The Story of Us

By Juilian James (JuilianJ, Julien, Julian)

Published on Jan 8, 2003



This story is 100% fictional and is by no means depictive of the life of any person, place or thing. It contains sexual activities between males and should only be read if it is legal to do so in your area. Read at your own risk and enjoy. Comments are welcomed and would be very much appreciated. ENJOY!

There will be many flashback sequences in this story so as not to confuse anyone, when a flashback takes place, there will be an asterisk (*) before the start of that flashback.

The days had turned into weeks, then months and eventually my one-year anniversary departure was rapidly approaching. Surprisingly all the controversy over that one article had died down to just quiet rumor and in time no one even remembered it or me. It was as if Richard Lyn had never existed and it hurt, it hurt so much. It wasn't the career that I missed so much, the pay or even the little luxuries that went along with it. They could have taken all of that away and I would have still been happy. No, that was not what I missed. What I missed the most was my friendship with Bobby. That bond that can only exist with someone that you truly connect with. And Bobby was that for me. He was a lot of things for me but now, all I felt towards him was a deep seeded sense of betrayal and true hatred.

I never blamed him for that article. He had absolutely nothing to do with that but the fact that he so willingly accepted the 'truth' of someone else over the real truth hurt me beyond belief. I had practically adjusted my life around him and all I got in return was shit. And I was tired of it and tired of him. I was going to move on with my life without Bobby Knight and I swore if it was the last thing I did, I would get back all those that brought me to this point.

"I saw that spread that you did on Diane and I have to say that I'm impressed."

"Thanks. She practically promotes herself. She's beautiful, smart and sexy if I may say so myself." Diane turned to me and smiled.

"You see why I want him on this so much Laurence. The man's a dream."

"Well it's your call Diane. I like him."

And that was all it took to get me the job as publicist for Diane 'DD' Spencer, up and coming R&B princess. Already her debut album had sold three million copies and counting. Personally she was a sweet nineteen-year-old woman with a good head on her shoulders and a voice to match. Professionally she was a sex vixen that milked her sex appeal for all that it was worth and in many ways, I realized that she was just like Bobby.

She had never met him before but talked about him a lot, something that told me she was smitten over him.

"I've never met him before but I saw him live in California, one of the first shows he put on. I swear to you I almost came in my panties watching him. You know if he has a girlfriend?"

"He has lots of girlfriends." I stated plainly not wanting to get into this with her right now.

"I don't know why you ever left him. I mean I'm glad that you came to work for me but working for Robert Knight must have been a dream."

"It had its' moments." And I quickly changed the subject by reminding her that she needed to be prepped for her interview with Spice Magazine.

"Tell me why I'm doing this again."

"Because these are the people that are buying your album and they paid a pretty penny for this interview."

She smiled at me and leaned in to kiss my cheek, something that caught me off guard.

"What was that for?"

"For being my friend Richie. I like you a lot." And with that she got up and left the room leaving me for the first time with a sense of satisfaction and complacency.

Picking up the entertainment section of the star I saw that once again Diane was sharing a spread with Bobby. Nothing unusual about that since both were the reining king and queen in their genre of music but something caught my eye. In the background of the photo with Bobby stood a man that looked vaguely like Ernie and standing beside him was none other than Quentin. I felt a lump rise up in my throat and my heart start to beat twice as fast. Something was not right about this whole scene. The way a felt about this thing a year ago was magnified by ten and against my better judgment, I placed a call to Greg's' agency (Bobby's' manager).

"Good Morning, Wilson, Philip and Sons managing agency, Kathleen speaking."

"Good Morning, is Greg in?"

"Mr. Wilson is very busy at the moment, would you like to leave your name and number and I will be sure to have him call..."

"No, this is an emergency. Tell him its Richard Lyn, he'll take the call."

She reluctantly put me on hold while she went to 'check if he was available'.

Within less than a minute I was put through to his personal line.


"Hi Greg. How are you?"

"Ah, could be better, and you?"


"Heard you were working for Diane Spencer now. Seems you landed on your feet after all. Was worried about you after...I'm sorry that we had to let you go, it was in the best interest of Bobby's'..."

"I know and there are no hard feeling towards you guys. I was just calling to see, I mean, something is bothering me about..." and even though I knew what I wanted to say, I couldn't get the words out.

"What is it Richie?"

"I don't want you to think I'm calling to start trouble but there was a picture in today's' Star, the entertainment section. The man standing beside Ernie."

"I saw it."

"What, you did?"


"And you recognize him."


"Did you say anything to Bobby about it."


"Why not?" I asked incredulously.

