The Gift

By moc.loa@tpircsrettuC

Published on Oct 14, 2004


WARNING - This story is homoerotic in content. This means that it may (and probably will) involve sex between men, youths and boys. If such material offends what the hell are you doing on Nifty.

My characters do not use condoms or other safeguards but this story is fiction ... get it. I write my stories in 'full screen' text, they are best read that way. This story is in no way intended to portray the sexual orientation or the possible actions of the characters who are totally ficticious. Any resemblence to any person living or dead is purely coincidental

Onto the story. Enjoy. Donate a coupla quid. KEEP NIFTY FREE ..... for comments and criticism, all mails answered excepting flamers.




'Ho hum,' Arron grinned at his co-star and newest friend David McGrady, they were taking a tea break, in fact, he and David were drinking Cokes and the adult actors and the crew were imbibing something stronger. It was the first day of filming Nathan's Gift, Episode Four and Arron's very first day on set. His father who was also working on the film had been watching him very closely and Arron was a bag of nerves. It seemed that about half the short film was situated in a small cottage and the remainder was done with voice overs and spooky effects from the technician's bag of tricks. The result was that the company had rented a cottage for a week as they ran on a shoestring and finances were in short supply. Arron had made numerous cock ups on his first day most of them being down to his complete lack of confidence. The only saving grace had been David who had jollied him along and laughed with him at the numerous bloopers.

Earlier in the day David had confided in him that the whole performance was a waste of time but the commission they earned would be good ..... the company or group they were acting for didn't use the word 'pay' seemingly it was a bit too common. Arron's father had been involved for some time with the small film company and saw Arron as being 'commercial'. Arron didn't know what the hell he meant but obeyed the call to arms like any dutiful son. Another Macaulay Culkin, another Haley Joel Osment? Who knew what the future would bring, everyone had to start somewhere. Arron wasn't totally stupid, he knew that most child actors had pushy parents and he was grown up enough to realise that his father cared for him and wanted him to get on in life. As dad had said jokingly 'acting for a living is better than working.' Arron had his doubts, this thing was all so amateur even to his way of thinking, it seemed to be a crossover between The Sixth Sense, the Lord of the Rings and all stops between, they'd also been at it since eight o'clock that morning and weren't due to finish until four, another hour and a half to go.

'Let's go, boys.' an actor called Malcolm called out. Malcolm was supposed to be David's grandparent, he had white hair and a white beard and really looked the part and he was also Merlin. David was Nathan, the boy with the gift of seeing the dead and Arron was acting as King Arthur's son, Turus, or maybe Lancelot's son, he couldn't make any sense of the storyline at all. At the end of the day the actor playing Grandfather, David and himself were besieged in a cottage by the forces of the dark. What a hoot! Arron hoped that they edited out the sound of the local bus going by. Luckily he didn't have too many lines to learn and he was more than aware that his voice which was on the verge of breaking was letting him down again and again.

Mind you, what do you expect when you're thirteen. David was alright, his voice was fully broken albeit overlaid with a soft West Country accent which barely appeared in Arron's speech.

'You don't have too much to do in this scene,' Malcolm called out looking at Arron. 'Just look pretty.' Arron glanced at his dad and saw him grin. Mark James who had handled camera for most of the films had told his son that most of the adult actors were camp and Arron had wondered what he meant, he was beginning to understand, dad had also said that the main actors were old Thespians, where the hell was Thesp? Geography wasn't Arron's strongest subject. Now if they played for Newcastle United ..... Malcolm seemed to like handling David in a very discreet way but Arron noticed, he didn't really like to see the old guy handling his David, he wasn't that much of a kid that he couldn't recognise an elderly groper when he saw one. He was surprised to see that David didn't seem fussed in the slightest. David had done three episodes of Nathan's Gift already so he'd probably got used to it, Arron was a bit wary he didn't want the bearded man mauling him. He looked at David and grinned. He wouldn't mind a bit more bodily contact with the sixteen year old though, Arron didn't really think about boys a lot or girls for that matter but David had a ready grin and a pleasant manner, Arron liked Dave as he called him privately.

He'd met David McGrady about two weeks previously at the company's small offices and had been immediately taken with the taller boy, in fact, standing alongside Dave the top of his head just nestled under the older boy's chin. He rather thought he had a schoolboy crush, he'd learnt about them in his sex education lessons and had also been given a brief lecture by his dad on the subject. It seemed all adolescent boys got crushes on pop stars, girls and sometimes other boys, it was a passing phase and nothing to worry about. The marvels of the modern world, Arron mused. he was quite a bright kid even if he didn't know where Thesp was ..... Everything was 'nothing to worry about. ' Race wars, religious wars, the greenhouse effect, melting ice caps ..... nothing to worry about. He shook his head and returned to the present.

Apparently David had a couple of CD's under the belt as he'd confessed and he'd told Arron that Arron himself was going to be invited to star on his own CD. Arron didn't know who would want to buy photo CD's of boy's lounging about, even playing football but David told him that they did sell and the commission on these sales was well worth while having in the piggy bank. His dad hadn't seemed too concerned with the idea at all and had given his blessing, anyway, that would be the next project once Nathan Four was in the can.

Arron was looking forward to the evening when they would be filming a brief scene of both boys getting from their beds and facing the Dark Riders or whatever. After that they were all going to a restaurant in the nearest town and he and David would share a room in the cottage for the night although Arron's father would be sleeping on the sofa downstairs as a supposed babysitter. The others would be staying in a local hotel. Funnily enough Arron was looking forward to the night, perhaps he'd get to see David's long legs in the raw. He suppressed a twinge in his groin, God, he was always getting a crush on someone and his young teenage hormones were beginning to kick in. He'd actually had a wet dream the other night and he was sure Arron Carter, the Prince of Pop was involved. Don't go there, he warned his mind off the subject ..... how the hell can you have a wet dream over a boy?

They struggled through the late afternoon session and that was it, some of the crew left and the others departed for the local pub.

'We'll pick up for a meal around seven,' Arron's dad and Malcolm still looking very Granfather-ish lurked by the door. 'Make sure he has a bath, David,' Arron's dad laughed. 'Our Arron's not too fond of water.' Arron felt his face go red, what a way to talk to David, he felt like a right idiot.

'Whatcha want to do, Arr,' David smiled as the adults walked down the garden path intent on sampling the local beer. 'We've got two hours.'

'Dunno,' Arron was suddenly tongue tied left in the company of the olderer boy. 'I'm tired.'

'Ok, we can have a lie down for an hour, have a natter.'

'Yeah, OK,' Arron grinned at David, the older boy must be a mind reader. The two single beds that they'd been supposedly aroused from in the 'attack of the Dark Angel' sequence were in the same bedroom although the cameraman had made the actual shots look as if the boys were in seperate rooms.

'Last one up's a poof,' David called out and ran. Arron stood for a moment shocked and then with a laugh chased his lanky chum up the stairs. By the time he reached the bedroom David was flat out on his back and had kicked his trainers off.

'This film's weird,' Arron tried to make conversation perching himself of the edge of David's bed.

'Weird? It's bollocks,' David replied and looked at the younger boy. 'You don't get it do you.'

'Get what?'

'The people who buy this stuff don't want to see a film, they want to see a couple of good looking chickens strutting their stuff.'

'Chickens?' Arron was lost.

'Schoolies,' David elaborated. 'Same as the CD's. What normal man wants to buy a load of pictures of a boy tarting around doing sod all.'

'I dunno.'

'Can't go through life saying; I dunno,' David grinned. 'Pedos, pervs, poofs.'

'Really?' Arron reddened again as he heard his voice break into a squeak.

'If your dad wasn't in on the act I'd say your days were numbered. Keep your dad or me in sight over the weekend.'


'Nonces and ponces,' David grinned.

'Right,' David went bright red, he knew enough schoolyard talk to understand. The thought of being naked with the much taller and darker boy gave him another one of those twinges. The thought of David laying there on the bed just as God made him flashed through his mind and he felt his face burn.

'Let's let's leave it,' David said not unkindly. 'You just just watch your bu ...... er, watch points, young Arron.' David reached out and his hand rested on Arron's knee for a moment. 'Tell me something, Arr?'

'Yeah,' Arron croaked as he felt the warmth of David's hand on his knee.

'You zonking on my bed or yours?'

'Bugger off,' Arron squealed and jumped up and threw himself on his own bed. He looked across and saw David's smiling face.

'You hesitated,' David winked and closed his eyes. 'Bath in one hour, kiddo.'

'OK, Boss,' Arron rolled onto his side. He was hard.

It seemed only minutes later when Arron felt his shoulder being gently shaken and David urging to awaken.

'Yeah, I'm alright, he mumbled and opened his eys to see David's face above him, David was grinning widely. 'Come on., Sleeping Beauty, have your bath or I'll get a bollocking.'

'How long we got?' David swung his feet onto the floor feeling just a little bemused, he hadn't realised that he was so tired, he'd sleep like a log tonight.

'Half an hour, you'd better get your arse in gear,' David flopped back onto his bed. 'I can always come in and give you a hand.'

'You'd better not,' Arron squealed and grabbed his soap and towel. Splashing around in the bath a few minutes later he thought about it, why hadn't he just said yes. It was really 'call my bluff' time, would David have come in? Giving a hand sounded intruiging, Arron's uncircumcised softy suddenly started to become a stiify at the thought of the older boy's hands on him, lathering, soaping and stroking....... 'Jeez,' Arron spoke to himself. 'I'm going mad.'

He was back in the bedroom later damp but clean, he'd changed his briefs in the bathroom and quite boldly dressed himself with his back to David who still lay on his bed watching the show.

'You've got a nice body for a dwarf,' David chuckled.

