Tofers Place


Published on Sep 8, 2008


This story is complete fiction with some reality thrown in here and there. You will have to decide whats real and what isnt. The author holds all rights to this story. This story may not be added to another site without authors consent.

I was running a little late as I pushed up the locked gate so that I could open the door to the bar that I owned. Its called Tofer's Place. I unlocked the door and pushed it open to Hear "Hey Matt wait for me." That's CJ, one of the employees that works for me.

I held open the door saying "How long have you been waiting?"

"About fifteen minutes." he replied. Shrugging it off.

"Sorry about that.. I let Kota out to go the bathroom and couldn't get him to come back in the house. Have you ever tried to get a hundred pound yellow lab to do something he doesn't want to do?" I said smiling at him.

"Matt, it's no biggie. Don't worry about it."

"Okay... remind me to give you a set of keys before you leave tonight, that way you can just open up if I'm running late"

"Cool." He replied smiling from ear to ear.

I went over and opened all the blinds letting the sun light come in. "Hey CJ I forgot to tell you I ordered a stage that will be delivered tomorrow. Will you help me set it up?"

"Hell yeah, you know I will."

"Good, you know how I suck at running any kind of power tool."

Laughing he said "Yeah I know.. next time I'm going to make sure I am twenty feet from you when you turn the thing on."

"It wasn't my fault." I said trying to defend myself. "It scared the hell outta me and slipped out of my hands."

He turned and gave me a look that said stop lying.. you and I both know better.

"Okay okay.. It scared the hell outta me and I threw it down and screamed like a little girl. Is that better?" I asked giving him a dirty look.

He just laughed and walked into the back room starting the grills. I hired CJ over three years ago when I bought the bar from a friend that had to move out of state to take care of his ailing mom.

I yelled back to him. "So anyway... the stage is a small one. Will fit four people at the most. I want to have some acoustic performances. Also I was thinking that we need some desserts also.. What do you think?"

I heard him yell back "Sounds like a smart plan.. should bring in more business and more money." He walked out of the back area asking " Who's going to be doing the baking? You know I can't bake worth a shit.?"

"I will." I said smiling at him.

He scowled at me saying "Matt you work too much as it is. Are you sure that's such a good idea?"

"Noooo.. but I'm going to give it a shot since the bar is going to have a new manager."

He turned and looked at me with a shocked expression on his face saying "What?"

"I'm going to hire someone to manage the bar. That way I will have more time to do the stuff that I want to do."

"Ohhh." He said just staring at me.

"What???" I asked.

"Nothing I guess.. you just totally shocked me."

I stopped what I was doing and said "CJ come over here and sit down.. lets talk for a minute." I went and sat down at one of the booths. CJ walked over and took the seat across from me. He looked scared so I said "Calm down its nothing bad. I want to pursue getting acoustic acts in here and starting the dessert bar. The only way that I can do that is if I have a manager that I know will have my best interest at heart. So with that said.. How would you like to be the new manager?"

"Holy fuck really??? What would I have to do?" He asked excited.

I started laughing "The same thing you're doing now dork.. except you will be doing all the employees schedules, you and I will do the ordering of supplies together. I will walk you through how to do payroll in case I am gone when its due. As for pay.. I will pay you five dollars more an hour than what you're making now.. and you will get five percent of the profits from the bar. So with that said.. the more money the bar makes the money we make." I looked at him and he didn't say anything at first. So I said "So.. what do you think? Do you want the job?"

"Hell yeah I want the job. I may be stupid, but I'm not that stupid."

"Buddy if I thought you were stupid I wouldn't have offered you the job."

"When did you want me to start?"

"Tonight is fine with me CJ. When we close up tonight I will show you how to do the deposit and close everything out." You could tell that he was excited.

CJ bounced in his seat and said "Thank you so much for this chance Matt.. I don't know how I can ever thank you."

"You can thank me by helping me make this bar bigger and better than it already is, that way we both make lots of money." I smiled at him as I made the last comment.

"I will do everything that I can to help Matt, you know that."

