The Nature of a Truly Desperate Heart

By Cat Beat

Published on Nov 11, 2016


The nature of a truly desperate heart - Chapter 6

DISCLAIMER: This story is a work of pure fiction, any resemblance to real life and/or real person is coincidence. This story will include scenes involving sex between men and adult language. If you do not like, are offended by such things, are under age wherever you are reading this or it is illegal to read such material, then leave now, please.

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The nature of a truly desperate heart - Chapter 6


I was excited my parents were here, meeting my new home and Matt, my mom never liked Allan very much, she said it was something in his eyes, but never told me anything else. I wanted them to love Matt.

When Matt left to go to the bar I took him to the door and kissed him, I said I would stop by later and I was sure I would, my dad wouldn't want to miss the bar, being in the restaurant supplies/appliances business he liked to see all kinds of spaces dedicated to food and beverages. As soon as I got back to the living room, my mom started on me.

"I like this place, it has an amazing view."

"It does, and it's very functional too."

"How much time do you spend here and not downstairs?"

"Mom, don't start, I've been dating Matt for less than a week."

"I like him, he has great eyes."

"Mom, what's that with the eyes, you like Matt because of his eyes, but you didn't like Allan because of his eyes."

"The eyes tell you anything you need to know, looking at Allan's eyes I saw envy and lust, but looking at Matt's eyes I see love and care."

"You women are weird, Tessa also said she could see Matt loved me in his eyes."

"Well then, star listening to what women have to say."

"Yes, mommy."

"Don't you dare mommy me, you know I only want the best for you. So, about Matt, what do you have to say in your defense?"

"Mom, I'm in love, he really loves me, he doesn't ask for anything, doesn't suggest we go to the most expensive restaurants, in Wednesday we had the most romantic date ever, and didn't even left the house. He's amazing, and caring, and funny, and gorgeous."

"Thomas, you never talked like that about anyone, and at one point I was actually afraid I had to deal with Allan the rest of my life."

"Mom, I told you, it's different with Matt, he loves me, not my wallet. And I love him."

"And in the bedroom, how are things?"


"Spill it, you know I won't quit until you tell me what I want to hear."

"Just so you know, we haven't had sex yet, we slept together, but it was all we did, sleep, with a bit of cuddling, but nothing more, yet."

"Good, get to know each other first on the outside, then you can get to know the inside."

"Mom, can you please stop talking like that?"

"I said nothing wrong. You should know by now that neither me or your father are disgusted by gay sex, so just roll with it."

"You always know how to win an argument don't you?

"Yes. Now, should we go see this bar, or not?"

We went to the bar, and immediately after we got in my mom was admired with the décor, the red walls with pictures all around it in golden frames was very appealing to my mom. The bar was busy, but Matt had reserved us a table, so we could sit and chat. My dad didn't even sat down, he went besides the counter and started looking all around it, next he made Matt take him to the kitchen, and made another extensive inspection.

They finally came back and sat down with me and mom, dad was impressed.

"You have a nice Establishment here, Matt, state of the art appliances, that are well taken care off, and the cleaning is remarkable, if I hadn't seen the cook do her job I would say that the kitchen hadn't been used in months."

"I like to have things cleaned, and my customers appreciate the effort, that's why I have loyal customers, although some have complained that your son is no longer cooking."

That's all my mom needed to ear, I was doomed.

"What do you mean? Thomas cooked here?"

"Yes mom, I did. The week I moved in. I took the week off in the firm, and I spend it here cooking chicken wings."

"Mrs. Thompson is a great cook, but her wings are nothing when compared to your son's wings. He's a great cook. And I've been told that his mother is even better."

"Why, Matt, are you challenging me for a wings competition?"

"I wasn't, but that's not a bad idea."

We were all laughing about all the antics, I was so happy that my parents liked Matt, and Matt liked my parents. This would never happen with Allan. We continued talking, laughing and sipping our drinks while Matt was trying to give attention to all his customers. He was running back and forth, and I could see that my parents were impressed by his work ethics.

I looked at my mom and knew she was thinking about something, and that I would somehow be involved, my dad looked at her, then at me, then at Matt. He knew my mom long enough to know what she was planning, and I was sure he knew. My mom got up and grabbed Matt and they went outside, I was curious, and wanted to know what they were talking about but suppressed the desire to go snoop on the conversation.


When we were outside Tommy's mom had a serious face, I was afraid she was going to tell me she didn't wanted her son around me, I was thinking like a teenager, I know, but I was insecure.

"Matt, I have two questions to ask you."

"Go ahead."

"First, do you love him?"

"Yes, from the first day he stepped in this bar. And I fall for him a little more everyday."

"That's good to hear. Second, do you really think we could make a wings competition right here, right now?"

I started laughing, she was so serious for the first question, and now she was actually thinking about having a competition on chicken wings. I liked this lady.

