Three Pieces of Gold

By ten.letksas@rokninac

Published on Jan 19, 2008


This story is set in the Roman Empire, and therefore, obviously it is not true. If you're not meant nor allowed to be here - and you know who you are - skedaddle!

I started out to write a stroke story, and somewhere along the line discovered I liked creative writing. Therefore, what started out as a stroke story with scant plot, became a short story with some sex scenes in it.

Also, even though I neglected to say it in the first three submissions, this story is my work. If you use it somewhere and put your name on it, and I find out, I'll box your ears! Otherwise, enjoy!

This is the fifth and final part to this short story.

THREE PIECES OF GOLD ~ a short story by R. Cameron Reece Part 5

chapter ten

Gio came to wakefulness the most pleasant of all ways. He floated up to the surface of consciousness, unhurriedly, sunlight warming a foot that had escaped the covers during the night. He yawned and stretched lazily, eyes still only half open, and did not rush to get up. Just when his conscience was needling him to get his morning's duties underway, he remembered what day it was. He smiled and stretched again, this time noticing that Lee was still in bed next to him.

It was an anniversary of sorts, and as such, they had planned to spend the entire day however they decided. Giovanni had been at Lee's for four months now. Was it really only four months? The calendar was proof of how much time had actually passed, but to Gio, it was a lifetime. How thankful he was that his saviour had rescued him from what would be a life of drudgery, of baking bread, of a joyless marriage; in short, of a life Gio was never meant for. Now, in place of all that, he had a family that loved him. It was not a family by the strictest definitions, but the love he had experienced here in these last few months was proof enough for him.

Lee stirred, letting Gio know he was awake. Gio snuggled closer into the cleft made by Lee's curved body breathing deeply a scent that was neither him nor Lee. Instead it was their scent, and no less erotic because of it. A warm glow engulfed his entire body, much like the sensation of sinking into a warm pool of water at the baths as Lee's arms wrapped around him. He pressed himself backward even more, trying to become one with his lover. Giovanni did not know when he had stopped considering Aelius his master, and instead, his lover. He knew only that now, it was hard to imagine Lee as anything else but his soul mate. Lee completed him; filled an empty void in Gio's body that he, before it happened, had not even realized was there. Now that he knew how his life could be, he would rather die than have it undone.

His subtle movements had the desire he was hoping for. He felt Lee's member start to swell, and nudge itself between his buttocks. After the initial few times, the pain of Lee's manhood penetrating him was virtually nonexistent when they made love. Lee became a master of loosening him, first by the flicker of his tongue, then by fingers made slick with a combination of both their pre-cum. As Lee would pump his manhood into him - sometimes slowly and lovingly, sometimes with the savageness of a wild beast, depending on their moods - all Gio felt was an enjoyable fullness, and a heat that flushed his entire body. When Lee would strike that magic 'spot', as he was very adept at finding, Gio's muscles would often tense involuntarily, and sometimes he would ejaculate without having even to touch his own erect member. Sometimes Lee would come right behind him, filling Gio with his hot cream. Other nights, Lee would hold off. A master of delaying orgasm, he would bring Gio to completion more than once, as he continued to fill one or the other of Gio's holes. One of Gio's favourite ways was for Lee, standing, to have his huge, erect pisello up Gio's fundament while Gio clung onto him for support. In this position, neither of them was stimulated as much as he might be, and the build-up to orgasm was slow and exquisite. When the maddening orgasm did finally come, the force of Gio's ejaculate from his pisello wedged between them would often christen their faces, as they rested forehead to forehead. Gio's inner parts would flood with the warmth of Lee's fluid as Lee's phallus pulsed in time to his ejaculation.

"It's very clear you're still growing. Your appetite is insatiable, Gio," Lee said chuckling.

"I'm not particularly hungry. We don't need to hurry and get up for breakfast," Gio answered.

"No, breakfast isn't exactly what I imagined you'd be hungry for." Gio could tell Aelius was grinning, just by listening to him. "Tell me how it is that I can overcome several warriors at a time in the arena, but the sexual appetite of one teenager is enough to nearly do me in!" he teased.

"Well," said Gio, further wiggling his behind in Lee's groin, "we can always get up and have something to eat."

"Not on your life, cutie. How would I ever endure fulfilling your needs tonight if I didn't take care of some of them right now?" he said as he clutched Gio tighter and began to tickle him.

"Ahgh, stop that, Lee. STOP!" squealed Gio, squirming this way and that, trying to avoid the torture besetting him. Giovanni was so ticklish that any amount would completely overwhelm him in short order.

He wriggled down to the foot of the mat, out of Aelius's grasp. To his delight, he found Lee's member, now swollen to its full magnificence, not far from his mouth. Like a snake smelling the air, his tongue darted out, flicking the tip of Lee's throbbing prick and the pearl of dew there that showed Lee's excitement. A soft moan of delight came from above him. Encouraged, he opened his mouth, and fully engulfed Lee's hard manhood. Very quickly, stimulator became the stimulated one, as Lee squirmed with pleasure at Gio's talents.

Gio's ran his right hand up along the scars on Lee's chest, massaging, finding his left nipple and tweaking it between thumb and forefinger. Gio had never imagined nipples as being erogenous on a man, but to his surprise, they were very much so for Lee. It swelled under his touch until it was hard and firm. Lee shivered and moaned again as Gio found his other nipple.

