This Is the Night

By music teacher

Published on Aug 9, 2003


From Lee: Hey this is my little spin off story based on "This is the Night". My friend Randy threw me in his story, so I thought it'd be fun to write a chapter about my character. And with that stated...he went about asking for your opinion on the subject. Apparently you liked the here it is.

Disclaimer: Even though I slept with Ryan a few times, it doesn't mean he's I've never met him. So consider this story totally fiction...because it is

My name is Lee. I'm a writer for a local paper. It's not a high paying job, but it pays the bills and leaves me with plenty of free time, so who am I to complain. My best friend is Randy - he's a school teacher. He's a really nice guy.

A couple of months ago I would have never believed all the things that are happening in my life now. I've met more celebrities lately than I know what to do with. But oddly enough there's only one of them that really stands out in my mind.

Ryan Seacrest in my mind is the sexiest man I've ever had the pleasure of sharing oxygen with. He has a great sense of humor that never fails to pick me up if I've had a rough day. He's major league romantic, and best of all - He's all mine!

Ryan and I met at this big record company party. I had managed to tag along with my best friend Randy. Randy got the initial invite from his 'friend' Clay. Clay, oh I can't remember his last name - you know the one who copied Ryan's hair style - Aiken I think? Whatever, that's not important. The point is Randy met Clay at a furniture store, and through this chance encounter I met Ryan.

So we are at this party, more famous people there than any one person should have to endure. I half expected to be so drowned in a sea of pretty faces and snobbish attitudes that I would never surface again. But somehow I had managed to find the bar! Saved at last! What's a celebrity heavy party without heavy drinking? Probably really dull - I wouldn't know!

Luckily I didn't have to drink alone; because there was Ryan. He was very friendly to me. I don't know if he thought I might be 'someone' or if he was nice to everyone, but the point is we hit it off pretty well right from the start.

We spent most of the night talking and eventually leading to him going home with me. I don't know what I was thinking, but Ryan was making my body and mind tingle (I'm sure the booze didn't help). We stayed up all night talking. We never had sex that night, and if you want to believe that I also have a couple of lots on Mars you might be interested in! Okay so I had my legs held back slip and slide...yeah sure. Can you really blame me? But in my mind I really had no intentions of a one night stand. We really seemed to connect. But when I didn't hear from him for like a week I was pretty much convinced it was over for the two of us. Isn't it always when we give up that something good happens?


Yes indeed he was very apologetic about what had happened he was just nervous because it was his first encounter with a man. He wanted to try a relationship though, and I was more than willing to try. I'm so glad I gave him a second chance. We haven't been together that long, but every day has been a new adventure.

This last week was rather nice. My friend Randy was out of town...though I really missed him. I hope he and Craig (is that his name??) are having a good time. Ryan has been with me almost every day. Though I must admit I'm tired of the whole American Junior thing...I'll be glad when he's back to hosting American Idol. Now that's a show I would like to see, and not just to support my boyfriend! Oh well, I also had fun joking with Ryan about his new contest commercial. I should text message him and tell him not to try those corn ball lines on me, but then again he doesn't need lines on me anymore!

It was Wednesday night that things got interesting for Ryan and me that week. We were supposed to have Meredith over that night. She's Ryan's sister. I hadn't spent a whole lot of time with her, but we got along quite well. She and Ryan have always been close. So it was no real surprise that he told her about me first. She was totally supportive!

As I was saying she was supposed to come over to Ryan's place and the 3 of us were to have dinner and then watch a movie on television. This however changed ever so drastically. Ryan's parents had shown up at the last minute. Meredith couldn't talk them into calling first, they were determined to surprise Ryan...and let's just say he was, but not half as much as me.

Meredith was the one to knock and announce their arrival, and I was lying with my head in his lap with my arm around his leg as per usual when we watched TV. Ryan knew that she had a key, so he just yelled out to her. "Come on in Sis." He said.

Much to our mutual embarrassment there they both were: Garry and Connie Seacrest coming in right behind her. "Surpri..." Mrs. Seacrest's statement was cut short when she saw a man cuddled warmly in her sons lap. Hmmm...I wondered at that moment if she would approve. Not really I just kind of went all white in the face and red at the same time...if that's possible. The first impulse was to hide my face, but luckily I didn't - imagine how that would look.

"Surprised is the word for it." Ryan's dad said.

At this point I shot up on the couch sitting up as straight as possible, pretending to look natural or invisible.

"Hey this is my friend Lee." Ryan said.

"Yes I can tell your real close." His father said motioning down; Ryan caught on fast and shifted himself before his mother saw the erection. Hmm...once again glad I didn't hide my face in his crotch.

