The Therapist

By Christopher X

Published on Apr 22, 2017


Nifty offers sexual acknowledgment and gratification to people all over the world who have gay, bi, trans, and lesbian desires- celebrate them with a donation!

The second in my series that celebrates Gay Scat elements while offering models of gay adult males interacting with other gay adult males in a positive light.

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The Therapist Part 2

Dr. Tokolahi and Greg talked during his session, as always, Greg despite having rather non-remarkable conversational skills assiduously avoided actually discussing his fetish- even though they both knew it was now literally documented. However Dr. Tokolahi was used to this- he used to joke with his colleagues at conferences that someone could come in on LSD and still adroitly verbally tip toe around their fetish.

Dr. T did what he had to nearly every time, and something he was expert at- breaking the ice. "Gay men find assholes so hot, stretching, stuffing, enema pressure, watching an anus crown around a huge black dildo- but if it's a thick log of blackish brown shit- everyone is disgusted." (He would have said `clutching their pearls' but Greg was not comfortable with the natural effeminate sarcasm of a seasoned gay man.) Greg looked up and struggled to give a chuckle. This was the level of progress Dr. T expected, what he did not expect was what came next-

Greg poured his heart out, beginning with how his fantasies started it was a sudden change of gear...when he was in Whole Foods near UCLA on a Saturday and saw a group of young jocks, thick muscled bodies, a bit of acne scarring on their blockish faces buying Psyllium.

He imagined them drinking it together, working towards relief of that heavy sluggishness...when they drank the pysllium and they began to feel that pressure, did they discuss it- surely they joked about it. And when they actually produced big turds (and those were his words, he was so caught in erotic stimulation by this time in the story)- did they all visit the bathroom together? who got to sit on the toilet first? Oh how he had imagined all the different "plays" (again his language) that could have taken place.

His cock was thick in his pants and he grabbed it for relief every so often. "How did you hope to see them expel their shit?" Dr. T asked with his glasses midway down his nose, under his eyes, that were raised with scrutinizing curiosity. "On all fours above the toilet, all seeing the holes stretch, all learning about each other's bodies."

"Silent or talking?" "Oh man, talking. Talking about how bad it hurts their buttholes and chutes...." He looked over to Dr. T, confident that he was getting a stir, he put on a masculine, sexual affectation- "you know, dude to dude talk." Dr. T sensed he was building a comfort zone around his limited window of what was sexual, and masculine and using it to control the session- so he shut him down. "We're two gay men here. Men who feel vulnerable around other men. Men who want to get closer to other men. These young men, taking big shits to clear their systems out for faster running in flag football is not what we're here to conquer. We're here to conquer your feelings. And you want to see men make big poo poo out of their potty pussies because you need to be close to a man sexually, romantically and emotionally. "

Greg deflated and turned inward, which Tokolahi knew would happen. The five minutes of silence felt like an eternity to Greg but not to Dr. T. -- who had handled this with dozens of "straight male icons" with their very gay fetishes.

Finally, after a period, without looking up, Greg asked, "what do you want me to do, Doctor?"

"I want you to be comfortable enough to be your own performance- to play with your body, to be natural, to be free to be unapologetically a gay man. And I want you to put on video and then masturbate to yourself putting on a poo poo show."

Greg's look shot back "Hell, no." Dr. T was firm. "That's the progress. When you are comfortable enough with your sexuality to do that...then we will have made a real breakthrough." "What about just feeling good?" "Well, if you're talking about acting out your insecurities through coded locker room fantasy sex, you can find that on Grindr- but when it's over all you've got are two or more uncomfortable men with the same issues they had before they had sex and had orgasms."

"Listen, I don't make this easy, because it's not, but you've got real courage. Until next Thursday"

Dr. T smiled at Greg and after a moment, Greg smiled back, gathering his wallet and keys.

Greg walked through the sleepy office building and back to his SUV. He visualized himself before a camera, trying to perform sexually. It brought back deep feelings of vulnerability and embarrassment. As he drove, he finally decided to try and shut the feelings down by getting angry over something else- displacement in the most classic sense- driving quickly up the 405 back to Bel Air Crest and his planned community home that felt so empty now. He realized he was hungry and was going to pre order take out- not in the mood to be sitting amongst people, giving autographs, straight fans s getting that fake, awkward sound in their voice when they complimented his courage...

Meanwhile, back at the office, Dr. Tokolahi had been making notes about the session into his recorder, when his mind began to wander back to his years in Graduate School in France and the professor who first mentored him both as a professional and as a gay love maker.

Jean-Jacques Beneix was 50 when Samesoni met him. Samesoni used to a life as a closeted outsider Rugby Savant who couldn't even get close to his "mates" because of his secret, met this professor, who lived openly as a passionate gay man in a little stucco house over the Mediterranean Sea cracked open his mind and self in every way.

Jean-Jacques and Samesoni made love almost instantly after meeting, kissing and going into a 69 on the thick rug of his office. Samesoni can still remember his bald head, very angular thin Gallic face with high cheek bones and his curled salt and pepper mustache, as his face was filled with Samesoni's cock.

