The Quest

By Rim4you (Marc)

Published on Sep 10, 2001



The following story deals with subject matter that some readers may find objectionable. Therefore, if you find sexual acts between consenting men involving raunch and scat offensive or if you are under the age of eighteen, STOP HERE!

The Quest by Rim4you


Since the days of King Arthur and his tales of the Knights of the Round Table, a quest has come to mean a journey. A personal search of self with a desired object as a goal.

One is driven by an unknown force towards this goal and in doing so discovers an awareness of self.

Looking back now, upon that period of my life when I was searching for answers to what made me tick, I come to the conclusion that I was on a quest. The quest for my sexual identity. Don't we all make such a journey?

Chapter 1

At around the time I was twelve years old and my body was transitioning from boy to teenager, that awkward stage of growth all boys go through, I thought I was wierd. Even crazy perhaps.

Growing up in a household of males consisting of my Dad, a widower since Mom's death when I was still a baby, and my older brothers, Mike and Todd, seeing them jaunting around the house naked, their bodies in varying degrees of muscular tone and definition, I had a glimpse of what the outward appearance of the onslaught of my own puberty would be like.

I admired Dad's broad shoulders and chest swirling with a fine mat of dark hair. My oldest brother, Mike, had a body as smooth as silk, rippling with muscles from his daily workouts, that contrasted with the forest of hair that swirled around his cock and balls. But it was Todd who always caught my eye and filled me with wonder. He inherited Dad's hairy chest and unlike Mike's pumped up body, Todd's seemed to be more natural and what captivated me everytime I saw Todd naked was what swung between his legs. A long, thick tool that even Dad and Mike whistled at, much to Todd's embarassment, whenever they saw him naked.

As Todd and I shared a room, my chances of stealing glances at him and hearing his soft moans in the middle of the night when he thought I was fast asleep, were more opportunistic than for Dad or Mike.

Todd was four years older than I. Mike was eighteen and although Todd was more conscious of his nakedness around Dad and Mike, with me he felt much more at ease. I guess it was because I didn't hoot, holler and whistle whenever Todd's 'whopper,' as Dad and Mike referred to it, flopped out. Although it never escaped my notice whenever Todd climbed into bed naked and through squinted eyes, feigning sleep, I'd watch my brother in an almost nightly routine, when he was certain that I was fast asleep, slip the covers down and taking his cock in his hand he'd stroke himself to an explosive orgasm. Muffling his cries of satisfaction, I'd watch as ropes of cum ejaculated from his dick and splatter upon his stomach. Sometimes his cum would hit him in the face and with my own boner straining, I'd watch as Todd swept the creamy fluid into his mouth.

It made me wonder, desire and lust in my own way for the day when my dick would reward me with thick ropes of cum like my brother Todd's dick did him.

Too, it made me think that if this nightly spying upon my brother, an invasion of his privacy, was right. But then I rationalised that he was doing it in the open, in my presence. Wasn't he taking a chance that I'd wake up and see him? That I'd do as all little brothers do and run off and tell? Or was it that he was teaching me that a cock was something that needed careful attention and was to be held, stroked and satisfied whenever the urge arose?

From my own awakening puberty, the changes occurring with my body and the emotions stirring within me, seeing my brother's nightly ritual, made me wonder if my own obsession with my cock, everytime it tingled and sprung to life at the slightest stimulation, was wrong?

Seeing the way Todd, almost lovingly caress his 'whopper' made me think otherwise. I began to wonder if Dad and Mike loved their cocks the way it seemed that Todd loved his?

At that tender age, my quest was beginning although I didn't realise then, the depth that my journey would take and the onslaught of questions that it would bring.

Chapter 2

A year had passed of my nightly surveillance of Todd. During that year Todd's body had taken on more definition as he had become a member of the swim team at his high school.

I almost couldn't stand it anymore. Seeing, watching him night after night taking pleasure with his dick in the bed so close to mine. Watching as he spat into the palm of his hand and curled his fingers around his shaft and hearing his soft moans as his hand glided up and down his rigid cock.

As I silently stiffled my own rapid breaths, lying on my stomach and gently grinding my own aching cock against the mattress beneath me, how I longed to roll over onto my back and, like Todd, slide the blanket down and stroke with him. But would he object?

My answer came one steamy, humid August night. The muggy, Florida heat can be, at times, unbearable. Especially when the air conditioning in the house was on the fritz.

"It's so fucking hot!" Mike said, plopping down on the couch.

"What you expect?" I replied. "The air's out and this is Florida, not Alaska, Mike!"

"Fuck off, Marky!" Mike snapped.

"Lay off, Mike!" Todd grumbled, snatching up the remote and scowling at Mike. "I don't hear you complaining when you're working up a sweat lifting weights for hours on end in the garage."

"Fuck you, Todd! You're always taking sides with Marky!"

