The Sacrifice

By Peder Pederson (D.V. Zomba)

Published on Dec 1, 2009



--4 March 2001--

Washington was bleak--one of those cold, drizzly days that often punctuate the early spring. The cherry trees were not yet blooming, but their limbs indicated that the pink explosion was not far off. Every thing was normal for this city where nothing is normal!

Rick had returned over six months before, had been completely debriefed, but had not been given a new assignment. Frankly his debriefings had uncovered a subtle shift in his nature which the interrogators were not able to identify. This, of course, disturbed them somewhat. It was thought that intelligence analysis, for which Rick was eminently qualified, would better suit him, for the present, at least. He, therefore, spent the time since Singapore pouring over myriad documents, taped conversations and televised snippets. He was busy, quite busy and relatively content considering the passionate, sensuality which had assailed his being those long six months past.

At first his thoughts were centered on those few days in August, and most especially upon Hamid. They had not exchanged addresses. At the time, that was not an option to be considered. Therefore, there was no way of contacting him or being contacted without breaching security. At first his thoughts continuously roamed through those last days--days of passion and intimacy, days of acceptance and exploration. But, after a time the memories took their appropriate place in the history file of his memory, dimmed by time. No longer were there the wrenching feelings of passionate yearning when he happened to think about his counterpart/friend. Now, he merely recalled from time to time, with fondness, those impassioned hours together.

Rick had, out of conscious choice, remained celibate since his return. He felt no need or desire to seek out any contact that might lead to a similar sensuous interlude. His work occupied him and he spent long hours at his desk.

The week before, Rick was alerted to the fact that he would be going to New York City for a few days of temporary duty. Nothing was made clear, merely an open ended assignment--he was told they need his intelligence acuity for a short time. Having packed the night before, Rick took a taxi to National and boarded the early shuttle to La Guardia. He was met in New York City by a member of The Group and taken to his hotel. It was a comfortable three star in midtown--his window overlooked Amsterdam Avenue. Quickly he was briefed in his room and was told that he would not be expected at the office until the next morning.

It had been over a year since Rick had been in New York City. Changing into something comfortable he decided to window shop. Rick walked over to Fifth Avenue and began to casually stroll up the street. The late morning traffic was not too heavy, and he stopped frequently to gaze at the merchandise displayed in the various store windows.

Suddenly the smell of hot dogs wafted by and he realized that he was a bit hungry. Walking to the corner where a vendor stood selling the warm, steamy franks with numerous toppings, he pointed to his choice and waited until it was prepared. Accepting the large bratwurst, covered with onions and Dijon mustard, he took a big bite and glanced around. The streets were filled with a conglomeration of cars, taxis and an occasional bus. A yellow cab rolled past and Rick casually glanced at the passenger. His eyes widened and his body jolted with shock as his eyes locked on those of the passenger in half recognition.

"It can't be! Impossible," he told himself as the yellow cab disappeared 'round the next corner. He shook his head to sweep away the image--the apparition--and took another bite of the bratwurst.

Across the street, on the corner was a large bookstore. Rick finished his 'lunch,' deposited the paper in a trash container, crossed the street and entered. He had always loved the smell of new books and stood just inside the entrance and surveyed the vast interior with its various departments. Walking past a number of display tables with the latest sale items and he headed for the history section. Rick began to browse and was soon lost in the warrens of time that history allowed, browsing from one shelf to another. Taking out an occasional book and leafing through it, maybe reading a few lines or paragraphs before returning it to its proper place, became his temporary routine.

While perusing an edition on recent Nepalese history, he heard: "The Singapore section is more interesting."

Spinning around, Rick was met with the expressive blue eyes of Jaak Romke, a wry smile spread across his face.

Quickly, Rick controlled his surprise. "What are you doing here?" he asked, pointedly.

"Looking at books!" came the quick reply.

"Cute!" Rick parried, "You know what I mean."

"It's a long story," Jaak murmured, his demeanor subtly changing and then he added, "How about a cup of coffee? Or, are you looking for something important?"

"No, just browsing," came the noncommital answer, and then the acknowledgment, "Sure, coffee would be fine."

They walked down a side street until the came to a small cafe which was filling up with the lunch trade. Jaak lead the way to a small booth in the back and slid in, Rick followed suit.

Almost immediately a waitress appeared and lightly demanded, "What will you have?"

Jaak, after glancing at the menu, ordered the lunch special, Rick asked for apple pie and coffee. After the food was served, Rick asked in a voice that did not carry beyond the booth, "What are you doing in New York, Jaak?"

"I'm here on business," he stated and then held up his hand to stop the obvious retort and added, "But, not the kind of business you think!"

"Oh?" was punctuated with disbelief.

Jaak smiled, understanding Rick's incredulity, "In my country, I do have a job at which I work--importing and exporting. All of us in Lithuania don't have the luxury of being employed by our government . . . . like you do." He smiled.

"What do you know about me?" Rick hissed.

Jaak merely continued to smile as he raised his eyebrows as a sign of understanding everything.

Rick continued his probing, trying to ascertain what Jaak' assignment was, but he got nowhere. After some minutes, Jaak called for the check and asked casually, "How about dinner tonight?"

"That won't be possible, I already have an engagement," came the lie.

Jaak realized that the 'engagement' was a probable lie and shot a little, knowing smile. "Well, if you have time, you can call me at the Warwick Hotel. The name is Romke, Jaak Romke."

"Yes, I know," replied Rick guardedly.

They both stood up and quietly left the cafe. "Call me if you have time," Jaak said, "I will probably be here for a few weeks."

"Yes, of course," came his disingenuous reply and Rick walked off down the street. His mind was racing, trying to piece together the information he had gleaned and to make some sense of it.

He walked for several more hours glancing into the passing windows. However, his preoccupation was no longer in window shopping, but with Jaak and the reason for his presence in the city. He ate a light supper, took a cab back to his hotel, purchased a copy of the Times and went to his room. He slept fitfully.

The next morning he arrived at the agency's New York office, was ushered into the regional director's office and, again, was informed of his duties. "What redundancy!" Rick thought.

Then, quite casually, the Warren Johnson, the regional director commented, "I understand you had lunch with an old friend, yesterday."

Without missing a beat, Rick replied, "He cannot be considered a friend, merely someone I met and with whom I had some dealings in Singapore," and, added, "But, then, you must have been aware of that!" To himself, Rick commented, "He must have a tail on him, or me! Can't do a damned thing anymore without everybody knowing."

The director merely smiled. "Well, we have some interest in this Jaak Romke. What did you discuss yesterday?"

Rick recounted the meeting and lunch in complete, analytical detail.

"What do you think he is doing here?" the director queried.

"I'm not sure. He said that he was here on business, as I said, but what lies underneath his presence? I don't know."

The director nodded thoughtfully. "Beside the work for which you were brought here, might I suggest that you cultivate an . . . . association . . . . with this Jaak. Don't be too obvious . . . . Just something . . . . casual. See what you can find out?"

"How fucking evasive!" Rick thought and added, out loud, "Yes sir. Casual . . . ."

"That will be all, for now. Thank you for coming in."

Rick got up and left the director's office and went to his assigned space and began to work. Later in the morning, Rick called the Warwick and asked for Jaak' room, not expecting him to be there. He was mildly surprised when the receiver was lifted and he heard the deep bass of Jaak' voice, "Hello?"

"Your business must allow you a lot of free time. I really didn't expect you to be in," Rick quipped.

There was a chuckle on the other end, "I had a lot of paper work to catch up on," and then an equally pointed parry, "Is this a business or a social call?"

"Social," came the quick reply, "Sorry about last night, but tonight I'm free if the invitation is still open?"

"Of course it is. Tonight would be fine. We could meet at . . . say 8:00 . . . the La Petite Maison? Do you know it?"

"Yes, I'm familiar with it," he lied while scribbling down the name of the restaurant. "Eight o'clock then," Rick noted the time, "Bye."

"Bye," and the connection was severed.

Crisp and clean. No extraneous conversation. Not the kind of conversation one would have with a friend or associate. But then the meeting would not be strictly 'social' and both realized that. Besides, Rick suspected that his call was being monitored--a normal occurrence. Jaak surmised the same.

La Petite Maison was one of a myriad small, relatively good and moderately priced restaurants that dotted lower Manhattan. The twelve tables were laid with crisp white linen, upon which faux crystal and silverware rested precisely. A small vase held a single pink rose. The walls were covered in pale green velour and a number of 'Impressionistic' oils with lavish gilded frames were carefully spotlighted. The lighting was tastefully subdued.

It was precisely 8:00 when Rick entered the restaurant and immediately saw Jaak sitting to one side. Both smiled in recognition as Rick walked to the table.

"I'm glad you could make it," Jaak said as he rose to greet Rick with a warm handshake.

"Thanks," came the answer, "And, again, I'm sorry about last night."

"I completely understand. No need to apologize."

They both smiled warmly, the initial apprehension beginning to dissipate. They ordered drinks which were quickly delivered and both men began to relax, somewhat.

"So," Rick began, sipping his martini, "How's business?"

Jaak gazed intently at Rick, trying to discern the true direction of the question, "Not too bad. There's always certain impediments and difficult negotiations . . . in the business world, you know."

Rick nodded his head and picked up the menu to consider his choice.

