The Source of His Bone

By moc.loa@5KBrettoPyrraH

Published on Jul 14, 2003


DISCLAIMER: None of the Harry Potter characters are homosexual. To the best of my knowledge, all actors portraying Harry Potter characters are heterosexual. This story is an unauthorized fantasy involving the characters depicted in the Harry Potter Series.

Harry Potter characters, names and all related indicia are Trademarks and Copyright of Warner Bros. All rights reserved. Harry Potter is also Copyright of J.K. Rowling.

Chapter Two:

The Vaseline Ass

It was the middle of the night and Harry couldn't sleep. He kept thinking of what Ron had done to him earlier that evening. He had hoped Fred and George would come to some simple agreement as to who would suck him first. Instead, Fred and George had remained vigilant about deciding who would be first by means of wizard chess. The game was to take place tomorrow afternoon in the Gryffindor common room. Thinking of sex made Harry feel very lonely indeed. He pulled off his covers and got out of bed. He slinked over to Ron's four-poster and slid under the covers next to the red haired boy. Harry leaned in close to Ron, gently kissing his best friend's warm lips.

Ron shifted in his sleep, facing Harry. Harry gazed at the sleeping boy, completely enamored by each breath Ron drew. Love engulfed Harry's heart and engorged his soul as he watched Ron. Suddenly, sensing Harry's eyes upon him, Ron woke up.

"Harry?" He said sleepily.

"It's me, Ron."

"What're you doing in my bed?"

"I was lonely. I needed to feel your heart next to mine." Harry whispered.

Ron looked into Harry's sexy green eyes. They shone like emeralds in the moonlight.

"That has to be the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me."

"I mean every word, Ron. I love you." Harry confessed.

A slow tear broke from Ron's eye, trailing down his soft, young skin.

"I love you, too, Harry."

Harry felt a sharp but pleasant pain surge through his heart. He felt as though he had just single-handedly won the Quidditch World Cup.

Ron sat up, pressing his lips to Harry's. The two boys began making out with the passion of the two most legendary fictional Muggles, Romeo and Juliet. Instinctively, the two hot boys began to undress each other, tossing their clothes on either side of Ron's four-poster bed. They caressed each other's smooth skin, panting heavily.

"I have another trick to show you." Ron said, breaking the kiss.

"What is it?" Harry breathed.

Ron pulled open the top drawer of his nightstand and pulled out a small, plastic, rectangular jar. He showed it to Harry.

"What's that?" Harry asked.

"It's called Vaseline," Ron replied. "It's the most ingenious Muggle invention of all time." Ron opened the jar. He then prompted Harry to spread his legs and bend them at the knee. Ron swiped his hand inside the jar, covering it with the velvety substance. He massaged Harry's boy hole causing Harry to gasp and squirm for a moment. Harry wanted to ask what Ron was doing but he didn't want to spoil the moment.

Harry squirmed again as he felt Ron delve two fingers deep in his ass. Harry moaned acceptingly. Ron massaged Harry's inner hole for a few minutes while Harry groaned and drew short, quick breaths.

"Ready?" Ron asked.

"What for?" Inquired Harry.

"I'm going to stick my cock in your ass." Harry looked stunned. "Not to worry, Harry. Fred, George and I do it to each other all the time. Absolutely amazing it is!" Ron said enthusiastically.

Harry figured if two fingers gave him a workout that a young boy cock would be the same, maybe better.

"Go for it, Ron. Fuck the life out of my sweet virgin hole."

Ron wasted no time. He thrust his boy cock inside Harry's hot pink hole in one quick jolt. Harry nearly screamed in ecstasy as Ron pounded the young wizard's tight ass with every ounce of energy he could muster.