"I know.. well let's get back to work before the regulars start showing up." We both climbed out of the booth and faced each other. I slowly started to raise my hand to shake his when he pulled me into a bear hug and then kissed me on the cheek.

"Thank you again Matt.. it means the world to me."

"No thank you for being such a great friend and worker CJ.. without you these last three years... I don't know if I could have made it through. Plus this bar is what it is today because of your help." He blushed as I leaned in and kissed him softly on the lips. He pulled away and smacked me on the shoulder saying "Cut the mushy shit.. I gotta get to work.. the boss here is a real bitch."

I replied "He sure is.. A fuckin slave driving and broom riding fag."

CJ turned and looked at me saying "You shouldn't talk about yourself like that Matt, it upsets me when you do."

I held up my hand and replied "I wasn't talking about me, I was talking about you!"

He started laughing and said "You bitch.. I am not a slave driver!"

"Yeah right.. anyone that comes in here thinks you own the place and I am your employee.. So what's your reply now broom rider.?"

"Shut the fuck up and go back to work!"

I was laughing when I said "See.. you're an evil little fag."

I showed CJ all that I do when the bar is closed and everyone is gone for the night. How to do the deposit, the bank run and leave enough money in the safe for the next nights opening. Four am on the dot I handed CJ his set of keys and told him to lock up as I headed home.

I pulled into my driveway and shut off the engine, opened the driver's door and got out to see a lone dark figure step off of my lighted wrap around porch. I put my hand in my pocket and pulled it back out with my pepper spray ready if I needed to use it. As the figure got closer I could tell it was a male and it was Colin my ex boyfriend. "What are you doing here Colin? I told you I didn't want to see you anymore. Especially after the last shit you tried to pull!"

"Come on baby.. I said I was sorry. I love you and only want to be with you. Wont you give me another chance to prove that?"

Laughing at the stupidity of this one individual I said "I am not and will not give you another chance Colin.. Your second, third, fourth and fifth chances have come and gone. I want you to stay out of my life. Do not contact me again. I've had enough of your shit. So fucking get lost!" I said with anger and contempt in my voice, as I walked up the steps and to the front door. I hadn't realized that Colin followed me up the steps until I felt him grab my arm and forcefully turn me around to face him. The hate emanating from every pore was evident. As I looked at his face I could see his nostrils flaring from being so enraged.

He stepped toe to toe with me saying in a deep menacing voice "You will fucking take me back and you will be my boyfriend again... or i will fucking kill you and anyone you try to date."

I leaned closer to him saying "Don't threaten me you piece of shit!" I responded as I puffed my chest out and raised up as much as I could to make myself look more threatening. "Go home Colin and get your own fucking life.. because you're sure as fuck outta mine!" I turned, unlocked the door and went inside shutting and locking the door behind me. I walked from the front of the house back into the kitchen to make some tea and try to calm down.

I couldn't believe that just seeing him could make me so angry. I was angry with him because of the nerve it took to show up on my door step, but I think I was more angry with myself for not being able to control my rage.

I sat and drank the green tea stewing over Colin. Reliving the horrible time in my life that I actually had called him my boyfriend. Long story short, he had been cheating on me with an ex boyfriend or shall I say anyone who would bend over, lay down or spread his legs. He had unprotected sex with every person the whole time. It's been almost three years and 7 std test's later for me.

I finally gave up trying not to be angry and went downstairs and into the gym to do some running on the treadmill. I figured maybe I could sweat out some of the anger. I changed into my work out clothes and put some running shoes on and slowly started walking as I built up speed until I was slowly jogging and then almost flat out running. An hour later I wasn't angry any longer. I was tired and ready to jump into the shower and go to bed.

I stripped off my running shoes, my clothes and turned on the walk in shower. I waited for it to turn luke warm and stepped in enjoying the coolness of the water. I soaped up, rinsed off and dried myself feeling even more tired by the second. I walked upstairs, into my bedroom and crawled onto my ultra plush bed nude and ready for sleep. The next thing I remember is my phone waking me up. I rolled over grabbing it before it rang again. I slowly placed it to my ear and said "Hello???"

