The Jock and I

By Gracen Hepburn

Published on Jun 11, 2014


Disclaimer: This story contains depictions of male on male, graphic sexual interactions. The characters are highschool aged and sometimes have unsafe sex. ALWAYS USE A CONDOM! This is a complete work of fiction and any similarities to persons or events is purely coincidental. Enjoy the story and any feedback is welcome. -Gracen

Here are some pictures of what I think the characters look like:





CH 16

"So you two are just gonna run off to Kansas for the summer and leave me here to my own devices?" Kyle cocked his head at me as I poured some coffee into his cup.

"Basically. I mean, I've said before that you are more than welcome to stay in my apartment. Besides, I've been meaning to speak to you lately."

"Oh?" He brushed his black hair out of his blue eyes and looked at me quizzically, "What about?"

"I never really thanked you for bringing Cam and I back together. And I've kind of avoided you altogether since you told me you're my..."

"Brother? I hadn't noticed," he grinned.

"I figure it's about time we had that talk without Cameron around."

"You guys seem to be so far up each other's asses you can hardly breathe half the time." Suddenly it registered on his face what he had just said and how utterly ironic it was. We burst out laughing.

"I mean..." I replied with a smile and a faux innocence. Our laughter subsided and there was a sudden seriousness that drifted into the kitchen where we sat eating our brunch.

"We used to have a sister too."

Seventeen Years Ago

(Kyle's POV)

"Mom, Dad, I'm tired of you guys always fighting!"

"Your mother and I just have a lot of things to work through." Dad stood up and walked over to the little bar in the corner of the living room. He poured himself a glass of whiskey,

"Most of them having to do with your little problem," she pantomimed putting a bottle to her lips.

"Either way, Elise and I can't sleep or focus on anything when you guys are shouting at all hours. Why can't you two just settle your differences?"

"You really should just stay out of matters that don't concern you," Mom said standing up and preparing to exit the room.

"Please don't walk away, Mom."

"We are done here." She left and I could hear her going up the stairs. Tears flowed from my eyes.

"Son, your mother is right. You really shouldn't concern yourself with our problems."

"They are mine and Elise's problems to."

"Kyle, that's enough."

"But dad-"

"I said that's enough. Go to your room." I bolted from the room. But instead of going to my bedroom I made my way to the garage and got into the family car. I shoved the keys into the ignition. I had to get away. I had to just leave. The garage door was already open so I threw the car into reverse. I know I was only twelve but I knew how to drive a car.

My tears blinded me. I didn't see her. I didn't realize. I had no time to think or to slam on the brakes. And then I hit her. I hit Elise with the car. She had been playing in the driveway and I hit her. I stopped immediately.

I rushed out of the car and I heard Mom and Dad come out too. Mom screamed.

"What have you done?!"

"Momma, I'm sorry I didn't mean it!" Hot tears rushed down my cheeks.


"What?" I cried harder totally confused.

"Go, leave this house and don't you ever think for a second that you are welcome here ever again." I turned to Dad but his eyes were only on Elise's lifeless body.

"Mom, Dad you can't mean that! I'm only twelve!"

"Then you won't last very long and then you will suffer the fate of your sister. Leave." my mother spat the words at me. And then I started running. I ran until I couldn't run anymore and then I fell to my knees and began crying. I cried and cried and cried.

A week or two of stealing food from random garbage cans and sleeping on park benches I ran into a perverted old man who offered me space in return of some... minor favors. I was expected to clean his house... in the nude. When ever he wanted to fuck me he did. He would pull out his cock and jam it into my mouth when he would come home from work. And what else did I know?

He fed me. He sheltered me and surely this was much better than laying under a bridge thinking about the hunger that ripped through my stomach. When I turned fifteen I realized that this was no life. This was nothing that I ever wanted. So I began to slip poison into his food. A little antifreeze her a little there and sooner or later he had a heart attack and died.

And then I was on my own again. I would prostitute myself out, mainly to gross older guys in order to make a few bucks. I would bathe in lakes and steal food of plates outside of the cafes. Somehow I made it until I came across a little shelter. The woman took me in and helped me get on my feet.

