The Iron Crown

By Andrej Koymasky

Published on Sep 27, 2009


THE IRON CROWN by Andrej Koymasky (C) 2009 written on on May 28, 2002 translated by the author English text kindly revised by Randhir


"THE IRON CROWN" is a gay story, with some parts containing graphic scenes of sex between males. So, if in your land, religion, family, opinion and so on this is not good for you, it will be better not to read this story. But if you really want, or because YOU don't care, or because you think you really want to read it, please be my welcomed guest.

Chapter 11 - THE WAY BACK HOME

The twelve friends and lovers rode to the north for days and nights, at times stopping as guests of feudal lords, at other times at monasteries, and also at inns. Everywhere they went, they were admired for their handsome good looks, the composite elegance of their clothes, their shining weapons and their vigour.

They decided, to avoid attracting untoward interest, to tell nobody the fact that whey were transporting the Iron Crown, but they were introducing themselves as knights errant who together with their squires, were retuning home after a pilgrimage to Rome.

Often the young maidens in the castles would court them, but, as they could not reveal they were in fact couples and lovers, always told they had taken a vow of celibacy, before their return to their king's court and thus had to avoid the pleasures of sex. Thus the damsels, hearing their explanation and seen their faith to the vow, had to soon resign themselves not to get what they wanted from these very beautiful and masculine young men.

The mild winter was moving to its close and already the spring was joyfully announcing in her delicate colours that heralded the renewal of life. They soon reached the shores of a wide lake lying in the north between tall mountains, and saw that on its shore was raised a mighty castle.

While they were approaching it, a group of mounted soldiers lead by one holding a standard, blocked their way.

"Who are you, and what are you looking for, strangers?" the one with the standard asked them.

Axel answered, "We are six knights of king Waltha king Niderhulig, a kingdom in the mountains of the far north, and our six squires. We are returning from a pilgrimage to Rome, and are on course for our king's lands. Who is the master of these lands and of that castle?"

"The lord of this country is the duke Beran-gair, the youngest son of king Wido, sovereign of all the lands between the mountains and the sea at the north and the south of the great river Heridanus. That is the duke's castle, and he sent us to ask you who you are and what you are looking for."

Alex said, "Who we are, I just told you. What we are looking for... our journey will still be very long, we possibly covered just one fifth of all our way, therefore we ask for hospitality for a few days in order to have some rest and recouperate before we brave the remainder of our journey."

"If from Rome to here you have covered only one fifth of your journey, then the kingdom you are referring to, has to be really very far from here!"

"The way back home seems always short, for him who goes back." Axel answered with a smile.

"Follow me then, and you will meet the duke and you can ask him for his hospitality."

"Do you think he will host us willingly?" Jens then asked.

"The duke Beran-gair has always been very hospitable to travellers coming from far lands. He likes to hear of their stories and their deeds."

So, escorted by the soldiers of the duke, they reached the gate of the castle. They passed the drawbridge, and were in the first yard where, on a stairway of seven half-circular steps, opened a big decorated door leading to the residence of the duke. On the threshold was standing a rather plump man wearing a crown, a blue mantle and a white tunic decorated with yellow lozenges, with a short, reddish beard and curled hair long to the shoulders, of the same coppery red of his beard.

The soldier with the standard quickly climbed the stairs and said something in a very low voice to the man on the threshold. The man nodded with a smile. Then the soldier went down the stairs and with a gesture invited the twelve friends to follow him.

"The duke agrees to offer you his hospitality for all the days you would like to rest at his castle. Pray leave here your weapons and your luggage, and come with me."

Alfeo said, "Thank you, but I have to take the saddle packs of that horse and bring them with us, if this doesn't displease you." He went to take off from the horse the two saddle packs with the crown and the boxes of the four objects that they were carrying with them after the quest.

They climbed the seven steps of the stair and were in a bright hall, where they met the duke with his wife and their three sons and two daughters. They greeted each other then the twelve friends introduced themselves.