However, it wasn't until months later that Samesoni first learned about scat play- and it was because he brought up anal sex. In a stern, snitty French way- "That is only something I do with my partner, Joao involved." He watched Samesoni's face fall- they had become so close and now Samesoni realized it was all an illusion, he was simply being taken in as a sex object. "You are telling stories in your head, I can see." Jean-Jacques said to Samesoni. He took his chin tenderly, drying his tear. "You are special to me. I think Joao would love for three of us to share a night of love-making. After all, we've been talking about you for months."

That afternoon, as Samesoni made his way up the winding hillside road above the town to the olive tree and salvia covered rocky ridge ensconcing Jean-Jacques's home, he watched the orangish-red sunset paint the stucco and limestone of Menton a faded red. His stomach felt so fluttery and pulse so fast, he awaited threesomes like he had seen in the gay pornography he mail ordered from Advocate Men and watched on his DVD.

He imagined the slick lube around the ass and the thrusting action. Worried about cleanliness problems, he drank only water that day, too aroused to notice how hungry he was.

He walked in the house, and was shocked to smell the garlicy and robust smells of rich meal being prepared. Jean-Jacques kissed him and floated around in a linen nightshirt "meet Joao" A huge man, 6'4" and nearly 350 pounds of muscle softly rounded with fat, also bald with a very different kind of mustache, thick and substantial, surrounded by a beard- came into the foyer. He had piercing, sexily angry eyes.

Realizing he had misjudged the pace, Samesoni covered his disappointment and said "I'm looking forward to a long dinner." Jean-Jacques said "Oh I am too but not as much as I am the natural anal sex threesome tomorrow morning" With that Jean Jacques took a piece of wasa cracker covered thickly in hummus and roasted red peppers of a huge hors d'ouvres plate and put it into this mouth sensually. Samesoni was clearly overwhelmed and Joao shot Jean-Jacques a look.

"You will understand in due to speak." Jean-Jacques chuckled, handing him a Wasa cracker and feeling his hunger for the first time in hours, Samesoni savored it....

A rich meal eaten Moroccan style on pillows took place, sensual finger feeding, kissing caressing was part of the experience....all under the stars with an outdoor fire nearby.

They all shared a bed, nude, a night of caressing and gentle lovemaking, just learning each others bodies. Suddenly, Joao erupted loud flatulence that stunk heavily...Jean-Jacques just purred erotically. He turned to Samesoni, "You will so enjoy how his anus's as big and imposing as his body..." with that Joao took Jean-Jacques lean runners frame into his arms and kissed him as he held him tight.

That morning, Samesoni awoke to white towels that had been clearly washed many times and were a bit ragged from use, oils and dark mahogany case that was about 20 inches long and 5 inches wide.

Samesoni soon had to move his bowels urgently. But Jean-Jacques and Joao, drinking Ethiopian coffee in little cups were sitting in a way that revealed that they too were very full as well. The silent passing of very odorous farts happened constantly. "I know the smell is strong." Joao said.

Samesoni then flashed to the reveal of the wooden two-headed phallus, Joao, an accomplished sculptor, had made it- and it was various shades of brown. "varnished when we make love." Joao said proudly.

Jean-Jacques took the dildo and began sniffing it sensually, licking it and caressing it..."My Suggestion is that you and I have Joao insert this into each of our full rectums to further season it for future use." And with that, Samesoni got on all fours with his anus out. "Hold in your bowels"

Joao quietly instructed as he teased Samesoni's puckered anus with the dildo and ran the dildo along the thick dark hairs lining the cleft between his cheeks and covering his perineum. As he inserted it in, Samesoni began to feel cramping, raw pain and incredible pleasure as a very thick dildo fought with his loose, heavy bowels....His cringes made the two men both moan in pleasure...

And with that, Samesoni was fully indoctrinated into the scat fetish.

A fetish that would some day become the hallmark of his career, but he was too aroused for reflecting- he took advantage of the pressure on his bowels and a completely empty floor and appointment book to change into a white linen gown, that quickly gained a seminal fluid stain as it rested on his huge, turgid penis and walk out of his office over the men's toilet in the hallway.

Meanwhile, Greg, irritable and hungry was off the 405 back down Wilshire to Dr. T's office to recuperate his lost phone.

Samesoni was in the bathroom, on all fours above the toilet, his linen nightshirt hastily pulled with one hand away from his spread buttocks. He began to do the most delicious thing a "strong man" can do- erotic petulant whining out loud, his thick lips pouty, his buttocks arched pertly, he began to engage in a sexual persona so different from his usual persona of the tough, even-tempered "masculine" doctor.

"Oh, My big log hurts so bad coming out...I want it to feel so good, I want it just to tickle and make me feel good." He began punching his fists against the toilet in a full on temper-tantrum. "Owwww it hurts so bad coming out!" His lips pursed out just as his anus did thickly preparing itself for a major crowning.

Greg heard this talk in the hall, growning more and more aroused as he did, Angry at Dr. T for belittling him in the session, determined to take the upper hand and determined to get what he wanted-which was to stick his big cock in that man's dirty buttboi butt.

And with that, ever the privileged white sports jock millionaire even if was out, he twisted the door knob on the hallway until it came out of the door......

To Be Continued

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