The Faint Aroma of Soap

By Steve Street

Published on Jun 14, 2012


"Get up, boy", I tell him. Boy slides his legs off the bed and stands up. He turns around and starts to kneel, but I stop him by putting my arms around his back and hug him into my chest. "Boy, you are the most satisfying fuck" I tell him. He raises his head, and I give him a long and deep kiss. I lean my head back after the kiss and tell him " No tasks or chores for the rest of the afternoon, boy, just a relaxing afternoon in the den. Now, go to the den."

Boy knelt, which surprised me. I look down at him. I wonder whether he is blatantly disobeying me or if there is something else. Maybe he didn't hear me clearly.

"Go to the den, boy," I said, with sternness in my voice. However, he surprises me again by leaning over and kisses my foot. I put my hands on his cheek and force his head up.

"This disobedience could result in your receiving a second whipping today, boy. You have pleased me with a most satisfying fuck, now don't spoil my pleasure with disobedience. Do you understand? "

"Yes, Master. Your slave understands. Your slave lives to please you, Master. Please, Master, may your slave clean Master's cock?"

The passion in his voice is different somehow. Still holding his cheeks, I see the look of longing, not defiance, in his eyes. And he used the term 'slave'. I never had referred to him as 'slave', never addressed him as 'slave' but always as 'boy'. Every other time I have fucked his ass, I had him clean my cock with his mouth but did not require that of him, this time. I realize there is something more than disobedience in this act of contrition. I want to enforce the 'slave/master' relationship.

"What you want, boy, has no importance. I have you clean my cock for my pleasure, not yours. Now, stand up and go to the den."

"Yes, Master." Boy stands up, his head down, turns and walks out of the bedroom. I follow him, admiring his ass. I wonder about that episode a minute ago. I want total control of boy, but I cannot control his thinking. Disobeying a rule, like touching his cock without permission, rarely make me feel angry. What boy did a minute ago has made me angry. I walk in front of boy as we enter the den. I point to a spot in the middle of the room.

"Kneel," I order boy, not hiding my anger. Boy, moving fast, assumes the kneeling position, his chin touching his chest. I pick up the Kindle reader and the I-Pod and walk over to my reading chair and sit down. I consider my feelings as I watch boy gingerly lower his sore ass to the carpet. I replayed the scene of a few minutes ago in my mind and realize that what bothers me is that he requested me to let him clean my cock. I never have considered the prospect of boy begging for or requesting me to do anything. I do not need or want boy's permission and begging strikes me as an implicit form of his giving permission. I continue to watch boy as I ponder the situation and see boy turn his head towards me.

"Head down, boy! And look down at the floor, boy!" I order sharply. Boy jerks his head down, and I watch his shoulders droop forward. I think he has to know I am angry, and his mind is probably focused on getting whipped a second-time today. I consider whipping boy right now. Yes, I would enjoy spanking him, but I think that a whipping would not get the results I want. I want boy to understand that he can tell me his wants and needs only when I explicitly permit him to do so. I think about inserting the training plug up his ass every morning after he cleans his body, keeping the plug in all day for the next few days. When he volunteers to beg or request to do anything, he will receive a painful jolt from the plug. For now, I want to let my anger subside. I put the I-pod on the table next to my chair, turn on my Kindle reader and start reading the novel.

Fortunately, the novel is a good read and my mind focuses on only the events described in the book. I finish the last page and look out my window. The sun is just beginning to set, enough sun-light coming in the window to light the room. I look at the clock, almost 7:00PM. I turn on the lamp next to the chair and look over at boy. I am hungry. Boy has remained kneeling all this time, and I had heard not even a whimper from him. He looked uncomfortable, and I sensed resignation in his body language.

"Boy," I say in a normal tone. Boy raises his chest up and looks at me. "I am hungry. Go to the kitchen and fix us supper. There are frozen enchilada dinners in the freezer, fix them. I do not want dessert. Just brew fresh coffee."

