The Sandlot

By benjamin winkler

Published on Dec 27, 2017


The following story contains sexual content involving the characters from "The Sandlot; Heading Home." I do not know the actual sexual identity of the actors who portrayed these characters. If you can, please donate to If you like what you read, let me know. This chapter, in particular, is one that somebody has been waiting a while for and so I hope he enjoys it.

During the hottest part of the summer, the sandlot boys were less eager to play baseball and more willing to just chill in the dugout. They were all sweating, even in the shade, and soon they had run out of things to talk about. It was a few days after Wings and EJ had gotten together and about a week after the basement incident and Tommy was feeling that it was time to thank Ryan properly.

"I don't know about the rest of you guys but I'm dying. What do you say we hit the pool?" Timber spoke up. As he glanced around at his friends' flushed faces, he had to smile at how drained they all looked.

Wings and DP both agreed vocally while Ryan, as usual, simply nodded excitedly. Tommy, however, had different plans and only hoped that Ryan would choose to go with him instead of the others.

"Are you kidding? That pool is going to be too crowded to even move. You guys can go there if you want but I'm going home. We just got a new AC put in and it really feels good in heat like this. Plus, I got the house to myself until around 5:30 so I might just take advantage of it, if you know what I mean." His mischievous smile at Ryan was well-received by the younger boy but didn't go unnoticed by the others. They simply rolled their eyes, knowing exactly what Tommy meant.

The others started riding towards the pool but Ryan, who once had his bike pointed in the same direction, suddenly decided to follow Tommy. He figured that he could pretty much go swimming any day of the summer while the chance to be alone with Tommy may not be as common. The thought of doing something sexy with his new friend was making a reaction in his pants as he rode along, first behind Tommy, then by his side. He was glad that the others had decided to go on to the pool; he liked them all well enough but he really wanted Tommy to himself with no distractions.

"I bet they're going to have some fun." Timber mentioned to the others as they rode along. "I'm almost jealous." He added.

"I hope they do. Ryan deserves it. I told Tommy as much the other day as he was leaving." Wings volunteered.

"What exactly did you say?" DP wanted to know.

"Well, he tried to thank me and I told him that Ryan should be the one he thanks, not me. I guess now he's going to take my advice." Wings seemed pleased with himself.

"Lucky Ryan. I wouldn't mind having Tommy all to myself." DP stated, almost disappointed he had chosen to go to the pool after all.

"Awe, let them have at least one time together. It's like Wings said, Ryan deserves it. We can always have fun with them some other time." Timber reassured his friend.

"I guess you're right. In the meantime, there will probably be some cute boys at the pool. Maybe we can see one or two naked in the locker room." DP hoped.

"Nah, more likely just a bunch of scary old men with fat bellies and hairy backs. All the cute boys use the stalls to change." Wings stated, matter-of-factly.

"All the cute boys except us!" Timber announced.

"Yeah, but I've already seen you guys naked. I want to see some one new..." DP confided.

"Who knows? You might get lucky. For now, though, you're stuck with us."

"Well, you're not the best but I guess I'll have to settle for that."

The boys teased each other about their bodies the rest of the way to the pool. When they got there, DP's hope of seeing a new naked boy went unfulfilled at first.

As per proper protocol, Ryan waited on the porch until Tommy opened the door and allowed him to follow. He was led directly to Tommy's room and on the way there, he was happy to notice the entire house felt cool under the new air conditioning Tommy had mentioned back in the dugout. It was very refreshing compare to the unbearable heat outside and it didn't take long for his sweat to dry. Suddenly, he felt almost cold.

In the bedroom, Tommy took off his baseball cap and shoes, his cap landing on the shelf of his closet and his shoes unceremoniously kicked to one corner. He then sat on the edge of his bed and began apologizing for the smell of his feet as he removed his socks. When Ryan didn't move or say anything, Tommy asked him why he was just standing there. Ryan responded with his famous shoulder shrug, which made Tommy laugh.