Harry was in such erotic serendipity that he thought nothing could be better than what he was now experiencing. Once again, Ron proved him wrong. While still madly fucking Harry's baby boy cunt, Ron began to devour Harry's rock hard cock. This sent Harry over the edge. As he and Ron simultaneously ejaculated, both boys brought forth the most piercing screams one has ever heard in the past one thousand years. The whole of Gryffindor tower was stabbed awake by the eight octave orgasms of the two hot boys.

Having just endured the most unfathomably celestial orgasmic bliss of all time, Harry and Ron laid beside each other unable to move, speak or even breathe. Seamus Finnigan and Neville Longbottom, who had both been awakened by Ron and Harry's love session, both ran over to Ron's bed to see what all the commotion was about. Dean Thomas simply snorted, rolled over and continued sleeping. Fortunately, Harry and Ron had remained under the covers during their sexual encounter, so when the two boys showed up at Ron's bedside they were unable to see that their roommates were naked.

Seamus was about to ask them why the two of them were in the same bed when Neville spotted a pair of pajamas on the floor.

"Bloody hell! Are you guys naked!!???" Neville gasped.

Harry and Ron were positively mortified. Before they could muster a response, Professor Dumbledore and Professor McGonagall burst into the room.

"What seems to be the trouble?" Dumbledore asked.

"Umm.... Uh...." Neville stammered.

Harry thought quickly.

"Um, Professor Dumbledore, sir, I was just, um, well... Scabbers got out of his cage, sir. Ron screamed, waking us all up. Apparently, Scabbers crept under Ron's covers. Ron thought it was a spider and that's why he screamed. We were just helping him catch his rat. We almost had him when you came in.

Seamus noticed Scabbers in his cage on Ron's nightstand and quickly snatched it up.

"I think he's under the bed!" Seamus blurted nervously.

He knelt down on the floor by the bed and began feeling around, pretending to search for the mischievous rodent. Continuing the charade, he grabbed at the stone floor as though he had just caught something and quickly re-emerged from under the bed, cage in hand, and pretended to have just shoved the rat back in his cage. He replaced the cage on the nightstand and stood up.

To the relief of all the boys, the act seemed to work.

"May I suggest, Mr. Weasley, that the next time something creeps into your bed, you deal with it in a less disruptive manner?" Said Professor McGonagall.

"Of course, Professor." Ron said apologetically.

The two Professors bid them good night and left.

"Blimey, that was close!" Ron gasped, shocked.

"Quick thinking Harry! You too, Seamus!" Neville commended them.

Just when Harry and Ron thought they were in the clear, Seamus spoke.

"So," he said, "What ARE you two doing in there together?"

"And why are you naked?" Neville added.

They were caught. There was only one thing they could do.

"Promise you won't tell no one?" Ron said.

Neville and Seamus nodded. "We promise."

"Harry? I can't talk about this. Could you fill them in?"

"It's all right, Ron. I'll tell them."

Neville and Seamus sat beside Ron on the bed staring intently at Harry.

"Well," Harry began, "Ron and I... well... we were... um... having sex."

Seamus' jaw dropped. Neville fell off the bed, landing with a hard thud on the stone floor. Both boys were awestricken.

"You were WHAT!??" Seamus exclaimed.

Neville got up from the floor, rubbing his bum where he'd landed on it.

"It's true." Ron confessed.

Harry and Ron told them the whole story. When they finished, Neville and Seamus were both as hard as the sorcerer's stone and twice as red.

"I heard Fred and George talking about you to Oliver Wood last night." Neville said. "They were telling Oliver about someone they called `The Boy Who Jizzed.' Were they talking about you, Harry?

Ron gave a look of disappointment at Neville's assumption that the twins must have been referring to Harry instead of him.

"Yes." Harry said. "It's me."

Neville and Seamus were still in shock. It took several minutes for them to calm down and find their voices again. They wanted to hear more.

The boys talked for about an hour before turning in for the night, Harry back in his own four-poster and wearing his pajamas. Ron had also replaced his pajamas to his person.

None of them slept a wink that night. All they could think about was what had just happened.

Next: Chapter 3

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