The Love Life

By John Nail

Published on Aug 14, 2017


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Jim was a young man who was a flagger looking for a place to rent when he saw an ad in the paper and it said was looking for a roommate. The ad said it wanted someone clean and also responsible.

The person picked up the phone on the third ring and he said," Hello"

Jim said," Hello, my name is Jim and I saw your ad in the paper for a roommate."

The voice said," Hi, my name is Chris and yes I am looking for a roommate. Mostly, I live in this big house alone and it is so difficult to keep up with this house by myself and that I was one reason why I insist the person to be clean. So, can I set a time to where we can sit and talk?"

Jim said," Sure, when is it convenient for you?"

Chris said," Well how about 5 tomorrow?"

Jim walked over to the calendar to his desk and said," Sure, 5 tomorrow sounds good."

Jim went to the kitchen and kissed his mom and said," I might have a place to go to."

His dad said," Really"

He said," Ya, some guy is looking for a roommate because he said he can't keep up with the house by himself."

Dad said," Sounds like a great opportunity when do you 2 meet?"

Jim said," 5 tomorrow."

His mom said," I hope he isn't a wild partier." Jim said," He probably isn't."

Well that evening went by and the next day Jim flagged until 4 that evening and he got home and cleaned up as quickly as possible and got in his old pickup and drove to the address on his directions.

He got out of his pickup and knocked on the door and 3 minutes later a smallish man opened the door and said hello.

Jim said," My name is Jim and I came to talk to you about maybe being your roommate."

Chris's face lit up and said," Jim, it is a pleasure meeting you come on in I was weeding my garden, I love fresh food including vegetables."

They went in and Jim noticed his mannerisms no feminine but not that of a man either but he just shook it off as maybe eccentric.

Chris showed him around the house and Jim saw it was a good sized house and also the front and backyard where Chris's garden was.

After they sat down Chris said," Well, what do you think?"

Jim said," This is a big house and I can't believe how clean you keep it."

Chris said," Thank you, but between trying to keep this house clean and my job as a prep chef I have a difficult time to keep up with my garden. I also like the thought of having someone here because well, being here alone to me isn't enjoyable I know some people might find it strange I find it comforting to have companionship and conversation in the house."

Jim sat there for a moment and he started thinking this guy is gay not that Jim minded but he could tell that Chris was gay. Jim asked," Can I ask you a personal question? I am asking out of observation. Now you can tell me it is none of my business."

Chris said," You can ask."

Jim asked," Are you gay?"

Chris had a stunned look than a look of panic and then quietly said," Yes, I am, I have dated one man but he wanted to put me in the middle of a sexual train. You know what that is?"

Jim said," I have heard about them."

Chris said," I am not that kind of person, thank goodness I broke up with him before we had sex."

Jim said," Well, it doesn't bother me I was friends with a guy who I suspected was gay."

Chris said," After that heartbreak, I am not looking for anybody at the moment he was the first man I gave my heart to but I do cherish friendships."

Jim said," Now my work clothes I will take to the laundry mat because of the asphalt I am a flagger."

Chris said," Wonderful, you sound like such a responsible man, you can start moving in immediately."

Jim said," Great, I will start moving some of my stuff after 4 tomorrow."

Chris said," Wonderful, I will be here and here are a set of keys."

Chris walked around showing which key opened the front door and which key opened the back door.

Chris effusively said," I see we will be wonderful friends."

Chris escorted him to the front door and they waved goodbye to each other.

Jim started up his pickup and agreed to himself that he and Chris would have a great friendship.

Of course, Jim didn't know it at the time that within a couple of years he and Chris would become partners. That there would be a night that he would be taking Chris's virginity and Chris would be his.

He drove the 15 minutes to the house he grew up in and walked in. His mom asked," So, how did it go?" His dad looked up from the paper and said," Yes, how did it go?"

Jim said," Well, he is a prep chef, at one of the fancy restaurants in town. He is living in a big house and he has a difficult time keeping the house clean, his job and trying to tend to his garden. He likes fresh ingredients."

His mom said," Really?" His dad laughed and said," Sounds like you will be eating well." Jim said," I can start moving over tomorrow after work. He says also that he likes companionship in the evenings like conversations, games and what not."

Dad said," We all do but it seems that you will have your work cut out in helping to keep up with the chores."

Jim said," Oh, I know he took me the grand tour of the house and I saw he says he likes tending to his vegetable garden."

His dad said," Since you had a realistic look at what your half of the responsibilities are you shouldn't have any problems and it isn't like you are afraid of working."

They sat down for dinner and Jim started thinking about his future. One he would be sharing a house with a gay man. A gay man who has high standards for how he wants his house. He thought to himself he learned what it takes to keep up with the house from his mom.

As they ate dinner his dad said," I took a look at the new software that the office is getting I have to say I am impressed. The computers at work should be more user-friendly.

Mom asked," So Jim how is work?"

Jim said," It is going well looks like I might be driving the pilot car next week, the guy who was driving it well he showed up to work drunk and the company had no choice but to fire him."

His dad asked," So can you expect to get a raise?"

Jim said," If I start driving the pilot car I can expect a raise probably within a month. I will probably be making about 8 or $9 a month."

His dad whistled and said," That is doing good for a recent high school graduate."

His mom said," So, what is he like?"

Jim thought about how he was going to answer that and said," He is a nice enough guy but he is a bit eccentric. I can't put my finger on it but he is eccentric."

His mom asked," Is he gay?"

Jim said," I don't know he could be I never asked because I feel it is none of my business. No, if he was gay he didn't make a pass at me."

His dad asked," You didn't ask?"

Jim laughed and said," It isn't like he was singing anything from A Chorus Line."

His mom and dad laughed so hard they had tears in their eyes.

Jim said," Look, this is a good way for me to get my life started and I will be eating well and I can tell you there won't be any wild parties."

His mom was reassured and said," How can I not support you on this move?"

His dad said," Well, son just pull your half of the load and you two should do quite well." Jim said," Well, I will be living well and eating well and I am not afraid of working. "

They ate dinner and Jim thought about the new living arrangements wondering to himself about living with a gay man. Sure, they would be sharing separate bedrooms but this would be a new experience for him.

After dinner, Jim helped his mom with the kitchen and they went into the living room and watched tv.

Before Jim knew it he was yawning and he saw it was time to go to bed.

Jim was lying in bed couldn't help but think about the new living arrangements he didn't really have anything against gay people he just never understood it. Well, but he knew he could afford it what he didn't know was that in the coming months his life would change in ways he never knew.

Next: Chapter 3

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