"Because I no longer work for Bobby anymore." And it was as if my ears had failed me. Greg was hot stuff when it came to the music industry. No artist that he managed ever failed and he had been in the biz well over twenty years.


"I thought you had heard by now. He fired me per his publicists' request. That piece of shit has got his head twisted around."

"What happened?"

"Bobby didn't think that we were working out anymore, thought he could get a better deal with someone else."

"Like who?"


"What?!? What the hell does he know about managing?"

"A lot apparently. I mean haven't you read the papers lately."

I had recalled seeing several articles on Bobby but hadn't bothered to pay them any mind. Now hearing all of this, I wish I had.

"No, haven't had the time. What did I miss?"

"His sales have gone up by twenty percent since the switch."

"I can't believe that? How?"

"He's got the world thinking he's another Suge Knight."

"Bobby? No way Greg. I know Bobby, way better than any of you guys and he's not into that, that shit at all. He wouldn't even hurt a fly."

"Well that's what I thought too. I mean Bobby would never resort to violence for anything."

"Then what you're saying doesn't make any sense."

"I know but that doesn't mean it's not true." And he went on to tell me about two occasions where it was reported by the AP (associated press) that Bobby had tried to stab a fellow R&B singer with a knife in something the press dubbed: The Turf War. All of this 'bad' press had boost sales of his album to include rap fans interested in the new persona that Robert Knight presented.

"Did he get arrested?"

"No, but then again they haven't identified the other singer, he's telling the press that he's scared for his life."

"What a crock of shit! I don't believe one fucking word of it. I wouldn't be surprised if Ernie made that shit up."

"Then why won't Bobby deny it?"

"Because he'll do anything it takes to keep his career going. He'll do anything and no one's gonna stand in his way, not me, not you, not anybody"

And in bed that night thought about what I had said to Greg. It was a true enough statement. Bobby had to fight his way through loads of shit to get to this point and was determined to stay on top but for him to use violence or the perception of violence, as a means to make money was something that I didn't expect from him. I mean he wanted his music to send out a positive message to his audience. He even once told me that the day he started to slack on that promise he wanted me to let him know. But that had been in the beginning. Before the fame, before the fortune, before this. The Bobby now was not the same Bobby I knew then. No, the Bobby now was a man that I would be ashamed to ever call my friend.

I knew this would inevitable happen. Wouldn't the queen and king of R&B eventually come together for collaboration? Well it did happen, it was happening and I was definitely not prepared. The night before I had called Michael (alas!) and had told him about the impending reunion.

"No shit. Well you knew this could happen didn't you."

"Hell yeah but that don't mean I'm ready for it. Suppose I botch up in front of the press and mess up Diane's' career or something or better yet, suppose one of them smart asses ask about the incident."

"You tell me to go fuck themselves Richie. You think anyone actually gives a fuck about that article. It wasn't even worth making the news. Who the hell reads that paper anyway, not anyone that matters? Let me ask you something?"


"Is this about messing up in front of the press or is this about seeing Bobby again after so long?"

"I guess a little bit of both."

"Richie." He said managing to sound like my father getting ready to reprimand me,

"Ok, I'm fucking scared ok. I have absolutely no idea how I'm gonna react when I see him and I'm scared ok. He was my best friend and I'm afraid when I see him again, I'm afraid I'll hate him."


"I don't know. I mean not seeing him is one thing. That way I can always dismiss whatever they say about him but if I see it for myself, if I see that what they're saying is true, I don't have that doubt anymore. I must sound like a lunatic."

"No you don't. You sound concerned over someone that used to mean something to you. There's nothing wrong with the fact that you still care about him."

"I don't."

"Richie!" But unlike the time before, I didn't balk. Any feelings that I had for Bobby before were practically non-existent.

"I don't. He used me Michael. He used me like I was some dust rag that he could shine his shoe with. All that friendship meant shit to him in the face of money and that hurt me so I don't care about him." And even thought I may have sounded convincing to Michael over the phone. Alone in my bed that night I knew better than to think that. Because one look at Bobby was all it took to get attached.

Back to the present, I sat opposite where Bobby and his cronies would be seated. Diane was on my right and her manager was on my left.

"What time is this supposed to start again?" She asked trying her best not to seem bored but truth be told so were we all.

"Half an hour ago. The press is outside waiting to go. You did double check didn't you?" I asked turning to Diane's' assistant.

"Yes, twice this morning and once again a soon as we arrived. His manager said they would be here." And someone must have heard my prayer for at that moment the double doors opened and in walked Ernie, about five or six other unimportants and finally, Bobby himself.

The look that passed between us did nothing but remind what had gone down and I promised myself that I would not look at him again.