'Cheers,' Arron replied dryly. He wasn't too taken with being called a dwarf but it was nice to get a compliment from David, personally he thought he was just a little too skinny but he still had a lot of growing to do. Both his mum and dad had mentioned something called a growth spurt and he was looking forward to it, he wanted to be as big as David.

'Thats alright,' David laughed again and Arron froze as he felt the larger boy's hand on his bare shoulder and then drift onto his hip momentarily.' Get dressed,' David husked. 'Before I forget myself.'

Arron busied himself avoiding David's eyes, he donned a t-shirt and then a sweat shirt as it was beginning to get a little chilly, he then sat on the bed to put his socks and trainers on. 'What did you mean by that, Davey?'

'By what, kid?'

'About forgetting yourself.' Arron had a pretty good idea what David was on about and he was feeling just about confident enough to push the point.

'Just me being silly,' David avoided Arron's eyes for once and stared at the floor. 'Don't take any notice of me.'

'Perhaps later,' Arron's voice came out as a croak. There it was, like a fool he'd virtually issued the older boy with a challenge. He had a pretty good idea what David had in mind and he wanted it. He didn't know what 'it' was but he wanted to find out. David was nice, David was his new mate, he liked David ..... very much.

'Yeah,' David finally looked up and smiled. 'Maybe. Let's go down Arron your dad'll be here in a minute.'

'OK,' Arron readily agreed, he was starving.

On the way out of the bedroom he was startled by a pat on the bottom. 'Naughty boy,' he laughed over his shoulder. David just gave him a goofy grin. Mates could do things like that.

By happy coincidence the adults were coming in the front door just as David and Arron got to the bottom of the stairs.

'Exquisite timing as usual, David,' Malcolm smiled at the older boy and spared a glance for Arron.

'As usual,' David smirked annoying Arron immensely. There was something going on between Grandpop and David and he was determined to find out what it was.

'Squeaky clean?' Arron's dad commented annoying the boy even further. 'Come on then lads, let's go and eat.'

The two men got into the front of the car and David and Arron clambered into the cramped rear which cheered Arron up a bit, he squeezed against David and delighted in the pressure of the older boy's body against his.

'Much closer and you'll be in my knickers,' David whispered.

'Later,' Arron giggled and blushed in the gloom. What a tarty thing to say.

'I'll hold you to that,' David murmured and gave Arron's knee a quick squeeze. Arron's little heart nearly burst on the spot. Progress at last, you just had to be bold. It was a lesson worth learning and who knew what the night was going to bring. His hero and himself sharing a bedroom ..... heaven!

They had a slap up meal in a small restaurant in the nearby market town, at least the boys fed like young horses and the adults ate sparingly but drank more. It seemed the day's work had taken more out of the adults than it had done to the boys.

'You better go over your lines tonight, young Arron.' his father warned. 'Today was a bit of a pig's ear.'

'He was OK, Mr James. First day and all that,' David stuck up for his smaller and younger co-star.

'Got to be better,' Arron's father insisted.

Arron tucked into his food, he knew his father wanted him to get on in the film industry but was grateful to David sticking up for him. He flashed a grin at David over the table and David gave him a sly wink. Arron glowed, he had enough mates but none of David's age and not one who was a 'man of the world', an actual actor, the fact that David McGrady was a small fish in an even smaller pond never crossed his mind. David was his idol.

'Saturday tomorrow,' Arron's father reminded them all. 'It's a wrap at midday.'

'Good,' Malcolm smiled. 'I need to go to London, I'll be back for Monday morning.'

'Arron. You can have a choice,' Mr James spoke. 'You can come home with me or stay and keep David company.'

'Keep David company?' Arron looked at David. What was all this about?

'Yeah, I'm staying over the weekend,' David looked at Arron with a silent plea in his eyes. 'Denise is bird dogging me, she lives in the village but I could get pretty bored.'

'I'll stay with Dave,' Arron burst out. 'We can go rambling and do things.'

'Yeah, way to go,' David crowed. The two adults smiled, it was good to see the youthful actors getting on together, it boded well for further sessions of Nathan's Gift, Episode Five had already been drafted out and just needed polishing up.

'That's that sorted out,' Mr James grinned at the older actor, Malcolm.

'I'm sure they'll have fun,' Malcolm gave David a funny smile and Arron saw his new friend give the older man a little sneer. There was definitely something going on with these two under the surface.

Soon after that they went back to the car and they were on their way. Arron's father dropped Malcolm off at his hotel and then went back to the cottage.

'I don't want any noise out of you two tonight, OK?'

'I'm just going to have a quick bath and go to bed,' David draped his arm around Arron's thin shoulders. 'I'll keep the Smurf quiet.'

'Excellent,' Mr James grabbed his son and gave him a swift kiss on the forehead. 'Go to bed tiddler, don't worry about the lines, we'll sort that out tomorrow.'

'OK, dad. Goodnight,' Arron gave a little wave and as his dad started to sort out the sofa bed scampered up the stairs after the long legged David. This was it, anything could happen now, he felt the pressure of his boyish penis in his briefs, at least one part of his body knew what it wanted. He'd only started wanking around three months prior to this weekend and he'd got a taste for it, how he was going to manage with David in the same room was another matter, but he had the need, there was no doubt about that.

'Well, here we are,' David grinned as Arron entered the room and closed the door. 'Just you and I, Nathan and the young Turus ..... we two against the Dark Angel,' he declaimed dramatically.

'Doggy poo,' Arron laughed flopping onto his bed and grinning at the older boy. 'I reckon you're one of the Dark, the way Merlin keeps touching you.'

'You noticed?' David suddenly looked serious.

'Don't matter,' Arron backtracked, perhaps he'd struck a sore point.

'Well, we go back four episodes,' David swung his legs off the bed and down staring at Arron. 'He's a bit touchy feely, he's alright though.'

'Whatever,' Arron shrugged.

'Whatever,' David mocked. 'Nosey little pri...... person,' he laughed. 'You've got eyes like a hawk. A very good looking little hawk,' his voiced dropped.

'You think so?' Arron could feel his heart thundering in his chest. David was going to say something or make a move on him, he could see it coming a mile off.

'Yeah, you'll be a cracker in a couple of years.' David stood and stretched himself and Arron's eyes were drawn to the older boy's crotch. Yes ..... there was a definite bulge, Arron wasn't the only one with a problem.

David sat down again and Arrom wondered if he'd just stood up and stretched to make a point, literally that was.

'Do you know these sad prats who get crushes?' David looked at Arron and frowned. 'Boys fancying other boys.'

'Yeah,' Arron answered cautiously although his heart had sunk like a stone. 'My dad says it's natural enough, it's a passing phase. I happens to every kid, even girls.'

'Well I've got a crush on a boy.'

'Really?' Arron felt his voice break along with his heart. His beautiful David had a crush on another boy. 'Who is it,' he whispered. 'I won't tell on you, Davey.'

'You called me Davey,' David moved swiftly and sat alongside Arron. 'Guess.'

'I don't know,' Arron felt tears spring to his eyes.

'It's you, you idiot,' David put his arm around Arron and kissed him on the top of his head. 'Tell me I haven't made a terrible mistake, Arr.'

'No, you haven't,' Arron beamed. He felt like the sun had burst through the storm clouds. His David fancied him. 'Oh, Davey,' he snuggled upto the older boy. 'Davey, Davey,' he clutched David as if afraid of losing him.

'Now, now,' David whispered and lay on the bed alongside the smaller blonde boy turning Arron to face him. 'I really am gone on you Arr, I think you're beautiful,' he clasped Arron tightly and this time kissed him gently on the lips. Arron froze for a moment and then tentively returned the kiss. They stared at each other and Arron giggled. 'What's up, Arr?'

'You're hard,' Arron grinned and pressed himself up against his taller friend. 'So am I,' he blushed like the virgin he was.

'I'll look after it tonight,' David grinned. He felt light headed as if he'd had a couple of cans of illicit lager, he'd declared his feelings to a thirteen year old boy and the boy had reciprocated. 'Love you, Arr,' he nuzzled at Arron's smooth neck and kissed him again this time it was fiercer and lasted longer.

'Jeepers,' Arron grinned sparkly eyed as they parted. 'Do you mean it, do you love me?'

'I think so.' David kissed the tip of the boys nose. 'Of course I do, I'd do anything for you, anything to make you happy.'

'Davey.' Arron was lost for words, he just moved in tighter and squeezed against David feeling their erections press against each other through the materials of their jeans. 'I'll look after you as well later.'

'I don't want you to do anything you don't want to,' David gazed at his young friend. 'It ain't tit for tat.I just want to do something for you, something nice. Something you'll like.'

'What. A wank?' Arron grinned and surprising even himself reached between them and fondled David through his trousers. 'I'll do you as well.'

'I'm going to give you something better than a wank,' David grinned and pulled the boy closer trapping his hand between their warmth. 'Gonna suck you to death, kid.'

'Jeez,' Arron's mouth dropped open. He'd heard of blow jobs and guys sucking each other off but he thought the stories were fables, schoolyard myths, never realising people did such things to each other.

'I'm going to have my bath now,' David gently detatched himself from his soon to be lover. 'When I come back, I'm going to give you a gift. Nathan's Gift.'

'Oooh,' Arron huddled up in a foetal position, he was almost cuming at the thought of it, David's lips on his naked body, David taking his dick in his mouth.

'Get into bed,' David grinned as he left the room. 'I'll pop down and make sure your dad is in bed, I'll say goodnight or something.'

As soon as David left the room Arron stripped off and clad only in his tight briefs he clambered back into the bed, he didn't think he needed his pyjamas tonight. He looked down and saw a damp patch, he was so excited he was actually dribbling. This was so skanky, here he was laying in his bed with soggy knickers and he didn't know what to do ...... what the hell was he going to do, if David gave him a 'blow' did he offer one back? What happened if David wanted the ultimate ..... did he want to go that far? Where was the fine line between having a crush and being a poof. As he'd been told, most teens got crushes, even same sex crushes but what happened when they went to far, what then? What happend if you fell in love? What happened if David didn't love him just wanted to use him? He quickly banished the thought, his Davey couldn't be that cruel.