"Dad!" I hollered. "Mike's being a bitch!"

Dad promptly appeared in the livingroom, hands on his hips.

"I know it's hot, guys, but the air conditioning can't be fixed until tomorrow. Until then, bear with it. Mike! Quit picking on your brother!"

"Fuck!" Mike hissed. "Always Marky!"

Mike stormed out of the room but before doing so, clipped me on the side of the head with his open hand.

"Mike!" Dad hollered.

"It's okay, Dad." I responded. "Mike's just hot. We all are."

"Mike!" Dad persisted.

"Sorry, Squirt." Mike said. "I didn't mean it."

Mike's temper had a short fuse which Dad realised and always tried to keep in check. I rationalised that as Mike was the oldest and Dad placed alot of responsibility on his shoulders, with Todd and I, that it was his due to bursts of anger every now and then. Todd and I didn't make matters any better by egging him on.

"It'll cost you, Mike." I said.

"For what?" Mike replied, turning to me exasperated with Dad looking on.

"Cussing me out and whopping me up side the head!"

"Don't be vindictive, Mark." Dad said. "Your brother's apologized."

"It's okay, Dad!" Mike remarked, throwing up his hands. "I'm used to Marky getting his way. What's it gonna cost me this time little brother?"

I thought for a moment, pensive. I had my brother by the balls so to speak. I knew how to wield my power as the youngest to my advantage when the situation called for it.

"Take me for a ride on your motorcycle, Mike," I exclaimed, "and a hot-fudge-sundae at Baskin-Robbins!"

"Don't bribe your brother, Mark!" Dad replied. "He's apologized."

"No prob, Dad! I'm used to it. What Marky wants, Marky gets. It'll backfire on him one day."

"And what about Todd?" Dad asked.

"It's okay, Dad." Todd replied, "I'm beat anyway. I'm gonna turn in for the night. You two have fun."

"I'll call it a square deal if you throw in a round of miniture golf at Pirate's Cove, Mike!" I said.

"You don't give up do you?" Mike said, with a grin.

"Nope." I replied.

"I guess I owe you that much, Squirt!" Mike said, more cheerfully. "After all. I did smack you good upside the head! You sure you don't want to join us, Todd?"

"Nah. You guys go. It's too hot to do anything tonight."

As I hopped on to Mike's prized Harley-Davidson and wrapped my arms around his waist, my thoughts drifted to Todd and how he'd amuse himself on this hot, humid night?

"You okay back there?" Mike hollered, as he cranked up his bike.

"Yeah!" I replied, as I slid into the seat behind him, my crotch resting against his ass and my arms encircling his waist.

"Well hang on tight, little brother!" Mike yelled, as we roared out of the driveway and down the street.

The vibrations of the motorcycle sent tingles to my instantly rising dick. As I held on to my brothers' waist, my hand dropped between his legs and pressed against his crotch. discovering that he was flagging a hardon just like me.

"Fuck yeah!" Mike hollered, as we barrelled down the street, thrusting his ass back into my crotch.

Chapter 3

"I gotta admit," Mike whispered, as we mounted the stairs to our rooms, "I had fun tonight, Marky!"

"Me too." I responded. "Mike ..."


"I didn't mean to pull a fast one on you in front of Dad and Todd earlier."

"I know, Squirt. I know I have a short temper and I don't mean to take it out on you but no matter what I do, Todd always comes to your rescue."

"Don't get mad about that, Mike."

"I'm not. I'm glad that you and Todd are so tight. Kinda wish I were."

"You are, Mike. In your own way. I couldn't ask for a better big brother who ..."

"Takes the heat for alot of your shit?"

"Well ... uh ... yeah. But you know I love you for it."

"I know, Squirt! Don't go getting all mushy on me now."

"My name is Mark!"

"Getting too big for your britches, huh? You'll always be Squirt to me."

"Why's that?"

"I dunno, fartface!" Mike said, smacking my butt. "Guess that's because you're my kid brother and you'll always be a pain in the ass."

"But ..."

"Shhhhh! It's one o'clock in the morning. If Dad knew I had you out this late, he'd tan my hide."

"No! He wouldn't."

"No thanks to you!"


"Just teasing, Marky! Go on to bed."

"I feel kinda bad that Todd didn't go with us, Mike."

"That was his choice, Marky. Besides. Two guys on a Harley is one thing. Three guys on a Harley ... well, that's obscene."



"Todd's a good guy."

"He's the best brother we could ever hope for, Marky! He's the peacemaker. The guy who always puts himself in the line of fire when we fuck up."

"We do that alot, don't we, Mike?"


"Fuck up?"

"Yeah. We do, Marky. That's because you and I are so much alike. Todder! He takes after Mom. Quiet and gentle but firm and always there when needed. Don't ever underestimate Todd's strength. He's stronger than you and I combined."

"Do you love him, Mike? I mean ..."