"I was certainly surprised yesterday. You were the last person I expected to meet in New York."

"Oh?" Then Jaak stated, "I thought that your . . . company . . . would have known of my presence."

"They may have, but, I just arrived yesterday morning and would not have been privy to all their information."

"Yes, of course."

"How long have you've been here, Jaak?"

"About ten days, now."

Quickly, Rick ran over the time frame and the recent chain of events in his mind, including his 'sudden' temporary duty appointment and considered the fact that his being sent here to New York City, might not have been accidental. He made a note to contact a colleague back in Washington to try to ascertain whether or not this 'transfer' had been part of a larger plan. It would not be unheard of for The Group to 'use' one of its numbers in such an operation. Still, he was somewhat angered, if that were the case, at not having been briefed earlier.

"Hmmm . . . the chicken sounds good," Rick commented, glancing at the menu. Then, "Will your business keep you here much longer?" he asked in an off handed manner.

Jaak glanced up from his menu, "That depends, I'm not sure yet." He smiled, recognizing the fact that he was being gently interrogated.

Rick nodded, knowingly. "Business is always risky, I guess," came his bland comment/question.

"Look, Rick, I suspect that the reason you contacted me this afternoon, and why you are here tonight is not out of any deep seated friendship. We both know what we are, have been. The real reason I had invited you yesterday is because things have been going slower than I expected. Yes, business is problematical . . . always! I saw you, you were a familiar face and I wanted to see you again. That's all. As for my business here . . . I'm considering moving my office here. It would be more convenient. That's all there is to it!"

"Business? You mean your export-import business?"

Jaak looked intently into Rick's eyes. "Yes." was all he said.

There was a tacit truce for the rest of the evening. Rick ceased his probing and they merely chatted while they ate their dinner. Over cognac, Rick queried, "Jaak, can I ask you one more question?"

A wry smile curled his lips as he answered, "Sure, only one more?"

Rick smiled in return and then became serious, "Why did you leave so abruptly from Singapore last August, without even a word?"

A cloud briefly flitted across Jaak' face, "I received notification after I got back to the room. The conference had been canceled. I was ordered to take the next flight back. They had tickets ready for me. . . . . Besides, any more contact between us might have been problematical!"

"You knew then about the cancellation?"


Rick was surprised and impressed. He had not received his notification so soon! Either The Group had not known as early as Jaak' contacts, or they had not bothered to inform him. In either case, he was concerned. That was another point that he needed to clear up.

They sat for a number of minutes in silence. "Well," Rick began, "I need to stop back at the office to finish up some leftover business." They both rose from their table. "Jaak, thanks." Rick reached across the table to shake Jaak's hand. The clasp lasted a second longer than normal and the clasp was a bit firmer. Both looked at each other, trying to telegraph a message. Neither knew how to interpret the action!

As they left the restaurant, Jaak asked, "Do you want to share a taxi?"

"Thanks, but I need to walk a bit, clear my head," Rick admitted, "Too much alcohol."

"I understand," the Lithuanian stated with an understanding smile.

Jaak stepped into a taxi and Rick strode off, in the opposite direction.

His mind was whirling, categorizing the information he had gleaned and attempted to give credence to his suspicions. After a some distance, and making sure that he wasn't being tailed, Rick stepped into a phone booth and dialed a number.

"Hello?" was heard as the receiver was lifted on the other end.

"Hi, are you busy now?"

"Well . . . . yes, I am, but I'll be free in twenty minutes."

"OK," Rick said as he hung up and glanced at his watch. Jim Edwards, a colleague at The Group and Rick had established a contact reference over a year ago. Jim and his wife, Colleen, were, at that time, in the last stages of a messy divorce proceedings. Well after the marriage had begun to disintegrate, Jim had established a relationship with the woman to whom he was now married. He and Rick had devised a reference contact so that Rick could inform Alice, Jim's present wife, of any message or information Jim needed to impart to her. Jim wanted to avoid any involvement of Alice in his heated domestic breakup. It was this contact that Rick now made.

Twenty minutes later, at another booth Rick dialed a second number--a number that rang in an isolated booth on the outskirts of Alexandria.


"Are you busy now?"

"No, every thing's OK. What's up?"

"Jim, I need some information."

"What is it that you need to know?" came the reply.

"Do you know if The Group had any information of a Lithuanian, by the name of Jaak Romke being in or coming to New York City?"

There was a pause on the other end of the line.

"Jim? Are you there?" Rick asked pointedly.

"Yes," came the reply.

Rick understood. "Did you hear my question?"

"Rick, you know I can't answer that."

"OK. Thanks. Bye then," and he hung up. The pause, followed by his question and the answer told Rick what he needed to know. The Group knew of Jaak' presence in New York City! He hailed a Taxi and went to his hotel and to bed.

The next morning, as he entered the office, he asked the receptionist if the regional director was in. He was. Rick requested to see him and was told that he could go right in. As he entered the regional director's office he was surprised to see the associate director from D. C. also in the office.

"Good morning, Rick," Talbot Reeves, the associate director said lightly, with a smile.

"Good morning, sir. It's a pleasant surprise seeing you here this morning." Rick answered, also with a smile. Rick had seen Talbot Reeves both in conferences and occasionally, privately a number of times since coming to The Group. He had admired him--his commitment and his honesty.

"Sit down Rick," regional director Johnson said affably indicating a chair.

"Sir," Rick began, "I had dinner last night with Jaak Romke. I'm sure you were aware of that.'

Johnson glanced quickly at Talbot Reeves. "Go on," Johnson urged.

"There were a number of things that we talked about that I see as problematical," Rick stated flatly.

"Oh? And what might they be?" the regional director asked ingenuously, again glancing towards the associate director. Talbot Reeves sat quietly watching Rick, his fingers tented and resting on his chin.

Rick began, "As you know from my reports and debriefing, Jaak Romke left Singapore on 18 August. He informed me last night that the reason for his recall was that the conference had been canceled. I didn't receive that information until the morning of 20 August. Now two things appear possible. Either The Group was not aware of the cancellation of the conference until a few hours before I logged on in the morning of 20 August; or, The Group knew a day or two earlier and for what ever reason failed to inform me. In my mind both possibilities are quite disturbing, the latter is especially so, since it involved me directly."

Again Warren Johnson glanced over at his impassive superior. Both said nothing.

"I was also informed, last night by Jaak Romke, that he has been here in New York City for some ten days. Was The Group aware of his presence here?" Rick asked regional director Johnson, pointedly.

Warren Johnson looked squarely at Talbot Reeves as if requesting something. Associate Director Reeves gave an imperceptible nod.

"We were aware of his presence," admitted the regional director.

"For how long?"

"Since the time he passed through immigration," Johnson admitted.

"I see," said Rick. "Am I to assume also that my 'temporary' posting here had something to do with Romke's showing up here?"

Johnson sat back in his chair and stated, "Now, that I am not prepared to answer!"

The heretofore quiet Talbot Reeves spoke quietly, "Yes, Rick, we sent you here because Romke was here. Since you had some contact with him in Singapore, we thought that you're being here in New York, might be helpful."

"Then, why wasn't I informed of that when the assignment was made?"

"We thought that it would be better. If you met him, your surprise would have been genuine. That's hard to fake, you know!" he stated with a brief smile.

"Then why wasn't I informed of The Group's knowledge, day before yesterday, after I had first met him?" Rick demanded.

Johnson moved uncomfortably in his chair.

Talbot Reeves turned towards the regional director and quietly said, "Warren, do you mind leaving for a moment? Mr. Carson and I need to discuss some issues. The 'need-to-know' does not apply to you."

"Of course," Warren Johnson said and quickly left the office unperturbed.

The Group ran its total operation on a 'need-to-know' basis. Items and information were compartmentalized. The lower down the ladder one was the less they knew of the whole. Only the Director of The Group and Talbot Reeves, the Associate Director, were privy to all the information the The Group gleaned as well as all pertinent information about the members of this tightly knit and highly secret organization. This, of course, could potentially be dangerous as information equated, often times, with power. For that reason the two top positions were reviewed regularly and they served at the will of The President and the Senate's Intelligence Committee--a unique balance.

Rick looked fixedly at the associate director.

Quietly, as always the associate director spoke. "Rick, I know that you are aware of the nature of the beast for which you are working," he stated with a knowing smile.

"Yes, sir. I do."

"Also, you know that all the office phones as well as your personal, home phone is monitored."

"Yes, I know that, too."

Talbot Reeves smiled gently at Rick. "What you may not know, Rick, is that frequently, our surveillance extends beyond that."

Rick's brown knitted, telegraphing the fact that he did not totally comprehend the full implication of the statement.

"After you had reported Romke's presence in Singapore, we bugged his room."

Again Rick knitted his brows. This information did not come as a complete surprise to him.

Quietly the associate director continued, "We also had your room bugged as well."

Rick set his face in an impassive mask as an uncomfortable awareness began to well up in his mind.

Talbot Reeves continued in his normal subdued manner, "Rick, we--that is The Director and I--are aware of your . . . . Ahh . . . associations . . . . with Jaak Romke . . . and . . . with Hamid al-Omar."

The awareness of the direction of this quiet conversation now blossomed fully. Rick flushed, yet his mask remained impassive.

