
By Darth Moomin

Published on Jul 21, 2004



A quickie by Darth Moomin


This story is based around the characters in the 2004 motion picture "Thunderbirds". All characters portrayed herein are copyright and trademark United International Pictures / Universal / Working Title. This is fiction (duh...) and consequently is not intended to state, imply or infer anything about the lifestyle or sexual preference of any of the characters mentioned or the actors and actresses that play them.

Usual rights are given: distribute this story in any way you see fit as long as this file remains totally unchanged. Enjoy :-)

Fermat lay on his bed in his room on Tracy Island, gazing at the ceiling. The events over the past couple of days had certainly been a turn-up for the books, culminating in The Hood being detained at Her Majesty's pleasure and Alan, Tintin and himself being promoted to full members of International Rescue.

This was not, however, at the front of his mind right now. He sighed and sat up. It had been a sweltering day which had turned into an extremely sticky and humid night: even though Fermat was used to such weather, tonight's temperature and humidity really was more than a little excessive. He picked up his glasses from the bedside table, stood from his bed, closed the windows and switched on the air conditioning. The blast of cool, dry air caused him to smile as it lifted the sweat from his naked upper body and caused him to shiver involuntarily.

Despite his level of fatigue, he was now wide awake and from previous experience knew it would be more than a little difficult to go to sleep again. He sat down at his desk and switched on the computer terminal. He browsed round the contents of his home directory for a few minutes, reviewing some of the more outlandish designs for various gadgets and gizmos he'd come up with. He wasn't in the mood to continue with this as one thought continued to take precedence over everything else.

Having nothing better to do, he opened up the CCTV viewer and clicked round the various cameras idly. There were literally hundreds of the things dotted round various parts of the island. Most were concentrated in or around the main complex on the south-western tip, however the entire coastline was also covered by cameras fitted with lenses that shared more in common with telescopes than security devices.

It was with one of these that he was now playing. The sky was still dimly lit with a deep purple in the distance by the now-set sun, the gentle waves being accented by the cool, pure light of the moon. It provided to be a wonderfully relaxing view for Fermat to watch. He panned the camera round from the sea towards the beach, now observing the dense forestation sway gently in the breeze.

Suddenly, a movement caught his eye at the far end of the beach. He switched on the camera's image intensifier and pushed the 'telephoto' button, causing the focal length of the lens to increase. Closing in on his newly acquired target, he initially concluded it might have been the owner of a small pleasure craft.

Over the years various people had strayed onto Tracy Island, either through navigational error (in which case they were looked after, corrected and sent on their way) or intentionally trying to trespass (then being forcibly ejected from the island by the Tracy brothers). His mouth suddenly went dry, however, as the image that had been monopolising his thoughts almost continuously came into focus on the screen.


The day they defeated The Hood had been intense to say the least. Alan had grown up a whole lot during that day, and his mention of how much he appreciated and needed Fermat sent his stomach into knots. A much more concerned, caring side of the youth had surfaced along side the usual hot-headedness and stirred some rather ambiguous and controversial thoughts in the young engineer's mind.

Rather unexpectedly, Fermat found himself seeing Alan in a whole new light: The fifteen-year-old was no longer just his friend, but now also an object of desire. His stylishly unkempt blond hair, piercing blue eyes, muscly torso and his slightly dopey smile now sent Fermat reeling, a conscious effort having to be made to insulate Alan from the effect he was having on him.

He watched Alan skimming stones for another minute or so before making a snap decision. He pulled on a pair of shorts over his now tented boxers, checked his appearance in the mirror, killed the computer console and gently eased himself out into the corridor. Listening for a moment, all he could hear was the gentle hum of the ventilation system.

Being careful not to trip over any random invention his father had left lying around, he tip-toed to the door of their quarters. The door slid open with a quiet swish, presenting the dimly lit corridor that led to the main lounge. Thankful he'd neglected to put on a pair of trainers, he padded barefoot along the corridor, pausing only at the intersection with another corridor to ensure no-one was in it. A moment later, he was on the balcony outside the lounge, heading down the stone steps to the swimming pools and then on down the winding path to the waterfront.

