The Dwarf King

By ozzalone65

Published on Jan 31, 2021


This is a fictional tale of finding oneself transported from this land to a strange and glorious land full if dwarfs. Hung dwarfs at that. This story is inspired by this hot dwarf guy I met online recently. He may be a short guy, but is seriously hung. And I wanted to thank him for chatting me up. Also to let him know how much I would love to jump on his big dick.

To you my hung dwarf buddy...

The Dwarf King (4) Leaving this Place Behind...

... The day of my trip came and I headed down to the pier where the cruise was leaving from. I boarded the ship and quickly got settled in my cabin. I had been looking forward to this for some time now. I sat in my room after getting settled. There was an announcement if dinner in an hour that came over the shipboard com. I grabbed my tickets as they showed when and what table I was at. I then washed my face and then headed out. I figured I would stop off at the shops to look around. Maybe there was something with the ships name on it I could purchase. Then ship was busy and full of passengers mulling about. Some still checking in last minute. I stepped into one of the shops to look around. As I stepped out of the shop I saw a guy as he moved through the main corridor. He was a good looking and average height guy. But the man seemed familiar to me. His handsome face with its goatee caught my attention. As he passed me he looked up at me and half smiled. Acknowledging my with a nod. I smiled back at the hot guy as he walked off. Then I looked at his butt as he walked off. It was nice too.

"Damn. He looks yummy" I said to myself "Nice butt too"

I headed back to my room quickly to drop of my purchases and the headed back out to the dinning hall. I met the greater at the entrance to the dinning room. Presented her my ticket for my seating. She said that this would be my permanent table throughout the journey. Then another girl lead me to my table. When I got there I saw the hot guy from earlier sitting at my table. There were a few others at the eight person table. I sat down 3 from the hot guy. I kept looki g up at him and he me. So I figured that this dude may be interested. There was some light conversations at the table with others there. A couple from rhe west. And older woman and her friend from the northeast and young man from the south. Then there was myself and Eric. Eric the hot guy that i had seen near the shops after boarding. Eric the hot guy that seemed ever so familiar to me somehow. I tried to talk to him mostly as i was horny for the guy. I wanted to kiss his goateed fave and rip his clothes off to get to what i hoped was a nice body.

"So where have I seen you before?" I had to ask him "Your fave is very very familiar man" "Do you work in my office building?"

I found that he did not work anywhere near me. But I still needed to figure where I had seen him before. But all was not revealed as he seemed intent on keeping that from the group.

"We.should go to the bar later and hang out" I said "Drinks and music and such"

The couple seemed up for it. And even the older woman was. But Eric seemed uninterested in such outings. Saying that he was tired and would retire to his room early. I took it as I had read him all wrong. Here I was thinking this cute guy may have some interest in some fun. But no, I was wrong. Very wrong. After dinner I headed to my room. I was to meet with the younger couple (Jim and Betty were their names) at the upstairs lounge for drinks. I sat in my room and grabbed my tablet I had brought woth me for reading purposes. But I didn't open up no book. I was a bit horned up from the good looking Eric at dinner. And I wanted to get off quickly before heading out to the bar

"Lets see what is online right now" I said as I opened up the online.

But it seemed that my last search came up first. It was the midget porn stuff. So I figured I would just jerk off to some of the huge hung dwarf dudes on there. I flipped through a few kf my saved favorites first. That was when I ran across that video of the supposed gay guy and the midget chick. The one where she seduces the gay dude and he fucks her silly with his delicious cock. I figured this hot a video as any to get off on. But then I saw the guy in the video. Shock filled my face and I blurted out loudly as I recognized him.

"Holy fuck!" I shouted out "This dude looks like ericy" "Fuck. Is it him?" "Can it be him?"

Well I didn't k kw and could not be totally sure it was. But the man was the spitting image of the hot man on the cruise with me. I listened intently to the guys words as he spoke. Looked at the handsome goatee on his face. The way his face looked as he was in utter pleasure. How the midget grabbed at his full head of hair. And the way his hair was. It was Eric. It had to be him. The reset lance was uncanny. So it had to be him. And now this hot video was even hotter to me as I watched it. I had my dick out and was pulling in it madly as I watched the hit guy fuck that ever so lucky midget with his perfect cock again. How that dick.looled sliding in and out of her vagina. How she rode that bug beautiful cock. How his meaty balls looked as they tapped away at her.