"Yes, ....Master," he responded while clearing his throat. Boy struggles as he starts to stand up. Kneeling that length of time has cut the circulation of blood making his legs numb. When boy is on his feet, he starts hobbling towards the door, trying to get the circulation back into his legs.

"And Boy," I say with some sternness. Boy turns to face me. "I remind you that one of the firm rules is that you never speak without my permission except to acknowledge an instruction. Understood?"

Boy drops his head into his chest. "Yes, Master," he responds just loud enough for me to hear.

"Repeat that rule to me, boy. And speak up." I tell him.

Boy raises his head. "Master, I am never to talk without your permission, Master"

"You do understand, boy. Now get into the kitchen and prepare dinner," I tell him.

"Yes, Master," he responds as he turns around.

I watch his beautifully decorated ass as he walks out of the den. I put the Kindle reader on the table next to the chair, and lean back into the chair. My thoughts go to boy and his needs and wants. I think I may decide to set aside some time, every few days, and give boy permission to tell me whatever is on his mind at the moment. I can have the training plug up his ass during those sessions to assist in training him never to request or beg me to do anything, He can tell me how he feels when doing a task, or getting whipped, or when he sucks my cock or when I fuck him, or when I kiss him. However, he can never request or beg me to do or not do anything, including fucking him or having him suck or clean my cock. Boy must fully understand that everything he does is for my pleasure, not his. I ask myself how I will feel if boy tells me, during one of these sessions, that he does not like doing some task I require him to do. I think about that for a couple of minutes. I don't think his not wanting to do something would sway me. Like it or not, boy must do whatever I instruct him to do. After all, I tell myself, I never have him do anything that would impair his health or result in permanent physical impairment. In fact, the one unshakeable rule I impose on myself is to do whatever is necessary to keep boy healthy and strong. What about boy's emotional state? I ask myself. Does he feel, happy, sad, angry, contented? I am struck with the irony of that consideration on my part and what happened after I fucked boy earlier today. Everything he did, his body language and his words, communicated not resignation or mere acceptance of his situation, but of wanting more of it.

I take a deep breath and look at the clock. It is 7:30PM and I think boy probably has the dinner ready and I walk out of den. Boy is kneeling facing the entrance with his chin touching his chest when I walk into the kitchen. The table is set with the food steaming from the plates. I walk over to my chair, rubbing my hand over boy's head as I walk by him, and sit down.

"Looks good, boy," I say. "Stand up, boy, and face me."

"Yes, Master," he responds as he gets to his feet and turns around keeping his arms to his side. I study his face for a moment. He keeps his eyes down, not looking at me, and his facial expression seems to communicate what I would describe as 'forlorn', like he feels sad or not wanted. I can see his cock, trapped in its plastic cage, has a redness that indicates irritation - good chance that the cock got hard several times this day and rubbed against the cage.

"You are one handsome boy." I tell him sincerely. I see a smile creep onto his lips as he hears these words. "Sit down, boy. Let's enjoy this meal," I say pleasantly.

Boy carefully and slowly sits in the chair. He has two problems now: a very sore ass and a sore cock. I start eating. Boy eats, but not with his usual speed and keeping his proper posture; I get the impression that he may be trying to impress me. We both finish eating at the same time, and I push my plates back.

"Stand up, boy. Get us each a cup of coffee," I instruct him. Boy stands up, walks to the counter, pours the coffee into two cups and brings the cups back to the table. He puts one front of me and the other at his place. As if anticipating what I was going to tell him, he remains standing facing me.

I look at my coffee and then at him. "Tell me, boy, why I cannot have my boy's fresh cream in my coffee."

"Master," he responds, his voice quaking. "I touched my cock without your permission, Master"

"If you obey and please me each day, boy. before next week is over, I can take that cage off, and I can have the pleasure of milking your cock. Meanwhile, that pain from your caged cock will enforce in your mind that you must never touch it without my permission. Do you understand, boy?"

"Yes, Master," he responds, a plaintive urgency in his voice. "I will never again touch my cock without your permission, Master."