The duke said, "I am the duke Baran-gair, this is my spouse Daga-bertha, my first son Alde-Mar, the second Agil-ulf, then my first daughter Ermen-gair, the second Gert-rud, and finally my youngest son, Leudi-brand. You are welcome to our residence."

The duchess approached them and with a smile, offered them six small breads, a jug of wine, and a cup of salt as a sign of welcome. Harti received them on behalf of his companions and thanked her.

"My son Leudi-brand will take you to your rooms, my noble guests, where the servants are taking your luggage, then we wait for you in the great hall." the duke said.

The duke went away with his family through a door, while his younger son guided the twelve friends up a wide stone stairway. At the first floor, they passed a wooden balcony surrounding an inner yard with a fountain at its centre, and then went in a corridor with four doors at the right and four at the left. Each door lead to two rooms, one with a table and two seats, the other with a wide bed at the end of which was the little bed for the squire. Each couple settled in one of the rooms, taking inside the luggage that had been left in the corridor.

Nikolaos noticed that Leudi-brand was looking at them with badly hidden interest and read in his eyes a clear desire, but veiled by sadness. When the boy helped him to take inside his luggage and they were alone in the room, Nikolaos looked at him with a smile.

"Your name is Leudi-brand, isn't it?"

"Yes, knight, but everybody calls me just Leudi..."

"I am just a squire, the squire of knight Harti, the elder amongst us. You too are a knight, I presume."

"Yes, for just one year."

"I guessed so. You are really beautiful and I think also strong and valiant... Who knows how many damsels are making sheep's eyes at you..."

"Thank you... No, no damsels have found a place in my heart... But you too are all very beautiful, strong and, I believe, valiant... much more than I... even you squires, if you didn't tell, would pass for knights..."

"Do you too have a squire?"

"Yes, of course. He is a boy of Roman stock, and his name is Mucius. He is five years my junior and very affectionate to me."

"We too are all very affectionate to our knights..." Nikolaos said, "We are all ready to do for them anything that can please them... really any thing, do you understand what I mean?"

"Yes, of course. Also my Mucius is always ready at my commands, he is diligent, solicitous and full of attentions. It is good being able to count on a squire like him... or like you, I think."

"And... tell me, Leudi, is this boy, your Mucius, also ready to soothe your lonely moments?" Nikolaos asked, with a cunning smile.

"He would be, if both of us didn't fear my father's anger. The duke doesn't admit we have too much familiarity, therefore we have to be always very careful to never show in front of the others what we really feel in our hearts for each other..."

"But in the secret of your room you can freely devote to each other, isn't it so? Harti and I, when we are alone and the door of the room shut, or else when we are only with the friends who travel with us, don't have such problems any more..."

"None of you are married?"

"None of us are, and none of us will be - we made the vow to never lend out eyes or our limbs on a damsel... and to devote all our life exclusively to each other."

"My father on the contrary decided I will have to marry... not now but soon... even too soon... This is why my Mucius and I are feeling so sad..."

"Yes, I noticed your sadness, and I now understand the reason. I wish you and your squire may find a solution that would allow you to be together."

"Thank you, but I have really little hope..." the young man answered sadly and said goodbye as he went away.

During the supper with the duke's family and his most important men, the twelve friends had the possibility to see Mucius, about whom Nikolaos had told them about - he really was a splendid boy, with a strong and well developed body, a gentle aspect and polite manners. After the rich and abundant meal, and after spending some time all together in amiable conversation, each of them withdrew in his room.

Also Kimon and Floriano were in their room. The squire, after they both undressed, leaned at the window and was admiring the moon that was reflecting on the quiet lake waters, his arms on the windowsill. Kimon looked at him and felt at once inflamed with a powerful desire for the boy he loved. He kneeled behind him and started to caress his small, firm buttocks, skilfully teasing with his tongue the pink, hidden bud.

"Ah... Kimon... take me, please..." the squire moaned, prey to an increasing desire, almost trembling in the sweet waiting.