"Fucking lucky little midget whore" I said as I stared at the screen. "I wanna ride his big cock like that" "That cock should be banging up my ass. Not you"

I yanked harder on my dick as I stared at the hot video more. Imagining that indeed it was me sitting on his fantastic cock. That it was my bouncing up and down on Eric's lap. Me moaning and begging for him as he plowed up that hole.

"Yeah man. Yess Eric" I moaned out "Should be my ass on that cock" "Little midget whore doesn't deserve that awesome cock inside her" "Me. I want it. Me!"

More I pulled at my dick. More I jerked hard on my throbbing cock. It was so fucking hard too. Harder than I remember it. But I knew it was because of the hot guy on my cruise. I knew it was because of my lust for Eric. I had to have him. I had to wap my hungry lips around his big perfect cock. I had to sit my ass down on his hard at steel dick. But the thing was that I really was not sure if he was even gay as the video suggested at the beginning. It of course was staged. And he may not be gay at all. I mean he was fucking a woman. Not a man. But whatever he was. This hit guy had me desperate to have him. And he was all that I could think about. And when I blew a healthy nut. I was calling out Eric's name for it.

"All for you Eric!" I shouted "All for fucking you!"

I met the couple upstairs as I planned on. We sat there listening to the live band play some soft 70s tunes. I had a fee drinks and was about ready to head back when who should show up, but Eric.

"Hope I am not too late for drinks" he said "No. Of course not" I blurted back "Sit man. Sit"

I sat back down as well, now that Eric had shown. Sat down and drank some more. Glad he had decided to show up. I looked at him longingly for most if the rest of the night. It was after 11 when I figured I needed to get to bed. I had had a bit too much to drink. Betty sw as I was a bit wobbly. She thought I would need help getting to my room.

"I'll get him there" Eric volunteered "Great" she said "I feel better that you will"

Well Eric walked with me through the ships corridors. Up several flights to my floor. Then down the hall to my room. He was mostly quiet. Just grabbing at me whenever I wavered or seemed like I may topple.

"You and I should hang out more" I said a bit slurred. "Yeah sure man. Sure" he said back

He then said that we were in the same area. Thr this was his corridor. Saying he was in S215. Me I was in S184. So we were actually down the hall from one another. I felt my loins twitch as I thought of how close he was to me. I grabbed for my key card from my pocket. It flipped and fell from my hand. I cursed and then went to the floor to grab it. Eric's hand on my shoulder just in case I fell. I reached for and grabbed at my key. Then looked up. I was actually now looking right at his crotch. And I could swear I saw it throb at me. I licked my lips and then looked up at him. I don't know uf he could see the hunger in my face, but he grabbed my arm and pulled me to my feet.

"Here. Lets get you inside" he said "Gimme your key"

I handed the hot man my key and he opened the door. Then we went into my room. He lead me to the bed as I was already shedding clothes. I sat there as he placed my key to the desk. Then he was turning to leave when I called out to him. I had to get his attention so he would not leave.

"Don't go man!" I crowed "Don't go... Midget fucker"

He stopped dead in his tracks as he reached for the door. Then he turned and looked at me. Shock on his handsome face.

"What!" He bellowed "What was that?" "Midget fucker" I then blurted back "I have seen you Eric. I have seen you"

I looked at the guy as he stood there, staring at me like I was mad. I pulled off my shirt and then tossed it aside. Then I stood up. Started to fiddle with my pants, near falling over and at him. I rea hed for him to steady me. He grabbed at my arm.but and I continued to talk to him about his video exploits. He pushed me away and told me I was drunk. And he was a out to turn away again when I reached for the tablet on the side table near the desk. Grabbing it and quickly turning it on. Going to the last thing I was on. The site and his video. But he seemed determined to leave me there as he seemed insulted by my encinuation. He opened the door and started out.

"Hey. Stop!" I shouted at him as he opened the door "Look!"

He turned just as I turned the video on again. He looked back and then turned back into the room. Closing the door behind him.

"I see you Eric" I said again "I see you, you fucking stud" "Come in here and fuck me like you did her"

I then tossed the tablet to the bed. Then I pulled off my pants and charged at him. I pushed Eric to the door. Then I grabbed his face. I looked at his eyes.he had succumbed to what ever devilish seduction I had given him. Even if was the poorest excuse for a seduction any one had ever attempted. But he let me kiss him.....

To be continued

Next: Chapter 5

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