The Other Me

By Craig Nickels

Published on Nov 5, 2003


The Other Me

A gay celebrity fan fiction story based on the Disney Channel Original Movie "The Other Me," (2000) starring Andy Lawrence as Will Browning.

The original script was by Jeff Schechter, based on the book "Me Two" by Mary C. Ryan

This version is by Craig Nickels, 2003.

This story has been reworked and expanded, due to the great response, and the popular demand, into a longer, sexier story. It's sort of "The Other Me, 2." Enjoy.


It started when Will Browning got his first semester 8th grade report card. He hated school and was in danger of failing science. Will hated school so much partly because it was so easy for his older sister, Alana. Her "A" grades made Will's "Cs" and "Ds" seem worse.

Will's parents threatened to send him away for the summer to a boot camp. He knew he'd never survive if sent. A small boy, cute in his way, and questioning sexually, Will knew he'd be licking more than boots and be the camp fuck toy before the summer was over.

Back in his room, Will decided to search the Internet for School Science Projects to get ideas. "Grow your own fun," one site proclaimed. "Do science and enjoy it with Ocean Pups."

"Hello, Science Project!" thought Will as he sent away for the sea monkeys, via snail mail, so he could send a check.

What Will didn't know was that the Ocean Pups company was a front for cloning research, and his kit contained extra ingredients just waiting for DNA. When Will got his kit (a few days later) and used his comb (with a few strands of his hair stuck in it) to stir the Ocean Pup eggs into the aquarium, strange things started to happen! The water started to bubble, foam, froth, and develop a glowing waterspout that looked like it would shoot out into the bathroom.

Will ran to get his cordless phone and called the Ocean Pup company, which put him on hold. When he went back to check on the aquarium, he was face to face with -- himself, a naked copy of himself, wet as if he'd just come from the shower. Will just stared, until he heard something.

"Ocean Pups," said a voice on the phone. You provide the water; we provide the fun. How may I help you?" said the customer service rep.

"Yeah, my name is Will Browning. I just used the kit I ordered and I got flashing lights and waterspouts and uh...stuff," he wasn't sure he wanted to tell everything.

"Lights and spouts? OK. Let me look that up in the handbook." Will was put on hold again.

Will and this mystery boy just stared at each other until the Ocean Pup rep came back on the phone. "There's nothing in the handbook relating to your problem. It doesn't say anything about lights and spouts."

"It..." Will started, but noticed the boy pick up a bottle of talcum powder, point it at Will, and start to squeeze, "Don't."

"No, it don't," said the service rep, unaware that Will was about to have his face powdered.

"Gotta go. Bye." Will hung up, but too late, as the boy sent a blast of baby powder at Will.

Will got a towel and wiped his face, then turned back to the boy. "You (cough) look (cough) just like me," said Will through a powdered mouth. "But where...? How did you...? The kit! Oh wow this is WAY better than Ocean Pups! Wait a minute, there was something like this in science class. Here, take the towel, dry off and wrap it around while I look for my science book."

Will had just found his science book, and was sitting on his bed starting to read when the mystery boy came out of the bathroom, still naked except for the towel wrapped around his head like a turban.

Will had seen himself in mirrors and photos but never had been able to see himself like this. Well, like most 13-year-olds, Will was interested in what other boys had. Even though this was a copy of himself, he was interested.

Like many boys his age, Will had tried to suck himself, but his dick and tongue weren't particularly long and he wasn't quite flexible enough. He could hardly wait to try 69ing with his clone. It would be the closest he'd likely ever get to sucking himself. But he wasn't sure yet about this boy, and right now he had other things to see about.

"No, no! The towel goes around your middle," Will said, going to the boy and refitting the towel around the boy's loins.

"Now, sit here," Will indicated a place on the bed beside himself. "You know, if you're what I think you are, you're my ticket out of boot camp." Will said as the boy sat next to him. "Listen to this `Cloning: the creation by laboratory technique of an organism that is an identical copy of its parent.' Holy "A" in science class! I made myself a clone!"

Will wondered what to call his clone. "I gotta come up with a name for you.. Let me think. Names. You're my clone, so Cloney?"

The clone made a face and shook its head.

"Okay, that was lame, work with me here! Chloe? I can't call you Will.' That's MY name, even if you are the other me. Hmm, The Other Me, T.O.M. What do you think about Tom'?"

The clone seemed thoughtful.

"Will 2? Twoie! Yeah I like that."

The clone seemed to like it too, judging from his grin.

Just then, Will's parents called him to supper.

"I gotta go eat, Twoie," said Will. "Here's my science book. It tells about cloning and about other stuff you ought to know. Read it. And put on some clothes."

After supper, Will managed to sneak some food to his room for Twoie. They talked some more, and Will showed Twoie how to use his computer, as they tried to find more about cloning, then they went to bed.

