To Be with You

By Sam Bolles

Published on Nov 14, 2003


NOTE: This is a work of erotic fiction, gay fiction at that. If you aren't 18+ years old, STOP. If it is illegal to possess such material where you live, STOP. And, if you don't want to read this, STOP!

Also, this story depicts the lead singer of the rock band "Hoobastank", Doug Robb, participating in, and enjoying, gay activities. This story makes no actual inference to Doug Robb's sexuality, nor does it make any claims on his sexuality. (For all we know, he's probably out boinking some hot groupie right now.)

To Be With You II: Part One - Elevator

It had been three very long months since my fantasy with Doug. I had had quite a few more, but none as pleasurable and so vivid as that one. Never had a shot so much, never had I been so loud (I'm still amazed my parents didn't wake up), never had I been so lustful. I loved it, I wanted more of it. But I still had yet to find a man equal to the gorgeous masterpiece of the human form that was Doug Robb.

My travels, however few and far between they may be, had landed me in New York, New York (cue Frank Sinatra music now). My friend from where I had recently moved from invited me home to see him and my old friends. However, by some twists and turns and misfortunes and fortunes, I had to be put up in a hotel, but I was staying with my friend so it wasn't all bad.

On the night in question, I couldn't sleep. It was easily 3 in the morning, and my eyes hadn't been shut at all. The dreaded insomnia had struck again. Never since the last 'Doug' incident had my insomnia been so bad. Tossing all night in hotel sheets is no fun at all, especially in those damned hotel beds. My back wasn't fairing all to well in those beds either. I stared at the ceiling with nothing but the undying ice streaming from the air conditioner. My friend was very much asleep by this time and was snoring... quite loudly might I add. I love him and all, but he's very annoying when he sleeps. Ah, insomnia on of all nights this one. The beige walls made me want to puke as they closed in on me, spurring my claustrophobia. There was nothing else to look at. Everything was beige! They say they paint all the hotels beige because some people have distaste for some colors. What about those with a distaste for beige, huh?

I began franticly searching my mind for things to put me to sleep. I couldn't just go down the street and get a chocolate milk like I usually do at home. Chocolate milk always did the trick... usually. Call my immature, but who doesn't love a good chocolate milk, eh? But, that's neither here nor there. There wasn't a Stewart's gas station down the road in New York City, was there? ...or was there?! It suddenly hit me. There was a corner store just on the same block. I remembered seeing it as we went in earlier that day. I figured it couldn't hurt to go see if they had some chocolate milk. When I'm desperate, ill do anything. I grabbed my wallet and room key from the dresser as I searched for any article of clothing, be it mine or not, and found nothing but my sleep pants and a tank top. Woo. But, it didn't bother me all that much; I've been in worse situations.

I had to wait as the monotony of dings signified each floor passed. 39...38...37...36... come on! I need my chocolate milk! But sure enough, whining did little to speed up the process. I was the only one in this elevator. No one was going out tonight. Didn't seem like New York to me. I always pictured it as being the partying-est town ever! But maybe I was in the wrong place at the wrong time. Whatever. I finally made it to lobby and trekked out of the hotel. It was starting to drizzle and a thunder cloud roared in the distance. I shrugged it off looked both ways to make sure of my findings. I was right. A corner store was clear in view. I hoped for the best and sprinted off to the store, hoping I wouldn't get flooded.

I made it under the overhang of the hotel just in time for it to start pouring. Whew, that was close. I'm sure I would have looked great in soaked sleep pants and a tank top. It would probably have been rather revealing, shall we say. Anyway, things seemed to be alright. I was feeling a bit tired from my run, and my chocolate milk was already half empty and safely secure in my left hand. Chocolate milk, how I love thee...

I made my way to the elevators as I noticed more people seemed to be in the hotel; maybe now it was picking up? Again, the elevators were depressingly vacant and I pressed the up button in solitude. It seemed even the click of the button echoed off the bare drab beige walls. Luckily, an elevator was close and the silver doors opened revealing an even more depressing vacant cube. I stepped inside - more beige - and pressed the 40th floor button. I was a ways up on the list, but I always did like being up high. I stepped back and waited for the doors to close and my journey to continue. But then I heard a frantic cry, "HOLD THAT ELEVATOR!"