"Good," I say to him. "Sit down and drink your coffee."

No longer smiling, boy carefully sits down. I sip my coffee, watching boy do the same, for several minutes.

Picking up my coffee cup and as I start standing up, boy starts slipping out of his chair to kneel. "Stay sitting, boy," I tell him. He relaxes back into his chair. "When you have finished your coffee, clean the kitchen and then come into the den."

"Yes, Master," boy responds as I walk over to the counter and pour more coffee into my cup.

Cup in hand, I walk out of the kitchen and into the den. I sit in my reading chair, and I realize that I want boy's warm body between my legs. I pick up the Kindle reader, power it on, and go to the Kindle store hoping to find another good novel to download. After about fifteen minutes, I see boy walking into the den.

"Over here, boy," I tell him, pointing my finger to the floor in front of my chair. Boy walks over. I see a worried expression on his face. He obviously has not forgotten that he had angered me earlier and probably was anticipating I had a whipping in mind. I have spanked boy several times, every time with him over my knees. Boy knelt in front me, keeping his head down.

"Turn around, boy," I instruct him. "Sit on your ass and lean back against my chair." After turning around, boy scoots on his knees, trying to keep his sore ass from rubbing against the carpet. He finally sits and puts his back to the chair and stretches his legs out in front of him. I wrap my legs under his arms and around his chest. I press my legs tight and feel the thump of his heart beat pulsing from his chest onto my calves. I lean back, pick up the I-Pod and reach over boy's shoulder, and put it on his hands. "Have fun, boy," I tell him.

Boy let out a sigh of relief as he took the I-pod from my hand. I leaned back into my chair, picked up the Kindle reader, and continued my search for another good novel. It takes about twenty minutes, but I find a book that looks interesting. I move the cursor to 'purchase' and start the download. I look down at boy. He is holding the I-pod between his legs. I see the machine is on, but he is playing no games. I put the palm of my right hand on his cheek. Boy turns his head, kisses and licks my palm.

"Play a game, boy," I tell him as I remove my hand."You have permission to have some fun, take advantage of it."

The novel has downloaded to my reader. I am reading a good book while enjoying boy's warm body against my legs and a mood of contentment flows through me. After a while, I feel boy pressing his head against my left leg. I see the I-pod, still on, in his hands between his legs, and he is not playing any game. Boy turns his head, lets out a soft but passionate sigh, and kisses my leg. I smile to myself and resume reading. I am absorbed in the book. It, too, is a good read, and I am unaware of time. When I look up at the clock, I see that it is almost 11:00PM. I turn off the Kindle reader, put it on the table. Boy, half asleep, leans forward when I unwrap my legs from around his chest and stand up.

"Hand me the I-pod, boy," I tell him. The I-pod is still on and in his hands between his legs. I think he has not played one game. Boy reaches up and hands me the I-pod which I put on the table."Stand up," I tell him.

"Yes, Master," boy responds as he gets to his feet and faces me.

"Take off my shirt and pants, boy," I tell him.

"Yes, Master," he responds, a soft smile of anticipation on his face. Boy begins unbuttoning my shirt. When he has the last button undone, I let the shirt fall to the floor. Without hesitation, boy puts his hands behind his back and starts kissing my chest. I feel a warm passion from his lips as he works his way down my chest and abdomen. When he is on his knees, he unbuckles my belt, unbuttons the pants and pulls the zipper down. My pants fall around my feet. exposing my semi-hard cock as I have no underwear on., Boy flicks his tongue into my piss slit as he kisses my cock. He licks my balls for more than a minute and then proceeds to kiss the inside of my legs, first one leg then the other, working his way down until he is kissing my feet. I sit back into my chair.

"Tell me. boy," I ask him. "What do you worship every day?"

"Master," he responds with some passion in his voice, "I worship Master's cock from the moment I wake up until I fall asleep at night, Master."

"Worship my cock now, boy," I tell him. "I want to feel your devotion for my cock."