"Please, Rick, please, be assured that . . . that your sexual preference is of no interest to The Group."

"That was the first . . . . "

"Please!" the associate director pleaded, holding up a hand to stop Rick. "Please, let me finish. There are others in The Group that have similar interests. Most we knew of when they were recruited. We recruit our personnel based upon their superior qualifications to do certain jobs--not on their sexual preference. It is our opinion that knowledge of this nature neutralizes any attempt at blackmail. In your case, even though we were aware of the unfortunate occurrence regarding your cousin, Rod Stearns, we were not aware of this other facet of your life." The associate director stopped and regarded Rick.

The mask remained, the foreboding had lessened, "Sir," began Rick in a controlled voice, "When I was recruited there was, there had been no question of my . . . . preference. What happened in Singapore was as disturbing to me as I am sure it was to you." He stopped as he rearranged his thoughts. The associate director knew what turmoil Rick must now be going through. "Frankly, sir, I am somewhat adrift. My "associations," as you call them, were unique for me, however, . . . pleasant. If they are, indeed, presage a preference, I am not at this moment willing to unequivocally admit it. I do not deny the possibility."

Talbot Reeves again flashed a warm smile of understanding as he said, "Fine, we shall leave it at that! Be assured, Rick, what ever choice you make, it will in no way affect The Group's assessment of you nor of your position with us."

Rick did not yet realize the implication of the load that had been lifted off of his shoulders. "Thank you, sir," he said calmly.

Talbot Reeves stood up, as did Rick. The older man offered his hand. The hand shake was warm and sincere. Then, as an after thought, "As to the first two issues of concern you raised . . . I am able to say that no human organization is omnipotent or infallible. And, young man, as to your third concern, we felt that your association with Jaak Romke might yield important information."

With a wry smile, Rick asked, "Sir, is my room at the hotel bugged?"

"You know I can't answer that!" He shot Rick a knowing wink.

Smiling, Rick left the office quietly and went to his cubicle. As he sat down, he realized that he now possessed a feeling of well being that he had not experienced for a long time.

Rick saw Jaak on a regular basis, always after work hours, generally for evening dinner, once they went to a movie and once to a concert at Lincoln Center. Carefully Rick either asked general questions or guided their conversations towards areas in which he thought there might be some tangible information. Jaak was aware of this gentle interrogation and was either evasive or simply did not respond to certain questions. On the other hand, there were times that they fell into easy conversation of things that they liked in common--good food, Stravinsky and the out of doors.

Every morning, Rick would report to the regional director and discuss his last meeting with Jaak. At the fifth meeting, Warren Johnson informed Rick that he would be returning to Washington and his normal duties the next day. Rick was somewhat surprised and a bit disappointed. He had begun to enjoy his meetings with Jaak.

That evening the two met for dinner and Rick informed Jaak of his return to Washington.

"I'm sorry to hear that," Jaak admitted. "I've come to enjoy these meetings. I shall even miss your inept interrogations," he added with a wry smile and a wink.

Rick returned the smile, "Well we all have some things to do--some things we like, some we don't."

"How well I know that," Jaak stated as a cloud passed over his face. Two dead bodies floated past his mind's eye, and the disappeared.

That evening they both had a drink or two too many--a kind of a parting celebration. The truth was: through these innocuous meetings, the two men had developed a fondness for each other. They felt relatively comfortable in each other's company. During this time, not a single reference was made to that brief, passionate intimacy in Singapore. It was forgotten, or, at least, had assumed its proper place in their respective personal histories. After dinner, they shared a cab, as they had on a couple of previous nights--Jaak being left off at his hotel first.

As Jaak shakily got out of the taxi, he turned and said, "Good bye, Rick. I've really enjoyed this time together." He reached out and they shook hands warmly.

"Good bye, Jaak."

The next morning, Rick took the early shuttle to National and was in the office by 10:00. As he walked in, his shared secretary said, "Morning, Rick, Talbot wants to see you as soon as you come in."

"Thanks, Marie," he said as he walked down the hall to the associate director's office and knocked.

"Come in." Rick entered. "Ah, good morning Rick, How are you?"

"Fine, sir," came the reply.

"Please sit down." Rick settled in a comfortable chair. "I've read your reports of Romke. Quite detailed and complete, as usual. You've done a good job."

"Thank you sir."

"Now, Rick, what I'd like to ask you this morning is: what is your analysis, your impressions of Romke that may not tally with the man you knew in Singapore?"

Rick had been analyzing Jaak in his own mind, so even though the question was not entirely unexpected, his answer was not slow in coming. "Well, sir, the Jaak I met in New York was subtly different from the Jaak I knew in Singapore. Of course, the situations were completely different. That might account for some differences, but not all, I think. First, he was more relaxed. That is understandable. Second, he was more voluble, more open, that, too, is understandable. Third, Jaak, as we know is highly intelligent. He was aware, or at least suspected that I was assigned to glean whatever information from him that I could. It wouldn't take a rocket scientist to realize that! He even made light, on a number of occasions, of my interrogations--joking about it. Fourth, he's quite well read--generally northern European literature; is knowledgeable about classical music; and appears to have strong philosophical predilection. Fifth, I had reported that his

reaction to the 'sanctioning' of the Tamil seemed strange and deep seeded. That was emphasized a couple of times in the conversations we had. I have a feeling that that killing affected him deeply. I have a feeling that he simply doesn't have the stomach for that type of action."

"Does any body?" broke in Talbot Reeves for the first time during this analysis.

"I've met one or two that apparently enjoyed it!" Rick commented.

The associate director merely nodded his head in agreement.

"Finally," Rick continued, "As to his 'business' here in New York--even though he stated that it is import-export, that's undoubtedly a cover. I do know that whatever he is involved in is a bit problematical for him. He made reference to 'impediments and difficult negotiations.' Whatever he's doing here, I have the impression that it is important . . . . to him."

"Why do you say that?"

"I don't really know. It's just a gut feeling I have," replied Rick.

"Sometimes 'gut feelings' can be important."

"Yes, sir."

"Rick, do you trust Jaak?"

With a smile Rick answered, "In this business can you trust any one . . . completely?"

Talbot Reeves smiled at the answer. "Thank you for your candor, Rick, and for your thorough reports. Very helpful."

Rick realized that the interview was over and he rose to leave. Half way to the door, he turned and with a half smile stated, "Oh, by-the-way, sir, the bugs in the hotel rooms were a waste of time and funds!"

The associate director merely returned the smile, nodded knowingly and returned to his work. Rick closed the door behind him and went to his desk and slipped into the tasks before him. He felt a feeling of contentment pervade his being.

--21 September 2001--

Rick entered the office at 9:30. Marie looked up and said, "Morning, Rick."

"Good morning, Marie."

"Don't forget the morning confab! 10:30," she reminded him.

"How could I?" he said in a good natured tone.

Every Friday the Washington segment of The Group met for general announcements, to review the weeks work, and be apprised of upcoming problems. Their workload since 9/11 had been quadrupled. These meetings often were stressful beyond compare. The confabs were held in the conference room. The large table was reserved for the Director, Associate Director and department heads, the rest of the members were relegated to chairs surrounding the main group. Rick was part of the latter.

At 10:30 he entered the room which was nearly filled. The chairs for the Director and Associate Director were yet to be occupied. He sat down in the nearest chair and glanced about. He glanced around and was suddenly shocked beyond belief. His face registered absolute, total, unmitigated incredulity as his gaze focused on Jaak Romke's face in one corner. Jaak smiled at him and winked. "What the hell!" Rick said to himself as the Director and Talbot Reeves walked in and took their seats.

Talbot Reeves as usual opened with the announcements. "First, I would like to introduce a new member on our team. Jaak Romke," he nodded at Jaak who half stood up and sat down again. "Jaak will be assigned to the European section. His background and experience is basically the Baltic. Please introduce yourself to Mr. Romke after we've finished." Talbot Reeves briefly looked over at Rick and shot him a half-smile. Then he continued.

The rest of the meeting was a blur as Rick fought for understanding. At the conclusion a number of the members gathered around Jaak and introduced themselves.

Talbot Reeves gathered his notes and as he left he said to Rick who was waiting to greet Jaak, "I trust everything is now clear?"

"Not really, sir, but I guess I just will have to live with it."

Talbot chuckled, patted Rick on the shoulder and exited the room.

After the last of the greeters had left, Rick walked over to Jaak, held out his hand and said, "You are one devious, fuckin son-of-a-bitch!"

Jaak smiled as he shook Rick's hand. "How about dinner tonight, or are you otherwise engaged?"

"If I am I'll break it," Rick said with a smile. "By-the-way, I know a great Russian restaurant!"

"Sounds exciting!" Jaak replied archly.

They both laughed as they too exited the conference room. "Where are you staying," Rick asked.

With a mock flourish Jaak reached into his jacket pocket and handed Rick a business card with his name, address and phone number.

"You are prepared, aren't you?" he said as he looked at the card. "I know the area, Why don't I pick you up at 8:00?"

"That would be fine."

As they passed Talbot Reeves office, the door was opened and Talbot called out, "Rick, do you have a minute?"

"Yes, sir," Rick answered and turning to Jaak, before he entered the office, said, "See you later."

"Sure," replied Jaak.

As Rick entered the office, he closed the door and took a seat.