Kimon then stood up, took him at his waist and pushed against him his beautiful pole, already erect, hard, hot and quivering. Floriano pushed back to meet the vigorous push of his lover. The strong member opened its way and slipped in the sweet channel of love, sinking to the hilt in a single determined push.

"Yes... make me feel how much do you like taking me..." the boy whispered, skilfully tossing his pelvis to give more pleasure to the young knight, and to better feel that powerful tool that had just conquered, invaded him.

Kimon started to give him vigorous pelvic strokes, in a strong and virile back and forth thrusting while, bending onto his lover's beautiful body, caressed with both hands his fresh and strong body. Floriano turned back his head, Kimon moved forward and, after playing for a while with their tongues, they united in a passionate kiss, while Kimon was going on to toss inside him with virile pleasure.

In the neighbouring wing of the castle, in another room, Leudi and Mucius were also at the window, they too united in the same position, and were passionately making love. Leudi was hammering inside his beautiful Mucius with loving passion, and the squire was moaning love words, prey to the pleasure that his lover was giving him with that virile and yet tender penetration.

But that night the duke wasn't able to close his eye, therefore he got off the bed, went out of his room and started to walk nervously and in a bad mood along the corridor of the ducal quarters. When he was at the end of the corridor, he opened the window and leaned out to breathe some fresh air. From a near window, that is that of his younger son's room, he heard moans and love words that the unaware Leudi and Mucius were exchanging. He at once understood what was happening in the room of his son and was furious; he ran into it, so catching the two youths, totally naked and still united in their intimacy.

Soon all the castle was woken up by the angry yelling of the duke. The man went back to his room, took his sword, determined to punish with the death the young squire, and went back in Leudi's room. Meanwhile the two lovers had summarily wore their clothes.

The yells of the duke attracted the attention also of the twelve friends who, hastily putting on a short tunic, ran to see what was happening. When they reached Leudi's room, from where the yells were coming, it was crowded with all the duke's family.

They saw the squire lying on the floor, Leudi kneeling at his side, who was saying, "... and before killing my Mucius, you will have to kill me, father!"

The duke, his sword raised with both hands and ready to strike with all his means, answered, "Why not! It's better to eliminate the rotten blood from my family!"

The duchess was clinging to her husband's arm, and cried trying to stop and calm down him. The twelve friends at once, opening their way amoung the crowd, interposed between the unlucky couple and the furious duke.

Altma talked for all of them, "Duke Beran-gair! Don't do something you will have later to repent!" he said aloud.

"Repent, I? I never repented for having done my duty! This unworthy son of mine disgraced my home and my name letting himself go to abominable practices with his squire! I have to wipe out this offence with their blood!" the duke roared, not at all placated.

"Possibly, duke, it really is the hand of fate that lead our paces to your castle." Altma then said, "To prevent you from accomplishing an act that would befall on you and all your family, with dangerous consequences. Calm down and come back to see reason."

"My anger will be placated only when I have punished these two scoundrels with death!"

At this point Altma remembered a dream he had a few days before reaching the castle, and that he didn't understand then. So he hurriedly sent Bughail to take in their rooms the wooden box containing the long belt of green and red silk embroidered in gold that they bought from Marcus in Rome.

When Bughail gave it to him, Altma stretched it in horizontal between his hands, "Look here, duke - I will now prove you if your sword has or not to cut these two lives. Deliver your most powerful downward blow at the centre of this belt - if your sword will be able to cut it, their lives will be in your hands; but if it will not be able to cut it, their lives will be in my hands. Do you accept this test?"

The duchess wailed, the duke had a sneer and said, "I accept, yes! My sword is the sharpest one of the entire kingdom, it cut in two powerful cuirasses, strong lances, and cut off a few heads from their torsos. Keep it well tense, and far from your body - I don't want to shead your blood too."

"Don't worry, duke, as I don't!" Altma answered.

