The Knights of the Road

By Pfantazm

Published on Nov 27, 1999


Knights of the Road - Part 3

By Pfantazm

Author's Note: Recently I found out that an Internet friend of mine is a Wiccan. Given my interest in (medieval) fantasy, I was very curious about his religion. I wisely asked for a website that might answer most of the stupid questions for him, and he pointed me to one. (Write me for the address if you're similarly intrigued. One of their beliefs is *not* playing the missionary and trying to convert people, gods bless them. If you want to know, just ask.) Among other things, the site says that `warlock' derives from an old Scottish word meaning `traitor' or `oath-breaker'. Male Wiccans are referred to as witches, never as warlocks. Since I am very interested in words, and since I've already created a magical system that has warlocks, I may be in a bit of trouble. I have not used this word as a slur against anyone, real or fictional, and I was not aware of its derogatory origins. (I bet most of my readers weren't either till I pointed it out just now.) The characters in my story do not follow Wicca. They have their own gods to deal with. I mean no offense here. If someone really wants to be offended, they will be. Guaranteed. (If you find that statement offensive, think hard about that little paradox.) This is why the PC movement failed. A racist can say "African-American" with just as much hatred and venom as they can say anything else. Such people do not need their mouths washed out with soap. They need their brains cleaned. (But don't ask me about `queer'. That's one I can't figure out.) I use the word 'warlock' here in its common modern usage, as a male practitioner of magic whose female counterpart would be called a witch. In Thom and Madoc's universe, such people are feared but accepted. It is not intended as an insult to anyone, real or fictional. If you want to discuss any of this further, or if you want to comment on the story that's coming up any minute now, write me at I won't advertise religions. I *refuse* to be PC. I will advocate safe sex. Use a condom if you and your friends get inspired by what I, the other authors here, or Dr. Seuss write. Oh, and see if you can figure out what's so special about the words 'lighting it with his finger' in the story.

The dawn broke. A pale pink glow crept across the landscape, insinuating itself into every pocket amongst the trees.

A few stalwart birds, who would be toughing it out through the winter ahead, were calling out to one another. Incautious worms and grubs were gradually cleaned from the forest floor.

The barest hint of a wind threaded through the leaves of one particularly tall tree and reached the body of a thin redheaded man, who slept still. Here the strengthening daylight was filtered through a lush canopy of foliage, redusing it to almost nothing. Every once in a while the wind would help the sun pierce the leaves to leave a bright mark on the uneven floor beneath the sleeping man, but the branches would swing right back to block them out.

Lennox screamed.

He had fallen asleep and they had thrown a net over him. Another one gripped him to drag him away.

He clawed at his attacker and kicked to get the net away. The assailant yelled for reinforcements. Lennox was helpless.

The man who held him in his grip rolled on top of him to keep him immobile. His arms were ravelled in the net and he couldn't push away. The attacker barked out Lennox's name, but he would not surrender. He would find a way to run.

He felt a hot wetness at his neck. Lennox was confused. The Marauder was licking his neck. Lennox stopped to look.

"Well, at last. Good morning to you Lennox."

"Oh, Thom. I'm so sorry. Did I hurt you?"

"Not really. There's not much room to move in these things. But you've loosened us up a bit." He smiled.

The redheaded fugitive felt himself cry as the immediate fear faded.

"Here, now, no need to cry. If I have to go through this every morning until you feel safe again, I will." Thom kissed him on the cheek. He sobbed.

Thom rolled again until Lennox was on top. The new knight stroked his body and kissed his lips and neck until he stilled. Lennox hadn't even noticed he'd been shivering. Now less tense, he began to kiss back, and moulded himself across Thom's frame.

The wind still disturbed the leaves above. A branch creaked. The sun shone brightly down upon the route in and out of the safehouse.

Lennox pressed his tongue into Thom's mouth, wanting him. The head of his dick scratched againt the hairs on Thom's stomach as he moved. The redhead pressed the crack of his ass back against Thom's cock, rubbing it. Thom pressed in between, rubbing his cheeks with his stiff member.

Thom went back to licking at Lennox's throat, and the join between neck and shoulder. The blond's dextrous fingers caressed his sides, his chest, his back. Short whiskers scratched at his skin.

Lennox wrapped his legs around Thom's. He was moaning, almost whimpering, as the knight's mouth covered his body.

Thom hugged Lennox and asked, "How are you this morning? Can you eat?"

Lennox nodded gravely. There had been a couple of times where he hadn't been able to keep his food down. He hadn't eaten properly in so long....

"Good, because I'm starving." Thom rolled over and laid Lennox on the floor like a child's doll. He freed himself from the blanket and went off to get food.

The redhead shivered as early autumn breezes assaulted his body. He hastily pulled the blanket back around himself and followed behind Thom, hugging him. "How can you walk around naked in this weather?" he asked.

His protector's trim, lithe body moved fluid as he crossed the crossed the safehouse in the trees. "It's not really that cold. You just feel it more because you've only just started to eat properly again." He collected a couple of small sacks from the corner and they returned to where they'd laid. The former thief whipped away the blanket, sat down behind Lennox and wrapped the blanket around them both. Thom held him tight while they ate. The blond's cock was nestled between Lennox's cheeks again and he held the redhead's manhood with one hand.

Lennox felt warm again in no time. Thom's touch was like fire. The redhead had been erect ever since he realized Thom was the one holding him down.

Lennox owed Thom a lot. For rescuing him from the Marauders in the first place, he would have Lennox's gratitude forever. Thom had saved him again when he found him just a few days ago. If he was this cold now, how would he have survived the coming winter? Lennox owed Thom his life and more.

