The Fifth Power

By Michael Phillips

Published on Aug 1, 2003


The Fifth Power

The following is a complete work of fiction. Any resemblance between the characters and any real life person is completely coincidental. Please do not copy or distribute the story without the author's permission.

Disclaimer: The following story may contain erotic situations between consenting adults. If it is illegal for you to read this please leave now.

If you enjoy this story please check out my other stories, City Of Dreams and Center Stage. They can be found under the Adult Friends section in the Nifty Archive or at my Yahoo! Group or you can send me an email at Please remember to include something about the story in the subject line.

"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover."

~ Mark Twain

Mat's mind was struggling on the edge of consciousness. He felt like he was hanging onto the edge of a cliff with his legs dangling precariously over the side. Mat was about to give into the darkness that threatened to surround him when he heard Devlin's voice.

"Kristen what the fuck just happened?" Mat heard Devlin say. "What type of fucking game is Mat playing with us?"

Anger bubbled up inside of Mat hotter than any volcano could contain.

'How could he even believe that I would pull a prank like this on everyone?' Mat thought heatedly. 'I can barely conjure enough wind to snuff out a candle let alone enough to levitate off the floor like that. What the hell is Devlin's problem? I need to get to the bottom of this now!'

The sound of Devlin's voice triggered memories that flashed through Mat's mind. The feel of Devlin's hands kneading the muscles in Mat's stressed shoulders, the heat from Devlin's palm when he placed it on Mat's bare chest, and the feeling of warmth and security that wrapped around his body like a blanket when Devlin's arms held him. All those feelings wrapped tightly around Mat's heart. If he had been controlling Devlin to do those things, even subconsciously, then why did Mat pull away from him time and time again? Mat made it a point to not allow himself to get close to Devlin because his love for the man might possibly consume him.

'What I don't understand,' Mat thought to himself. "Is why he would tell me in one breath that my feelings are just echoes of what he really feels, but then turn around in the next breath and tell me that I'm the one broadcasting to him. None of this makes sense.'

The hatred from Devlin's voice this morning, and the sarcasm that he just heard echoed through Mat's head. The words repeated over and over through Mat's head, taunting and teasing him. The voice would not stop. The level of anger in Mat began to rise to the point of rage.

"STOOOOOOOOOOOP!" Mat screamed out with a fury that wracked his body.

Suddenly everything went completely quiet. He could feel himself gasping for breath. Mat's eyes slowly opened. The other six people in the room were staring at him. Numerous emotions appeared on all of their faces ranging from fear to confusion. They had heard his rage-filled cry. Kristen was the closest to Mat. She reached out to put a calming hand on Mat's arm, but he jerked backwards fearfully.

"Mat, what's wrong?" Kristen asked with concern. "What's going on?"

"I don't know." Mat said fearfully. "You tell me Kristen. What the fuck just happened?"

"First we need to get you checked out Mat." Kristen pointed to his chin. "You're bleeding. Everything can be explained later."

Mat's tongue gingerly darted out to the side of his mouth. The coppery, bitter taste of blood exploded through his senses. Mat reached up and wiped the remaining blood off of his chin and mouth.

"It's nothing Kristen." Mat said as he wiped his hand on his pants. "When my mouth snapped shut my teeth must have nicked my tongue. It's not a big deal. Please tell me what just happened."

"Ok." Kristen agreed with a sigh. She motioned for everyone to gather around. Everyone sat in a circle on the floor again. "Right before Joe and I started The Institute we both experienced weird dreams. The dreams were identical. There was complete darkness. A woman's voice echoed in the darkness. She gave us information and help in creating The Institute. I never saw her, but she said to call her Gaia. Gaia told us that there would be an important event coming in the future, and that we had to be prepared. She also told us that she would help guide and help us as much as she could. The help could be in the form of dreams or it could be given through an actual person, an oracle."

"So what you're saying," Gideon began. "Is that this Gaia used Mat to deliver that message to us?"

"Yes I am." Kristen replied. "But that was a bit more than a message. It was a prophecy. It must be important."

"Why is that?" Devlin asked sarcastically. "You mean this doesn't happen all the time?"

Mat wanted to reach out and hit Devlin. Hard. He was just about to retaliate in some way, but Kristen's voice stopped him.

"Actually Mr. Smart Ass," Kristen replied coldly. "It doesn't happen all the time. In fact this is only the second time we know of that an oracle has been used."

"What happened the first time?" Isabella asked.

"The first time?" Kristen paused and glanced at all of them. "The first time the oracle visited another prophecy was given, but it was similar to this one. That the fate of the world would rest on the shoulders of five people and that those five people would have gifts and strengths we've never known possible. The only thing that concerns me is that this prophecy hasn't given any clues. The first one was so specific."