I got a job and made my own money and by the time I was eighteen I could afford to live in my own apartment. I finally had everything and then when I turned twenty three I found the girl of my dreams. We dated and by twenty four we were ready for marriage. But then she died. She got cancer and passed away before we could say our vows. And that's when I decided to come looking for my younger brother.

I had to save him from my mother. I would never let him go through what I went through. I just knew she would treat his as badly as she treated me and so I went looking. After a few years of searching I got a lead to a high school in crystal grove and that's when I knew I had to go back to high school to get close to Gunnar.

Thankfully I had aged very gracefully and instead of looking almost thirty I looked just like all the other nineteen year old's.

***** Present time******

"And that's when I met you, Gunnar."

"So you are thirty?"


"You don't look it at all."

"I know. It's a blessing and a curse."

"I almost don't believe you because you don't look old at all."

"I know, it's a lot to take in." He took another bite of eggs. I looked him over and it was true he had an uncanny resemblance to my father. Aside from the tacky clothes and the hideous dye job on his head.

"You know how I offered you a place in my apartment?"


"Well I could also offer you my fashion advice."

"Oh all this? I was trying to be all inconspicuous and stuff."

"Yeah it worked. No one will notice you because they don't want to have to see your atrocious style."

"You are such a butt."

"I mean now you can start dressing your age."

"I have been interviewing for a job over at the local law firm. I can get my own apartment too!" He looked at his phone, "in fact I made an appointment to go to that bridal shop on Fifth Avenue to get fitted for a new suit. I'm pretty sure I have the job in the bag."

"So you are gonna be a lawyer?"


"You aren't very good at talking to strangers. Remember how you met me?"

"That was completely different. I was trying to figure out how I wanted to bring out the fact that I was your brother." He stood up and put on his shoes, "you coming?"

Clove's POV

I was sitting in the living room, flipping through a Vogue, minding my own business when I heard the door open.

"Hello? Juliette? Mother? Father?" I got no response so of course I decided I had to get up myself and go check. I walked into the foyer and my breath caught in my throat.

"Draven? You're back?" I wanted to rush toward him and hug him and kiss him but I didn't want to give away my position in our little love game.

"Indeed. And I'm a star now."

"Oh really?" I crossed my arms, the sheer fabric of my sleeves rubbing together. I was wearing a butter-yellow, chiffon button-up and short pale red shorts.

"Yep, I was cast in this new movie that coming out. It's about this guy who has premonitions and then he has to try and stop the death of his girlfriend."

"That sounds like garbage. Then again, you'll be in it so it makes sense."

"Wow, this is a big opportunity for me and you're gonna be mean?"

"This isn't about you," I sighed, "It's about me. Like everything." I tossed my hair behind my shoulders and walked back to the living room.

"So how was the plane ride?" I asked sitting down.

"Well, after getting searched and then a full body search about a switchblade, I got to leave. The ride took forever."

"Oh, a full body search? Did you have to take off your clothes?"


"All of them?" I asked a familiar stirring in my shorts.


"What was it like?" I smiled at him. Suddenly he stood up and shed his sexy leather jacket. Then he unbuttoned his tight jeans and shucked them too. Next went his shirt.

"Are we alone?"

"Darling, we're never alone. We should take this elsewhere." I undid my top and tossed it down on the floor as we exited the room and made our way to the billiards room. I pulled off my tank top and threw it behind me and then quickly pulled off my shorts.

We rushed into the room and Draven began ravishing me. Our soft smooth skin rubbing against one another. His kisses were passion-filled and borderline violent but I loved everyone.

"Now show me what they did to you," I demanded stepping away.

"Well first they made me take off my boxers," he dropped them to the floor in one swift move, leaving his incredibly defined, naked body exposed. "Then they patted me everywhere. He began running his hands over his delicious body. His fingers ran down his hairless abs, across his hardened nipples, down his dimpled back "After that they made me bend over," he positioned himself over the green pool table and and his big strong hands caressed his round bubble butt.

