The Lifeguards


Published on Jan 3, 2019


The Lifeguards - Part 7

Note: This is a story about sexual encounters among a group of teenagers. It is strictly fiction and fantasy. It involves sexual practices that are considered unsafe and is not an endorsement of these practices. Please comply with the laws where you live concerning such literature, and read it only if you can do so legally. If you are offended by this sort of material, please read other things that will not offend you. If you like this kind of material, please donate to Nifty to ensure that this free resource can continue.

************ (Zach is telling the story in this chapter) ************

I woke up about eight o'clock. The sun was shining brightly through the basement window, and dust was dancing in the sunbeam. It was already warm outside, but the basement was pleasantly cool.

Sometime during the night, I'd rolled over onto my back. Tyler was face down on top of me, with his head on my chest and his upper body resting mostly on mine. His left leg lay between my legs, and his morning wood was pressed against my own. He looked so peaceful and innocent.

I pulled the blanket up further to cover Tyler's sleeping body. Tears came to my eyes as I realized how close I'd come to losing him. I gently ran my fingers through his tousled black hair. The little guy meant more to me than anything else in the world.

Tyler began gently dry-humping me, and then I felt wetness on my abs. I smiled to myself, knowing what was happening.

Waking abruptly, Tyler raised his head and looked at me with a puzzled expression.

"What the fuck? I think I had another wet dream."

I grinned at him. "So you've had them before?"

"Yeah, once. It was after Cody fucked me the first time, and I dreamed he was fucking me again."

"What were you dreaming about this time?"

He grinned. "I dreamed I was gonna fuck you. I was about to put my boner in when I woke up."

I chuckled. "Would you like to finish what you started?"

He was leaning up now, one hand on the bed, the other on my chest. "What do you mean?"

"Do you wanna fuck me?"

Now he was fully alert. "You mean that?"

I handed him the lube from the nightstand. "Uh-huh. Except you gotta take it easy like the doctor told you to."

In a flash, he threw off the blanket and knelt between my legs, lubricating his boner for action. His tin grin was as wide and happy as I'd ever seen it.

"Fuck the doctor. I ain't gonna take it easy."

Leaning over me, he positioned himself and slowly slid his pole inside, eyes closed in bliss. As he began to move inside me, I reached up and pulled his head down to mine, kissing him passionately - but gently because of his braces. He caught on quickly. As our tongues played tag, I felt his braces nick mine once or twice. Nothing I couldn't live with for the fun we were having.

As we came up for air, he paused and grinned at me. "Travis never does that. I like it. It makes everything more exciting."

Leaning back down, he took up where he had left off. This time he was the aggressor, boldly exploring with his tongue as well as his rigid pole. I ran my fingers through his hair and over his smooth, brown back, feeling the play of his muscles as he intensified his attack.

He quickly gave up on kissing to concentrate on his rising sexual excitement. Too aroused to care about edging, he drove in harder and faster, taken over completely by primitive instincts. Sliding his knees up closer and bracing himself against my thighs, he moved in for the final assault. Wrapping his arms around my head and neck and gasping out soft cries of pleasure, he pounded me relentlessly. Then, with a final cry of surrender, he released control of his body to the climax he had created, grinding hard against me again and again as he blasted his boy juice deep inside. Exhausted, he dropped down on top of me, his face buried in my chest and his arms wrapped around my neck.

I looked at him with amazement. "Holy shit, Tyler, you're a fucking animal! Did Cody and Travis teach you how to do all that?"

He leaned up on his elbows and grinned at me. "No, it just seems to come naturally. You're not complaining, are you?"

"Not at all. I loved every minute of it."

He kissed me on the lips. "I love you so much, bro."

"I love you too, Tiger."

He grinned boyishly. "I like that new nickname. It's better than 'twelve-year-old Tyler'. It makes me feel more grown up. And it turns me on, too."

"What if I used it in public?"

He thought a moment, and smiled happily. "It would be okay. In fact, it would be awesome. Now, I gotta take a piss and get dressed."

I climbed out of bed and stretched slowly. Clean clothing of my own had mysteriously appeared on the sofa. As I pulled on a muscle shirt and a pair of cargo shorts, I heard two voices upstairs through the partially-open door. I recognized the second voice as my mom's. I wondered how much they had heard. If I could hear them, they probably had heard us. My mom was as open-minded as Grams, and she knew I preferred guys and was sexually active, but I didn't want to be too obvious about it.