Being together with him like this was torturous, though. It had also been Thom who had introduced him to all-male sex, and had been his partner in it every time. He felt more than a little infatuation toward Thom. Thom, however, had someone whom he loved and who loved him. Lennox couldn't interfere with that. He cared for Thom too much.

He sat, kept safe and warm by his protector, unable to separate his feelings of friendship and love, and tried to eat.

Lennox continued to sleep away most of the time while he and Thom rode.

Thom had taken care of the cleanup after they'd broken their fast that morning. He had prepared the horse for travel and secured Lennox so he wouldn't fall off while he rested. He felt guilty, but Thom wouldn't hear of it.

They were riding now. This looked like the King's South Road from Aragon to Karelia, but Lennox couldn't be sure. He wasn't even certain how many days they'd been riding. It seemed all a blur. He slept so much after weeks of deprivation that the world seemed unreal. He would dream of a Marauder attack and then awaken frightened. Or of being with Thom, and awaken miserable when he remembered why the dream could never be real. There were times when he dreamed he was simple riding with Thom, and Lennox could not tell where the dream had ended... or if it had ended. His mind was addled with fatigue.

He could see a town - no, a city - in the distance. Was this Karelia? They had passed through Cairncross and Soafald. It had to be. When had they gone through Tartallen? No matter. Their journey was almost at an end.

Lennox wondered if he should take Thom's offer to help catch the Marauders. It would be dangerous. If they caught him again, and found out he'd helped King Dunstan's knights to find them, Kraid would probably kill him. They would do that whether or not he tagged along with Thom and Madoc. If he accompanied them, he would be easier to find, but he would be safest in their charge. It would be obvious he was aiding them if he went, but the knights might not catch the Marauders if he didn't help. The decision weighed heavily on his mind.

Lennox hears something. A soft rustling, like wind through the leaves. The air is still. A chill creeps down Lennox's back. He is lashed arms and body to Thom and cannot move. He looks around. The road seems to be deserted, except for Warrigal and her passengers.

Thom doesn't seem to notice anything amiss. Perhaps it's nothing.

A flash of black. He turns. A man with a knife grabs at Lennox. He lurches to the side...

Warrigal nickered. Thom shifted his weight to keep Lennox upright on the horse. "Are you awake back there?"

The man in black was gone. Was never there. The road was deserted.

"Ah, yes, but I think I was nodding off there for a moment. I'm sorry."

"It's fine, Lennox. Just get whatever rest you need. We'll be there soon."

It was true. He could see the city ahead. He checked the sky. They may be another day travelling, but they weren't far. But when he arrived he had a decision to make....

The next day passed like that: Lennox slept occasionally, only to be roused again by some phantasm. It was almost as though he got no sleep at all.

In the end, Thom delivered them to Karelia's garrison. This time, Lennox's napping was interrupted when Thom untied them, a nost welcome change. Still tired, Lennox had to be supported to make it inside.

Thom was directed to one of the back rooms. Lennox hoped that he wouldn't have to find his own way around the building. The place was quite large, and most of the corridors looked the same to him. It took all his concentration to put one foot in front of the other.

Thom turned to a door and, shifting Lennox's weight upon his shoulders, knocked twice.

It opened almost immediately. Sir Madoc's beaming face was there, and he welcomed Thom inside. Then he saw Lennox. "By the gods, what happened to him?"

"You should have seen him when I found him," Thom replied. "He should be okay in a day or so if he can get some proper sleep. He's been getting some on the road, but it's not very deep or for very long. Here, help me get him to a bed."

Sir Madoc stood and took Lennox's other side. The room had two beds in it, and the knights led him to the nearer. He collapsed onto it.

"How has he been eating?" a strange voice asked.

"Everything I've given him the last few days, he's kept down, but - by Braggia!"

Lennox sat up at the ex-thief's invocation of their god.

"What?" Sir Madoc asked.

"His eyes! The last time I saw eyes like that I was staring down a wolf."

Lennox relaxed and let the chatter wash over him. Everything was fine. He tried to sleep again. After a few minutes the man with the eyes came over to his bedside. Lennox drowsily opened an eye.

The stranger was speaking. "Then I should stay with him. I will keep watch over him." The man tenderly stroked hs forehead, brushing his bangs.

A wonderful tingly feeling overcame him, and he fell into a deep, dreamless slumber.

It was dark. He could see stars through what seemed to be a window. Alarmed, Lennox sat upright.

Suddenly there was noise, as though someone on the other side of the room was getting up.

"Who's there?" said Lennox.

"Relax. I am Sir Bastian," said a man in a soft baritone.

Lennox looked to the voice. He saw... something. Like two points of light. They were grey and had dark points in their centers. Were those his eyes? As he approached Lennox could see them clearly. The man's eyes glowed from within. They came closer as the stranger crouched.

"How are you feeling? Rested?" he asked.

"Yes. Better than I've felt in weeks."

"Good." Lennox could hear Sir Bastian smile as he said it. "Here's water." Lennox reached out for the cup, and caught Sir Bastian's arm. It was bare. He followed it to his hand and took the cup.

As he drank, Sir Bastian added, "You must be hungry. I understand you've not eaten all day, and it's nigh on midnight. I ordered your dinner late, but it's mostly cold by now."

"I am hungry. If you have food to spare, I'd be grateful for anything."

The eyes disappeared and Lennox heard the man walk back across the room. Cloth rustled. Suddenly there was light.

Sir Bastian had a dark robe wrapped around his body. He had lit a candle, but he had no flint. He was lighting it with his finger.

"You're a wizard?"

"A warlock."

"Oh," Lennox said, as though this explained everything.

