The Training of Rocky

By Sean

Published on Aug 7, 2014


Disclaimer: If you are not yet 18 years of age or if it is illegal to read material of this nature where you live, Please stop now! You can always read it after you come on age.

This story contains descriptions of sexual activity between a man and teenage boys. It is for adults only!

All sexual acts are consensual, and are in a world of role play in which adults live out their fantasies SAFELY! The characters in this story play the same as people in real life. WITH SAFE WORDS. "No", "Yes", "please stop" are even "harder" are not safe words, but part of the fantasy. A safe word is something very unique.

This story is completely fictional, all descriptions, and names are also made up.

In addition, this story also contains domination & fighting between men and/or teenage boys, if this bothers you, then please do not read any further! All references in the story to extreme violence are not to be taken literally, but only as plot movers. This is not, I repeat NOT a snuff story. NOT ONE IS GOING TO DIE! If that is your thing please read elsewhere.

Also, ALWAYS play SAFE.

As I have said before, this is my first erotic story, and I would love to hear from you, so negative as well as positive feedback is welcome!

Finally, I would like to thank all of you who have written to me. It really helps me to continue writing. I would like to say a big "I'm sorry" to the ones I have not been able to reply to. I am a Grad student, and have been out in the field doing research, mostly in places that do not have internet.

Please write: collegerobot1991@gmail Thank you, Sean

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The Training of Rocky

Chapter Three

I left Rocky alone for two days, but kept a constant watch on him. I didn't want him to become sick or malnourished. The first day he pleaded and begged with me to let him out; promising me all kinds of things, telling me how much he needed my piss. He even begged for more dog food, saying that he would never complain about it again. Then, when I did not reply, he started telling me how much he wanted to be a faggot, and how he liked it when I fucked his throat. He begged me to take him out so that I could rape his throat again.

His cell was designed with a leak in the ceiling that connected to my urinal. Every few hours I would piss, so that he could stand under it and let my piss flow into his mouth. I did this for several reasons. I wanted him to keep some of his strength, and to be hydrated enough so that his baby makers were full and plump with cum.

My cock was so hard knowing that all the fluids in his body had my piss in them. His tears, spit, cum, and sweat. He was literally pissing my piss, and my piss was now flowing through the blood in his veins.

After a day of being in the cell alone, he started playing with his beautiful round ass. Telling me how good it would feel If I fucked him. He fingered himself, crying out from the pain the dry finger caused his pussy. He fingered himself for over an hour, constantly begging me to come fuck him. He told me how tight his hole was, adding that he had once fucked his girlfriend in the ass, and it had felt so good and tight that he came twice without stopping. Finally, after hours of begging, the truth seemed to sink in. I wasn't coming to let him out. He started to cry and beg for his mother.

"Mum, mum help me. Please don't let me die in here, please mum come help me." It reminded me of the fact that despite his football bravado, he was only a teenager. "Please mummy, please come help me, I'm scared...I don't want to die here..." Etc. I lost interest in all of the mommy stuff and went about my business.

I decided I would take his cherry today. I hadn't nutted since my epic throat fuck, and my boys were so full of cum that I was literally in pain. He hadn't creamed in at least five days, and his large low hangers were expanding they were so full of boy juice.

I entered the room and turned on the lights. He was such a beautiful lad that I felt guilty for leaving him in such a filthy place. I picked his unconscious body from the floor, and carried him out of the cell. I took him to a room that resembled a hospital room, put him on the bed then set about doing my work. I gave him a shot that would help to reduce his swelling, then another shot to put him into a deep and relaxing sleep.

I cleaned his body from head to toe, and shaved all of the hair from his young body. I knew this would devastate him. Teenage boys are so proud of their body hair, it is a representation of their budding manhood.