That night, Twoie's head was filled with thoughts. "I'm in love with my best friend. He's so like me. I feel like I've known him my whole life. Well Duh! I have! I mean he just created me a few hours ago, but he looks to be 13 years old so I must be 13 years old since I'm his clone. He'll be going to school tomorrow, and what am I to do? I could hardly bare the thought of being separated from him. But I'm terrified how he will react when I tell him how I feel. Then again, maybe he'll feel the same. I mean, if I'm his clone aren't my feelings his feelings, and vice versa?" Twoie got up, careful not to wake Will, and went to the computer to look up boy/boy love.

Will WAS have similar thoughts and feelings! "I know it's wrong, but I can't help it. It's not my fault he made me fall in love with him. It's not my fault he understands me so well, that he's so funny. We have the same hair, the same freckles. And the eyes...I've always been told my eyes show emotion. But with Twoie, I SEE that for the first time. When I look at him, I don't just see an image of myself, I see my inner self."

Will woke lying in his bed with the covers pulled away, and Twoie over him. Will was wearing boxers, while Twoie was naked because he wasn't used to clothes yet. Will looked up at Twoie, seeing a copy of his own luscious deep brown eyes.

Twoie didn't say anything. 'What is he trying to convey through those eyes to me?' wondered Will as he continued to stare.

Will now realized that his cock was growing hard, and felt embarrassed, but he couldn't turn away. He then looked into Twoie's eyes and could still see that look in them, but now he realized what the message was; it was one of love, deep love, possibly mixed with lust. Will now noticed Twoie's erection.

At the sight, Will's own cock went completely hard. Will's young teen cock had poked through the slit of his boxers and was begging for relief. Twoie's next move however took him totally by surprise. He moved his head and bent it slightly, as if to kiss Will on the lips.

Will closed his eyes and waited for those luscious lips to touch his own, but instead he felt Twoie's lips on his erection, not sucking yet, just kissing. "Oh YEAH, Twoie, but I want to do you too," said Will.

Will stripped off his boxers, and the boys moved into a 69 position on top of the covers, Twoie on top again. Soon the boys were tonguing and sucking each other with passion and creating a feeling that no words could describe, other than "fucking fantastic."

After a while, Twoie stopped his cock sucking and began to kiss Will's body. First he attended to Will's nipples. Then he kissed and licked his way to the bellybutton, and stuck his tongue in there, exploring. Will was squirming underneath him, because of the absolute pleasure that he was enjoying from this total tongue bath. He couldn't guess how Twoie knew what to do and when to do it, but Will could see that Twoie was leaving the gold for last.

Of course the gold was Will's cum. Will's penis was begging for relief, and Twoie sensed it, because after working on Will's upper body for 10 minutes, he stopped to stare into Will's eyes again, looking for permission to go for gold. Will nodded slightly to give him permission to do what he wanted to do, and not stop.

Twoie quickly moved down the bed, nearly having to leave the bed to do what he wanted to do. He then grabbed Will's cock and began to spread some of the clear fluid leaking from it around the shaft with his tongue. Will's body jerked slightly at his touch.

"Ohhhhhhhh, that feels sooooooo good, don't stop bro."

But Twoie did stop. "Bro?" he asked.

"It means brother."

"I'm your brother?" asked Twoie. "I thought I was your clone."

"Well, you... I don't know. It's complicated... but you FEEL like a brother, a twin."


"That's sort of like a clone, but family."

"So I'm family?"

"You sure are!" said Will, wondering how he was going to explain this to the rest of the family. "Now suck me! And let me suck you."

Will knew Twoie was happy to oblige, because he resumed his attention to Will's penis with absolute love and care. With Will's cock still in his mouth, Twoie backed off just enough to stick his tongue out and flick it over the tip of Will's penis. He then dropped his head and totally engulfed Will's shaft. His mouth was hot, and was driving Will totally wild with lust.

Twoie continued to suck on Will's stiff shaft, while working one hand up and down the solid meat, and fingering Will's nut sack with his free hand. Five minutes must have passed, and for the whole time Will was enjoying it like nothing that he had ever experienced before. By now, Will was getting close to cumming. Once his sperm began its race up his shaft, there would not be any stopping it, and he tried to warn Twoie of this. But Twoie was in such lust, pumping his own cock into Will's mouth, that Will could only communicate by thought.

"Ohhhhhh I'm gonna cum; ohhhhhh if you don't want to take it, I'll understand. Fuck I looooove youuuu" But now that Will had telepathically warned him, Twoie just continued to suck on his cock, working harder on it than he had before. It was clear that Will's load of cum was not going anywhere but into Twoie's mouth, and probably the bottom of his stomach. But Will had little time to think about that now, as Twoie was now fucking his mouth like a well-oiled piston, and was about to dispense his own load of cream.

The boys' orgasms were simultaneous, cum pouring from and into each other like fountains after spring rain. Each penis throbbed about 8 times, expelling fluid on each of those throbs. The boys continually shook with the magnitude of their orgasms, which would have to have been their best orgasms yet, and continued to do so even after their balls had expelled their fluid.

Twoie got up. "Oh no, we are leaking! But it felt so good!"

"Nothing to worry about," said Will, laughing. "That's perfectly natural. That was an orgasm."


"No, orgasm. We can talk later about that," said Will. "Right now, we should get cleaned up."

This may or may not be continued.

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