" we came to see you dear since we were in town. But you obviously have company, so we'll be leaving." Connie said walking back out the door.

"I think your mother may need a moment, um, listen I think we need to talk Ryan." Garry started.

"Garry come on!" Ryan's mother screamed from outside . "I'll call you tonight okay Ryan." Garry said before leaving. Ryan just nodded.

"I'm so sorry guys I tried to convince them to call, but they were hell bent on surprising you. Well look at it this way, it was going to come out eventually anyway." Meredith offered.

"It's okay Mere - I don't blame you at all. I know how they can be. You should go take them home before mom gets any madder." Ryan said.

"If you want come back later?" I asked.

"I think I better stay home and do damage control. I don't think Dad is going to have a problem with this, but mom will need some work. I got it covered though!" She said cheerfully. I got up and gave her a hug before she left. Ryan, however, was in shock, which I could totally understand.

"Do you think you could eat still? The food should be here any moment." I said not really knowing what to say.

"Yes I'm still going to eat. Not sure if I'll be able to eat much though." Ryan answered.

"I'm sorry your parents caught us that way. I hope you're not mad at me." I said.

"Why would I be mad at you, babe? You didn't do anything wrong. You were exactly where you are meant to be. Right here with me, and yes with your head in my crotch." Ryan said with a big grin.

"I see you still have your sense of humor." I stated back happily.

"Of course, I know things look rough, but I'm sure it'll be fine. My parents have been cool with every other thing that's happened in my life. I have to just have faith in them now." Ryan said.

"Well you certainly have a better outlook then I did a few minutes ago. I think I nearly passed out when your mother was yelling for your father." Lee said.

"Ah she doesn't deal with surprises well. She might have done the same if I had a girl here to be honest. If I just hadn't told her about having a girlfriend. You know what I mean?" Ryan asked.

"Yeah, mom's like to know everything...or at least feel like they know everything." I said. "That's about the size of it." Ryan said with a laugh.

A couple hours later after Ryan and I had our food, his dad called. I was worried about what would be said, but I didn't want to intrude. I was going to Ryan's room, but he took me by the hand and gave a look that said stay. So I sat down on the couch with him. He pulled me close to him, and it felt right.

"Hello Dad." Ryan said.

"Hi son. First I want to start of with apologizing for showing up unannounced. I see now that was rude. Second of all I'd like to apologize for the way we all just left. Under the circumstance though I guess your mother did the best she could." Garry started.

"Yes I know Mother was upset. I should have told you guys already, but I guess I didn't want to do it on the phone." Ryan answered.

"That's totally understandable son. Now before I make any misjudgments on the situation, I'll just ask. Are you gay?" Garry asked.

"Yes I am Dad." Ryan answered with a big puff of air, I hadn't even realized he was holding his breath. I guess I was somewhat tense myself. I just squeezed his hand. "And Lee's your boyfriend?" He asked.

"Yes, that's correct." Ryan stated.

Even though I could hear most of this anyway, Ryan put it on speaker phone...considering that I was the subject that second, he wanted me to be able to speak my mind if need be.

"And do you love him Ryan?" Garry asked.

"Very much so." Ryan answered.

"Does he feel the same way about you?" Garry asked.

"I do in fact Mr. Seacrest. I love Ryan more than I have any one else." I answered.

"Ah, I'm talking to both of you. That's good I guess. I want to welcome you to our family Lee, at least for my part. If Ryan loves you, then you must be a good person. I've never given homosexuality much thought before now...but if it's something based on love then it can't be that bad. Ryan I don't think I need to say if you were sleeping around I would not approve at all. But I take it the two of you are monogamous?" Garry asked.

"Of course...except for at orgies and parties." Ryan answered.

"Very funny Ryan. Lee please tell me you're more serious then him?" Garry asked with a chuckle.

"Afraid not, we are two nuts in a shell. But honestly you have nothing to worry about. We even use protection. You never can be too safe I say." I answered.

"I'm glad to hear that. I'm sure your mother will be too, Ryan. Your sister is talking to her now, and hopefully before we leave town she'll be able to come and see you. Lee I hope you and I can get to know each other better soon." Garry stated.

"Thanks Mr. Seacrest." I said.

"Call me Garry, Lee...There's no reason to be so formal. I do appreciate your manners though." Garry answered.

"Well, Dad unless you have more questions, I think the two of us will head off. It's getting kind of late." Ryan said.

"That's fine. It really was nice to talk with you Lee. I will see you both soon I know, good night." Garry closed.

"Good night!" We both responded.

It was getting late, but Ryan had other things besides sleep on his mind. I do believe the boy will be horny even when he's 90 years old. Nothing so far has even affected his appetite. But I am not complaining!!!