"Rick there's a couple of things you should know. Jaak was contacted in Vilnius with the idea of recruiting him by one of our operatives . . . after the Singapore operation. It was to our contact there that Jaak had confided his intention to leave Lithuania and sever his associations with the Knights. We attempted to persuade him to stay and work for us there. He flatly refused. When he came to New York, we contacted him again. Naturally, and it was then that he suggested that he work for us here as an analyst. Frankly we were skeptical. He has a fine mind, but . . . . Well that's in the past now. He was vetted for months, and was totally forthright in all his actions and answers. He will, of course, as all of you, be regularly monitored--probably a little more closely. As you probably now surmise, you were used as part of that process." Talbot Reeves ended by saying, "Of course, you understand that now."

"Yes, sir. Thank you."

"Thank you, Rick." The brief meeting was concluded and Rick went back to his desk. The appearance of Jaak at The Group clouded his ability to concentrate thoroughly.

He decided to leave early. On his way out, he stopped by Jaak' cubicle and handed him his card. "See you at 8:00 then."

"Yes," was all Jaak said as he looked at the information on the card. It contained Rick's name, address and phone number.

Rick picked up Jaak at precisely 8:00.

"Are you always so punctual?" Jaak asked with a smile.

"Always," Rick said, also with a smile. "What would you like tonight?"

"You mean in the way of food?"

"Yes," Rick answered glancing over at Jaak who had a grin on his face. "Isn't that what we're supposed to be doing?"

"If you say so."

Rick was not prepared for the implications of this brief repartée.

"I take it you aren't interested in Russian cuisine tonight?"

"Frankly, not ever. I've had enough of Russians," he stated rather bleakly.

Again Rick glanced over at Jaak. His face now was an impassive mask.

Trying to lighten the mood, Rick suggested, "Well I don't know of any Lithuanian restaurants, but there's an excellent Hunan restaurant close by here."

"Hunan sounds good to me. Besides, Lithuania is not known for its great cuisine!" He said with a chuckle.

"Hunan it is."

They chatted casually throughout the delicious but spicy dinner.

"This has been great," Jaak said, and added, "For over an hour, you haven't even asked me one question!"

Rick laughed, "Well, this dinner is not 'under orders.'"

"I like it better this way."

"Me, too."

"But you are dying to ask me a question!" Jaak said with a warm smile.

Rick snorted, "How did you guess?"

"I guess it's because I know you . . . a little, that is. Go ahead . . . . Ask me!"

"All right. Why? Why the shift?"

"You mean coming here to the States?"


Jaak explained his reasons that led up to his decision, careful to avoid particular reference to The Knights. They were rather innocuous--a new life, new possibilities, economic security, personal freedom and the like. Jaak watched Rick closely as he explained and was aware that even though the stated reasons were valid, the basic motivation that would have coalesced the whole was missing--Rick wasn't convinced.

Jaak stopped for a second, took a deep breath and went on. "The basic reason was mainly philosophic. . . . I mentioned to you in Singapore that as a young boy I had been raped." Rick nodded his head. "The man who did it was a Russian soldier. I saw him some years later in the process of raping a young kid. The whole incident was suddenly made real again. I killed the guy--slashed his throat. Afterward, I could not erase from my mind that action. It made me sick--physically sick. I was seen by a friend who was connected with the organization I was later to join. Then, in Singapore, when I did . . . that thing to the Tamil--the whole dirty business flooded back and I got sick again. My organization suggested to me that my 'coolness' in such situations could be useful. They wanted me to become an assassin. Little did they know of the aftermath of those two acts. I simply couldn't continue."

"I see," commented Rick quietly.

"Then there was . . . my association with the Tamil . . . Shala."

Rick shot a questioning glance towards Jaak which he recognized.

Quietly he continued his tale, his confession. "I was ordered to make contact with him. I was told that this contact was vital and that it was to be nurtured. He was to be my control in Singapore. His . . . desires were . . . unusual! He used me . . . sexually . . . or rather . . . I allowed him to use me. At first I was repelled, but then I began to look forwards to our meetings. He became . . . how shall I say it? My lady. . . ."

"You mean he was . . . submissive . . . the vessel?" Rick suggested, sensing Jaak' discomfort.

"Vessel? Yes, precisely. Although in his appetites he wasn't submissive. . . ."

"I see."

"No! You really don't. I said that I looked forward after a couple of days to our . . . couplings. That was true. Then came the order that I was to make direct contact with you. I remembered that there was a certain . . . interest . . . the first time I saw you . . . in the steam bath. I decided to use that as our contact. But then in my room, things were different. It wasn't just a command. I wanted it. . . wanted you." Jaak looked up at Rick, his eyes mirrored his agony.

"You realize, Jaak, I could have said. 'No.'"

"That's not the point! I desired a man's body. I desired to be possessed by a man! The thought hasn't left me."

"You mean you have a same sex preference?"

Jaak hesitated briefly, and then admitted, "Yes."

Rick shrugged his shoulders as if tossing off this information as being a non sequitur to their friendship. They finished their tea and left.

As they drove up to Jaak apartment house, he asked, "Do you want to come up for a night cap?"

"I'd like to, but better not. I didn't get too much done at work today and I have to go I early and dig through the pile on my desk. But, thanks."

"Sure, I understand," Jaak said as he got out of the car, "See you tomorrow, and thanks for the dinner . . . an listening to me!"

"Any time," Rick said genuinely, and drove off.

--2 November 2001--

It had been over a month since Jaak had entered the employ of The Group. He and Rick had met frequently--lunched together often, dinner generally once a week, several concerts and one football game. Their friendship had developed from rather stilted early conversations to dynamic and open exchanges. Both possessed a lively sense of humor, however, on occasion American slang was misunderstood by Jaak, causing great mirth. But, Jaak was an avid student and quickly mastered the intricacies of the language.

That day, Rick had undergone his yearly review and generally had received glowing marks. The review was always a time of some apprehension for everyone involved. Rick was not without a bit of low level stress in the week leading up to the evaluation.

As he left Talbot Reeves office, he stopped by Jaak' cubicle and asked, "How about dinner tonight? My treat."

"What's the occasion?"

"Had my evaluation today!"

"You got fired!" Jaak said in mock concern.

"Sure, but not until next year, you ass!"

They both laughed. "Same time?" Jaak asked.

"OK. See ya."

As usual, Rick was precisely on time.

"What culinary delight do you have planned for tonight?" Jaak asked.

"Good, old American! I feel like a steak tonight."

"Hmmm," replied Jaak with a twinkle, "You don't look like one!"

They both laughed.

They arrived at the restaurant, ordered a drink, and perused the menu. Both choose a large steak, ordered a second cocktail and waited for their dinner, chatting amiably.

As the salads were placed in front of them, Rick stated, "I think we need a bottle of wine."

"You're paying, since you're a senior member," chuckled Jaak.

With relish they consumed their dinners and drank the wine chatting between mouthfuls. It was a thoroughly enjoyable evening.

As Rick was dropping Jaak off the latter asked, "Want to stop up for a night cap?"

"Better not, I feel a bit woozy after the drinks and the wine. Don't want to be hauled over for DWI!"

"Well, then, how about a strong cup of coffee?"

Several times Jaak had invited Rick in after their get-togethers, and each time he had declined. In part, his logical mind had thought it was imperative they maintain a professional relationship. The brief incident in Singapore was also instrumental, coupled with the incipient affair that he had engaged in with Hamid. It was not that Rick was carrying a torch, but the pain of the separation at that early stage was still something he wanted to avoid. Still . . . .

"Sure," he stated, "Coffee would be good just now." He parked the car and the two took the elevator up to the floor on which was Jaak' apartment.

Rick had seen the apartment on those times that he had picked up Jaak, but never more than a step or two inside. The living room of the apartment was spartan in its simplicity. Muted colors adorned the wall, the carpet and the upholstery of the sofa and two chairs. A coffee table sat in front of the sofa. On it was several magazines and a framed photograph.

"Have a seat," Jaak invited motioning to the living room. "I'll get the water boiling." He disappeared into the small, pullman kitchen while Rick sat on the sofa.

Rick lifted the framed picture and gazed at the couple standing beside some flowering bush. "They must be Jaak' parents," he thought.

"Say, Rick," came Jaak' voice from the kitchen, "There's a concert next week--Stravinsky's Rite of Spring. Would you like to go?"

"What else is on the program?" Rick asked.

"I think a Strauss and a Beethoven overture."

"Sure. Sounds good, although I can do without the Strauss!"

"Well you can't have everything," came the reply. "Besides, you need to broaden your horizons!"

"They're broad enough, thank you," Rick stated.

Jaak laughed as he walked into the living room carrying two mugs of hot, aromatic coffee.

"Mmmm, smells wonderful," Rick admitted.

"Sumatra Mandaeling, my favorite," Jaak acknowledged.

Jaak sat in one of the chairs, across the coffee table from Rick and sipped the steaming brew. Rick did likewise.


"Where did you find out about this kind of coffee? Vilnius?" Rick asked with a bit of sarcasm.

Jaak quietly put his mug down, "My dear friend, Vilnius was a city five hundred years before your country was discovered!"

"Sorry!" Rick apologized, lifting his hands in surrender.

"As a matter of fact, I first tasted it in Singapore. One of the positive things I brought back from that place."

