for your use only."

"Oh yes Sorry it was in my head all the time, Choi ask Peter to come as well to attend General Jopty."

"Yes Besat."

Choi took off at a run to do his duty as Jopty turned toward Cameron.

"Besat thats very kind of you to offer one of your intimates to me."

"It's my pleasure Jopty, I wouldn't have got this far without you, I think you deserve something special, would you like the boy Peter to stay with you in private until we are ready for the landing?"

"You would allow that Besat?"

"Yes Jopty, it's the least I can offer you for all your patience and help."

"Thank you Besat but it is after all my duty to you."

"Yes Jopty but I think you have done a lot more for me than you realise, I'd like to share with you to show my gratitude."

"I can but accept Besat, the honour will never be forgotten Besat."

Choi returned with theother two boys carrying trays of hot food in their hands and began to feed the two boy/men sitting on the bridge, while Choi and David, the young boy from the railway station, smiled and handed food to Cameron Jopty with a smitten look on his face was fed by Peter the tall slim redhead, Cameron could see that Jopty was totally taken with the boiy at his side and smiled at the thought of the two of them together, a small idea crept into his mind as he watched the pair.

"Jopty, do you have a partner?"

"No Besat, when I was chosen for this station my partner could not come with me."

"What about the others on the station Jopty?"

"Most of them are life partners Besat, it is the way, but with myself it is different."

"How so Jopty?"

"My duties are to onerous to have a partner with me Besat and also it would not be good for command of my position to have him come with me."

"Well I feel you should not live alone Jopty, you like us all need the company of another."

"Yes Besat, but it was the decision of the Gandule."

"Then I feel you should have a partner Jopty and as Commander I would like to offer you one of my intimates to be with you if you so wish it."

"You would allow one of your intimates to be with me Besat, that is indeed and honour far above my station."

"I don't think so Jopty, without your help I wouldn't be here now, who would you like to accompany you from now on?"

Cameron smiled to himself knowing full well who Jopty had his eye on.

"Besat by your command and with your approval I would like to be tended by this boy Peter if you agree."

"Jopty by all means I agree, I can see you are taken with him and by the look in his eye he has taken to you as well."

"I am truly honoured Besat."

"Then it's done, Peter from now on you will attend to General Jopty as though it were myself, agreed?"

"Besat it is your wish and my desire to attend to the General."

"Good thats all settled now whats for dessert Choi."

To Be Continued:

Next: Chapter 5

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