"What do you mean Kristen?" Gideon asked.

"The first prophecy wasn't as vague as this was." Kristen said as he scratched her head thoughtfully. Her voice was soft and quiet, almost like she was talking to herself. "It was very specific that there was a significance to the number five. Of course we know now, thanks to Mat, that there is in an actual fifth power. The only discrepancy with the first prophecy was that it said there would be a group of five, like it did this time, but six names were given to us."

Everyone was silent for a moment digesting what Kristen had said. The other five members of his class continued to glance his way, but he also noticed that they were glancing at each other as well. It was obvious to Mat that there was some telepathic communication going on. There was one thing that Kristen said that peaked his interest.

"What six names did the prophecy give you Kristen?" Mat asked, getting everyone's attention.

Everyone's gaze centered on Kristen. They all knew the answer she was going to give. So it didn't shock any of them.

"The prophecy named the six of you."

"I have a question Kristen." Mat said. Kristen nodded at him to continue. "What's this key that's being mentioned?"

"That's been running through my head too Mat." Kristen replied. "Obviously the fifth power needs to be unlocked. That would explain why you haven't shown any new powers except for the ones we know about. I wish that the prophecy had been clearer. It did tell us about some of the gifts, but the most important part was so vague. How can we find a key if we have no clue where to look? We don't even know what this key is. It could be anything."

"What did 'the power of Morpheus is rising' mean?" Gideon asked.

"I was hoping we wouldn't have to get into this so soon," Kristen began with a deep sigh. "But it looks like I really don't have a choice now. Everyone knows that there is good and evil in the world. The balance of good and evil can be found anywhere in the universe. We've come to find out that Gaia is the entity that helps protect and nurture all that is good. Morpheus is the entity the tries to corrupt and control others for evil purposes. The purpose of The Institute is to find the people that work for Morpheus and stop whatever evil plans they are executing."

Everyone began to talk and ask questions all at once. Kristen put up her hands to silence everyone.

"I need to go speak to Joe about everything that has happened." Kristen looked at her watch. "Classes are done for the day obviously. Please don't worry about Morpheus right now. Our main concern is trying to figure out what and where this key is. So you have the rest of the day to yourselves, but try to come up with some ideas. The more people we have working on this, the better chance we'll have of finding the key."

Everyone slowly left the classroom. Mat started to follow everyone out, but then changed his mind. He sat down on the floor in front of one of the couches. Mat leaned back against it and gazed out the windows. His mind wouldn't focus on just one thought. A million things were flying though Mat's brain. He felt lost.

"Are you ok?" A voice asked from behind him.

Mat turned his head to see Gideon standing in the doorway. His lean, muscled body was casually leaning on the doorframe. Concern was written all over his handsome face.

"Yeah. Thanks." Mat replied.

Mat thought that would be enough to get Gideon to leave him alone, but he was wrong. He heard movement in the room, and then saw Gideon sitting down on the floor next to him. Gideon looked over at him with a smile on his face.

"You can't lie for shit Mat." Gideon said with a quiet chuckle. "You want to talk about it?"

"I just..." Mat started to say as he looked back out the window. "I just don't know what's going on anymore Gideon. All of this crazy shit with my powers, and now we find out I need a key to unlock them. I've got spirits or something taking over my body. Besides all the shit that's been going on with Devlin..." Mat regretted the words as soon as they left his mouth. He never intended to mention Devlin.

"I thought something was going on between you two." Gideon said. "You were both really close there for a little bit. Then all of sudden there was this invisible wall between the two of you. What happened?"

Mat sighed. He knew there was no way of getting around this. He didn't want to just brush Gideon off.

'Maybe talking about it will help me figure things out.' Mat thought to himself.

Mat took his time and explained everything that had been happening to Gideon. The two of them talked for a few hours. Mat got upset rehashing everything and Gideon put an arm around his friend protectively. Neither of them noticed the shadow that was lingering in the doorway listening to everything.

Mat stood in the moonlight toweling off his wet hair. He had just stepped out of the shower. The hot water was able to ease the tension in his muscles, but was unable to ease the tension in his mind. Today was definitely one of the longest days Mat could ever remember.

First he had all those problems with Devlin this morning, and then he had the visit from the oracle. Mat still didn't know what to think of any of it. The talk he had with Gideon was helpful. It gave Mat the opportunity to talk about everything that had been on his mind. He had some hope because Gideon thought that Devlin did return Mat's feelings. Gideon couldn't understand Devlin's current attitude either.

Mat's heart soared at first when Gideon said that he thought Devlin was in love with him. That all quickly came crashing down when Mat remembered the dramatic change in attitude that Devlin has gone through. If Mat planned on getting any type of sleep in the future he had to figure out what was going on with Devlin. Though that task wasn't as easy as it sounded.