As we entered the bedroom Ryan slowly began to remove my shirt. Kissing me softly he undid one button at time. He kissed every inch of my skin as it became exposed to him. Soon he had removed my shirt completely. As the shirt fell to the ground I kissed him passionately as I began to unbutton his shirt as well. As his shirt joined mine on the floor I had to go down to taste his body. I licked and suckled on his neck. Ryan really likes this. I'm afraid if it wasn't for his show he'd probably have hickeys all over his neck. As I fought the urge to mark his neck, I kept on my southern trail. I reached his nipples and nibbled and sucked on them one at a time. This also brought more moans from Ryan. This encouraged me to suck harder.

As our passions built I felt Ryan begin to undo my pants. I started doing the same for him, and there we were in our boxers. Ryan and I fell onto his bed and began to roll around making out and running our hands all over each other.

Soon the heat of our mutual erections was getting to us. We needed to get inside each other. I broke our kiss and began sucking and licking a trail down to Ryan's boxers. I quickly helped him to remove those, and began to suck softly on his head. Ryan moaned out as my tongue circled round his shaft. I began to take in more of his hardness. Soon I had deep throated all 8 inches of his shaft.

"That feels so good baby." Ryan moaned. I continued to devour his member.

I pulled my shorts off and began to slowly stroke my erection. I knew Ryan was about ready for more. I began to slip a finger slowly into his hole. He really loves that, and his moans expressed it loudly. As I moved my finger in and out I almost thought he was going to cum a couple times, but he held on long enough for me to loosen him up. I soon removed my finger and picked up a condom from the near by drawer. Ryan looked at me with a look of desire as I lubed up and prepared to enter my lover.

"I love you Lee." Ryan said as my head entered him.

"I love you too baby." I said as I felt my shaft begin to sink into his warmness. Soon we were rocking at a steady rate. I had Ryan's legs wrapped around my shoulders, and was pumping my cock in and out. I don't know who was making more noise - we were both moaning and breathing so heavily. Our pace was a steady lovers pace - not rushing, but prolonging the loving feelings we both were having. I began to stroke his cock slowly as I pumped in and out. Each pump on his shaft seemed to produce more liquid. He was getting close to orgasm. As he moved closer to the edge I pumped a little deeper, and a little faster. I was almost there when I felt warm liquid shooting all over my chest. Ryan was screaming out in pleasure as I felt my own erection swell and launch several volleys into the condom.

"That was beautiful Lee. I love the way you feel inside me." Ryan said as I cuddled with him.

"I just love being with you Ryan. You are everything I ever dreamed of." I said as I kissed him softly on the lips.

Sometime during our cuddle session we must have fallen asleep, because it wasn't till morning that I realized we hadn't bothered to clean up. It was interesting I woke up cemented to my lover due to his fluids from the night before. I think I actually lost a few chest hairs separating from him! A small price to pay for a night in his arms I assure you! We got in the shower together and I washed his chest carefully making sure to get it nice and clean. I would suckle on a nipple here and an earlobe over there...and of course his neck! Okay so maybe it wasn't the most productive shower, but believe you me we enjoyed it!

Ryan had to go into to work that morning, so I was left to my own devices. I had an article that was due soon, so I began work on that. "Dating a celebrity has its advantages if you work in the entertainment section of the paper." I commented as he put in some interesting facts about the American Idol judges. Yes season three was well under way of casting. So of course the paper was more than interested in covering things. Ryan had also managed to get me an invite to see some of the casting process. It made for an interesting article. I just hoped no one was as talented as Clancy, or whatever his name is. After all Randy's boyfriend didn't really need the competition.

So like I was saying I was right in the middle of writing my article, when none other than Connie Seacrest called me. "Hello." I answered.

"Hello who's this?" Connie asked.

"'s Lee, Ryan's friend." Lee answered.

"Oh hello Lee. This is his mother. I was hoping to talk with him this morning." She stated.

"I'm sorry Mrs. Seacrest but Ryan's at work today. I think he's shooting some extra footage for his show today." Lee said.

"Oh is that right? Okay then. Do you think you could come over to Meredith's place for a while? I'd like to talk with you." Connie asked.

I of course agreed and before long I was there at Meredith's apartment. I was really nervous about this, because I had no idea what to expect. I do know that Ryan said she would calm down with time. But had it been long enough. I tried to call Ryan to ask for advice, but his cell phone must have been off. I left him voice mail about where I was going to be. I hoped maybe he might get back to me during lunch time...if he got to take lunch today that is.

I rang the door bell, and Mere was there to answer the door. She greeted me with a hug which was nice. I really did like to hang out with her. But I soon heard Connie Seacrest clearing her throat in the background. Meredith whispered something in my ear right before she left. I didn't make it out though - I never was very good for whispering things to.