"We could, but how do you suggest we do that?"

"Well, your cook obviously had to cook in the bar's kitchen. I could go to Tommy's apartment and he can go to your apartment. 50 wings each, and your customers do the scoring, to see who has the best wings."

"I like the idea. Would you please come with me?"

I took her inside the building, and through my house to the bar, we talked to Mrs. Thompson and she liked the idea and was in for some fun. We took wings to both apartments and then went back to the bar. I had both women with me when I asked for everyone's attention.

"Ok everyone, we'll have a first here today on 'esses' we will have a chicken wings cookout competition. There are three cooks playing today, first, 'esses' main cook, Mrs Thompson, second, the lovely Mrs. Campbell, and lastly, Mr. Thomas Campbell. The rules are simple, the three will have 1 hour to cook 50 chicken wings and bring them back to the bar, where you, my dear customers will be evaluating them. Because we don't want biased opinion only I will know whom cooked each batch of wings, and obviously I will not be on the scoring committee.

Now, I would like to take all three candidates to their cooking stations, so have fun, and be ready to eat in one hour."

Everyone was excited about this cookout, some people even said it was a great way to spend the afternoon and that I should do it every week or every two weeks to keep things interesting, and it could actually bring more people to the bar. I shared the opinion, but I had to talk to Tommy before commit to such thing.

Half way through the challenge I went to see how everything was going, I went to Mrs. Thompson first, she said she never had this much fun working, and said she wouldn't mind do it again. I went to Mrs Campbell next, she was cooking and singing, she was a good singer too, she had made extra wings so I could have a taste of what she could do, since her's were the only ones I had never tried before.

Finally I went to my boyfriend, he had a look on his face I couldn't read I hugged him from behind and he almost melted in my arms.

"This was my mom's idea, wasn't it?

"Yes, but it's actually fun, Mrs Thompson said she wouldn't mind doing it more often, since she's having fun, and several customers said they would like to see this happen every week, or every two weeks."

"I don't know if I can do this all the time, Matt. I confess this is fun, but I don't know."

"Tommy, i wouldn't ask you to do it all the time, and I surely will not do it again without asking you, this surprise was a one time thing."

"I love you. Now go away, I need to cook the best goddamn chicken wings ever. But kiss me first."

How can anyone resist that? I kissed him for all I was worth, and went back to the bar.

"Things are progressing nicely in all three kitchens, in about 20 minutes we should have wings."

The three competitors arrived with their wings, I put them in trays signaled 1, 2 and 3, and took them to the bar, the girls helps me serve and Mr. Campbell distributed papers where he had written the same numbers. The votes would be put in a container and then counted to determine the winner. All customers were having fun eating and judging, who wouldn't, it was free food.

After everyone had sampled all three kinds of wings they placed the vote in the container to be accounted. Everyone was talking and drinking while I was counting the votes, I noticed that some of the customers were staying longer than normal, which meant they were spending more than normal. This was good for business, I liked it.

After all votes counted I announced.

"We have a winner, by one vote. Wings number 3 had 15 votes. Wings number 1 had 17 votes, and wings number 2 had 18 votes. Are you ready to know the winner?"

After a loud round of 'YES' I decided to very slowly announce the places. When my father-in-law went to take care of the votes I asked him to buy some beer cups or mugs with placement, he bought 3 wine glasses painted in gold, silver and bronze, they were perfect. The cups were in the counter waiting to be delivered.

"In third place, we have our own Mrs. Thompson, you won bronze, but are still 'esses' golden girl feeding all these people everyday." She smiled and stepped forward.

"I'll need to fight the winner for the recipe." Everyone laughed at that.

"In second place, taking the silver cup home is, the one, the only, the amazing. My sweet and lovable mother-in-law Mrs. Campbell."

Just like Mrs. Thompson she stepped forward and took the cup of my hand.

"I guess I didn't beat my son enough when he was a boy, he should know by now that I don't like to lose."

Another laughing session later, Tommy finally stepped forward to receive his prize.

"Looks like the queen was dethroned, sorry Mommy."

Of course this brought another session of laughter, even Mrs. Campbell was laughing.

Everyone got back to talking and drinking, Tommy was talking to his mother and Mr. Campbell approached me.

"Thank you."

"For what?"

"For giving him back happiness, he thought he was happy with that Allan guy, but he never looked this happy, he's my boy again."

I couldn't imagine Mr. Campbell saying this, he was one of those tough looking guys that could break your arms with just a look, if someone told me he had said that, I wouldn't believe. I actually started to tear up, but I wouldn't cry in my bar. so I just hugged him and went back to work. The three of them went upstairs, but I still had the bar opened a few more hours, so I had to stay. When I got home Tommy was waiting for me.

Next: Chapter 7

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