Three Guys in Berlin

By moc.atonatut@57747

Published on Jan 12, 2024


Three Guys in Berlin - 2

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Luke and Chris had been dating for a few weeks, and they seemed to be a perfect match for the outside world: Luke was a handsome and charismatic man, who always knew how to charm people with his confident smile. He was excellent in leading others. His sexy looks and his cocky attitude cast a spell on people. Chris was good looking, maybe not the radiating presence of Luke, but still, many admired him for his looks. He was smart. He was a friendly guy. People liked him. Chris worked as a manager at a fancy museum in Berlin. He had a passion for art and design. It was a bit unclear what Luke actually did for a living. He spent his days enjoying his life.

When the two of them were out together, others thought them to be an awesome couple. Little did they know of what the real status was. Chris was Luke's slave, wearing a slave collar, his cock being locked, caged when at home. Luke demanded absolute obedience, and Chris was willing to show it. When going out, he often had to wear the slave collar and the chastity belt. Hidden, most of the times. Not always.

Chris often asked himself whether Luke really loved him, but he never dared to ask directly. The truth was pretty simple: Luke had always loved submissive servants. He was fond of Chris' intellect, his strategic skills, his good looks, and his very tight hole. But above all, Luke loved himself, and Chris was a perfect match in this regard too: He mirrored and pushed that self-love and made Luke lead the life he wanted. Chris felt that this was what he was there for: Serving Luke and Luke's life. Day by day, the desire to serve grew stronger.

Affording the lavish lifestyle that Luke loved led Chris to think about his job. Luke thought that Chris was wasting his potential at the museum, anyway, and that he should look for a more rewarding job. When they discussed this at the start of the new year, Luke argued compellingly that Chris needed a better-paying job. Chris was unsure, but Luke's stern look made all arguments so true for Chris. Luke told him that he deserved better, that he was proud of him if he was able to secure a better job. He also told him that he would be happier and more fulfilled. He made Chris feel special and appreciated. Chris started to agree: Yes, he wanted a new job with a better pay. He wanted to make Luke proud of him.

But he also loved his museum, the design, the arts. He asked Luke whether he could call his old friend Jay to discuss a job change. Luke agreed and gave Chris his mobile. Jay had wanted to come as soon as possible to Berlin to see them, but it was difficult. January was a tough month at work for Jay, then there was a strike when he was about to go, so he had to postpone.

"Hey Jay, how are you?"

"Chris, how are you? Or rather: Slave, how are you?" Chris laughed sheepishly and wondered how his best old friend mustered the courage to call him slave directly. But then, after the events in the bar right before Christmas... He asked Jay about what he thought about a job change. Jay had often been a good adviser in such questions. But his reaction this time startled Chris.

"What does the Master say?", was the first thing Jay asked.

"Eh, how do you mean?"

"Does Luke want that job change? Does the Master approve of it?"

Chris was irritated that Jay called Luke "Master", and also that this was his first concern -- not asking other things, for instance, what Chris himself thought about it.

"He wants it. Very much."

"So, why do you ask? He knows best what you need, doesn't he?"

This took Chris off-guard. Did Jay accept, just from a one-time-meeting, that Master Luke now held his life in his hands? His best old friend had accepted this dominance -- just like that? Chris thought again whether there was some jealousy in this, but no. Jay had stated it, very matter of fact. Maybe Jay knows me much better, Chris thought, than I know myself. He loved Jay for that. Jay had brought that slave collar as a present. He had discovered the submissive side of Chris without it being obvious. Now, with Luke in his life, it had become obvious.

"Look for a good pay. Master Luke will love that, I guess", Jay said.

They did some easy talking, Jay jokingly asked how Chris' cock felt, how often he was allowed to come, whether he was proudly wearing the collar, whether people had asked him about it. He also wanted to know a lot about Luke. Chris enjoyed that conversation and it became much easier from one minute to the next to openly report of his new life as Luke's slave. It was great to have a mate to share this experience with.

After the call, Chris was determined. Yes, he loved Luke, and he wanted to make him happy. He agreed to change jobs. He applied for a position as a project manager at a big consulting firm, and he got hired after a rigorous interview process. He was excited to start his new career, but he also felt nervous and sad about leaving his old one.

The new job was much harder than Chris expected. He had to work long hours, deal with demanding clients, and learn new skills. He felt stressed and exhausted, but he tried to hide it from Luke. He wanted to impress him with his achievements and income, and he hoped that Luke would appreciate his sacrifice. With ever longer working hours, he had no idea how Luke spent all day.

