The Day I Met Her

By Katie Markstein

Published on Dec 6, 2004


Thank you ALL for the supportive email's, begging for a part 3! Well I have good news. Part 3 IS HERE! Enjoy everyone :)

Karen sat back in the high-backed leather chair, rubbing her temples. It was only noon and it had already been a stressful day. The law firm where she worked had been buzzing non-stop with clients, bitching about their ex-spouse's, their false injuries and assorted family issues. Karen pushed the button on her speakerphone and gave her secretary some instructions.

"Elizabeth, I'm heading out for lunch. Have the Anderson file on my desk, phone Rob and cancel our 2 o'clock, reschedule for 3:30, and phone Mr. Blaketh and tell him that there is no way he can sue his mother for twenty billion dollars." Karen sighed as she slipped on her lamb leather coat and grabbed her purse from the drawer in the desk.

"Will do Ms. Templeton." Elizabeth responded.

Karen slipped out the door, her high-heeled shoes tapping on the marble floor as she made her way to the elevator, stepped in, and pressed the button to take her to the lobby. The elevator stopped and she stepped off. The lobby was very extravagant with its high ceilings, red-carpeted floor and a small waterfall off to the side. It almost looked like a fancy 5 star hotel. She smiled to the people at the front desk, nodding a hello, as the doorman opened the elaborate front door for her. Karen took a step outside, and pulled her coat tighter around herself. Winter in Vancouver was much colder than the winters in California, where she grew up. She looked around at the soft, white snow, smiling to herself, as she walked around the block to a small greasy spoon restaurant with a neon sign out front. Some of the letters had burnt out, so now it just read OM' DNER. She smiled and walked inside, seating herself at a table close to the window. A heavyset, preppy type girl handed her a menu and told her the specials.

"We have soup." She said, staring at Karen blankly.

"Well what kind of soup is it, Laura?" Karen inquired, reading her nametag.

"I dunno. Broccoli, I think? I'll go check." Laura went into the kitchen and came back to where Karen was sitting.

"It's Tomato." She said.

"I'll have the soup." Karen smiled at her. The girl scribbled onto her notepad, and asked if she wanted coffee. Karen accepted, and Laura went to grab the coffee pot.

Karen stared out the window, watching the people go by. She noticed, even just on the streets, the town was VERY cliquey. A group of girls walked by the window, laughing and giggling, dressed in tight jeans and matching parka's, carrying bags from the nearby shopping mall. Karen smiled to herself, remembering her times at high school. She made a mental note to call Jerrica when she got home. Thinking of Jerrica made her think of Angelene. That night, over at Ang's place. The night that changed her life forever. She snapped out of her daydream as Laura poured her her coffee. She smiled at her and poured a couple packets of sugar into the sharp smelling liquid. She brought the cup to her lips, sipping softly. Her soup arrived and she started to eat. By that time it had begun to snow again; the flakes descending from the grey skies were beautiful, swirling and twisting in time with the sharp wind. Karen took her last mouthful of the soup as Laura brought over her cheque. Karen opened up her wallet, took out some money and handed it to Laura, thanking her, then exiting the café. The streets were blanketed with a fresh layer of snow. The cars and busses were taking the extra precaution and slowing down as the snow started to fall heavier. Karen took a deep breath, pulled her coat tighter around her and started back to her office.

"KAREN!" She heard a voice call from behind her. Karen turned around and saw her neighbor, Shi, jogging towards her, slipping and sliding on the icy ground.

"Hello, Shi! I was just on the way to the office! Follow me, it's warmer there!" Karen spoke loudly to be heard over the wind. They made their way to the firm and thanked the doorman as he held the door for them. The two women boarded the elevator, brushing the snow from their hair and clothes. The doors opened on Karen's floor and they ambled their way out and into Karen's office.

"My god I hate snow. It makes me feel all dreary and dingy." Karen spoke.

"I know. In China, there's not snow!" Shi said, her accent jagged, yet clear. "I have to go to home. Have Christmas shopping to still do! I wanted to ask if you want dinner tomorrow?"

Karen smiled and nodded her head, understanding the woman perfectly. Shi smiled and waved goodbye as she exited the office. Karen looked at her clock, 12:27pm. Plenty of time to work out the final adjustments in the Anderson file before her meeting. She took off her leather coat, hanging it in her small closet on the far wall. Karen checked herself in the mirror, smoothed her hair and her red, silk shirt and went back to sit down. The room was a nice, toasty warm and she didn't feel so chilled anymore. She dug right into her work, and jumped when the phone rang.