He was so wrapped up in his thoughts both good and bad that he didn't hear the door open, his first inkling was when he felt warm and slightly moist skin against his shoulder and David complete with his damp towel lay on the bed alongside him, all that seperated their near naked bodies were a sheet and a pair of fluffy blankets.

'How's my sweetpea?' David looked at Arron light grey eyes aglow and grinned. 'You are so nice, so beautiful.'

'So are you,' Arron croaked. This was it, after the next few minutes there would be no going back. 'Do you want me to take my briefs off?' He asked in a very small voice.

'Just go with the flow,' David chuckled and quickly stood up and snapped the room light off leaving the small room illuminated only by the bedside light alongside his own bed, Arron's side of the room was left in semi darkness. 'Just go with the flow,' David repeated and knelt on the bed crouching over Arron like a huge dog. 'Love ya, Arr.' he gently pulled the boy's bedding down until it barely covered his nipples and started to kiss and lap across the top of Arron's chest and shoulders.The boy giggled and wriggled, the soft and wet lapping, the moist brush of David's lips had his stiffness painfully hard, he could feel his dick dribbling but he didn't care.

'Davey, he moaned and thrust up with his hips although still covered by the bedding.

'Horny brat,' David laughed softly and took the bedding down a little more exposing Arron's coral pink nipples already sticking out as if begging for someone's lips. David dropped his head again but this time his hands went into the bed and slipped into the small of Arron's back lifting the boy a little, he sucked and lapped at the hard pink nubs until Arron begged him to stop.

'I'm dribbling, I can't help it,' he whined piteously. 'My pants are all wet.' He blushed as David laughed.

'We'd better get on with it then,' David moved down the bed a bit and as he did so his towel got caught and fell free of his body.

'Wow,' Arron's eyes popped. His Davey was fully hard and his dick which was totally erect was massive compared to Arron's own. It too was uncircumcised but the foreskin was fully peeled back and David's glans was wet and slick, he clearly had the same problem as Arron. 'That's huge,' Arron, stared at the solid tube of flesh jutting from David's curly pubic bush.

'Ain't bad is it,' David grinned and lifted himself and in one swift motion bared Arron's middle leaving the boy's slim form almost totally exposed and his erection and damp briefs on full view. 'Beautiful,' David croaked and dropped his head nuzzling and nosing at Arron's groin. As Arron threshed around on the bed lost in a world of his own David peeled the boy's cum stained briefs down to his knees and slowly and sensually licked from the base to the tip of Arron's jerking stiffy.

Davey, Davey,' Arron moaned and tried to push the older boy's head onto his straining cock.

'Take your time, Sweetpea,' David grinned an holding Arron's much smaller hardon with three fingers slowly worked the skin up and down and took the boy's testes into his mouth like a pair of gobstoppers in a silken cover.

'Aaaaargh,' Arron shouted out and David clapped his hand over the wriggling boy's mouth. He expelled Arron's slippery scrotum for a moment. 'Your dad's asleep but don't get carried away.' As Arron silently nodded he took the boy's sweet nuts in his mouth again.Just the faintest trace of boy funk as he clasped Arron's taut buttocks in his hands and he rolled the silken sweet gonads in his mouth.

'Daveeeee,' Arron moaned and whimpered. 'I need to cum and I can't.'

'You will now,' David allowed Arron's scrotum to slip from his mouth and holding the boy's four inch stiffy upright from his belly lapped across the weeping head and then took the sweetmeat deep into his throat.

'Aaah,' Arron stroked David's hair and closed his eyes. How near to heaven could you get he thought as he felt his heat beginning to build and felt the moist suction of his now really aching cocklet. He had to cum or explode.

Naturally enough he climaxed.

As David's hands firmly clasped his pale little bubble he grabbed his soggy briefs and bit into them as he felt a searing heat shoot up his shaft and then the by now familar feeling as his milky boy juice spurted from his penis. It went on for ever or semed to, David swallowed it and sucked until Arron wilted and finally went limp.

'You are one horny little bunny,' David grinned up Arron's belly and licked stray boy cum from his lips.

'Come up the bed,' Arron slurred feeling completely drained and exhausted. That must have been the biggest cum of his young life, he felt as if David had drained him, actually drunk his soul. He was empty, he was nothing, he had to repay David, by hook or by crook he would repay his beautiful long limbed lover. Like right now. 'I want to do you, Davey.'

'I don't think so,' David replied much to Arron's chagrin. 'When and if you want to do me it's not going to be in the heat of the moment, it's going to be when you're good and ready.'

'Like now,' Arron responded eagerly.

'Like later,' David countered. 'You could give me a bit of a massage if you're upto it,' he grinned at Arron. 'Spunky hands,' he whispered.

'Dirty man,' Arron giggled but slid down the bed and rested his head on David's chest, he carefully grasped David's hot hardness and slowly moved his hand up and down, he felt his sixteen year old lover's cock twitch in his hand as he drew the foreskin over the glans and back down again. He gently clasped David's hairy ballsac with the other hand marvelling at the incredibly tight nuts in their shrunken sac. Of course he wasn't experienced enough to realise that his older lover was on the verge of popping.

'Faster, Arron,' David groaned and thrust up into his boy lover's hand. 'Faster.'

Arron obliged. Taking a firmer grip he wanked furiously until he heard David give a long shuddering sigh and then groan as his darkly red organ spurted and splashed a huge cum over his belly, over Arron's clenched fist and even up onto his chest.

'Wowsie wow,' Arron stared at David's jerking dick as it sprayed them both with thick globules of cum, thick juicy and creamy, much thicker than his own.

'God, I'm in love,' David sighed cuddling the smaller boy and spreading his cum over the both of them. 'Early baths I think.'

'Yeah, Dad'll smell it,' Arron replied quite seriously. 'You cum like a donkey or something.'

'It's all yours,' David replied quite seriously.

'Tastes weird,' Arron grinned as he licked a stray pearl of David's cum from the back of his hand.

'Your's tastes like sugar and spice and all things nice.'

'Silly sod,' Arron laughed and snuggled upto his man. 'Gonna suck you to death next time.'

'I'll look forward to it,' David held the boy tightly and maneuvering himself into the bed pulled the bedding up over them both. It was sweaty, it was smelly but he was in bed with his little Arron, he was in heaven.

Arron was awoken by the sound of birds, David was flat on his back and Arron was still cuddled up against his side. He was busting for a pee and after gently disengaging from his lover he headed for the bathroom and carried out his toilet.

'God,' he muttered glancing at his watch, it was four thirty on a Saturday morning and it was almost broad daylight, how the hell could anyone sleep with the country noises all around, the birds were bad enough but he could now hear a cockerel not too far away. He sudddenly remembered the night before, had it really happened, had he really done all that dirty stuff with David. Not David he corrected himself, my Davey.

A morning's work and then they had the weekend to themselves, he smiled at the thought. Privacy for the weekend, they had the house to themselves apart from their young lady chaperone popping in at meal times. Privacy, now there's a word. At four thirty in the morning the bedroom was pretty private, he grinned at himself in the bathroom mirror and left to return to bed ...... his morning glory led the way.

Quietly entering the room he carefully slipped back into the bed and snuggled his chilled body against David's warmth, after a moment or so he slipped his head under the bedclothes and lay his head on David's smooth belly and studied the soft mass a couple of inches away. The wrinkled foreskin just about covered David's glans but in the dim light Arron could see the slit and the darker red head of the teenager's bobby's helmet, the smell of semen was heavy under the bedding but it was warm and Arron was mesmerised by his lover's flaccid penis.

He kissed David's warm belly but the older boy didn't stir. Bravely he took a tiny lick at the soft organ and marvelled at the taste of young teenager and the slightly salty taste of the dried cum. Wriggling around a little and being careful not to wake David he stuck his tongue out and licked across the top of his friends penis feeling the warmth and smoothness of the glans which now seemed to be emerging from it's covering. 'Happy dreams, David,' he sniggered and stroked David's hairy scrotum feeling the outline of the spongey testes secure in their sac. David stirred and Arron froze but after another minute of no movement he resumed his task licking David's thickening penis and grinning as he saw the bulbous glans finally emerge from it's sheath and the shaft begin to fill out.

Greatly daring he slid one finger under the meaty mass and lifted it a little and licked and lapped at the now fully exposed head. He felt a slight slipperyness and realised the taste in his mouth was David, no other way to put it, he was tasting David's cum or at least his precum. David stirred again and as his glans nudged at Arron's lips Arron slipped his mouth over the end of David's hardness and gently sucked.

He nearly had a heart attack as he felt one of David's hands rest on his blonde hair and the sleeper groan, his lover was awakening and what a way to wake up.

'Arron,' David whispered and stroked his young pal's hair. 'You don't have to do this.'

'Why not,' Arron giggled and started to suck for real taking as much as he could of David's hot cock. In truth he couldn't take a lot, it was too big and too fat, he felt the corners of his mouth ache as he tried and tried again to take more and more of the delicious flesh in as far as he could.

As his head bobbed up and down now in a regular rythm, Arron grinned. David was going to cum and he was going to drink it, then they were truly lovers, his own stiff cocklet jumped up and down as tended to his lover's early morning need.

'Arr, I'm gonna cum in a bit,' David groaned although he was now slowly pumping into Arron's mouth and Arron was sucking lustily determined to make his first attempt to please David a good one.