The duke rudely pushed away his wife, raised again his sword with both hands and delivered a terrible downward blow at the centre of the belt. A "Ooohhh" of amazement rose from everybody when the sword, as it hit the thin silk belt, bounced back without cutting it.

"What magic is this? What material is that belt made of?" the duke, frowning, asked with a more controlled tone of voice.

"it is just woven oriental silk, duke. And there is no magic and I will show you. Can you give me your sword just a moment?" Altma asked.

The duke handed him his sword. Altma folded in half the belt making a hook, slipped in it the sword and with a light movement, cut the belt in two.

"Now, duke, Leudi-brand and Mucius' lives are in my hands, no more in yours, as you promised."

The duke took again his sword, then wanted to check the two pieces of the beautiful belt, "There is no tricks... what magic is it, so?"

"There is no magic but, coming here, I foresaw this in a dream, as it would happen." Altma said.

"I have just only one word. I will spare the lives of these two wicked people and entrust them to you. But Leudi-brand is no more my son and I order that both of them leave forever my lands!"

"I thank you, duke. Tomorrow we will leave your castle, as we now know that the only reason for our visit was to rescue these two lives. The two youths will come with us."

Thus, the day after, the twelve friends took their horses, and together with Leudi and Mucius left the castle. They rode along the shores of the lake going upwards to the mountains. When they were out of the duke's lands, at a crossroad, Altma gave to the two unfortunate lovers the two pieces of the silk belt.

"Here our ways part. Take these two pieces, they are still long enough so that each of you can use and wear each half of the belt. We have now to leave you. Go, without worry... my dream also told me that, after a short period of difficulties, you will find a settlement allowing you to live together in ease and comfort and to share without dangers your love."

"Why don't you let us come with you, noble knights? We owe you our life, we would be honoured to become your loyal servants." Leudi-brand said and Mucius vigorously nodded in assent.

"No, this is not what I saw in my dream, and the twelve of us we have to go on in our way alone. We would have liked having you as friends and companions, but this is not what the destiny decided for us. Go in peace, dear friends, and love each other with all your heart."

"Farewell, then, Altma and you too, dear friends. We will never forget you and we will always wear these belts, in your memory and to remember the help you provided us. We will pray to God to assist you along your way back, and then also all your life."

So they parted. Passed the tall mountains, crossed a really wide, thick and dark forest, in Summer they were in sight of a fortified town raising from a low sandstone hill, along the ancient road connecting the Rhein river to the Donau river. There was no castle but strong towers spaced the walls out so that from far it resembled an emperor's crown. It was in fact the town of Norenberc, where the Saxon emperor went often to take his rest.

The twelve friends entered the town between two wings of people who looked at them with admiration and amazement. They reached a square with a fountain, and there soldiers with the imperial standards stopped them; their commander asked them who they were and what they were looking for.

Tantas, who was leading their caravan, answered, "We are pilgrims coming back from Rome, and we are riding to the north, going back to the court of our king Waltha of Niderhulig. We are looking for an inn where we would like to rest, before resuming our journey."

The commander answered, "You need first to obtain the authorization of our burgrave. This town belongs to the emperor and only his burgrave can authorize you to stop inside its walls."

"Well, where can we meet him to ask him his permission?"

"Here he is, just coming..." the soldier answered.

They in fact saw a man approaching on horse back being accompanied by more soldiers, all footmen, all armed with long halberds. He was a middle-aged man, still powerful, wearing a light blue tunic hemmed with white fur and covered by a green mantle with golden eagles embroidered on it. On his head he was wearing a round crown with eight points, each ending with a pearl.

"Welcome, knights, to the imperial town of Noremberc. I was waiting for you, and I already ordered to prepare some rooms for you in the count's house. I pray you to accept my hospitality, on behalf of our sovereign that I here represent."

"Were you waiting for us? How could you know about our coming?" Tantas asked, surprised.

"An old monk, a holy man, came yesterday to see me and announced me he had had a vision - he saw twelve horsemen coming from Rome, who would stop in our town. He also told me you are transporting a sacred relic..."