Rick wanted to ask, "What were the others?" But did not, as he knew that there were freshly healed wounds from the distress that Jaak had experienced. He remained silent, thinking of Singapore, the various issues it had for him, and thoughtfully sipped the delectable, dark liquid. This evening was to be punctuated with what is frequently referred to as 'pregnant pauses.' This was the first.

Jaak, too, seemed lost in reverie. Then he looked up, "I'm glad you came up tonight. I was beginning to think that you were avoiding this place. Or maybe you thought that I had an ulterior motive in mind."

"Do you?"

"Do I what? Have an ulterior motive?"

Rick nodded his head.

"Well, if I do, it's not too obscure!"

Not fully comprehending Jaak' reference, Rick smiled wanly and quickly glanced down to Jaak' crotch. Jaak had the habit of always sitting with his legs slightly spread. There he noticed the normal bulge, nothing more. He quickly glanced away and took another sip of his coffee.

Jaak was aware of the furtive glance. After a minute of silence, another pause, Jaak was the first to speak. "Rick, I told you before, that time in Singapore was not just part of a plan, of an operation--I found that I really desired you. W hen we met in New York, that desire did not disappear. It still hasn't."

Rick looked deeply into Jaak' eyes, carefully digesting what was being said.

"Does that bother you?"

Slowly Rick shook his head, saying, "No. But, I see many problems."

"Yes, I do, too. There are always problems in life."

Rick glanced away, chewing on his cheek as he carried on an internal debate. "I don't know! It seems too complicated."

Jaak knew enough not to pressure Rick. At least the cards were now on the table. Rick knew about the way he felt and he thought that he had read Rick's feelings correctly, but possibly he did not! After a minute of silence, "Well, how about some more coffee?"

Rick glanced back at Jaak, took a quick swallow of his coffee and said, "No thanks. I should get going." Saying that, Rick set the mug down and stood up to leave. Jaak, too, stood up and walked Rick to the door.

"Thanks for coming up . . . and . . . putting up with me," Jaak said quietly.

Both men appeared as if in a tableau, silent, not moving, but minds racing, unseen. Their eyes bore into the other's, trying to fathom an unfathomable problem. The third pause!

It was Rick who broke this silence, "I don't know," he breathed, "I just don't know!" He shook his head in answer to an internal query or possible in resignation. Then, "Oh, well . . . ." With that utterance he stepped up to Jaak and enfolded him in his arms.

Jaak responded and they merely stood there, locked in an embrace that seemed to communicate everything. Jaak pulled back slightly and looked into Rick's eyes. There he saw both confusion and resignation.

Slowly he kissed Rick on the lips. Rick uttered an elemental groan and returned the kiss. Their bodies melded and hands quietly moved over backs.

Without a word, Jaak took Ricks hand and led him to the bedroom. There the two men unhurriedly removed their clothes as they gazed at the other. They stood facing each other, nude. Their cocks were arched away from their thighs, but not yet in a state of readiness. They came together again, felt the warmth of the other's body and kissed deeply as hands more freely roamed over warm, quivering flesh. Both men felt their own cock springing to full erection and also that of the other! They fell upon the bed, thus locked together and remain in that position for seconds.

Rick pushed away, supported himself on his left elbow, reached over and gently pushed Jaak until the latter was laying flat on the bed and began to closely observe the Lithuanian. Jaak complied. His eyes never left Rick's face. Slowly Rick traced, as if attempting to memorize, the various forms before him--dark blonde hair , blue eyes, straight, strong nose, full lips and strong jaw; then the broad shoulders, the heavily muscled and hairless torso punctuated by pink aureolas with rigid nipples; then at the base of the stomach the thick bush of hair from which shot up seven inches of thick cock, covered with an ample sheath of velvety skin; this all was supported by muscular thighs and equally muscled calves where a dusting of hair was to be found.

Rick reached out to grasp a rigid nipple in his fingers, gently he squeezed it and rolled it between his thumb and forefinger. This brought a sharp intake of breath from the recumbent figure. Then slowly his hand moved downward feeling, sensing every muscular swell as it passed. When it reached that thick stand of dark blond pubic hair it hesitated briefly and then encircled the rigid, thick upstanding cock at its base. Slowly Rick drew his hand upward and watched as the partially revealed, purplish-pink, gleaming glans disappeared under the soft, elastic foreskin. Then he moved his hand back downwards and watched with unparalleled interest as the bulbous glans was completely revealed. He slowly repeated this action a second and then a third time.

Jaak never took his eyes off Rick's face. Both men, since standing at the front door, had not uttered a word.

Rick glanced up at the eroticized visage of this naked man reclining before him and smiled. He returned his gaze to that opulent member in his hand, its head completely uncovered, exposed. Slowly he bent down, parted his lips and slipped them over the glistening, bulbous head.

Again Jaak gasped in delight. Slowly, Rick began to move his lips up and down that massive, firm pole. He would nearly withdraw, so much so that the foreskin would slip over the head in his mouth. Then he would slip his tongue into that puckered, elastic covering and circle the head. Again Rick began a rhythmic motion up and down the shaft, reveling in every sensation this magnificent tool produced. He concentrated on every sensation, every movement and catalogues all in his mind.

The sensation of his cock being thus sucked nearly brought Jaak to the brink, He sat up, grasped the plunging head, lifted it off his cock and brought it to where he could deposit a deep, probing kiss on those wet lips. Both men groaned quietly.

Gently Jaak rotated Rick and then laid him down on the bed, he bent over that hard prick springing from a dark bush of hair and quickly took the whole length into his mouth. He had remembered what Shala had said, "If you want to take a cock as big as yours without gagging you have to open your mouth wide as you go down on it, then clamp your lips over the base." He remembered the incredible feeling when this action was performed on him. Now he did it to Rick. One hand stimulated an erect nipple, the other fondled the darkly haired ball-sack. Rick gasped audibly. Slowly he began to piston that cock in his mouth. As he increased the speed, Rick's head began to whip back and forth in erotic delight and abandon. Without conscious volition, Rick reached his right hand and moved it over Jaak' back and down over the firm muscular orbs of that hairless ass. Now it was Jaak' turn to moan.

Jaak lifted off Rick's throbbing cock, looked into his eyes and began to speak, "I want to . . . ."

Instantly, Rick covered Jaak mouth, stopping him in mid sentence.

A surprised look shot across the Lithuanian's face.

Rick carefully and with exaggeration mouthed the word, "BUG."

Quickly, Jaak realized what was being transmitted, frowned briefly, shrugged his shoulders in surrender and mouthed back to Rick, "FUCK ME!"

Rick smiled. Jaak reached over to the bedside table, quietly slid open a small drawer, reached in and extracted a tube of KY. He squeezed a liberal amount on his hand and slathered it over Rick's quaking cock. A second dollop was smeared over his tight ass hole and carefully he slipped a finger inside. For a few seconds he fingered his ass, trying to get it ready for the impending invasion.

As before, Jaak straddled those hairy thighs, grasped the hard, throbbing cock and positioned it beneath his quivering, expectant hole. The first time had been difficult, partly because it was an action he had always thought was completely unnatural and repugnant. This time was different! He desired Rick. He longed to have his hard cock inside him! He lowered himself until he felt pressure on that pursed opening. Then, as before, he moved the swollen mushroom back and forth over his hole. More pressure was brought to bear and Jaak willed himself to relax. Without warning, the muscled ring gave way and the head slipped in. Maybe because he was emotionally prepared, maybe because he desired this man so much, but the initial entry was considerably less uncomfortable than the first time.

As his cock-head slipped past the tightly muscled gate and into that dark, hot place, Rick gasped audibly. The sensation, as the first time, was incredibly delicious.

Jaak smiled at his reaction and bore down further. For him the discomfort of the first time Rick's cock slipped into his dusky tunnel had now be ameliorated to the point that it was decidedly pleasant--even desirable. Slowly he moved up and down on that hard tool and then increased his speed.

Rick simultaneously met each downward movement with an upward thrust of his hips. Both men groaned with delight. As Jaak' ass fucked Rick's cock, the latter reached for the bobbing, uncut cock and began to manipulate it in time with the hip movements.

Quickly both men mounted the mountain of carnal delight, upon reaching the top Rick gave one last, violent and deeply penetrating thrust upwards and exploded deep in the entrails of the Lithuanian. Knowledge of that climax, coupled with the spasms of the cock deep inside him also brought Jaak to the point of a cosmic explosion. Jet after jet of opalescent fluid shot from his cock-slit and spattered over the hairy chest and belly of Rick. Both men groaned with delight. Then their tensed bodies and rapid breathing returned to normal.

Jaak bent over and placed a kiss on the warm moist lips of that man who had given him so much pleasure. Slowly he disengaged himself. Rick's flaccid cock slipped from its wonderful prison and flopped across his thigh. Jaak smiled, as did Rick, and he reached for the Americans hand and they walked, wordlessly into the shower.

There under the splattering of the water, Jaak whispered into Rick's ear, "That was fantastic!"

Rick whispered back, "Better than fantastic."

They toweled off, dressed and went to the front door of the apartment. Jaak quietly opened it and walked to the elevator with Rick. "Is it safe to talk here?"

"Ya, I think so."

"Are you sure, my apartment is bugged?" the Lithuanian asked.