Being the nice guy that I am, I immediately rushed for the 'Open Doors' button. I hit it just as a nicely tanned hand caught the rubber strip causing the doors to open. He backed into the elevator, as he was pulling some sort of luggage. My heart quickened. This man was fairly trim, and had perfectly cropped raven hair to his shoulders. He was very wet and coughed as he entered. It couldn't be. I'm dreaming. Come to think of it, I wish I was... His luggage wheels rippled on the textured elevator floor as I examined the man closer. He had some muscle on him, and he smelled like Old Spice deodorant, making me drunk with bliss. His wet pants clung to his toned legs as did his shirt to his muscular physique. He moved back next to me on the elevator. Then it hit me; his deafening stare (yep, that's how good he is, deafening with sight), his resonant brown eyes, his golden skin... Doug Robb, lead singer for Hoobastank, had just stepped onto my elevator.

He was breathing rather hard as he looked at me with rain from his hair dripping onto his shirt, not that it made his shirt any wetter, and gave me a simple, "Thanks," and a smile. I melted. I nervously nodded back as if to say "no problem" but all that came out was a nervous laugh and a goofy smile. He laughed and rhetorically asked, "Are you a fan?" trying to be as modest as possible.

"To say the least..." I said, still with the goofy smile on my face. He put out his hand, but I was so dazed, it took me a few moments to realize what he wanted. I snapped to his hand and gave an enthusiastic hand shake. I felt like the biggest ass in the world, still with the grin. Just to spark conversation, I asked him why he was alone, without and entourage.

"Well, this is how I avoid the rush of fans," he said trying to sound as humble as possible. "I go into hotels late at night alone, under false names. It usually works, but there are those fanatics..." he said, not really finishing his sentence. "A... Are you ok?" he asked me.

I was suddenly confused. Why was he asking if I was ok? Was I sick? Did I look sick? I didn't feel sick. Then just as suddenly as the confusion came, I wanted to slap myself. I was being way too self conscious. So I tried to calm myself and just said, "Oh, sorry, you'll have to excuse my 'star-struck ness.' I mean I've had the biggest crush on you for -" I caught myself. I did NOT just say that...

"Oh really?" he said with a smile and a giggle, "Of that persuasion, are we?"

"Uh, well, yeah," I said sullenly, knowing there was really no way out of this. Besides he seemed like a really cool guy. He wasn't kicking my ass... yet. "That's not a problem is it?"

"No, not really. I'm a pretty tolerant guy," he said flashing his gorgeous smile again.

"Thanks, that's really cool of you."

"Oh, it's no problem. In fact," he came real close to me, "to be frank, I'm gay too."

As I was staring at his eyes, I didn't notice the beige walls turning a wonderful shade of marigold, and the lights becoming brighter, and the elevator slowing, just a little bit.

Doug continued, "I've been planning to post it on the website forever now, but I've always been too afraid to. I mean, it was hard enough telling the guys, but to come out to a fan base of millions (he tried to be modest again, but it wasn't working), I could kill all of our careers."

I didn't hear one work of what he said. My mind was just racing back to all of the times Doug had fucked me, sucked me off, all the many times I've sucked him off, etc. I snapped back to reality just as I saw him start to hide his laughter. I was confused again. I saw him looking down. Clearly, sleep pants were not the smartest thing to wear. A giant (now I'm trying to be modest) tent had appeared in my pants. His laughter trailed off into giggles and he stammered in between chuckles, "Big fan, I see."

I still don't know what he meant by that...

"Oh shit, I'm real sorry. It's just... I mean... With you here and..." I was feeling like an ass again.

"It's alright" he said, still remaining cool, as he walked towards me. And in a whirlwind of shock, mixed with pleasure, and a dash of unexpectedness (for flavor), he kissed me strongly, and started massaging my cock. His tongue entered my mouth like a virus, spreading his lust everywhere through my body. Our tongues seemed to playfully link with each other, all the while my cock was straining to be teased. My face felt hot, and my heart pumped so hard it felt like I had ran a marathon. His mouth disengaged from mine and he looked back in my eyes with his giant brown pillows he calls eyes. I was panting too hard to concentrate, but I did hear him ask me, "So, how long have you had that crush on me?"

Much to our dismay, the dings stopped as his floor was reached. He looked up at the display and said a few expletives under his breath. He looked back at me and said "I'm in room 3940. Go there tomorrow at 11pm." Another deep kiss that felt like eternity, and he was off. Just like that.

The doors closed and I dropped on my knees. I tried to gather myself as the elevator moved upwards again. I felt like I had been knocked out and I was just coming out of the coma. Huh, he doesn't even know my name. I looked myself over. Doug's shirt had soaked through to mine and my cheek was wet from when he held it during out kiss. As I stood up and steadied myself on the railings, I felt something wet in my pants. Cum. I had cum with just a kiss. I had fallen love - hard.