"So it is, noble burgrave."

"Come then with me, be my guests and have a rest for your long journey and later, do me the courtesy to let me see this precious relic."

He guided them to another square where, on one side, was a mansion built in red bricks, with a solemn and noble aspect. Through a wide external stairway they went to the first floor, entered a wide hall with the walls covered with drapes and from there the burgrave lead them to three wide adjoining rooms, each with four tall beds made of carved wood, ready to be used; two bigger beds were on a side and two smaller on the opposite side. Each room, in front of its door, had a window looking on the square. In each room there was a servant standing in front of the window.

"I leave you now, so that you can lie and have some rest. The house servants will assist you for any need you could have..."

They settled, then said to the servants they could go, as they didn't need their help any more.

Kossur then said, "I don't know why, but I don't trust that man, the burgrave... he could well have received the visit of that holy monk, as he said, but his curiosity to see the crown makes me suspicious."

"He didn't talk about the crown, but just of a holy relic." Tantas made him notice.

"Yes, but the only relic we have with us is the iron blade that keeps together the eight plates of the crown..." Kossur answered.

"We can show him the silver cup, that is anyway very ancient, and tell him that it is the relic we are bringing to our king..."

"What relic should it be?" Axel asked.

"We can say that it is the chalice with which Simeon Petrus, the first Apostle, celebrated the Lord liturgy..." Alfeo suggested.

"I don't like so much to lie in such a way." Jens retorted.

Harti then said, "Our first duty is to bring the crown safely to our king, and if in order to do so we have to say a lie, we will say it. It is just a question of wisdom, my friends."

The others agreed, and so they did.

When the burgrave invited them to tell him their deeds and adventures, and made so to lead the conversation on the "relic" they were carrying, they told him about the silver cup. The burgrave asked to see it, so they shoved it to the man. The burgrave admired it for a long while and the twelve friends noticed in his eyes a flash of cupidity, even though the man gave it back to them without saying a word.

They all went then to have some rest. When they were in their room, Axel and Derk, full of mutual desire, started to undress, to kiss and to caress each other all over their bodies, while their squires, Tantas and Kossur, were preparing to go to sleep.

Axel kneeled in front of his lover, who leaned against the tall edge of the bed, and started to lick and suck with devote pleasure the beautiful, erect and hard member of Derk, who closed his eyes, prey to pleasure, while caressing Axel's head and shoulders.

Tantas and Kossur were already lying each on his bed, and were looking at their knights with pleasure. Then Kossur uncovered himself and looked with an expression of silent invitation towards Tantas' bed. This one smiled to him, got off his bed and climbed on the bed of his boy.

"Our knights are beautiful, while they make love, aren't they?" Kossur asked in a whisper.

"We too are beautiful when we make love..." Tantas answered.

Kossur, lying on his back with his lover on top of him, spread and raised his legs and lowered them on his lover's shoulders. So offering himself to him. Tantas smiled at him and after skilfully kissing and caressing him, penetrated him with his powerful flesh spear. Kossur moaned in a low voice all his pleasure.

Derk and Axel, who meanwhile had also climbed on a bed, turned to look at them and Derk whispered, "Our squires are beautiful, while they make love, aren't they?"

"We too are beautiful when we make love..." Axel answered, unaware they had repeated exactly the same words that just before their squires had exchanged.

They remained for three days in the count's mansion, guests of the burgrave then they finally took leave and resumed their journey. At their first stop, Jens went to check their precious goods. As they had feared, the silver cup was missing from its wooden box but, luckily, the crown was still at its place.

"You were right, Harti, we did well to lie to the burgrave - he succeeded in stealing from us the silver cup..." Jens said.

What they didn't know was that, as soon as the burgrave, filled the cup of vine, drank it, fell heavily to the floor, dead and the cup disappeared.

"It's so. But I still ask myself what will be the use of the copper plate and of the steel dagger... They evidently have a close connection with this journey back home..." Harti said, thoughtful.