"All of ours are!" admitted Rick. "Part of the nature of the beast."

"Is our making love a problem with The Group?"

"No, but I just wanted you to know about the possibility."

"Thanks," replied Jaak as he planted a light kiss on Rick's cheek before he entered the elevator. "See you soon, I hope. That is, if you want to."

Rick merely smiled and winked as the door slid closed and he descended downwards.

Both men slept late that Saturday morning. At 10:30, Jaak' phone rang, "Hello?"

"Hi, how'd you sleep?" came Ricks voice over the phone.

"Like a baby, and you?"

"Same. Say, do you have plans for dinner tonight?"

"No, I'm free," Jaak answered.

"Good, then how about dinner at my place?"

"Sure," Jaak answered, a little surprised. He had not been invited to Ricks apartment before, "What time?"

"8:00, Is that all right? I can pick you up."

"No need, I can take a taxi. 8:00 it is. See you then."

"OK," Rick said and hung up the phone.

At 8:00 Jaak rang the door bell at Rick's fifth floor apartment.

Rick looked through the security peep-hole, saw Jaak and opened the door, shielding himself behind it. Hearing the rhythmic beat of some music, Jaak stepped in and the door was quickly closed behind him. He turned and surprise flashed across his face as he gazed at Rick.

Rick stood there, staring back. He was completely nude.

"What a pleasant surprise," Jaak said broadly beaming. "Do you greet all your guests this way?"

"Only the special ones."

Jaak arched his eyebrows, "And, have there been many 'special ones?'"

"Only some guy from Vilnius," came the reply, again punctuated with a smile.

Jaak took a step towards Rick, who held up his hand, "Huh uh!" he shook his head. "You have to take your clothes off first."

"No problem." Jaak smiled and immediately began to shed his clothes.

This stripping was observed with ardent delight. He had shed all but his briefs and stood facing Rick. White briefs bulged, cupping his opulent cock and balls as he stood there.

"That too," Rick said nodding at the briefs.

Coyly, Jaak turned around and slid his underwear off, cupped his cock and balls with one hand and turned back.

"Since when did you become so modest?"

Jaak smiled and walked to Rick, wrapped him in his muscular arms, brought his lips to his ear and whispered, "What about the bug?"

"No problem, they know about us anyway!" Not being too obvious or exhibitionistic, Rick had placed in his player a modern, syncopated CD that would mask most of their conversation. Rick pushed Jaak a step away, sunk to his knees, grasped the brawny thighs and sucked the lengthening cock into his mouth.

Jaak gasped, partly because of the luxurious sensation and partly because of the precipitousness of the action. Looking down he watched his formidable cock disappear into Rick's mouth, only to be revealed again. A hot hand grasped the base of his rigid pole and drew itself towards the crest. When his ample foreskin had completely encased the glistening knob, he watched as a hot, pink tongue darted into that frilled cover and laved the obscured, mushroom head. The sensation was multiplied by the sight and he groaned.

Rick glanced into Jaak' eyes as he thus ministered to that throbbing, hot implement. Again, the lips were parted and the complete length disappeared. Rick's head began to move forward and backward along the whole length of that shaft like some cosmic piston driven by unseen desire.

The sensation was more than he could bear. His legs began to tremble. Jaak lowered himself down onto the carpet as the luscious sucking continued. He was quickly approaching climax. Hastily he flexed his hips and withdrew his wet cock from the equally wet lips, spun around, facing Ricks similarly erect cock, sucked it into his mouth as his cock was itself reinserted. The two were locked in a hot, pounding soixante-neuf position. As their mouths did what came naturally, hands began to roam and probe.

Jaak cupped the tight, drawn up, hairy ball-sack, fondled it and then a finger wandered backwards. He was both mildly surprised and delighted when the finger encountered the puckered hole. It was slippery with lubrication. He opined the reason for this anointment and carefully slid a finger into that tight hole. Then in slow motion he withdrew it partially, only to insert it even further. Soon he was finger fucking that orifice. He knew Rick was delighting in this double action--mouth on cock and finger in ass--because he continually groaned and sucked even more ardently his pulsating instrument. Presently, he felt his own ass hole invaded by a lubricated finger and he too relished the twin sensations.

Raising to a kneeling position, Rick turned to Jaak, saying, "Now it's my turn!" A glob of lubricant was smeared over that thick opulent cock. As he reappointed his own ass hole Rick observed that this organ jerked in anticipation of what was to come. He smiled and straddled those sturdy thighs and grasped that cock in readiness.

A thin cloud of concern flitted across Jaak' face. He was aware that he was amply, maybe, even unduly endowed. He remember how Shala had gasped when the Tamil first sat on his cock, a gasp at having this formidable tool slide into his thoroughly accomplished ass hole. With concern, he asked, "Have you done this before?"

"Once," came the reply as he concentrated on what he was about to do.

With deep concern, "That was years ago, and under far different circumstances."

Rick realized that Jaak was referring to his cousin Rod and explained, "No, I mean once since then . . . once in Singapore . . . with Hamid," he confessed.

Jaak smiled slightly in acknowledgment, "Still, . . . be careful!"

"I will." Slowly Rick moved forward grasped that big cock and rubbed the firm head back and forth over his tight hole. With unbelievable will he focused on his breathing and felt his body relax somewhat. Lowering his bulk he felt the pressure of the throbbing cock-head press against his closed orifice. He breathed deeply, focusing and lowered himself even farther. Without warning, the muscled gate gave way and the flared head popped in, encased in that sensuous tunnel. Rick gasped. The pain, the feeling of his hole being invaded by this muscle was almost more than he could stand.

"Why don't you stop?" Jaak pleaded. His concern for Rick overpowered his desire.

Rick, not uttering a word, closed his eyes to concentrate better, held his position and continued to deep breathe. He bore down again allowing a bit more of that formidable cock to slide deeper into that sensuous tunnel. Beads of sweat, partly from the concentration, partly from his all consuming desire popped out on his forehead. He rested there again 'til he became accustomed to that massive intrusion and then slid even further down on that shaft. After several minutes he had enveloped the whole length of that cock in his quaking ass.

He smiled down at Jaak but saw a look of concern. That concern had telegraphed its feeling over the miles between conscious reason and impassioned, sexual desire and Rick sensed a slackening in that rigid, impaling instrument.

Smiling Rick admonished, "Don't you go soft on me now! I worked too hard for this!" With that he rose partially off that invading cock and then slammed back down again--once, twice, three times until he could detect the original hardness returning.

The gray look disappeared from Jaak' face and was replaced with a filmy, sensuous smile. A rhythmic movement up and down could be felt as his cock slipped in and out of that incredibly tight, hot opening. Soon Jaak was meeting plunge with thrust. After a couple minutes the exertion began to tell on Rick. His thigh muscles began to ache.

"Let's try a different position," Rick suggested as he stood up. "Stand up."

Jaak complied. Remembering Singapore, Rick walked to the sofa, sat on the forward edge and motioned Jaak to kneel between his legs. Again, Jaak complied. He hooked his ankles over the broad powerful shoulders, then reaching between his legs he regrasped and redirected that throbbing implement to his hole. Slowly, carefully Jaak reasserted his cock. This present position allowed him to look down and watch as his significant cock-head pop into that hot hole. He pushed deeper and withdrew, watching the whole tableau between Ricks spread thighs. Soon he had established a fucking rhythm that was extremely pleasant and sensuous for both men.

Rick began to wallow in the erotic feeling of that big cock plunging in and out of his ass. Minutes of slow and easy fucking ensued. From time to time Rick would fondle his own cock, or Jaak would do it for him. When his impending release became apparent he would stop or move Jaak' hand off his throbbing prick. He again became slightly cramped in this position and again suggested a different position. Jaak withdrew and waited for Rick to take the initiative. It was not that Jaak was shy or retiring, but he merely felt that Rick needed to take control this time.

Rick sat up, took Jaak' face in his hands and they kissed long and probing. Again Rick rose to his feet, took Jaak' hand and led him around to the back of the sofa. There Rick bent over and supported his elbows on the back of the sofa--his vulnerable ass facing Jaak.

Jaak looked at Rick and the color drained from his face. "I can't!" he gasped.

Standing and turning towards Jaak, he questioned, "Why not?"

"That's the way Russians fuck!" he spat out.

Understanding the implication and also understanding that Jaak needed to purge that earlier horror from his being as much as possible. "You're not a Russian you're a wonderfully sexy Lithuanian and I WANT you to fuck me!" Saying that he turned back to the position.

A gray fog passed before his eyes. Almost as an automaton, Jaak stepped up to that muscular ass, grasped the hips, positioned his cock and thrust inwards. Ricks eyes widened as he stifled a gasp created by the force of that invasion. Again and again Jaak rammed his cock into that exposed hole. Rick could hardly deal with the force of the penetrations. Luckily the earlier, gentler penetration had somewhat prepared him. He stood up slightly, his buttocks cushioning the force and the depth of the onslaught.

"Godddddddd!" Jaak cried out suddenly, without warning, after only four or five violent thrusts. He jammed his spurting, spasming cock deep in Rick's ass. Then, when the climax faded, he fell forward on Rick's back, wrapped his arms about his torso, quaking and whispered, "I'm sorry." He began to weep softly.