Mat's thoughts were interrupted as he heard the bedroom door opening and then closing. He glanced over his shoulder and saw Devlin standing just inside the door. Devlin's gaze raked over Mat's body. It was at that moment that Mat realized he still had yet to get dressed from his shower. Mat acted like he didn't notice Devlin's gaze and took his time getting dressed. There was no way Mat was going to rush and give Devlin the satisfaction of knowing he was nervous.

Mat took slow calming breaths. Even just having Devlin in the same room was enough to make his heart rate speed up. It didn't matter that they weren't really talking at the moment. Just sensing Devlin's presence was enough to arouse Mat. It was getting to the point that Mat was able to sense Devlin whenever he was near. It frightened Mat sometimes. Mat could be totally engrossed in something, but he would be able to tell the minute Devlin walked into a room. Even if Mat wasn't looking he could still sense the presence.

"Nice try Mat." Devlin said sarcastically.

"What are you talking about?" Mat asked.

"Like you don't know." Devlin replied. "You just happen to be getting out of the shower and haven't had the chance to get dressed until I come into the room? That's a bit too coincidental. Don't you think?"

"I hate to be the one to break this to you Devlin." Mat said with a sigh. "But my hygiene habits don't revolve around whether you are here or not. I take a shower at the same time every night. It looks like to me that you're the one that keeps showing up when I might not be dressed. So maybe you're just trying to get a peak?"

Mat knew before the words even left his mouth how they would affect Devlin. He couldn't help himself though. Mat had taken great care to avoid close or intimate contact with Devlin, and to be accused of trying to seduce him irritated Mat. He could see Devlin's jaw tense for a moment, but the explosion he was expecting never came.

"You'd like to think that wouldn't you? You're just trying to piss me off because you're upset that you can't have me." Devlin said sarcastically with a smirk. "Well I'm not going to let some fag get under my skin. So think or say whatever it is you want. You're not going to bother me."

Mat's body tensed at Devlin's words. It wasn't the first time he was called a fag, and Mat doubted it would be the last. He was pissed off at Devlin for calling him that. Devlin was the one that claimed to have the feelings in the first place, and that Mat was just mirroring those feelings. Mat knew deep down inside of him that his feelings were real. It pissed him off that Devlin could have the same feelings locked up inside of him and still throw hateful words like that at Mat. Mat watched Devlin's back as he headed towards the bathroom.

"If I remember correctly Devlin you would be the one that was a fag." Mat said softly. Devlin's head snapped around to look at him. "Weren't you the one that told me that what I was feeling wasn't real? That it was all an empathic echo of your feelings? So whose the fag now?"

The tension in the room became so thick that you could cut it with a knife. Mat knew that this probably wasn't the best way of going about things, but he felt like there were no other options left. The only way to get through to Devlin was to confront him. Things could either get better or worse, and since they already weren't really speaking to each other anyways, Mat didn't see how things could get any worse.

Mat felt Devlin reach out into his mind, but Mat was prepared for this. Before Devlin was able to do anything Mat threw up a shield. Mat must have used a bit more force than he realized because once the shield snapped into place Devlin staggered for a moment.

"I see you are picking up a few things in class Mat. It's impressive." Devlin said. "But I wonder if Kristen would be interested to know what else you're picking up in class."

"What are you talking about?" Mat asked his face creased with confusion.

"I saw you and Gideon earlier tonight. It was kind of cozy, don't you think? I guess I shouldn't have worried about you after all. It seems like you've moved on from me and you're after Gideon already. It seems that you gays are just a bunch of lonely whores." Devlin grinned.

Devlin turned and headed back towards the bathroom. It was a mistake he shouldn't have made. He shouldn't have turned his back on Mat. Mat's eyes tightened in fury. Devlin was suddenly thrown against the wall. His body was pulled a foot off the ground. Mat waved his hand and Devlin's body flipped over onto his back.

"What are you doing?!?" Devlin screamed.

Mat walked up to Devlin. He stood with their faces only inches apart. Devlin continued to scream at him. Mat formed a small ball of air and pushed it into Devlin's mouth to silence him. Devlin's eyes bulged. His cocky attitude quickly diminished to complete fear. Devlin's body was pressed against the wall, and he couldn't speak. Devlin was just about to reach out with his mind to call for help, but the sound of Mat's voice stopped him.

"I wouldn't think about calling out for help either." Mat said with a grim voice. "The ball of air that's in your mouth to stop you from speaking can easily be pushed into your throat. That would stop your breathing."

Devlin's body shook in fear. Mat certainly wasn't planning on hurting him, but he had to make Devlin realize what he was doing. Talking to him obviously wasn't working. Mat felt that there was only one way for Devlin to realize that Mat was telling the truth. It would put Mat at risk, especially after what he was doing to Devlin right now, but it was a chance he had to take.