The smooth stone path was pleasantly warm under his feet and the breeze from the sea more than offset the humidity. As he approached the beach, the gentle lapping of the sea could be heard providing a wonderfully relaxing undertone to the whole scene. Walking briskly, he made his way up the coast to where he'd last seen Alan and, sure enough, he was still there skimming stones over the gently rippling sea.

So engrossed was he in this activity that he simply didn't see Fermat approaching, giving Fermat the opportunity to observe him at close quarters. His breath caught in his throat as Alan bent down to pick up another stone, then watched, almost mesmerised, as the muscles in his arm, back and legs rippled when he threw it. He watched Alan do this a couple more times before announcing his presence.


Alan quite literally jumped a foot in the air as he spun round.

"You scared the crap outta me, Fermat!" he smiled, recognising his friend.


"S'OK, just don't go sneaking around. Your dad know you're out after dark?"

"No," he replied incredulously. "Does yours?"

"Yeah, right... Can't sleep?"

"No. You?"

Alan shook his head. "I can't stop thinking about the past couple of days."

"Me neither," agreed Fermat.

The conversation dwindled, but in that comfortable way it can do sometimes when you're with friends. Fermat picked up one of Alan's stones and tried to skim it like his friend. A couple of attempts (and a corresponding number of 'plop' noises) later, Fermat noticed Alan watching him.

"OK, so there's something I'm not good at."

"Let me show you," he replied, smiling his slightly dopey grin that caused Fermat's mouth to dry up again, making him swallow. "Look - hold the stone like this, see? Use your first finger to wrap around the edge of it and your thumb to steady it... Cool - now throw."


"You need to try and get the stone going almost parallel to the water. Watch..."

And watch he did. Almost in slow motion, he saw a fluid ripple of motion start in Alan's right ankle, flow up through his shin and calf to his hips, then up his spine, through his shoulders to his upper arm, elbow, forearm wrist and finally to his fingertips, projecting the stone at incredible velocity out towards the sea.

It skipped across the water four, five, six times before it lost its momentum and disappeared under the surface, coming to rest in the vicinity of hundreds of others deposited there over the years.

"See? Now you try."

Fermat recoiled his arm, took aim, and just as he was about to throw, he felt Alan's hand close around his wrist.

"You need to get a bit lower."

Alan stood directly behind him and pushed Fermat's left foot forward with his own. Fermat delighted in the contact of Alan's toes around his heel, but it was nothing in comparison to the youngest Tracy brother's bare chest coming into direct contact with his equally naked back. Alan slid his hand down Fermat's wrist until he was cradling his hand. He then hooked his left arm under Fermat's and pulled the smaller boy against himself.

Fermat closed his eyes as he felt the heat of his friend against his back, and closed his eyes as he relaxed against him. He felt himself being pulled down and slightly backwards as they stooped as one. He felt the ripple start behind his own right leg and found himself imitating the motion. The wave of muscle contraction continued up his leg and to the base of his spine, where he felt Alan's sizable bulge press in to the top of his buttocks.

Yet the wave continued up his spine. He felt Alan's powerful pectorals contract against his shoulder blades as his arm was launched forward, the centripetal force of which caused the stone to fly from his fingers as his arm arced in front of him. The stone flew straight and true and he watched, smiling, as it skipped five, six, seven, eight times before vanishing.

"Damn," whispered Alan into his ear, causing the hair on the back of his neck to stand on end. "I've only ever managed seven..."

For some inexplicable reason, they stayed in that position with Alan hugging Fermat to him for some time. Fermat had closed his eyes and had a slight smile on his face. He could quite distinctly feel Alan's erection pressing into the small of his back, the heat it produced even more pronounced than the rest of his torso. Fermat too was in quite a state of arousal, however he was not concerned as from the position he was in Alan could not easily see it.

Suddenly, Alan's right hand slid away from his wrist and over to his taught stomach, tracing a finger around his belly button. A moment later, he lost interest in that feature and moved downwards.

Alan smiled as he felt the younger boy's breathing increase dramatically. He let his hand move lower until it came into contact with the drawstring of his shorts. He paused for a moment, then continued again, feeling the fabric being stretched out by Fermat's excitement. As he reached the summit of the tent in Fermat's shorts, he let his fingernail scrape lightly over the top. Fermat gasped and shuddered in front of him.