Sir Bastian carried the candle and a plate of food over to Lennox's bed. The robe hung open. The warlock wore nothing underneath. He set the candle down on the bedside table and bunched his robe protectively closed at the front before squatting down again.

"As I said, it's cold." The plate had a chicken leg, greens and a half a small loaf of bread.

"That's fine. Thank you."

Lennox took in his benefactor. He had long, flowing brown hair that disappeared down his back. In the light, the eyes did not seem to glow, but they were exceptionally beautiful. The outside of the grey was a dark ring, which seemed to reach into the center with small tendrils, as though the darkness threatened to take over his eyes. Steadfastly holding the middle was a much paler grey, guarding the pupil. Lennox could have gazed into those eyes for an eternity. He blushed.

"Go on, then. Eat," Sir Bastian said, chuckling.

Lennox dug in, pleased to find he had the stomach for this meal, meagre though it may be.

"Sir Madoc and Thom tell me that you were in Kraid's camp for more than a year," Sir Bastian said.

Lennox, his mouth full, merely nodded.

"Thom also said that while you came with him here, you still had not decided whether you would join us in catching him."

Lennox looked Sir Bastian in the eye and found himself ashamed to admit his fear. "I, ah, I've been hiding from them for a while now, and mayhap I've made them into more than they are in my mind, but I have escaped them before now. They always found me, and they were always brutal. If they were to catch me now, after I helped you...." He would not complete the thought. He gazed down into his platter.

"You were alone before. We three will protect you." Sir Bastian laid his hand upon Lennox's. "If you'll not accompany us, I would understand. As a subject of the King, not one of the Guard, you cannot be forced. Let me assure you, though, that you would be safe." Lennox's face seemed to be glowing red. The warlock's touch was magic, even without a spell.

"I'll, ah, I'll think about it."

Sir Bastian nodded and turned away. "I won't disturb you. Please, finish eating. Whether you ride with us or not, you need to build your strength again."

He took his hand away and sat cross-legged on his bed. He rearranged his robe around himself and seemed to go to sleep.

Lennox polished off the plate of food and watched Sir Bastian. He sat in profile, his hair and robe flowing over his body. His eyes opened.

"Are you finished?"

Lennox embarrassed at having been caught staring, just nodded.

Sir Bastian rolled to his bare feet, set the tray aside and asked, "Are you still tired? Would you like to sleep again?"

"I'm not sure I could. I only just woke woke up...."

"I can help with that. But you should undress this time. You'll be more comfortable."

Words stuck in Lennox's throat. "Uh...."

"Don't worry. I'm a healer. I've seen it all before, but if it would help you, I'll stand over here and turn away." And he did so.

Lennox felt profoundly self-conscious taking his clothes off with Sir Bastian there. The warlock seemed so completely comfortable with his body. He stripped quickly and settled under the covers. He made sure his insistent hard-on was not visible at all before telling the knight he could turn around.

Sir Bastian blew out the candle and stroked Lennox's forehead once again. With a weak, contented moan, he was asleep again.

The garrison provided simple clothes for Lennox while his own were being cleaned and mended. He wore a white peasant's shirt and tan trousers, both too large for him. A belt kept him decent. They had to have been borrowed from some knight or other. Lennox had always been slight even when he wasn't starving himself.

He caught up with his friends in the mess area. A number of similarly dressed sldiers populated the room. These had to be the city guard. Would any of them have a long enough memory to cause him any trouble?

"Hey, Lennox! You're looking much better," Thom said as he kicked out a chair for him. "How did you sleep?"

"Like a newborn babe," Lennox sighed and smiled. "I haven't felt this rested in months."

Sir Bastian was looking over a map scroll. He didn't look up. Obviously, he knew how Lennox had slept.

"You must be hungry," Madoc said.

"I am. I could use... breakfast?"

"Closer to dinner, but no matter," Thom said.

Getting up, Madoc suggested, "Why don't I get Lennox a tray, and Sir Bastian can explain to you what he can do for us. I had a chance to find out before you got here." He left for the counter.

Sir Bastian folded his hands and began. "I am a warlock, as you already know. I can perform a number of different spells that may be of use to us on our journey, not the least of which will be my healing powers and the ferreae_manicae, known as the iron handshake.

"If I grasp an enemy's hands like this," Sir Bastian said as he grabbed one of Thom's wrists, but the other one got away. He reached again. Thom put his free arm around his back and glared at the mage.

Sir Bastian looked at Lennox. "In any case, were I casting the spell for real, I'd need to get both wrists. I use my gift and my enemy is magically put into a cell in Aragon. This way if we catch a number of Marauders at once, we don't have to worry about trooping them all to the jail."

He let go of Thom's wrist. "I cannot perform the spell by accident. I need to prepare it, and it's an act of concentration to make anything happen at all. Nothing would go wrong."

"You have healing powers as well?" Thom challenged. "Better than an herbalist's?"

"Much better. If I'm strong enough at the time I can cure most anything short of death."

"Strong enough?" Thom said, somewhat mockingly Lennox thought.

"Yes. If I have a man who's had a sword thrust into his stomach, healing him will tire me greatly. Much smaller wounds, like bruises, seem to have little effect on me though."

"You must not think much of herbal remedies then." Lennox frowned at Thom.

"You have it tail to head, Thom. I prize them very highly. All too often I'm called upon to heal many people at once. I close as many desperate wounds as I can and my herbalism can usually soothe the rest until I've recovered. That way I can help as many as I have ingredients for."

Madoc returned with the tray.

"Something else I've been wanting to ask," Thom said. "Are we going to have to go chasing after magical trinkets again so you can still perform a spell?"

Lennox thanked Sir Madoc and began to eat.