I strapped his ankles in a cable and hoisted his legs into the air. His pussy looked so innocent and virginal hiding between his cheeks. I couldn't remember having ever seen a cunt so beautiful. Each wrinkle and fold was it's own shade of pink. I longed to sink my cock into it. I could hardly wait to fuck him. My cock begged me for just a small taste of his sweetness. But, of course I couldn't fuck him now. What purpose could it serve to take his virginity while he was asleep? No, I had to wait for him to be awake and aware of his fate.

I got on with it. Cleaned him out. Filled him with warm water, and let it flow from him until it was clear. His cunt was so tight that I had to pull hard to withdraw the tube from him. Now that the cunt was clean, I could no longer contain my desire. I leaned forward and licked my tongue slowly again it. His cunt winked slightly as I began to eat it in earnest. It was so flesh, and tasted better than any food I could imagine. I pulled his cheeks apart, and pushed my tongue deeper into it. I sucked on his lips and kissed them as though I was kissing my first love. I love eating pussy. All kinds of pussy. But young jock pussy takes the cake. His cunt lips would be larger after I finished with them, and I wanted to eat it now while it was nice and tight.

After eating his boy-pussy for about half an hour. I could feel it opening and becoming used to my tongue. This cunt was definitely made for fucking, it was too perfect. I sighed I pulled away. I had more work to do before I could play.

After eating my favourite snack, and making sure I had completed my job. I bound his hands and feet with dog paws, then I took him outside to my doggy playground. An electric fence enclosed garden/yard with running room, and all the toys a doggy-bitch could want. I lay him on the grass.

He looked very small and boy-like. The loss of his body hair made his youthful muscles more defined, yet it made him appear younger than 16. After setting up all the extra fun things for him, I went back indoors and set about making myself a full breakfast comprised of Eggs, Bacon (veg), Toast, Baked Beans (Americans don't vomit) Jam, and Coffee. I wanted it to look full and smell delicious. There are more ways to train a dog than just using pain or force. When you are starving, eating dog food, and drinking piss, watching someone eat a delicious meal can be the worst torture.

I figured he would be awake when i returned, but that didn't bother me. He would still be very drowsy from the drugs.

He was sitting on the grass with his head between his knees guarding his eyes from the sun. As I entered the garden, he looked up at me, squinting in the bright sunlight.

"Thank you sir," he said. He looked so angelic with his body gleaming with sweat. It was not a hot day, but the direct sunlight made his pale skin look like polished marble.

"Come here puppy," I said as I sat down in the shade of an umbrella'd table. He crawled toward me, his head still lowered.

"Take off my shoes," I ordered him. He reached out his hand, but stopped. He looked down at the paws on his hands.

"I can't sir, not with these things on my hands." I started to eat. The food was delicious as I knew it would be. Breakfast is my favourite meal.

"Your hands?" I asked disgustingly through a mouthful of food. "Dogs don't have hands, they have paws, everyone knows that".

He looked defeated. I could see the realization sinking into him that I had taken away the use of his hands and feet.

"But Master," he asked "how can I take off your shoes without using my ha- My paws?"

"The way all dogs do things," I said taking another mouthful of my food. He still looked confused. I smiled as I saw his eyes widen. A look of defiance flashed across his face, but he took a deep breath, and lowered his mouth to my shoes. He started to undo my laces with his teeth.

"No, no, no," I stopped him. "I want you to kiss my shoes first. Kiss them nice and sweetly, as if you were snogging that whore you pretended to date. If you do a good job, I might even let you kiss my feet. You would like to kiss my feet wouldn't you Rocky?"

"Yes sir," He said blankly. "I would like to feet your feet."

"Good puppy, Maybe you aren't as stupid as you look."

He lowered his mouth to my shoes, then he hesitated.

"What are you waiting for?" I asked, letting him hear the anger in my voice.

"Master?" he asked in a small voice.


"May I asked a question?" he asked redundantly.

"You may."

"Will I ever be able to use my hands, I mean my paws again? I mean like a human?"

"No," I answered simply

He stopped. He looked completely lost. I laughed.