This, combined with the lack of protestation gave Alan the permission he needed to continue. In a more bold move, he allowed his fingers to push down on the fabric below Fermat's dickhead. Alan was surprised at the apparent length of his dick as his fingers continued to travel, eventually finding its base and the start of his testicles. He allowed his fingers to dig in underneath his balls and squeeze, applying more pressure to Fermat's dickhead with his wrist.

Alan gasped along with Fermat this time as when he pressed against Fermat's front, more pressure was exerted on his own erection. Unable to help himself, he pushed his hips forward, not quite able to believe how exquisitely Fermat's backside nestled against his pelvis.

Fermat couldn't quite believe what was happening. The most he'd hoped for was to spend some time talking with Alan, but now here he was with his private parts being kneaded by him! He let out an involuntary groan as Alan gently squeezed and manipulated his dick and balls. He could feel the older boy now rubbing himself against his back and decided to help by pushing against him with the same rhythm.

With the additional participation from Fermat, it didn't take long for Alan to reach the point of no return. With a few final pronounced thrusts, Fermat felt Alan quiver and shake behind him, shortly followed by a sticky dampness on his back. Knowing that Alan had cum bu rubbing himself off against him triggered Fermat's own orgasm. He grunted and shoved himself into Alan's palm, gyrating his hips spasmodically to provide as much stimulation as he could muster. His own far more modest load merely dampened Alan's hand, however the feeling was no less intense than that of his older friend.

They stayed like that for a while longer, Alan lovingly milking the last few drops of Fermat's cum from him with gentle squeezes while he shuddered at the intense feeling of his own dick being rubbed against the cum-soaked fabric of his shorts.

Alan sighed contentedly and gently released Fermat from his grasp. The younger boy turned to face him and gasped when he saw the extent of Alan's arousal. Indeed, Alan had ejaculated so vigorously that a large quantity of his cum had penetrated his shorts and had been smothered all over the front of them, all of which was now glistening in the moonlight.

Figuring that he had nothing to loose, Fermat took a step forward and wrapped his hand around the sticky outline of Alan's erection which simply hadn't waned. The older boy smiled shyly as Fermat looked up at him for approval, his hand deftly wanking him.

Alan stroked Fermat's cheek gently before bringing their lips together. Fermat exhaled through his nose at the new sensation, then inhaled again rapidly as he felt Alan's tongue squirming through his pursed lips and into his mouth. It took a moment for him to cotton on, but he was soon waging war against Alan's tongue, his own undertaking its first sortie to foreign territory.

When they broke the kiss, they were both panting.

"Let me see you," said Alan horsely as they each surveyed the other.

"As long as I can see you," he replied, blushing.

Alan smiled his smile, took a step back and hooked his thumbs into his shorts, deftly manoeuvring them over his erection and down his legs before stepping out of them.

Barely daring to look for fear of being overwhelmed, Fermat gradually let his eyes stray down Alan's defined chest to the small treasure trail that led down from his belly button. He was presented with a proud-looking six-and-a-half inches of uncircumcised stiffy, covered from top to bottom in a slippery layer of Alan's own cum. His dark blond pubes were also matted together with the stuff, yet his balls still looked plump and ready for more.

"Well?" smiled Alan.

"It's... It's lovely," he breathed.

"Thanks, but I meant 'are you gonna show me yours'?"

"Oh, yeah," blushed Fermat. "Promise you won't laugh."

The smile dropped from Alan's face, being replaced instead with one of intense sincerity.

"I would never laugh at you, Fermat - you're beautiful. I mean it."



At that moment, Fermat would have done anything in the world Alan asked him. On that scale of commitment removing his shorts barely registered, hence he did so.

Now it was Alan's turn to stare. Fermat was a wiry kid but, like its owner's mind, his body seemed dedicated to the most efficient possible use of any resource. The muscles he had were small, but appeared tightly defined and well suited to their owner. Letting his eyes move down, Alan was pleasantly surprised to find that Fermat's dick appeared to be nearly as long as his own, albeit appreciably thinner. This was crowned by an extremely sparse crop of dark brown pubic hair and accompanied by a nicely proportioned set of low hanging balls.

