The Truth on Love

By Ariel Garcia

Published on Jul 8, 2013


The following is all fiction. Intended for mature audience. All rights reserved. Don't forget to donate to Nifty. We need your support.

I am deeply sorry for the long wait time for fans of this story. Life got a bit hectic and I needed to take care of things. But now I am back up and running. The story will proceed :) Sorry for the short chapter. A new one will be up within these next few days. I promise!

The Truth on Love Chapter 6

The week seemed to have flown by for Devin. It was now Friday and every student in the school was ready to start their weekend.

Both Drew and Blake seemed to have been avoiding Devin. Good, Devin didn't want to put up with them anyways.

"So, what are the plans for this evening?" asked Devin.

"Well, I was thinking about going to the movies and then later go out to eat," said Carmen.

"Boooring. Geez, is that all you can come up with to do?" asked Trevor.

"Trevor, be nice," said Devin. "I think it's a great idea. And then later after that, we'll have Trevor choose what to do. Right Trevor?"

"I know the perfect place. The town's gym. You can go and drool at all the guys in there."

"Trevor!" said Carmen and Caroline in unison.

"No no, it's okay. I'd love to do that. As a matter of fact, with your good looks, I'll easily be able to find a good catch for you. You wouldn't mind me handing out your number to everyone, would you?" asked Devin with a smirk.

"You win this round. But it's far from over little squirt." Trevor messed up Devin's hair and made a run for it.

"I like that you guys are getting along," said Carmen.

"Weird. I'm getting along with one of the biggest homophobes we know," said Devin.

"He's fine with you," she said.


"Over time he'll learn to accept everyone. Come on, we have a lot of class work to get to."

----- "Stop looking over at him. He's going to think something bad of you," whispered Khloe.

"I'm sorry. He just looks so sad and depressed."

"Why do you care about him Cody? He's nothing but an asshole to everyone in his path."

"Yeah, but he's still a human being," said Cody. This caused Khloe to stop. "You never know if he's suffering on the inside."

"Don't, where are you going?" asked Khloe.

Cody got up and walked over to the library table Drew was sitting at. He sat down in front of him.

"What do you want?" asked Drew.

"Well it seemed to me that you were upset, so I decided to come see if everything was alright," said Cody.

"Yes, everything is alright. But if there WAS something wrong what makes you think I'd confide in some faggot like you?"

And with that Drew got out of his seat and left.

Khloe came to where he was sitting and said "Hey, at least it was worth a try."

Cody nodded his head in agreement. He wasn't really mad at Drew. In some way, he understood his anger and let it be.

----- Devin was just about to walk out of the locker room when all of a sudden Blake yelled out, "Wait, you stay."

Everyone walked out except Tyler.

"Blake," started Tyler.

"Relax, I'm not going to do anything stupid," said Blake.

And with that Tyler left.

"If you want to punch me now, do so peacefully," said Devin. He stood as if he wasn't afraid of what would come next.

"I don't want to punch you, I uh want to apologize for yesterday." Blake said it as if he actually meant it.

"Hold on. At one point you're nice to me. Then you want to beat me up. And now you want to apologize? Are you sure you're not bipolar or something?"

"It was wrong of me to..." Blake couldn't find the words.

"Just say it. Say what you really want to say. Without holding back," said Devin.

"I, I can't," Blake said.

He slowly forced Devin against the locker. Both of Blake's hands were above him in a confused state.

"I don't know what to say," said Blake.

Devin raised his hand to Blake's cheek and kept it there. Blake did nothing to stop him but instead closed his eyes and rubbed his cheek against it. Blake hadn't shaved in a while so Devin could feel his stubble.

At the sound of incoming footsteps, Blake leaned into Devin's neck and said, "Kick me."

"What?" he replied.

"I said kick me."

When Devin noticed the shadow he kicked Blake close to his crotch.

Blake winced in pain on the floor as Devin made a run for it.

"Wow, what a great cover up you thought of."

It was Tyler.

Blake sighed with relief.

"Don't scare me like that again," said Blake.

"What did you tell him?" asked Tyler.

"Nothing, nothing," Blake said and walked away.

----- "Incoming sex god, 12 o'clock."

"What? Oh, ha ha," said Sophia when she looked over at Blake.

"Come on, I know you like him. Besides he'd do you some good. You've been feeling depressed for a while," said Daisy.

"I am not depressed, I'm just stressed. I have school, work, and to top it off my family has a whole bunch of problems going on."

"Exactly, and being with him might bring happiness to your life," suggested Daisy.

"No, I'm not ready for that type of commitment at this point. Maybe later."

"Well if you wait too long someone else might snatch him up," said Daisy.

Sophia rolled her eyes and said, "As if there aren't any other guys in the world to choose from."

Daisy smirked and said, "There are, but none that pack a big package like his."

Sophia stopped bouncing the ball and said, "You did not just say that. You are so immature."

"Oh come on, you know I was just playing around. Geez Miss Take Everything Seriously."

Sophia attempted to throw the basketball at Daisy, but ended up missing, hitting Blake in the process.

"Oops, I am so sorry," said Sophia.

Daisy just stood in the background trying to stop herself from laughing.

"I didn't mean to..."

"It's alright, it was just an accident I'm sure," Blake said and topped it off with a bright smile.

"Yeah... Accident... Uh... Do you want to go out with me... I mean, crap," Sophia said confused.

Blake bit his bottom lip and said, "Sure. Movies tonight?"

Daisy intervened and answered for her, "Yes. Double yes. She will see you there. 8 o'clock."

Blake left with a silly smirk on his face.

"That was so embarrassing. I made such a fool of myself," said upset Sophia.

"Buuut, but you got Blake to go out with you to the movies. That more than overshadows the negatives."

It took Sophia a bit to comprehend what just happened. She widened her eyes and quietly said, "Oh my goooosh."

Daisy released her laughter and hugged her friend.

----- "Cody, wait up."

Cody looked behind him and saw Devin running after him.

He took a moment to catch his breath and said, "I was wondering if you'd like to go to the movies with me and my friends."

Cody's automatic response was, "No" and he continued walking away from the school.

Devin caught up with him again and said, "Come on please. I'd really enjoy the company. We all would."

Cody stopped. `Maybe I should go. He's a really friendly guy, I'm sure he won't stand me up like previous people.' He sighed and replied with a, "Sure."

Devin's smile widened and said, "Be at the movies by 8 o'clock. Just look for me and you'll be fine."

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