Rick, supporting himself on the sofa back did not move. The violence of that invasion had made his ass sore and tender. He too needed time to recuperate, to get his breath back.

Again, Jaak whispered, "I'm sorry," and asked, "Are you OK?"

"Yes," was all Rick could say.

Slowly Jaak stood up and with great care withdrew his now flaccid cock. The removal was a relief for Rick who also stood up and turned to the tear streaked face of Jaak.

Without another word, Jaak turned, reached for his briefs and unceremoniously put them on.

Incredulously, Rick asked. "What are you doing?"

"I think I should be going home."


"I should think it is obvious!" Jaak stated flatly.

"No!" Rick shook his head, "It's not obvious!" He looked directly into Jaak' anxious face and stated with some authority, "I think we need to talk."

Jaak sat leadenly into one of the chairs. Rick picked up a terry cloth robe that he had flung over the back of the other chair as he had gone to answer the door bell and put it on. He sat in the other chair.

"Do you hate me?" Jaak asked, fully prepared for an affirmative answer, and continued, "For what I did to you?"

Rick's face softened and he quietly uttered, "No, I don't hate you. But I must admit, it will be a few days before you can fuck me again." He smiled wanly.

"I'm sorry," he whispered as his head dropped and tears again flooded his eyes. "I didn't mean to hurt you!"

"I know that. But, I asked for it."

"All I saw was myself and that fuckin Russian!"

"I know . . . You must erase that from your mind . . . if you can. At least, don't let it control you. All of us have experiences we'd rather forget--some more difficult, even horrendous than others. What happened to me may not have been as violent as what happened to me, but the results were nearly the same. I hated my cousin. I wanted to see him destroyed, and I did! I received no joy from it. It was a spiteful act of revenge and it ate away at my guts for years. But it was revenge.

"You hated what that Russian did to you, you hated what he was about to do to that other kid, and deep inside, I think you hated your reaction. What happened to you wasn't your fault in any way. You couldn't control it. Please, Jaak, don't let it destroy you."

Jaak sat quietly, looking from time to time into Rick's face. He considered what was said, and would consider it further, later.

"You know," Rick continued, as an afterthought, "The Group has an excellent resident psychologist, it might help you to see him. It won't hurt . . . and . . . it might help.!"

Quietly Jaak nodded his head.

"Let's take a shower!" Rick said, brightly, needing to break the mood. He stepped over to Jaak, took his hand, and lead him to the bathroom. There they showered, cleansing themselves and gently lathering each other. Jaak was careful to avoid the violated ass, for which Rick was grateful.

After they had toweled down and wrapped the bath sheets about their waists, Rick asked, "Hungry?"

"Yes," came the simple and subdued answer.

"Well, let's go," and he led the way towards the kitchen.

The kitchen was good size for an apartment with room for a small round table ant two chairs. Jaak saw that the table had been carefully laid out. Rick motioned to a chair where Jaak sat. Within couple of minutes Rick had presented two bowls of vichyssoises, and then set in the center of the table an aspic of champagne, poached salmon with a caper and mayonnaise dressing. After he had opened a bottle of wine, he sat down, poured ample amounts of the pale liquid in both glasses and said, "Bon appetite."

"This is truly impressive," Jaak stated with admiration. He then ladled a spoonful of the chilled soup into his mouth, "And delicious too!"

"Nothing but the best!"

Quietly they ate the soup and drank most of the delicious Moselle Liebfraumilch. Rick finished off the bottle between both of their glasses removed the soup bowls and placed dinner plates down. He reached into the microwave and removed a platter of lightly steamed, baby asparagus swimming in lemon, peppered butter.

"I think I've died and gone to heaven," came the appreciative comment.

Smiling, Rick opened the second bottle of wine and offered Jaak the salmon aspic. Again they consumed the carefully prepared fare in wordless delight.

Later, as they sat in the living room, Jaak on the sofa, Rick in one of the chairs still with their bath sheets wrapped about their waists. A tray of fresh fruit rested between them on the coffee table. They sipped the last of the second bottle of wine when Jaak commented, "You know? You're one hell of a cook!"

Smiling, "As I said, 'Nothing but the best'" came the reply.

As they finished the wine, Rick asked, "Would you like a cup of coffee?"

"Yeah, That would be great."

"Sorry, don't have any Mandaeling . . . you will have to do with Kenyan dark roast."

During the dinner and after, both men had relaxed and had slipped into their usual, wry banter.

With a grin, Jaak stated, "Well, if you can't have the best! Second best will have to do!"

Rick snorted, "You pompous Lithuanian ass."

They both laughed. Rick retired to the kitchen and soon returned with two mugs of steaming coffee.

Sipping the hot aromatic coffee, they quietly regarded each other. Jaak grieving to himself--the animal way in which he had used Rick--unforgivable! Rick, on the other hand, marveling at the depth of character in this man--from rough, almost violent behavior to unabashed tenderness.

"You know," Rick began, "You are one hell of a guy!"

Jaak knitted his brows, trying to fathom his meaning.

"You sure as hell aren't dumb, you're sensitive, got great sense of humor, pretty well read . . . " Rick paused.

"Don't forget moody and a bad temper!" Jaak added.

Smiling Rick replied, "Moody, I've seen, bad temper I have not. But, then we can't be perfect!"

Jaak smiled, finished his coffee, set the mug down, stood up and announced, "I've got to be going." He ambled towards the bedroom where his clothes were.

Rick did not try to intervene. Moments later Jaak returned, fully clothed and appearing somewhat more relaxed. Rick walked him to the door.

"Thanks for everything," Jaak said, and then quietly added, "Please, forgive me for . . . "

Rick placed his fingers over Jaak's mouth to stop the repeated, heartfelt apology. "Nothing to forgive you for," he said.

Jaak reached over and lightly kissed Rick, "Thanks." He opened the door and left the apartment.

Rick stood there for several moments considering this most complicated man. He turned, surveyed the living room and the part of the kitchen he could see and said to himself, "I'll clean up tomorrow," he said to himself.

He walked to the bathroom, turned on the water in the tub, adjusted its temperature. Then he went to the linen closet, removed three small boxes--one of epsom salts, one of powdered milk and one of sea salt--he sprinkled liberal amounts into the steaming water. This was a family recipe that his grandmother had sworn by. Rick had, on a number of occasions, soaked in this mixture, particularly after a strenuous workout in the gym. He found that it relaxed his aching muscles. He didn't know if it really held any true medicinal value, but it always made him feel better. He unwrapped the bath sheet and slowly lowered himself into the hot water and just laid there, luxuriating and letting the mixture relax his aching nether regions. From time to time, after the bath had cooled somewhat, he would turn on the hot spigot. After forty-five minutes he got out of the tub feeling considerably restored, toweled off and went to bed where he quickly fell into a deep,

healing sleep.

Sunday mornings he usually slept late. Rick got up at 9:30, went into the kitchen and fixed a cup of coffee. While the pot was brewing, he stacked the dirty dishes into the dishwasher, wiped off the table and counters and deposited the napkins into the hamper. He poured a cup of coffee, sat on the sofa and flipped on the TV, turning it to CNN. He watched and sipped.

The doorbell sounded, breaking his reverie. Quickly he got up, ran to the bedroom and donned his robe--Rick generally roamed his apartment nude--went to the door, looked through the security eyepiece and saw Jaak standing there.

Quickly he opened the door. "Well, good morning," he said lightly.

"Did I wake you?" Jaak asked and at the same holding out a small bouquet of red roses.

"No. I've been up for a while, and what are these for?" Rick asked, taking the proffered flowers.

"Peace offering."

"I wasn't aware that there was a war!"

"There was for me!"

"Come in," Rick invited, "I was just having a cup of coffee. Want one?"

"I'd like that."

Rick offered Jaak a steaming mug and said, "You'll have to excuse me. I haven't had my shower yet. I'll only be a minute or two."

"Take your time."

After showering and toweling, Rick slipped into a pair of running shorts, a polo shirt and reentered the living room. Jaak was lounging on the sofa, perusing the morning paper which Rick had retrieved earlier.

"More coffee?" Rick asked.


Taking Jaak's mug and retrieving his own, he entered the kitchen, refilled the mugs, placing them on a tray, took the flowers, placed them in water and also set them on the tray. He went back to the living room, set the flowers on the coffee table and the mugs, as well.

"The flowers are beautiful, but unnecessary."

Jaak looked at Rick intently and said slowly, "Nothing is unnecessary for you."

Rick smiled.

They sat there, silently, sipping their coffee and regarding each other. Then, without a word Jaak got up and walked to the bedroom, Rick was a bit confused, but after a minute he too stood up and followed. When he entered the bedroom, Jaak was just removing his briefs, he stood upright, turned to Rick and murmured, "I want you!"

The appearance of this nude man as he stood there, resembled a Roman god with its hairless torso. Dark blonde hair, blue eyes, full lips, straight nose, broad shoulders, narrow waist and hips were exceeding appealing to Rick. The thick bush of light colored pubic hair, from which sprung that thick, uncut cock, flanked by muscled thighs created a sight of unparalleled beauty and strength. Rick was transfixed!