"Holy shit Matt, where the hell are you?? Its almost five!!! the stage arrived and I have everything out and ready to be put together. I need to know where you want it?"

I continued to lay on the nice soft comfortable bed wanting to hang up and go back to sleep when I said "CJ you're so full of shit. It's probably not even noon." I rolled over away from my alarm clock.

"It's ten minutes to five dick head!!! get your ass in here so we can get this stage put together. What the hell did you do last night? Why are you still in bed?"

"I had a visitor."

"Ohhhhh... did Matty get laid last night.. Is that why he's still in bed.. did someone wear the old man out?"

Laughing I said "It was Colin!"

CJ went silent and then he slowly said "Tell me he's not there with you Matt? Please tell me you didn't let him in."

"Fuck no CJ. I told him off and sent him home. You know how I feel about him... Hell I wanted to fucking choke him until his face turned blue. I thought about head butting him in the face, but I figured they would probably through me in jail even though I have a restraining order against him."

laughing CJ said "You're so stupid.. did you call the police and report him?"

"No.. You know it's not going to do any good. Next time he shows up I'm going to invite him in. I'm then going to offer him something to drink and lace it with some kind of sleeping pill and wait for him to pass out. Once he wakes up he will realize that he is naked and tied to my headboard and foot board and cannot get away."

I could tell that CJ was interested in what I had to say so I continued "I will then go get the tweezers and one by one I will remove the hair from his balls.

"You are one warped MOFO.. but I like it. Let me know if it happens and I will come over and video tape it for you."

"Okay I will." I said laughing with him "I will be in within the hour boss."

"Okay see ya then.. and be careful Matty.. we both know how Colin can be."

"I know. I will be very careful. I promise. I will see you in a hour. Bye CJ." I heard a click on the other end thinking that cocksucker never says goodbye.

I walked into the bar and said hello to a few regulars that come in for lunch.. well... and a few regulars that drink lunch. I went over and put my coat and messenger bag in the office and yelled to CJ that I had arrived.

He came walking out of the kitchen saying "It's about damn time. You know if you keep coming in late I'm going to have to eventually fire you.. you do realize that don't you?"

I turned giving him a dirty look saying "Bite me gay boy!"

"Not if you were the last homo on earth. It will never happen. So put that fantasy out of your pretty little head."

"Its not a fantasy.. its more like a twisted ugly nightmare." He walked over and punched me in the shoulder and said "Lets get this stage put together.. Where are you going to put it?"

"You know I was thinking about putting it upstairs. We have that old bar upstairs we could open it as a second bar for shows? What do you think?"

"Sounds awesome, that should bring in a lot more people."

We hauled all the material upstairs and began putting the stage together. Three hours later the project was complete. We placed it in the middle of the room against a side wall. And pulled out old round tables and placed them around the room with chairs giving everyone enough room to squeeze by if all the tables were occupied. We cleaned up the bar by scrubbing it down and re-waxing it. I told CJ that I would have the cleaning service start cleaning the upstairs as well as the downstairs. Once all that was done we headed back down to the bar. As I walking down the stairs as a younger man In a very sharp pin stripe suit came walking in the door.

I walked up to him saying "Hi, welcome to Tofer's. You can have a seat wherever you would like. If there's anything I can get you please let me know."

"Thanks." He replied as he walked over and sat at the bar looking through a menu.

I walked behind the bar and started stocking beer into the walk in cooler. With that finished I came out and started cleaning up behind the bar. I walked over to him and asked "Can I get you something to drink?" I stood staring at him taking in all his features. Brown hair that was kept messy, which looked really good on him. Nice chiseled face. You could tell that he worked out by the way that the suit fit his body. If I was twenty years younger.. I would be making a move on this extremely good looking guy.

"Yes please, I would love a Miller lite draft please." He replied.

"You must not be from around here." I said to him as I walked over and grabbed a glass and started to fill it from the fountain.

He smiled and replied "I was born here. But we moved to Texas when I was young."

