The Guardians

Published on Jun 10, 2010


The Guardians - Chapter Three, Part One

This story may not be suitable for those under the age of 18 and for those located in areas prohibiting the reading of gay literature. Please don't duplicate this story without my permission.

Chapter Three, Part One

Dark Truth

Previously: He looked over me then spoke, "They do make you Angels perfect don't they? Everything about you engineered to be perfect." He then stepped closer to me and licked my face. My entire body began to ache; it felt as if I was being disloyal to Danny. Tears began to stream down my face.

"Now now, all I want from you is a little kiss."

He stepped away, seemingly annoyed by my lack of cooperation. I could then feel him enter my thoughts; my head felt as if it would explode. I tried to shut him out but my body just began to convulse violently. It was hard to breathe and then there was just darkness. Eventually I heard a voice, "Alex, are you alright?" It was Danny! I felt such relief. He moved his hand and in a single gesture the shackles were removed. As I began to fall, he grabbed hold me and pulled my naked body into a hug. "It's okay baby," he began but images began to flood my mind.

A powerful storm was raging, the likes of which I have never seen before. I could sense that this imbalance was unnatural -- something had caused the scales to tip. I looked to my left and watched as a huge tidal wave move towards a bridge; it was the Golden Gate Bridge! I tried to move to shield as much of the bridge as I could but my body was inanimate. I saw as the bridge quake under the effects of rampant water as the cars were thrashed about. I looked on helplessly until flashes of other disasters invaded my mind; hail falling, breaking windows and leaving bloody trails in its wake, lightning sticking with vengeful force, floods overtaking the land; and my heart began to erupt in torment. What was going on? The world was in such chaos and the pain of all those innocent people screeched in my mind causing me the buckle under the force. The pain eased enough for me to open my eyes.

It became silent; I saw Danny and I naked, kissing frantically. It seemed almost animalistic -- as if the lust we shared was all that mattered. I realized that empathic possession hadn't yet happened. I noticed an odd blur around Danny's silhouette so I stepped closer, this time able to move within this ghastly darkness. Somehow my mind was able to see past the illusion -- the man that had first appeared to be Danny was really my captor. I began to panic. I wanted to yank myself away from that evil man but my body would no longer move. Disgust took over me as I fell to my knees and vomited.

He grabbed Alex by his butt and lifted, positioning it on his penis. He entered Alex and I yelled in horror. Alex was moving so aggressively; he... I seemed like I wanted more. Alex was enjoying it. Tears pouring down my face, I could not believe what I was seeing. The scene shifted again: I saw Danny; hope grew inside of me. But Danny looked weak; tears were flowing down his face. I wanted to go over and hold him -- to take the anguish away. The world around him was being torn apart and as I looked into his eyes I knew that he was aware of what Alex had done -- of what I had done. And for the first time in my life I wish I was dead.

I was forcefully pulled back into my body and I pulled away from the figure I thought was Danny. What I saw must have been a premonition. This was not Danny. I stepped back and spoke, "You're not Danny."

"Who else could I possibly be?" responded sincerely.

I could feel my mind search of an answer, "Namon." I don't know how I knew it but I did. I felt stronger in the knowledge that everything that I had just witnessed could be prevented.

He laughed, shifted back to his dreadful form, grabbed me by my neck and hurled me forward into the air where the shackles once again restrained me. "That was unexpected angel boy. But I assure you that you will be mine!"

On Earth

"I'll need your help to locate Alex." Spoke Danny as he addressed Errol. Nodding, Errol placed a hand on Danny's shoulders and almost instantaneously, Danny was teleported to Alexander's position.

Back on Zanto

Namon was so violent when he tossed me that I almost lost consciousness. But I began to feel a familiar presence. It was Danny! I was certain -- I heard him speak, "Get away from him!" His voice boomed as what can only be described as divine light broke the darkness and revealed a scarred, tatted landscape. Small orbs of green light slowly moved around Danny's body as he appeared. A powerful force emitted from him spreading in all directions causing Namon to be thrown back while freeing me from my invisible shackles. I was instantly in Danny's arms and I knew that it was him; his wings enveloped me making me feel save, silently healing my broken psyche. His warmth, his soft skin, the gentle kiss on my hair -- everything that I've been through faded until my consciousness felt Namon's presence once again.

As the force flung Namon into the air, his wings appeared and he recovered almost effortlessly from the impact. Namon's had two large wings that were dark and seemed to be wraithlike -- such a contrast from Danny's eight beautiful soft white wings. Namon was angry and obviously wanted revenge. With ungodly speed, Namon had appeared within a meter of us and as he raised his right hand, a broad sword appeared that seemed to be smoldering. I knew Danny was aware of this but instead of reacting, Danny simply held me a little tighter and the alert faded to a feeling of calm.

It was as if I was having an outer body experience: I saw Danny holding me and another Danny appeared in Namon's path. As Namon swung his sword with rancorous might, the sword's aura left a burning tail. Danny used his right hand to gasp the blade that instantly withered from existence. Namon was taken aback. I hadn't realized that Danny was this powerful. I knew they were both Angels and I had assumed that angles are fairly equally matched but Danny seemed to have the upper hand. He exuded a confidence and a knowing that left me in awe.

Danny then used his right hand again and struck Namon on the left side of his neck. The sheer power of the impact caused a wave that spread in all directions and even through the safety of Danny's wings I felt the power that was echoed across the land. Namon was crushed onto the ground which gave way leaving a crater in its absence. I was stunned. How was that even possible? I knew Namon was a powerful being... but he was taken down with a single hit!