"Hello Mrs. Seacrest. How are you today?" I asked.

"I'm feeling all right I suppose. I guess you know why I asked you here?" She asked me.

"To talk about Ryan?" I guessed.

"Yes, I want to know your intentions for Ryan." Connie stated.

"I'm in love with your son. My intentions are to be with him - loving and supporting him - for as long as he will let me." I told her.

"That's all nice and well but how do you expect that to happen? I mean what do you think will occur when Ryan's found out? Do you know what that will do to his career?" She asked.

"There are many successful gay men in the entertainment industry. I believe that he will do fine no matter what may occur." I told her truthfully.

"There are people in gay television doing well, but not like Ryan. There aren't any openly gay people doing things like him." She argued.

"Maybe not just like him, but I assure you they do fine some better than him." I argued back.

"No I don't think so. I must say this is a bad idea on both your parts. I really must insist that you leave Ryan alone. You can't ruin his life." Connie stated.

Can you say slap in the face? Well, needless to say this wasn't going anywhere good.

"Listen it sounds to me like your angry and aren't ready to talk rationally. So I will excuse myself." I stated as I started to get up.

"You will sit back down and listen to me." She said sternly.

"Whatever." I said sitting back down, now starting to get angry.

"You will find someone else that is more your speed, someone that doesn't mind throwing their lives away for sex. Someone that doesn't have a future, Ryan does have a future though...and your not part of it. Am I making myself clear?" Mrs. Seacrest stated.

"Oh yes I understand you fully and I assure you I will remember your words of ignorance for the rest of my life. Now I am leaving, and I don't suspect I will be speaking to you again." I said getting up before I said something worse.

"Good way to look at it. I'm sure Ryan will thank you for this some day." She said. This I ignored and walked away. I was not going to cry in front of her.

I closed the door behind me, and then immediately reopen. Meredith was there in the hall with me. "Lee I heard what she said. And you know that's not true." She offered.

"I know but it still hurts." I told truthfully.

"I know it does. She had no right to say that shit. Listen you go home and rest, and I'll make sure Ryan gets home soon." Mere said and lead me to the car.

I did make it home and once I was inside I found the couch and watched TV. I watched some dumb program just to drown out the thoughts in my head. Somewhere during this time that I waited for Ryan I must have fallen asleep. I heard a loud noise on the television and sprang back to life. Looking at the clock I realized that it was after six in the afternoon and still no Ryan. The first thought that ran through my head was, what if Connie had talked him into leaving me. What if I would never see Ryan again? I left a lot of my stuff at his house, so I better get to see him again! I thought to myself just trying to make myself laugh - after all laughter had always been my best defense against depression.

It was around seven when Ryan finally showed up at my place. I had almost given up on him. I ran do the door when I heard the bell ring. I couldn't believe what I saw. His eyes were red from crying. I just took him into my arms.

"Baby no...tell me she didn't talk you into leaving me." I said.

"No no, I would never leave you baby. I love you." Ryan said holding onto me. He started crying and I was crying with him.

"I love you too..." I cried out.

"She said that she didn't want to have anything to do with me. She said I wasn't her son anymore." Ryan told me after he had cried for a while.

"That's so horrible. I thought she was supposed to be really supportive." I stated.

"She always was when I was growing up. I really don't understand it. It hurts so badly." Ryan said. He looked like he wanted to cry, but he just didn't have any tears left. I lead him to my bedroom and we just held each other for a while. Meredith had told Ryan all about the meeting I had with his mother. This had caused Ryan to confront his mother. They had a huge fight that resulted in his being disowned. It was a dark moment for Ryan and me to face. But together we knew we could deal with it, and I hoped that someday things would get better.

The next day Meredith, Garry, Ryan and I all went out to lunch. We had a really good time. We all laughed and shared stories, and pretended like nothing had happened. It was amazing how much can be covered up if you talk loudly enough, or just close your eyes tightly. But I was very glad that I had met Garry. I never had a father, so it was nice to get to know Ryan's. I was sure he would be a part of my life in the years to come. And in my heart I hoped that Connie would someday come around too.

But for now I will hold my love close to me, and no matter what the world may throw at us, I know that our love will be stronger.

The end for now.

If you would like me to continue with this story, or just want to say what you like or dislike about it, email me at Thanks for reading my story, and thanks to Randy for the chance to get involved in his universe. :-)

From Randy: I hope you enjoyed this story. As Lee said, if you want him to continue with it, email him and tell him. If it does continue, we will let you know whether it will be posted under the same directory as This is the Night or a separate one. In the meantime, stay tuned for Chapter 14 of This is the Night!

Next: Chapter 15

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