"Of course they had to put on some gloves. Then they started probing me, to make sure I didn't have a weapon hidden away inside me. He grazed a finger over his never-been-fucked asshole before slowly entering it with one of his big meaty fingers.

"Shit Draven. You are so hot." I pulled off my underwear and came toward him. He stood and grabbed me. He lifted me up like I was weightless and placed me on the pool table. We made out, our tongues wrestling and then he wrapped a hand around my cock.

Then I felt his guiding his big dick to my hole. Thankfully, I was always ready for a good fuck and I actually prefer to do it raw. He entered me. I gasped and he kissed me. He pulled away just long enough to spit on his and my cocks and then continued kissing me while he fucked me and jerked me off.

His hips moved in a rocking, almost dance-like way. So much better than the guys who only know the jack-hammer move. He was too much and before I knew it I was cumming all over his washboard abs. He fucked faster and harder and then pulled out to cum all over me.

We panted and gasped and eventually we made our way to a guest bathroom to clean up.

"Well that was fun," Draven said. He swatted my ass and then gathered up his clothing and got dressed.

"Where are you going?"

"Home. Why? Did you think I'd stay the night?"


"I wouldn't want you to get the impression that I'm interested in like... Dating you, Clove. We just fuck." He smiled and then turned to leave.

"Is that really all we are? Fuck-buddies?"

"Well... Yeah."

"Draven, I thought we had something? I don't know I thought this was going somewhere."

"Clove, I don't really have time for dating a manipulative bitch like you. I'm more up for guys who actually appreciate me."

"I appreciate your body."


"Oh whatever. I was tired anyway."

"Clove don't be like this, you're the one who is distant, the one who doesnt want to have a connection with anyone. I've grown to really like you but you won't let anyone past your walls. That's not the kind of relationship I-"

"Save your words, they bore me." I turned and walked away.

"Clove," Draven's voice almost sounded desperate."

"Draven, I don't have time to mess around with a stupid Australian who has lost his zing. I kept you around simply because you enticed me. You were a worthy opponent but you've grown soft. You are weak and there is one thing I won't tolerate and that's weakness. Goodbye."

"C'mon Clove, I want to be with you but you know I'm tired of battling you. I just want us to be like a normal couple."

"Being normal is vastly overrated. Now I suggest you start packing your things."

"What? Why?"

"You are being deported in the morning."

"Clove, what the hell?!"

"I lost interest in the game, i took the upper hand and ended it."

"That's so shitty, Clove."

"Bye-bye, Draven." I pushed him out the front door and slammed it in his face. Maybe I was a shitty person. But I had walls and anyone who tried to get past them would end up hurt. I had to hurt Draven. I wanted him gone because he was crumbling my walls like no one else could.

And I figure, if he's in Australia again he won't be a bother. In five years he can come back. Then maybe we would start over. It didn't matter. I was going to find someone else and break his heart too. I had finally won the game I was playing with Draven.

Gunnar's POV

I was sitting on the plush couch in the middle of a store, surrounded by wedding dresses waiting for Kyle to model his new suits. He came out with his hair styled a little better and a pristine fitted black suit.

"You look amazing. Like seriously if you weren't my brother-"

"Stop. No. Shh. Shut up. Don't finish that sentence."

"You're right. That's gross."

"And you have a boyfriend. You sloot." He laughed as he returned to the dressing room.

Three suits later we were watching "The Children's Hour" in my living room. We watched as Audrey and Shirley went through the horrors of being accused of something criminal at that time.

"Ugh I hate that little bitch, Mary," I pelted the TV screen with popcorn. Kyle laughed as he watched me get so into the movie.

"I'm glad we decided to have this brotherly bonding time."

"Me too. I'm glad you decided to find me."

Later, after the movie, I walked Kyle out to his car.

"We should do this more. I mean obviously I can't give you dating advice or help you at all with what outfit to wear to impress Cameron. But I know I can be a great friend and brother for you."