I followed Tyler as he scampered up the stairs and into the kitchen with a self-satisfied smile on his face. Mom and Grams were sitting at the table drinking coffee.

Tyler put an arm around his grandmother and gave her kiss. "Good morning, Grams."

Grams took his other hand in hers and returned the kiss. "Good morning, Tyler. You're awfully chipper this morning for someone who nearly drowned yesterday." She gave me a knowing smile.

Tyler grinned happily. "It's Zach's positive influence on me."

"Tyler, I don't think you've met Zach's mother, Angie. Angie, this is my grandson Tyler."

Mom smiled. "I'm happy to meet you, Tyler. Please call me Angie. Zach talks about you all the time and how you're more like brothers than friends. That makes me very happy." Her description was correct, but it made me blush.

"Thanks, Angie. It's nice to know you. I sort of think Zach is special too, and that isn't just because he saved my stupid ass yesterday."

Grams rescued us from further revelations. "Are you boys ready for breakfast."

The response was in unison. "Yes!"

Grams put pancakes, sausages, and a bowl of canned pears on the table. We didn't require an invitation to dig in.

The devil made me do it. "Please pass the maple syrup, Tiger."

Mom picked up on it like I knew she would. "That's a cute nickname, Tyler. Did Zach give it to you? It must be new, because he hasn't mentioned it. I think it's a perfect name for an energetic little brother like you."

Tyler turned beet red. "Ummm ... thank you ... and, yes he did ... very recently ... I think it's because he likes how I ... likes me ... and I agree with you."

Then she had some words for me too. "Wipe that smirk off your face, Zach, or I'll tell him my nickname for you."

"Yes, ma'am." I went back to eating, but the smirk stayed. I knew it was a bluff.

Grams rescued us again, temporarily. "What time does your island clean-up project start this morning, Tyler?"

"Well, I figured probably about ten o'clock or so."

"Do you think you're recovered enough to do it?"

"Yes, I do. I think I've already demonstrated that this morning by ... ummm ... being so chipper."

Grams turned to me with a smile. "Zach, what do you think. In your professional opinion as a lifeguard, that is. And as a loving big brother too, I suppose."

Now it was time for me to turn red. "Well ... ummm ... I think his breathing has returned to normal since ... then ... and ... his appetite is fine and ... he seems to have a good energy level based on how he ... ummm ... bounded up the stairs this morning."

"Okay, that's good enough for me. Tyler, have you let your friends know the start time? Are there things they should bring?"

"Well, ummm, I hadn't thought about that."

Grams grinned and let him off the hook. "You've had other things on your mind. Jason and I have the details managed. Yes, we'll start at ten o'clock, and Jason is bringing loppers, hand saws, work gloves, and garbage bags. He'll have his four-wheeler with a trailer to haul the garbage out, and we'll put it in his company dumpster. Angie and I are taking care of food and water."

Tyler looked a little embarrassed. "I never thought about all of that stuff."

Grams smiled. "It will be a learning experience for you today. Pay attention to what a person has to do to plan a project like this. Now that you own property, you may need to plan other projects."

Tyler had his own personal solution. "Zach will help me. He's much more organized than I am."

It was a perfect summer day for the island project. Tyler and I walked together on the footpath from town with Grams and Mom a short distance behind us.

Tyler had finally caught on. "I think they heard us."

"I know they did."

He pretended indignation. "You set me up by calling me 'Tiger'"

I pretended innocence. "You said I could use it in public."

He grinned. "Yeah, it's okay. And you can keep on using it. It's good advertising."

I laughed out loud. "Between your nickname, loose shorts, and sexy body, you'll have all the teenage boys in town lined up at your door."

"Good. I'll put up one of those things like they have at the courthouse, and everybody can take a number. You can be my manager, if you wanna be."

"I think you better scale back your operation a little. I don't want you to find anyone who's more fun to fuck than me."

He grabbed my hand. "Not a chance of that happening, Big Bro."

Jason, Ben and Eric were already there with the tools and equipment. Cody and Travis wandered in from the swimming area shortly after we arrived, smiling happily. The grass stains on Travis' back gave a clue as to why they were in such good humor.