Luke praised him for his courage and ambition. He very much enjoyed the benefits of Chris's new job: They bought more fancy clothes, expensive gifts, weekend trips, fine dining, exclusive invitations. Chris had offered to have his salary transferred to an account overseen by Luke. Luke had loved that idea. Chris felt that Luke saw him as a very valuable catch. And what a power-ride it must be for Luke to turn self-confident and smart Chris into a loyal slave within weeks!

Chris felt happy too. While he hated the long working hours, leaving Luke for most of the day, he always had a strong feeling of love and admiration for his Master. He would certainly have had multiple orgasms every day, had he not been blocked by the cock cage. His mind was revolving around Luke. On his tongue he always tasted the juicy cream of Luke that he got every morning.

It had become a ritual for them: Chris had to crawl to Luke's feet and caress and lick them for a while after waking up. When Luke was ready, he snipped his fingers and Chris moved further up the godly body of the young, blond, tall lad. Chris then usually had to take Luke's piss and drink it all without spilling a drop on the sheets. Chris had to learn this, he had not much experience with this kind of service, but now, after some weeks, he was a pro.

After this, Chris got his great reward. He was allowed to suck that long and beautiful tool of Luke. This was a moment of pure pleasure, running with the tongue along that shaft, then gulping the mushroomed cockhead and taking it in very deep. He gave 100 % and felt it deep in his throat. It took a couple of minutes before Luke was ready to shoot. His morning loads were strong, intense and massive. Chris loved every drop of it. When he did well, Luke kissed him and patted his head. Sometimes, he was even allowed to come himself, but that had happened only once or twice so far.

If Luke was not so satisfied, or if Chris had spilled some of the juice, or if Luke simply wanted to enjoy some Alpha pleasure, Chris was punished. For this, Luke had a long whip next to bed. Chris had to stand up at the end of the bed, turning his naked back to Luke. Without even getting up, Luke was able to swing the whip. It whirled briefly in the air and then slammed down on his servant. Chris counted how often his back and ass were hit. Luke laughed at this sight. After this morning routine, Chris hurried to work, while Luke turned back to sleep.

One night, Chris took Luke to a work-related event, where he had to meet some potential partners and investors at the luxury Adlon hotel. The event was attended by many influential and attractive people, business, politics, society. Chris had bought an incredibly sharp outfit for Luke. Luke heavily enjoyed it to be there, and he quickly mingled with the crowd. He charmed everyone with his charisma and his looks, and he soon became the center of attention. Some young and awesome people got flirty with him, and he flirted back. Even heterosexual men and boys were completely fascinated by his presence. Luke felt a rush of excitement and joy.

Later at night, Chris was busy talking to some important business people, when he noticed that Luke was surrounded by a smaller group of hardcore admirers. He felt a pang of jealousy and worry, and he wanted to join him. He excused himself from the conversation, and he walked towards Luke. He saw that Luke was laughing and touching one of the guys, who was very good-looking. It was a smashing young man. Chris felt a surge of anger and hurt, and he wondered if Luke was cheating on him. Chris knew that he was a slave and that Luke's desires were first, but still, this was getting him frustrated.

He reached Luke, and he tried to act casual. He smiled and said hello to the group, and he introduced himself as Luke's boyfriend. He hoped that Luke would acknowledge him and show him some affection, but Luke barely looked at him. He said hi and then turned back to the other person, who smiled smugly at Chris. Chris felt humiliated and betrayed, and he wanted to leave.

He asked Luke if they could go, but Luke said that he was having fun and that he wanted to stay. He asked Chris to go and get drinks for him and his new friend. Luke didn't bother to introduce his latest acquisition to his boyfriend and slave. Chris felt so humiliated, he felt like he was being dismissed. But he obeyed.

He went to the bar, and he ordered two drinks. When he turned around and wanted to bring the drinks to Luke he saw that Luke was gone. He asked a very young waiter, and he learned that Luke had left with the person he was flirting with. He felt a tear roll down his cheek, and he wished that things were different. The handsome young waiter tried to cheer him up and even touched him casually at his thighs, but Chris was thinking of Luke and asked himself whether it was right that he had ended up in such a relationship. Was this what they called toxic?

Chris felt miserable, when his phone rang. He looked at the screen, and he saw that it was Jay. He answered the call, and he heard Jay's cheerful voice.

"Hey, Chris-Slave, how are you? I miss you, man. How's the new job?"

Chris felt a wave of nostalgia and warmth, and he smiled.

"Hey, Jay, I'm fine. I miss you too. The new job is... okay, I guess."

"Okay? Just okay? Come on, you're a star. You must be killing it."

Chris sighed.

"Not really, Jay. It's hard. It's not what I expected. I don't think I belong there."