Part 2: Illness

I was giddy as a little school girl the entire next day, that is between my anxiety and nausea. I was a nervous wreck all day. Even when I went to see all my friends, all I could think was "11 in 3940, 11 in 3940..." It was one of those days that seems to go by so slow, but when you actually do something, time goes much to fast. I won't bore you with the details of making the rounds and seeing everyone, but all in all it was a great day to see them all.

At any rate, it was 10:30 and I was freaking out. We were all out at a little eatery somewhere near the hotel, and they didn't look like they were leaving anytime soon. I mean, I wanted to hang out with my friends, but a rendezvous with Doug Robb? I'm sorry, it may sound shallow but what would you do if your lust invited you to his hotel room after he nearly gave you mouth to mouth on an elevator?... That's what I thought. Besides, I was staying for a full week.

I kept looking at my watch. Now all of the sudden it was almost 10:45! I couldn't be late; there was nothing that was going to stop me. So what else could I think to do? I feigned sickness. Ah, if school had taught me nothing else, it taught me how to fake an illness.

"You know what guys, my stomach isn't agreeing with me at the moment, I think ill just head back to my room and call it a night." A round of "Aw, come on!" and "Dude!" followed, but I coaxed them into understanding. The friend that I was staying with offered to go back to the room with me, but I told him to enjoy himself. But as I walked away, under my breath I mumbled, "I know I will..."

After I was out of sight of the eatery, I started booking it toward the hotel. I'm coming Doug! I'm coming! (Hmm... slightly prophetic, eh?) The hotel seemed to run away from me as I saw it in the distance but I soon caught it and ran toward the elevators. Still vacant as always. Am I picking the employee elevator or something? As the elevator reached the ground floor, the ding of the floor echoed in my brain. I looked at my watch. 10:50. Good, I was making good time. Another vacant cube awaited me as I stepped in. I went to press 43, my floor, but I caught myself and hit 39, Doug's floor. The elevator went very slow that night, slower than I was used to. Perhaps because I was always in it with Doug that made it go fast. More dings. Why God, why?

It seems I was focusing too hard on the dings, and the doors opening startled me. I rushed out and hurriedly looked for a number, any number, to know which way the numbers went. I sign had "3900-3925,<--" and 3925-3950,-->" embossed on it. Without thinking I just started running right. The doors flew by me. Down the hall I saw four people walked toward me. My self-esteem deficiency kicked in and I slowed as to not look like a jackass. As they got closer, I realized it was the rest of the guys from Hoob. I remained calm and played dumb, like I didn't know who they were. It seemed to work. They talked around me like I wasn't there. And that was the best I could have hoped for.

  1. There it was. I couldn't believe I was right there. With 3940 emblazed across it in giant golden letters, Doug Robb, my lust for a long time, was presumably on the other side of this door, preparing to do something. I don't know what he had in mind, but I think I knew what it was.

Three knocks was all I gave. Slow, but rhythmic. A cough returned them and a sickly, "It's open..." followed. Shit, is Doug sick? Dammit! Of all the nights of the year... But I calmed my self, and slowly entered. The door opened like a curtain on a high school play. This was a nice, large room. I guess rock stars do live like gods... I looked around the room. Still beige. My head was forced right and there I saw him in bed, a box of tissues on the night stand next to him. He looked bad, real bad. He had the whole messy hair, no showered, icky, not-goodness thing going on. Don't get me wrong, he was still as hot as ever, but just sickly looking.

"Doug! You look like shit! Are you ok?" I nearly screamed.

"Oh, it's you!" he shot up and came to life. Much to my enjoyment, he wasn't wearing anything but a tight black pair of boxer briefs. I was right; he did wear boxer briefs. He slowly walked over to me and with each step, his body flexed and rippled and made me want to cream myself right then. I managed to gather myself and say something.

"Oh, you're not sick?" Sometimes the best thing to say is most obvious.

"Of course not, I just had to stay in the hotel. The rest of the guys are doing a radio interview, so I decided to play sick and stay in bed... to see you."

"You didn't have to do that," I smiled and blushed and looked stupidly toward the floor.

He got hold of me again like he did in the elevator and sultrily said, "But I wanted to..." Another long sensual kiss ensued, with deep tongue action. He left me breathless as he usually does. Then I remembered.

"Oh, by the way," I said in my most flirtatious voice, "my name is Sam."

"Well Sam, did you lock the door?" He said with a wink and a nod.

I slowly backed up to the door, shut it, and locked it, without taking my eyes off Doug. I mean, how could I? Have you seen this man?! I just as slowly walked back to his waiting arms, and his waiting lips. More passionate kisses. He held me close and then all the sudden went into forceful love mode. Mmm, I like a man who knows when to get physical. He nearly tackled me onto the bed smothering my face and neck with his lips. He nearly tore off my shirt in anticipation. After my chest was free from my shirt his lips found my nipples.