"Hold on, little man. I know just what to do with you but let me get undressed first."

He stood up, removed his shirt, and started undoing his pants. As he was doing this, Ryan was standing directly in front of him and watching very intently. By the time Tommy had his pants around his ankles and was stepping out of them, Ryan had his hand in his shorts and had begun fondling himself unashamedly. Even through the clothing, Tommy could tell his young friend was already at half-mast and quickly growing. He removed his boxers in one quick motion, his own excitement springing to life now that it was free. Ryan reached for it but Tommy had a better idea.

Tommy didn't allow the hand to touch him but instead held it up in the air, soon to be followed by Ryan's other hand. The young boy held them there, knowing now that Tommy intended to undress him before their fun began. He tried to concentrate on Tommy's face but couldn't help looking down fairly regularly. The rest of his body, though, remained practically motionless, except to assist Tommy as needed.

Tommy first removed Ryan's striped t-shirt, which Tommy felt to be too small for the boy anyway. He gently pinched a nipple just to see what kind of reaction he would get; he didn't get the one he expected. Ryan stood still with his small arms dangling at his sides as he let out a quiet moan and closed his eyes. Encouraged by this, Tommy did it again to the same nipple and got the same response. Feeling bold, he pinched both nipples simultaneously and Ryan's moan of appreciation gained a little bit of volume.

Tommy looked down and saw the obvious bulge in the young boy's shorts so he decided to give poor Ryan some degree of relief. He knelt in front of Ryan, unfastened the button, and unzipped the shorts. Then, with the open fly giving him plenty of access, he cupped Ryan's ornaments with one hand and wrapped his other around the dangling appendage. After massaging him until he was almost poking out of the top of the white briefs, Tommy reached into the underwear and pulled him through the fly before engulfing him with a willing mouth.

Ryan was loving the single attention Tommy was devoting to him as he looked down and watched himself disappear into the older boy's mouth. He leaned back against the wall and closed his eyes, quietly beginning to moan again. He had to push his hips forward, though, for Tommy to massage his backside with two strong hands. When he felt fingers trying to pry him open, he audibly gasped. He was obligated to slide his briefs and shorts down to give Tommy more access.

When the clothing began to move down Ryan's thin legs, Tommy had to disengage momentarily but eagerly resumed his endeavor as soon as he could. He used his hands to gently guide Ryan towards the bed while walking on his knees so he didn't lose contact again. When Ryan sat on the edge of the bed, Tommy pushed his legs up to his chest and let the small boy hold himself behind the knees. This exposed the most intimate part of his body to Tommy, who was more than eager to take advantage of the situation.

He tickled Ryan with the tip of his tongue, running it along the shaft from the base to the tip, swirling all around it and not forgetting the pee slit. Neither did he forget that hairless sack of ornaments that had drawn itself against Ryan's body as he licked it all over and even taking one into his mouth before replacing it with the other. Once he had let that out, he dug deeper with his tongue, poking into Ryan's entrance as far as he could. He knew that Ryan's main appendage was ready for action as it lay against the small boy's smooth abs but he wanted to make this last.

As he leaned back a little to watch Ryan's face, he replaced his tongue with his index finger but was careful in his probing so he didn't cause any pain. He inserted and withdrew his finger slowly but deliberately several times, causing Ryan to moan and squirm. The small boy had leaned his head back and closed his eyes again, which made Tommy smile. He watched the boy make a word or two with his mouth but didn't hear what was said.

"What was that, little man? I didn't catch it." Tommy didn't stop what he was doing.

"Fuck me." Ryan stated simply, as quiet as ever. True, it was quiet but Tommy heard it loud and clear.