'I don't care,' he briefly glanced up David's belly and went down again. David was precuming liberaly and suddenly his organ seemed to swell in Arron's mouth and then Arron was choking and spluttering as it jetted spurt after spurt and thick creamy spunk and filled his mouth. He had to swallow or choke, he grasped David's slippery shaft and drank and sucked as the older boy's fresh cum filled his mouth and even dribbled onto his chin. 'Wow,' he stuck his head up and grinned at the totally shattered looking David. 'You spunked tons.'

'Pints I think,' David smiled down at his young lover and pulled him up the bed kissing him and finally licking the splashes of cum from his smooth cheeks.

'Litres,' Arron laughed. He'd done it, he'd done the unthinkable, he'd actually done a blow job. Disgusting? Not at all, he loved it, at least he did with David.

'Straddle me,' David demanded. 'Across my chest.'

Arron didn't understand but David manhandled him into position so that his twitching cock was inches from David's face, He then placed his hands on Arron's smooth buns and pulled the boy closer and licked across the head of his cock. 'I suck, you fuck,' he whispered and took Arron into his mouth.

Arron was over the moon, placing his hands on David's pillow he slowly pumped into David's warmth and wetness feling his shaft slipping deep into the other's throat, he even enjoyed the feel of David's hands on his butt squeezing and moulding his tight little buns.

When he came it was sudden and it was every bit as good as the previous evening. The kicker came when he felt David's slippery finger slid between his cheeks and pushed against his sphincter and entered his body.

'Daveeee. ' Arron wailed as David's finger started to move within him and he climaxed at the same time. It seemed to go on for ever yet again and when he finally slid free he felt like a rag doll, completely drained and completely shattered. The other thing was, the thing he wasn't going to admit, was that he quite enjoyed the feel of David's finger up his bum ..... that was completely wicked!!

They lay there together at their ease in the early morning's light cuddling and just leisurely exploring each other's bodies. Arron loved it when David flexed his belly muscles and he could run his fingers up and down on the ridged six pack.

'You know you said we were lovers, Davey?'

'Yeah, of course I remember,' David kissed Arron's cute little nose. 'We are lovers ..... aren't we?'

'Yeah but we haven't gone the whole way, we haven't commissioned our marriage,' Arron felt so adult talking like this, he'd had sex with another person and he felt that he was growing up fast.

'I think you mean consumated,' David looked at Arron keenly. 'Whatcha getting at Arr ?'

'Are we going to fuck,' Arron whispered and dived under the bedding as he felt himself go bright red.

'Only if you want to,' David laughed softly and pulled his little boyfriend up. 'You can do it first.'


'Really,' David laughed. 'I want your little winkle. I wanna see if you're any good before I take you down the aisle.'

'I'm good,' Arron bragged. 'I'm fantastic, I'm a sex god ..... and I'm hard again.'

'Brilliant,' David laughed and pushed the giggling boy onto his back and dived onto Arron's twitching dick. 'Who needs breakfast? He declaimed as he grasped Arron's satin smooth buns again and took the kid's slippery knob right into the back of his throat.

'Not me,' Arron sighed as he felt his lover's warm wetness envelop him again.

They had to bathe seperately of course but that didn't stop Arron sucking David yet again in the process of getting dressed for breakfast. They were beginning to feel like old lovers now, both knew what the other liked and it was basic enough ..... sex, sex and more sex.

The morning shoot was easy enough and funnily enough was a rerun of the bedroom scene. It took two hours and apart from Mr James saying that the place smelt like 'sweaty sock factory' all went well. By lunchtime the crew broke up, Mr James was going home to his wife and the boys were free although under the nominal supervision of Denise the lady who handled the sound equipment. They were told that they had to report to her cottage for their lunch and an evening meal and she would pop around just before bedtime to make sure that they were all right. David had his own mobile phone so if they encountered any problems they could get hold of her quickly enough.

A nice lunch under the belt the boys made their way back to the rented cottage after promising Denise that they 'would be good.' What a laugh, as soon as they were back in the now empty cottage they raced upto the bedroom and fell on David's bed and passionately kissed and fondled each other.

'We gonna do it?' Arron asked eagerly.

'No way, horny dog,' David laughed. 'Get your shorts on, we'll go up the quarry, we can't waste this sunshine.'

'Aaah,' Arron grumped but followed David's lead, he was right, it was a brilliant summer's afternoon and they had all of Saturday and Sunday night to themselves.

Twenty minutes later they were ambling across a field full of cows who ignored the boys completely, the animals seemed almost comatose in the fierce heat, the sun was high and both David and Arron were getting hot and sweaty.

'Just over that little hill,' David called back to the struggling Arron.

'Thank fuck for that,' Arron gasped.

'Now, now,' David laughed. 'I'll have to fill your badmouth with soap.';

'I'll settle for something else,' Arron burst into a gallop catching up with his boyfriend or his partner. Arron couldn't decided on a name. Husband or wife was far too gay or bent, boyfriend sounded about right. 'Davey the boyfriend', he rolled the phrase around in his head, he liked it.

They eventually topped the slope and laid out before them was a wooded area and a small pond, or maybe a small lake with a tiny island at the centre, there was no one to be seen, even the expected local kids were missing. Mind you it was so hot, most sensible people were either in the shade somewhere or lounging out in their gardens. It certainly wasn't the sort of weather for walking or for any playing or sporting activity, the temperature must be breaking records. The silent lake was obviously an old gravel quarry and there were even remnants of huts that the oldtime workers probably used to store their tools.

'Hey, great,' Arron perked up. This was brilliant and it was deserted.

'Yeah, nice, eh?' David grinned. 'And I've got the stuff,' he produced a plastic bottle of sun tan lotion from his duffel bag.

'Yeah, I burn,' Arron started off down the slope.

'Wasn't thinking about you burning, kiddo,' David murmured as he followed his much shorter blonde chum down to the water.

At the water's edge both boys knelt down to get a feel of the temperature.

'Mmmmm,' Aaron looked at David and grinned. 'It's warm, it's lovely, how do we get to the island.'

As I remember you can wade it, on you it's come upto your titties.'

'Come upto your belly button then,' Arron laughed. 'If we go out, we can hold out shoes and socks over out heads,' he gave David what he fondly imagined was a seductive look. It must have worked because David immediately sat down and began to remove his hiking boots and socks. 'Right on,' Arron punched the air and sat down as well. Once they were on the small island they were safe and there was even some shrubbery to shield them from any one passing by.

To Arron's surprise David stood up and began to remove his clothing.

'Whatcha doing?'

'I'm not sitting around in soggy shorts all afternoon.'

You can take them off to dry them out once we're over there,' Arron pointed out.

'Yeah, I suppose,' David replied doubtfully and then he grinned, it had just occured to him being naked on the island would be much better than being clothed. 'OK, let's go partner,' he stepped into the cold water and started off with Arron in tow. It was a bit deeper than he'd remembered and Arron was up to his neck in it literally but they made it collapsing onto the grass and gazing fondly at each other.

'Jeeez, I'm waterlogged,' Arron looked woeful. His short blonde hair was sticking up and he frowned as he looked at David. 'That was not a good idea, Mastermind.'

'Yes it was,' David grinned and flopping alongside the boy, he grabbed Arron and pulled him into a close hug. 'We'll soon dry out in this sun.'

'Sooner if we get rid of these,' Arron gave him a cheeky grin and slipped his baggy and totally sodden shorts off and then stretched out fully naked in the heat of the early afternoon sun.

'My Gawd, you are so beautiful,' David attacked the boy's slender body with his lips and tongue bringing the ever randy Arron to an instant erection. Moment later he uncapped the suntan lotion and annointed the kid's jerking prong.

'I'll cum in a minute,' Arron squealed but all the same lay back to enjoy his partners oily hand run up and down his shaft massaging and working the foreskin up and down.

'Really,' David tugged his own shorts off and rolled Arron over until they lay on their sides belly to belly, he fed Arron's now slippery erection between his legs.

'Hey, I like this.' Arron grinned making vague fucking motions.

'You'll like this more,' David rolled onto his back with the smaller boy on top. 'Do me, Arr,' he whispered and parted his legs and raised his knees.

'Do what?' Arron grimaced as he felt the pressure of David's thighs disappear. He was now gently moving his oil covered penis up and under David's scrotum.

'Do me,' David raised his knees to his chest. 'Now,' he ordered.

Arron was in shock, he'd never seen another boy's sphincter in close up before, he was surprised to see that David had a sprinkling of hair around his pucker and what surprised him even more was that it looked so inviting, he moved in raising himself to his knees slightly assuming a position he only knew by intuition.

'Closer,' David stared at him willing him to make the final move. 'Take it easy and stop if I tell you.'

'Alright,' Arron croaked and slid his now oozing dark pink headed glans onto the smoothly centred pucker, he felt it yield as he gave an exploratory push.

'Do it, loverboy,' David held Arron's hips restraining him and guiding him at the same time.

'Aaaah,' Arron groaned as he pushed and felt David's flesh part quite easily and he felt the tight warmth surround his rigid boymeat. He was actually inside his boyfriend and was sinking deeper into the welcoming flesh.

'Yeah, that feels fine,' David's face lost it's agonising concentration and he smiled. 'Yeah, you feel good little man.'

'Excellent,' Arron beamed and then started the adventure of a lifetime. He was fucking his boyfriend for the first time ..... no he wasn't, he was making love to Davey for the first time. 'Davey, this is so wicked.' He suddenly lost his grin and looked at David now pinned on his young flesh. 'I'm not hurting you am I?'

'No,' David groaned and to make his point clamped his cheeks on Arron's thrusts making the boy smile with the pleasure and the joy of finally doing what all lovers eventually do. 'It's nice Arron, now fuck me,' he growled and grabbed the back of Arron's neck pulling his head down for a teeth clicking kiss. Arron took his time, he moved in and out slowly until his soft blonde pubics were tight against David's bottom and he could feel the heat and the tightness completely encase his four inches of passion. He was in absolute heaven, if he'd have died at that moment he would have died a happy boy.

