Three Friends

By M Smith

Published on Oct 12, 2008


This is the second installment of fictional accounts loosely based on myself and two close friends as the primary characters and highlights of some very erotic times we've had. I reserve all rights and retain sole ownership to this, an original work created by me for other adults' entertainment. Any reproduction, electronic or physical is prohibited without my express written consent. This work is copyrighted by the author making that statement in this document. Names have been changed and certain events have been revised, deleted or condensed as deemed necessary.

The author grants the Nifty Archive a non-exclusive, worldwide, royalty-free, perpetual, and non-cancellable license to display the work.

All characters are of the age of majority or more during all events portrayed. No characters will be depicted as being forced to do anything against their will. I can be contacted via JPLMNMAN@HOTMAIL.COM and will reply to emails. Please put "Your stories" in the subject line so I can easily discern which are in response to my work. Thank you!

WARNING: This fictional account contains adult subject matter, homosexual in nature. If you do not wish to read such literature or it is illegal to do so when and where you are reading this, please close this window now.

M A Smith

Three Friends - Part 2 - Desires and Fears

It had been over a month since I had the chance meeting with Sean. It was long enough that except when I was grocery shopping I didn't even remember it. I guessed the business card he'd given me then and I'd shoved in my pant's pocket had long since gotten shredded when I did laundry, never even finding a trace of it. He hadn't called me nor tried any other way to contact me. It was over and I wasn't going to worry about it anymore. Lesson learned, keep my guard up, this may be the upper Midwest but still a bunch of crazies out there.

I was fitting in more, going to the Winter Carnival in St. Paul with my work friend, Sue. She'd shown me intricate ice sculptures in a downtown park, and several things happening each night during the week long Carnival. I was impressed to find out this was the first year in many that they had even built an ice palace above the banks of the Mississippi and we walked through it in the bitter cold, along with hundreds of other people. Yeah, it was corny, typical heartland Americana but it was new and something to experience.

After dropping Sue off at her place I drove the thirty minutes back to mine, reflecting this wasn't such a bad place, and like all the other cities I'd lived in, it just took time to get comfortable. Sue was right, people here weren't really snobby, and you needed to understand they were expecting you to be more open and direct than I was used to. Ok and it didn't hurt that the winter was finally getting over so it wasn't so damn cold all the time!

After getting home, doing the ritual of unwrapping myself, first gloves, then winter boots, then scarf, and finally polar fleece coat, the cell rang. This hadn't been the first time Sue had, after we'd gone somewhere, waited until she knew I was home and then called to tell me again how she'd had a great time. She knew I was gay and in a way that made our friendship all the better. She wasn't looking for a relationship and knowing neither of us had to do the dating thing made it great to pal around with her. Without even looking at caller ID I flipped the phone open, "Hey there good-looking! I liked this evening too!" What came back made me realize, no, not her.

"Hi Jay! This is Sean, you know, we met several times at my restaurant and then at the store that one night? Anyway, I've been waiting to see if you'd give me a call but nothing!" Then there was a small laugh and he asked if he was interrupting and when I told him no, he launched into the same very self-confident, animated, sultry voice I'd heard at the store. "I realized; if I was new, sure, I'd be waiting for someone to give ME a call back, sorry, I didn't think of that until today, so here's the local yokel giving you the call! How've you been?"

As he talked, not shooting it out, but relaxed and friendly, I was searching through my mind trying to recall who, what, where? Oh, yeah, Sean, from the grocery store, that's right. Both, "CRAP!" and "Huh, he did call," were running through my mind while he talked. I wasn't scared or angry, now it really was more wondering, ok, just what's this guy like? "Hey Sean! Yeah, I WAS waiting for you to call! I didn't know when it would have been best to get a hold of you! (A total lie, I'd almost forgotten and long ago lost his card.) So, what's going on this bitch cold evening for you?"

"Well, I was thinking, ahhh, more hoping you'd want to come over for that drink Jay. I've got this really cool bar I want you to see and just me here kicking around and sure could use some company and all. Won't take but a few minutes to get here and whatever you want, I'm sure I can make it, use to bartend. Plus tons of eats, don't forget where I work! You have a piece of paper and pencil handy?"