'You're one of the most powerful empaths, right?' Mat sent out to Devlin. He waited to Devlin to nod before he continued. 'Here is the plan then. I'm going to allow you access to my mind. You don't believe what I'm feeling is real. You think I'm trying to make a pass at you? I really don't know what you may be thinking. I'll give you five minutes. If you don't believe that I'm not trying to get you then I'll leave.'

'What do you mean leave?' Devlin thought back.

"I mean exactly what it sounds like." Mat said with a big sigh. "If you can't see or understand how I am feeling then I'll leave The Manor. I care about you too much to make you uncomfortable. You have been being a major asshole, and you really don't deserve such an easy way out, but I couldn't stand being near you if you are going to keep acting like this. In fact I refuse to. So I'm going to lower my shield now. You have five minutes."

Mat took a long, steady breath and released his shield. He didn't release Devlin though. Mat hoped that this plan worked. Mat knew that this really wasn't Devlin in front of him. Someone had to be controlling his mind somehow. The night he tried to tell Devlin about his feelings Devlin told him about empathic signatures.

Mat's goal was to try and probe Devlin's mind without being noticed. He hoped that Devlin would be concentrated on looking into his own mind. This way he could try and pick up any traces or signatures in Devlin's mind.

Almost as soon as Mat's shield lowered he could feel Devlin enter his mind. He didn't know how he knew it was Devlin, but he did. It was then that he realized that Devlin must have been right about signatures. Devlin had been in his mind before, and now his mind was recognizing the person. This gave Mat a great deal of hope. He just had to search Devlin's mind quickly and see if he can pick up anything at all.

Mat glanced away from Devlin as his mind was searched. Once Mat's eyes left Devlin's he gently reached out and entered Devlin's mind. He wasn't pushed back out so he took this as a good sign. Mat tried to keep his breathing as even as possible. He didn't want Devlin to pick up on what was happening. His plan was turning out to be a bit more difficult than he imagined it would.

As Devlin accessed different emotions and memories they flashed back to Mat. Images of his first birthday, his first Christmas, and his family's funeral flashed through his head. It was taking all of Mat's strength to keep his concentration on the task at hand.

As Mat probed deeper into Devlin's brain he was able to feel a difference. Something definitely wasn't right. There was a spot there that seemed to be independent from the rest of Devlin's brain. All the thoughts and emotions seemed to slide around the spot.

Mat at was about to reach out to see what was there when he felt his heart lurch. Images of Devlin flashed through his mind. Mat could practically feel Devlin's hand on his chest and then that flashed to Devlin's arms around him. Mat was at least happy that one side of this plan worked.

Devlin found his spot in Mat's heart. Mat felt dizzy and sat on Devlin's bed. The images started to speed through his mind so fast he wasn't able to recognize any of them. He heard a choking noise. Mat's gaze snapped up to look at Devlin.

Devlin's chest was heaving and there were tears in his eyes. Devlin's eyes pleaded with Mat to be released. The images flashing through his head finally stopped. Mat began to ease back into Devlin's mind. He looked pretty upset and Mat was hoping that Devlin wouldn't be aware that he was there. Mat had to find out what that thing was. He waved his hand releasing Devlin from his bonds and that gag. Devlin's feet hit the floor and he was barely able to stay standing. The gasping sob that erupted from his mouth nearly broke Mat's heart.

Mat knew there wasn't much time left. He increased his effort and sped through Devlin's brain. He was very careful to not touch any memories or emotions. He wanted to be as undetectable as possible. Mat's mind was racing towards the object as Devlin staggered to his feet. Devlin swayed a bit and started to fall. He would have hit the floor if Mat hadn't jumped up and grabbed him.

"Mat...what's going on?" Devlin managed to gasp. "I felt it...inside of could I have doubt..."

Mat opened his mouth to ask what he was talking about, but Devlin didn't give him the opportunity. Devlin's lips crushed against his own. His tongue invaded Mat's mouth. Mat's lungs emptied completely. His head spun and he was barely able to hang on to his senses. Mat's entire body felt like it was on fire. He had been kissed before, but it was never anything like this. This was a kiss of pure passion and need.

Mat could feel something building inside of him. Something powerful. He had no idea what was going on, but he was afraid that whatever was in Devlin's head was trying to get to him. Devlin ended the kiss as abruptly as he it started. Mat and Devlin's eyes locked.

"Mat..." Devlin said urgently. "I have to tell you something. I..."

As Devlin began to speak Mat's mind found the mysterious object again. Devlin's words were broken off as Mat tried to access the object. Devlin's eyes seem to glaze over and his mouth snapped shut. Mat suddenly found himself airborne. Everything happened so quickly. He was in such a state of shock he couldn't stop himself as he slammed into the wall. His body hit the floor with a loud thud.