"Hello, Karen Templeton." She spoke into the receiver.

"Ms. Templeton, Mr. Nell is here for your meeting." Elizabeth's voice cheerfully said.

"Thank you, Liz. Send him in." Karen said, looking at her clock. He was 7 minutes early. Typical Rob. The large door swung open, in strode Robert Nell, the most sought after man in the city. He had riches, fame and striking good looks. In his early thirties, he still considered himself a 'ladies man', a player, if you will, and he had no problems talking the little 20-year-old girls into bed with him.

"Rob, you're early." Karen glared at him, but he knew better. She was forever teasing him about one thing or another.

"Now, Karen. If you wouldn't keep changing all these appointment's around, I wouldn't have to guess on what time I'm supposed to be here, now would I?" Rob smirked.

Karen shook her head at them as she begun to discuss some issues. "Mr. Nell, we have a slight problem. The fact is you're going to be found guilty for demolishing your ex-wife's car, no ifs ands or buts about it. You're going to have to pay her."

Rob's eyes glazed over. "I don't owe that bitch a dime!"

Karen sighed. It was going to be a long discussion. They talked, argued and screamed at each other for the better part of an hour. Finally, Rob stood up, screamed a few obscenities at her, and stormed out of the room. Karen sighed and leaned backwards in her chair.

"Ms. Templeton, there's someone here to see you." Elizabeth's voice came over the speaker.

"Send them in." Karen replied. That was odd though. Elizabeth always told her who had come to see her. She assumed it was Rob and prepared herself for another screaming match. The doors swung open and a voice called out: "Knock Knock!"

"JERRICA! OH MY GOD!" Karen screamed, running over to her friend and launched herself into her arms. The two girls squealed and hugged until they both started giggling.

"Have a seat!" Karen pulled up a leather seat for her friend. "What the hell's been going on lately? I was going to phone you!"

"Well, I thought it was time I got off of my sorry ass and came to visit my best friend in her GORGEOUS office! My god Kare, it's beautiful! Can I move in?" Jerrica joked.

"Be my guest! It's not my style, anyways." Karen turned up her nose, laughing. The two women started talking about everything. How everyone was back home, Jerrica's new boyfriend, Karen's new 5-bedroom house, and Jerrica's new 1 bedroom apartment. Then Jerrica shocked Karen with news that astonished her.

"Angelene moved back. She lives just up the road from me now!" Jerrica smiled.

Karen stopped moving. Her heart skipped a few beats. She felt like she was about to cry.

"Isn't that great Karen? Now you HAVE to come back! Come on, Survivor starts up again soon! How's a Slumber Party sound? I promise I won't get sick this time; no popcorn and candy for me!"

Karen couldn't believe it. After all these years, she was back?

"Why?" Karen blurted out.

"She said she missed everyone! Can you believe it? After we thought she died or something." Jerrica shook her head. "You OK Karen? You look pale."

"Yeah, yeah I'm OK. I just can't believe she's back, that's all." Karen whispered, her voice shaking ever so slightly.

"Well, I'll let you get back to work, hun. I'm going shopping! How about I call you later; we can go out for Greek. I know you love Greek food!" Jerrica exclaimed, excitedly.

"Sounds great Jer." Karen said, leading her towards the door. "I'll see you tonight!"

Jerrica left in high spirits. Karen sat down in her chair, and cried. She thought it was over; she thought she'd never have to relive those memories. Dark memories, as she called them. Karen dried her tears and took a deep breath. She took out a fresh pencil from her organizer and started jotting down notes from her latest case. Her mind started to wander. Was Angelene still as beautiful as she was back then? Were her eyes still that sharp, warming green? Did her hair still fall so delicately over her shoulders? Karen's eyes teared up again, recalling that night at Angelene's. Ang's hand, so subtle on her thigh, her lips, so soft on her breast, her tongue, so forceful, yet tender between her legs. Karen shuddered and shook her head. The moisture between her legs was evident. She knew she had to see Angelene again. As much as it pained her to do so, she needed to know; she needed to know why.

Stay tuned...FOR PART 4!

Next: Chapter 4

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