Quietly Jaak walked up to Rick, knelt before him, grasped the waistband of the shorts and peeled them off. Rick had already begun to swell, to lengthen. His burgeoning cock was quickly sucked into that hot, moist mouth. Rick gasped and closed his eyes as the bead began to move on and off his sensitized, hardening cock. Jaak hands roamed over muscular thighs and up the laddered stomach to swelling pecs and grasped stiff nipples. Rick moaned and began to slowly flex his hips in rhythm with the sucking mouth.

Jaak luxuriated in the feeling of that stiff, throbbing cock in his mouth and he greedily sucked it. He had never thought that a man's cock sliding in an out of his mouth would have given him so much pleasure. Yet, here he was, sucking this cock with delightful abandon. Slowly, he maneuvered Rick around 'til the back of his legs touched the mattress and then he gently forced him down on the bed. Jaak knelt on the floor at the foot of the bed between bent knees.

Rick lay on the bed, his feet still on the floor, thighs spread and his cock still buried in that hot, wet sucking mouth. He lifted his head and watched as that blond head bobbed up and down on his cock. The sight and the sensation brought him such ecstatic pleasure!

Jaak pulled of that hard opulent cock and observed its wet, hard, throbbing length. He bent forward again and began to lick the pendulous ball-sack, anointing it with his tongue and gently slipping one ball into his mouth. Again Rick gasped. This had never been done to him before and the novelty of the act coupled with the inherent eroticism that it implied was fantastic. Over, around, under, between that hot tongue explored.

Rick's head began to move back and forth involuntarily as he luxuriated in that lascivious onslaught. Spontaneously, he flexed his knees and brought them towards his chest as if wanting to give that tongue free and unimpeded access to his sensitized balls.

Jaak smiled to himself. This was his reaction when, those many months ago, Shala had done the same thing to him. He had planned this. His actions the night before demanded this. He steeled himself and moved his tongue downward towards that exposed tender opening. Carefully and gently he laved his tongue back and forth over that puckered opening. This, too, Shala had done and he remembered the unbelievable, astounding sensation that it created. Back and forth his lubricated tongue gently massaged that pursed opening. It brought Jaak no pleasure, he had originally rebelled at the thought of it. Yet, the gasp and groans that issued from Ricks mouth kept him going.

The sensation became too much, and Rick gasped, "Enough! I can't take any more."

Jaak quickly stood up, walked into the bathroom where he rinsed his mouth several times and stifled the gagging sensation. He returned to the bedroom. Rick's feet had dropped back to the floor and he lay there, panting with stiff cock standing like a flag pole in the middle of his body.

Jaak took a tube of KY from his pants pocket, squeezed out a dollop and smeared it over, up and down that rigid, upstanding cock. Again, Rick gasped. Carefully he re-annointed his fingers and slipped them between his buttocks and into his ass hole--first one finger and then two fingers. He maneuvered them in and out until he could feel his muscles relaxing.

"Stand up!" he quietly ordered.

Rick complied, eyes questioning.

Jaak stepped to the bureau, grasped its edge and bent over. "Fuck me!" he commanded again.

Seeing his exposed ass and realizing the implications, Rick cried out, "No! You don't have to do this, Jaak!"

"Fuck my ass," Jaak again commanded in a raspy voice.

"I can't." Rick admitted.

"Why not?" Jaak asked as he stood up and turned towards Rick. Part of the reason was evident.

Rick stood there, hands at his side, distress registering on his face and his cock at half-staff. "I can't. I know what it means to you, I . . . . "

"What it meant to me! What it means now is that I want you to fuck me." Saying that he stepped over to Rick, grasped the slackening cock and planted a probing kiss on his mouth. As his tongue probed and entwined with Ricks, his hand gently moved over that cock until it sprung, again to rigid life.

Then quietly he said, "Help me, Rick. I want you to fuck me." He turned around without loosening his grasp on that hard dick, bent over, maneuvered the cock-head until it was pushing against his ass hole and gently forced it in. His preparations had made the entry relatively comfortable. "Please, my love, fuck me," he whispered. He bent further over and grasped his knees for support.

Rick wasn't quite sure he had heard the last statement correctly. Yet, his cock-head, encased in that hot vestibule, demanded further entry. Gently Rick grasped those muscular hips and carefully slid his shaft a third of the way in.

Jaak gasped. Not so much from any discomfort, but from a flashback to those dark woods outside Vilnius. He quickly fought to suppress the image. He opened his eyes and was met by his bent reflection in the bureau mirror and the reflection of Rick behind him. Rick was watching Jaak in the mirror.

Jaak smiled back at the reflection and said, "Oh, yes. Your cock feel so good in me!"

Rick smiled back. "Yeahhhh! How wonderful your ass feels to me. That beautiful, muscular ass!"

He sunk another third of his cock into that hot, tight tunnel.

"Ahhhh!" gasped Jaak, then he added, "Feels so good."

Then, finally, all of it was buried in that tunnel. Slowly, gently he began to fuck that lascivious opening--in and out, in and out.

Pleasurable sensations began to infuse Jaak' being, and coupled with Rick's verbal compliments, he began to find some pleasure. He stood there, bent over and allowed Rick to fuck him. After minutes, the position became uncomfortable, but he would not allow conscious acknowledgment. Then his muscles began to twitch and then shake!

Rick instantly realized what had happened, slowly he withdrew, reached over and encircled Jaak' chest and pulled him up to a standing position. Turning the Lithuanian around and embracing him, he uttered, "Enough!" His awareness was buttressed by being aware that Jaak' big cock merely hung , limply down.

"But you didn't cum!"

Smiling he answered, "No . . . it's not necessary."

"But why?"

"The gift in and of itself was enough!" Again he hugged Jaak and the latter was also aware that the cock that a minute was proud and hard, now, like his, was flaccid and soft. The kissed gently, but firmly, reveling in the sacrifice given and received.

Together, they lay on the bed, embracing each other and fell into a refreshing sleep. Epilogue

Months had passed since that fateful weekend. Jaak and Rick's couplings, there intimacy grew and deepened. After the New Year they decided to rent an apartment together--a two bedroom in a secluded part of Alexandria. There they continued to grow together.

They spoke frequently of the past. These sessions were both revelatory as well as healing. In time those old wounds had healed with love to the point that they were mere scars that were noted from time to time--nothing more.

Rick had told Jaak of his brief, but pivotal association with Hamid in Singapore--of the pain and emptiness in their separation. He had even questioned, one time, if Hamid was now as happy and as content as he now was.

Rick would never know!

He would never know that Hamid al Omar had returned to Cairo and took up his management of the tea shop after his brief absence. He would never know that Hamid leadenly went about the process of living and working. He would never know how much their brief coupling had affected Hamid.

Ahmad was a frequent visitor and they spent long hours talking and sipping aromatic tea. But Ahmad percieved a fundamental difference in his long time friend.

"You seem so different Hamid," he commented once.

"Mmmm!" was all Hamid acknowledged.

"You are so quiet! What happen while you were away?"

Ahmad knew nothing of Hamid's assignment for el Amarna. Nor did he know that Hamid had been in Singapore. He would not even deign to ask. Such was the rule of the brotherhood.

"Nothing important," Hamid lied.

But Ahmad thought that was not true! But, he would probe no deeper.

Hamid simply could not tell his friend what had transpired in Singapore. It was beyond his ken, beyond the realm of what he thought was acceptable, beyond belief. So they continued their friendship, but a friendship with a wide gulf.

Two months after his return to Cairo, Fatimah, his mother suddenly took sick and passed away, quietly. Hamid was devastated. His normally reticent demeanor, coupled with the passionate assault on his psyche that he experienced with Rick, was compounded by the loss. He sunk into a deep depression.

Some time later, when the work day drew to a close, Ahmad stopped by. He regularly visited his old friend. Hamid invited Ahmad to sample a new tea that had just arrived. After carefully closing the shutters to the shop they retired to the back and the tea was carefully prepered. They were quietly sipping tea.

As was normal of late, Hamid sunk into some dark recess of his spirit as if he were on a different plane. Ahmad on numerous occasions had tried to initiate the light conversations that they two had enjoyed years before, but to no avail.

Ahmad ached for the unknown wound, the unknown trouble that afflicted his friend. Suddenly, with out conscous thought, he reached over and tenderly cupped Hamid's face in his hands, "My dear friend . . . . What is the matter?"

It was the right action. It was the right moment. It was the right question.

Hamid looked at his friend, his eyes suddenly overflowed with a lifetime of tears, gut wrenching sobs wracked his body. Ahmad was surprised, even a bit shcked at this sudden emotional release. Still he remained constant. Still he held his friends face. Still they remained frozen in that attitude until the sobs had lessened. Then, as if propelled by some unseen power, some unknown force, Ahmad bent forward and lightly kissed Hamid's cheek. It was a totally uncharacteristic action. Neither had even remotely been prepared--but it happened, it was done, it spoke volumes. As he drew back, Hamid's eyes suddenly cleared as he looked deep into his friend's soul.

For the first time in months a slight smile insinuated itself across Hamid's face. Then he clasped Ahmad's face in his hands and slowly, deliberately, leaned forward and tenderly kissed his lips. The kiss was tentative and when Ahmad did not recoil, they both moved into new territory and kissed again, tongues tentatively explored.

Hamid and Ahmad became lovers. They, too, were happy and content.

But Rick would never know!

The circle was now complete.

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