"Game's over Mat." Devlin snarled as he stood over Mat. "You've lost. I have to admit that I underestimated you. You gave your word, and now you have to keep it. Though I think that your 'leaving' should be a bit more permanent than you had originally planned."

Mat tried to sit up, but was quickly knocked back down as Devlin kicked him in the stomach. Pain shot through Mat's body. It took every once of remaining strength to stop his stomach from emptying. The pain didn't concern Mat. He had his answers. Devlin's body might be standing above him, but Devlin wasn't in control of it. Mat was certain that someone was controlling Devlin. Devlin's hand shot out and grabbed Mat by the back of his head. Mat was jerked upwards. Devlin's face was inches from his.

"You've lost him forever." Devlin's mouth moved, but it wasn't his voice. A deep, sinister voice rolled from his tongue. "He will not be released. You should not have been so hasty to find your answers. The only answer you are going to be given is death."

For the second time that night Mat's body flew through the air. He was thrown hard enough that his body crashed through the door to the bathroom. Mat's body hit the wall and fell to the floor. His head connected with the floor tiles with a loud crack. The last thing Mat saw before he passed out was the outline of Devlin's body through the now broken bathroom door. The sinister voice echoed through his head.

"Six in the beginning, only five will remain. You should have listened Mat. The fifth has been slain."

Mat tried to call out for help, but it was too late. An evil, sinister laughed filled his ears as the darkness engulfed him.

Mat once again found himself floating in the never-ending darkness. There was no fear within him this time. Mat was able to sense the calm and comfort in the darkness this time. He allowed his spirit to float. He relaxed in the embrace of the darkness.

'You're mind is empty of thoughts this night Mateo.' The familiar voice echoed in the darkness.

'I'm so tired of thinking Gaia. Everything is so confusing anymore.' Mat responded.

'There is one thing that is not confusing to you Mateo. One of the few constants in the universe.' Gaia cryptically replied.

'What's constant in life anymore? Everything changes at the drop of a hat. The only constant I had was Devlin, but since something, or should I say someone, has taken him over I don't even have that anymore.' Mat thought with frustration.

'I think you have answered your own question Mateo. Think.' Gaia responded.

Mat took Gaia's advice and thought about what he just said. It felt like a few seconds had passed, but it could have taken him minutes or even hours. Mat's mind was consumed with thoughts of Devlin and what he felt for him. Mat suddenly realized what Gaia was talking about, and he felt like a fool for not realizing what she meant sooner.

'Love.' Mat sent out.

'You do not give yourself enough credit Mateo. Most people would not have gotten that answer right. You are not a fool. I would love to continue this conversation with you, but time is of the essence. You have a decision to make.' Gaia replied.

'A decision?' Mat said. He did not like the way this conversation was heading.

'You are now at a crossroads. You have two paths.' Two holes opened up in the darkness in front of Mat. One path was filled with a brilliant light. The other path had light, but it was filled with darkness as well. 'Fate has given you true hardship throughout your life. You are being given the option to choose. If you choose the path of light then your life on earth will end and eternal happiness shall be yours. If you choose the path shrouded in darkness you will return to earth. You may have a chance at the love that burns within your heart, but there are no guarantees. If you choose the path of love then you must be prepared for battle because that is the only way that you will be able to save him."

A million things rushed through Mat's head. He wasn't sure what to do. On one hand he could choose to have happiness right now, but it would be happiness without Devlin. Mat wasn't sure if it was possible for him to have happiness without Devlin in his life. He knew that he would rather lose his life battling for Devlin's love instead of just giving up now.

'The time has come Mateo. Make your choice.' Gaia's voice rang out in the darkness.

Mat didn't pause to think as his body floated towards the darkness. If there was even the slightest chance that he could get through to Devlin then he had to take it. He would say he felt a chill as he entered the path, but without his body he had no sense of temperature. The chill Mat felt was more mental. It was the type of chill that sends shivers down your spine, the chill of pure evil. The hole closed behind Mateo as he passed through.

'It has begun.' Gaia thought to herself.

Pain was the first thing that Mat became aware of as he regained consciousness. It took Mat a few minutes before he could even begin to think clearly. It was difficult to move. He felt very lethargic. As his eyes slowly opened all he could see was red. Mat slowly began to push himself up off the floor and he realized what he was looking at. Blood. His blood practically covered the bathroom floor.

Once Mat was finally able to stand he glanced at his reflection in the mirror. One entire side of Mat's face looked like one giant black and blue mark. His fingers gingerly ran over the area and the sharp pain made him flinch. His nose obviously had been broken in the fall. Dried blood covered the lower half of his face and most of his neck.