Wow, this guy was light years into self-confidence that I'd accept his invite and be grabbing something to write directions down for his place. Yet, heck, why not, tomorrow was Saturday and nothing planned. Worst that could happen is we didn't hit it off and maybe we would. Again, despite my street smart side going on alert, "Yeah, just got in the door and need to drop some stuff, can you hold a second Sean? Then I'll grab some paper and you can give me directions. Wow, didn't think you even remembered me, nice to hear your voice!" The thing was, it actually WAS nice to hear his voice, so deep and sexy, he could do voice overs for commercials, that's for sure.

I quickly dropped the coat and gloves on the floor and grabbed the pad and pen I always kept on the table next to the door. "Ok man, shoot, but take it slow, not fast writing right now, hands are still really cold!" He proceeded to tell me, out to the road in front of my complex, turn right, then right again at the light, head down the road about a half mile, then right on Wellman and it was the third street, take a left and finally the next right, Ring Court, a cul-de-sac, the dark brown house at the end, on the right, only brown one there. I repeated back the directions, him telling me, "Yep, that's it!" and I told him I'd be there in a few...I wasn't going to get all wrapped up to do just a ten minute drive.

After pulling on a lighter coat and grabbing the gloves, this time sliding into some moccasins, I was out the door and in my still warm car in no time. I hadn't even closed the garage door so it was just pull out, creep out on the couple inches of snow to the exit and make the right onto the road. Yep, there's the stop light, turn right, ok, about a half mile, yeah, there's Wellman, another right. Now its count streets and turn left on the third, one, two, there wasn't a third! Wellman ended up merging with another road, just disappearing. I was cussing to myself; I'd missed the damn street, turned around and headed back down to where Wellman started. Again, ONE, TWO, DAMN IT, merge and gone!

On the second time back down, it had become more a mission than just to see what this guy was like; I was looking at the street names, Third, Second, intersection. Wait a minute, shit, I'm gonna head back up and try Third Street, go down it. Yup, there's Ring Court, make the right, fuck, and there's the only brown house in the thing, at the end on the right, even has a light on. I was grinning to myself as I went up the walk, getting ready to tell this soooo self-confident guy, "Hey, not the third street, but Third Street!" when the door opened just before I could hit the door bell and there stood Sean, looking just like last time, grinning yet calm; I actually was happy to see him.

After getting inside and telling him my little victory he apologized, "Gees, I ALWAYS do that! I forget; it's the street NAME! Gawd, sure glad you didn't give up, heck, I would have thought you were just telling me to get lost." Then, without warning, he stepped totally into my space and gave me the biggest hug I'd had in a LONG time. All I could do was smile back, returning his hug; somehow he knew exactly what I needed and that I wouldn't refuse it. Plus it instantly dropped the tension anyone would feel when first meeting at another's home.

"So Jay, what's your pleasure? I've got some spaghetti in clam sauce, I remember you ordered that a few times when you ate there, or there's meatloaf, heck, anything you want guy! Also, what to drink? Hope it's not too complex, my bartending has been a couple of years ago," and on it went. It was amazing, he didn't stop talking but it wasn't bothersome, like so many people can be. He was so polite and sophisticated, tossing off comments as he walked around, looking at his guest, making me feel a part of what was happening, asking me questions. Within a few minutes I had sat down on a stool, told him I wasn't hungry and vodka with tonic would be great. Just as fast there were two vodka tonics on the counter and company sitting next to me, that same sensual cologne present as before, not overpowering, not blocking out other scents in the room but enhancing his personality and presence. I really liked this guy but didn't really know why; I was glad he'd called and I didn't blow him off.

After sipping our drinks I asked him, "This whole place is yours Sean? I mean, it's great but a single guy and this sized home? Seems a bit overkill if you ask me." His warm smile was infectious and I could sense I was returning it as we sat there just chatting and getting past the small stuff and nerves.