"Yes, I too think so... these four objects have been the key to allow us to find the mysterious cave, and now they seem to be the keys to allow us to bring the crown to our king..." Nikolaos commented.

They travelled through mountains and valleys, they crossed rivers and forests and summer was rapidly coming to its end.

Autumn had already started, when they were in sight of a small town rising at the border of the river Weser. The entire town resembled a building yard - all around teams of workmen were building a defence wall and in the centre there was a very wide building yard, and from the walls already tall as a standing man, it was clear they were building a cathedral. When they reached the town, they asked who was the Lord of that town and of the surrounding land. The came to know that it was the Bishop Clothar, coming from the Neustria, sent there by the king of the Francs.

They just heard that when three priests addressed them with the usual question they heard so many times during their journey. The twelve friends qualified themselves and, like the other times, said they were pilgrims coming from Rome. Then one of the three priests went hurriedly to tell the Bishop. He was soon back, telling them that the Lord of the town was waiting for them at the Episcopal Palace.

The bishop was waiting for them in the Palace Hall, sitting on a throne of very plain wood. He was a man of about thirty-five, in the fullest of his vigour, wearing a peculiar mix of religious, warrior and aristocrat's clothes. He wore in fact a sword at his side, a crown on his head, a big cross on his chest and the pastoral leaning against the throne. At his feet, on the dais of his throne, sitting on two cushions, were two boys of uncommon beauty. One was seventeen or eighteen-years old and was wearing the cassock of a minor clergyman, the other twenty or twenty-one years, wore rich court clothes in the Franc's style.

Clothar gave them the welcome and, after the twelve introduced themselves, introduced to them the two boys sitting at his feet, "This is Karl, my primicerius, and he is Hlodwig, my page. I never part from them, be I in peace, in war, at a hunt game or in the church... Never! They are my sons and their closeness is my support in all moments of my life..."

"Your sons, Excellency?" Alfeo asked, surprised, "Are you then married?"

The bishop laughed, then said, "No, I am not married and I didn't give them life... And yet... they are my sons."

"Spiritual sons." Alfeo nodded, thinking he had understood.

"All the souls of this town are my spiritual sons... But these two are my sons in the flesh..."

"I don't understand..." Alfeo protested, confused.

"You don't understand? And yet I know you are six couples and you live as... as spouses."

"You know that? How can you know such a thing, as you don't know us and you have just met us?"

"Dear friends, who like me loves the company of people of his own sex, is able to recognise those who share these same preferences."

Alfeo said, "But, your Excellency, when I was in a monastery, I was told that to... carnally love somebody of his own sex is a great sin. And yet you, a Bishop..."

The bishop-count smiled, "Yes, they say so... But in my opinion it could not be a sin that which comes from the instinct that the Creator gave to each of us, and even more when it doesn't harm anybody..."

"Doesn't it harm the human society, as with this kind of love the procreation doesn't happen?"

"If it was as you say," the bishop answered, "also the claim of Rome imposing celibacy onto her priests is harming the procreation, and should therefore be a sin."

"But a man's genitals aren't deemed to procreate?" insisted Alfeo.

"Of course, they are also deemed to procreation, as well to urinate and also to experience pleasure. The same as the mouth, deemed for eating, but also to breath, to talk... and to several kinds of pleasure... Don't you think, my dear boy, that I didn't ask myself these questions a thousand times? My answer is that, at least about this matter, our well beloved church is wrong..."

"And your Excellency loves both these boys?" Axel asked, rather perplexed. "I could not love the same love of two different persons..."

"Each of us is different, my handsome young man. Yes, I can love these two boys, and I love them with the same love. And they not only love me, but love each other as real brothers, even though not as lovers."

"Aren't they jealous of each other?" Derk asked.

"No, they are not. We three are living in perfect harmony. But now enough talking about us, I would like to hear about your deeds..."

The twelve friends felt they could trust that sincere man with such a sunny character, so they narrated him their entire story.