Mat felt like he had been run over by an eighteen-wheeler. He felt like death warmed over. Mat turned to leave the bathroom and he saw the broken door. Flashes of him flying through that door echoed through his mind.

'That's right. I should have been dead. I need to find everyone and warn them.' Mat thought.

He moved as fast as his injured body would allow, but upon entering the bedroom he stopped in shock. Sunlight streamed in through the windows. Mat hobbled over to the window and looked out at the sky. He guessed it had to be late afternoon based on the sun's position.

'How long was I out?' Mat thought. 'Is this the next day or days later? Why hasn't anyone come looking for me?' A sinister thought entered Mat's brain. 'What if that thing has already gotten to everyone else?'

Mat turned to leave the room but stopped himself. He couldn't just go charging around The Manor and risk bumping into Devlin. That thing obviously thought Mat was dead. Mat had to think of some type of game plan. He hoped that everyone else was safe. Mat knew that rushing into things could cost him not only his life, but also the lives of everyone else. Whatever was controlling Devlin was obviously strong as hell. It had almost killed him.

Tears of frustration filled his eyes. His task suddenly seemed impossible. How was he supposed to fight something like this? Mat wasn't sure if he had the strength within himself to do this. He sat down on his bed as a long, shuddering sob wracked his body.

Mat buried his face in his hands. He ignored the pain that erupted as his hands made contact with the bruising on his face. Mat sobbed into his hands. He felt so alone. Mat felt a warmth fill his body. He glanced up and gasped as a two brilliant points of light filled the room. The two lights grew in size until they took human form. Mat gasped and felt fresh tears fill his eyes.

"Momma? Sebastian?" Mat asked. He couldn't believe this. "Is that really you?"

His mother and brother nodded.

"We don't have much time baby." His mother said. She looked so beautiful with her the soft light surrounding her. "Mateo, my baby boy, you CAN do this. Reach inside of yourself."

"No I can't momma." Mat choked out through his tears.

"Mat..." Sebastian's voice called out. "You're much stronger than you think bro. You were always my rock little man. Reach inside of yourself."

Mat slowly stood up and began to walk towards his family. The light around them began to fade.

"We love you." They said in unison. Mat reached out with both hands. His mother and brother each reached out and grabbed his hands. Their glow surrounded Mat with love. "Look within yourself. Now is the time. Now is the hour. Now is the time. Now is the hour."

Mat watched his family slowly fade from sight, but the warmth of their love never left him. His hands clenched into fists. Mat knew what he needed to do. He was no longer afraid.

"I can't believe he left like that!" Gideon exclaimed. The remaining five members of the class were gathered in their classroom with Kristen. "It's not like Mat to just take off like that without telling anyone."

"My brother's right." Galen added. "We need to find out what's going on here. I mean why would he freak out and attack Devlin like that?"

The group continued to throw ideas back and forth about what happened to Mat. Devlin sat back and took everything in. He wasn't sure really what was going on. Devlin didn't really remember much from last night except for one thing. The kiss. His lips still burned with the memory of it. Devlin wasn't sure how he was able to rehash everything that had happened. It was almost like someone was talking for him.

Devlin was afraid. Most of last night was a big black hole. He had way too many moments like that in the past week. There were large gaps of time he just couldn't account for, and now with Mat gone Devlin didn't know what to think. Part of him was ecstatic that Mat was out of his life, but a much larger part was mourning the loss. Devlin's emotions had become a major source of inner turmoil.

"Devlin..." Kristen said breaking him away from his thoughts. "Is there anything else that happened last night that you might have left out? Even the smallest of things could be really important."

"I..." Devlin began to respond, but was interrupted as the floor began to quake.

The lights in the room began to flicker. Everyone in the room panicked. The group split up and raced towards the two exits, but neither door would open.

"What the fuck is going on?" Gideon yelled out.

Before anyone could respond the two doors exploded inward. The group was thrown backwards and knocked to the ground. Screams filled the air. After a few moments everyone was able to get on their feet and started towards the now open doorways. The hallways suddenly became pitch black. The darkness seemed to suck up all the light. Hurricane force winds rushed into the room.

"EVERYONE AGAINST THE WALL! NOW!" Kristen had to yell to be heard over the rushing of the winds.

The group slowly made their way to the back wall and huddled together. The winds stopped as suddenly as they began, but darkness still filled the doorways. Something seemed to be shifting in the darkness though.

"What is that?" Gabrielle's shrieking made them all jump. She pointed towards one of the doorways. The darkness seemed to be melting into the room. The group huddled closer together. "What is going on?"

"I want everyone to be ready to strike. Do whatever you can!" Kristen said. She maneuvered herself in front of everyone else. "Watch each other's back!"