"Dogs don't need hands. I will however take off your paws when you suck my cock. I like my dogs to feel my muscle and play with my balls while they worship my cock."

He lowered his head back to my shoes and started kissing them. I could see that his heart was not in it. He kissed my shoes for about five minutes, stopping to look up at me.

"Good dog," I praised him. "I like to see my shoes clean and wet with dog spit." I finished eating, but did not clear the plate. My mother would have disapproved, but she is dead so I could care less. "I do love a good breakfast, " I sighed. "Do you like breakfast Rocky?" I asked him.

"Yes sir," He answered. Then hesitantly asked, "May I- May I have something to eat master. I don't think I can be a good dog if I don't eat something soon. My body is so weak master, and I want to make you happy. I want to do whatever you say. Please feed me. I am trying to be a good dog. I don't want to make you angry sir, but I need food, and-" He seemed to struggle to finish the sentence. "I need food and piss sir," He finished in a rush.

"That's a good point," I agreed. "Okay, I'll make a deal with you. If you take off my shoes, kiss my feet, then lick and suck on my toes, I will give you the rest of my breakfast."

"Oh Thanks you Master!" he said, his eyes bursting with joy. "Oh master, thank you so much. You'll see, I'll be a good dog."

True to his word, he set about kissing and licking my shoes with great vigour. Taking my shoes off with his teeth like a good dog. I was pleased.

He removed my socks and then processed to kiss and lick my feet as those they were dipped in chocolate. I sat back and closed my eyes, letting him get on with it. I love relaxing in the sunshine while a dog worships my body. Too bad I didn't have a few other puppies to do a full body worship.

Rocky was doing a great job. He even kissed each of my toes, and sucked them as though each were his favourite candy. As I watched his full pink lips puckered around my toes, I knew that he would soon make a very fine cocksucker, Those lips were too beautiful to be wasted of the cunt lips of some dumb bitch.

After about thirty minutes of bliss, I decided to feed him. I had promised, and a gentleman should always keep his promises, even if it is to a dog.

"Good job Rocky." He beamed. A straight muscle jock happy to hear that he was a good toe bitch. God I am good at my job. I reached over and took the plate with the remains of my food. He looked completely thrilled. I patted him on the head and scratched his hard abs with pride.

He looked ready to pounce on the food so I said "stay", and waited for him to obey. All dogs are the same, impatience to eat. I then took the plate and tipped the food on to the ground as he looked on in surprise. I mashed the food into the dirt and grass. Have I mentioned before that I am a sadistic bastard? Karma will undoubtedly fuck me hard in the next life, but in this one I was enjoying myself, and had a full and throbbing erection.

"Why?" he asked. "I did everything you said. I thought you said I did good. I tried so hard to do my best and still you didn't feed me. I tried."

"You did very well puppy," I reassured him. "I am very pleased with you. Now eat your food before I change my mind and put you back in your cage for good."

"What do you mean?" He asked. "I can't eat that.

"This seem to be a running joke with you." I said in anger. "I decide to feed you, you disgusting piece of shit, then you do the same song and dance about why you don't want to eat it. I swear if you don't put your head down and eat your breakfast, I will not only put you back in your favourite room, but I will cut off you little clit-dick, and baby balls, and force you to eat THEM!

"I hate you so much for doing this to me," He said blankly. "I had a good life. I was a good kid. Now I have to beg you to fuck me, and give me your piss, and eat dog food, and the only thing you keep doing is torturing me more. I don't understand. How can you make a kid do shit like this? You love hurting me and making me suffer just so you can get off. I can't even use my hands anymore cause you want me to be a dog. I am not even a human to you. I'm just a sex toy to you. My life means nothing. You're just going to keep torturing me cause you know I can't stop you. I wish you would just kill me. Just do it, so I can stop hurting. Please!"

I let him talk because I loved hearing the despair in his voice. His soul was dying, I could see it in his eyes. I sat back and watched as he lowered his head to the grassy eggs, toast and dirt and began to eat. He did not vomit this time. Just ate from the ground like a cow.

