The Unit

By Paul Tolbert

Published on Mar 27, 2010


Disclaimer: I don't own these characters. WWE does.

Chapter Fourteen -- The Dollhouse

"Jackson." Dave stood before Agent Walker, who had his hands in his coat pockets and a smile painted across his face.

"Hello Dave. Glad to see you here. I'm sure you'll going to fit in just right."

"I um... just going to go that way" Lincoln said pointing as he rushed out of the elevator. Dave continued to look at Jackson.

"So David, how are things going with you?" Jackson asked.

"Oh you know" Dave began. "Yesterday someone left me a note at my front door which lead me to the oil fields where I met a woman with a French accent who tasered me. Got kidnapped and ended up in some dark room and got tasered again when I tried to leave."

"Look Dave I'm sorry you had to go through that. It's just procedure. We had to make sure you were on board." Jackson said.

"Yeah sure" Dave said annoyed. He got out of the elevator and headed in the direction that Lincoln went.

"Where are you going?" Jackson asked.

"I'm going to work."

Dave began to look around his surroundings as he walked slowly on the balcony of a large, spacious room with vaulted ceilings. Below him was the lively activity of busy people going in different directions. The room was nicely decorated with small ponds & bridges a serene color scheme and green plants that lined the walls on the room, giving it a earthy feeling. He walked down a flight of stairs and made his way to the center of the room. He stood there and turned around to get a 360 degree view.

"What kind of place is this?" He asked himself. He began to notice the people walking around him. Men and Women in suits, some with files in their hands. It reminded him of his days the Bureau. He also noticed a few men with ear comms and firearms holstered to their waist. "

Security" he though. A few moments later a small hand reached up and rested on his shoulder.

"So... how's The Dollhouse?" Lincoln asked.

"Doesn't really look like a dollhouse to me" Dave said continuing to look around.

"It's just a term. Nothing Dollhouse-y about it. Anyways we got a murder, or should I say murders to solve. Please follow me." Lincoln led Dave to a room situated under the balcony. It was a large room with glass walls and a long, curved table with several chairs, resembling a conference room.

"This is our situation room of sorts" Lincoln began. "This is where we are assigned cases." Lincoln sat down in one of the chairs and Dave sat next to him folding his hands. Lincoln picked up what looked like a remote control and pointed it towards the center of the room. A dim light appeared and began to grow in size & brightness as images began to flash before them.

"What the hell is that?" Dave asked surprised.

"It's a holographic display panel or HDP as I like to call it." Lincoln replied.

"Holographic? I didn't know those existed." Dave said as he curiously looked on. Images of a female appeared before them. "Who's that?"

"That would be our 1st victim. Cheryl Gillett. Age 32. She was strangled to death in her home about 2 weeks ago. A second victim was just recently found." Lincoln stood up and began to pace around the room with the remote in his hand. He pressed a button and images of a second female appeared.

"Her name is Kathleen Baker, 29 years old."

"WAIT! I saw her on the news this morning. She was killed in an alley way wasn't she?" Dave asked.

"Yes she was. Anyways we need to go interview her family, witnesses and anyone who may be a person of interest."

"Wait, what do you mean 'WE'? You're not a federal agent." Dave said.

"Um I do mean we. I'm allowed to accompany you in the field. A privilege I don't take lightly. Out of all the psychics here, I'm the only one who gets to do field work. Don't ask. Besides, how else am I supposed to solve the murder?"

"OK first off I assumed you would work the case here and 2nd WE are going to solve the murder."

"Oh course Dave." Lincoln said crossing his arms. "So how do you want to play this?"

"Well first I need to look over what you've discovered so far. Where are the case files?"

"Right here" Lincoln said as he walked over to a file cabinet and pulled out a fairly small file. He handed it over to Dave.

"This is it?" Dave asked puzzled.

"Well yeah. I haven't been able to do much without a partner. Now that you're here we can build up the file and find the killer."

"Hmm OK. Well let me skim this and I'll be ready to go."

"Sure. I just have to go do something. I'll be back." Lincoln said as he left the room. Dave opened the file and began to read what was collected about the victims. There were crime scene photos, some witness statements, and investigation notes. A few minutes later he heard a light knock at the door. He turned around to see a tall man standing outside.

"May I come in?" The man asked.

"Sure" Dave responded. He walked in and stood near Dave. Dave closed the file and got up from his chair.

"My name is Agent Paul Ballard. I'll be your guide throughout this rocky ride". He put his hand out and Dave shook it.

"Great thanks." Dave said uneasily.

"I see your reading through your case file."

"Yeah um Linc and I were—"

"Hehe. You called him Linc" Paul said.

"Is that a problem?" Dave asked.

"Oh no not at all! It's his nickname around here. Anyways I'm sure Lincoln has informed you that you'll have to go interview those close to the victim and witnesses?"

"Yeah he did. He'll be back. Said he had to go do something."

"Right. Anyways I'll be here. You can find me in my office. Lincoln will show you where it is. Nice to meet you Agent Batista."

'Agent Batista' Dave though. 'It's been a while since I was referred to as Agent Batista. Feels pretty good.'

Agent Ballard left the room and a few seconds later Lincoln returned.

"You ready to go big guy?" He asked cheerfully.

"Yeah I am."

"Great! Lets go!" Lincoln held the door open for Dave and they both walked towards the elevator.

'Great. Here we go' Dave thought.


Next: Chapter 15

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