Jason was the boss, but it was Tyler's island. "Tyler, what do you want to do first?"

"Well, I think the most important thing is to get the trash cleaned up. Then it would be nice to trim some of the branches and make the trails more usable. If there's time, I would like to clear out the brush around the old home site a little. And if we could bring in a lawnmower, maybe we could mow the old lawn beside the house foundation."

Jason set the plan in motion. "Excellent plan, Tyler. Let's divide into three teams to pick up the trash. The way the three trails run, we'll all end up meeting at the old house foundation. Bring your filled bags back here. Ben will haul them to the dumpster when the trailer is full. Eric, would you go with him the first time and bring back my riding lawnmower? For this activity, everyone should wear disposable gloves, and be careful about broken glass. There's a cooler of water here and paper cups. You all need to drink enough. Does that work for everyone?"

It did. As we worked our way around the island, I was surprised how much trash had been left over the years. Bottles, cans, and food wrappers were the main items. There were a few used condoms, giving a clue about what some of the visitors had been doing.

We were finished with the trash project at noon. As we gathered back at the starting point, Ben returned with a trailer filled with pizza boxes and another cooler of sodas and water.

Nine hungry people consumed a lot of pizza, but there was enough left over for later too. Grams had instructions about that.

"Ben, on your next trip, please put the rest of the pizza in my basement refrigerator. We'll have some more when we're done here."

"I'll be glad to do that. Should I take anything else back now?"

"No, we can keep the rest here until we're done."

Jason took charge of phase two. "Okay, before we start this afternoon, Ben and Eric are going to give us a safety discussion on the tools. I know you've all seen these tools before, but safety is something we always need to think about. Eric and Ben do volunteer work maintaining trails, and I want you to pay attention to what they say."

I found out I didn't know how to properly use loppers and hand saws. The safety discussion took about fifteen minutes, and then we went back to our original trails and trimmed branches, throwing the cut ends back into the woods to decompose. One by one, the teams got back to the old home site. Eric had the grass cut down to a reasonable level, and we finished by cutting the brush from around the original yard and the foundation itself.

By three o'clock, we were done, and we gathered back at the starting point. Tyler didn't need prompting on the next step.

"Thanks so much for helping me with this. It would have taken me weeks to do it alone. I hope you'll come out here and enjoy it whenever you want to. And a special thanks to Ben and Eric for the beautiful bench they gave me."

Eric spoke for everyone. "We were all glad to help you, buddy. We hope you enjoy your island, and we'll be happy to enjoy it with you."

Jason had some advice. "You need to remember that the land below the high-water mark is public, so you may find others here on the beach. The private property starts where the signs are posted."

Grams had some final comments. "Jason, Angie and I are going back to the house for some adult refreshments. Boys, do you want to stay here and swim for a while? Ben and Eric, you can put yourselves in whichever category you want to. When you're done, come by the house for more pizza."

Ben replied with a smile. "Eric and I will be boys for today, thanks, and we'll bring the lawnmower when we leave. Before you load up the trailer, there are a few things we need."

Ben and Eric pulled out four cinder blocks, two shovels, a level, a cooler, two Frisbees, and a soccer ball.

Eric had instructions. "Before we start to swim, let's go set the bench on a firmer foundation."

Six guys and two shovels made short work of placing the blocks and leveling the bench. When we were finished, Ben set the cooler on the bench.

"There's one six-pack of 'adult beverage' in this cooler. Eric and I are going to remove one can each. It will be a mystery to us how the cooler became empty."

Discarding our clothes, we waded into the still water of the lagoon. A swimming accident like Tyler's can sometimes produce fear of water. I was glad to see he didn't hesitate to join us.

The water was cool and refreshing. We played with the beach toys in and out of the water. The most fun was a very casual soccer game, with a large number of unreported and greatly enjoyed personal fouls.

After a couple hours, we gathered up the tools, toys, and empty cans, and headed for Grams' place for more pizza, served this time with green salad and homemade apple pie.

When the party broke up, I went home with Mom. I had to work in the morning. Mom encouraged Cody and Travis to leave with us. Grams needed a break, and Tyler could hardly keep his eyes open. He needed to get a little of that rest the doctor had ordered.

Next: Chapter 8

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