'Davey,' Arron sobbed, he was close to tears, tears of outright pleasure that his sixteen year old boyfriend would actually permit this. he was now moving faster and faster and actually thrusting harder and David was moaning and groaning but smiling.

'Tell ya Arr, this is a first but it isn't gonna be a last.' He pressed his calves onto Arron's sweaty back as the boy lunged and plunged. This was indeed David's first time, he was losing his virginity to a thirteen year old kid and he was loving it. He wanted to take Arron all the way but he was scared of hurting his little lover, his penis was quite large and Arron's little bum was so small, he could quite easily injure the boy and that would break his heart, he'd just lay down and die if he hurt his little boy.

'I'm cuming,' Aaron sqwarked and then thrust into David's tautly spread pucker for the last time.

'Jeez,' David groaned and then laughed. Arron's hardness seemed to swell within and he actually felt the boy pump and then the warm slipperyness as Arron's spunk splashed and splattered into his belly.

'Golly gosh,' Arron squealed with delight as he felt himself spurt his milky offreing into his older lover, he'd actually done it. He'd fucked for the first time and it hadn't been a fishy old fanny, it had been with the boy he loved so hard that it hurt. He'd given his teenage lover his absolute all, he'd given his Davey everything he could. He slowly moved in and out of David's slippery and now well lubricated love chute.

'I want you to do me tonight, in bed,' he whispered and lightly kissed his lover.

'I don't want to hurt you,' David mumbled. 'I don't want to hurt your feelings but you are quite tiny.'

'I'm not tiny, your dick's too big,' Arron laughed and slowly pulled free, he glanced down at his wilting cock and saw with delight it was nice and clean if a bit spunky. 'Anyway, you're doing me tonight,' he grinned down at David spreadeagled on the grass. 'Otherwise, I'm gonna start biting instead of sucking.' He gave a dirty chuckle and grasping David's jutting erection dove on it like a gannet onto a fish.

'Aaah, Arron,' David closed his eyes and smiled. How good could it get, fucked by his teeny lover and now being slowly and sensually sucked off, his little Sweet Stuff was getting better by the minute. He groaned as Arron took as much as he could into his mouth, he was trying so hard. 'Love you Arron, I really do.'


'I take that as a ditto,' David laughed and stroked Arron's hair as the blonde's head bobbed up and down.

When he came Arron took the lot, he swallowed and gobbled and finally grinned up David's belly as he licked the last pearly weep from David's deflating organ. 'I'm getting better at this,' he grinned.

'You're perfect already,' David pulled him up, he gazed at him a moment and kissed him gently and lovingly, he ran his tongue over Arron's beautiful teeth tasting the tang of his own cum in the boy's mouth. 'What a pair of pervs we are,' he looked at Arron and sighed.

'No we're not,' Arron disagreed indignantly. 'What we do is our business, it's got nothing to do with anybody else.'

'We'd better make sure nobody knows then,' David smiled affectionately. 'I could be in a lot of trouble, let's face it you're only thirteen.

'When I'm sixteen you'll be nineteen and we can get married,' Arron grinned cheekily. 'Then you can have my babies.'

'You can have mine you cocky little sod,' David lunged up and rolled the smaller boy onto his belly. 'God what a bottom, he prised the giggling Arron's white cheeks apart gazed for a moment at the tiny hole and mouthed at Arron's little pucker.

'Stop it, stop it,' Arron squealed. 'I like it.' He giggled hysterically like a little girl as for the first time he felt a wet and very hot tongue probe deep into his crack and lap and lick at his hole. This his most private of places being annointed by his lover's saliva. 'I want you to do me tonight, Davey. No more messing, I want you to do me.'

'I will, I will,' David murmured flathanding Arron's springy buns and lapping at the tiny rosebud that he was going to violate later in the day.

'Mmmmm,' Arron purred like a cat as he felt his little ring being kissed and licked. His lanky Davey was going to do it tonight, he looked forward to it in a mixture of anticipation and fear, but he would let David take him by hooky or by crooky.

They dozed in the sun before the wade back but this time they ran about on the meadow bank until they were merely damp rather than wet, the sun was hot enough to actually steam the moisture from them.

'What time's supper at Denise's?'

'Six,' David replied. 'And we mustn't be late.'

'Gives us two hours then,' Arron gave one of his grins.

'Time to do things.'

'Time to catch up on the televison,' David laughed. 'Junior perv.'

Poofta woofta,' Arron yelled and streaked for the pathway home followed by David rapidly catching him up with his long runner's legs.

The evening meal around at Denise's was a leisurely affair and they didn't hurry home, anyway, they had to be careful, Denise was giving them a bedtime check around eleven and they were both determined that she wasn't going to have any suspicions of what they were upto. It was time to play Mr Cool and Mr Cooler, once she'd gone home for the night they could carry on with what they had planned.

Arron was like a fidgeting child all night, it seemed that every five minutes his eyes were drawn to the crotch of David's jeans. Why did he want the taller and older boy inside him so much, would it hurt, would he be any good. He just didn't know the answer to the questions floating about in his head he just knew that he wanted David to make love to him and if it hurt a little then they'd got all day Sunday to practice. He giggled at the thought.

'What's up squirt?' David looked away from the TV.

'Just thinking,' Arron grinned. 'Thinking about that,' he stared at David's bulky groin.

'I'm thinking as well,' David admitted. 'I'm thinking how much I want you and how much I don't want to hurt you.'

'You won't hurt me,' Arron replied easily. 'We're lovers.'

'Yeah,' David agreed. Arron had said all in two words.

'I wish Denise would hurry up,' Arron looked up at the clock. 'Half an hour to go.'

'Nothing stopping you going to bed if you're that tired.'

'Who's tired?' Arron laughed. 'I just want to get to bed without Denise popping in and upsetting the applecart.'

'Talk of the Devil,' David grinned as they heard the key in the front door, their nightly inspection was due and then they were on their own, they'd already decided that they'd drop the catch on the front door so if Denise got it in her head to do a spot check which was highly unlikely she would be thwarted. It wouldn't do for her to roll up in the middle of the night and finding her two boy stars busy shagging each other.

Denise came in and sat down to talk to them both but only David was listening. Arron was lost in his own litle world, what a start to a weekend, he'd had his first blow job, he'd given his first blow job and he'd fallen in love, or at least he was pretty sure he had. He'd actually fucked his sixteen year old lover and Davey had liked it. Did that make David passive or a queen, he only knew the words from other boys but he knew what they meant.

The kicker was that he desperately wanted David to fuck him, not just as a payback but because he wanted to feel the older boy inside him, he wanted Davey to cum inside him and then they would truly be boyfriends. The only small cloud on the horizon was the size of Davey's dick, David was pretty skinny although David would probably prefer wiry, he had a big dick, Arron reckoned it was a good six inches ..... and he had such a little hole.

His shivered in anticipation or was it fear but he couldn't back down now, at last Denise finally stood up to go.

'You're round to me for breakfast, boys, I'll expect you around eight, no later' she reminded them. 'Lunch around one o'clcock and we'll sort out the eveing meal then.'

'OK, Denise,' they replied as one and she was on her way. They were on their own. David promptly left the room and Arron heard the click of the catch on the yale lock. There was no turning back now.

David came in and grinned, he picked up his CD player and looked at Arron. 'It would be nice to shove the beds together to give us a bit more room.'

'Sounds good,' Arron smiled. 'Just you and me,' he reached out and felt David's groin. The older boy sighed as he felt Arron fondle his semi erection. He was going to fuck the little blonde thirteen year old tonight and if Arron liked it he may do it twice or even three times. He'd offered the kid the way out but Arron wanted it, he could see it in the boys sparkling eyes. David was going to deflower his little friend big time and very soon. He groaned as he felt his penis fill out and he heard Arron chuckle.

'Ready big boy,' Arron giggled as he turned out the lights and headed for the stairs.

In the bedroom they drew the beds together and spread both sets of bedding making a comfortable bed for them both, no struggling in a single bed tonight. Arron was nervous but he finally sat on the edge of the bed to take his trainers and socks off.

'You don't have to do this,' David finally spoke.

'I want to, I have to,' Arron mumbled and then tugged his t-shirt off over his head.

'Beautiful,' David crooned and clasped his much smaller lover in his arms. 'Mechanics,' he whispered.

'What?' Arron craned his head around.

'You've got a little bottom and I have a man sized dick.......'

'Big head,' Arron giggled.

'So .....' David continued laying Arron out on the bed and nuzzling at his slender throat. 'I'm going to relax you a little first.'

'Gonna sing to me,' Arron laughed and then sighed as he felt his shorts being tugged down and David's lips on his gently rounded belly. 'Don't stop, Davey.'

'You're hard again,' David grinned and felt Arron's erection through his thin briefs with his lips. 'Time to go.'

'Nice and slow.'

'Nice and slow,' David agreed and shucking off his clothing lay on the bed naked with his teeny lover and slowly peeled Arron's briefs down displaying the boys childlike body in all it's glory, to his surprise Arron hoisted his knees to his chest totally exposing his taut little pink pucker.

'Not first time,' David murmured and coaxed the more than willing boy onto his belly. 'A bit of what you like.' He spread Arron's soft buttocks and dropped his head.

'Aaaah,' Arron sighed with satisfaction, David knew what he liked and having his ring lapped and toyed with by David's flickering tongue was one of them. 'Yessss.....' he pushed his cute little bottom up onto David's hotly wet tongue. He could have sworn he could feel himself opening up but it couldn't be that easy. It wasn't.

He groaned with annoyance as he felt David's tongue leave him then jerked as he felt a slippery finger push at the centre of his pucker and enter his body. He'd had the finger treatment before but he was suprised to feel it delve deep inside and suddenly beging to move to and for.