"No. That's the difference between a wizard and a witch or a warlock. A wizard has no magic, or at least very little. He or she can use what is there and make it stronger by reagents, apparatus and ceremony. There is a price to be paid, though. They must keep themselves pure of body to be able to do so. The wizardly spell which does not need a chaste wizard has yet to be found.

"A warlock's magic flows from within. I can cast without any external preparation. Also, a warlock need not be pure of body."

"Are you?" Lennox blurted out. Oh gods, he thought, have I truly said that?

Thankfully, Sir Bastian smiled and said to him, "I have known physical love."

Turning back to the table, he continued. "We are more rare than wizards. Many people have a small amount of magical energy about them, and for most of them wizardry is the only way to use it.

"Wizards, however can share spells. If I tell you what it takes to cast a spell, and you have the talent and the equipment, then you can also cast the spell. This is why most wizards keep spellbooks with them all the time. As a warlock, I must find each spell within myself. I've done much in my 35 years--"

"Thrity-five?!" Thom said. Lennox, who was eating his pear to keep from saying anything stupid again, nearly choked.

"You have the apsect of a one our age, twenty-five," Sir Madoc commented.

"Why, thank you," Sir Bastian said and bowed his head. "Warlocks are often older than they appear.

"That is what I have to offer. Sir Madoc, you picked up some information about where Kraid might be while you were in Aragon, did you not?"

"I did," Madoc replied. "The falconer at Castle Cal-Dragan also keeps messenger pigeons. He received this message." He took out the slip of parchment and read, "Kraid rumored near Ardmead-to-Spenderton road. Farmer's cart attacked."

"Ardmead?" Lennox asked. "Where is that?"

"It's on the north shore of the Polyny Sea, a week and a half east past Aragon."

"Then we'd best hurry," Madoc said.

"Now, hang on," Thom interrupted. "We ourselves saw them, what, three weeks ago just nearby. Yes, they had to run and hide, but to Ardmead?! There's naught there but farmland. And nowhere to hide. They did not have to run that far to get away from us. They're more likely to be back in the forests where we left them."

"You don't believe the message?" Sir Madoc asked.

"I don't. I'll lay odds there was a reward."

"What?!" Sir Bastian asked.

"I said, I'll lay you odds that there was a reward for giving the information. I'm more willing to think someone lied to you and took your money than that Kraid is filching pumpkins in Spenderton."

Sir Bastian seemed to have regained his composure from his odd outburst a moment ago. Thom still looked at him strangely, but the mage ignored him. "What do you think, Lennox?" he asked. "You must know their habits better than anyone here."

"If Kraid really is up that way, the only thing he'd find worth stealing would be horses. Addax handles the horses, and he finds it much easier to come by them in the city."

"What about food?" Sir Bastian suggested.

"No, they raid a market village and get supplies for a few months, then supplement it with game from the forest. There's no reason for them to go all that way."

"So, it looks like this is useless," Sir Madoc said, frowning at the slip.

"And we're stuck with nowhere to start looking, unless you can suggest something, Lennox?" Sir Bastian looked to him with those haunting grey eyes.

Lennox desperately began to think. There had to be something, some job they pulled every so often or regularly or....

"What day is it?"

"It is but one week to the equinox," Sir Bastian said, not blinking.

The equinox. What were they doing a year or so ago?

"Gold shipment!"

The knight raised their eyebrows.

"About this time last year there was a heavily armed coach that carried a large chest of gold through the Greypoints. The Marauders attacked and got it all. We lost Taylor and Jules that day."

"And how many knights?" Sir Bastian asked.

"I don't know. I wasn't there," he replied meekly.

"So is there another shipment heading through?" Thom asked.

Sir Madoc shrugged. "We should find out," Sir Bastian said.

"I can send a note to Jerome. If anyone knows, they'll know at Cal-Dragan," Madoc said.

"I have my methods," the warlock said enigmatically, "faster than the wing. We'll know one way or the other today. I need quiet, though. I'll retire to my room while I make my inquiries. I may be a while. Please knock before you enter, Lennox." He nodded at his tablemates and made his way back to the barracks.

"What do you think?" Thom asked when Sir Bastian was around the corner.

"He's a good man," Sir Madoc said. "I'll be grateful to have him along."

"You didn't see him. He tried to get both my wrists while you were gone."

"I don't think he'd make such a snap judgment as that. He only knows you from that brief talk last night."

"He's hiding something, Madoc. He's not telling us the whole of why he's here."

"Lennox, who do you think is right? Do you think he's out to get us?"

The redhead thought for a brief moment and said, "Not at all. Sir Bastian was only showing me what the ferreae_manicae looked like."

Thom gave Lennox a look. "Hunh. What do you think of him otherwise?"

Lennox smiled. "He was very kind to me last night, helping me sleep and saving me food. And have you seen his eyes?"

"Oh, yes," said Thom. "I have. It sounds like you like him."

"You are the only one of us who seems not to," Madoc said.

"No, but Lennox likes him." The redhead saw Thom's hand move under the table in his partner's direction.

Madoc put his hand on Thom's and grinned at Lennox. "Is this so?"

Lennox tried not to grin and tried hard to speak.

The dark knight spoke first. "You may be disappointed. I'm not sure he'll be... accepting."

"I know, but I'd still rather dream about him than about Kraid."

It was early evening before any news arrived about a possible gold shipment, but yes, one would be leaving for Annisport in three days. They met in Sir Bastian and Lennox's room.

"So what can we do?" Madoc asked. "Follow it?"

"Perhaps that's not wise," Sir Bastian said. "Kraid and his men know the two of you. They might be put off if they saw you."