With his left hand, he was busy bringing more pleasure to Lee's groin. He had found out just how much he liked to rub and glide his own smooth body over Lee's chest. The two layers of skin, separated only by a sheen of sweat, or soothing oil perhaps, uninhibited by any significant hair from either of them produced one of Gio's favourite sensations. From there, it was only a small leap of his imagination to think of the possibilities of a completely smooth Aelius. How erotic it was the night he shaved bare his lover's most private parts. Now, except for a small patch artfully left over his manhood, and the trail that lead down to it, Lee was completely smooth from the waist down.

Gio let up his sucking, long enough to spit in his hand, providing lubrication as he massaged Lee's sac. He could feel the pendulous balls therein, moving and twitching as he continued to work on his lover. His hand continued down behind Lee's ballsac to the cleft waiting there. Then, deftly, his touch light as a feather, he ran his finger slowly over the nether opening. Lee's body shivered and goose flesh broke out over his body.

"Keep up work like that, boy, and I'll soon come." Lee warned, his voice husky.

Instead of letting up however, Gio forced the plum-like head of the intruding member beyond the portals of his throat, until his nose was buried in Lee's patch of hair. At the same time, his finger - dancing lightly, before - now pressed firmly on its target. A deep sound of tortured joy rose from Lee's throat. A tingling, starting in his ballsac and spreading quickly like ripples on a pond, assaulted his body. Every muscle tensed, his thighs tightening around Gio's torso, and he came, ejaculating his warm seed straight into Gio's mouth. When his orgasm was completely spent, he relaxed, pulling Gio up to him.

"I don't think I can move," the teen gasped in response. "I think my ribs are cracked."

"Oh-Gio-my-love-are-you-OK-I'm-sorry." Aelius's concern melded his speech together.

"Nothing that a little oral therapy won't cure," Gio said, giggling, as he sprang up on his lover's chest.

"You!" was Lee's only response, as he got even with his practical jokester by some more tickling.

"OK, OK, you win," cried Gio, out of breath.

"I haven't won until I've got my prize," said Aelius, taking Gio's member in his mouth. During the wrestling, it had gone down, losing some of its hardness, but with a speed reserved for those in their sexual prime, Gio's prick quickly regained its throbbing splendor. In a very short time, he arched his back, as a powerful orgasm racked his entire boy. His primed balls released their stores. Burst after burst of his hot boy cream and exploded out of his pisello into Lee's eager mouth. After his body regained control over itself, Lee climbed up, over Gio, bent down and kissed him. He shared with Gio some of the boy's own sweet cum as they're tongues danced a pas de deux. Both exhausted, Lee lay back down next to Gio, and they drifted off into a light sleep, sunlight now warming their faces.


It was the ides of the month. Day broke fresh and crisp. The sun, barely yet a full ball over the eastern horizon, promised a glorious day. Such sunshine, day after day, filled Giovanni with a sense of euphoria he had never known in Roma. There, the tall buildings and narrow streets cast a perpetual gloom over much of the city, irrespective of the weather conditions. Indeed, if ever there was any good come from Nero's fire, it was said, it was the fact that the Romans, in the aftermath learned what sunlight was.

The dew was cool and wet on his toes in his sandals as he made his way to the stables. As he walked past the corral, Cretata, the youngest foal of the herd frolicked over to him, begging for attention, or some treat to nibble on. "You're fickle, little thing," he said affectionately, scratching behind the young horse's ear, which swiveled forward, as if on a pivot, at the sound of his voice. "Would you love me as much if I didn't bribe you daily with treats, hm?" he murmured. "I gotta go," he said, giving the foal a playful smack on the rump, sending her wheeling and kicking as she cavorted in the corral, back in the direction of her mother. "Your mater and all the other mares would not be very impressed to have to wait for their breakfast." He made his way into the stables, lost in thought.

He had long since given up on being surprised at momentous life-changing events that befell him. Still, to be the apprentice of the stable master at the estate whose sole commission was to provide the pure white horses to Vesta's temples was quite something.

What did amaze him was how the circles of several peoples lives - heretofore completely separated in geography, class, and time even - could interconnect to bring about the status quo. How improbable was it that Tryphaena should be chosen as a Vestal Virgin?! Even more remarkable that her path should cross that of Lee's - quite literally - earning him his freedom. How Lee, a humble, gentle ship builder from Ravenna should come to be in the streets of Roma as an enslaved gladiator was of itself quite a story. Gio's own rescue by a saviour who became his lover and soul mate was incredible, too. Etiamus, Tryphaena's pater, winning the contract for the horses ... Well, this fact was not so surprising. Etiamus's success was due to three equal parts - motivation, luck, and greed. Aelius's installation as the keeper of the estate ... His own appointment as future stable master ... Agda had come full circle; now once again the estate's chatelaine, as well as herbologist in residence, for both the horses and the humans.

For it to be all a gross coincidence was just too much to consider. The gods, it seemed, liked him for reasons well beyond his fathoming. So now then, rather than tiring his head over the why's of life, he simply accepted them with a resigned contentment.

He filled the trough with the horses' morning mash, opened the gate and gave the short two-note whistle that was their summons. The ground vibrated with forty hooves pounding the pasture; their concerted approach thunderous. Gio smiled at Cretata, who, despite having shorter legs, always managed to be the first to arrive. Yes, the gods truly are good to me, thought Gio, as somewhere on the estate, a cock heralded the arrival of another beautiful day.

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