"Oh, nipple rings I see," he said. By his face I could tell he liked my nipple rings. I love them too. I wish Doug had them. He continued ravaging my chest. Suddenly I realized where I was and my mouth went dry, that dry that comes with nervousness. But I tried not to focus on it as Doug had slowly made his way down to my abs. His breath was cold as it cooled the saliva from his kisses. Shivers went up my spine as he tugged on my pants. I stopped him.

"No, me first," I said, as innocently as possible.

He smiled again and sultrily rolled over on his side. As I stood up in front of him, I could now see his huge cock nearly tearing the soft black fabric of his underwear. A huge wet spot also appeared where his cock head would be. Man I wanted him more than ever. My hard-on was screaming for freedom too, so I played sexy and undid my belt, undid my pants and let them fall to the floor. Nicely played, Sam. I stepped out of my jeans and knelt down with my face in his crotch. His pelvis reeked of rich sweat, but not like BO, just musty. I love a musty cock.

I, visibly nervous, reached for the band of his underwear. It screamed at me "OLD NAVY." I wore old navy too, but tonight underwear was the last thing on my mind. He moaned as he looked down as if to say, "Go ahead, I won't bite... yet." I lowered the band down to produce a good 8 inch cock staring in my face. Pre-cum was pouring from his cock like a faucet as I eagerly took him in my mouth. I started slow, just like in my dreams. My tongue swirled around his head, occasionally running over his piss slit. Every time I did he tensed up, I could tell he loved it. I began to bob my head across the length of his massive rod, bigger than even I had imagined. I almost seemed like I wasn't there, like it was just another porno I was watching. But it was my mouth on Doug's cock. It was my mouth he was praising; it was my tongue that made him want more.

"Oh, fuck yeah," he said, urging me to suck more. I complied making a tighter vacuum around his cock and began to take all of his cock in my mouth. Well, at least as much as I could. His hands were now caressing the back of my head and his breath was short and quick. I stopped sucking just long enough to lick his shaft, and to play with his balls a little. He continued looking down at me, his smile never leaving his face. His face just made me want to please him more. He ran his hand through my hair a few times, stoking my hungry mouth. He was moaning loudly now. I wondered if anyone could hear him. His moans made me shove more and more of his cock deeper into my mouth. His hips were fucking my mouth. I could feel his wet cock brushing the back of my mouth. If felt like Doug's cock was now raping my lips.

Unexpectedly, Doug pulled my face off his cock. My stood me up and kissed me, dragging me down lying on top of him. As we kissed, he rolled us over and resumed his seduction of me. My dick was almost in pain it anted to cum so bad, but Doug soon made it all better. He wasted no time stripping me of my briefs, also with a huge pool of pre-cum on them. He started low, sucking my balls. He took one in his mouth and sucked gently as he lightly jacked me off. Doug had done this before, I guessed; many times before. He alternated testicles until he finally went down on my shaft. He was fast and eager to suck me off, and I was a willing participant. I was soon moaning as his mouth worked wonders on my cock. His tongue seemed to encircle my cock as his head bobbed on my cock. My mouth just kind of hung open like I was catching flies or something. Gasps and pants streamed from my mouth like a waterfall. Doug kept looking up at me to make sure he was doing things right. My eyes just screamed, "Stop worrying about me!" but I don't know if he got the message.

His mouth soon became less interested in my cock and more interested in my ass. His tongue slowly slid down my pelvic area, across my gooch (which prompted ecstasy), and then my ass hole was drenched in his spit. My legs flew up like I was looking for a fuck (and I was, but that's beside the point). My heart jumped to my throat nearly choking me as he let his tongue lightly brush my hole. This man had done this before, and was he ever good at it. I could sense him worrying about my state of being. I just moaned for him not to stop. His tongue made quicker passes, sometimes lapping my hole, but soon he returned to my cock. It ached from being too hard. I couldn't take it, I wanted him in me.

I let him up and brought him close to me. He kissed my nipples as I spoke, "Doug, (how long had I waited for this?) I want you to fuck me..." He smiled and lunged on top of me. He gently kissed my face as if to say, "Your wish is my command." His mouth never strayed far from my nipples while he reached over to the nightstand for a condom. I didn't notice it before, but it was there the whole time. He leaned backward so he was kneeling over me. He was already sweating and his body glistened in the dim radiance of the poor hotel lamps. His giant cock towered over me and I soon became intimidated by his massive manhood. Before long, the condom was slowly making its way down the shaft of his cock, so slowly. He was teasing me. He smirked as he looked at my face. I of course was fixated on his cock, and he let out a slight snicker over my perversion. I reached down and massaged his balls as he neared the end of his tease, but the massage helped to make the process go a bit faster.