"Of course I do. He's my brother. I know I'm rough around the edges and don't show how I feel but ..."

"But what?"

"I respect him most of all. If ever you need someone to count on, Marky, Todder is it. He'll never let you down. He'll never stear you wrong."

It was with those thoughts that I said good-night to Mike and quietly slipped into the room I shared with my brother, Todd.

Chapter 4

As I silently closed the door behind me, the night air seemed heavy with mugginess. The open window did little to relieve the almost stiffling heat. Only the gentle breeze stirring from an electric fan seemed to offer some respite, if any, from the heat.

As I stripped out of my clothes, preparing myself for bed, I glanced at the slumbering figure of my brother, Todd, lying on his stomach, his gentle snoring signifying that he was indeed asleep.

The moon's soft glow penetrated the room casting shadows here and there and upon each curve of my brother's body.

Gathering, I felt, from the heat, the sheet serving to cover Todd, was an entangled heap entwined around his ankles, I undressed, gazing upon him and studied the curve of his back as the shadows dappled towards the small of his back and onto the ample mounds of his creamy white ass.

Never before had I seen Todd's butt so exposed. So naked and vulnerable. So peaceful and inviting.

Slipping out of my briefs, my cock sprang to attention. Hard and twitching, mesmerized by my brother Todd's asscheeks.

A feeling, unlike I had ever known before, crept over me. Compelling me. Drawing me towards Todd. Yes. I had seen him naked before. Pounding away at his cock even but never before had I seen my brother in so sensual a pose as now. Quiet and peaceful. Completely oblivious to everything surrounding him. Lost in sleepful repose.

Fixated, I approached Todd and felt within me a stirring hitherto unknown. My cock seemed to throb with an aching lust above and beyond anything I had experienced before. The mushroom head of my cock flared and throbbed as never before and from my pisshole issured, for the very first time, a fluid, which dripped and fell towards the floor like the thread of a spider's web, what I knew to be pre-cum. The very first oozing of juices from my dick.

A feeling so intense, of lust and desire swept over me that sent ripples of goose bumps over my naked flesh as step by step, inch by inch I approached my brother's bed.

My knees trembled as they brushed the edge of the mattress and slowly gave way causing me to crash, with a thud onto the floor.

I understood what was happening, yet didn't, as my cock spat copious threads of clear nectar onto the floor. Was this the night that I would be taken from boyhood to manhood?

I trembled at the thought as Todd's muscular, creamy white asscheeks welled up before me.

As I gazed upon my brother's ass through glassy, half closed eyes, my breaths, like my cock, mounted and rose. All conscience effort on my part seemed to dissipate and all rationale depart as uncontrollably, like a magnet drawn, I lowered my head towards the cleft, that valley between the muscular cheeks.

With rasping breaths, the bridge of my nose made contact with the warm flesh of Todd's ass, at the juncture of the full mounds.

My mind reeled with disgust but my lust and desire pressed me forward. Against my will yet one with it. A feeling so strong and powerful. Like a magnet to metal that can offer no resistance.

Instinctively, my nostrils flared and quivered taking in a deep breath. A musky, stink aroma swirled up my nose. A stench at once powerful yet mellow. A ripe intoxication that made my head swim with revolt and lust. I couldn't believe what or why I was doing what I was doing. I was sniffing my brother's ass and inhaling his stink. His most private stink.

The noxious fumes of Todd's stench caused my cock to throb and jerk madly and spit it sticky fluid onto the floor. Yet I percieved that my dick, although madly thrashing about, was still tingling as though a pinnacle had not yet been reached.

Cautiously. Nervously, with fear of detection, yet driven with lust, I reached up and ran my hands over Todd's ass, gently pulling his asscheeks apart and with my nose, nudging into the sweaty, smelly trench that was his butt.

My nostrils quivered as I sniffed his ripe stink as I swirled my nose through the forest of hair towards my brother's puckering asshole.

I knew what I was doing was wrong but the stink was compelling me. My leaking cock, twitching and throbbing, drove me. Drove me to smell the rank stench of asshole. Drove me to savor each wafting vapor of butthole stink and to sniff. And sniff. And sniff until tilting my head back my brother's ripe funk clung to my nostrils and I continued sucking its stench into my lungs.

Why was I enoying this scent? Why was I enjoying the foul stink of Todd's shithole? Why did the rank odor of my brother's asslips cause my balls to tighten and my engourged cock throb like never before? Why was the stink of asshole turning me on so much? Would it be that my brother's stink would ravage me and send me tumbling, hurtling towards my first ejaculation

A slight moan escaped Todd's lips and he stirred, seemingly lifting and grinding his nasty butt onto my face.

It seemed that with every whiff of buttstink I inhaled, unable to explain it, I was becoming more and more turned on.

My quest for stink had taken root.

****************************** I welcome your comments. Write to me at

Next: Chapter 2

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