"Why is that?" Thom asked. "They know Madoc is a knight and they know I rescued him. To see us on the caravan would surprise him, but he might just think the gods are giving him his revenge.

"The only reason I can see that Kraid might balk is if he sees Lennox. So let's start there. Lennox, are you joining us as we go, or will you stay here when we leave?"

Lennox looked around at the three knights. His eyes fixed on those of Sir Bastian. Could he let the mage go off and leave him here? Would Sir Bastian care one way or the other?

"I'll - I'll come with you."

Sir Bastian smiled.

"Good," Thom said, grinning. "Now, if we are to try to catch the coach that has the gold, we'll want Lennox hidden somehow." He paused to think.

"Sir Bastian has a mount," Madoc said. "That's four riders for three horses. Two must share. Could Lennox share with someone, and that horse hang back? When the two leaders catch the coach, the ensure the Marauders aren't attacking and signal the other two that it's safe."

"If it is not safe," Sir Bastian reasoned, "then we divide our forces. The third rider would either stay out of the fray, or he would abandon Lennox on the road to join the battle."

"I don't like the sounds of that," said Lennox.

"Nor I," Thom agreed. "Let me think a moment. We can't leave him behind anywhere. Too close and he may be spotted. Too far, and we have to go back to fetch him and there may not be time." He closed his eyes.

The other three waited.

"We...," Thom said at last, "need... to keep Lennox inside the coach."

"With the gold?" Sir Bastian said.

"Instead of the gold."

The four rode, hell for leather, for the garrison at Fairhaven, where the shipment was to leave the safety of the King's Southern Road, and begin heading west to Annisport on the other side of the Greypoint Mountains. They needed to delay the shipment so they could provide a fake one.

The gold would sit at Fairhaven until Thom, Madoc, Sir Bastian and Lennox were through with the official coach. Lennox would hide inside and not fight unless necessary. The three knights would ride escort, accompanied by guards from the original expedition as required. The convoy would look normal.

They did catch the shipment just as it was about to leave, and after much shouting, Thom got his way.

Not wanting to tarry any longer, they installed Lennox inside one of the seats by lifting the cushions.

The only thing they lacked was a false chest to simulate the gold, but there was no time. Off they went.

The trip up the mountains took days, Lennox learned. There was no way to know when or where Kraid would strike. He couldn't say for certain Kraid would try for the gold. Lennox was sure he'd be in trouble if he didn't.

At night, Lennox was allowed out of the seat to stretch, but not out of the coach. The others kept him company and brought food.

During the third day, the coach suddenly stopped.

Lennox tried to see out of the gaps in the planking of the undercarriage, but all he could see was an axle and the road.

There was shouting. Then suddenly screaming. Lennox could hear fighting outside. Was it Kraid, or some other band of highwaymen? Lennox wanted very much to look, but fear kept him frozen in his place.

The coach lurched as someone tried to climb inside. There was a sharp cry and the coach bounced back the other way.

Lennox was trembling. This was it, the horrific nightmare that had kept him too scared to sleep for months at a time, even before he had escaped. The tiny compartment that concealed him was as much a prison as it was protection. He found it harder to breathe.

Once more the coach tilted to the side. He heard the door open. Someone had broken through the defenses.

He must realize the gold's not here. He's going to look for it, and there are none too many places to look.

Lennox's body reeked of sweat. The man who would kill him was inside the carraige. How could he not be aware of the thief's presence? His heart was beating loud enough to give him away. Soon enough the lid would open.

He heard the other cushioned seat get lifted first.

What could he do? One of the Marayders would be here in seconds.

Daylight streamed into the compartment. Lennox balled a fist and lashed out. The man dropped the seat and grabbed at his face.

Lennox leapt up and pushed the man out the door. He fell into Sir Bastian's waiting arms... and disappeared.

The redhead looked up and locked eyes with Benet. He yanked the coach door shut.

Oh, gods! He was panicking. It is them and they've seen me. Please let them catch Benet. Oh gods oh gods....

He had to hide. They'd find him in the seat again. If he laid on the floor? Someone could go underneath and ram a sword up between the boards.... He was dead.


They found him curled up in a ball on the other seat and shaking uncontrollably.



This is Bastian. Thom and Sir Madoc are here.

The others have gone. They have either been captured or they have fled.

You are safe.

You are safe.

Please come back to us. We need you here.

Lennox. Please.

Those silver grey eyes were gazing into his as he opened them. Sir Bastian smiled when Lennox moved. The mage gripped his shoulder, holding him.

"Glad to see you're back," Thom said. Madoc elbowed his partner in the ribs. "Thank you, Sir Bastian," Thom finished. They all looked to be in bad shape.

"Come. There's one of them outside. We'd like you there while we talk to him," Sir Bastian said.

Lennox followed the others out. He was still shaking.

"You better be afraid, Lenny! When Kraid catches up with you--" The man was cut off when one of the shipment guards kicked him in the stomach.

Sir Bastian held out his hand. He looked very menacing. "Do not harm this man. He will receive his judgment soon enough."

The Marauder was sitting on the dusty road, his hands bound behind his back. It was Cort, a man who loved to fight. One of Damon's favorites.

"Invono_veridas," Sir Bastian said, crouching by Cort's side, staring the man down. Cort whimpered. "You are ensorcelled; you will not lie to me."

Cort could not look away. He nodded.

"Has anyone joined the Marauders since Lennox left?"


"Where have the other gone? Where were you to meet?"

Cort's mouth opened and he looked around desperately for help.

"Cort," the warlock said, making the highwayman jump, "answer me."

"I don't know! This weren't supposed to happen! We don't go back to our lair, cuz I might lead you to 'em. Kraid will have to move again. He's sure to be pissed...."