They remained at the mansion of Clothar for some days then, well rested and refreshed, they decided to resume their journey. The bishop gave each of them a fastener with the twelve zodiac symbols. Then Jens, remembering their copper plate, proposed the others to give it to the bishop. Not all of them were sure about that, but when they took it in their hands saw that on it, instead of being represented three deer as they well remembered, were represented three young men holding each others hands, understood that it was right to give it to the bishop, who appreciated it very much.

They resumed their way to the north. As they reached the seashore, after a few days they found a Norsemen ship that took them to the island of Sjael. When they landed there, they crossed it on their horses. It was starting to be cold and the weather was more and more hard and grey. They were on a rise and from there it was possible to see the last stretch of sea they had to cross to reach the land that lead to the kingdom of their king Waltha, when they across a big group of Norseman horsemen who stopped them.

The one who seemed their leader, addressed them, "What are you doing here on my land?" the man with long blond braids asked them.

"Lord, we are going back to the land of our king, and we are crossing this land in peace. We are going to the sea shore in the hope of finding a boat to take us to the opposite shore." Alfeo answered in a respectful tone.

"What are you carrying on your pack horses?"

"Our weapons, our clothes, some food and beer skins to relieve our journey."

"Are you carrying also gold?" the powerful man asked in a haughty tone.

"Very little, Sir, as we are almost at the end of our journey." Harti answered.

"Anybody passing on my land without having been invited has to pay me a toll. If you have with you too little gold, you will pay your toll working for me. You all seem young and strong. I'm just building a stronghold near the river, protected by a strong palisade and an embankment and your arms is just what I need..." the chieftain said, looking at them one after the other.

"We will be glad to give you an hand, if you would host us..." Harti suggested.

"Yes... I will host you... and you will work for me for the cycle of one full moon." the Norseman sentenced.

Escorted, or to better say watched over by the group of Norsemen, they went down towards the river and saw that at its mouth was a busy building yard. They noticed that the warriors were watching over several dozens of men who were hardly working, and who seemed to be servants if not slaves.

But what they didn't yet suspect was that the chieftain of that gang of warriors, laid his eyes on Tantas and decided to take him as his bed slave. As the vigorous warrior guessed that the twelve were very close to each other, he decided to use a stratagem. He invited all them, before starting to work for him, to share with him and his men, his mess. Unseen, he ordered his servants to add a powerful drug in the food of his guests.

So, after they ate all together in merriment, the twelve friends were seized by a strong sleepiness and one after the other fell down on the table, asleep. Then Knud, the chieftain, had each of them tightly bound, and had Tantas brought on his bed.

He undressed him, then undressed himself, his eyes filled with lust, and lay on the bed where he started to caress the young squire, excited at the thought that he could from now on profit of him at his pleasure.

He was already on top of him, and was brushing his hard member on the soft and velvety skin of Tantas, turning him around to be able to finally take him, when Kossur, who ate less than the others, woke up and became aware of what was going to happen. The boy understood that it was to no avail to try to wake up his companions, as they all were tightly tied. Their weapons and luggage were piled up in a corner of the wide tent, so he thought that if he was able to reach a blade, a dagger, he could try to free himself and run to the rescue of his lover.

Kossur didn't think a single moment that Knut, so big and powerful, could easily get the better of him - the only thing he cared, and urgently, wanted was to do something to rescue his lover and avoid the rape that was about happen. He looked around but saw that all their weapons were out of reach. He then remembered the dagger they had found in Rome and he ardently wished he had it in his hands.

A wonderful thing then happened - the pack where it was in its wooden box, seemed to vibrate, the box slipped out, fell without a noise on the ground and its cover opened. Kossur saw the gleaming of the sharp steel blade and desired he could use it to free himself. The dagger seemed to shine more intensely, then hovered in mid-air, slowly flew to Kossur and cut the rope imprisoning him.

While Kossur was standing up he saw the dagger was flying to free all his companions. He then silently moved to take his weapons. One after the other the others were freed and they woke up, at once becoming aware of what was about to happen.