"Finally gentlemen." Declared Diane's' manager getting up to shake Ernie's hand.

"Well you know what they say. No one but a star can be kept waiting."

"Well next time some discretion would be appreciated on your part, these people have places to go." And I had to smile knowing that he was not going to take any shit from Ernie.

"Well let's get this show on the road. And this must be Diane, you are one fine looking woman." He declared reaching over to shake her hand only to be greeted by a cold shoulder. Embarrassed, he withdrew it quickly - steaming I'm sure.

Bobby instead took over, an action that caused Ernie's face to screw into an expression of distaste.

"Hello Diane, I'm Bobby Knight." She leaned into him and allowed his lips to graze her cheek.

"Nice to meet you too. I am so excited to be working with you."

"Same here."

"So are we ready for the press gentlemen?" The bodyguard asked from his post at the door.

"Yes, let them in."

"Diane are you and Bobby Knight currently in the studio?"

"Not yet, but I'm anxious to begin." She turned to look at me for reassurance and I offered her a smile to let her know she was doing fine.

"Is there any truth to the rumor that you and Bobby are dating?"

"Not at all. Today was the first time that I have met Bobby."

"Is it coincidence then that you both shared the same publicist at one point in time."

Both she and Bobby turned to look at me while Ernie piped in with, "Totally coincidence. Next question please."

"What prompted the change in lineup Mr. Knight?"

"What change?" He asked getting highly annoyed by the line of questioning.

"Well first you get rid of your publicist and then your manger."

And as I had expected him to respond, he replied with, "and life goes on. Is there a question for either myself or Ms Spencer about our upcoming collaborative efforts?"

"Yes. Ms Spencer do you think that Mr. Knights persona in anyway will affect your album sales."


"Well you are aware that he has been accused of stabbing another performer."

"Yes and as you yourself stated, it is an allegation. Can we please move on."

"One last question please." I stated.

"What expectations do you expect from the Diane Bobby union."

"We expect nothing. We know that both these performers are great in their own rite and together will shine just as greatly, no more questions." And I quickly ushered Diane off the platform and through a side door that led into her temporary dressing room.

"I'm glad I have you here Richie, those people are relentless."

"That they are but they are your public."

"I guess. Poor Bobby though, they just won't leave him alone."

"Well that's what you have to deal with when you're a celebrity."

"I guess but..." the look on her face let me know that something was bothering her.

"What's the matter?"

"I've been thinking this over and I'm not sure if it's such a good idea to go along with this."

"Why, because that idiot out there said those things?"

"Partially. I mean I want to be a positive role model to my audience Richie. My baby sister listens to my music and I don't want her associating me, or any one for that matter associating me with any type of violence. Maybe I'm just being paranoid or something."

"No, you have a right to feel that way. Don't force yourself to do something you're not into a hundred percent."

She turned to me and took my hand in hers.

"You know Bobby better than I do, what do you think."

Indecision time! I couldn't lie to my client but I couldn't lie about a former friend either. What to do, what to do.

"I think this could be a good opportunity for you but you need to take your time going into it. Talk to him and see how well you get along."

"I will but I don't want to have to go through his sleazy manager, the guy is as sticky as oil. Reminds me of an eel." That would describe Ernie to a tee.

"Don't worry I'll set everything up."

She pulled me down to her and kissed my cheek, "I trust your judgment and I'll go along with any program you want me to."

"And if you don't like it..."

"I'll tell you."

In passing his dressing room I could hear shouting, anyone within a few yards could hear it.

"You fucking made me look like an idiot out there, what the fuck am I paying you for."

"Cool it man. It won't happen again."

"You damn straight it won't cause if it does, you will be out of a job. Ever since I put you on as manager I'm getting screwed from all ends."

"Now wait a damn minute."

"What? That fucking stabbing incident! How the fuck did the press get wind of that? How the fuck did that happen."

"I don't know. Maybe that other guy ratted you out!"

"Bull shit Ernie, there was nothing to rat out. Nothing didn't happen and now the press is depicting me like a fucking thug!"

"And your sales have gone up Bobby."

"I don't care. You know I don't operate my shit like that! I've been around a while and never once did I use the hype of violence to hype up my popularity, now whatever shit you're doing - Stop It."

"I didn't have nothing to do with that."

"Well you better find out who did."

"Well I wouldn't put it pass your faggot friend and that pussy Greg."

"Just get the fuck out Ernie. You're giving me a dam headache with your bullshit." And as I heard the door open I his behind a partition and observe Ernie storming out. And I couldn't help but think how ironic this all was. All this fame and fortune and Mr. 'thugs r us' couldn't handle it.


Next: Chapter 6

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