The Maze of the Minotaur

Published on Oct 24, 2019


This is a Continuation story to the popular Maze of the Minotaur story I had recently finished. Other than being thankful that you guys liked it so much, I knew that it needed to go on as our hero got back home. But now he wants to get back to This far off realm of man and beast men. And especially to one beast in particular. Borga. The Ogre he had fallen for.

So as before: This is a fictional story about a fictional land. A land of men and man beasts The realm of the now fallen Minotaur. His minions now seek revenge on Humans for his death. And our hero is the key. Enjoy. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Finding Borga (13)

..... I had the worry of being discovered at the shores by the sirens there. They were lovely looking women that tending to fishing and collect food at the shores if the great sea. The one woman, Maylia. I knew if she saw me she would remember me. The one who caused the death if her beloved Vonn. And she would try to kill me herself if possible. I had thia power, but still didn't know why or how to totally control it. I couldn't fight them all off. So I knew I had to separate from the beast men.

"There is a sea out there, no?" I asked ine of them "Yes." He huffed back "We must cross it to get to the masters lands."

I played out like I couldn't swim and had the fear of drowning. They paused in the trek to the sea.

"It will be all right" Rhen stated "We shall cross via a raft" "I shall not let you fall into the water"

I laid down on the ground in a panic state. Balling up into a fetal position. Saying I could not cross it. That it was too much. He crouched down next to me. Telling me all would be okay. Then I screamed. Got up, knicking him down and ran into the trees screaming. Then bolted on after me. The other two stayed there where we had stopped.

"Let him go" one shouted "He is but a coward" "Yes. No use to the master" the other chimed "Let him go Rhen"

But then was determined to get me back. I race through the trees and to the left I planed on coming up and around the back of where the sirens were. Especially the one. Maylia. I would find another boat to cross the great sea. Somehow I would do it on my own. But then caught up with me. He grabbed at me and pulled me down to the ground.

"Noo" I cried "I can't do this. I cant" "Its okay" he said as he pulled me around. "You will be fine"

I pushed at him to get him off. He pulled at me again. And then I shoved. The power kicked in and he was flung 20 feet away from me. He landed back hard against a tree. Then he hit the ground. Getting knocked unconscious. I went back to where he was. Grabbed his sword. I planned in just killing him. But as he lay there I looked down between his legs. And there was his big bulge. His crotch was now tempting me. And I felt my groin start to twitch again.

"Fuck it" I huffed.

I then grabbed at him by the arms. Then I dragged him across the grounds. Finding a cluster of heavy brush and rocks. I hrabbed some binding ropes he has and tied him to a stump. Then tore a piece of cloth from his loins and shoved it in his mouth then bound that to his face. I looked at him as he was slumped there. Then crouched down next to the fallen Rhen as I heard someone nearby. It was one of his mates. Kale.

"Rhen. Rhen. Where are you brother" he called

I was prepared to attack if need be. But as he moved around some 30 yards away or so. He turned back and headed back to where he came from.

"I am sure they will find you" I said to him "Eventually."

Then I grabbed my gear and his weapons too. Then I headed around to see id there was a way around the sriens. It took me several hours to find myself along the shore. Some distance from where they tended the shore. I saw the women doing as they had done before the last time I had been there. They were pulling nets in with the daily catch. I saw many rafts near where they were. But I didn't dare approach. There were roo many if them.

"But how the Hell am I going to get across" I said.

I decided to move to shore some more. Seeing if therw qas somewhere else I could find that would get me across. Then I looked back there as I saw what appears to be Rhens friends at the beach. They were talking to one of the women. It was too far to see whom. But I didn't see Rhen. So I assumed they had not found him yet.

"Oh well." I said to myself "I have to move on". "Gotta find another way across." "Wish I had a fucking map"

But I didn't. So I moved on. I walked another couole if hours but didn't see much else. All I knew was the sea seemed more vast here up shore. So I aurmised that where the sirens has boats was the closest distance between the lands separated by this sea. And it almost made me want to turn back. To go back towards them and face them. Alone.

"Maybe a bit later I said"

I decided to take a break and stop for a while. Maybe eat something. And maybe test my powers. See what I could so with them. But first food. I grabbed a few morsels of something that I took from Rhens bag. It was like beef jerky. So it was edible. I sat down on a fallen tree that lay in the forrest edge. Then I noticed how big this trunk was. I wondered if I could somehow make a raft with it. So I turned and grabbed my blade. Balrogs blade.