Sir Bastian snapped his fingers to get Cort's attention. A spark flew.

Cort screamed and tried to get away. He backed into the legs of a guard. He lashed out as a last defense. "I know about you wizards and yer handshake! We'll all be put together and we'll escape and we'll ride again! You watch!"

"You won't," Sir Bastian said simply. "You will be executed at dawn, your fate already sealed. There is no escape for you this time."

Cort's eyes went wide and he started to kick.

Lennox looked up at Thom and Madoc.

"That's right. There's something your friend didn't tell you, did he?"

Sir Madoc merely nodded to agree.

Lennox looked at Cort, bound on the ground, but still fighting for his life. He was going to die.

Who else was captured? Which of those people, his only friends for years, would be dead in the morning?

"He's through," Sir Bastian said. "There's no more I can get from him. Turn him over."

"Wait!" Lennox shouted.

Everyone looked his way. What was he doing? "Cort, tell the others... tell them I didn't know. I'm sorry."

The thief glared at him until a guard kicked him onto his stomach. Cort squirmed until Sir Bastian grabbed his arms and he disappeared. The air seemed noticeably stiller with him gone.

"We'll bury the bodies," Madoc said, "and then you can take the coach back to Fairhaven. Kraid won't take trouble to raid the shipment again."

Lennox counted. They had started with six guards. Now there were four. Such loss....

The redhead sat on the road and put his head in his hands. The activity moved around him while he tried to ignore it all.

After some time, Sir Madoc came over and laid a hand on his thigh. Lennox looked to him. "They know, don't they. Kraid knows I'm here."

Sir Madoc nodded. "Someone noticed you in the open doorway and told the others it was a trap. Soon after that they started retreating."

"They're going to kill me. Ulrich could have him in his sight right now."

"Ulrich is the archer? We got him. Unless they have another one, you're fine."

Lennox started crying and Madoc held him.

"I told you, you're fine. They can't get past us."

Lennox wrapped his arms around Madoc, who grunted. His armor had a gash in the side, painted bright red. "By the gods! You need help!"

Madoc just smiled. "It'll wait. Sir Bastian can heal it anyway."

"I've been so selfish, worrying about myself. You're risking so much for me, to keep me here."

"I am expected to make such risks. It is my duty. It is not yours. I would be here either way. With your help, we have begun to capture the Marauders. Thank you."

Lennox blushed. "Thank you."

Sir Madoc looked away and said, "This may be a hard thing to ask, but do you have any thoughts to where they may be now?"

"They're going to avoid any places I know about. They know I'm not safe, that I'm helping you."

"How long were you with them?"

"Four years."

"Could Kraid have anywhere to hide that you don't know about? He may be almost as good at escapes and hiding as our mutual friend," Madoc said, smiling, "but he is not all-powerful. There are only so many places where he would be welcome."

Lennox sighed. "He'll want somewhere to regroup and think." He didn't know what he could add.

Thom crouched next to them, dusting off his hands. He looked only slightly less bloody than Madoc. "They headed off to Erral Pass, over the mountains. There are no forests on that side, only open rock. Could they be going to Annisport?"

"Possibly. There are a few places that I've heard about...."

"The Harvest Festival begins the day after tomorrow," Sir Bastian said, joining them. "With all those people around, it would be quite easy to hide and get supplies back. The ones at his present lair he will have to abandon if Cort was right."

"He keeps a stash of them in a warehouse! That's where he'll go," Lennox cried.

"Then that is where we will try," Sir Bastian said. "But we must rest tonight. We can get to Annisport before sundown tomorrow if we start early tomorrow. I must heal the guards, then they can be on their way. After that, I'll have the energy to take care of Madoc, whose side is worse than your injuries, Thom. When I recover that will be the first thing I do."

Thom nodded. Sir Bastian got up and left.

The mage laid his hands on Thom's body under his shirt. Thom winced a little, then smiled and relaxed.

"How does that feel?" Sir Bastian asked.

"Whoo! I feel better than I have in a long time!"

"The healing will cure everything: aches, cuts, bruises. Things you didn't notice were wrong with you."

"But it also makes you hungry. No wonder Madoc was itching to go hunt dinner."

"Next, I'd like to see how we're doing for progress. Lennox?"

The thief, who was watching with interest, spoke up. "Yes?"

"How many Marauders were there?"

"Oh. Let me count. Kraid and Damon, Cort, Ulrich,... Benet, Simon, Vere and Vin,... Addax, um,... Edric, Benet,--"

"You said him before," Thom pointed out.

"Oh. How many is that? Eleven?"

"Ten," Thom said.

"There's an easier way. It will also help us to find them in Annisport. I can get their imprint from you. I'll need to look into your mind, though."

"Okay," Lennox said happily.

"This is not a thing to be taken lightly. I touched Cort's mind to get his name in order to frighten him. A person's name is right on the surface of the mind, though. I'll need to look into your memories. I may learn things you don't want me to know."

"Sir Bastian, I trust you."

"Then sit before me."

Lennox seateed himself on the ground in front of the warlock.

"Lennox, are you sure about this?" Thom warned.

"Very," said Lennox. He was grinning from ear to ear.

"Stay still," Sir Bastian instructed, "and let me probe. Go where your thoughts take you."

Lennox nodded. The mage laid his hands at the sides of his head.

Lennox couldn't resist. He reached up and touched Bastian's cheek.


Lennox thought back to his days among the Marauders. New faces, those that died. He was beaten for escaping. He was teased.

He was teased for his strange, glowing eyes. He was yelled at for burning down the hayloft and he didn't even know how he did it. They laughed at him.