"Well, here, grab your drink and I'll give you a tour of Tara, 'cause frankly, I DO give a damn!" We both laughed and up the stairs we went; him leading, damn he had a nice ass! On the top level there were two bedrooms and a master bath, nothing else. Then back down to the entry level, a good sized kitchen with center isle (huh, guess he liked what he did for work) a formal dining room and a breakfast nook. Down the next stairs he pointed out an office containing a HUGE two sided desk with a leather top and next to that was a den, full of books and comfortable furniture. The home also had another bathroom on this level. "I can make the office into a bedroom if I decide I want to rent it out to someone. Done it before but right now, just nice having the office there and no one to bother with."

Then it was down the last set of stairs into a good sized bar and lounge. He hadn't been kidding, it was like a commercial lounge that would seat about a dozen people besides four more at the bar...all done in green plaid wallpaper and pencil sketches on the walls. As he turned to me he said, "This is were I like to have my parties, much nicer than having people all over the place and we can watch TV, play video games, do tunes or just hang out." At that point he sat on a long white leather couch against one wall, smiling up at me. "Hey, why don't you join me?"

It didn't take either of us long to put our drinks down and soon his arm was around my shoulder and I was kissing him gently on the cheek. I wasn't really sure where this was going but sure liked were it was at the moment! "So Sean, do you treat ALL your guests like this or am I the special one?" I wanted to see if he was having guys over all the time or was this something more.

"Jay? I have to tell you something." He looked so serious and it did stop the action. "I don't live alone; I have a partner, Adam." Before I could say anything he continued, "Right now Adam is in Iraq, he's in the reserves and his unit was called up about two months ago, just about the time I met you at the restaurant. We've been a couple for almost fourteen years and this is the first time I've ever had someone over here. Sure, at times I might be with another guy but it's always been somewhere else, never here, I don't throw it in his face." Then his eyes lowered in embarrassment, as though he had just gotten done confessing his sins and was waiting for the penance to be announced.

I reached over to his shoulder, trying to understand how he must feel. "Sean, not sure what I'm supposed to say or do here. All I do know is I like being with you, I'm really sorry Adam is at war, he WILL be fine, and I don't think you're doing anything wrong, ok?" When he heard that the sadness lifted some, a little smile on his face, for the first time looking shy.

"You think so? I mean, well, I miss him and god, I'm so SCARED he's not coming back! I don't know what I'd do if he never came back. We call as much as we can and send emails, but since he left I feel so alone and lost. No one to talk to and it's so quiet when I get home, everything just where I left it, not like when Adam's here." Then in a very shy voice he added, "I miss having someone touch me, just knowing I'm okay; that someone else wants me."

That last bit really hit home, what I had been feeling, missing having another touch me, knowing I was desirable, wanted, sensual. "Sean? Got some news for you, that's how I feel much of the time. Since moving from Washington DC, well..." and my voice broke, I could see he understood. His hand was on my knee and he started to lean back in and this time our lips met. Both of us were so alone and in a way, scared, yet for the moment, we were with another who maybe didn't understand everything the other was going through but we did understand what was happening that moment.

I could feel warmth growing in my stomach, feeling a man's lips on mine, knowing I so wanted to be loved and held right now. All the months, now almost six, were showing how much I had stuffed that need deep inside. I parted my lips and slowly slid my tongue past his lips and into his mouth, he didn't resist. Soon we were embracing, lying on the couch, him on top of me, as we continued what had to be one of the more passionate kisses I'd experienced. His tongue was exploring my mouth, lapping against my tongue, him softly moaning as I began to feel his groin grinding into mine. We both not just wanted this, we needed this.

His dark brown eyes were so intense, just inches from mine, and then he leaned up. "Huh, you've got hazel eyes Jay, you're cute!" Then he grinned and smothered me with an even deeper kiss as his hands reached down, trying to unbutton and unzip my pants while we were locked in a kiss I never wanted to stop. Feeling his hands trying their best to get me naked made me laugh, I tried not to, but I couldn't help seemed so much like two kids in high school on a first date trying to get past first base.

"Here, let me help you there guy," and I pushed him slightly off me and quickly undid my pants while he followed suit, soon him in his boxers and me in my boxer-briefs. "Well, looks like we're not matching there Sean! Boxers, always thought they made a guy seem old but you know, on you? Verrrry sexy!"