After he finished eating he looked up at me and asked "May I drink your piss sir?"

I thought about it. "Yes. Go get your bowl and bring it over here" The bowl was on the other side of the garden. He crawled to the bowl, moving as fast as he could in his new found position. I thought of what he said. I would continue to hurt him but only until I thought he was properly trained.

He placed the bowl in front of me then lowered his head, waiting for my piss. I unfastened my trousers. My cock is always hard when I am training a new bitch, so pissing down into the bowl was not easy. But, I have a lot of experience pissing in bowls. I noticed that my piss was nice and golden. I love morning piss. Dogs seem to hate it the most. Morning piss is stronger and more potent that piss from the rest of the day. Seeing a dog drinking golden piss is my fav, it really bring home to them how low they have fallen.

He looked up at me waiting for permission to drink. I nodded. He started lapping instantly. As he quenched his thirst I decided to fill him in on the next step of the training.

"I have decided to take your cherry today Rocky," I informed him "I've waited long enough. You are a sad pathetic excuse of a puppy, and even though you are a cock hungry slut, you can't suck cock. This is your last chance to prove to me that you deserve to live. If I like your pussy I may keep you around. If not, I will know that you are completely worthless. I know a bloke who likes worthless cunt. He likes to collect the skin of young faggots to use for his taxidermy gallery."

(I had sold a beautiful young pony to a client, then weeks later I discovered that the client had killed the pony, and stuffed it. I was disgusted by this, and if had known I would never have sold the pony to him.)

He stopped mid-lap. His eyes looking into the bowl in shame.These were the last moments of his manhood. Any hope he harboured of escaping or being released was over. Even if he were released, he would always be a piss drinking, cock slurping faggot, who had taken a man's cock up his cunt. He could never say that he was raped since he had spent the last few days begging me to fuck his pussy.

"I know how happy you must be. Your poor pussy must be so hungry. Now you finally get your wish." I teased him by patting him on his head. "I believe you when say you've never been fucked. Your pussy is so tight. Lucky for your cunt bitch, because I know a lot about fucking tight young pussy. While you were asleep I put my finger in your cunt, and I could feel it desperately sucking on my finger. I almost feel bad for your cunt, to wait all these years while your mouth gets all the cock."

I walked behind him to get a better look at my prize. The sun was working wonders on his body. His skin was getting a healthy colour, and sweat coated his body, making his ass glow. I touched the lips of his cunt, and his body tensed immediately. He lifted his head for the bowl.

"Did I tell you to stop drinking my piss bitch!" I barked at him, smacking his ass roughly. A bright red hand print marked him as my property.

"No sir," He said. He lowered his head and once again I heard the merry sounds of dog lapping coming from him.

I focused my attention back on my prize. I wondered what would be the best way to fuck him. I could take him now while forcing him to drink my piss. It would be very humiliating for the young footballer to lose his manhood while choking on a man's piss. I could just hear him gagging and begging me to stop fucking him so hard while I forced his face deep into my piss.

My all time fav is to fuck a new dog in front of their family or loved ones. The look of terror and complete humiliation on their pain'd faces is a pleasure to watch. However, my client had given me very specific instructions that the puppy was to be fully trained before his familial display.

An idea struck me with a burst of delighted laughter. I could make him think that they were watching him. If he believed it, the result would be just the same. I could have my cake and fuck it too.

Thirty minutes later found me back in the garden with Rocky blindfolded and on all fours. To each side of us were two high tech cams.( I have no need of cameras, my entire property is under 24 hrs surveillance), but I wanted him to look directly into the lens as he was fucked hard. I wanted him to think that his family could see and hear every plunge of my cock into his cunt, and every slap of my balls again his. I wanted the last of his soul to die.

I lead the puppy over to one of the cameras then removed his blindfold.

"I have decided to give you a special treat." He looked about, adjusting his eyes to the light. Then he saw the cameras. A look of fear flashed across his face.