"Lets see if I can carve out a boat." I said to the tree "Okay power. Lets do this" "Heat. Fire. Something"

The blade began to glow as I trued to concentrate on what I needed from it. Then I brought the blade to the large trunk of tree. It easily aliced through the hard wood. "It works. Fucking aye" I shouted.

So I began to try and carve out a boat like shape. It was far from perfect. But I was doing it. Then after another hour or so the outter shape of the boat was seen. But I still had to carve out the inside. I knew this would be harder. But I started the process. I had to stop as I was getting tired. My head started to hurt from the intense concentration. I stopped and said down. The dark was beginning to fall. And I knew I had to find a place to hold up. I left the area near the shore. Trying to cover up my handy work with tree and brush. So I sliced down a few tress with the blade. Then covered what I had done as beat as I could. Then I headed inland for a bit. Hoping to find a cave or something to hide in. Just in case they went searching for me. Even though I was sure they didn't know I was out there. I did find a canopy of heavy trees and bushes. So I crawled into the a cluster of bushes. Covering myself with a bunch of leaves. Then I lay down to get aome sleep.

"Hope no one finds me" I said

Then sleep came and I was out. I could hear the sounds of night arpind me as I lumbered. Just wind and the breeze through the trees. And it was soothing to say the least. I woke in the morning with a deep hunger. The bits of food I had would not sustain me long. So I chewed on another jerked beef strip, then crawled out of my hiding place. Got up and headed back towards the sea again. I qent to the water to see if I could find some fish to eat. More food that the Crap I was eating. I grabbed the staff I took from Then. I sharpened the end to use as a spear. Then waded into the water. I guess I planed on getting a fish somehow with the spear.

"Concentrate man" I said to myself. "Concentrate on fish" "Sit hear quietly and think fish"

Then I raised the spear I made onto the air. Holding it up as I stayed still. Then as I thought about the food I wanted areas of the water began to glow. Glowing blue shades moving under the water.

"Its the fish" I said softly

I slowly turned as I watched the flowing movement below. Then like a lightning strike, I lunged the spear forward and into the water. And I hit my mark. A fish. I pulled it out and brought it to shore.

"Cool" I said "Very cool trick"

I then cut up and cooked the fish near where my boat creation was. I ate it and then went back to carving out my boat. It was then that I heard footfalls approaching. Someone had found me. I grabbed the apear and turned to throw it at whomever was coming. Then stopped just as I saw the hunter again.

"You!" I shouted "How did you find me?" "You disappeared" he said "So it was my duty to find you" "I feared you would fall to someone hand."

He stepped towards me. His hands up to let me know he meant no harm.

"Why did you leave?" He asked "I couldn't wait" I said "I need to get to Borga before that fucker kills him"

And I again I asked how he found me. Because no one had so far. "I am a tracker after all friend" he stated "I rarely fail"

Then he reminded me he was on my side. I relaxed and put the spear down. I kneq he meant me no harm. But I was just on edge as I drew closer to my goal. Then as he approached he looked at my handy work.

"What is this" he asked "Its a boat." I replied "I hope it will get me across" "Interesting" he sighed "Can I help."

I said that I should be able to finish. I just needed to concentrate. Then asked him to keep watch. So he did. And in another few hours it was done. The hunter carved out a few paddles to give us motion. Now we just needed to move the thing. I tried and he tried. But it was heavy, even for both of us. It was solid wood after all.

"It won't move" he said "Maybe this was not the best choice" "Shh!" I hushed "I can move it"

He looked at me oddly. But then I closed my eye for a second. I waved my blade at the boat I created. Then ordered it to to rise. And it did. The hunter looked at the sight with shock and awe.

"Lead me ro the water" I said

And between us the boat floated to the shore and the water. I collapsed to the ground as my head started to pound again.

"That was incredible" he said "Yeah. But it takes alot out of me" I explained

He helped me to the raft and went to grab our gear. Then he pushed the boat into the water. It creaked from side to side as he stepped it. I was afraid it may teeter to much and topple. But it steadied.

"This is a fascinating design" he said "Its from my world. " I said back

Then he told me to relax and he would get us on our way. The he went to the front of the boat and started to paddle us from shore. We were of to cross the great sea. Closer ro the enemy. And my Borga..... ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ To be continued

Next: Chapter 38: Finding Borga 14

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