His reply was to look directly at me, grinning, as his hands pulled his boxers down and off, tossing them across the room, spreading his legs, displaying to me his package while he continued to gaze at me, the soft smile had returned; he knew he was hot. I responded by taking mine off, releasing my thick cock, it springing out, feeling another man's meat touching it for the first time in a LONG time. It didn't take much until we were both nude, laying there on his couch; me thinking how I almost had told this guy no and now was glad I hadn't.

Then he straddled me, about halfway up my legs, his chest and stomach totally smooth and very lean. I had guessed right at the store, he was probably only 140 or so pounds, a swimmer's build, and like me, he took care of himself. As I looked down I could see his bag hung well below his cock, swinging a good four inches under his shaft, looking so manly, what I called bull balls, my favorite! His groin was lightly furred in the same almost black color as his hair was, framing his package, almost like it was on display, his sexy bag shaved, enhancing how hot it looked hanging below. I could tell he was strutting his stuff for me and I LIKED what I saw. His cock wasn't thick but it was about the same length as mine, also cut. But what was the most sensual was his cock head; it was so big yet sleek, the ridge running around the back very pronounced and flared, it had been designed to penetrate (I hoped into me sometime) and pleasure; that was obvious. All this time Sean was getting a great view of me as well and we both could tell we liked our views. Our cocks were totally hard and mine was naturally doing what many men so liked about me, leaking a steady stream of clear precum down the side of my tip and onto my shaft.

While I continued to watch he leaned down until our cocks touched and then he wrapped his hand around both shafts and began to jack us off with a long, slow motion. I was in heaven then, feeling him using my precum as lube on both our tips as he kept our cocks hugged together; jacking us with one hand, the other holding him up on the couch. If anyone had told me just an hour ago that some guy I'd thought was a bit off center would be pleasuring me as expertly as he was now, I would have first laughed and then told them, "Right, sure!"

The look of satisfaction on his face was just as apparent, I could tell he and Adam must of done this many times before and he so needed to feel a man's dick against his, so he could both feel another's cock and stroke his against another's. He never picked up speed nor shortened his stroke, they remained long and slow; he knew what he was doing and how if felt, the undersides of both tips slipping along the other, sending waves of sexual pleasure deep inside each of us. All I did was close my eyes so I could concentrate on the attention he was paying to my manhood, and FINALLY, relaxing and feeling so good with another man, it was about time!

I could feel his bull balls resting on mine, the warmth they gave off felt so good, and once again, musky man scent was starting to arouse me even more. I could have laid there for hours, just feeling good while he continued loving our cocks together, but then I felt a tap on my chest and when I opened my eyes he asked, "What would you like Jay?"

"Let's just take it were it goes, ok?" Within a minute he was laying face up on the couch, head on the arm rest. I began to kiss his body, learning for the first time all the bends and turns it had. He was muscled but not muscle bound, and his thin, long frame looked so hot laying there as I caressed him with my tongue here and there. His nipples were very responsive to being lightly bit and licked; his form moving under me as he groaned proved that.

As I was exploring this new territory he hesitated then asked, "Jay, would you rim me? I really miss that." Then he quickly added, giving me an out if necessary, "But you don't have to, okay?" I just smiled and told him to scoot up further; he understood.

Without a word he lifted his legs, grabbed his ankles with his hands and pulled them up and out, lifting and opening his tight butt for me to view. His ball sac was hanging down into his butt crack, looking so sensual, and I kneeled there for some time, admiring a man who was so handsome and sexually inviting. He must have known he was very attractive, especially in that position, and he held still, not saying a word while I enjoyed viewing him, something that was arousing me more and more with each passing caressing his butt cheeks with a hand while fingering his hole with the other as I got even more boned; if that was possible.