"I am going to make you a star," I beamed at him. "You see those cameras?" He nodded. "I am going to record you while I pop that sweet little cherry of yours. But that isn't even the good news." I waited until he asked.

"What the good news?" in a fearful voice.

"The good news is that I am going to send the video of you taking your first big cock to your parents, brother, mates and even that slut you tried to convince people was your girlfriend. That way everyone can see-"

"NO!" he yelled before I could finish. "You can't! I won't let you. Not my parents and my mates. They can't know!"

"Oh yes I will," I promised him. "They are all going to see exactly how much you love sucking cocks, drinking cum and piss and getting that tight little pussy of yours fucked."

"I won't let you do it!" he repeated stupidly. "Not my parents. You can't do that to me. If they see me doing this shit, they will think that I am a sick pervert. They'll think I am a faggot."

"You are a faggot." I reminded him.

"I don't care how much you hurt me, I won't let you record me doing gay shit in front of my parents. I would rather die. At least if I die, they'll never know what happened to me."

"Not only are you going to do everything I just said." I told him. "But you are going to tell them every sick detail. You will tell them why you like being a worthless faggot, and you are going to make it so believable that no one will doubt that you are a cock-whore."

"YOU CAN'T MAKE ME!!!" He screamed. "There is nothing you can do to me to make me do something like that. No matter how much you torture me, or how much sick shit you make me do. I'll never let you fuck me in front of my family. I'll die first." "I'm not going to hurt you," I said. "I am not even going to force you or threaten you." He looked confused.

"Did you drug me?" He said, tears beginning to fall down his cheeks. "You sick fucking bastard. You drugged me while I was asleep didn't you? You can't do that, it's not fair. You've already taken my hands and shaved off all my hair while I was asleep. It's not right to drug me then rape me. They won't believe you. They'll take the video to the police. They'll catch you." I laugh at him.

"I haven't drugged you," I said. "I'm not going to drug you. That would take all the fun out of it. No, you are going to do it of your own free will. That way even if they do take it to the police everyone will just see a sick little faggot who likes to beg to be fucked. If you don't do exactly what I say, I am going to take you little brother."


"I am going to take your little 12 year old brother Brian. I know where he lives of course. I know where he goes to school. I know when he gets out. I know everything about his life."

(Brian was a perfect portrait of his older brother in miniature).

"I will take him tomorrow when he leaves piano lessons," I laughed. (He's probably a little faggot already taking piano lesson). "I will be doing him a favour by giving him a big cock. I bet your cock isn't big enough for him anymore. Can you imagine how hot he is going to look drinking piss from the tip of my cock. I bet his throat and pussy will be much tighter than yours. You might even be jealous watching your baby brother's throat being raped knowing that he will be eating all of my cum."

He sat frozen and utterly speechless as I informed him of my plan. I could see the realization dawning on him.

"My cock is getting so hard just thinking about his little body under mine while my big cock ploughed his tiny pussy."

It is true that my cock was harder than ever. I would enjoy training the faggot's brother if a client paid for it. He was too young for my personal taste, but Rocky didn't know that.

"The choice is yours," I said. " I don't care who I fuck, but now that I think about it, your brother's pussy sounds much better than yours. I love young tight pussy."

"Please," he said in a shaking voice. "Not my brother. He's too young. You couldn't do that to a 12 year old. Please. He couldn't take it. You'd kill him with you cock." He reached down and grabbed my ankles with him paws. "He's too innocent. He hasn't even kissed a girl yet. You can't make him a faggot. Take someone else. He's a good kid. Don't take him. If you knew him you'd see how sweet he is."

"The more you talk about him, the more I want to fuck him." It was true. The Puppy had me dripping just talking about his brother. I needed to nut soon, so I decided it was time for do or die. I walked away from him and started to put things away.

"Well," I sighed, "I guess you want me to fuck your brother. I bet you want to watch while I drill his tiny pussy."

