To Love Again

By Pigs Fly

Published on Jun 12, 2001


This is an original story and all similarities in names, places, etc, alive or otherwise, are pure coincidences. A word from the author:

Hi, everyone! Thanks for the comments and encouragement; I truly appreciate them. Keep them coming, please!!! Well, this time round, I am taking my own sweet time in finishing this particular chapter because I am trying to cope with schoolwork and other stuff that are sometimes overwhelming, but I am just fine. This chapter is short but sweet, I hope. Hehehehehe!!! Tell me what you guys think of it, okay? Thanks so much! Wink

Finally, the big day arrived! We would be going down to my parents' home today. I had not yet told them about me and Ted, and I was hoping that it might come as a surprise. Well, we had the gifts stowed in the back compartment yesterday. Last night was very special because Ted and I "officially" slept in my room together. It was so nice and warm to have someone hugging me to sleep. Not to mention that he was sexy and delectable.

This time round in the morning, I was getting even with Ted. "So, it seems that someone else has SUDDENLY decided to bring along TWO suitcases after all. I don't seem to be the ONLY one," I emphasized a few words to drive my point home, barely able to suppress the laughter building in me. Ted looked at me and smiled. Damn! Sexy smile, even at this time of the day, which was only half-past seven in the morning.

"WELL," he drawled out the word. "I am having second thought about coming on this trip because SOMEONE is teasing me for bringing two suitcases, just like a certain somebody that I know." He was still grinning at me and I just could not help myself but smiled back at him. Sigh, what could I say!!! He was IRRESISTIBLE!!!!!

"Hmm, do I know that "certain somebody" as well?" I replied, just as calm as he was.

"Let me see! I think you know him pretty...okay, I think," he answered, the smile never left his face for even a split of a second. Grrr! This good-looking guy would cause me to have an overdose of silly grins and I might have to undergo a surgery to pull my face back to normal. Grin

"Is he as cute as me?" I mocked seriousness now.

"What's that smell? Smells like vinegar, kind of sour. I think someone is jealous, huh?"

"I think you must be nuts. Who is jealous here? I won't be, in case you have the wrong opinion, darling," I acted nonchalant, and I could see that I was winning by the look on his face. PRICELESS, I tell you!!

"You aren't? Hey, Jeremy. Seriously now! Will you be jealous if know, kind of get close to me?"

"Hahaha! C'mon, Ted. Read my lips. I LOVE YOU. If anybody tries to get MY MAN, he has to fight me first," I smiled wider now. This had to be the best day yet! I rarely won our little "teasing competition" and he was, more often than not, the emerging champion. I could now savor the taste of VICTORY!!! Hehehe......

"Whew, I thought I matter so little in your heart. You sure know how to torture a poor guy who is so in love with you, you know?" If anyone told me that a good-looking guy with a pleading little-boy-look would look even better than he already had been usually, I would say: "PIGS FLY!!!" Now, I had to say that it was possible. Ted looked good enough to "eat" right here, right now!! Hehehehehe......

"Soooo, what is the best thing I can give to ease your broken heart, sweetie?" I was getting cornier and cheesier than I ever thought possible. In fact, I would say that I had crossed the brink of "DISGUSTINGLY CHEESY." What could I say! LOVE, baby! LOVE!!!

"Hmm, I think a teeny-weeny, little kiss will be sufficient, for the time being," he added the last part quickly. Well, needless to say, I had to do whatever my heart's desire told me to, and I leaned forward to kiss him on the lips. Uhhmm, he smelt heavenly, as usual. Wink After a somewhat longer kiss than expected, hehehe, we separated and I looked into his eyes. If I could drown myself in those sexy blue eyes, I would willingly "jump in."

"Now that I have kissed you, can we get down to business? We have a three hours drive ahead of us and I promise my parents that we will arrive before lunchtime, which is exactly at twelve o'clock," I informed him of this, still gazing into a pair of heart-melting eyes. SIGH!!!

"Okay, I am ready whenever you are. I will drive for the first half of the journey, so for the next one and a half hour, relax and enjoy the view, honey," he grinned one of those sexy smiles, making my knees weak and my body was filled with this crazy feeling, as if I was floating.

"Fine by me. Drive slower, okay?" I reminded him. I had not had the chance to tell you guys yet, but my man--I love this, drove like he was on a racing course instead of on the road, and sometimes, I had to thank God for the fact that he was still alive. Sigh, my man!

"What? You have no confidence in me? You have to realize that your man is one of the best drivers there ever is in this world," he boasted without, apparently, feeling any embarrassment for saying something like that.

"Okay, loverboy. Just be careful, okay? I am still young, you know?" I teased him one last time before we were finally on our way. Actually, I had been down this road before and I had seen whatever there were to be seen. I was so overjoyed to have my man beside me, so in the end I did not notice anything much because I had to keep on reminding loverboy that he was driving dangerously close to killing us both. In addition, Anthony was killed in a car accident, but I had no car-phobia, if ever such a thing existed. I just didn't want to lose Ted the same way I lost Anthony. The difference is that Anthony was not a road-devil, unlike this sexy man next to me. SIGH! Love, babe! LOVE! Ted and I had a casual chat along the way, but I guess I was so tired that I just fell asleep after a while. Ted and I talked for hours after we were snuggled up in bed. We did not do anything else though, just talked!! GRIN Now, I was exhausted and leaned my head on the shoulder of my man, so strong and comfortable! Sigh! I could certainly learn to live like this forever, safe and happy with my lover, my soulmate.

Okay, everyone! The chapter is done. Sorry that it is short, but I am doing my best to get them posted soon for your enjoyment and pleasure! Smile As per usual, e-mail me with whatever comments and complaints that you have. E-mail me at: By the way, I am a BIG FAN of Mariah Carey. The reason why I am constantly using the word "loverboy" in this chapter is because Mariah has a new single called "Loverboy" which will be out soon. The song is all over the radio right now and you can request it for your b/f; hehehe!!

Next: Chapter 6

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