'That's working, I'm as hard as a poker,' he pushed up onto David's slowly moving finger.

'That's your prostate,' David murmured.

'Whatever,' Arron writhed on the bed but pulled his towel under his middle, he didn't know what David was doing but he was leaking like a dodgy tap. 'Ooooh,' he growled. 'What's up,' he'd felt David's finger slip free. Surely that wasn't the so called preparation finished.

'Now for two,' David whispered and Arron felt a far larger pressure on his little boy fanny and then a jerk which gave him a flash of pain.

'Oooh,' he gasped as he felt two oiled fingers force his rubbery ring apart and enter his body. This could be felt, he groaned as David's fingers move in and out with a stirring motion and realised that his older lover was actually openng him up, David was stretching his sphincter for what was to come.

'You alright?'

'Yeah, I'll live,' Arron groaned and then grinned into the pillow as he felt David kiss one soft cheek. It was nearly showtime.

'You've got to totally relax for this,' David whispered as he knelt between Arron's splayed legs and slipped his fingers free.

Arron whinced as he felt the coldness and the emptyness and then grinned again as he felt the fingers toy with his pucker oiling and easing yet again and then finally leave him.

'Relax,' David crooned as Arron flinched.

Arron clutched the pillow as he felt another pressure in his crack, this time it was bigger and more bulbous and it was providing it's own lubrication. 'Don't hurt me,' he whimpered suddenly frightened as he felt the hot mass slip between his cheeks and nudge at his pucker.

'Relax,' David repeated and gave a gentle push.

Arron bit the pillow and spasmed as he felt David's oiled and precum coated glans force his tiny ring apart so far that he thought it would rip, the pain was so intense that he screamed silently into the pilow and then suddenly it eased. 'Jeeeez,' he moaned. He could feel a warm mass inside his body and his sphincter seemed to have closed a little but all the same he had a momentary sense of relief.

'You OK?' David whispered.

'Just,' Arron croaked and then it began.

The painfullness eased to a soreness and then a feeling of strangeness as he felt David's stiffnes sank deper and deeper and then start to move in and out.

'I can't keep this up, I'm gonna cum,' David gasped with disappointment, He nuzzled at the back of Arron's now sweat sheened neck. 'Premature ejacs.'

'Keep going, it's alright,' Arron lied. he hurt but he was satisfying his lover and strangely enough he was beginning to like the feel of the hard heat up his bum. He giggled into the pillow, the start was a bit of a bummer, he grinned at his own sense of humour. But now David was slowly fucking himself deeper and deeper his complete length was disappearing into Arron's alabaster white bottom.

'Jeez, you are so good,' David sighed with satisfaction as he felt Arron'w warmth engulf him and the boy's tightness squeeze his sex and seem to beg for more. He was now moving faster just gaining a little at every thrust. Suddenly Arron pushed up absorbing another inch of his youthful organ.

'Yeah,' Arron groaned and wiggled his little fanny on David's organ squeezing and relaxing as he felt the slippery lump begin to fill him and then the brush of David's crisp pubics against the smooth skin of his flawless buns.

'Yes, Arron,' David pressed his hips down, his cock was fully sheathed in Arron's sweet body, the boy had taken it fully and now it was time to really party.

'Fuck me, Dave,' Arron craned his head around his lips seeking David's, lips met and kissing sloppily David started to pump in and out of the tiny blonde boy. 'Yeah, yeah.....' Arron pushed up against the six inches of youthful meat boring into his bottom. He'd done it and the night was still young ..... and they had all day Sunday.

'How do you feel, Arr?'

'Sore,' Arron replied. 'But it's getting better.'

'Good,' David sighed gustily and slowly pumped his aching cock in and out of Arron's deliciously tight bottom. He wasn't far off his explosion, he would have liked it to last for ever but if Arron was OK they could have another go before morning. Anyway, he wantet to let Arron have his turn, he'd really enjoyed the smaller boy inside him yesterday and he wanted it again.

'Go on,' Arron pushed up, the pain had eased now and he was getting a different sensation, a sensation of being full, the other sweet sensation of David's sweaty body slapping against his and the ultimate, David's hardness slipping over that special spot and to cap it all he was as hard as an iron bar.

'I'm cumming, Arr,' David moaned and started to ram and thrust driving Arron into the bedding. God, when he came it was massive, he just lay on his sweat drenched young lover squirting and splashing his thick creamy cum deep into Arron's quivering body.

'Gawd, I felt that,' Arron giggled. 'Every cum, you must have done five or six.'

'I didn't count,' David replied wearily stirring himself in Arron's now well relaxed and lubricated little boy's fanny. He'd actualy fucked a thirteen year old boy and the reaction was setting in. What he'd done was immoral and it was criminal whether Arron wanted it or not. Any chat about this night's session and he was in deep trouble. He slowly slid free and grinned as Arron tried to keep him in.

'Come here little man,' he rolled Arron towards himself and gently kissed the boy on the lips.

'Was I OK?' Arron asked nervously and rubbed his own dribbling dicklet against David's thigh.

'Fantastic,' David smiled softly. 'You were wonderful. How do you feel?'

'Sore,' Arron grinned widely. 'And squishy.'

'I'm sorry,' David hugged his young lover and relaxed. 'I didn't mean to hurt you.'

'I don't care,' Arron said bravely. 'As long as I get a go.'

'Do your toilet and come back,' David laughed. 'Come back and I'll have a look at it and then you can do what you want.'

'Really,' Arron sat up in the bed and ran his foreskin over his weeping glans. 'I really need it,' he added plaintively.

'Hurry up,' David laughed and flopped back in the bed. His randy little boyfriend seemed set for an all night session.

Arron eventually came back and David saw that he was limping. 'Are you alright?' He asked anxiously, visions of a torn sphincter or worse in his mind.

'Aches a bit,' Arron admitted. 'I think it needs kissing better,' he gave David a grin and flopped onto the bed on his belly. 'Kiss the back and then the front, Davey. Make me a happy bunny.'

'Yes, Sir.' David parted his partner's legs and looked intently at Arron's little hole, it was puffy, it was red and it looked bruised a little but thank God there were no signs of blood any sign of a tear. He was worried that he might have split the boy but apparently the small muscle could handle him and things could only get better although that was down to Arron more than himself. 'Looks pretty good,' he kissed Arron's smooth cheeks in turn.

'Go on,' Arron murmured.

David parted his cheeks a little more and tasted Arron's little ring, it tasted soapy and smooth, he lapped gently at first but then really spread the boy's cheeks and lapped and slurped at the delicious morsel.

'Hey, hey,' Arron giggled and rolled over, he pointed down at his jerking cocklet and pointed.

David took the hint and started to suck Arron's tight little scrotum and then licked across the top of his exposed glans, the taste of the boy's watery precum added to the pleasure. He took Arron's slippery knob into his mouth and licked and then started to suck the boy's pale skinned shaft. 'Do you want me, Arron?' He gazed up Arron's belly and nuzzled at sparse blonde pubics.

'I thought you'd never ask.' Arron grinned down.

'You're supposed to ask me,' David slid up the bed and cuddled the still sweaty boy.

'OK, I'm asking,' Arron laughed and in a flurry got himself between David's long legs and hoisted then up into the air.

'Hey, slow down, Butch,' David grinned in spite of himself, the sweet innocent of two days ago had become a sex maniac, he idly wondered how long they would remain lovers and then banished the thought from his mind. He was old and cynical enough to know that good things never last but for the moment he had his little Arron and that would have to do.

'OK, OK,' Arron grinned down at him wolfishly. 'Slow and easy,' he positioned himself at David's entry and gently pushed.

'Aaaah,' they both sighed with satisfaction as Arron effortlessly slid into the older boy and David clamped on the sweet meat invading his body for the second time. Then they were away, surprisingly enough Arron took it slow and gentle seeming as if trying to tantalise David which is exactly what he did. In the end David lost and and instructed his litle blonde lover to go faster and harder. As a last resort he had to beg and Arron finally started to shaft him as hard and as deep as he could get.

David had been taken once before some two years ago at a summer camp, he wondered whether to tell Arron but decided not. What they had going was to good to spoil and he didn't want his little lover falling out over something that happened a long time ago. Anyway, it was only a sweaty coupling in a tent, he'd burst into tears at the time and the other boy had withdrawn in disgust. He'd finished up giving the other boy, an older boy a hand job so it wasn't really a fuck. He rationalised it by thinking the other kid had only shoved it in, he hadn't cum inside so it wasn't really sex at all.

'I'm cuming,' Arron groaned and then he started to squirt. His little cock seemed to swell and David clamped his bum as he felt his little lover's sweet offerings splash into his body. God, this kid could cum, he'd qualify for pit pony of the year.

'That was nice, Arrr. He pulled the boy down and kissed him gently on his sweet lips.

'Agreed,' Arron smiled tiredly. 'I'm tired, Davey.'

'Let's sleep then.'

David was the first awake in the morning, needless to say he was as hard as a rock. What was new, he was a sixteen year old boy and he was cuddled up in a slightly smelly bed with a sweet thirteen year old he'd deflowered the previous evening. He'd actually fucked a thirteen year old kid willing or not, he flushed at the thought, he also got harder.

'Fuck it,' he muttered and slipped from the bed into the chilly morning air, a quick glimpse throught the curtains assured him that it looked to be another hot one. He rushed of to the bathroom and did what he had to and returned to slip in alongside the still slumbering Arron. Sunday morning and a house to themselves, he studied his sleeping partner as Arron gave a little groan and flopped onto his back, David grinned, the boy's stiff little meaty spike stuck up on his flat belly, an early morning glory and it was indeed glorious, he ducked his head and licked up and then down Arron's erection.

Must be around five inches, he thought to himself and gently slipping one finger underneath he raised it a little and licked across the darker pink head.