"WAIT!" He said. "Don't take him. I'll...I'll do it." His voice dropped to little more than a whisper. "I'll do whatever you want. Just please don't put my brother through this. I can't live with the thought of you raping him."

"So you want to be fucked?" I asked him. "And you agree to make this video for your parents?"

"Isn't there...ANYTHING else I can do?" He asked.

"No," I answered. I was jumping for joy inside. This was so much easier than I could have hoped.

"Then I'll do it." He shoulders were shaking. "You always find new ways to hurt me. My parents will hate me so much. My dad hates fags. Plus my mates will know that I've been sucking dick now, but if you promise not to take my brother I'll do anything."

"Ah," I said. "That is so sweet. I promise I will not take your brother." (For now).

Now that that is out of the way, I have a script for you to read. I knew you'd want me to fuck you so badly that you wouldn't be able to think of the words yourself."

I sat the cards down in front of the camera. He looked up at me in surprise.

"I can't say this stuff," he protested.

"If you say the word "can't" again, I will not only take your brother, but I'll tell him that you paid me to hurt him. Then I will drug you and make you rape him yourself."

"But you don't understand," he said. "Isn't it enough to make me do this on camera, now you want me to say shit like, how much I wish my dad would fuck my pussy. He'll kill me."

"You know the score," I stated plainly. "You or your brother."

It took him a moment to come to terms. Then he nodded.

"Good," I continued all business, "I want you to read the cards to the camera. This is your big moment, some people wait their entire lives to be a big star on camera. If you do really well, I may put it on-line. Millions of men all over the world may be wanking one day while watching your big moment."

He looked down at the cards.

"Now say the words directly into the camera, I don't want them knowing that you are reading."

He took a deep breath, and began.

"Hi...Hi mum and dad. I wanted to send you this...this video to show you that...that I am-" His voice started to shake, and tears began rolling down his cheeks. "I wanted to show you that I am a faggot. I have been a faggot for years now. I have been sucking the cocks of most of my mates. I like sucking their sweaty cocks after a match, and making them cum all over my face."

He stopped for a moment, and looked up at me. I gave him a warning look. He continued.

"I really love Eddie's cock the most, we hangout all the time, and I'm fucking hooked on his cum, it's so sweet. Lately I've been begging all my mates to fuck my p-pussy, but they won't do it. No matter how hard I begged them to fuck me, they just won't do it, and I need cock in my pussy so bad it hurts inside. So I've run away from football camp, and found a real man to fuck me. He didn't want to do it at first, but I sucked his cock so good that he's promised to rape me. I even begged him to let me drink his piss, now I drink it everyday. I am so hooked on the taste of his cum and piss, I don't drink anything else. I am so glad that he is finally going to fuck me, and take my cherry."

Then he looked down at the ground and said, "Dad, you have no idea how much I like cocks now. I only wish you could have been the first one to fuck me. I hate the fact that mum is the only one to get your cock. I've been sucking your cock for years now dad, even time you'd come home pissed from the pub, I'd suck your cock while you were asleep. I love the sweet taste of your cock more than anything dad. I even tried to ride your cock one night, but I couldn't make you fuck me in your asleep. So I had to find someone else. But dad, I swear I will be thinking of your cock while my new master is pounding me. I know how much you hate fags, so I want him to punish me like you would. I really want him to rape my cunt dad. To rape me so hard that I pass out just from the power of his cock."

I turned the camera off for a moment, and Rocky looked at me, his eyes filled with despair.

"I can't believe you made me do that. Now my dad will think I've been sucking his cock , and people will think that Eddie is gay too. Dad will kill him."

I ignored this.

I lead him over to the middle of the garden so that we were in view of both cameras. His body began to shake.

"You're gonna put on a condom right?" He asked stupidly. "And lube? You gonna use lube right?"

I ignored this as well. I lined my cock up with his tight cunt. I knew It would never be this tight again. It's like taking a car off the lot. It will never be new again, but if you don't drive it, you'll ever enjoy it.