Danny didn't stop there; he caused vines to rapidly grow and violently wrapping themselves around Namon. They bore thorns that were made of a blue substance. As the vines grew thicker and pushed upwards, I could hear the yells of Namon. The vines were getting tighter and I could see blood on the thorns. Namon's wings were reduced to nothing. I could feel the rage within Danny; he wanted Namon to suffer -- he wanted Namon to pay for what he had done to me...

I whispered to Danny, "Please stop, this doesn't seem like you." He tightened his hold of me and a blinding light shot into the sky -- Danny had killed Namon. In that moment I saw the truth; the dark truth about Namon. He was a Guardian corrupted by the need to have more power. He had the unique ability to steal the power of another entity. So he took whatever he felt he deserved and left destruction in his wake. And as the images of the worlds he had conquered flashed through me, I began to sob. Danny, still very in tune with my emotions and abilities, acknowledge this by gently rubbing the back of my neck. And suddenly, I felt a deep pain and the words, "I'm coming for you" echoed in my mind with such vile intent, if Danny hadn't been holding me, I would have collapsed.

"That was just a fragment of the real Namon. He divided his conscious into many beings. I'm so sorry Alex... I'm so sorry that this has happened to you." Danny spoke so solemnly that it made me want to cry again.

"None of this is your fault. Thank you for saving me Danny!" I replied as I pulled away to gaze into his beautiful eyes. I smiled at him which he returned. And slowly, my heart began to heal after the stress that it endured. "Where are we?"

"On another planet named Zanto. Each planet that bears life has Guardians. All life is intertwined so of course I knew the angels from here." He answered with sadness in his voice.

"I'm sorry Danny." I held onto him again.

"It's going to be okay Alex. I suppose Namon blocked their ability to call for help. I have to help this planet." And as he spoke the consequences of his decision was made clear to me; by extending his power to this planet, he would become weaker until the planet had regained balance. He would become the Guardian Leader of Zanto. I understood that he needed to restore the equilibrium and allow the remaining people of this planet the chance to be free again.

Danny let go of me somewhat apprehensively and began to rise as his wings spread to their brilliant glory. It reminded me of the first time we kissed. It was as if the Sun has risen for the first time in ages and I could feel the power of life emit from him. His hands were extends from his body and I feel energy build within him. Rings of radiant light started to emit from his body in rapid progress in different sizes and different angles of released. The rings seemed to extend to infinity and I could see that it was a strain to extend his reach throughout the planet. And within the blink of an eye, a bright, powerful light coursed from Danny, across the land giving new life to the flora and renewed strength to those that had survived; as the powerful wave passed through me, it felt like a gentle zephyr move across my skin.

Those enslaved by Namon's will, were freed and the planet was alive again. Danny slowly descended, and spoke in another language that my mind perceived as, "Rise Angels of Zanto." Four rings appeared on the ground that seemed to seep of raw energy. Energy that swirled into the air moving higher until four entities appeared within each circle, humanoid in form but ethereal in being. They seemed to be made of blue light -- even their wings. Danny approached them, and as he spread his wings to their awesome potential, I imagine he imparted knowledge to them. They seemed to communicate for a while until they dispersed. Danny approached me and spoke, "They're going to help and nurture the survivors. It worries me that Namon could return at any time so we must secure this planet. I'm not strong enough right now to veil this planet from his reach."

Danny closed his eyes in concentration. The air chilled and a man seemed to phase into existence. He looked onto the newly changed landscape and as Danny turned to face him, it seemed he realized what had just transpired. It amazed me that angels communicated so swiftly. Even though I wasn't one, Danny was so aware of everything that I needed to tell him without even speaking. It didn't unnerve me -- it was actually quite intriguing. And I feel no apprehension in Danny being aware of all my thoughts... I really had nothing to hide.

"I'm sorry that this had to be the reason for our reunion Matthew but as you're aware, the situation is worrying." Danny spoke to him, I think more for my sake than Matthew's. Matthew was a handsome man with trimmed black hair and brown eyes; he wore a black suite with a white shirt. He seemed to command an air of respect about him that just made him so much more attractive. Danny turned to me and spoke, "This is Alex." Just then, I realized I was still naked and blushed while moving behind Danny's wing to hide myself.

The man laughed and spoke jovially, "No need to be so bashful Alexander; beauty should not be hidden but admired for its splendor." Danny chuckled. He didn't seem concerned that someone else had seen me naked but at least it made the atmosphere somewhat less tense. I wasn't feeling that exposed anyway. So much had happened, but my mind only focused on the present -- thankfully.

"Hi Matthew, pleased to meet you." I somewhat whispered behind Danny, my head only really visible. I offered a smile. Matthew smiled back.

"Namon will soon be aware of the situation here and we must act before he has the chance to counter," Danny spoke. Matthew nodded. His wings appeared and he began to rise. Matthew had only two wings but the wingspan was much greater than Danny's. They were a dark colour -- almost solemn but he still looked beautiful. He rose his to his side and after he gathered enough energy, he forced his hands together above his head and a ray of light hit the sky spreading as a dome through the sky and eventually cover the planet, I'd imagine. It took about a minute before he stopped and swiftly reappeared in front of us with his wings willed away. He looked a bit exhausted but still carried himself as if the event took little to no effort.

"Thank you Matthew." Danny offered.

"The natural order was distorted. It had to be done; though the real work is yet to begin." Matthew looked knowingly at Danny then added "Well we'd best get back home."

Thank you for reading my story. Any comments or suggestions are welcome: pooven.m (at)

Next: Chapter 7: The Guardians III 2

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