Both boys involuntarily licked their lips, noticed the other do the same and smiled. They stepped towards each other and kissed again, the undersides of their dicks making a brief head-to-head contact before slipping sideways and past each other on to the opposing boy's chest. Fermat realised that Alan was now hugging him once more, allowing his hands to roam freely up and down this neck and back, so Fermat felt obliged to do the same.

As they continued to kiss, Fermat was amazed how he could trace the subtle valleys between Alan's muscles, feeling them flex as he varied his movements over Fermat's back. The trend was not broken as Fermat allowed his hands to move lower and onto Alan's arse that was gently flexing and releasing as he subtly humped himself into the younger boy. Fermat, now having something to hold on to, pulled himself in towards Alan, increasing the pressure on their private parts deliciously.

"Fermat," gasped Alan between pecks, "I need... I really... ungh... Can... Can I fuck you?"

Fermat had already made the decision before he saw the look of longing in Alan's deep blue eyes as they parted from their second kiss. Like any good engineer, he'd already exhaustively researched the various facets of lovemaking between two guys (usually with visual reference material and a box of tissues within easy reach - he liked research) and had long since decided it was something he really, REALLY wanted to do with Alan. He'd surmised that as good as the handle of his number four cross-blade screwdriver was, the real thing would prove to be a whole lot better.

He reached between Alan's legs and squeezed gently on his plum-sized testicles. "Yes," he whispered into Alan's ear.

Being careful not to get sand on their genitalia, Alan laid Fermat down on his back and surveyed his friend who was now looking back at him with rather ferocious, hungry look in his eyes. He smiled up at the younger boy before extending his tongue and bathing his friend's dick and balls in saliva. Fermat grunted, pushing his dick deeper into Alan's mouth. The older teen rejoiced in seeing how much pleasure he was giving to his friend and redoubled his efforts, pulling back Fermat's foreskin and swirling his tongue around the sensitive head.

Fermat moaned in frustration as Alan moved away from his dick, but was soon groaning in appreciation again as he licked around his balls and then down into the crevice between his buttocks. Fermat found himself dizzy from holding his breath to prevent himself screaming out with pleasure as Alan's tongue darted and twisted around his arsehole, eventually centering his efforts and pushing in to Fermat repeatedly.

Fermat was on cloud nine - the various toys he'd improvised for himself didn't even feel a tenth as good as this and Alan wasn't even fucking him yet! He leant down and laced his fingers through Alan's hair, pulling him reluctantly from his hole.

"Put it in me, Alan," he whispered.

He didn't need telling twice. Thanking the gods that the cum-covered side of his shorts had landed face up, Alan scooped as much of his cum as he could from them and bathed Fermat's arsehole with it, pushing it inside him initially with a single finger, then two. Sensing Fermat's desperation to be 'properly' penetrated, he wiped the remainder of his cum over his own dick and balanced himself on three limbs, using his right hand to guide his dick towards Fermat's spasming arsehole.

Marked with a grunt from Fermat, Alan Tracy found his dickhead lodged firmly up the backside of his best friend. Fermat was biting his bottom lip - he had quite obviously miscalculated the size of Alan's dick as already he felt like he was being stretched more than he'd ever attempted himself, but just the knowledge that it was Alan's erection making its way inside him allowed him to overrule the slight discomfort he was feeling.

"You OK?" asked a concerned through gritted teeth as he felt Fermat's arsehole clamping down repeatedly on him, making him want to push up into his friend with all his might.

"Yeah - just go slow, 'K?"

Alan nodded his assent and pushed himself forward millimetre by millimetre. Alan's angle of entry felt slightly awkward to Fermat, so he lifted his legs and wrapped them around Alan's midriff. Almost magically, the resistance both boys were feeling dropped dramatically, allowing Alan to slide gently and smoothly into Fermat's backside.

Fermat couldn't believe how full he felt. It was certainly an unusual feeling, but one that he found intensely pleasurable: Just the closeness he was sharing with Alan would have been enough, but he could even feel Alan's rapid heartbeat when he squeezed down on his dick with his ring.