They laughed at him for not wanting to fight, for refusing to kill. They kept him on to cook for them abd mend clothes. He didn't know how, but he learned.

He learned how to tap and channel the energies within. He found the places within whence flowed the power. It was never easy. He persevered.

He persevered.


Sir Bastian looked at him strangely, looking afraid for the first time since he'd known him.

"Well?" Thom asked. "How many?"

Sir Bastian paused before answering. "Fifteen. We captured nine of them today, leaving six. Kraid, Damon, Benet, Addax, Edric and Ivor. I know their faces now, and if I see one of them now, I can trace him."

Just then Madoc returned with a brace of quails. Any further spells would wait until after dinner.

Lennox's thoughts were full of Sir Bastian, but the mage never looked his way once.

Lennox lay waiting for sleep. There was a tap on his shoulder. Thom was signalling him to follow. The blond was undressed.

He looked over to Sir Bastian, who was asleep.

Silently, Lennox crept away from camp.

Madoc was by the creek, waiting. He came over and hugged and kissed them both. "I've missed you," he told Thom.

"And I've missed you, my dear one. I love you."

"And I love you."

They kissed again. Lennox watched blushing.

"And Thom invited you, Lennox," the dark knight said, smiling.

"Yes. He's been pining for Sir Bastian and could probably use a night of fun. That and he may help you."

Lennox shoved Thom's shoulder playfully at the mention of the warlock. "Help how?"

"Well," Thom began, "Madoc has taken my ass a half a dozen times now, but he can't open up to allow me in."

"I would very much like to," Madoc explained, "but I freeze up."

Lennox digested this new information. "What would you have me do about it?"

"You can do some amazing things with your tongue, Lennox," Thom said. "Could you lick Madoc's ass? He's clean."

Lennox smiled. "Gladly!"

The blanket was waiting. Thom lay on his back. Madoc got over top on all fours. Thom wrapped his arms around him and they began to kiss.

Lennox examined Madoc's ass. He pushed his nearly hairless legs apart and looked over his prize.

"Don't think about what's going on back there," he heard Thom say. "Kiss me."

Lennox crouched down and looked under. Madoc's big balls were waiting. The redhead kissed them and licked them. He heard Madoc moan. He licked upward slowly, working his way into Madoc's lovely crack. He skipped sideways, exploring the join where his thick, powerful leg met his body. Madoc shuddered.

He could see Madoc's opening. It was cute and small and pink. He ran the flat of his tongue across it. Madoc ughed and squirmed. Lennox grabbed his hips to keep him from writhing away.

The thief kept on like that, just teasing the surface, letting the man get used to Lennox's wet, sinuous muscle near his asshole.

With the tip, Lennox touched Madoc's hole. He pushed at it again, as though trying to pick something up with his tongue.

Madoc was breathing heavily, and grinding against Thom. He was really enjoying this.

The redhead felt the muscles around his ass loosen a little, and Lennox ventured a bit farther. Deeper and deeper he went, until he had free movement to fuck his ass with his tongue.

Madoc was going mad with lust. He attacked Thom's mouth with an unreserved fierceness. It looked like Madoc would cum, but Lennox did not want that to happen yet. He stopped.

The High Guardsman kissed his partner once more before collapsing onto him. He was breathing quite heavily.

"How did it go?" Thom asked.

"No troubles. I got right in."

"Why did you stop?" Madoc asked, breathless.

"I got the impression that to now, you've only had failures. Yes?"

"Yes," Thom replied.

"Here's to your first success," Lennox said.

Madoc laughed and kissed Lennox. "Thank you."

"Anytime you like. That was fun." Lennox paused. "Thom, what is it like to have a cock in your ass?"

Thom thought. "It isn't much like anything," he said, stroking Madoc's side. "It feels... different."

Lennox frowned. "Could you show me?"

Thom smiled. "Sure. Madoc, let's get ready."

"No," Lennox said. "Show me?"

Thom blinked. "Oh. Uh. Madoc?"

The elder knight said, "I already know I'm not the first person you've used that beautiful cock on. I don't mind."

"So what do I do?" Lennox wanted to know.

"Bend over so I can open you up."

Lennox stood up and doubled over, grabbing his ankles. Thom stopped a second in astonishment. "Okay..." he said.

He got a pot of grease from a saddlebag lying off to the side. He slicked up a finger and traced a circle around Lennox's hole.

Two fingers later, Thom greased his cock.

"Are you ready?" Thom asked.

"I think so."

"Could you just bend over halfway? Your ass is too high." Lennox laughed and complied. He rested his hands on his knees.

He felt a heat at his ass and groaned in anticipation. Thom entered him slowly. It felt as though Thom would be feeding his cock into him forever. It filled Lennox up in a way Lennox never knew he was missing before.

Lennox leaned back to get more of Thom into him. After several feet, he sensed a soft mat of hair across his ass. Thom bent down across his back. "That's all of me, my friend."

Lennox squeezed Thom's dick and reached back form Thom's hand.

Madoc stepped in front of them with the grease and rubbed it into his own very stiff member. The both watched as the dark knight covered every inch of his hot, veiny cock.

"Stay right there," he told Thom, who was now bent over as well.

"Now, wait a minute," Thom said.

"You don't think it will work?" said his fellow knight.

Lennox felt Thom actually get bigger and harder as he got more aroused. He cooed, feeling his friend grow.

"Let's find out," Thom breathed.

Lennox was jostled some as Madoc greased Thom and entered him. He looked back to see two hard, naked bodies pressed together.

An uncontrollable tremor flashed over his body. Thom's cock twitched in response. "By Braggia," Thom said, "I don't know if I'm going to survive this."

The fair knight pulled back out of Lennox, then pushed back gradually. He kept at it, but slowly.