He pulled Ryan towards him until the younger boy was on the edge of the bed, the thin naked legs pulled up to his equally thin chest. He then carefully leaned down and lined himself up before gently entering Ryan. It was a little tricky but since Ryan wasn't new to this, he was able to take Tommy fairly quickly. However, since Tommy hadn't used any sort of lubrication other than his own saliva, it caused the poor Ryan a little bit of pain. The look on his cute face as it twisted in discomfort made Tommy stop until he got the signal to continue.

Ryan braced himself against the pain but it wasn't too bad so he soon nodded his head to give Tommy the signal. Before he realized it, he could feel Tommy's abdomen against the back of his legs. With the most difficult part done, he knew he could handle the rest without any problems. After a couple deep breaths to accustom his small body to the intrusion, Ryan nodded again. No long after he had he done so, he could feel Tommy begin to piston in and out of his tight entrance.

The movement was slow at first, being pushed all the way in before being pulling almost completely out. His eyes were closed but if they had been open, he would have seen looks of intensity on Tommy's face. He didn't have to see it to feel it, though, as the movement eventually began to pick up pace. Without touching himself, he knew he was rock solid laying on the flat of his lower abdomen. He didn't mind that Tommy wasn't paying attention to that; in the past, DP and Timber had made him climax many times doing the same thing Tommy was doing now.

His fists were tugging on the bedclothes on either side of him as Tommy kept up the motion, thrusting into him with increasing speed. This caused them both to moan louder and more frequently, realizing there was no one home to hear them. Before they got too carried away, though, Ryan suddenly moved his hands down to his crotch and used them to push Tommy away. It took a minute for Tommy to catch on since he was 'in the moment' but he eventually pulled himself out and caught his breath while he waited for what Ryan wanted next.

Without speaking, as usual, Ryan simply changed his position from lying on his back to getting on his hands and knees. He glanced behind himself and smiled at Tommy, giving him a head nod to give him the okay to continue.

After catching his breath, Tommy held onto Ryan's hips as he lined himself up again before sliding into Ryan's entrance. This went smoother and soon he had picked up the same momentum as before. Their moans returned but it was when Ryan suddenly clenched his muscles around Tommy that the older boy finally lost control of himself. Only moments after making a deposit, Tommy could tell that Ryan was doing the same. He reached his hand around Ryan's hip and found the wet spot on the bed below him. He was impressed by the size of the spot, although he had to admit he was a little jealous but also a little worried at how to deal with the mess.

Once they had finished, Ryan relaxed and allowed himself to fall directly onto the mess he had just made, gyrating his hips purposely to try and soak it into his skin. Tommy was still behind him and was happy to watch the bare bottom move in such a fashion. He playfully smacked each cheek a couple times, then used both hands to steady the hips before gently prying young Ryan apart to get at his deposit. Once again he face planted in the sweet spot so he could use his tongue to clean Ryan as thoroughly as possible. He realized that some of it had probably joined the wet spot on the bed but he had every intention of claiming the rest for himself.

Although deflated, young Ryan was still a decent size as he rolled over onto his back and spread his legs again for Tommy to get a good view. He smiled his cute smile and looked at Tommy with his big brown puppy dog eyes. He mouthed the words 'thank you'.

"No, silly, this was my way to thank you. It was Wings' idea and I had to agree with him. I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did." Tommy held out his hand to help Ryan up.

Ryan stood up and gave Tommy a practically full-body hug. He then stood up on his toes and puckered his lips and received a kiss, even though Tommy had to bend a little to do it. After the embrace and kiss lasted a little longer than it should, Tommy spoke.

"Well, I hate to say it, little man, but we better get dressed. It's getting close to 5:30 already and we certainly don't want to get caught, am I right? But don't worry. We can definitely do this again some time soon. I promise."

As he spoke, he and Ryan both got dressed, acting as though nothing out of the ordinary had happened between them. Tommy walked Ryan to the front door and couldn't help smiling as young Ryan smiled back before riding away. He smiled all the way back to his room, where he stripped the bed of the messy blankets and put them in his laundry basket. Not wanting his mother to catch on, he brought them to the laundry room and did a load.

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