"That's the slight southern drawl I hear. Plus you said please way to many times to be from around here."

"That obvious huh?"

"Yeah pretty much. But personally I think its great." I looked him in the eyes at that point and was blown away at the color. They were dark green with a lighter shade of green going towards the outside of the iris. Nothing turns me on more than green eyes. Shit! I don't think I said that out loud. I walked over and put the beer down in front of him saying "Would you like something to eat?"

"Maybe in a few minutes. Oh and by the way.. Nothing turn's me on more than blue eyes." He said smiling at me.

I started laughing and blushing at the same time. "Sorry... I don't know what I was thinking. It just slipped out."

"Hey.. really no biggie. Its nice to talk with someone that is honest, and knows what he wants."

"Yep, that doesn't happen very often here in LA."

"Ive noticed... I'm tempted to move back to San Antonio."

"What kind of work do you do?"

"Entertainment lawyer."

"I'm sorry about my manners.. I'm Matt." I said extending my hand.

"Hi Matt, I'm Christopher but everyone calls me Tofer."

"No shit!!"

Laughing he said "No.. no shit. My dad was the first one to own this place. When he died my mom sold it and we moved to San Antonio."

"Dang. I'm so sorry about your dad."

"Thank you.. but it was a long long time ago. I just wanted to stop by and see if it was still standing." He turned and looked around the bar and added. "It hasn't changed much, it's nice to see that some things stay the same."

"Yeah the only thing that has changed in here since I bought this place.. is my age. Otherwise everything else is the same. You can look around if you want Tofer."

"Thanks anyway. I'm good where I'm at."

"Did you want to order some lunch?"

"Yeah... I am kinda hungry. How are the burgers?"

"They are awesome. The one thing I did do right is hire an awesome chef."

"Then I will have a double bacon cheeseburger, with fries."

"Coming right up my fine sir." I walked back to the kitchen and gave CJ the order and told him how cute Christopher was and about his drop dead beautiful eyes. I walked back out to the bar and counted down. 5.. 4.. 3.. 2.. and here comes CJ to see for himself.

"Hey CJ what's up?"

"Nothing just wanted to see if you need anything?" He was totally checking out Tofer. It was far to obvious.

I started laughing and said "Yea actually I do.. could you take this garbage out back and throw it in the dumpster." He gave me the evil eye and said "I would be more than happy to."

"Thank you CJ." I said as I watched him walk away. I turned to Tofer and said "I'm sorry about that."

"It's okay.. it was kinda funny the way he was perving on me."

"Actually I thought he was going to jump over the bar and wrestle you to the ground for a minute."

"Yeah.. he did have me scared for a moment.. I wasn't sure what he was going to do."

"He's pretty safe. Actually.. he's a really nice guy, he's totally committed and loyal."

Tofer started laughing and then said "It sounds like you're trying to set us up."

"Nooo... Just saying. He's not always like that."

"Good... he's not my type anyway."

"Fair enough. I know most people have preferences of what or who they are looking for."

"Yep that's true. My type tends to be about six foot, blue eyes, bigger guy.. I like a man with some meat on him. And older."

"Really.. well if you find one.. check to see if he has a friend. We could go on a double date."

He looked me straight in the eye and said "Actually I was thinking a date with you sounds better."

I stood looking at him dumbfounded. I was in shock. Thinking why would he want to date me?.

I could see the blush rising up on his face when looked down and said "I'm sorry.. I didn't mean to embarrass you."

"This isn't embarrassment... this is shock and dismay. I cant believe that you would want to go on a date with me."

"Why.. you're really cute, and like I said, I like older men anyway."

"Wow... Okay.. when did you want to go out?"

He looked back up at me smiling from ear to ear saying "How about tomorrow night? I could pick you up at seven."

"Sounds like a date to me Tofer. Why don't you just pick me up here."

"Awesome!" was his only response.

Okay this is the first chap of Tofer's place. I hope you liked it. Let me know what you think!!! I know I know.. no sex.. but it will be coming up soon enough.

Email me at

Thanks for taking the time to read my story.


Next: Chapter 2

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