'Mmmm,' Arron mumbled in his sleep and gave a dreamy thrust. David smiled and slipped his mouth over the small glans and tasted Arron, his Arron, maybe a bit of boy funk but his all the same. He didn't know how the smaller boy was feeling but he had to have him again.

He sucked and lapped at Arron's hardness until suddenly he felt warm spurts in his mouth, the randy little rat had cum and still he slept on. David extracted the last milky drops and slipped up alongside his lover, it was still early, they had another two hours of safety before having to get themselves respectable for breakfast with Denise.

It was probably half an hour later when David felt Arron turn in the bed and the boy's soft bottom press against his hip.

'Mmmmm,' Arron pushed back and David turned inwards pressing his now awakened penis against yielding flesh.

'No chance,' Arron giggled into the pillow but spoilt it by pushing himself backwards even harder.

'How do you feel?' David snuggled up putting his arm around Arron's warm body. 'Yeah ..... nice,' he sighed as his hardness slipped between Arron's smooth thighs as the boy slightly lifted one leg.

'A bit sore,' Arron's leg dropped and he neatly captured David's hot meat. 'I'll live.'

'Good,' David slowly moved himself to and fro effectively fucking between Arron's legs. 'I really didn't want to hurt you, Arr.'

'I wanted to do it,' Arron craned his head around for a morning kiss, the first one of the day. 'I wanted it and I got it,' he sniggered. 'We gonna do it again.'

'Hopefully,' David moved himself faster savouring the incredible tactile sensation of Arron's warm body and ultra smooth skin pressed against his. 'Love ya, brat.'

'Love you to,' Arron retorted. 'The next time we do it I want to do it like I do you, you know from the front, eyeball to eyeball.'

'It might hurt a bit more.'


'Deeper penetration, your little hole's stretched more ..... things like that ........'

'Sounds good,' Arron gave an evil little chuckle and pushed back harder. 'Put some of that slippery on and do me now,' Aron whispered. 'Please.'

David knew that if he refused Arron would start to whinge, the boy was trying to prove something, perhaps he even liked it. One thing was for sure David wasn't going to turn down the offer, a Sunday morning boy was one offer you couldn't refuse. He gently withdrew and fumbled under the pillow until he found the old faithful sun tan lotion. A minute later he slipped his annointed erection between Arron's relaxed cheeks.

'Nice,' Arron whispered and reaching around grasped the surprised David's penis and guided it to his bruised little pucker. 'Ever so slow, Davey. I'm still a bit sore.'

David didn't answer, as Arron held his cock steady he slowly pushed feeling the boy's body tense and then the incredible sensation of sinking into Arron's young body for the second time. This time was so much better, Arron gave a little moan but relaxed almost immediately as David's thick meat speared into his belly parting his pucker stretching the bruised muscle even further.

'Stay on our sides,' Arron whispered and pushed back a little. 'I'm getting a taste for it,' he giggled his mind flashed to a rather sexy looking boy he'd seen at the moviemaker's main office. He thought the kid's name was Darren or something like that, he wondered what it would be like to 'do it' with Darren, the boy was more his size than Davy but for the time he'd settle for David. He wriggled and the pain faded as David sank deeper and started to slowly move in and out easing the sphincter and opening up the tight passage again.

'Yeah,' David sighed as he felt his partner's co-operation and the boy's body pressing against his as he sank in deeper and deeper. 'Oooh, Arron,' he sighed as he felt Arron's soft bottom press against his pubics and then his lower belly.

'Is it in?' Arron giggled and push back ..... hard, firmly seating himself of David's raging hardon.

David was uncomfortable laying on one arm but he soon got into his stroke slipping in and out of Arron's more than willing bottom. The smaller boy pushed back all the while and when David's climax arrived pushed back hard on it absorbing every creamy splurt and splat.

'Jeez, Arron, you are one nice fuck,' David's politeness was beginning to fray at the edges a little bit.

'You say the nicest things,' Arron chuckled as he pushed back onto David's cum coated stiffness. 'You spunk like a donkey.'

'How many donkey's have you had then, shrimp.'

'Only joking,' Arron clenched his cheeks expelling David but keeping the juicy offering firmly trapped in his body, he quickly turned and gave his lover a hot and passionate kiss. 'From the front later, OK?'

'Love to,' David answered with a smile. 'Let's have a snooze, we'll split the beds and have a shower in an hour or so.'

'OK.' Arron snuggled in and grasped David's tacky pennis ..... now this is what Sunday mornings should be like.

They were both squeaky clean and in choir boy mode by the time they arrived at Denise's place for their breakfast. Denise was occupied with her boyfriend and apart from reminding them to be around for lunch at one o'clock didn't have too much to say. The boys were happy enough with that, a session of questions and answers wouldn't have been appreciated. Around half past nine they wandered over to the quarry to find it quite busy with a gaggle of kids probably ranging from around eight right up to their sixteens.

'That's put the mockers on this afternoon,' Arron looked quite disgruntled.

'I know another place,' David smiled slightly. 'Not to far away.'

'OK, let's scope it out,'

They skirted the quarry with Arron blatantly oggling the half naked kids and youths, David noticed and wondered what sort of monster he'd unleashed. To his mind, at least, Arron wasn't acting like a kid who'd just found 'the way,' he was acting like an out and out slut, still, it suited him. To coin a saying: You may as well make hay whilst the sun shines, he couldn't see them getting the chance to spend too much time together once the film was over.

'Just in here,' he spoke after a ten minute walk. They were on the edge of a small copse of trees, birch, the weed of the forest, bracken and brambles in the main which was gloomy and to say the least univiting.

'Shit,' Arron looked into the gloom in dismay. 'Bet there's an old witch and a gingerbread cottage in there.'

'I'll eat you but I won't shove you in an oven first,' David grinned and led the way tailed by a less than enthusiastic Arron. A pint of sweat and a few brambles later they came into a clearing which Arron calculated must be dead centre, there seemed to be no clear pathway in or out of the open space.

'How'd that get here?' Arron stared at a mobile home sitting on four flat tyres. The thing had seen better days, the windows had some sort of temporary boarding over them and the thing seemed to have been deserted many years previously.

'Aliens dropped it,' David grinned and approached the small side door. 'As you can guess, not many people come in here.'

'Hey, where did you get that?' Arron looked on astonished as David produced a key from his wallet and opened up the side door and stepped into the sagging vehicle.

'It was in the ignition last year and it fits the door so I nicked it,' David beckoned Arron in. 'Just goes to show no one's interested, they'd have broken in or something.'

'Hey, it's pretty clean,' Arron remarked and he was right. The interior was dusty and fitfully lit by the sunlight geting through the chinks in the boarding but the thing looked weatherproof at least and one thing was for sure no one had been using it. No dog ends, no sweetie wrappers and better still, no condoms, in a nutshell, in pretty good nick. 'How many boys have you had in here then?' He looked keenly at David.

'I've had a mutual wanky in here last year with a local kid but that's about it,' David said casually.

'Hardly the place for full blown sex,' Arron smiled uncertainly. 'If someone came aknocking on the door there's no escape.'

'Maybe you're right,' David admitted. He wanted Arron so bad and this was his last shot, the quarry was out so what was there left?

'What's wrong with going home after lunch and using the bedroom, Denise will be tied up with the boyfriend I imagine.'

'It's upto you.'

'This is nice and secret but just one nosey prat and we're dead men,' Arron looked at David. 'A proper bed is the place to really do the big biz.'

'Christ, I'm gonna fuck the arse offa you,' David lost it and grabbed his teeny lover fiercely.

'That's better,' Arron grinned and felt between David's legs. 'Sit on the bed, I'll give you an elevensies.'

'How's about a sixty ninesies?' David grinned.

'How does that work then?' Arron grinned knowing full well what David was on about, he wasn't that dumb.

'Lie down and I'll show you,' David coaxed his little blonde pal down onto the bed and then crouched over him with his head poised above Arron's crotch and with his own above Arron's face.

'I think I get the idea,' Arron giggled and unzipped David's jeans feeling the cooler air on his belly as his own shorts were shucked down his legs.

'I just love your cock,' David murmured as he peeled Arron's briefs down a little allowing the boy's stiff cocklet to spring free. The tyke even had a smear of his delicious juice hovering on the tip of his glans, Arron was up for it, Arron was always up for it. He had the fleeting thought again that he had freed a monster before he ducked his head and took the sweet meat into his mouth. Arron for his part eagerly tugged David's jeans just clear of his boxers and then delved inside extracting the older boy's six inches of throbbing meat.

'Yummy yum,' he grinned upwards as David lovered his hips and the meaty mass entered his wide open mouth. 'Mmmmfph.'

Moment's later Arron's slender legs were up around David's bobbing head as his lover deepthroated him taking his modest cocklet in deep savouring the weeping glans sliping into the back of his throat.

'Aaaaah,' Arron groaned around a mouthful of hot cock as he felt a finger enter his tight little bottom and start to move in and out, he couldn't reach around David but he settled for gently toying with the older boy's hairy nutsac and softy squeezing the tight 'nads.

Jeez, he's good,' David thought as he felt his heat arising and his cock jerked filling Arron's mouth with thick slippery and creamy boyseed. Arron gagged and choked on the spurting mass in his mouth but manfully swallowed until he felt David soften. David rolled onto his side and tugged Arron over. Still finger fucking his smaller lover he sucked and slurped until he felt Arron's cock jerk and then the familiar taste of his young lover's spunk splashed over his teeth.'

Arron pulled a face as David's finger left his bottom and span around to lie up with David. 'That was wicked.'

'Wicked plus,' David agreed.' A slow walk back and we'll be in time for lunch.'

'A slow totter back,' Arron laughed. 'You are such good sex, Davey. Love you to death.'

'Bet you don't say that this afternoon if your master plan happens.'