"Kyle, you've already proved yourself to me. Of course we can do this more often," I hugged him. He got into his car and waved at me. I walked back into the apartment and got into the shower. The water washed over me until I heard a crash out in the main area. I stopped the water and slowly stepped out of the tub.

My first instinct was to call out Cameron's name. I figured if it was a burglar or a masked killer, though, I didn't want to be that dumb blonde in the movies. I slipped on some underwear and a robe and turned off the light before quietly exiting the bathroom.

Fear crept its way into my heart as I scanned the apartment. A vase had fallen off the little stand near a window.

"Duh, not again." I walked towards it and then stopped. In the water spreading across the floor I saw a familiar reflection.

"Miss me?" Archie rushed at me knocked me to the floor. He held his knife high and slashed down, cutting my arm. I panicked as he brought down the knife again. I was going to die. Right here in my home. No. No, he wasn't going to kill me. I wasn't about to let him kill me. I kicked him in the stomach and he dropped to the floor. I ran toward the door but he was faster.

Archie's long fingers snaked through my hair and pulled me backwards. He kissed me roughly before drop kicking me back to the ground.

"Oh I remember those soft lips. They felt so good on my cock." I screamed out and punched him hard in the face. I rushed to the kitchen, blood trickling out of my wound.

I pulled open a drawer and reached for anything before he knocked me to the ground. He stood up and held up his weapon. I swung the meat tenderizer I had grabbed and heard it smash through his knee cap. He screamed out and fell to the floor. I grabbed his knife and rammed it deep into his side.

"You are a fucking psycho, Archie. I was never your problem the problem was always you." I held up the tenderizer and brought it down on his handsome face. Again and again and again. Until his body was limp and un-moving.

I stumbled to the nearest phone and called the police. I explained everything and waited for their arrival.

A few hours later I was leaving another questioning room and being escorted to the waiting area. Cameron paced nervously back and forth.

"Jesus Christ, I'm so glad you're okay." He embraced me and held me tight.

"I'm fine. I still can't believe Archie escaped from his cell in the mental hospital." I hugged Cameron back and put my head on his chest.

"I'm so sorry I wasn't there to protect you."

"It's okay, really. I'm okay." I kissed him.

"Are you okay to leave now?"

"Yeah, I believe everything is gonna be okay." Kyle came rushing in and pulled me into his arms.

"Kyle, I'm okay," I said, my chin on his shoulder.

"I thought we were gonna lose you again. I'm sorry I left."

"No it's okay, you had to go. No one could have predicted that Archie was going to break into my house and try to kill me again."

"I know but-"

"But nothing Kyle. I'll be fine. Do you wanna come have some coffee with Cam and me?"

"Yeah that sounds lovely." We walked outside and I got into Cameron's car and Kyle tailgated us to Cameron's house. We went inside and sat down at the table. Cameron returned with coffee and cups and we all drank and I told them about the attack that just occurred five hours prior to this.

"So you're a murderer now. I'll make sure not to cross you," Cameron said jokingly. I glared at him.

"It was self defense, Asshole," I punched him in the arm.

"I know, Darling, I was only joking to make light of a horrible situation. You know I love you and I would have done the exact same thing."

"I know," I slumped my shoulders. All I could think about was the sound of his skull caving in. I know what his intentions were when he came into my house, the bandages on my arm reminded me every time I rubbed it against the table. Yet, in some part of me, some sick dark piece of my mind I enjoyed it. I liked looking into his fear-filled eyes as I took the life from them.

My assailant, the boy who had struck fear deep into my heart who had caused so many sleepless nights was dead. And I had killed him. I had ended his worthless, mentally ill life. Maybe I was crazy for liking it, maybe I was still in shock. I didn't know, and frankly, I didn't care all that much.

"Right, Gunnar? Gunnar?" Cameron and Kyle were staring at me.

"I'm sorry, what was said?"

"You're tired and you should get some sleep," Kyle stated standing up and grabbing his car keys, "You'll stay with him tonight I assume, right Cameron?"

"Yeah, he can stay here tonight."

"Okay. See you guys later," Kyle hugged me and then made his way out of the house.