The darkness wasn't really moving into the room. A figure stepped out of the darkness into the destroyed room. The group was in shock.

"MAT!" Isabella called out. "What the hell are you doing?"

The group started to relax, but then they all got a good look at Mat. The dried blood covering his body scared them. The left side of his face was covered in large purple bruises. Kristen was about to ream into Mat for scaring the hell out of all of them, but she never got a chance. The group was lifted off the floor. Their bodies compressed in shields of air.

"One of you is a traitor." Mat's voice was a sharp as a sword. "One of you is controlling Devlin."

"Great here we go with more stories." Devlin said sarcastically. "This game is getting..."

"Silence." Mat said with a wave of his hand. He created balls of hair and placed them in everyone's mouth. "I'm sorry that I have to contain all of you like this, but until I figure out which one of you is the traitor I can't trust anyone."

Mat already had a mental shield in place, and he was glad that he did. He felt six different spots on his shield being hit. Mat forced back the grin that threatened to erupt on his face. This was exactly what he was hoping for. He dropped his shield suddenly and grabbed all six spots with his mind. He saw all six pairs of eyes in the group bulge.

"Weren't expecting that were you?" Mat said with a grin that didn't quite reach his eyes. "Well, I've got moves you've never seen. You are going to regret ever trying to hurt the ones that I love." Mat kept talking. As he felt the presence of each person he reached out into Devlin's mind. Mat soared straight through Devlin's mind to where the presence was. "At first I was afraid that someone was controlling Devlin from miles away, but then once I thought about everything it hit me. It would be so much more convenient if someone in The Manor were pulling the strings so to speak. Of course it would be even better if they were able to get into the group."

Mat's mind finally reached the presence in Devlin and he wrapped around it. Mat's eyes closed and he concentrated on it and the other six points he held. After a few moments the pieces of the puzzle slid together. Mat had his match. Mat used his energy to squeeze the presence in Devlin's mind as hard as he could. A second later the presence was gone. Two screams filled the room.

"You fucking bitch." Mat growled as he released the group.

Kristen was fast enough to catch them and lower them down. She reached out and grabbed Devlin as he collapsed. Mat knew that breaking the connection would affect Devlin. The sound of Devlin screaming confirmed that to Mat, but somehow he knew that he did the right thing. The rest of the group turned and looked at the source of the other scream. Gabrielle.

"You'll never learn will you Matty?" She said with an evil laugh. "You were better off dead. Now I'm going to have to kill you all over again. Fun for me. Bad for you!"

"What the hell are you talking about Gabrielle?" Galen asked as he stepped towards her.

"Galen, NO!" Mat yelled as he flung out his hand.

A bolt of lightening raced from Gabrielle's hand right towards Galen. His eyes widened and he braced himself for its impact. Just as the bolt was about to strike him it shattered against a wall of air. Gabrielle's head swiveled to look at Mat.

"Always playing the hero! You're pathetic!" Gabrielle screamed at him.

Mat's body was lifted up and thrown backwards against the wall. The air rushed out of his lungs. Mat's eyesight blurred. As he regained his sense he could see that Isabella had contained her sister in a shield of air binding her body. Mat felt a hand grab his arm. He was pulled to his feet. Mat turned his head and locked eyes with Devlin.

"Are you ok?" Devlin asked. Mat could see the worry and concern in his eyes, but there was something else there. Mat nodded his head. Devlin's arms crushed around Mat's body. He could feel Devlin shaking. "You saved me Mat. Thank you. When I saw your body hit the wall like that...I thought that you might have..."

"Shhh..." Mat said as he pressed a finger against Devlin's trembling lips. "I'm ok. You're safe now. I'm not going to let anyone or anything hurt you ever again. I promise."

Mat felt Devlin's arm tighten around his waist. Tears filled Devlin's eyes. Devlin leaned towards Mat.

"There's something I have to tell you." Devlin said as his voice trembled. "I've been trying to tell you for so long but..."

Devlin was interrupted as Isabella's scream filled the air. Mat and Devlin's gaze snapped back towards the others. They saw Isabella's body fly through the air. Gideon's hand shot out and stopped her body from slamming into the wall. Gabrielle's gaze shifted over to them.

"Awww how cute are you two!" She snarled. "Sorry lover boys. Game's over. You lose!"

Everything seemed to move in slow motion. Gabrielle's hand shot out so fast neither man had much time to react. Bolts of lightning flew at them at an impossible speed. Mat had only one second to think. He quickly threw himself in front of Devlin, pushing his love behind him.

"NOOOOO!" Devlin's voice screamed in his ear.

Mat's body snapped backwards as the lightning slammed into his body. His body was stretched up until his toes barely touched the floor. An inhuman scream erupted from his body. The octave of his scream shattered the windows upon impact. Pain erupted through Mat's body. As his scream died his body fell backwards. Devlin caught him, but the momentum of Mat's fall still took them to the floor.