'Bet I will,' Arron predicted confidently. 'All we gotta do is make sure is that Denise isn't going to bust in on us.'

'Come on,' David gave Arron a little kiss. 'Let's hit the road.'

'Yeah, I'm starving ..... for solid food that is,' Arron grinned and pulled up his briefs and shorts, David tidied himself up and after checking that no one was lurking outside the abandoned caravan they were on their way.

Stopping yet again to look at the kids in the quarry they finally arrived at Denise's spot on one o'clcock to find the meal prepared and steaming hot, just what one needed on a blistering summer's day. The boyfriend joined them for the meal and apart from general questions neither he nor Denise probed or pried into what they were getting upto over the weekend.

'One problem,' Denise announced. 'We'll have to set the evening meal for around eight as Ralph and I are visiting his mother about ten miles away.'

'No probs,' David flashed a grin and glanced at Arron, the boy was sitting there like Sylvester with a mouthful of canary. 'We were only gonna have a wander about and watch a bit of television.'

'Not much on Sunday evening,' Ralph contributed.

'We'll find something to do,' David grinned as he felt Arron's foot rub his leg under the table. Yeah, they'd find something to do alright.

After the meal Arron wanted to go back to their cottage and rest (or so he said) but David dragged him down to the quarry for a final look at the talent which was thinning out, no doubt the kids all had to go home for their own Sunday lunches.

'Suppose we'd better get on back to the cottage, Arron said hopefully as they sat on the grass watching the remaining kids splashing about.

'Unless you want to pick up a kid, have a threesome.'

'Fuck off,' Arron snapped. 'You are joking I presume, David my man.'

'Yeah, I was,' David laughed. 'If we fuck this afternoon I'm gonna fuck you absolutely bloody silly.'

'Oooh,' Arron gave a dramatic shiver. 'Big butch, Davey,' he mocked. 'Come on, let's go,' he shot to his feet and was off and running by the time David arose.

'Keen,' he murmured and set off in pursuit.

By the time David reached the cottage Arron was up in the bedroom and had put the beds together. 'Ta ra ra, the bridal bed,' he stood with his arms outstretched. 'Front door locked? Latch down?'

'Come here,' David rasped. In spite of his morning's blow he was as hard as an iron bar. Arron had put himself on the line for this one and he was about to learn what a good fucking was,' David grinned wolfishly and held his arms out.

Arron drifted into his arms and giggled girlishly as he felt his t-shirt tugged off over his head and then David's trong hand run up and down his smooth torso. Then David's hands at his waist and he felt his shorts and then his briefs being pushed down. He squealed as he felt himself being picked up and deposited onto the bed. He kicked off his lower garments and followed that by getting rid of his trainers and socks as David stood there and stripped.

'My little angel,' David smiled as he stood naked with his youthful cock straining upwards and out.

'I think you're ready,' Arron whispered scared in spite of himself as he looked at David's man sized cock sway and then jerk as David tightened his belly muscles.

'Are you,' David asked kneeling at the base of the bed.

'Yeah, do it,' Arron croaked. 'Full frontal, all the way.'

'No rush,' David grinned and dived like hawk taking Arron's velvety ball sac into his mouth and holding the boy's warm erection sofly in one hand.

'Oooh, Davey,' Arron writhed on the bed as he felt the suction on his nuts and then his thin legs being raised as David's hands slipped up his smooth thighs raising his knees towards his narrow chest.

'Love your little boy fanny,' David sniggered and then Arron freaked as he felt warm lips and a slippery tongue invade his private place. David had done all this before but this time it was for real. His knees were raised and then spread, he felt like a chicken about to be stuffed and he grinned at the thought. That's exactly what he was. He moaned as he felt David take soggy cowlicks across his pucker and then a little jerk and pain as two fingers slid through his ring.

'Jeez, that hurt,' Arron whinced as the fingers began to move in and out on a coating of saliva.

'Sorry,' David gently slid his fingers free and the next thing Arron felt was the same two fingers but this time they were oiled and slipped inside him with barely a twinge.

'That's better,' Arron sighed as he felt the fingers delve deep and his pucker begin to loosen. He was scared every time he looked at David's fat cock but he was going to do or die, no doubt about it. His small cocklet jerked on his belly as David finger fucked him, he wanted the older boy so bad and he was going to have him. He knew David wanted him, might even hurt him but the older boy wasn't going to back down now, no way. David was going to fuck him but good.

'I'll put a pillow under your tail,' David whispered and did just that. Arron felt himself raised and knew that he was in position, David was about to make a move, he held his breath as he felt the fingers slip free and his pucker close. Time was up[.

'Relax and tell me if it hurts,' David whispered and Arron felt David's thighs up against his and then the smear of an oiled lump brushed across his sphincter.

'Davey,' he moaned and closed his eyes. He's taken in what David had said about him being spread, about him being taut and totally exposed but when it came it was still a shock. David's slippery glans coated with oil and with it's own lubricant pushed dead centre on his pucker and then it began.

As the circular muscle opened up Arron felt the stretching, the partial entry and then the pain.

'Jeeezus, David,' he shouted out to find David's lips drop onto his. 'Mmmmmmfph.....' He attempted to speak even to cry out. The pain was intense it felt like David's plumlike glans was splitting him, actually tearing his pucker. He moaned in agony but David had gone so far and he was in no mood to stop.

'You asked for this,' he growled and then Arron felt an easing as David's bulbous glans slipped in and his ring eased to accept the slightly thinner shaft and then David was on the move working his super hard erection into Arron's tender flesh deeper and deeper.

'Aaah,' Arron whined piteously as David raised his head and looked at him and then kissed him lightly on the nose. 'The first bit is the worst,' the older boy grinned and gasped as Arron's tight little arse clamped on his movements.

'Sez you,' Arron gasped and then gave a shaky smile. 'I did it.'

'It's not over yet,' David smiled and started to fuck slowly but gaining depth at each stroke. 'Yes, yes, yes,' he spoke at each thrust completely lost on the pleasure of finally fucking Arron properly for the first time. As far as he was concerned the other couplings had been try outs, this was the real thing. He could feel Arron's incredible tightness and the boy's pleasure pain but he didn't care, Arron was going to feel this one.

Aron did. He writhed and groaned with tears in his eyes as he felt David's meaty mass sink into his body, he felt like his ring was splitting that even his belly was going to explode, that his arsehole would be wrecked for ever.

Suddenly he seemed to reach a point that the pain began to fade, he could still feel the meaty mass in him but now David's crisp pubics were grinding against his oh so tight nuts, David's belly was now against his, his lover was in and in all the way. 'Aaah, Davey,' he moaned and stroked David's hips. 'You bastard.'

'You love it,' David smooched and slowly stirred his achingly hard cock in it's fleshy sheath. 'You are so good, little Arron,' he pushed up the bed elevating Arron's bottom and started to slowly fuck, corkscrewing bringing little whimpers of both pain and enjoyment from the small bonde pinned to the bed by his six inch spike.'

'Harder,' Arron whispered.

'Pardon,? David gave a savage dig bringing more tears to Arron's eyes.

'Harder,' Arron snarled. 'Fuck me ..... harder.'

David did. He started to rut. Slamming into his little lover as hard and as deep as he could and Arron clung to him like a limpet joined by David's sex piercing and burrowing into his gut.

'I'm cuming.' David gasped and started to move even faster.

Thank God, Arron thought. There was fucking, making love and being raped and this was fast becoming the latter. Suddenly it happened, he felt David's cock swell and then the familiar throbbing and the first warm splash.

'Jeeez,' he wriggled on David's jerking cock as the older boy spunked and spunked. It seemed never ending, spurt after spurt of thick, meat, white semen coating his anus and rectum, lubricating and filling to overflow. He felt the wetness as David's cum oozed from his hole and ran down onto his tail. 'Aaw, Davey,' his final despairing cry as his own cocklet jumped and twitched on his belly sending streamers of white fluid up onto his flat belly and chest. 'Aaaaaah,' he flopped exhausted as David slowly fucked into his flooded tunnel slowing to a stop.

'Now I am well and truly fucked,' Arron whispered as his tired legs dropped and David withdrew in a puddle of cum fortunately absorbed by a well placed towel.

'I'm sorry,' David mumblked red faced and knelt between Arron's still spread legs, he lapped at the boy's belly tasting and drinking the teenage cum liberally splattered on Aron's smooth skin, his final act being to take Arron's soft noodle into his mouth.

'All over now,' Arron sighed and stroked David's dark hair. He smiled tenderly as David looked up his belly. 'Randy rapist.'

'I said sorry,' David muttered.

'Yeah, I know,' Arron looked at the ceiling. 'I'm getting hard,' he remarked conversationally. His bumhole felt like it was on fire, his belly felt squishy with an overload of sixteen year old cum and here he was getting hard after just coming. Perhaps he was Artur the son of King Arthur or perhaps Nathan's Gift was a bit more than being able to see the dead. Perhaps David was some sort of sex vampire, one proper fuck and he's turned Arron into a sex maniac for ever, the silly thoughts flitted around his tired mind as David sucked gently and slurped at his now fully aroused cock.

'Your turn,' David held Arron's spit slicked organ vertical and grinned.

'I can't.' Arron wailed and rolled onto his belly laughing, what was he. some sort of sexual athlete? He was only thirteen for God's sake.

'Don't say I didn't offer,' David jumped up and forcing David's legs apart over the boy's protestations placed his own organ now coming fully back to life at Arron's cum coated hole and shoved.

'Aaaaah,' Arron closed his eyes and clutched the pillow, he felt David's ful length in him and the heat of his friend's belly against his spine. 'Take your time, loverboy,' he whispered and grinning into the pillow thrust up his firm white bottom.

Roll on eight oclock, Arron thought as David started again. Sex sure gave you an appetite.

THE END Comments, criticism, Mailing List

Next: Chapter 2

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