Saying nothing, keeping his hands behind his back, boy lowers his head and his chin rubs against my now hard cock until his lips touch my public hairs. He kisses down the length of my cock. When his lips touch the tip of my cock, he swirls his tongue around my cock head and using his nose, pushes my cock up and licks the underside. He kisses my cock head and kisses up the length of my cock until his lips touch my public hairs. As he continues to kiss and lick my cock, I can only guess how boy feels. Maybe my erotic imagination is working, but I sense a genuine devotion communicated by his lips and tongue, as if he is being allowed to touch something truly precious. I sit back, my arms resting on the arms of the chair, and enjoy the warm glow flowing from my cock through my body. I say nothing as boy continues this worshipful ministration. He never pauses as if he could continue doing this forever. After several minutes, I put my hands on his cheeks.

"Boy," I say softly. "Put my cock in your mouth and let it sink into the warm confines of your throat. Use your tongue and mouth and suck until my cock rewards you with my sweet cream."

Remaining silent, boy puts his lips on the tip of my cock and moves his head forward, slowly, until his lips touch my public hairs. He holds his head still breathing through his nose, and I feel him swallow several times, causing his throat muscles to massage my cock. He moves his head back until my cock is in his mouth. I feel the sensation of his mouth muscles and tongue against my cock as he sucks. Then he lets my cock slowly slide back into his throat, and he swallows. I keep my hands on his cheeks but let him set the pace of swallowing and sucking. The pleasure I feel is all but overwhelming, and I would like this to continue for hours. In only fifteen minutes, the electric tension in my balls tells me I am about to cum. I hold boy's head steady. Boy sucks my cock as I fuck his mouth. Within less than a minute, my cock begins to ejaculate in spurts. With each spurt, boy gulps the creamy stream into his throat.

When I let my cock drop out of his mouth, boy has his eyes closed as he licks his lips and swallows several times. I put my arms around his back and pull him forward until his chest is on mine. I hold him tight, as boy nuzzles his cheek against my chest. As my orgasmic pleasure fades, I feel boys warm breath begin to slow and, soon, his breathing sounds as if he is purring contentedly. After a few minutes, I gently push boy's shoulders back and I stand up lifting him to his feet.

"Time for bed, boy" I say to him in a low voice. I pick up my pants and shirt, turn out the table lamp, ,and motion boy to follow. I turn out the lights as we walk out of the den and down the hall and into the bedroom. I put my pants and shirt on the clothes horse, turn on the table lamp next to my bed, and walk into the bathroom. Boy kneels behind me as I empty my bladder into the toilet.

"Sit on the toilet, boy" I instruct him as I move and stand in front of the counter sink. "I want you to empty your bladder."

As I listen to boy's piss splash into the toilet water, I start brushing my teeth. When I have rinsed my mouth, boy is kneeling in front of the toilet. I flush the toilet.

"Stand up and brush your teeth at the sink, boy," I instruct him. "And when you have your teeth cleaned, turn out the bathroom lights and come into the bedroom"

I walk into the bedroom, sit on my side of the bed. A couple of minutes later, the bathroom light clicks off, and I see boy walking into the bedroom.

"Turn out the lights, boy," I instruct him. Boy walks over to the light switch, turns off the over head lights. and turns around. He has a look of contentment on his face, but I see that his cock, obviously turgid, presses against its plastic cage. I think that boy must be experiencing something more than discomfort. "Come over here, boy," I tell him as I point to the floor. Boy walks over and kneels next to my legs. I run my hand over his head and cheek and then pat the bed. "Crawl into bed," I tell him.

As boy crawls up onto the bed, I turn out the table lamp, and I guide him down so he is laying on his side. I put my arm around his chest and hug his back into my chest, curling my legs, pressing my cock against his ass. I nibble his ear and whisper "You have pleased me this evening, boy." Boy lets out a soft, shaky sigh, and I feel his muscles start to relax.

Next: Chapter 9

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