Knut, totally inflamed by his lust to enjoy the beautiful Tantas, didn't perceive anything. He was putting his prisoner in position to be able to finally penetrate him and so give vent on him of his yens, when suddenly a voice made him become still. He then saw around him the twelve friends of Tantas, awake and with their weapons in their hands.

"Leave immediately that boy!" Kimon ordered with a menacing voice.

Knut tried to seize his sword that was near him, but Derk put a foot on it.

"You had better to leave at once Tantas and to dress up, if you don't want us to put an end to your life!" Axel said.

"What would you do, you idiot strangers? I have just to raise my voice and dozens of my warriors will run here and cut you in pieces! Let down your weapons, it will be better for you." He said in a self- assured tone and an amused sneer.

Kossur then thought of the magic dagger and in his mind asked it to help him. The dagger hovered in the air and flew to Knut's throat, stopping just when its sharp tip was brushing against it. Knut, more than for the menace of the dagger, was scared by the fact that he clearly saw that it was acting as if it had its own will. He tried to take it away from his throat but in spite of all his efforts, he wasn't able. He grew pale and looked at the eleven friends with wide eyes.

"What kind of magic is this?" he asked with raucous voice.

"We have been sent on a mission by our king for a sacred quest, and you violated the sacredness of our persons, attempting to rape our friend. Don't try, hence, to oppose to us - let us go with honour and nothing will happen to you..."

In spite of all Knut was not ready to surrender, therefore he threw a call. At once his men ran headlong into the tent, their weapons in their hands. But even before the eleven friends of Tantas could face them with their weapons, the dagger flew in the air and with a set of incredible twirls, in a flash disarmed all the Norseman warriors that, seized by fear for that prodigy, ran away taking to their heels. Then the dagger went back to Knut's throat.

The man was now literally terrorized and his erection had disappeared, "All right, all right, take your friend and go immediately from my land. I don't want to have anything more to do with you, you are sorcerers, not human beings!"

"No, we are just six knights with their six squires and not sorcerers. Now we will leave, but you have first to find a ship to take us from here to Lund." Harti said.

"All you want, as long as you at once abandon my land!"

"Put on your clothes and go to give the needed orders. You will also gave us have some food and drinks to carry out our journey. And you will call the town you are building, to remember this event, Havn."

"Havn? Why Havn?" Knut asked while he was dressing, his face dark for having had a let down.

"In our language it means dagger, to remind you that there exists a power superior to that of weapons, of human body or of deception."

Kossur dressed up Tantas who finally woke up, totally unaware of what had just happened, Kossur kissed him and told him everything.

Knut, the dagger always following him in each of his movements with a great astonishment of all his men, gave all the needed orders. A great boat with a single sail was immediately rigged and on it boarded the twelve friends, with their horses, luggage and food provisions. Then the big boat set out to the east and sailed until it reached the opposite shore of the sea strait.

Once the twelve friends were safe, the dagger fell to the ground at Knut's feet. The man picked it up, studying it for a long time, felt somewhat hesitant if to keep it or to throw it in the sea, then slipped it under his belt. But as he did so, with his utmost amazement, the dagger again hovered in the air and with a hissing sound went to stick, to the hilt, in the trunk of a big tree that was nearby. To no avail Knut and his men made the biggest efforts to take it out. At the end they gave up and called that place Kobn-havn, that is "The place of the dagger".

Meanwhile the twelve young men, mounted their horses, took the road to the north searching for the Hulig river, to follow it to the lands of king Waltha. Along the road all who crossed them stopped to look at them, both because they were twelve really beautiful young men, and for their rich and elegant clothes, of a foreign style, like nobody ever saw in those lands.


In my home page I've put some more of my stories. If someone wants to read them, the URL is

If you want to send me feed-back, or desire to help revising my English translations, so that I can put on-line more of my stories in English please e-mail at

Next: Chapter 12

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