Finally his cock was firmly protected and liberally oiled. I couldn't believe what was happening. One last kiss before Doug plunged his rod into me. I flung my legs upward, showing my hungry ass. A slight poke and he became on with me. His cock was like no other I've had. Maybe it was just because it was Doug, but something was different. He entered slowly and cautiously. He was genuinely concerned with my feelings, but to be frank, I just wanted to be railed.

The obligatory ooo's and ahh's resulted from his full cock being swallowed by my starving man hole. He was being gentle, slowly working his way in and out of me. "Come on Doug! Fuck me!" I ordered him.

"Oh, we like it rough, eh?" Doug answered. And with that his pumping increased. Pre-cum spewed from my cock as his cock prodded my prostate with each successive thrust. This is how I wanted to be loved. My motto always was fast & loose. I gasped for air even though my mouth hung open like I was waiting for something to fill it. I clawed at the bed and moved in rhythm with Doug. Nothing like my dreams. Real Doug was better.

The headboard furiously pounded the wall behind it. I was still screaming. The bedsprings were screaming, too, aching to be left along. Doug was deep in concentration, his face bunching up, his eyes burning with passion. He kept muttering through clenched teeth, "Fuck yeah, take my cock. Yeah..." My mouth was still agape, still waiting for an unknown something to fill it. I unconsciously started masturbating, making my hole clinch tighter, squeezing on Doug's thick, swollen penis. I stared to rub my body up and down in ecstasy, stopping occasionally at my nipple to give a good pinch and to play with their respective rings. Doug now had both his hands cupped on my ass, slamming his balls into my cheeks. Doug was determined to give it to my rough; he was going to make sure my ass would ache. And by the feel of things, he was doing a bang up job.

I got lost somewhere in the noise. Everything seemed to get real quiet. I couldn't hear my ass being slapped by Doug's balls. The headboard and the wall disappeared. Doug soon lost the ability to make noise, and all I could hear was my short, erratic, longing gasps for air. Sweat flowed from my pores like water rushing from a tub faucet. My hair was now just a mass of sweat, hair, and heat. I could still see Doug, but he moved in half speed. The sweat has engulfed him too. Man, he was hot when he was wet. A raunchy mix of Doug's BO and mine permeated the room, soon making the place feel more like a locker room after a hockey game had gone triple overtime. I breathed deep and savored the scent. I wish they would bottle it. I guarantee I'd orgasm as the slightest hint of it. My heart beat... our heart beat was all I heard.

I reached up for his chest, his beautifully toned chest. It was beat red from exhaustion. I felt him. All of him. Soon, sounds returned. The headboard kept time again, and Doug slowly sped up. His mouth dropped open. Pent up sounds of exuberance bled from his lips, and his cock tensed up. He was going to sling it. He pulled out of me as I regained composure. He screamed as he ripped the condom off his manhood and I leaned forward to catch his spooge. His spray landed all over my face, dripping down onto my chest. I lapped up his juice as his moans slowly trailed off. He squeezed all he could out of his cock, pumping it a few more timed before helping me clean off.

His tongue made its way around my face as he smoothly ate his own juice. Now I was moaning. His hand had found my hard cock, but his mouth still begged to be kissed. He continued to wank me off as he kissed me, moving from my face to my neck to my chest to my ears. This man knew his way around a man's body. My hips soon started to thrust unconsciously. We both panted heavy as we kissed. My mouth cried out and my head flew back as my orgasm approached. He sensed it and pumped harder. Another grin that was solely Doug's splattered across his face, knowing he was teasing me. My moans became higher and louder with the approaching explosion. He seemed as anxious as I was.

My a final thrust and a scream, I jerked forward and released my cum. It flew from my cock and landed on Doug's shoulder. Another spray landed on Doug's cheek. It soon died down and the rest just dribbled out of my beaming, aching cock head. It was a bright red, but it soon disappeared from sight as Doug took it in his mouth. I, exhausted, threw myself back onto the bed and tried to keep my heart from exploding.

After Doug had cleaned my juice from his body, he came back down to lay with me. He snuggled up close to me, protecting me from a nonexistent danger. I smiled. He began to fiddle with my nipple rings again, not sexually, just curiously. "You know," he said, "I've been thinking about getting my nipples pierced..."

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