Now being directly above Fermat, Alan let their lips meet briefly. As he backed off, he looked deeply into Fermat's eyes and gradually withdrew his dick to about half way before pushing in once again. Fermat hugged his legs tightly around Alan, pushing the teen further home than he'd been previously. Fermat squeaked as Alan's dick brushed firmly against his prostate, sending a little squirt of precum from the end of his dick between their chests. They both smiled as they realised this was working, Alan beginning the reciprocal motion that all boys find comes so naturally.

At the end of each inward thrust, Alan felt his dick nudge that special place within Fermat. With each nudge, Fermat responded by automatically clenching his bum muscles, making Alan's out-strokes intensely pleasurable. Once he'd pulled almost all the way out, Fermat had relaxed enough to provide an unimpeded in-stroke and the process repeated itself, gradually gaining both speed and intensity.

Both boys were now sweating from the physical exertion; a fact that proved to be useful once againas Alan lowered himself down on top of Fermat, squeezing his friend's dick firmly between their abdomens. Fermat wrapped everything that was wrappable around Alan, hugging himself as tightly as he concievably could to him. Alan did likewise, hooking his forearms under Fermat's armpits and bracing himself against his shoulders, helping him to drive deeper into his new-found lover.

Neither of the boys found they could last long under such intense stimulation. Alan's metered thrusting became more and more urgent and arhythmic, Fermat's breathing turning into whimpering as an orgasm of a size hitherto unencountered by either boy formed within both of them. With a terminal cry, Fermat unloaded between their bodies, pumping more watery cum between them than he thought his body was capable of producing.

The spasms of Fermat's arse combined with his whimpers and moans pushed Alan over the edge before he fully appreciated what he was about to experience. Initially he thought he was peeing (a thought that hadn't crossed his mind since he experienced his first wet orgasm a couple of years previously), however it was simply the extended duration of each pulse of his peristatic reflex. As the second convultion hit him, he pulled his head from the crux of Fermat's neck and kissed him hard on the lips. Wave three caused him to moan out loud as he pushed himself harder into Fermat than he'd ever done previously sending a fresh volley of much thicker cum from Fermat's quivering dick.

The fourth squirt was by far the most intense. Alan felt as if to all intents and purposes he was emptying his very being into Fermat. When combined with the realisation that if he'd chosen to donate his soul to someone, Fermat would have been that person, he could only smile as he let his cum flow freely into his friend.

After that crescendo, there were more twitches and spurts from both of the boys as their respective orgasms gradually disipated. As Alan's eyes managed to focus on the smaller form below him, he saw Fermat wearing the most contented smile he could ever recall seeing on his face. He knew from that moment that he would do anything for Fermat and received the distinct impression that the same was true of Fermat for him.

They stayed locked together for a few moments on the beach under the pale moonlight until Alan's softening dick gradually slipped out of Fermat.

"I love you," whispered the youngest Tracy brother.

"I love you too," replied the engineer's son.

Alan gently stood up, smiling as Fermat's cum formed sperm-umbilicals between them. Curiously, he wiped his fingers over his chest and brought them to his nose. Fermat's cum smelled like a stronger version of Fermat himself, causing Alan to shudder with desire once more dispite his exhausted state. After a moment's thought, he licked Fermat's offering from his fingers, quickly deciding that it was a taste he liked.

"I think we'd better get cleaned up," suggested the older teen. "My shorts are a real mess."

"I'm a real mess," added Fermat, tracing patterns in his cum-covered chest.

"You taste really nice," smiled Alan shyly, causing Fermat to blush. Cautiously, though, he followed Alan's lead and scooped some of his own cum from his chest and licked it from his fingers. The taste was strange, but in a good way, and he instantly realised he wanted to see how Alan tasted.

Alan picked up his shorts, Fermat's shorts and then with a woop of surprise Fermat, and carried them into the sea. The two boys played around for a while, stealing the odd fondle or kiss here and there before swilling the majority of their cum out of their shorts.

They pulled them back on, walked out of the water and headed back towards the facility.

"Do you... uh... wanna sleep in my room tonight?" asked Alan nervously.

"Do you really need an answer?" grinned Fermat.

That's all, folks! Let me know what you think and if it's worth continuing...

See ya,

Darth Moomin

Next: Chapter 2: Fermats Last Theorem 2

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