"You may stay here, but you will be sleeping on the couch," Ms. Della's venomous voice filled the room.

"Mom, stop, he's staying in my bed."

"No. I will not have you two... Fornicating under my roof." I stood up abruptly, knocking over the chair I had been sitting in.

"What is your problem with me, Della?! I didn't realize how much you really disliked me until I started dating your son. Are you threatened? Are you scared your little momma's boy is gonna turn his back on you for the love of his life? Is that it?

"You are dried up and filled to the brim with poison, Della. The only person who can even really tolerate you is a man who has a mullet and reeks of `Mesmerize'. Your son spends ninety percent of his time with me because he can't stand to be around your hostile, hypocritical attitude. Your daughters really want nothing to do with you so you take out your frustrations on me.

"You project your own, foolish insecurities on me and pretend that its because your son and I are in love. You don't hate homosexuals, I've seen your friend group. Its comprised of mostly homosexuals. You just hate that it's me who has his attention and not you.

"Well wake up and smell the fucking roses. Your little boy is a grown man and he isn't living at home forever. He doesn't come running to you with his problems because he has me. And even if he did go too you, you'd just shut him down and bitch him out." She crossed the room in one swift movement and cracked a hand across my face.

"Mom!" Cameron cried out. I held up my hand. I looked Della square in the eyes, "I've killed for much less than that you old hag. You're a burnout. You'll never be much more than a drama coach and a language arts teacher- and I doubt that will last much longer anyway." I turned and walked out of the house and started toward my apartment.

I suppose I had expected Cameron to come after me. I also suppose I had just insulted his mother. It was always weird for me. Understanding how kids can constantly say they hated their mothers and then when someone else says something bad they immediately get defensive. I guess it makes sense.

It's never been that way for me though. I've hated my mother since the day she changed and turned her back on me. She could die today and I don't imagine I would even shed a tear. I might feel sad for a moment but then I'd be relieved. I'd be relieved that she could never come in and terrorize me again. I'd be relieved that I'd never need to try to earn her love again. Cameron was a good son to stay with his crazy, self righteous mother. He was right to take her side over mine. She was probably there for him when I broke his heart she was probably the one who he'l- "Gunnar, wait up!"

I turned around to see Cameron jogging towards me.

"Cam what are you doing? I thought you were taking your mom's side?"

"No, she's insane. You had the balls to says what's always needed to be said to her. You stood up to her when no one else could."

"But she's your mother."

"I can't help that. I didn't chose to be born to a sociopath. But I did chose you. I chose to date you. And she can complain and try to set me up with Nikki or Chyan or Juliette all she wants but I will always want you." I smiled at the ground and held his hand in mine.

"Thank you for taking my side, Cameron."

"I loved that part where you were all `I've killed for much less than that.' it was priceless to see the look on her face."

We walked together in the warm summer night air and laughed and talked about all our hopes and dreams. Then we got to my apartment and walked upstairs.

"Are you allowed to be here? I mean isn't it technically a crime scene?" Cameron asked.

"It is but I need my wallet and some clothes for tomorrow. I figured we could go stay at the motel on the edge of town."

"Good idea." We went inside and walked up the two flights of stairs. When we turned the corner I stopped.

"Hey Gunnar," A familiar man was standing in front of my apartment door. He had a bag on either side of him, "Someone told me I would find you here." He smiled shyly. His graying hair fell into his face.

"Who's this Gunnar?"

"It's..." I stopped and looked him up and down just to make sure I wasn't dreaming, "It's my father."

=^-^= Author's Note =^-^=

Sorry about the wait! I have to work all the time, being summer and all, so I didn't get a chance to upload! It was recently brought to my attenton that I kind of just cut Kyle out of the story completely so I decided to do a little background on him. I always love feedback so send me your thoughts, tell me what you want to see happen, give me some ideas, help me create a new character. Love you all and thank you so very much for investing time in my story. A special thanks to another friend of mine who wishes to remain anonymous but has helped in the editing process.

Next: Chapter 18

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