I got on my stomach and slid up to his butt, grabbing his hips to guide myself where I wanted to be. His aroma was driving me crazy, and I hadn't even touched him yet, but not for long. With one quick, long lick along the full length of his crack, ending with my tongue caressing his balls, I sent shivers through his spine and he let out a soft moan, pulling his legs even further up, his knees almost against his chest, inviting me to lick his dark pink pucker. As I began to draw circles around it with my tongue he really began to groan, louder and louder. With each pass his man hole would contract then relax, glistening in my saliva as I pleasured him faster, deeper. Before long I had planted my lips around his man hole, darting my tongue as best I could into his opening, enjoying how much he responded each time my tongue pushed into his ring. I could hear gasps as I licked a finger and brought it into play, along with my tongue. His taste, smell and moans were intoxicating and I couldn't stop, rimming him harder, deeper, and faster, now lapping over his pucker as his butt moved up to meet my tongue, me tasting him sexually.

I reached up and wrapped a hand around his hard shaft, stroking just the base of his cock, feeling his balls pulling up and then back down as I pulled the loose skin up onto his shaft and then back down. It wasn't long until they tightened on their own and he shot; he was a leaker, not a squirter. It was so sexy to watch and feel his warm semen ooze out his tip and spill down over my fist and then onto his handsome shaft; I could feel his cock pulsing with each new load flowing out. The perfume of his jizz scenting the air with musky man aroma made me dive into his pucker the deepest I could with my tongue. While he gasped and moaned, I could feel his body jerk as he pushed down against my face. Yet due to just shooting he was reaching overload, I could hear his breathes now almost raspy, uncomfortable; so I pulled back to enjoy the view of his thick, white goo still being pumped out and more flooding down over my fist, onto him and then a stream sliding down beside his handsome bag. I so wanted to taste his cum and put my hand to my mouth, licking his seed off it while he watched me swallowing deeply. Then I bent down, nuzzling into his balls, harvesting it there as well, savoring it for the first time, doing what I always did, appreciating all the qualities of a man's unique cum, the taste, warmth, thickness, consistency, and so much more. I was enjoying a man's load after all this time! I could feel my boned meat almost ready to split as precum kept leaking out the slit onto the now slick leather, I was so primed. I'd started to hump the couch, running my cock along it, through the slime trail I had made, feeling so good being with Sean.

He didn't make a small load and it took me some time to lick his balls and cock clean; me savoring his semen, enjoying his taste, swallowing, knowing he was there feeling me licking his jizz, accepting him. Once done I laid my head on his thigh; he had lowered his legs and was laying there, breathing deep, slow breaths, looking very relaxed and so sensual. As I lay there, enjoying being with him, I could feel him reaching down and touching my face, caressing it, wanting me to cum as well. Without saying anything he slid out from under me, got off the couch and kneeled on the floor next to me, laying his face right next to mine and kissed me with the softest, sweetest kiss I'd felt in years. As we kissed I felt his warm hand first touching my leg, then up and cupping my balls and then finding its way to my stiff cock, his fingers teasing my piss slit, smearing my pre over the tip.

As he slowly jacked my cock, me now on my back, eyes closed, all the worry and concerns left, it was great to be with a man who wasn't into doing it quick, getting done, then leaving. I'd spread my legs, one over the couch back, the other resting on the floor. He knew what I wanted and he was massaging my hole as he continued to jack me, kissing me as I got ever closer. It didn't take long before I jetted my semen; clenching my butt as I shot, not quite as thick as his but definitely some distance. He laughed a sexy laugh seeing how hard I squirted...arching my load onto my chest and the side of his face; him not flinching, just enjoying the feeling of my warm, fresh semen on him as we continued to kiss as I emptied.

Once I'd finished he began to give my chest long, wide licks, tasting my cum. He mentioned it looked like he would need to keep some towels handy. When I heard that I knew he, like me, needed more than just this once. This new place didn't seem so cold or lonely anymore; another man DID want to be with me, sexually and otherwise.

As he finished licking my load off me he got back on the couch, lying on his side, pulling my nude body against his. We snuggled, knowing we had another to be with and it wasn't so bad to be where we lived. As he reached up and pulled a throw off the back of the couch over our bare bodies we both began to drift off to sleep, tired but content, our legs intertwined, it felt so great to be with him! Guess he wasn't so far off center as I had thought!

Next time, Three Friends - Part 3 - Intense

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