Lennox was getting fucked. It was true; there was no way to describe this. It was a new form of pleasure in a new place.

He pushed his ass back onto Thom's cock when he came his way again. He looked back once more. Madoc had begun to swing his hips into Thom, driving deeply into him. They were speeding up.

The thief felt Thom's heat and size, his hardness touching him on the inside, where no one had ever been before. It was all so wonderful and exciting. There was but one thing missing.

Lennox glanced off to the side, and there he was, as though Lennox himself had conjured him there.

Sir Bastian was watching them from behind a bush, but there was no way to hide those magical eyes from him. Lennox beckoned him over.

At first the warlock did not move. Lennox waved again. Sir Bastian timidly stood and came their way.

Lennox felt the action behind him stop as Thom and Madoc realized they were not alone.

Sir Bastian stood before Lennox clad only in his everpresent robe. It hung open. The mage was quite erect. The redhead reached into the robe, caressing the soft skin of Bastian's sides, reaching up to his chest and down to his legs. He pulled Bastian closer by the ass, and lovingly kissed his dick.

It was long and straight. Lennox tasted the shiny fluid at the tip, lapping it up with his tongue. Lennox teased more and more of that cock into his mouth, more excited than he thought possible at the thought of pleasing this man who had so bewitched him for a week.

Lennox made love to Bastian's cock. The man himself was staring down in wonder and gasping at times with pleasure.

The thief pushed back onto Thom's cock as he sucked on the mage and Thom got the message. The knights behind him began their rutting anew. Having Thom inside him was still an incredible thing, but it paled to Sir Bastian's presence.

"I'm close," Madoc announced.

Lennox's fingers continued to travel across Bastian's skin, caressing him everywhere. His lips and tongue did the same for his manhood. Bastian's hands lovingly stroked Lennox's hair and face. The redhead's one hand drifted down and held his balls, keeping them in his palm like sparkling jewels. He fingered them in their velvety bag, gauging their size and weight.

Bastian's legs weakened, but Lennox was there to hold him upright. The warlock's breathing became labored.

Lennox heard Madoc gasp behind him. Soon Thom was cumming into his ass, hot, searing juice flooding everywhere. Lennox sucked desperately on Bastian.

"Lennox, please," the mage whispered, "I'm going to - ah! Gods!"

Bastian leaned back, his hips thrust forward as he shot powerfully into his mouth. Lennox greedily gulped it all down. The warlock tasted like the richest cream. His own seed spilled out onto the forest floor.

Thom pulled out of Lennox. He turned to look. Thom and Madoc were locked in a lover's embrace.

"Please, Sir Bastian," Lennox said, "I want nothing more than to kiss you just once."

The mage slipped his arms out of his sleeves, took Lennox inside his robe and kissed him, deeply. He clutched the thief's body in tightly as their tongues toyed with each other. Sir Bastian finished the kiss and looked at Lennox with shining eyes.

"Into the creek?" Thom suggested.

Bastian smiled at Lennox. "Yes. Why don't we?"

"Do you need to have your robe? I wouldn't want to get it wet."

"I do," Bastian said, taking it off, "But it's only because I get cold."

The mage stood there naked. He was not hugely muscled like Madoc, nor lithe and trim as Thom, but still athletic. He was beautiful. His long hair trailed over his shoulders, framing a smooth chest. His legs were considerably hairier.

Madoc yeled out, "Last one in's a troll!" and ran for the bank. Bastian, his robe over his arm, dashed after him.

Thom stopped Lennox running and said to him, "Be careful. We still don't know that we can trust him."

"I do," he replied, and sprinted off.

They sat touching, draped in Bastian's robe and his stretchable blanket.

"What spells do you know?" Lennox asked.

"I can touch a mind, as I did with you. I can move some objects without touching them. The iron handshake, of course--"

"The ferreae_manicae," Lennox repeated.

Bastian grinned. "Yes. Most people don't pay attention to the Old Language anymore."

"I remember you saying it," Lennox said. "Can you fly? I've heard witches can fly, sometimes."

"No. I have tried, and there are warlocks who can, but so far, I have not had that success." He paused. "However, there is one thing I can do. I can fly you."

Lennox's eyes lit up.


Lennox got up naked. Bastian arranged his robe around himself. "Take my hand." Lennox did so.

Bastian concentrated.

Lennox felt his feet leave the ground. He floated upwards gracefully, completely in Bastian's control. He flattened into a prone position. Lennox spread his arms out.

Bastian kneeled under him, one arm directly overhead, maintaining the contact. He guided Lennox in a slow circle, allowing him to fly around Bastian's head.

It was a marvellous feeling. Nothing was holding him up. He was floating free and naked through the midnight air.

Lennox decided to swoop down to where Bastian was. He made his tour around Bastian until their arms were in comfortable positions. The thief dove headlong for the ground, and spun onto his back in front of his new love's face.

Bastian's mouth was open. Lennox kissed him, the glided perfectly to earth at his feet. He hugged the warlock tight. "Thank you so much."

Someone grabbed Bastian by the collar. It was Madoc.

He pressed the mage up against a trunk of a tree. "Put it back!" he yelled.

Thom rushed up. "Madoc, what's wrong?!"

Lennox tried to wrench Madoc's arms away.

Madoc cried, "I said to put it back! You have to!"

Bastian slowly, and deliberately, wrapped his hands around Sir Madoc's wrists.

Author's Note: What's so special about `lighting it with his finger'? As near as I can tell, the space between `lighting' and `it' is the character that marks the point where I've written half a megabyte about Thom, Madoc, and their friends. That's a lot of reading. Thanks for sticking with me.

Next: Chapter 4

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