Devlin sat up pulling Mat's body into his lap. Mat groaned and he could feel himself slipping away. Gabrielle's maniacal laughter filled the room. Mat's head turned to look at her. Her laughter ended abruptly. The others had surrounded her and were obviously ready to attack.

Kristen, Gideon, Galen, and Isabella were suddenly surrounded in white light. They began to chant in unison.

"Now is the time, now is the hour. Now is the time, now is the hour."

"What the fuck is going on?" Gabrielle screamed.

As she was distracted Mat concentrated as hard as he could. Glass covered the floor from when the windows shattered. A large piece of glass suddenly lifted from the floor and flew at Gabrielle's back. Her eye's bulged and she screamed as the glass was thrusted into her body and broke through her chest. The glass sliced right through her heart. Her eye's locked with Mat's for one brief second.

"Die bitch." Mat spat at her.

Gabrielle's body pitched forwarded slamming into the ground. The light surrounding the others suddenly went out. Their eyes all centered on Gabrielle's now dead body. Mat turned his head to look at Devlin. He coughed and blood poured from his mouth.

"Mat..." Devlin cried out.

Everyone suddenly rushed over to them. Voices filled Mat's ears, but his focus was on Devlin. Mat could feel his energy slipping away, and he had to tell Devlin how he felt while he had the chance.

"Devlin..." Mat gasped out. Devlin's hand rubbed the side of Mat's face. His mouth opened to speak, but Mat shook his head to silence him. "I don't have much time. I have to tell you something."

Mat gathered all of his remaining strength together.


As Mat gasped out those three words he pushed all of his love and emotion into Devlin's mind. Devlin's eyes widened and tears began to fall down his cheeks. He cradled Mat to his chest. Mat's shirt crumbled away from his body. It was burned to a crisp from the lightning.

"Mat..." Devlin began.

He was unable to finish his thought. Just as he said Mat's name the man shuddered. Devlin could feel Mat's final breath leave his body. Devlin crushed Mat's body to his chest.


Devlin continued to call out Mat's name over and over again. He rocked back and forth. One of Devlin's tears rolled down his cheek and hung on the edge of his chin. The drop of water hung there for moment before breaking free. The tear dropped through the air and struck a bare spot of skin on Mat's chest, the spot directly above his heart.

Devlin watched in pain as the salty drop of water was absorbed into Mat's body. His body heaved with sobs as he uttered the words that were trapped his heart for the past few months.

"I love you too."

Kristen began to lean down to try and console Devlin. Tears were pouring from everyone's eyes. Just as Kristen was about to touch Devlin's shoulder something caught her eye.

"Look!" Kristen said as she pointed at Mat's chest.

Devlin opened his eyes, and they widened in shock. Mat's chest began to glow where Devlin's tear had landed. Before anyone could respond a shaft of light shot out of Mat's chest. Devlin clutched at Mat's body as it began to shake. That single shaft of light began to grow and expand. It completely encompassed Mat's body and began to spread to Devlin.

The group stepped away from the two men as the light began to grow and burn brighter. They were unable to see either man now. The ball of light lifted off the floor and began to turn. The white light changed and started changing colors.

The others grabbed onto each other.

"What's happening?" They all seemed to think at once.

Beneath the ball of light an image appeared. A beautiful woman dressed all in white was standing there. Her beauty took their breath away.

"Gaia..." Kristen quietly murmured.

The woman smiled and gave a slight nod of her head. Gaia looked up at the ball of light and lifted her arms up towards it. The light began to pulse and grow even brighter if that was possible. After a few moments she began to lower her arms and the ball of light dropped with them. As the light touched the floor again Gaia and the light vanished.

The others saw Mat and Devlin standing with their arms wrapped around one another. Their bodies perfectly lined up together with their heads resting on each other's shoulder. It almost appeared that they were one person. Mat's head shifted and he looked at the others. Shock was written all over his face. Devlin sensed the movement and looked up. His eyes widened in shock as well.

Neither man spoke at all. There was no need to. It was obvious to the others the depth of love that was passing between them. Tears streamed down over both of the men's faces. Mat's head slowly leaned forward, his lips brushing over Devlin's. Devlin's lips opened immediately inviting Mat in. The two men shared a kiss that took everyone's breath away.

"As it has been foretold the fifth power is unlocked." Gaia's beautiful voice echoed through the room.

That is all for chapter three! I'm sorry about the wait everyone! If you enjoy this story please check out my other stories, City Of Dreams and Center Stage. They can be found under the Adult Friends section in the Nifty Archive or at my Yahoo! Group or you can send me feedback at Please remember to include something about the story in the subject line.

Next: Chapter 4

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