"What do you mean? You're smart and talented. You can do anything you want."

"No, Jay. I can't. I don't enjoy it. I don't care about it. I miss the museum. I miss the art. And I miss people like you."

Jay was silent for a moment, then he said:

"Wow. Cheer up, mate! I know you love feeling unsatisfied in your jobs, but it pays so well! What is that noise, are you partying again?"

"I'm at the Adlon, some business party here..."

"The Adlon! I love it! Do they have that waiter there, this 17-year-old chick we once met at the Adlon's café?"

"He has just been caressing my thighs." They both laughed.

"There you go," he said, "and still a voice as if you were at a funeral."

"Maybe I am," Chris said, but Jay had none of that.

"Come on, you have an awesome boyfriend, you even have a lewd master, and even better, that is one and the same person. You have a great-paying job, an indecent waiter just became physical -- and you have me! Chris, I do not want to keep you for too long from that waiter boy, so let me just tell you I am coming over next week. Boys of Berlin, I'm coming! Want to see you, and Master Luke of course! Are you down for it?"

"Yes, sure!" Chris said. He smiled. "I will inform Master Luke and get back to you what suits him best."

"Great! So see you soon and enjoy your night!"

"Bye, Jay, love you."

"Love you too, Chris-Slave!"

Chris looked at the mobile phone. He looked at the drinks in his hands. He thought about Jay, about Luke. Suddenly, the young waiter leaned in to him and whispered into his ear.

"Why don't you follow me for a second?"

Chris did, and the waiter swiftly moved behind the bar. He opened a door that was barely visible in the dark. It led into a small room, hidden from the eyes of the partying guests.

"I do not have much time,", he said. With that, he kissed Chris and let his hand slip into his pants. He felt the cage around the cock. "Oh, wow, you are caged? But you still have a cute ass, right?" He made Chris lick a finger and moved it quickly into Chris' ass, all the time kissing him. This felt so good for Chris. He had that cutie of an Adlon-waiter fingering him and kissing him. The waiter boy was sporting a major boner in his pants. He definitely wanted the whole thing. He wanted that ass of Chris. He started to open his pants and prepared to slide his cock bare into Chris' hole. But Chris refused. He pushed the horny teen away.

"Hey, what's up, mate?"

"I am so sorry, I have no permission to be fucked."

"You need permission to be fucked?"

"Sorry, I cannot explain." Chris quickly dressed again and left the startled waiter in that dark room.

He washed his hands, and he looked into the mirror. Yes, he had done the right thing, he thought. The waiter was cute but he had a higher purpose in life, he reassured himself -- serving Luke. Luke would not have approved of the waiter entering him without permission. When Chris returned to the ballroom, he grabbed the two drinks. He saw that Luke re-entered again. He had one arm around the young smashing boy. The boy's hair looked ruffled. They both looked happy, but exhausted.

They came to Chris. Maybe, Luke was high, but it was hard for Chris to tell, maybe he was just so excited and a bit drunk.

"Our drinks," Luke said and grabbed the two glasses and gave one to his companion. He took a sip. "Oh, mine is warm, that should be icy! Yours too?" His fling nodded. Luke turned to Chris: "I'm disappointed, slave! You can do better than that!"

Had he really called him his slave in front of that other guy? Chris was turning red. What was this? He was anxious. Oh my god. This is going too far! This is a business event, and his boyfriend-turned-master had just called him a slave! But then, he also felt his blood pumping into his cock that was so well kept. Thoughts were rushing in his submissive brain. After a moment of shock, Chris uttered:

"I'm so sorry, Master!" He hurried to get two new drinks. He saw how Luke and his boy laughed and fondled with each other. The young waiter was now at the bar. He mixed the drinks for Chris without saying a word.

When he returned to Luke, the smashing boy had gone.

"Where is he?", he asked.

"We were done. Sent him home to mommy", Luke said. "Take his drink", he generously said to Chris. Luke gave him a broad smile, and Chris instantly fell in love again with this blond hunk. Chris was thankful.

"Awesome party, Chris, don't you think so? See, your job really pays off!" Chris nodded. "Now, get us a car, I need to rest," Luke said. Chris did as told.

In the car, Luke put off his shoes, he spread out on the backseat, and started to play with his feet around Chris' cock.

"One day, this may come off," Luke said when kicking the lock with his feet. "But I really need to be sure that I can trust you one hundred per cent." Chris nodded. He understood this. The driver looked into the rear mirror but did not dare to say anything.

"Jay is coming to Berlin next week", Chris said. "Do you have time to meet?"

"Jay, this hot and horny friend of yours? I surely have!", Luke exclaimed.

Next: Chapter 3

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