I closed my eyes. ( live for this moment), then rammed my cock ten inches deep into his cunt with all the force I could. His pussy was SO tight. So tight that if I had not been as hard as a rock I would never have been able to penetrate him.

He opened his mouth, letting out a body shuttering silent scream. His body seemed to hurt so much that he lost his voice. I pulled out complete, hating the feeling of not having his cunt squeezing my cock. I leaned back away from him, then used that motion to drive my cock in harder than before. This time he let out a scream so loud that I swear it could be heard for miles around. I laughed while plunging back in. My balls were starting to hurt from slapping his ass so hard.


I did pull out, giving him false hope that the pain was over. He shaking body relaxed a little, so I rammed back into my new pussy. He choked, tried to scream, and ending by biting his tongue. Blood ran down his chin, as he begged me over and over to stop fucking him.

"OH GOD PLEASE!" He yelled. "You don't know how much it hurts! Please, please, please stop fucking me. I'll do whatever you want. I swear. I'll be your dog! I'll drink your piss or whatever you want, but please stop! You're killing me!"

"You are already my dog, and you already drink my piss." I growled in his ear.

"I'll be a good dog this time. I'll let you rape my throat every day," he promised. "You can't imagine how much it hurts me. Your cock is too big for me to take like this. PLEASE STOP FUCKING ME!!!"

He started to struggle and buck under me, trying hard to get away.

I am very good at fucking unwilling pussy. In fact it's my favourite kind. I gripped his hips and continued to fuck him as hard as I could. There was no way in fuck I was going to stop fucking his sweet pussy, not even if my life depended on it.

"Please sir!" He said in a calmer voice. "It's ripping me open. Have mercy master. Stop, before I bleed to death. My arse hurts more than anything."

I bit his ear hard, but he didn't seem to even notice the extra pain.

"Oh puppy." I groaned in his ear.. "This pussy of yours is perfect. Just fucking perfect. I can't believe your father hasn't been fucking you. I don't think I couldn't never stop fucking you if you were my son."

As his pussy started to loosen a bit, I started teasing him. "Do you feel my cock bitch? huh? I bet you like how hard it's pounding this sweet cunt of yours." I asked the question while forcing my cock in at a different angle. He let out another blood curdling scream, and fainted.

I had anticipated this. That is why I made sure to fill his bowl full with my piss. I pushed his head down into the bowl, never missing a beat. As his face submerged under the piss, his body tightened under me, and his cunt gripped me so hard that I couldn't pull out.

He came to sputtering. I took his hips again, and let loose completely. He seemed to have lost his voice again, and as his body tensed I was forced to fuck him hard to get my cock back in. I closed my eyes and let a howl of my own. This was ecstasy beyond pleasure. This was prime pussy. It would take me weeks of fucking before his cunt was ruined.

"I can't take it...I can't take it...I can't take..." He repeated over and over to himself.

By now, I was completely out of control. My cock was the only thing that existed. I felt my balls starting to retracting, and I knew it would be over soon.

I reached down and wrapped my hands around his neck. I squeezed as hard as I could, forgetting in the moment that I might have snapped the dog's neck. I could see his eyes bulging from their sockets. He face turned blue, and his cunt clamped down on my cock so hard I screamed out in pain.

"FUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I screamed, and blasted my seed deep into him. Blast after blast of cum exploded into him, but still the vice-like grip of his cunt did not slacken. I felt him pass out under my fingers, but I didn't care. My cock just fired volleys of cum into him. I began to think that I would ever stop cumming, and his cunt would never release me.

I fell over on to his unconscious body. I gasped, trying to catch my breath. This was better than any drug. The power, the adrenaline rushing through me was overwhelming. I was a god in this moment. I had taken this once muscled football jock, and completely destroyed his manhood. Now he lay under me as motionless as a doll. I closed my eyes and drifted into a peaceful and contented asleep, his cunt still clamped around my cock.

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